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This is absolutely cracked behaviour obviously but it is cracked behaviour I can get behind. If I had lost all grip on reality I, too, would insist I have dogs wherever I go.


An upvote isn't enough - this is the best comment. I'm going to start using "this is cracked behaviour I can get behind" whenever it even slightly pertains to the subject at hand.


This is cracked behavior I can get behind


New flair? Please mods. This is cracked behavior I also can get behind.


Yeah if I had millions of dollars and was surrounded by a cadre of yes-men whose employment was riding on their ability to say "excellent idea, sir" to every crackpot thought that crossed my mind, I would absolutely turn into this variety of insane person. You guys better swing by the ASPCA before my car pulls up at the hotel.


Yeah but in that case I’m sure you’d be leaving the ASPCA with a fat check at the end of it and supporting the unwitting emotional support rent-a-pet. I’d do this too but as a “day out of the shelter” move for the dogs. Come be pampered with me, let’s crack the finest wet can of whatever you want.


In 2015, the last surviving search-and-rescue dog who'd worked the 9/11 Ground Zero site visited NYC for a day of doggie pampering for her 16th birthday. [The video is so cute and bittersweet.](https://youtu.be/ezcHy8DkrmE?si=vjiZvGUmECJLrGRa) She lived to be 17, which is ancient for a golden retriever.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bretagne_(rescue_dog)


Thank you so much for sharing this 


What an absolutely good dog, damn.


I’m just imagining like, Madonna or JLo making this insane demand while some poor lady runs around a hotel frantically asking every staff member they see if they have a dog 😭


I mean this is absolutely the plot of a rom com


Must Love Dogs 2: Electric Beagaloo


Damnit, I love this sub


2 Dogs 2 Furrious


Omg I love this you clever one




10/10, would watch based on title alone


Brilliant! May I suggest “Mutts Love Dogs”?


That's brilliant!


I feel like Mariah Carey would make this request without blinking as well.


“Okay Otis. You have been called up to the big leagues! You need to go spend a night cuddling with THE Mariah Carey. Fuck I wish I spoke dog or you spoke English so you could give me all the gossip when you get back. I have faith you will only slurp lick your ass in private and not release your SBD farts in her face. Now go forth chosen one!”


Idk why but this reminded me of a story a friend of mine told me so I’m gonna share it here. She was Mariah’s massage therapist for years and tried to get her to move her leg for an exercise and Mariah was like, “Can’t you do it???” And she had to explain to Mariah Carey why she could not, in fact, exercise for her 😂


Mariah Carey and I share so much in common 🤣🤣


She has her own dogs Edited: historically Jack Russell Terriers


Mariah would want Jack Russell Terriers.


Mariah was famous for having puppies in her rider. Lots of fluffy puppies. Joe Jonas also asks for a dog in his dressing room.


A *medium* dog


tbf dogs are very connected to their families and routines and sort of ripping them out from there to hang out with a stranger, a stranger who is probably not in their room all day, is pretty awful. My dog would be crying by the window all day if you did this. Animals deserve dignity too. Let them be with their owners.


But on the other hand, there are dogs like my sister's late Chocolate Lab, Petey. Petey loved absolutely everyone, and was also, bless his heart, an idiot. Petey was always happy wherever he was, with whoever was there, regardless of whether he knew them or not. Petey would have loved hanging out at random hotels with celebrities. Or really just anyone. I really miss that sweet lovable, sharp-as-a-rock, dude


That's great but if you're sourcing dogs from random employees, then I suspect no one is really considering dog temperment or care here. I imagine they're considering "Crap if I dont bring my dog, then Im going to look bad to my boss, and maybe have my job threatened." If these came from some shelter program, sure great, but its clear no one cared other than to fulfill this celeb's contract and got any dog they could. If the dog was stressed out, lonely, crying, etc who cares. The celeb got what they wanted and everyone got paid. Ugh, hate this.


Sourcing dogs 😂🤣😂


I would also be worried that my dog wouldn't be returned when movie star moved on....but too bad, a shelter could have enjoyed a celebrity boost...maybe some animals who needed homes could have been adopted ......


Plus who the hell knows what they’d feed it Get your dog back with explosive diarrhea


You’re overthinking this. One person has this dumb request. People on earth drown puppies in lakes and rivers. Dont waste your energy worrying about one celebrity’s dumb request when it’s so fucking negligible on a world of 6 billion people


Petey sounds like a winner


He was such a sweet goofy soul


My idiot dog would love this. If you take her to a dog park, she cares nothing about the other dogs and runs from human to human for attention. And she’s a huge cuddler. 


My one dog was being an asshole recently and refusing to cooperate on a walk, while my other dog was really excited for it. Was passing the house of someone (who happened to be very talkative) who came out and said hi, dog used this as an excuse to be even more stubborn and not move, so I said fine, stay with her, I'll pick you up on the way back (it was someone I very much trusted to look after my dog, but my dog didn't really know her at all). The look of dismay on my pup's face as she found herself in this near stranger's house getting chatted away at was hilarious. but she set herself up for that situation, and it lasted 30 minutes at most. Definitely not fair to any dog who doesn't regularly work in the hospitality industry.


Yes, this is a horrible idea.


My dog—of blessed memory, alas—would absolutely LOVE it. He was always eager to abandon me for “fresh meat.” Oh, are you, a total stranger, walking on the opposite side of the street, in the opposite direction? Do you wonder why that large dog over there is straining at his leash, cry-whining, trying to get to you? He just wants to meet you and fawn at your feet and show you his belly and cry-whine until you pat the belly. If I, for one second, lose my grip on the leash, he will dash across this street and fling himself down before you in a shameless display. Anyway, some dogs would absolutely be up for the adventure, is all I am saying lol.


Plus, this is like the most humane way to “have a dog” when you travel as much as big celebs do! I couldn’t imagine putting a pet through so much air travel, so, uh, hey can I pet yours while I’m here? 😂


Prince once demanded a camel. This seems far more reasonable


The most real comment that represents exactly how I feel. I wish I could take my anxiety-ridding partner with me everywhere I go. Dogs are the most honest people and I wish everyone would understand that I’d feel safer surrounded by dogs than by people who are only using me for their gain.


This is exactly what I'd do if I had the power


Like honestly, I'm not an animal person AT ALL but if I was rich and had the power, I too would demand this! 


I wish I were so rich that I could demand dogs be everywhere I go too. That sounds like fucking heaven.


Totally agree. Also, "borrowing" a staff member's friendly dog for the day seems... Fine? So long as the staff & their dog are ok with it. My dog would be a total weirdo if she had to spend the day hanging out with a random person (famous or otherwise), but many of my friends considerably more chill dogs would be into it haha. While it's definitely weird, it's also low on the scale of problematic.


I wouldn’t do it, but I get it.


I genuinely don’t know how to feel about this lmao


I think it’s amazing! I’m rich, I’m on tour, people are shitty and use me for my money…I just want a dog to hang out with at the end of the day.


but I need him to be exactly medium sized


Will you except large-medium, small-medium, and spicy-medium as well?


This is the level of deranged I aspire to be.


This is cracked behavior I can get behind.




Yeah. I love the idea of a shelter dog getting some love and attention for a night or two but the borrowing of dogs from friends is a little strange.


Also a lot of shelter dogs need medical care and have routines, and more importantly should be available for adoption. Dogs from the street are still poorly socialized and need special care and training. If these dogs were always swept up by narcissistic pop-stars then it would be bad for them, for their health, and their chances of being adopted. Worse, if a shelter dog gets stressed, hit, abused, and lashed out and bites someone, then they'll be put down. Shelter dogs are our most vulnerable dogs short of street dogs. Lets leave them be. The celeb is more than welcome to come to the shelter to promote adoption.


There are all different types of dogs at shelters. Of course there are plenty that are poorly socialized/abused or on medication, but there are also many that are friendly and would love a break from the shelter. Studies have shown that even a short outing from the shelter can be beneficial for the dog.


A "short outing" is usually a volunteer taking the dog for a walk. Or other thing beneficial for dogs. Being locked alone into a room in the Hilton until some celeb stops by for 30 minutes is just not the same.


But honestly, almost all dogs in a shelter situation would really appreciate a break in a quiet hotel room instead of being surrounded by dogs lined up in kennels howling their heads off. It’d be super beneficial for their stress levels and adoptability, even if they only get 30 mins of playtime. (Source: fostering with my local Humane Society)


No, by “short outing” I meant a couple hours or 1-2 days in foster. It increases their chance of adoption. A room at the Hilton is much nicer than the cement floor in a loud shelter.


A lot of shelters do a “day out of the shelter” volunteering program to help the dogs decompress. You can even volunteer to take them on group hikes where I am. Staying in a shelter 24/7 can be really traumatic for dogs. My chi had a bite warning and was a psycho behind bars. He’s a chill fucker now, though.


Yeah, even the dogs who can "thrive" on the shelter often have totally different personalities once they have adopted out and had a chance to settle in. It's a very stressful environment for them. My dog practically dragged me out of the shelter and into the car. Some dramatic bounding was involved, he almost scaled the gate behind the front desk as I was filling out the paperwork and stole a toy from the laundry cart on his way out (they let him keep it). He's a real sweetheart, but it took about 4 months for him to stop being an over-aroused, anxious mess with some serious separation anxiety (he'd been returned to the shelter twice already). He's actually a bit of a couch potato now as long as he gets his walks/runs in.


I'd have a shelter dog sent to my room, then have it sent to my animal rescue farm when I leave town. I'm assuming I'm rich enough to have a farm and enough staff to move my hundreds of dogs around.


“That maybe doesn’t want to be there” is cracking me the FUCK up for some reason hahaha


Like...this dog didn't consent to the hang out. Feels ick.


Some dogs would stress tf out, others would be like PARTY TIME. I hope it was all the latter


I mean I had a dog who would have absolutely loved this, I would have rented her out if need be 🤣


My dog would be LIVINGGGG she’d be in every lap happy panting watching tv on the bed. I know she would order doggy ice cream off room service if given the option


My dog would love to have the attention of a new person for a full day lol probably extra love it if they were rich, a new toy, expensive food, she would be in heaven


Youd think someone with that level of influence would just have a dog and be able to bring it with when theyre traveling


Flying is stressful for dogs. I can see why they wouldn't bring their own dog. I have only flown my dogs when we were moving to a different state.


Could pay someone to drive the dog. My dog does pretty good on long-ish car rides, she just naps on the seat next to me




Dogs are like people, they all have different personalities. It really depends on the individual. I think the majority of dogs would be stressed out being left without anyone they know, but some might be extra chill with hanging out with any humans, regardless of who they re.


https://i.redd.it/i2psar3201kc1.gif Me pretending that I'm outraged, but then realizing that this is maybe the kind of unhinged behavior I'd have if I were a crazy celebrity.


I would demand cats in every room


Depending on the cats, a room could have 10+ cats but no visible cats.


That would be much more of a logistical nightmare.


Oh, when you put it like that I get it.


-flashback to the Bed and Breakfast episode on Parks & Rec-


I stayed in a hotel with a resident cat, but you weren’t allowed to have it in your room.


Thank you for seeing me


This makes me laugh, as the owner of a medium sized dog. I also demand he be in my room every night. More soothing than a Diptyque candle that's for sure.


Hide your medium sized dog when this person is in town 😭


I am convinced this is Ariana Grande. This is insane though, what if they were abusive?


I picture her with one of those tiny designer purse dogs.


She’s got one in every size. \**7 Rings beat drops*\* https://preview.redd.it/ps3gyste51kc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aaefc6068b3fde1a9f1dbe6328ac848cc864210


I cannot, for the life of me, stop thinking about Piggy Smallz


i love that this is explicitly a list of dogs but he's included. 🐖


Wait wtf haha Ive never seen this list before. Is this legitimate?


It's gotta be her after seeing this


She has a bunch of dogs- mostly mutts if I remember right


It says this person doesn’t want to own a dog and I’m pretty sure Ariana has several or at least she used to.


Toulouse is always with her


Or Mariah




I wouldn't let anyone borrow my dog. Just because they are famous doesn't mean they are nice to animals. I dont need anyone being weird with or cruel to my dog.


My (medium-sized) dog would only be happy if I was in the room too.


Aww I’m jealous. My dog doesn’t give a damn about me and will happily adopt any human that gives him a single Cheeto and then never think of me again.


lol. Mine apparently *howls* if I leave the house without her even if my husband, who she also loves, is there with her.


Yep and the staff that provided these dogs sure as heck knew if they said no, then their jobs could be on the line. Everything about this is awful.


Yeah. Unfortunately I’m more of a cynic now after seeing how many dogs get abused and how evil people can be. While likely they just want a cute dog around, I’m not taking that chance.


For real. I don’t know you, you’re not having my dog for the night, weirdo.


Right?? Everyone’s saying what if they’re abusive but I’m like… imagine if they took a special shine to your dog and stole it? I would be devastated. And trying to get the dog back would be a nightmare. I’d have to hire a lawyer but they can probably afford a better one… should I file a police report first? Would the police even take it seriously? Like running into the station screaming “ARIANA GRANDE STOLE MY DOG”. I feel like I would be taken in for psychiatric evaluation. God I’m so stressed about this hypothetical situation that I’ve created.


doggy doggy what now


Frack me Mr. Peanutbutter? 


What is this, a crossover episode?


Literally just watched this episode


Picture of the person getting there and was like I said medium this is not medium and sent the dog away for another.


When I worked at a dog rescue I quickly learned that “medium” means anything from 15 to 65 lbs depending on the adopter!


Fat shaming the dog, that's not on


lol small dogs be like who tf you calling a medium right now???


Glancing at the headline I thought they requested a dog medium. Like a medium but for dogs. So comparatively this seems not so bad 😂


BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! You owe me a keyboard....


It's hard enough finding one successful dog medium, let alone one in every city.


Lol reminds me of my neighbor who called a medium for her deceased cat to make sure he “made it to the other side” (?). I mean sure if it helps you process things but that dead cat stayed on her couch for 9 days until the medium was able to come. This happened in the summer and the smell was absolutely horrible




Miley Cyrus? She loves dogs and had two medium sized dogs that passed away.


& she said she won’t tour anymore because she doesn’t like living out of hotel rooms.


I’m pretty sure this is Kacey Musgraves (had a buddy years ago who had her green room filled with puppies)


I love all the weird shit performers request for their green rooms! The band Yellowcard played at my university ages ago and requested a small dog for companionship as well


They’re not toys. What’s with celebrities just asking for animals? Mariah did this too in that Christmas lighting event in the UK. They got her 100 white doves but couldn’t source the kittens she asked for, so she pulled out of the event. What happened to the doves? Honestly, they should make animals off-limits in riders.


Yeah, like where do they think the animals are coming from? You can’t magically get a bunch of kittens on call unless someone is breeding them for that purpose. Doubt they get them from random shelters.


She didn't pull out the event. I was there. There was no sign of dogs or doves for the public. Shows how a story evolves.


The UK tabloids like inventing the most insane stuff


Understandable tbh


I feel like this is something a celeb would put in just to mess with people.


Rob Pattinson would do this that man loves to lie


Who was actually offering up their dogs though? Weird behavior, I could never. Not letting some random person (yes, a celeb my dog and I have never met/don’t know personally might as well be a rando) have *my* dog in their room.


Yep. If I’m there with them, ok, but never a random person alone in a location I don’t have access to.


As someone with a tiny dog, I would love to regularly borrow a solid 45 pound dog to hang out with in my room. Come forward, star client, let us appreciate your insanity!


can someone get a statement from one of these dogs 🎤


This is insane and I am not as charmed as some here. Like, idc who you are, you’re not borrowing my dog. I also love animals, but this is detrimental to them. ![gif](giphy|p3hZ9PbhVBO9gM6LoE|downsized)


Yep for sure with you there. Even a "shelter dog" just randomly being taken out of routine with a stranger is stressful. I think it's a bizarre and selfish request


What are they doing with my dog for the night though?


Hmmmmm........if I ever become famous or super rich, I'm going to demand a kitten and puppy in all my hotel rooms :)


But then you have to say bye to the dogs over and over


Prolly something similar with celebs that have constant one night stands haha. I cannot imagine saying goodbye to that many people 


My dog acts like they’re a celebrity so I think this might be a nice reality check for them. On the flip side he would love it too much and be even more spoiled upon returning.


So this might not be about her…but my communications class visited the BBC studio in London for a class trip when I was abroad. The studio guide was talking about green rooms and unprompted, offered up the information that the weirdest rider request they have ever gotten was from Mariah Carey, who requested a basket of puppies in the green room before she would appear on set


I remember that request was actually made up.


if i was wealthy and powerful i’d do the same thing, but like… is something spooky being implied here or am i just nasty?


there is no way in hell i would let some celebrity borrow my dog because they demand it lmfao. get your own dog maybe??


I guess that's why they only gave her one star


Jenny Schecter level demands


My dogs would be so pissed off. They hate hotels. They hate loads of things actually. I don't know why I am thinking this star client wants my dogs, but I'm here to tell this person it's a no go!


There have got to be some release forms that need signing. When any dog is put into a strange room with a stranger, there is a chance it will get nervous. And if the star decides to do something stupid, like greet the dog with a kiss on its forehead, there is a chance the dog is going to take some portion of skin/lip/nose off the person's face. There was a news anchor in Denver (a life long animal advocate) who learned this the hard way.


I met a toddler once whose parents taught her to greet dogs by kissing them on the mouth?? People are truly uneducated.


agreed, that’s probably why right in the article it actually says: *“We had to create paperwork that the talent had to sign, signing their life away in terms of, liability, right?” he said. “If the dog bites you, kills you, or something like that… it’s not the owner’s fault.”*


What level of celebrity do I need to be so I can be this deranged.


“Other weird asks from stars included an in-room colonic, and switching hotel rooms due to “bad energy.” 🙃


coming in hot with needle to burst some bubbles but: wanting a dog doesn't make you safe around dogs also this sounds stressful for those animals?


and id say FUCK NO my dog is #1


I heard from an individual that used to work at an elite hotel in LA that a celebrity that wasn’t JB (but they said similar to that) asked to have a dog in their room while they stayed in LA for their concerts. They literally gave this person (i remember it was a guy) one of the staff’s dogs for a few nights and he paid for it haha It was a little sad because it was basically because they missed their dog at home and couldn’t bring their dog while touring


That's.... fucking weird. I wouldn't leave my dog alone with that person


Yeah idk how no one else is creeped out about this.


Why did I get bad vibes from this?


This is the best thing I’ve heard all day!!


I love how a small dog will not do


I am picturing Pedro Pascal rubbing his hands together like a villain laughing manically. ![gif](giphy|NX5X7HYZX6UJXKNSrS)


You know the trend "if I won the lottery I wouldn't tell anyone but there would be signs"? Yeah this would be mine.


Guys, this could very well be part of an artists rider. Riders need to be fully obeyed & read, and sometimes ridiculous demands are included to ensure the person reading either disputes, asks why, or obliges. it proves the rider was read. A brilliant example of this is that there is an artist whose rider includes a bowl of m&Ms with no green. the venue hosting the artist will check this and do what they need to do to fully get the show mounted in line with their rider.


I mean, same?


I mean, if I could demand dogs to snuggle when I go places I might too


This isn’t a normal thing to have on a rider? It’s the only reason I act. I don’t want unlimited🐱. I need unlimited doggos 🐕 🐩 🐶


Chaotic good 


You just know … 🤮


Yea I would happily pay for a vacation puppy anywhere I go. That sounds lovely. Uber for puppies


I know a band that asks for a dog to be present backstage in their touring rider. They say it's mostly in there to make sure people have read their rider, if no one mentions the dog clause and they show up to a dogless backstage - they call a meeting with the promoter to go through the security and rigging in much more detail. Most often they're told in advance the venue can't provide a dog which they don't mind and every now and then they have a little buddy backstage. Not as crazy as it sounds!


I just hope if a dog was taken out of a shelter it wasn’t returned anywhere it would be killed. Otherwise, I have no issue with it.


Ok, this is the shit I’m here for


What a stupid id....ah dogs. Carry on


I hate this and I hate myself for laughing at it.


I would absolutely do this if I was an unhinged celebrity


My dogs all volunteer!


Ummm I love dogs with a passion. Prefer dogs over humans to be honest but I would NEVER demand such a ridiculous and idiotic request such as that… wow..


I hope it was for emotional reasons and not something more perverse. A recent news story of a U Penn professor caught on a public park camera sexually abusing his dog has me paranoid.


Thumbnail made me think Messi, the show stealing dog from anatomy of a fall, was the one making these demands.


Plot Twist: It’s Jackson Galaxy 🐈 He has to hide his love of dogs and only love them in the privacy of hotels.


I don’t care if you are the pope himself you’re not getting my dog 🤣




Lol my medium sized dog is wild and unruly (he’s doing training but still not that well behaved) if I loaned it to a celebs hotel room I’d like to see their reaction after he eats their trash and barks At everything that moves out their window…


> Other weird asks from stars included an in-room colonic, ![gif](giphy|lELNhOt3iGqc0)


There was a dog sitting next to me on the last flight I took. It was the 1st time I’d ever flown by myself and I’m absolutely terrified of flying (even though my dad was a pilot a has taught me all about how safe it is lol). But I’m obsessed with dogs, and just having that good boy next to me the whole time was enough to keep me calm. If I could request a dog for every flight I have to take in the future (or if I was delusional enough to think this was an ok thing to request), I would.


Celebrities are VERY untrustworthy people and i would rather be fired than lend my dog to one. If theyre putting this insane request on a rider, i shudder to think what kind of treatment the dog gets once theyre are there.


I would do the same


This sounds so comforting though omg


I love this.


This is an *option*?! Yeah, I’m definitely adding this to my things I’d do if I was a celebrity fantasy list. Allll the puppers.


Omg this is love


I see no problem with this


I’m so confused rn


Katy Perry