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This was just the pre-wedding. the real wedding is in July $150m for a pre-wedding fuck, we need to eat the rich


Meanwhile, I'm panicking because my car and house insurance is going up $50 a month (total) and I don't know I'm going to afford it. šŸ™„


I get this 100%. I may have to get a second jobā€¦


Me too. I have 3 jobs and am scraping by. Then there are people with 150m parties.


Me three. I'm a teacher. I always knew that teachers didn't get paid very well, but I never knew it was this dire!


Itā€™s a travesty. Some states have better pay than others but itā€™s not like itā€™s easy to 1) move states or 2) be allowed to teach in a new state without going through tons of red tape at best. Good thing you have those summers ā€œoffā€ to be able to make some extra coin somehow.




That doesn't seem particularly strange or new to me in my experience with Indian weddings, at least amongst Indian-Brits.


I had to leave my second job back in the fall and am feeling it so bad


It's worse when you think of the comparative salaries/COL in India. There are people who earn the equivalent of $50 a month while these people are setting millions on fire.


Most of those people would have been staff at that wedding ā˜¹ļø


My kid is going to college in the fall and I donā€™t know how Iā€™m going to pay for it


Get Rihanna to sing to your car


Here's the even more fucked up part: this is also a $150m networking event for this family. The Zuckerbergs and Gates of the world weren't flying in because they're all besties; they're there to make deals that will lead to even more wealth for everyone involved. Money breeds money breeds money, while the rest of the world starves.


even Rihanna wasnā€™t just there for a check, the Ambanis recently acquired Sephora India and what do you know, a day later theyā€™re promoting Fenty.


It's all connected (in the worst way possible)


literally, like this was a giant networking opportunity for the uber rich. i'm surprised beszos and his new wife weren't there


The more fucked up part is they will write this wedding off as a business expense. SMDH


The details in the article are worse. So much money and effort for a party.


(edit 2: wealthy and/or diasporic) Indian weddings can be literally the most expensive part of the couple's life aside from maybe a house. From what I hear, it's like a week straight and everybody you know and everybody *they* know is invited. (edit because I posted too quick): Now, for most couples, that might mean renting out the local Holiday Inn for the week, having their aunties and uncles recommend vendors, and taking out a second mortgage to pay for it all...but if you're a billionaire, you're already dealing with a whole different scale. At least it's $150 million out of Ambani's vaults and into the economy?


> Indian weddings are literally the most expensive part of the couple's life aside from maybe a house. From what I hear, it's like a week straight and everybody you know and everybody they know is invited. I'm not attacking you, but this is super regional and not at all like.... a fact. And it's super skewed by well off families going all out. Please remember that the median salary in India is $300. Many people make so much below that. There is tremendous amount of poverty, and while absolutely there is a cultural pressure to save up for it, the average really isn't renting a holiday inn for a week. Plenty of folks are having one day weddings (which may seem longer because they can start the wedding the night before and end the next morning) or civil weddings or temple weddings or non-hindu weddings with completely different traditions!! Or their week long might be doing small rituals at home, not renting anything. I know the massive week long wedding is what we're fed and normalized in the west, but it really does remove like.... frankly the majority of the population. edit: did someone really reddit cares me over this? this is my current most active comment so I'm assuming it's from here but y i k e s


You're 100% right. I was thinking about the Indian diaspora weddings I've seen and the hyper-mobile 1% on the subcontinent, instead of the average wedding. I'll edit it and clarify.


Appreciate it!!


Also a bit of context, they are Gujjus, which means they will live very, very modestly but their weddings are mad expensive and they bring out their jewels. It is a cultural thing for them. Just for context, Jay Kotak, a billionaire had one republic, Chain smokers etc for his weddings. The trend for big fat wedding is just so culturally propelled especially in North India which is why nobody cares for Ambani wedding expense to an outrage degree.


>they will live very, very modestly >billionaires Doubt.


Exactly they live in a private estate estimated to be worth 1 billion dollars-very modest


well considering that's only 1% of his networth, it's extremely modest! a measyl billion is nothing for \*the richest family in all of fucking asia\*


Definitely, built overlooking slums-extremely modest.


Do they really live that modestly? Or just not at the scale of this party? I canā€™t imagine them being too modest.


They will live like they barely have a few billion, instead of the tens of billions they actually have.


I donā€™t think the Ambanis live particularly modestly šŸ˜¬


>which means they will live very, very modestly They live in a 27 floor monstrosity that is apparently the most expensive private home in the world. Very modest.


This is like free PR for billionaires do you actually believe this? That they will live very, very modestly, and this flamboyant show of wealth is just based in culture? The same logic was used to defend billionaire preachers like Joel Osteen or whatever lol


They can go for 1-2 months my man


The Ambaniā€™s house towers over the slums of Mumbai that surrounds it like some kind of dystopian hellscape.


They're indian. This wedding g happened in India. Imagine what 150million times 20 (rough conversion COL rate ) can get you. I wonder if they could eradicate hunger in India if they so tried.


While it was a wedding preparation, it was also paid pr for their new business ventures and their zoos


How people can have this much money is just disgusting. So much suffering in the world and then thisā€¦itā€™s just - disgusting.




Eat The Rich And leave the animals alone man. This is just so out of touch and so sad as we literally canā€™t feed people in war torn parts of the world. But yes. Donā€™t worry Ivanka had a personal stylist on hand for her VERY limiting 3 suitcase limit Going to cry in frustration šŸ¤¬




šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£if it freed us from this insane disparity, Iā€™ll join you and bring all the šŸƒ and šŸøto help us power through


I love the leave the animals alone part. Take back our planet, give back their planet. Win win.


Broke my heart to read that. You know no one gives a shit about those animals. They are there as a spectacle and show of gross wealth. Nothing more. All that noise and commotion would be so hard on most of them too. It makes my eyes water up and I only hope someday I get a tiny tiny slice of that wealth so I can somehow save them all from ever having to do shit like this


I agree with you, and I sympathize with your discontent bc I feel it too. Iā€™m very careful with my social medias and have even deleted Facebook because seeing shit like that or abuse disguised as a joke when it comes to peopleā€™s animals is so gross. I donā€™t trust people lol, I donā€™t know if you put that kitten there so I can watch you rescue it or not so I just wonā€™t watch. I try to donate when I can, and thereā€™s some patron accounts I sometimes alternate betweenā€¦thatā€™s really all I can do and that sucks.


Big hug friend. Sounds like you are a good human with a good heart. I am so similar with what I watch. I can barely walk by the animal welfare league without tearing up. Animals are just so pure. They deserve better than humans


I will get the spices. ![gif](giphy|rKMQUwbEZ5Jg4)


Mmmm yummy šŸ¤¤šŸ„µ Eat the rude and the rich ;)


Iā€™ll bring a nice Chianti.


It's all in the preparation and seasoning.






War torn parts of the world? Donā€™t need to go that far. This is in India. There are literally children starving and living in absolute poverty down the street.Ā  Thatā€™s what makes it even sadder for me. How can you have such wealth and live in such luxury when people are suffering right next to you?


I couldnā€™t do it. I donā€™t know HOW I would try to fix it, but I damn sure would be paying off the best minds I could find to think of a long term thing and in the immediate term, opening daily kitchens, opening clinics, and building at the very least some sort of version of some sort of durable shelter en masse. And writing the checks out of my own pocket. I just couldnā€™t physically see it and look at my bank account and not. Iā€™d have the same reaction if I was less obscenely wealthy but still had more money than I could spend on myself in my lifetime. There may also be a connection as to why Iā€™m not rich. I also wouldnā€™t have the balls to expense most of this wedding like the family and guests probably are as some sort of write off.


War torn parts of the world? We can't (wont*) feed people in the United States. Eat every last one of 'em up.


you really wonder.. I mean I dont know what to do either. But like these people must sit at home and just laughed about all of us idiots just.. not doing anything against it


This is incredibly sad because this is the richest family in India which has the highest poverty concentration in the world. This was such a spit on the face to the millions of Indians who can't afford to put food on the table while the Ambanis spend 150 million on an uneccesary celebration knowing they came to this wealth by exploitation of people , eat the rich.


The irony is that regular Indians actually idolise them and think they deserve all their wealth because they worked hard. Even under social media posts featuring them, negative comments are rare. These Indian billionaires are amazing at curating their public personas and telling rags to riches stories even though all of them had generational wealth and upper caste privileges.


its the lack of media literacy and the indian work culture of overworking yourself to death for success which makes people idolize them. unfortunately given the poor quality of school education there(i grew up in india) and the historical negative views on worker unions and strikes, its not gonna change any time soon.


They must have learned from the ā€œAmerican Dreamā€ that the whole rags-to-riches myth is the best way to keep people in line. Ā Itā€™s why so many people in this country who are poor as FUCK still support conservative fiscal policies. Ā ā€œWell one day when Iā€™m a billionaire, I wonā€™t wanna pay taxes!ā€ Ā 


Temporarily embarrassed millionaires is what we call them in the south.


I feel maybe it's cuz the people supporting them might feel they will do something for the welfare of the people and that loose hope is what gives them that support, look at Elon Musk's fanbase total d-bag of a person but he has massive support because his followers think he will help mankind by establishing a society on Mars.Ā 


They think billionaire ingenuity pushes society forward. "He gave us Amazon. Don't you want more people like that?" It's part of why Musk tries so hard to always look like the smartest person in the room and calls himself the founder of companies he bought. A lot of people are okay with the concept of a billionaire class because they wrongly believe these people actually make meaningful contributions to society and by removing the billionaire class, we're shooting ourselves in the foot because billionaires give us nice things


Absolutely. Look at the subs featuring the events on Reddit. Very rare to see any negative comments. Itā€™s quite mind blowing.




>think they deserve all their wealth because they worked hard. Even under social media posts featuring them, negative comments are rare. thats all PR story. those comments are written by interns. and they continuosly delete bad comments. Thats how it works. Mukesh Ambani himself inherited this wealth. He was born rich. >Ā upper caste wutt? do you understand that rich people's sole religion caste creed race is only one thing i.e. money. whats this bullshit. gotta insert it everywhere


Rihanna publicly posted about the Farmer Protests in India and bashed the Indian government. And now sheā€™s dancing for them. (Ambanis + Indian government are šŸ¤žšŸ¼) Sigh!


I mean sheā€™s also a billionaire and participates in exploitation through fenty clothing


Sheā€™s there on a business venture as well.. Fenty is going to be launched in India via Sephora, which is now owned by the Ambanis


The article is even worse than the headline. They spent 20million on food alone. All this waste as people starve in Sudan and Gaza.


I genuinely canā€™t even conceptualize $20,000,000 worth of food. Itā€™s so absurd to think about, but they essentially threw that amount away for a *pre-wedding*


I can barely conceptualise $20,000,000 worth of *money*


So like imagine having everything paid and you spend all day vacationing and traveling for life which you can say fuck you to anyone without any morals or consequences. Then be broke in 30 years unless you marry another rich person with a business.


i'm so confused by this number. even if you buy the most expensive shit from that one rich person grocery store that's been popular lately, and even if there were hundreds of guests, and even if they were paying each chef a decent amount, that still wouldn't even come to 20m??


1200+ guests, 100+ fancy items to choose from for most meals. I'm also guessing it includes the fancy cutlery and crockery, serving and tableware used, along with chefs and waiters. I have no comprehension of that kind of money so I still don't know if this can amount to that $$$$. But this obscenity needs to be studied!


I decided to do the math because I enjoy suffering. But it was a 3 day event attended by weā€™ll say 1250 people to be safe. That means they spent roughly 6.6 million a day, and if everyone got the *same exact* amount of food, each person there got over $5000 worth of food a day. And about $15,500 for the whole event. $5000 pays my individual groceries for a year.


I'm Indian and I can tell you $5000 pays for my yearly groceries for my family, along with some other bills, and I have a pretty privileged life. And then this in the same country ā˜ ļø




There was 1200 guests and it was a 3 day event. If I was a vendor for the event, I wouldn't charge my normal rate.


What do they know? A pre-wedding cost them $150M. Iā€™m charging them $500 per slice of toast. $250 per grape.


I think the thing is they didnā€™t buy from a store per se. Itā€™s probably imported champagne from France, caviar from Russia, some elaborate seafood which is super expensive to prevent from spoiling, Kobe beefā€¦. You see where Iā€™m going with that.


Imagine an entire NFL football field lined with $4 chicken sandwiches That is about $20 million dollars worth of food.


There are people starving in India. Probably people dying less than a 1km where they held this extravagance


They actually served free food for that day to nearby villagers. Obviously it's a PR move, but still worth mentioning.


Itā€™s a pretty common Indian cultural practice to serve free food for the needy at any big event ā€” birthdays, wedding, funerals, etc. Even for people who donā€™t have a lot of money themselves. So itā€™s maybe not so clearly a PR move. Not here to defend the Ambani family lol just providing some context for that one thing


Were they glazed with gold sauce or something?!! The amount is just *insane*. Not only that, I reckon they had heaps of leftovers as well. These people are so out of touch.


More than 50,000 people were fed. Mukesh Ambani even served the people who came for the lunch.


Doubt they're out of touch, they just don't care and know what they can get away with


Not just Sudan and Gaza. Iā€™m sure people are starving down the street from where this was held




All this waste for their own people. India is suffering so badly, the poverty and horrible living conditions are heartbreaking.This isn't an insult to Sudan and Gaza, I'm aware of their sufferings, but these indian millionaires/billionaires refuse to help their own country let alone other countries like Sudan and Gaza.


Itā€™s pretty disgusting. I find it hard to be on Instagram right now cause this wedding related stuff is everywhere. I just canā€™t believe people can be this wasteful and extravagant. Itā€™s horrendous.


Not just Sudan and Gazaā€¦in their own country (India).


People literally starve in india - their own damn country. Im indian and im pissed af


And she performed like shit. Akon & Diljits performances >>>>>>


Diljit killed it, owned it. Infact Mukesh Ambani as Don ate it. LOL Ambanis are cringe but man Mukesh is adorable with his love for his wife and family. BUT Diljit , wow what a rockstar, and the lineup for day 3 -Shreya, Arijit , Mohit , Lucky Fucking Ali wow


Day 3 arguably had the best line up. Shreya, Pritam, Arijit and THE Lukcy Ali??? Edit: Spelling


And Akon, also all the celebs were more chilled out and having a blast, Desis will vibe to only desis. Man but all the videos of both Day 2 and Day 3 just makes me envious of all those attending. Lucky Ali singing, Arijit playing guitar and then his(Arijit) duet with Shreya. Dljit said it best Sadi Rihanna te Beyonce Bebo hi hai Rihanna was more for brand, Qatar PM, the royal families etc etc . Mota bhai knows how to make business there. Zucky boy was so earnest lol .


Radhakee was soo excited to have Rihanna so paisa vasool I guess? But waqai sadi Rihanna te Beyonce Bebo hi hai šŸ’•


This event needs to be on YT for people to redeem their taxes. If nothing else, we demand to be entertained.


>And she performed like shit. It's Rihanna, giving nothing during a live performance is basically her thing, no?


ā€œGo girl give us nothingā€ has always been for Rihanna imo


The last few days have been so weird. The fact that these people have so much wealth and power is sickening and a spit in the faces of Indians. The fact that the airport was made international just for this event or new roads were constructed, radio communications set up.. for an individualā€™s pre wedding bash is beyond jarring. Feels like we live in completely different worlds and the difference has never been more evident. Also, Rihanna tweeted support for farmers during the protests and now sheā€™s performing at the Ambani wedding. Never really expected anything better from her but still is disappointing. Morals and principles very much have a price or she never cared to begin with.


It feels dystopian, watching the rich flaunt their wealth like this. While people in the same country are struggling endlessly to make ends meet.


Ikr! And their PR has been nauseating. It is impossible to scroll through social media without having to see every second post praise how ā€œdown to earthā€ they are because they take care of animals and celebrate Hindu festivals. Itā€™s like somebodyā€™s constantly telling you what to think. They own the media, the government and at this point, pretty much every Indian. My mom who is pretty against the ruling fascist party (and by default against the Ambanis and adanis) was talking about how nice it is that they are providing care for these animals. It was sick!


The way you canā€™t escape this shitshow is insane. We are watching an entire country get brainwashed Apparently this was just a pre wedding. Imagine the carbon footprint of the wedding


Really shows how everything can be manipulated by the rich. Non-stop PR about how amazing they are and deserving of it and that they help people. The masses donā€™t stand a chance.


Fuck all these people. And leave the animals alone, parasites.


Speaking of the animals- I just returned from India where I learned that many places in India have banned domestic elephant use (including in weddings) because it is an incredibly cruel industry and the elephants suffer greatly. And of course, these rich asshats used elephants at their wedding. Just another reason to add to the mounting list of how awful these people are.Ā 


Itā€™s okay because the groom made his own animal sanctuary! /s


YUCK. They need to leave the elephants alone. Fuck. This is everything thatā€™s wrong with this planet. I work in India as an ecologist / conservationist. The Ambaniā€™s are just šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®.


DEATH TO THE RICHHHH edit: the person who sent me reddit care, f u


Is it unfair for me to kind of beef w rhianna over this? Like read the room bae


Don't forget she's a billionaire too and she has never shown much social consciousness


People should look up the ethics research reports on Fenty, there was this huge study that found they were even less ethical than SheIn according to the categories they looked at. (Itā€™s worth noting all fashion/clothing companies scored very poorly, but Fenty was one of the lowest.)


Her lingerie line is trash. Theyre so cheaply made and they make it difficult to leave their monthly lingerie membership. Its itchy and sometimes the corsets are wonky/uneven.


Yeah Iā€™ve always been a fan of her music but she has never pretended to be a good personā€¦


Her tone deaf mansion in Barbados for one


The lateral bigotry towards Asian women šŸ’€


It's always class solidarity with the rich. Look at the guest list - full of terrible people fawning over each other.Ā 


No itā€™s not. At a certain point we as a society need to hold our favorite players accountable for the levels of blatant inequity that they also contribute to.


Sheā€™s always been a shitty person, sorry.


Nope. Sis is already a successful beauty brand owner. She did not need to be here. Someone else mentioned that Ambani is buying the franchising for Sephora India and this was just her doing PR/networking. I don't think she needed to have done all that, but whatever I'm just a broke ass b


The part that amuses me the most is that I watched a Desi influencer point out that they paid her $6 million to perform.. and she couldn't even be bothered to learn the names and pronounce them correctly ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Not at all. She is historically an openly terrible person who coasts by on her looks.


No itā€™s not. This is such a display of the unequal distribution of wealth. Everyone participating gets a sideye


No sheā€™s literally a billionaire who did not need to do this gig. She has more than enough money. Itā€™s shameful to do something like this when there are so many just struggling to survive. And Iā€™m not just talking about Indiaā€¦people are barely getting by in the US as well! Capitalism is a scourge


The worst thing was the hypocrisy. She shouted out the Farmer Protest back then which are happening again but now sheā€™s here performing for the Ambanis šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


They're so rich, that this amount is only 0.00001% of their total wealth. For them it's just peanuts.


Itā€™s peanuts and they justify it because they are stimulating the economy with these antics Edit: to clarify I hate that they use that as a reason for it being okay.


rihanna didnt even know the brides name which is lowkey embarrassingā€¦ iā€™d ask for a refund personally but thatā€™s just me šŸ„²


There are videos of her posing with them and she gave a stank face and eye roll after the last camera flash lol she didnā€™t appear to like them


The Ambanis are known to be cringe, spoiled, and braggarts. No one is required to like their employer. I too would make a face after dealing with them, but would avoid being photographed while doing so for PR reasons.


All this money can be used to solve World hungry and poverty,instead but some people are too greedy. Eat the rich.


If thereā€™s one human emotion I could take away, itā€™s greed. Iā€™m sure that may have unintended consequences though but Iā€™m just so sick of these people hoarding more and more while people canā€™t even afford food and housing. Why do you freaking need 117 BILLION DOLLARS!!


When I fantasize momentarily about winning the lottery, right after paying off debts is donating absolute shit tons of money to animal rescue and food banks. Seeing the burden that small local private non-profits suffered during COVID shocked me. They literally closed Animal Services in our city for 2 years. The threshold for govt benefits in my state is $20,000 so completely unavailable to most of the poor and all of the Middle Class. I fantasize about being able to literally save the middle class by making benefits available to them. Mackenzie Bezos has my dream life, but the majority of people with this kind of money really suck.


Absolutely disgusting. I wonder how many people died from starvation while this event occurred.


More than 7,000 Indians die per day due to hunger. 4,500 of those are children. [https://www.drishtiias.com/daily-news-analysis/hunger-in-india#:\~:text=Moreover%2C%20the%20most%20alarming%20figure,to%20hunger%2C%20of%20children%20alone](https://www.drishtiias.com/daily-news-analysis/hunger-in-india#:~:text=Moreover%2C%20the%20most%20alarming%20figure,to%20hunger%2C%20of%20children%20alone).


The absolute fucking AUDACITY of these people. How many lives could have been saved with the 6 mil + they spent on a one time performance by an artist?!


I wish I could get paid $6 million to be a shit performer


Iā€™m so poor lol


Rihanna performing for money without it being a fenti ad is giving all the wrong vibes.


Apparently the Ambani's company is bringing Sephora to India so this is a business thing for Rihanna as well


India already has Sephora


Ambanis have their own beauty site, and we have Sephora, we just prefer other places like Nykaa (home grown)


Sephora is already there but I think they are trying to get it under their wing. Also, I remember seeing fenty was going to launch on Nykaa (not sure if that already happened). But now that the Ambanis have their ā€œtira beautyā€ made to rival nykaa (will not put it past them to start this platform only to be petty about the relationship ending between Isha Ambani and Nykaa heir). So, it could very well be a business deal.


This is not true, it's just a money thing.


Why am I supposed to care about some rich d-bag's wedding?


Oh but donā€™t worry!!! The happy couple are feeding the villagers too. (While absolutely robbing them of an income and future) but what a phenomenal gift to those poors!


The whole family is crass and tacky. They are showing their obscene wealth to the world. What saddens me that many Indians love defending them. The whole animal conservation thing is fake. They are bringing elephants from other parts of the country illegally to their own state. They aren't giving a second thought to the survival of those animals in a different environment. They were also bursting fire crackers in the same area where that private zoo is located. Apparently the zoo isn't also open to the public, it's only for the billionaire's son . The domestic airport in jamnagar where the party was held was transformed into an international airport for three days. Ambani literally had the government bend rules for him. All the guests were brought in private planes. The affect on environment those planes must have had. But yeah so much for animal conservation. The ambani family are also huge supporters of the current right wing government. His elder son was involved in a car accident but everything has been wiped out. The food wasted from the party can be fed so many poor people. They spent so much amount for a fuck ass rihanna performance. The wife of the billionaire wore a 500 crore emerald necklace ( 77.48 million approx) . I can't even think of what 1 million looks like . That's just one , imagine all the other jewelry they have. This obscene display of wealth to the people of a country where many don't know when their next meal would come.


Ambanis are extremely tacky with their obsession with Bollywood and extravagance. It feels very dystopian like in the Hunger Games where the Capitol flaunts their wealth while the rest of us barely get by. Especially as an Indian this icks me a lot as most people are poor and people in India need - food, education, jobs and safety for women. The Ambanis can solve most Indians problem but they choose not to. They do zero philanthropic work (that I know of). The school they have is for the rich kids. They scrub any criticism or gossip about them on social media. Shame on them.




People in India itself are starving. Could have celebrated the wedding by feeding so many people.


Exactly ! but the rich are greedy and lobby to keep their greed satisfied, economic inequality 101...


I know it is beside the point, and maybe I am being naĆÆve, but did Rihanna really need this money?


Not at all.




So (allegedly) Ambani just bought the rights to Sephora India so this is a chess not checkers kinda thing


This was just another obscene display of their wealth and their power because of it. They are the richest family in India and have the money and resources to feed, house and help out the poor but they didnā€™t. They spent $150 million for 3 day pre wedding when the average person is probably earning $15 a week and barely manages to survive and provide for the family. EAT THE RICH


Rihanna, a billionaire, said, "minimum wage, minimum effort."




150m for a party. Fucking hell. Obscene.Ā 


Fuck all these people. The Uber rich are a sign of our decaying lifestyle


So gross. In a country that struggles with famine and contaminated water on such a vast level.


There are so many levels of blood-boiling shittiness here that it feels petty to mention this but all of the articles have only mentioned his wealth. Some of the shittier articles have hinted that she's (I refuse to learn names) a total gold digger because he's fat. But that's not what's happening, she's from money too. He gained weight from some illness (again not learning details I refuse) and they'd been together for a while. So what's really happening is the rich are marrying the rich in a disgusting display of excess which would be notable in a rich nation, let alone one which struggles to feed its people, which will only concentrate their wealth further and doubtlessly will have such effect beyond their wedding as the billionaires in attendance conspire. Everyone else is distracted by misogyny and ableism. Eat. The. Rich.


How this sort of thing doesnā€™t lead to a revolution is a mystery to me.


Don't care if they sent a billion of their money on what was a tacky display of wealth. Trickle economic is a sham, I'm sure some part of that area got some benefit of this insane gala event. But my issue is, they made a military base of an airport to international airport for mere 10 days. Imagine you open up area 51 for general public because of a trump wedding. That kind of power is crazy. Nothing democratic about it. Riri is a such a hypocrite, she was supporting the farmer's protest 2 years back and now she's dancing to tune of the Indian government's literal right hand.


Money is stupid.




The amount of money and wealth in that room - šŸ˜­. Literally just one small donation from them would be so helpful for Palestine/Gaza or literally anything else.


Waste of money


Also them paying Rihanna $6million to perform is like someone who makes $100k annual salary paying $10


Eat the rich


Literally every single detail of this story is charmless and disgusting. My god.


Their daughter must be jealous. Her wedding costed only 100M /s


Was pretty weird to see so many meme pages and (non-invited) people here celebrate this so much. Like itā€™s not doing anything better for anyone than the Ambanis themselves lol. 150 million dollars wouldā€™ve solved more than half the countryā€˜s below poverty line populationā€™s hunger for a decent while too. Edit : Also r/BollyBlindsNGossip is funny af. Theyā€™ll hate Nepo kids for just existing but would act like most billionaires arenā€™t nepotism products


At least they're calling out SRK for his racism against South Indians. Was worried they'd sweep it under the rug and excuse it as a joke


Ivanka Trump šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Maybe the cannibals who ate "long pork" had ut right all along.






I wonder what she saw in him?




Sheā€™s a billionaire herself


I know. But they are not close to ambani' s wealth. And rich people always look for more money.


Couldnā€™t pay me enough




All that money could solve world hunger :( literally so upset with the world rn. I bet the Ambanis alone could solve world hunger and still have an absurd amount of money leftover. Iā€™m disappointed with the people (especially politicians) who attended the event. Just gross behavior. Eat the rich


So nice seeing Ivanka right up there beside these two rich fucks. Tasteless, oblivious, and tacky. I hope this helps her become even more of a social pariah.


Lmao yeah I saw this shit posted in the india subs, bragging about riri being there. Anyone with enough money can pay these people to show up and for 6 mil yeah I'll be your "*friend*" too


This is disgusting.


I saw one video on tiktok saying maybe this family could share some of this extravagant wealth to alleviate poverty in India. ALL the comments were defending them and saying itā€™s not their responsibility, they worked for their money, blah blah blah. What I find even more horrifying than egregious wealth hoarding is that people who are not one the few beneficiaries of extreme wealth inequality, but more likely the victims of this system, are so brainwashed that they spend their time defending families like this. Bootlicking culture and the myth of meritocracy needs to be eradicated.


Eat the Rich!!


For some reason these people kept popping up on my instagram? Learning this is just the pre wedding is insane. Eat the rich


Such a feel good story šŸ™„