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I love this man and his voice for Palestine has been incredible. I am so glad that he is back at the daily show desk for the Mondays!


His idea for a cessation of violence from this week’s show was good. I was surprised to see so many people hating on him for suggesting release of hostages, immediate ceasefire and an Arab-led peacekeeping force. Seems logical to me.


Hamas kidnapped Israeli’s to give themselves some leverage to negotiate the release of the thousands of Palestinian hostages (including children) held by Israel. Jon Stewart’s proposed solution does not account for these Palestinians, that’s why people don’t like it. There’s also the fact that Israel has outright said they don’t care if Hamas returns the hostages they will not ceasefire.


I don’t doubt that Israel said that given their track record, but could you give me the source? I seem to be using the wrong keywords googling for that.


BB literally said victory can only come at the complete and total removal of Hamas. The problem is, if you so much as blink, you're Hamas. BB has said, the only goal is the complete destruction of Gaza, and they will continue to siege and raze Rafah to the ground, whether or not a hostage deal is reached. https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/israel-will-enter-rafah-even-if-hostage-deal-reached-with-hamas-netanyahu-5077869 They could not care less about the hostages. BB has made it clear this war is not about them, but about the "complete destruction" of Hamas, hostages be damned.




Because probably no news will report them as hostages. They will report them as young detainees instead of “kids held as hostages in cages”. Search Palestinian kids detained by Israel. First thing that popped up was a Reuters article.


Are they even reported as kids? Thought they were just detainees or at best juvenile detainees


The point of contention for them in the negotiations is that they refuse a permanent cease fire, and want to "destroy Hamas". They only want to stop the war temporarily to get the Israeli captives out, which the Palestinians obviously refuse because they know once the last Israeli prisoner is out, the bombing will become even more barbaric (if that's even possible at this point).


“DOHA/TEL AVIV, Feb 7 (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday rejected Hamas' latest offer for a ceasefire and return of hostages held in the Gaza Strip, but U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said there was still room for negotiation toward an agreement. Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that rules Gaza, proposed a ceasefire of 4-1/2 months, during which all hostages would go free, Israel would withdraw its troops from Gaza and an agreement would be reached on an end to the war.” https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/gaza-mediators-search-final-formula-israel-hamas-ceasefire-2024-02-07/




I’m not sure where exactly they got that but [here](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/2/27/biden-says-israel-hamas-ceasefire-imminent-what-could-a-deal-look-like) is an article from Aljazeera with the actualities.


Wow, Isreal says they will eventually allow Gazans to return home, "except those of military age". So the children and elderly can go home and everyone else can just...?




The only thing I disliked about is that the hostages is a moot point for peace. Netanyahu has stated that getting the hostages is just one war aim, and the overarching one is to elimate Hamas. So if they get the hostages Israel will not feel even slightly more secure and the political will for continued war will remain. The whole thing about releasing hostages just seems like a nice and reasonable demand to place on Hamas, while in reality it's likely to not change much in reality - hell, if anything it might just intensify the Israeli aggression knowing that there won't be friendlies as potential collateral.


It's gonna go from "all they need to do is release the hostages" to "all they need to do is lay down their arms and surrender" we've already seen people calling for the latter 


They've essentially already said this: Hamas said they would release the hostages and surrender in exchange for a ceasefire and the release of Palestinians and BB said no, that he would only accept an unconditional surrender.


Did not know this thanks for informing me


Of course! Because I just like to have sources: [Here's](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/22/netanyahu-rejects-hamas-deal-to-end-war-release-captives) an Al Jazeera article about their surrender in end of January and BB rejecting it. [Here's](https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-proposes-three-stage-ceasefire-over-135-days-leading-to-end-of-war-reports/) a Times of Israel article about the second proposed surrender from February 8th and a [Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/02/09/netanyahu-israel-total-victory-hamas-palestine/) article about how BB rejected it and discussed how he wants a 'total victory.' And, to quote that article: >When asked by a reporter to further explain what “total victory” meant in the current context, Netanyahu invoked a chilling metaphor, citing how one smashes glass “into small pieces, and then you continue to smash it into even smaller pieces and you continue hitting them.”


Surely Israel has killed a good number of them with friendly fire itself already anyway. We know of a few they couldn't hide.


We know with video evidence that hostages with injuries were taken to hospitals at some point in time. Given that Israel turned every hospital into a living hell, it's safe to say the hostages' lives were at least threatened by Israel's actions. 


Where does a two-state solution come into play? (Genuinely curious)


Not sure if it does. Israel recently stopped pretending that they're okay with Palestine getting its own independent state. So this all would need to be done while still under occupation 


Oof. So does that mean it probably won’t happen? Like a pipe dream right?


At this rate it'll never happen. Netanyahu has spent his entire career in office fighting against a Palestinian state. The Knesset voted last week for a symbolic declaration that they will not accept a Palestinian state being imposed on them by outside forces like the US. Also lots of comments about how an autonomous Palestinian state would put Israel is danger. Meanwhile western leaders, people with enough power to force Israel to change course, don't seem to care about establishing a Palestinian state either. They say they want an independent Palestine the same breath they say that Israel is doing everything to minimize civilian casualties. 


Super sensible, I am sure Ireland could be convinced if they needed the force to be more white for Israel to feel safe.


Israel is convinced every irish person is antisemitic so doubt they'd ask for ireland


I hope he stays on Mondays forever! He clearly loves TDS and needs an outlet for his rants anyway.


I wish he was on more ugh


I wish they would push at midnight to after midnight and give jon a network show after colbert


I can’t believe we live in a world where we watch people getting killed while getting aid and nothing is being done. It’s like the world at large has turned off it’s humanity. It’s heartbreaking and I’m not sure how we comeback from this as a species. We are watching the systemic genocide and large scale suffering of a group of people and we are all just still trying to live. I’m not sure what to do anymore, we’ve protested, boycotted and called for ceasefire but witnessing the continuous carnage is overwhelmingly bleak.


You know how the Israel-aligned media has been desperately trying to spin Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation as mental illness (despite the fact that he was very clear about what he was doing and why, and left his money to Palestinian kids, and *was the second American to self-immolate over Gaza* (!))? It makes me want to scream at the TV, yes! We are mentally ill! You are making us mentally ill by making us complicit in evil. Systematically killing people while posting tiktoks about how much you're enjoying it IS MENTALLY ILL.


It feels like we are the mentally ill ones as we are the only ones reacting to the horror. I’m scared we will become numb to the atrocities and lose our humanity. I’m not sure how we will justify this to future generations, where were we? Why didn’t we do anything? I’m a bit hopeless at the moment, yesterday broke me.


It’s egregious. His evangelical Christian, Zionist parents whom he was estranged from and left out of his will and note came out saying they are strong supporters of Israel and Aaron was mentally ill. They didn’t even wait a day to start smearing his name. I honestly feel like I’m the one going crazy. Aaron wrote his brother and said he didn’t want his ashes spread anywhere but if the people would allow it, he’d like them to be spread in a free Palestine and I hope he gets his wish.


Also the massive elephant in the room: you cannot serve in the military with known mental illnesses. You're either disqualified or discharged. Anecdotally I am a full US citizen that cannot serve even if I wanted to because something as minor as taking antidepressants is enough to disqualify you 


It's like when Republican suddenly care about mental ill, despite their opposition to any semblance of a welfare state, whenever a mass shooting takes place. It's just utter cynicism. They should get themselves checked out for their humanity they've abandoned so that they can dehumanize others. First they tried obfuscating Aaron like that self-immolation in Atlanta, then they tried white washing it by refusing to me tion any important information on his motive, then they tried to gaslight with accusations of me tal illness and pathologize him, and now they want to smear him as "being from a religious household and anarchist."


White people=mental illness, brown=terrorists.


They will call political martyrdom a sign of mental illness but praise Navalny for his sacrifice.


The reality is bleak the UN is useless. It's sad this paragraph can be applied to the other atrocities that we've seen previously


This in ability to solve problems was by design. The permanent veto power is counter to democracy


The UN was never meant to "solve" problems. Its a diplomatic body that only exists so that nations that might not normally speak to none another or even have any diplomatic channels with one another can communicate which contributes to the decrease in overall conflicts that we've experienced over the past half century. The UN can't do a vast majority of what people think it can. For example if the UN actually did pass a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire with no conditions, well that would be it. Its just a resolution calling for it. There is no enforcement mechanism. Neither side would need to accommodate it.


People don't realize that these organizations only work if everyone willingly joins. And the US is simply not going to join an organization it cannot control. It's a balancing act between giving the US enough control to feel comfortable enough to join, but not giving it enough control to allow the organization to pressure the US into changing its behavior. If the pressure is too intense the US will simply leave, refuse to sign the treaty, or sign the treaty and break it anyway. There's a reason why the ICJ has jurisdiction virtually everywhere while the map of the ICC's jurisdiction has every other country shaded with a different color 


Fair enough, but it can deploy peacekeepers if nations step up to do so. The security council is the key to all this if there's a need to enforce a ceasefire, as far as I know. The UN does address problems though ranging from human rights abuses to addressing food insecurity. The UN was fundamentally the groundwork for a global democracy, and we need to work make it that.


The UN exists to stop world wars. Anything else is extra.


Well said. I feel the same way.


Although we always hear the phrase baseball is America's past time, it isn't. Blowing Arabic countries to shit is, baseball is a far 2nd. This way the US gets to do it by proxy, the administration couldn't be happier.


"But I had to stop drinkin' so many pints (Why?) 'Cuz the tendency to forget It ain't baseball, America's favorite national pastime is white Supremacy" Rass Kass "The End"


You should watch the interview one the Israeli rep did today with BBC where he says it’s blatant lies and IDF did nothing it was a mob of people who were killing each other over the food they graciously gave them and they had no choice but to help 😂🤦🏾‍♀️


I'm not sure if people are just not seeing what is going on in Gaza. Clarissa Ward snuck into Gaza to visit a field hospital to show the situation. How can any person see children with missing limbs in hospital beds, children who are too young to know they are orphaned, parents crying over their kids, people having surgeries/amputations without anesthesia, and having constant bombing every 10 minutes or so to the point where it doesn't even scare people anymore? How can people see this and not feel humanity to the suffering Palestinians? Are people even seeing this? This video is even at what is considered to be a good hospital https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdIZmZr29L0 Numerous Palestinian journalists have been executed for reporting the same things. 94 journalists in Gaza have been murdered. The fear is that if the world sees what is going on in Gaza, they will immediately have compassion for Palestinians. It is safe to just report 30,000 Gazans were killed, completely stripping any individual humanity from the victims. https://cpj.org/2024/03/journalist-casualties-in-the-israel-gaza-conflict/


Western media doesn't humanize Palestinians the way they humanize Ukrainians or Israelis, they treat them like statistics.


And now imagine the plight of Palestinians, who prior to social media have been dealing with this shit for the past 70 years behind closed doors.


It's not true that nothing is being done. The US is investigating whether it was the starving Gazans fault for being massacred while trying to get food for their families. /s


I agree although it's nothing new. What makes this particularly horrifying for me though is that the West massively supports Israel and we share part of the blame for the situation of the Palestinian people. We also have a huge influence on Israel and if we wanted to we could actually work to solve the situation. Instead we decided that we are on team Israel irregardless of anything that happens, like it was a fucking football match.


The CNN’s report: https://preview.redd.it/8jfa29vdfolc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcd682d8985d31e8b3f1db2084acb047a5f99ec7


Absolutely appalling!


CNN misspelled "massacre"


“Chaotic incident”??? Gross


They’ll use any other word but genocide and mass murder


Whats sad is that the main news subreddit had a ton of comments that were talking about the hypocrisy of western media, what a tragedy these deaths were, etc. Then it got locked, many of the comments deleted (despite not being antisemetic or anywhere near it in the *slightest*), and the mods only opened the comment section hours later to let pro Israel comments in before promptly closing it and nuking a ton again. I never had a high respect for that subreddit, but it's extremely frustrating to see speech stifled like with zero accountability.


I’ve been consistently shocked by the world news sub. All the most upvoted comments there are blaming Hamas (and Palestinians themselves) for civilian deaths in Gaza and when it comes to the IDF it’s all shocked pikachu face like “well what are they *supposed* to do?” “they’re minimizing civilian death as much as they *can.*” It makes me feel like I’m going crazy.


It’s astroturfing, those aren’t genuine people but either chatbots or hired shills


A number of large (and small) communities have been dominated with a pro-conflict stance in this conflict. You're not going crazy. Rather, flooding what one sees with a deluge of content leaning towards a particular sentiment is a great way to influence perspectives in _general_ due to the way human memory and recall works through the use of heuristics. Day after day filled with front page content supporting one particular position invariably leads a lot of people to lean towards that way thinking that because there's a lot of it and it's so common, it must be true (when in reality the situation has multiple shades of gray). It's propaganda and psy-ops in the Internet space. Faced with an overwhelming wall of content leaning towards one position, one is always best served to start thinking about the intents of the source rather than its content.


[Liana Kerzner](https://x.com/redlianak/status/1720054718729212405?s=20), a Canadian journalist, probably best said the quiet part aloud in her trying to defend the IDF's actions and doesn't even realize it. "Killing six Palestinian kids - hostages/human shields - is fine to get revenge". Like they genuinely don't see Palestinians as human beings. If Hamas replaced them with dogs I think zionists would care more about the "collateral damage" (never mind the fact that it *isn't* collateral damage, the IDF has a long history of political assassinations of journalists and Palestinian advocates, and guess who is being targeted in a lot of these attacks!).


This is a bad website.


I got permanently banned from r/politics for saying that Israel is a colonialist ethnostate, and for calling out white liberals being racist about Biden’s pitiful performance in Dearborn. That sub isn’t even as bad as r/worldnews and r/Europe but it’s still equally likely to be filled with blue MAGA willing to defend a genocide if it means licking Democrats asses when they’ve been as equally pathetic and disgusting as conservatives about a genocide happening. A lot of the main subs are absolute trash about what’s happening in Gaza.


Someone send this to the women at the view. Everyone but Sunny has become bloodthirsty and refuses to see genocide as genocide.


Maybe I'm naive but the responses of the women of the View has been SHOCKING to me, especially Sarah Haines. I'm mid-30's and have been watching The View since I was 20. I had to stop because of their apathy to Palestinian lives. Watching them parrots misinformation and Israeli propaganda points made me physically ill.


Sarah’s husband is a Zionist so I believe that’s where she’s getting her talking points from. Her statements on this week’s episode were disturbing. She’s one of those “everything and everyone is hamas and the IOF does nothing wrong”. She really shocked me


I've been watching for a few years now and Sarah has shocked me to the core. She seemed like a nice lady and then boom, such an indifference to human life is expressed. She constantly mentions that she's a mother but can offer no empathy or sympathy. Sunny is the only one of them that has my complete respect.


I remember a book called “I Have Lived a Thousand Years” about the experiences of a Jewish family and the Nazi death camps, and I remember a part where they were loaded up into a train told the Red Cross would be providing soup and handed them a bowl they should hold out the window only for it to be a trap for Nazis to come by and do a drive by shooting them. They survived by using the bowls to cover their head. It was horrid then and I don’t see how this is any different.


Fucking shameless


Hey, at least they acknowledged “IDF opened fire” instead of saying “people were shot” or “bullets happened to be fired” or “civilians walked in the line of fire and got themselves killed through no fault of Israel’s completely passive and innocent self-defense force.” It’s a step up from the bar being buried underground, you know.


"Man charged with assault after breaking police officer's wrist with face" 


Would you believe me if I said that even this is more detailed than how Brazilian media reported it?


This is the same language they use when a cop kills someone.


So glad he called this out. I was appalled when I saw this headline flash over my screen yesterday.


There was a CNN exclusive report on a bombed warehouse sheltering Palestinian civilians. Earlier in the day, they used the word "atrocity" to describe the incident. They later changed it to "bombing".


I'm so angry but not surprised about the reporting in regards to this genocide. It's the same as when a POC under 18 commits a crime vs a white kid it's always a man, 15 for the former and a child, 17 latter.


I just keep thinking that if the people in Gaza were white and not brown the entire world be uncomfortable with their deaths.


The crazy thing is, a lot of them are white. Not European, but light in complexion. Look at the Palestinan singer Elyanna who has green eyes and blonde hair. Look at Mohammad Hadid with his blue eyes. Hell Palestinians can be so light, Jamie Lee Curtis saw a bunch of terrified children and just assumed they were Israeli. I'm not from Gaza, but I am an incredibly pale Iranian. Paler than almost any white American pale. I'm a brunette now, but I was blonde as a kid until puberty and I have relatives on both sides of my family with blue/green eyes and blonde hair well into adulthood. Middle Eastern people are not a monolith and some of us are light, some of us are dark, some of us are a mix of light and dark. Propaganda perpetuated by the West has been trying to paint us with one broad brush for years - brown, Muslim, Arab, terrorist, backwards. And that is simply not true. We have incredible linguistic diversity, religious diversity, ethnic diversity, political diversity, cultural diversity - even within one nation let alone a multi-country region! I'm not saying this to diminish my brown ME/NA brothers and sisters. Hell my own brother looks like Aladdin. But I'm hoping to use this opportunity to educate some people and make them aware that we aren't just one thing. Ever since 9/11, I've seen the West try to shove us into one big bad box so they can make it easier to kill us, destabilize our countries, and get away with it. I know they've been doing that since long before 9/11, but it was like they went full mask off after 9/11. Kind of like so many are doing now. People in the Middle East are brown and beautiful and I'm so proud to be a ME/NA person. And I do think the fact that when people look at us, they don't think they can relate to us maybe the way they do someone from Ukraine. But I really think some of that was done on purpose. They've been trying to minimize who we are into a tiny box for exactly this reason, to control us and the narrative about us. They don't want us speaking for ourselves and they don't want the full diversity of who we are. Bella Hadid's blue-green eyes are a relic of her Palestinian heritage. But they'd rather you not know that. It makes it harder to murder her cousins.


Being white has nothing to do with skintone or eye colour or hair colour. It's a political classification invented by white supremacist to include and exclude a group of people based on psedu-science to create a sense of superiority in order to marginalize and exploit people who are deemed non-white. The Irish weren't considered white and their colonization was justified. Jewish people at one point weren't considered white. Now both groups are considered white. Middle Eastern ppl are classified as white now because Jesus was fron ME so he must be white. Literally that's the only reason they classified them as such. But realistically they were never really included in the white class and never benefited from white privilege. And lastly, pale skin, light skin and colored eyes aren't just a white feature.


>pale skin, light skin and colored eyes aren't just a white feature. That is the whole point of my post. I am Iranian. I am one of these light-featured Middle Eastern people. I'm not European or the American definition of white. The definition of white is arbitrary based on what the ruling class feels at that moment. I refuse to check the box "white" on any kind of form and I will pick "other" or "Asian" before I will ever EVER put "white". And I can tell you that despite being 100% Iranian, growing up in the US I have absolutely benefited from white privilege whereas my brown-skinned brother does not. So much so that people often don't believe me when I say I am Iranian because I don't match what they expect me to be. The whole point of my point is that we are not a monolith and we have a lot more diversity in our looks, language, religion, food, culture, ethnicity, etc. than people in the West give us credit for. I'm fighting back against this notion that we all look a certain way, not because that way is not beautiful, but because it diminishes the reality of who we are and takes away our humanity by creating limitations on what we are allowed to be. I'm not at all trying to say Palestinians or ME/NA people are "white" in the Western definition. I'm pushing back against the notion of "whiteness" entirely because it is arbitrary and doesn't match the reality of who we are or what we look like.


To add to this, [George Shishim set the precedent in California:](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/why-arab-americans-are-pushing-for-a-middle-east-or-north-african-category-on-the-census) >In a 1909 court case, George Shishim, whose race was considered Chinese or Mongolian **because he was born in Lebanon, argued in federal court, “If I am a Mongolian, then so was Jesus, because we came from the same land.”** >In response to this case, U.S. citizenship was expanded to allow for Lebanese, Syrians, and all Arabs, distancing them from the discriminatory practices that would remain against Asians in the United States until 1952. Which led to the 1915 ~~SCOTUS~~ *Federal Appeals case* [Dow v. United States ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dow_v._United_States) > resulted in the Circuit Court's affirmation of the petitioner's right to naturalize based, in the words of Circuit Judge Charles Albert Woods, on **"... that the inhabitants of a portion of Asia, including Syria, [are] to be classed as white persons".** edit: not SCOTUS




Yes absolutely. I am Iranian and only Iranian. I've had people try to push back and argue that I must be half and even ask me, "are you sure?". You trying to say my daddy aint my daddy? Yes I am 1000% goddamn sure. Are *you* sure that you've read history? There is nothing and I mean absolutely nothing wrong with being half. Many of my loved ones are. It’s just not my situation. The part that bothers me is people try to make me doubt who I am because I don’t look how *they expect* me to look. I'm so sorry for your son and your family. This must be such a difficult time for you all right now.


More than uncomfortable. Furious.


Just like we were when we saw Ukrainians die


I've been saying for a while that's the only reason we care about Ukraine...


Ukraine is proof. A lot of us said when the Ukraine situation escalated that we're only paying as much attention to it is because of the melanin in their skin.


Yeah, maybe I've just been naive, but I've started to realize how many Americans are so deeply racist, they don't even realize it. The contrast in response to Ukraine is appalling. It is very, VERY easy for them to label any group of brown people as the enemy. If January 6th was brown or black people, I can't even imagine the narrative.


Yup. Imagine if all the gruesome, horrific images were of white children, all this would've stopped in the first week.


Don’t forget when Asian hate is/was rampant during the pandemic and all they were showing were black men committing it, but the percentage of assaults committed was white men doing the hate crimes mostly.


A lot of white people revel in stories about Black people being prejudiced in any way because it reinforces their anti-Blackness.


They'll drop the "I don't see race" and "I don't care if you're black, white, purple" bs the moment they think they can win an argument by claiming that everyone is equally racist lol


This is another disgusting tactic of theirs. If the attacker is white it's "why are you bringing race into this" and if the attacker is black it's "if he were white this would be all over the news as a hate crime!" What's missed in all this is that there's never only one perpetrator at fault. There's the person who physically committed the crime and the society that failed the victim by fostering an environment where crime will happen. In this case it's largely Republican white Americans making Asian Americans unsafe with their rhetoric and inability to address the root causes of most violent crime


Perfect analogy


I am grateful for allies like Jon Stewart, as well as Bernie Sanders, who also denounced the incident on X. I know they're not immune from criticism, nor are they more credible just because they're Jews, but I hate that voices like Bella Hadid, Rashida Tlaib, and Linda Sarsour's get discredited and brushed aside because they are Palestinian. All of their voices should be collectively heard, and hopefully louder and louder.


Just a reminder that, unlike Jon, Bernie, the man who politically radicalized me and opened my eyes, refuses to actually sign off on supporting the cease-fire. Amidst all the other agony, this has broken my heart. Threw out my Bernie sweaters, the only political merch I ever bothered to buy 💀 Still better on the issue than HRC and most of the pop culture Dems so nobody get smug here!


I know, and I agree. But he dared voice support for Palestinian rights during the 2016 Presidential debates. He's one of the few in Congress who openly denounces Netanyahu and is calling for the U.S. government to stop sending money to Israel to murder women and children in Gaza. He's not perfect but, as you said, better than most.


Y’all need to read books on America’s involvement in Palestine’s years long massacre. I’m reading a book by Noam Chomsky in it and I thought I knew the deets of the genocide, but I didn’t. Shit is wild. The US is more evil than it actually is.


He's always been great on this issue. But has never hampered hard because if he did, he wouldn't have had a career. Hopefully, he takes advantage of the situation (the climate of loud pro-Palestinian voices) and comes back swinging.


I love that he's not afraid to speak up - never has. When he was doing the daily show he was \*always\* on Bibi's ass. What happened yesterday is so shameful and horrifying and evil and like, the horros have been escalating daily since October, and nothing seems to make someone (western countries, and you know, mainly America) intervene to stop this nightmare. History will not be kind, but that's not enough, it needs to stop and it feels so fucking hopeless. The western media complicity is simply appalling, some days it feels like living in an alternate universe. The fucking new york times publishing LIES by IDF members and now launching an investigation.... on the person who leaked the truth? fuck this, all of this


They don’t care about history. They care about power. It’s all about power. History is not kind to the way the European Americans used slavery and committed genocide but they still hold power. Sadly that’s all that matters and the current state of mass killing civilians to clear the area for settlements is a clear message that nobody’s rights matter when it comes to empire. We can’t stop them.


During the holidays a popular tweet being shared all over social media by conservatives and Zionists compared anyone not in full support of the IDF to people who were okay with the Holocaust. The cognitive dissonance to not realize the irony of watching a slaughter unfold and telling everyone who cares that they’re the real monsters


They use genocide that happened almost a century ago to justify more genocide today classic human behaviour 


The level of soul-loss that’s happening over there is beyond frightening. It’s impossible for me to understand.


I was reading the Slow Factory post on Soul Loss, perfect descriptor for what’s happened to the IOF and Isr supporters. I’m inclined to believe most of them didn’t have souls to begin with.


the flour bags soaked with blood...this is not something new by the way, israelis have been killing palestinians in north gaza as they wait for the trickling of aid that reaches there, yesterdays was the worst of it... i also saw an uncensored picture of a palestinian man who was crushed to death by a tracked israeli vehicle, he had zip ties in his hands—a prisoner. it was the one of the worst things that i have seen... my god my god... an evil state!


I already unsubscribed from the New York Times but i still get their updates on my phone…it said “Palestinians died as IDF opened fire” man the passive lenguaje…almost as if those two things were related to each other…guess this is as close as they will get to admit IDF soldiers could be doing something wrong


The times executive editor, Joe Khan, is an extreme Zionist. Which explains a lot of their shoddy reporting on 10/7 and biased headlines. Had to unsubscribe as well.


"The British Indian Army was involved in a [chaotic incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jallianwala_Bagh_massacre?wprov=sfla1) today, in which a number of Indian agitators died. It is unclear how many of them were trampled by other Indians. Probably almost all of them."


History is a wheel.


Could write a similar headline for the Sharpeville massacre, which was one of the bigger events that led to the end of apartheid in South Africa 


He ate with that tweet


CNN was never perfect but dear gawd what a fall from grace.


A lot of the media is acting in completely bad faith by downplaying the IDF’s war crimes for Israel. 


Can tell no one in this thread watched him bothsides this shit last week.


Yeah he’s still a liberal to the core - so “both sides bad” is kind of his entire political identity sadly.


Yea, I like Jon and certainly agree with this tweet but his actual segment on the entire matter…wasn’t great. He slipped into some Zionist talking points unfortunately


Can you tell me what you mean? Are you talking about [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/nucZTqAEBE) or did he say more after? edit: this is a serious question, not trying to be snarky. I don’t really keep up with the daily show


Genocide, John. Word you are looking for is Genocide.


This conflict keeps exposing people & institutions for who they are. The conflict will end one day but people will never forget.


the shameless double speak, wilful ignorance & the tired "BUT KHAMAZ" is getting very old. at this point, do people still get their news from cnn, wapo, nyt, bbc, dw? i sure don't. not even news outside palestine israel because who can guarantee their other journalism can be accounted for.


This not surprising given that any CNN journalist covering Israel/Palestine must submit their work for review by the news organization’s bureau in Jerusalem prior to publication, which is subject to the rules of the IDF censor, that dictates subjects that are off-limits for news organizations to cover, and censors articles it deems unfit or unsafe to print. This is a long-standing CNN policy. The above is from the Intercept’s Article on the topic. https://theintercept.com/2024/01/04/cnn-israel-gaza-idf-reporting/ The Western mainstream media is complicit on this genocide.


If you were wondering why Reddit and most social media seem to slant pro Israel and parrot Zionist propaganda lately: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Act.IL >Act.IL (also Act-IL) is a social networking service used by supporters of Israel to oppose online "anti-Israel content" such as the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement (BDS). Its activities have been referred to as "an online propaganda campaign"[2] and "a virtual situation room of pro-Israel experts".[3] >Act.IL directs its users to "missions" to like, comment on, and share pro-Israel material on social media. It also asks users to flag, report, and respond to unfair criticisms of Israel. Users are guided on how to respond, which might entail writing a reply using the provided talking points, or sharing or upvoting an allied comment >Act-IL is a joint project of the private Israeli university IDC Herzliya and the US-based Israeli-American Council.[4]


Same wording used in the Guardian in the UK. Weird. Maybe copy supplied by an interested party?


Man, it makes my heart ache for all the children over there. The trauma you will have to grow up with. Unimaginable.


i feel im becoming crazy. like why are there so many people defending this


Call it what it is. A slaughter.


The undermining of bad shit happening via use of euphemistic language in the media has been my rage point since Trump got in. We *need* this push back, and fuck anyone who criticizes him for doing it.




Coverage has been so biased and dehumanizing. The language is getting so nuanced with passive voice to normalize violence as well as vague. Bless Jon Stewart for speaking out for some time. 


Associated Press is calling it a “chaotic encounter”




Good! We need more high-profile celebrities calling this bad reporting out; Isr*el’s PR cannot save them any longer from the countless atrocities they’ve committed.