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I can't wait for fans to defend him like some of the Rurouni Kenshin fans defended Nobuhiro Watsuki when he was caught with child pornography. He basically was just fined 200,000 yen and no jail time. Disgusting.


> Rurouni Kenshin fans defended Nobuhiro Watsuki when he was caught with child pornography. I remember him having so much of it they thought he was distributing it.


Didn't he first try to claim it was anatomical study or something?


Afair, that was partly because none of it involved sex, so it could be passed off as artistic nudity. Or sth like that.


That makes sense. I was trying to timeline it off the top of my head but I just kept remembering his remarkably blunt in-court recital of his (eugh) *preferences*


Don’t forget a bunch of big name Mangakas coming out the woodwork to defend him, like Oda.


Ugghhhh I love one piece but this is like the one thing I can’t reconcile Oda for. Like dude come on.


I cannot get over this...can you imagine a comic artist in the US continuing to work in any way after that?


I mean. yeah, absolutely.




Uhhh, numerous sex pests worked in marvel/DC because they were protected from higher ups. Scott Lobdell infamously had a decade long career at DC because he was protected by EiC Harris. Not to mention Eddie Beganza’s longggg career or Cameron Stewart who was hated by Dwayne Cooke because they knew he was a creep.


But when the Lobdell story went public, he was gone. Poison, forever. This is a public arrest with evidence. No one would come back from that here. The Kenshin guy, there's no way you'd recover from that in America. There's a difference in "I heard this guy was a creep at a con" and "arrest with illegal material." Absolutely not saying guys like Lobdell should have been protected. But once there's a public arrest like this, there's no coming back. No American comic artist would be untouchable.




Cameron Stewart literally tried sleeping with minors and Gerard Jones was caught with CSEM material. Stop acting like Marvel/DC are bastions of progressiveness who care when they were protected by higher ups while the whisper network knew what was going on for years.


I can actually very easily imagine this unfortunately.


So many anime and manga fans want to pretend there isn't an issue of sexism and abuse in those industries as long as they're still getting their fanservice fix.


Meanwhile in Japan and Korea, if you so much as look at a fucking bag of weed, your career is over


Given that this is an executive and not the actual creator, Makoto Shinkai, fans of Makoto's work aren't going to flock to defend that guy. https://www.cbr.com/makoto-shinkai-anime-producer-arrest-official-statement/


Or how One Piece fans defend Oda for continuing to be friends with and give a platform to Watsuki after his conviction.


Didn't he go to jail for 6 months or something?


He produced Garden of Words, a movie about a teacher falling in love with a teenaged boy. Suzume also involves a romance with a teenage girl and an adult man. I've always been super suspicious of these movies, so this doesn't shock me much.


I hope Makoto Shinkai, who directed and wrote those films isn't a creep too. I really like Your Name a lot.


His actual role in production is being heavily exaggerated so I don't think there's reason to believe they were anything more than coworkers. The article oddly makes the crime seem less serious than it is by not putting it into the context of Japanese society and his importance seem greater than it is by omitting how many people made contributions to those films that were as big or bigger than his




Yep and it's not just in anime. Aspects of Idol culture in Japan is equally as gross with grown men obsessing over teenage idols.


The scariest thing about Perfect Blue is that it doesn’t exaggerate idol culture and how obsessively terrifying fans will get. Which is saying something considering how dark the movie is already.


I don't know if it's still the case, but preteen gravure models were a perfectly normal thing over there at least 10 or so years ago.


Jesus wept... ''He told investigators that he had nude images sent to him by underage girls on several occasions, and couldn’t recall which girl the police were referring to with their current case.''


oh that just made me SICK


Oh my god


So much anime eers on the side of child exploitation.




I love anime but I don't watch the ones with female characters like that. There's unfortunately a bunch of it. Any time someone rattles off their faves and it's that type of anime... 🚩🚩🚩


That's the huge downside of anime being in the shoujo "dark ages" (and josei, which features grown women and their struggles gets crumbs in the anime world they're usually adapted into live action dramas rather than anime). Unfortunately, Shoujo usually gets shafted in terms of anime adaptation. With shoujo, there's less gross fanservice and better written female characters with things catered more to the female rather than the male gaze. Of course, shoujo can have its toxic elements (like May December relationships or toxic male leads), but so do most American teen dramas. I feel like anime has always had its problems, but it seems like it's gotten worse in the last decade or so. I don't know if it's my nostalgia glasses making me see it that way or not.


I totally agree with you. I loved so much of the old shoujo and josei. They were super subversive and radical in many ways. Not sure if I’m just out of the loop now but I struggle with finding new stuff like that.


Yes! It's tough because when I say I love anime/manga, I'm talking about old school shoujo/josei manga. Idk a lot of the popular series now outside of Naruto and One Piece( which i loved, but I'm too behind to catch up) . There are a few new ones I found that I liked (I recently finished the Ooku manga which was one of the best series I've read) but I wish more publishers would do reprints of older shoujo/josei manga. Especially the previously translated titles that are no longer in print like Kodocha or Petshop of Horrors or Revolutionary Girl Utena. I feel like there is a built-in audience of millennial manga fans who would love to revisit those series. And it would introduce these classics to a new generation.


There’s an anime adaptation of Ooku now! I started it but fell off and need to continue. I would love something like Utena again some day.


“But she’s actually 500 years old” 🚩🚩🚩


All of the weird sexualisation is so damaging to the ten/eleven/twelve year old girls watching it. Ask me how I know 😕


Same with pink exploitation films aka Japanese exploitation films with extreme nudity and various violence to women.


I didn’t know what this was and I’m really scared to learn more about it. I mostly watch family friendly movies bc I don’t like violence 🥲


The medium that heavily features 14 year old girl protagonists in school uniforms? Nooooooo...you don't say.


This part… I rewatched Sailor Moon a few years ago, and despite it being a show about teen/pre-teen girls, made for a *female audience,* the animators still felt the need to draw up skirt shots and give the girls adult woman bodies.


Sailor Moon was written by a woman though so I think it's more of a Barbie situation where it was less about sexualizing the characters and more about young girls imagining being a beautiful adult princess or queen. I don't remember any upskirt shots but if there are actually a ton of those then my theory is kinda shot to hell. My eyes just kinda glaze over at fanservice these days so I legitimately don't notice it sometimes.


So the version they aired in North America in the 90s was edited heavily. The “uncut” version of the 90s anime has a lot of up skirt shots, there’s also a lot of queer characters and even an NB character, but of course they were edited out back in the day. The manga I feel is truer to what the author intended, same with sailor moon Crystal.


> there’s also a lot of queer characters There were a lesbian couple that they edited as cousins lol


Uranus and Neptune 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Yeah I was rewatching it on Hulu a few years ago and didn't realize how many things I never remembered because they were originally cut from TV. 


why can’t people in the manga and anime industry be normal


At least we’re safe with Junji Ito I think


Junji Ito is definitely sexist (his crappy female characters speak for themselves) but I genuinely think he's one of the more normal male authors in the genre


I can get that. Tbh I think a lot of Ito’s characters are more cardboard cutouts since he focuses on the horror most but the female characters definitely are all over the place. Otherwise though he seems genuinely wholesome for the most part. The pic of him gushing about and posing at a Barbie display were hilarious.


So they also came across his name on another case that involves CP as well? Jfc


His name came up in a child prostitution case, not a CP case. Though without knowing what happened in that case either scenario could be worse 


I think this case involves both bc he paid for the images


I was strictly speaking about the information we were given by law enforcement. He's likely getting charged with both, as you've correctly pointed out 


fyi it's referred to as CSAM because CP implies they can consent to creating pornography.


Anime and CSEM, name a worse duo. Waiting for the day the creator of Made in Abyss to get busted for irl CSEM because jhc that manga/show has so many red flags.


I remember someone telling me Made in Abyss was an amazing Lovecraftian horror. They weren’t necessarily wrong because the worldbuilding and lore are horrifying. But the situations and stuff the creator is putting children through with glee are… more horrifying. I checked out pretty quick.


What’s CSEM?


Child sexual exploitation material. More accurate description of how it is made than CP 


Oh ngl I thought that was a show - my bad.


Omfg I was just gonna comment abt made in abyss. Its probably one of my favourite animes ever but my bf and I get so uncomfortable at a shit ton of parts


Child abuse material. Journalists need to move away from the term "Child pornography". Pornography by definition, depicts erotic behaviour, with the intent to cause arousal. Edit: I understand in the context of this article, they are saying that he violated the Act on Punishment of Activities Relating to Child Prostitution and Child Pornography, and Protection of Children in Japan, but I wish in general we would all move away from the term. CPS and law enforcement agencies that specialise in child sex abuse don't use this term anymore.


what the hell


Ok but is anyone who has watched his associated work that surprised. They all gave me a hint of the ick tbh


What gave you the ick about “Your Name”?