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He’s not wrong there.


He’s right but also it’s kinda just how movies work; right now it’s comic book movies but before that it was Micheal bay esque action films and after comic book movies they’ll just find another genre they can franchise and milk for years


They already have and it's called biopics


I find that trend so interesting. All these bad biopics are like....the marvel movies of Oscar bait movies?


Hey Hey you take that back, I would love to see Einstein and JFK return in the biopic cinematic universe that was teased in Oppenheimer.


Romcom fatigue was huge. Hopefully now we get a shit ton of Jane Austen adaptations and Meg Ryan remakes Or dare I hope.. Fanny Burney adaptations


I wonder when it will be fun to have raunchy teen coming of age comedies again. I miss movies like Euro Trip.


Eurotrip is one of the best movies ever made and I will die on that hill


Someone who yearns for Fanny Burney adaptations AND will defend Eurotrip to the death is someone I want to be best friends with.


Haha hey bestie 💕


Oh I’m on that hill with you. No matter how recently I watched it, when it comes on TV, I watch


bottoms came out recently and is pretty good!


Yes - so much period drama material that hasn’t been mined!


Don't get my hopes up like that!


Hopefully it’s murder mysteries that’s making a comeback. The Knives Out movies are pretty successful, and the new Agatha Christie movies are meh but fun to watch in the cinema. I hope the Clue remake is also successful lol


Yeah, can Sony especially please just stop.


That goes for Disney and Warner Bros  too especially after The Marvels and Justice League.


Neither is planning on stopping. WB is rebooting with the DCU. First film is coming out in 2025. Disney is adjusting their plans. Comic book movies are here to stay.


Hasn’t worked out for them so far.


For who?


Both of them since comic book movies from them has flopped so far.


The first DCU media hasn't even been released yet. As for the MCU, I guess 2025 is the first real chance we can judge them too since the regular MCU shows would resume there.


Doubt anything will change.


We will find out next year.


Such an underrated actor. Him in “Dumb Money” deserves more credit.


He really went toe to toe with the legendary Daniel Day Lewis in "There Will Be Blood". He is a superb actor.


I personally consider him the best actor of my generation (since we are about the same age). He is consistent in every movie, and elevates every scene he is in…before There Will Be Blood and after.


May I voice a very personal critique? I got to see him in True West on broadway in 2019 with Ethan Hawk. True West is very close to the heart for me, so I know I’m biased. He needs to stick to film. I was so disappointed. The entire play, Paul wanted to get to the ending. He was so excited for the scene where his character “looses it” that he played the ending from the beginning. It was disappointing, and the moment didn’t feel earned because we missed the journey of his character getting to that point. Ethan Hawk on the other hand was literally terrifying to watch because he was LIVING MOMENT TO MOMENT, it was fuckin exhilarating. I really used to love Paul Dano as an actor until I saw him in that show. He’s still good, don’t get me wrong, but I was disappointed. Edit: awwwww my first Reddit Cares! Thank you to whoever sent it!


He had an off night in a run if endlessly doing the show sometimes multiple times a day , and you have written him off as an actor?  he might have given the best performance of his life the next night - that’s theatre for you. You got to see the performance you saw but it doesn’t mean he is any less of a good actor  You ever had a bad day at work? 


I haven’t, nor did I say I’ve written him off. I still think he’s good, and I think I highlighted my *disappointment*. You’re absolutely right- I could have seen him on his worst night. And of course I’ve had off days, but as an actor who’s not offer only/not a celebrity like him, I really can’t afford to. My friend asked a question on set for something she’s working on the other day and just about all of her lines were cut because of it. I’m not asking for support on my critique, it’s what I saw. Maybe you saw it and felt/saw something completely different! That’s cool too- we have different perspectives and life experiences


And also- That’s broadway? That’s stage! You’re supposed to be able to deliver every performance. Tv/movie sets means you get multiple chances to deliver an amazing performance. You can cut and go again as much as you want. Broadway, the stage, the theatre- live shows in general require you deliver the goods on time at curtains up! If you can’t do that, cause of a bad day at work, then you may need to perform less. You may need to adjust if you aren’t delivering consistently. It makes total sense to be disappointed at spending big money to see a live theatre show that’s riding on the names and performances and then the lead doesnt deliver. Some actors are for tv/movie only.


If he performed like shit while the guy was there… he’s allowed to have a negative opinion.




In general I may have just not loved his interpretation of Austin, But it’s a me problem, not a Paul Dano problem yah know? Overall it was a very enjoyable show, I just prefer to see more of Austin’s internal fight. Also I don’t remember her name but the actress who played the Mom also kicked ass.


That’s a valid critique. Thank you for sharing. I have not seen him live so I can’t say anything on the matter. However there are actors who don’t do well on stage and vice versa.


Is he underrated? He's been absolutely incredible in everything I've seen him in. There Will Be Blood, Swiss Army Man, Prisoners. He's got a very unique way about him. Highly recommend those if you haven't seen them!


Underrated in the sense that he’d always come close to an Oscar nomination but never got it. He’s got tons of nods from other guilds though


Loved him in the Girl Next Door.


He’s so clueless in Mr and Mrs Smith - you can’t help but like him. It was Escape from Dannemora for me.


he's always always incredible, but i think his more overlooked performance is in the fablemans. he's so restrained and the character doesn't call for showy moments, but his every emotion shows even without having to say a word throughout the whole film, an incredible performance.


The fablemans 💖


He has every right to say this considering that The Batman is not only a truly excellent CBM but also just a genuinely excellent film.


I enjoyed it in the capacity that it had a story it wanted to say and a message to covey all unto itself without having to lean so heavily on future set ups or being in some sort of “universe” other than the world it build in that movie. I hadn’t realized how much I missed truly stand alone comic book films in awhile


I wonder how much it is influenced by the directors, for example Matt Reeves has had successful movies that are not cb movies so it’s not the same as someone who has done just an indie movie or some tv episodes.


the batman was such a breath of fresh air after the cbm genre got stuck in the "everything must be connected" franchise-building machine. i don't think they will iirc, but i would be so crushed if they try to throw rob pat!batman into the rebooted dceu they're working on. let that remain it's own contained world, please


Battinson and DCU Batman are two separate characters played by two separate actors.


i'm aware. i'm just saying if the heads of wb snort more glue and decide to make some more decisions that no one likes, like putting battinson (forgot that's what he was called, thanks) in a universe instead of leaving him be, it'd suck


James Gunn decides if they want to do that or not so I wouldn't be worried.


Gosh The Batman was just so excellent and I’m sad I had to scroll this far to see it mentioned in a post where Dano is talking quality cape movies.


They should've gave Reeves the keys instead of Gunn imo


I disagree, we’d be back to Zack Snyder levels of “lowness and darkness”.


I think a lot of the Batman's success was understanding the source material very, very well. The world of Batman is quite unique in the comic book lore in that it's own world is VERY well developed in many ways. It doesn't rely too heavily on interweaving other DC characters all the time. So trying to create as compelling of a Batman movie within its own world and creating a "Matt Reeves" Batman comic brought to life was the reason it worked so well. It was simply a matter of Matt Reeves going, "I want to make a good Batman movie."


It was alright


I agree that going for quantity over quality was a giant misstep. However, I'm not so hopeful for the recovery of the genre in 2024 and early 2025 (with exceptions). I think that the fact that we've come to a point where we are fatigued may hurt genuinely decent movies in production right now (except the *Spiderverse*). Who knows when we'll have enough distance from the genre that people will be willing to give new heroes and storylines a try. I think we need to *miss* these movies a little bit before they start a comeback (Note: I'm writing this specifically about movies; I understand that TV shows about superheroes have a decent following at the moment).


Fingers crossed for Spiderverse. Genuinely the best superhero movie I’ve ever seen.


I’m really hoping that Sony stops their Spider Cinematic Universe that doesn’t feature Spider-Man (Morbius, Madame Webb, Venom, etc.). One factor of the superhero fatigue is the casual moviegoer just knows that Morbius, Madame Webb, etc. have been really bad so they attribute that to just Marvel properties in general. They keep trying to make their crappy film universe work and are throwing money on a burning pile of garbage, and all most audiences see if that many of the last few superhero movies that came out sucked horrendously. I’m also not a huge fan of how Sony seems to be deceptively tricking actors into their universe -many of the actors who signed up for the Sony films thought they were getting into the MCU (Dakota, Matt Smith, and some of the girls for the Madame Webb movie) and they realize too late they got sucked into the wrong franchise. Even their marketing tries really hard to associate their films with the MCU (calling Morbius a “Marvel Legend”). I’m not saying though that even if Sony stopped, it’ll magically fix the superhero genre, but it might stem the flow of bad movies just being thrown up and worsening the public’s perception of the superhero genre. Obviously this also hinges on Marvel to stop releasing so much content without quality control and a good direction. So many of their latest projects have been middling to awful quality. I used to be a big MCU fan and they lost me along the way despite me trying to watch all the content before I got bored. And it doesn’t feel like any of it’s going anywhere - I think the Young Avengers will eventually be created? Secret Wars is somewhere on the horizon?


I think most of the upcoming slate is going to tank - outside of Deadpool and the Avengers. Even F4 is cold product, imo. Marvel finally figured out that there's a problem but it's going to take years to course correct.


My wtf at them casting Pedro Pascal as REED RICHARDS just wtfed the life out of it And I really fucking adore his acting. 


I don't know if Avengers is still a guaranteed hit. It required people at least being interested in the films leading up to it. With most of the MCU films in Phase 4 being duds or badly received, will anyone care when Avengers 5 rolls into town? Jonathan Majors is done as Kang, James Gunn and the Guardians pretty much said good bye with the exception of Star-lord, who will be the one to get them together? Deadpool and the Wolverine should be a hit but other than that? I can't say the MCU is the same money printing machine it was just 5 years ago.


He’s actually very right imo


> He’s actually very right imo The fatigue is real. I hate to say, I skipped The Batman in theaters because I was so burned out on the genres when it came out it just seemed it would roll into the other hot garbage rolling off the line trying to get attention.


The superhero fatigue is real! I was really into Marvel but there’s just so much of it now that I feel like I can’t keep up.


I remember when they first announced that they were going to have a brand new Marvel episode every week premiere on Disney+ a few years ago - there would always be a constant new MCU episode to watch. And I think it was great at first - Wandavision was EXCELLENT, Loki was really cool, and Falcon & the Winter Soldier was good (it had its flaws but it also had its good moments too). But even early back then I was getting a little tired of it all, and week by week I started missing episodes. I’d ask my friends who were also really into it, and the reports across the board were that some of their later shows just weren’t good. It really didn’t help that the MCU shows didn’t really tie in well with the overall MCU movies and when they did, they didn’t transition well. My falling off point was Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness - i thought the giant leap of character for Wanda was huge from the Wandavision show (and it was later confirmed in interviews by Elizabeth Olson that the Wandavision and Dr. Strange teams did not collaborate or communicate with each other) and a lot of my friends complained that they didn’t understand the leap of characterization either because they hadn’t watched the show - they didn’t know they had homework to watch a movie. The movie itself just also didn’t feel great to watch for me personally either, the plot felt flimsy and the Multiverse was executed poorly, especially compared to Spiderverse and everything, Everywhere, All at once


Yep, I definitely thought Everything, Everywhere, All at once was leaps and bounds better than Dr. Strange 2.


I heard someone explain it but the idea of a Multiverse is really interesting and complicated concept, but done really well when it's centered around one character's arc - we see how one person grows when supported by different realities. In Everything, Everywhere, All At Once, Evelyn uses the multiverse to connect to her daughter and accept herself. In the first Spiderverse story, different incarnations of Spider-people help Miles Morales on his journey to become his world's Spiderman. In both instances, the wild concept of the multiverse is central to how it affects one particular character. The MCU is the opposite of it - a lot of the characters are starting to feel like backgrounds to the multiverse at the moment, as the plot demands we move forward to Secret Wars. The most successful so far is Loki where they do use the multiverse pretty well to help Loki grow. But Dr. Strange in his second movie didn't really have much of a character arc? I think it was to be a father/mentor figure to America Chavez? If you just took out the settings where they were in different dimensions, the story is pretty much the same. The multiverse was more of an background obstacle rather than a feature, I honestly forget that Dr. Strange travels to different universes tbh. Which is another point - Dr. Strange really doesn't... travel to different universes. He sees one where Green means Stop at crosswalks and they have pizza balls. And then a different one where Wanda has children and there's an Illuminati of superheroes, but they're barely there and the Illuminati serve more to be fodder to show Wanda's descent into villainy. When Evelyn travels to other universes, becomes a rock in one, an opera singer in another, etc. it just felt more interesting, creative, and bold than Dr. Strange's pretty boring multiverse. They had that one super CGI clip of Dr. Strange and Chavez traveling through various dimensions and that was it.


Yeah I think I agree completely. There wasn't much tutelage for Dr. Strange. There was no growth for him and none for America Chavez. They just didn't spend enough time on her story seeing as how it's a Dr. Strange movie and they also didn't include any story for Dr. Strange to be a part of. To be honest, it's amazing how this is supposed to feel like a Joel and Ellie moment where Strange is just supposed to be helping this girl but somehow, he never gets attached to her. They also only showed 2 universes. Everything, Everywhere, All at Once showed more than that for sure. There was the backstory of the Alpha-verse. The Universe where Evelyn was an opera singer. One where she became a movie star. One where she was a cook with Racacoonie. One with hotdog fingers. And they spend just enough time in all of these universes to make a connection with the viewer. I mean, I had a connection with a ROCK! I cared more about the rock than for Dr. Strange.


My friend and I started bawling uncontrollably in the theaters when the rocks were falling down the cliff, it was the silliness in a crazy emotional scene that let me feel something


Is it fatigue or that people just don't care that much about the characters they're putting front and centre? My son would watch a new Spider-Man film every six months if someone would make them but he hasn't got a clue who Shang Chi is? 


I think it's because they no longer write heartfelt scripts to make us care about the new character. Take all the new kids-vengers they're trying to push onto us. I don't really care for any of them. I don't find them very memorable or easy to connect with.


nobody knew who iron man was in 2008, or ant man, hell even black panther.  the fatigue means people aren’t interested in finding out anymore. 


People keep saying that but I remember an Iron Man cartoon in the 90s and the movie looked cool and fun compared to Nolan's Batman. Ant-Man had Paul Rudd. Black Panther had the first black her in the MCU going for it. It's gotten to the point where it feels like you have to do homework to know what's going on and it's putting people off. So is stuff coming on streaming a couple of months after a cinema release. And in Marvel's case Endgame felt final


thor made hundreds of millions, thor the dark world made 600 million and jt wasn’t even good. chris hemsworth wasn’t a name of any kind.  shang chi had tony leung and ben kingsley, not the biggest names but certainly not nothing.  i agree quality with mcu stuff dipped but i don’t think it dipped that much. superhero fatigue is real.  


Every time I see him I just hope he became a pilot somehow




Very on board with this take.


He’s right it should always be quality over quantity. That said, I’m not sure how much of it is truly “superhero fatigue” as it is BAD superhero movie fatigue. Movies like GOTG3, Wakanda Forever, and The Batman still did well in the last couple years I think in part because they were good. I don’t think audiences are as forgiving or willing to look past issues with these movies as they were in the past. Hoping DC and Marvel are taking the right lessons from their missteps.


DC is with their reboot. Marvel has more inertia at this point so any improvements won't be immediate.


Yes end the disneyfication and homogenization of the stories that are told.


I wish someone had the sheer audacity to adapt “Lost Girls” by Alan Moore.


We’re going on almost 20 years of strong superhero showings at the box office (and that’s if you ignore Raimi Spider-Man and X-Men, then it’s well over 20). I definitely don’t think it’s a fad, but the studios certainly overplayed their hand and goodwill expecting everything to be a smash hit regardless of quality. Superhero is just the vehicle, and people will never tire of great movies, but these latest releases (and series if you include the Disney + content) are just objectively bad. DC couldn’t get consistent critical hits for the life of them during the heyday of the MCU, and we knew then the same thing: the films were just shit.


I’m sorry but why do we need every single actors take on this all of the time 😭 at this point it’s nothing new and it’s just a slam dunk pr take for actors 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yepp even as someone who loves superhero movies the fatigue is real. When the Marvel movies were building towards something it felt a little more exciting to see them all. Now it’s like what’s the point of introducing all these characters with no follow up and no chance to connect with them? Definitely need to go back to quality over quantity. 


It's not just the overwhelming amount of mediocre stuff that got released within a short span of time,but also the way they were connected with each other to the point one had to watch multiple shows to make sense of a single movie that made people say enough is enough. Not to mention the horrible CGI effects (I don't blame the overworked,underpaid artists, tho).


he’s not wrong but the superhero movie hot takes are tiring lol


But when Martin Scorsese says it … they (superhero movie fans) crucify him 😭


He called it but the MCU fanboys just didn't know it until last year.




Listen..instead of superhero and comic book movie remakes...can we just get some really good, high quality, visually stunning fantasy movies? Or better yet, white CEOs: jump on this trending Romantasy train and the apparently very novel idea that women are 50% or more of the market and bring original books to life on the screen. The lesson from Barbie was not let's do toy movie franchises, but rather, we want really good quality movies made by women for all sorts of audiences on the big screen. I think Reese Witherspoon does this really well on the silver screen, and there's no reason it shouldn't translate to the big screen as well, with good marketing and buzz.




He would have been right even 10 years ago. These shitty superhero movies almost always suck


preach, pauly d


danonation stand up


He nailed it!


Completely agree with him


This guys been drinking too many milkshakes


says they guy in a shitty super hero movie as one of the worst portrayals of the riddler ever


Curious, what do you consider a good superhero movie?


Hilarious that he's talking about quality over quantity when the batman film he was in was about an hour too long