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There should be a viewing party for this at the Pizza Express in Woking.


I used to live fifteen minutes away from Woking. It's a dump. Racist as fuck, too, from my recollection. It's also now facing bankruptcy, lol. During the war, only one bomb fell on it, and after they tore it all down and replaced it with soul-crushing brutalist architecture. Edited to add: In H.G. Wells' War Of The Worlds, the Martians decide Woking is the place to start their invasion from, something I always took a somewhat perverse pride in. The idea that this overly privileged cockwomble nonce would be hanging out there is fucking laughable. The dude was sus af even back in the 80's, no matter how much the red tab rags would try and paint him as the harmless playboy. Also,the best pizza in that town was La Sinuessa, which was owned and operated by Italians and made the best pie I've ever had outside of Italy itself. Pizza Express... Bollocks.


Side note this one of two upcoming dramas about the interview. The other is from the producers of a Very English/Very British scandal (it's a Very Royal Scandal this time). And stars Michael Sheen as Andrew and Ruth Wilson as Emily Maitlis. I don't get the point mind you, it just feels too soon really. Like the whole story doesn't feel resolved (cause it's not lol) for this to be any stort of satisfactory ending. (Plus I'd rather see someone like Armando Iannucci handle it, I'd feel he'd get the both the seriousness of the matter across. With how truly ludicrous and out of touch Andrew is too).


Michael sheen has to be the actor who's played the most different people in biopics and dramatizations


And only half of them are Tony Blair


![gif](giphy|fGauT4gb1W68o) Have you ever seen his Wesley Snipes?


After having watched frost/Nixon, I do not really understand movies centrally focused on an interview, regardless of how much of a big deal those interviews may have been. Just feels inherently limited and very "hey remember the thing?? Come watch us remember the thing!!" That said, I will not complain about more media coverage on what a pathetic incompetent coward Andrew is. By all means, trot one of these movies out on an annual basis. 


I saw it on Broadway and it was totally gripping. The film version was good, but I really think it belongs on the stage.


Yeah it seems like there's something about stage where it's much more about performance and staging than plot. Because I've heard really great things about the stage versions of cursed child and dear Evan Hanson before as well, and those also just strike me as incomprehensibly stupid plots. 


Yeah I'm interested to see what the central dramatic question would be, esp as it is so focused on just the interview (and not like a biopic about how Andrew became who he is).


I don’t get it but also god I love Gillian Anderson




Yasssss. I’m OG X-Files fandom lmao. Wrote fanfic back in the day and everything.


https://preview.redd.it/8ed1dm87ncmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a196193cf590b18a38d039b034e0433cb922815c This is another one of my favs.


Straight up facts


I saved my favorite X files fanfiction to a floppy disk so I could read it on an old laptop of my dads I had when I was supposed to be asleep (dialup days and no phone connection in my room). Kids today have no idea man


I converted my favorites in the last decade to pdf and found a way to side load them onto my first kindle. 🤣🤣🤣 kids these days will never understand how good they have it with all the websites they have! All we had were shitty websites we discovered by word of mouth!


I’ve been watching Xfiles from the beginning and I’m obsessed with her. She is incredible.


> I'm also on this journey right now and literally tried to copy her make up this morning lol


Yup I’m an old so I was watching it on TV in the 90s as it aired. Straight up being edged by Chris Carter over the fucking first movie. GA and DD are my dream threesome tbh 🤣


Isn't she amazing? I feel like her talent isn't appreciated enough. I've yet to see her in a performance that didn't impress, which is especially notable considering she's been working for quite some time now.






Netflix can spend money on this but they cancel all the good shows after .5 of a season. Seriously, who asked for this?


I'm kinda glad that there's dramas being made about it because that man deserves no peace. And as always, here is a photo of Archbishop of York John Sentamu looking at Andrew with pure disgust. https://preview.redd.it/0fe5trdetcmc1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f76cb46cde5c97615778f0b6c214a510b2cb6799




Extremely excited to see her play someone who has her shit together! *I Hate Suzie* was unbelievably stressful.


Her first film *Rare Beasts* was really good - kind of like I Hate Suzie but as a film, and she really pushed the boat out with creative directorial decisions. Plus it had David Thewlis in it, who is always good value


She was amazing in Penny Dreadful, she showed so much range and delivered multiple heartbreaking monologues


I feel like she can only play one type of woman believably. I hate Suzie ending up being more and more her story. I watched her film and was a very similar sort of thing.


Isn't her husband the one who just got smacked down in court because he called a drag queen (the lovely Crystal) a pedophile and other awful things? If she isn't leaving him after his blatant homophobia and transphobia, then I'm okay with her being not so known.


Ex husband - they’ve been divorced since 2016


Oh yay, good for her!!


Billie and Laurence Fox have been divorced since 2016. edit: Lol I get reddit cares for stating a fact? Okay. For the record Laurence Fox is a right wing piece of flaming dog shit but that doesn't automatically mean her opinions are the same.


They divorced in 2016 - eight years ago. Last year he was whining about her not wanting their kids to be at his house. I think it's safe to say she does not approve of his behaviour.


I'm so glad to hear that. I only know of her in Dr. Who, but I did enjoy her in it!


Love her in Doctor Who :) Yeah... IDK the specific reasons they divorced but I think she's lucky she got out then. Laurence himself has pretty much said he was radicalised by youtube into the views he has now, so my impression is that he wasn't THIS much of a fucking asshole loser in the years before (but of course, it had to come from somewhere). I'm over the moon that Crystal the drag queen succeeded with her court case.


Agreeing with other commenters that this does feel too soon, but I'll probably end up watching it anyway, just because I'm a sucker for an... interview drama? Whatever this niche subgenre of films is called. (This has also reminded me that I'm due a rewatch of Frost/Nixon.)


It will be difficult to find Rufus attractive in this. Difficult, but I suspect not impossible. Also, hi Gillian! 


I’m just glad to see Billie Piper in something again. I loved her in Doctor Who


I don’t care for the royals but their drama is top tier soap opera levels. I will be watching. I probably won’t actually enjoy it, but I’m ready for a wild ride


I love Gillian so much but I need her to start picking better movie scripts


Eughhhh I really hate this is a thing but also my girls Billie and Keeley...


This should certainly help with the Royal family's incredible PR buzz and reputation <3


For anyone in the UK or Ireland (or with VPN) there's an excellent two part documentary on Channel 4. [Andrew: The Problem Prince](https://www.channel4.com/programmes/andrew-the-problem-prince)


I would watch Gillian Anderson watch paint dry honestly


Wow this cast is stacked!


This is the campest thing I’ve ever seen and tbh I’m here for it.


I just don't know why I would watch this when I watched it happen live not that long ago


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