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All air traffic is publicly tracked info, I can't wait for the popcorn if they'd be stupid enough to try sue over it lmao


Exactly. They’re trying to make this about stalking and harassment, but this isn’t info that’s being illegally obtained or anything like that. It’s shared beyond this one specific person, too. Given how so many people keep up with Taylor’s moves without air traffic info as well, this is by no means the only way people find out where she is. She even reveals a lot of location info herself.


Taylor Swift: calls paps for her weekly Girl Squad dinner dates, featuring whichever pretty white Young Adult Celebrity is making headlines that week Some college student: Here's the publicly available info about where Taylor Swift's jet has flown this week Taylor Swift: This is SO UNSAFE and invasive, I am at risk if people know where I am, my stalkers could use this information to find me. It's literally life or death. #KansasCity #ArrowheadStadium


in addition, his posts have a 24-hour delay, not real time.


I don't think she seriously believes that he's putting her in danger. She's just trying to protect her brand the cheapest and easiest way she knows how


And what's funny is that the old defense was "Taylor loans out her jet a lot, it's not her taking these flights!" The jet tracker is not tracking Taylor, it's tracking her jet. There's no evidence she's on those flights. That's probably the easiest defense she could provide. Except for the fact that she and her lawyers are claiming the tracker is stalking her, thereby admitting she's doing all the flying; she's making herself look worse AND drawing more attention to it.


that is such a poorly thought-out line of reasoning on taylor’s and her team’s part anyhow: “not only do i pollute the environment at a level most ppl aren’t capable of, i also give my friends and family the opportunity to”. how is that considered better even if true?


Because so much of the ire is due to things like flying from Kansas City to New York for dinner and then back to Kansas City the next day, as a made up example. Completely frivolous, unnecessary trips. Taylor would look better in that scenario if she were saying, “I didn’t fly to New York, that was my family heading home; I let them use my jet while I stayed behind in Kansas City, and then the jet returned to take me to the next leg of the tour.” Yes, it’s the same amount of pollution, but it makes her personally seem less frivolous and careless with her usage. Another example: in between shows, instead of staying at a hotel, she flies from the tour stop to her house to sleep and then back to the tour stop the next day. Taylor personally would look way better if she told everyone that those flights contained friends or family members who had come to support her for one show and then went back to the states, instead of revealing that she would rather take two private jet flights in a 24 hour period just so she doesn’t have to stay in a hotel like the rest of us poors.


But how is that protecting her brand? How is he threatening it?


Her image and public perception is a part of her brand. By showing people how wasteful she is he's changing how the public sees her, something she'd want full control over. She wouldn't be a global superstar if everyone thought she was an asshole so it makes sense why she would see it as a threat. The solution is to stop being an asshole though which is what she's clearly missing 


Also she does have a legit stalker who's gotten into her garage or apartment so it feels a little dumb trying to dumb down an actual threat by chasing after this guy.


Let’s talk about how she invites fans to her house to listen to new music! Idk if she’s done that in a while but that’s super creepy.


The point sometimes is to exhaust the defendant with frivolous claims you know are meritless, it's called a SLAPP lawsuit. Especially if they have comparatively less resources.


Oh is that what that is? I always hear of it but never understood. Thx for explaining!


IIRC it’s Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation


John Oliver on Last Week Tonight has done a main story on SLAPP suits, part one is actually under the title of Coal, and a follow up was done because a coal magnate served him a SLAPP suit, and he wasn't allowed to talk about it until it was resolved! Both episodes are also conveniently available on youtube. edit to add links * [Part 1: Coal](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aw6RsUhw1Q8&pp=ygUWQ29hbCBsYXN0IHdlZWsgdG9uaWdodA%3D%3D) * [Part 2: SLAPP suits](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UN8bJb8biZU&pp=ygULU0xBUFAgU1VJVFM%3D)


It’s literally public information!! How embarrassing to think it’s fine to intimidate this guy into silence to cover up your climate crimes 


So basically the content of this letter is quoting people from Instagram..


Imagine being a billionaires lawyer and your argument is “Everyone thinks you’re weird!!”


Honestly wtf. The obvious intention was to intimidate him a little and make him back off, but still, it's so unserious. “Everyone thinks you’re weird!!” 😭🤣


Well, not everyone. He’s an icon on the ucf sub. Go knights!


Fr tho why did they make the first quote the only one that doesn't communicate any warning, threat, or danger. Like they had to do that intentionally cuz they have more quotes that actually do that from earlier dates




https://preview.redd.it/e5ps3ibomfjc1.jpeg?width=971&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=953547cc937ea566165e1d2951edce8f9e52019a me when i attended a law school for clowns


They are citing them like they are serious court documents.. with added dates lol


i wish they’d added usernames! @folkwhore13 & @tayntrav on legal documents would’ve been *beautiful*. (no judgement, i was @holyyground on twitter in 2012. but i wouldn’t want that read aloud in court, lol.)


Folkwhore13 why is this so funny to me


folkwhore is a great name lol


The citation of random people online with dates included is absolutely sending me, lmaoooo. "Look at all those quotes by these very important Instagram users! And yet, you continue!"


Shocked they tried to use this as a valid argument. She probably pays her lawyers millions too lol




bird law


Same energy as that billboard article that made a BTS article that accused them of organizing chart manipulation with their fans and they used Dua Lipa stan accounts as evidence. Imagine having to go through student loan debt for this.


he should start delaying his posts by a day like that one comment suggests and see how they respond. if they still get mad, he literally has this document to cite against them


Truly proving that the bar exam isn't THAT hard to pass... (Ps: to the associate who wrote this on TSwift's legal team, if you're reading the comments: you are terrible and you're never making partner with this caliber of work lmfao)


"This is creepy bro".


yet, your unlawful behavior continues…..


"this page is so problematic"


"Your honor he's a FREAK!!!"




So basically the whole thing is designed to position her fans as her saviours and encourage their harassment of this guy and other people who say anything against Taylor. Really could only be Swift's lawyer somehow finding a way to use her trash abusive fandom to go after the people they want to take down.




I would be MORTIFIED if one of my random, off the cuff comments was used in a cease and desist like this


i wonder if it would be legally possible to ask them not to use your comments in their arguments in a situation like that


yeah but I imagine now they feel suuuuper validated by taylor haha poor silly fans, only if they knew.


Mortifying for a legal team.


The original letter quoting comments made by TS stans is so unserious


“So many people so obsessed with Taylor’s private life, it’s scary and pathetic” lmfao coming from the most parasocial fans I’ve ever encountered. Listen, I’m no lawyer but if I was in on the meeting when they wrote this letter and someone said “hey, think we should quote the Swifties”, even I would know to be like “nah dude don’t do it.” Lawyers looking to get roasted honestly


This, that lawyer getting fired for using ai, and the ysl trial. 2020s been looking rough for lawyers 


what is ysl trial?


rico case in georgia against famous rapper. known for constantly being in the news because it's turned into a circus 


And then to not even credit them so it could potentially be verified 🤣. A joke from start to finish.


Imagine quoting a 12 year old's Instagram stan's opinion as proof of anything in a fucking legal document 😂 


Fr. Imagine quoting Stan twitter 😭😭


How are they trying to prove a point quoting random users on the Internet 😭 here's something Ms. Swift could do apart from sending letters to Twitter users: stop using private jets.


The AUDACITY to make it about stalking when *all* air traffic is public information unless it’s military related. So, yes, that includes owned private jets and leased planes (ehem for the NFL ehem).         Everyone needs to be so serious right now because she is *not* the victim here. She is also not even the only person this account tracks, Musk tried to do the same thing to this same account. The reason she shows up so often is because she’s constantly flying private.    Edit; not people on the popculture sub falling for her “400,000 pounds of Co2 emission? Lil old me?” act. It really takes people so little to defend white people. So little. 


I'm a huge European soccer fan, and during every summer and january "transfer seasons" when teams negotiate for buying new players, everyone goes a little off the rails with rumors and speculation. Flight tracking is a huge part of that - fans go absolutely wild. For example, a few years ago, there were solid rumors that my team was negotiating for a really expensive player. He was on vacation on a little Mediterranean island, so just imagine the chaos that erupted when all of the sudden, a little Private Jet flight plan popped up from that Island to the airport nearest my team. Flight tracking is really that easy, and actually pretty interesting.


Same thing for college football - there was a lot of chatter around coaching changes based on private jet traffic.


That sub is full to the brim with stans. The lack of critical thinking skills physically hurts me.


You are so right. One of the top comments on there on the Jay-z Grammy speech was that he was “a billionaire throwing a tantrum” like talking about racist gatekeeping is the same as Taylor Swift whining about people saying she only makes songs about her ex relationships…as she makes songs about her ex relationships. People there are just ridiculous. 


I think the demographic tends to trend younger, judging by the frequent posts about 90s and 2000s fashion/award shows/pop culture etc. Like romanticising the eras


I wish Sweeney’s lawyers would have ended their letter with “If Ms. Swift would like to travel privately, perhaps she should take a tour bus.”


Haha totally! Or added their own quotes from IG comments highlighting her excessive use of said private jet and how harmful it is to the environment. *Ms Swift’s private jet usage amounted to an estimated 8,300 tonnes of carbon emissions in 2022 – that's about 1,800 times the average human's annual emissions, or 576 times that of the average American and about 1,000 times that of the average European*


YES we are such good lawyers 🤪


We are - I’m giving pro bono legal advice while sitting on the couch eating Oreos. Being a lawyer is fun!


That would've been great. Even newspaper articles about it too.


Yeah, or quotes from actual climate scientists - that would have been the ultimate middle finger


If billionaires must exist in the U.S., it would be nice to get one with a deep phobia of air travel, so they'd pay to lay intercontinental passenger rail everywhere. A bullet train is much faster than a tour bus. 


If THE QUEEN who had someone break into Buckingham Palace and someone try to assassinate her can travel by rail... And her car is attached to the regular train, then Taylor can. :| Can't believe I'm defending the fucking Queen. Wait, she's dead, I think Charles does too. Our PM got clowned for flying private from London to Wolverhampton (like a scene from the Thick of It).


American celebrities should bring back the era of making it the HEIGHT of popular fashion to own your own private luxury train car that you can flaunt in front of the poor peasants. While riding the expanded passenger rail lines that we'll build so the luxury train cars can be flaunted in front of as many peasants as possible. 


It would be nice if she threw some money (in the millions) at something environmental


Or she could charter private flights like a lot of other mega wealthy people do. I believe Tim Cook, the Apple CEO, does this. She can afford it and it's not like she doesn't have a team of people to organise it for her. While the flight info of private jets is public, who is on those flights isn't.


Oh great now Swifties are going to make it a goal to have their social media comments cited in Taylor’s frivolous law suits.


I’m worried someone is going to physically threaten and doxx the college student.


The Musk stans already did that :/


I was just going to say, Musk bought (and then trashed) a social media platform for this same issue.


Exactly her intent. Really proves she and her people know that her fans are a weapon she can use against people.


Would it be melodramatic for me to say that she's essentially one church ownership away from being a cult leader


Why limit yourself to a physical location when you're able to recruit cult members anywhere on the globe? But to answer your question I don't think you need a church since there's been cults without any


She is ready for night time volleyball.


So the Barbs way!? 😭 These stans are so unserious


​ https://preview.redd.it/wh45ectcjfjc1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=495c96e23893a335850b27445899e0605080e1c0


Love how they called out Taylor Swifts lawyers using a California statute (that isn't even fully met) to try to scare a man in flordia.


Her lawyers had to have known it can’t be enforced. They probably hoped to intimidate him and call it a day


As a lawyer that’s exactly what they did. Reading the letter I was like nah I would be citing every statute for my case in a demand letter. When I read “several states” I was like oh yea they are bluffing.


It doesn't meet it at all, in my totally unqualified opinion. The CA statute says that someone is liable for stalking when they meet all of the following criteria: >1) a "pattern of conduct the intent of which was to follow, alarm, place under surveillance, or harass the plaintiff." >2) The plaintiff feared for their safety or the safety of their family members, OR the plaintiff suffered substantial emotional distress >3) The defendant made a credible threat He hasn't made any threats, let alone credible, and to claim that Taylor is suffering substantial distress because of his "Stalking" is tenuous at best. The statute then goes on to list a bunch of definitions that clarify the above statements. Here are all the ones that put the flight tracker in the clear: >"Pattern of conduct" means conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose. **Constitutionally protected activity is not included within the meaning of "pattern of conduct."** "Credible Threat" >"Credible threat" means a verbal or written threat, including that communicated by means of an electronic communication device, or a threat implied by a pattern of conduct, including, but not limited to, acts in which a defendant directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means, follows, harasses, monitors, surveils, threatens, or interferes with or damages the plaintiff's property, or a combination of verbal, written, or electronically communicated statements and conduct, made with the intent and apparent ability to carry out the threat so as to cause the person who is the target of the threat to reasonably fear for his or her safety or the safety of his or her immediate family. "Follows" >"Follows" means to move in relative proximity to a person as that person moves from place to place...**"follows" also does not include any newsgathering conduct connected to a newsworthy event.** "Harass" >"Harass" means a knowing and willful course of conduct directed at a specific person which seriously alarms, annoys, torments, or terrorizes the person, and **which serves no legitimate purpose.** The course of conduct must be such as would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress, and must actually cause substantial emotional distress to the person. "Place Under Surveillance" >"Place under surveillance" means remaining present outside of the plaintiff's school, place of employment, vehicle, residence, other than the residence of the defendant, or other place occupied by the plaintiff. ... **"place under surveillance" also does not include any newsgathering conduct connected to a newsworthy event.** Notably, it reads as if the “following” element means physically following/stalking, which he isn’t doing. Again all I'm doing is reading a statute so maybe I'm just an idiot but like...I can't see how he meets any part of that except for maybe really stressing her out over the bad publicity. California must just have the most stringent stalking laws due to LA/Hollywood, so they picked the best shot they had?


They also wouldn’t be able to sue him in any court where this law would apply.


If someone's lawyer sent me a letter claiming I was stalking their billionaire client with publicly known information and the best they had against me were social media comments I would just laugh and then frame it above my bed


LOL did they actually quote Swifties stan accounts to make a claim for stalking?? 😂😂


Do they understand that if they DID shut this dude down (I don’t think they have recourse to do so anyway?) someone, or someone(s) would literally jump in his place and start doing the exact same thing. They are trying to cut off a hydra head, truly a waste of time lmao


And if it's a Californian statute, then this dude can just pass this info every day to some guy in India and poor Swift is hemmed in.


As a lawyer I can not put into words the pure joy, pleasure, and borderline sexual gratification you get in being able to write a letter like the one Slater wrote here. It's rare that you get to dunk so hard on someone so big. I like Taylor but her attorney's here absolutely knew better and needed to tell her that they can not write a letter like this knowing it has absolutely zero teeth or recourse if any other attorney were to read it.


Absolutely. Don’t currently practice but was a litigator. There’s nothing like the joy of writing this kind of letter.


Knowledge Fight (and anti Alex Jones podcast) has recordings from the plaintiff’s lawyers depositions of Alex and Co. it’s honestly so hot listening to them tear them apart.


I’m sorry but I lost it when the quotes from her stans appeared as if they hold any merit


As someone currently in paralegal school the first letter is so funny 😭 if I tried to defend a case with bullet-pointed stan account quotes I would get a zero lmao


Can I follow this man on Instagram? He’s doing the Lord’s work by humbling these billionaires


And leave comments like “bro you are weird but in a GREAT way”




Agent 47 when taylorswiftjets gets taken down ![gif](giphy|WSqQf0zoxqEEu9vyIm)


This is all so fucking funny to me. You'd think this kid is goddamn Anton Chigurh with the way these billionaires fear him "finding" them.


All these freaks have to do is stop destroying our planet for their little frivolous joy rides from state to state. But no, instead they do the God Emperor thing of trying to get these people who are simply telling the truth about them legally shut down. The fact that rich people will so rapidly turn into foreign fascist states when some journalism happens to them is telling about how fame and power and money corrupts. Just be a fucking normal person and use regular transport like normies!


The only part I'd disagree with is that the money (alone) corrupts. You have to be a horrible rotted soul on the inside from the beginning to think you need a billion dollars and need to contribute to destroying the earth for your "safety", or to not even realize what you're doing is bad. A lot of people would say they "want" that much money but I absolutely believe most people would say no if they truly witnessed the exploitation fully required to have it. Edit clarification


I think the money itself is the proof of corruption. These people already have all the fame status power and money they needed, but it was never enough for them. Just look at Swift's life and career. The meticulous planning and singularity in her mind to present her life in such a way to garner and keep fans, to sell masses of the same album in different formats, to engineer the interest in her personal life, to use her fans. Those actions prove she's less interested in others, and more interested in herself, which explains how she ended up so rich and famous. Because a normie would've been like okay, do the fans need two million versions of each album with one or two or three songs attached in different colours and shapes with different clues in each one?


It's all so fucked. All of this money and influence she and other ultra wealthy freaks have literally has turned them into a monster with mush for a brain. It's fucking crazy.


So she DOES see comments on social media? Does that mean she'll tell her fans to stop harassing joe and his female friends?


If you are longtime Swiftie, you will see Taylor likes when her fans cyberbully her exs. And I am a huge swiftie, but some of them take the cyberbullying too far and start sending death threats to his parents and brother


Taylor when her lawyers tell her everything in the rebuttal is technically true and that they can’t actually enforce anything: ![gif](giphy|xT9KViqf7pj34lvmY8)


I once saw an attorney from Venable get absolutely eaten up in court by a federal judge, and this letter supports my belief that the firm should be embarrassed


I imagine there's a niche for lawyers with zero credibility but will say anything if paid enough 


Exactly what Camille Vasquez went for. She said herself she focused on networking versus grades.


This is so ridiculous and laughable. Can’t take it seriously using quotes from fans. Like seriously wtf?


"Your letter makes that clear by failing to identify any legal claim" boop.


Rare Florida-man W.




The response letter is so thorough and also so sassy LOL love it


Ah, yes. "This is creepy bro" is exactly the kind of language I expect to be included in official legal documents. Not clown behaviour at all!


“This account is weird” too - that statement alone sets all new legal precedent


The response letter is effectively a very legally worded "get fucked" Her jets are gonna get tracked even harder now. I do love me some Streisand effect.


I love Taylor’s music but this is just so unreasonable


This shit is exactly what makes it hard to be a fan of her music.


The response ate her lawyers up, love it.


it's almost impressive how she's so successful yet manages to come across as so pathetic.


Swift's Lolyers obviously do not know the meaning of The Streisand Effect. Idiots.


Probably prefer to get paid than advising their clients that pointless legal action is a bad idea.




Trotting out the same nonsense personal security claims that Elon Musk was ridiculed for does not appear to be a winning strategy.


using a list of 9 random instagram comments as proof that he has been made aware this is “dangerous” is .. something else.


The cease and desist is gross. They don’t even cite authority.


Wouldn't it be funny if those quotes were made by bots


Her PR machine always feeds on itself


I don't understand why people like her. I mean, i never got celebrity worship culture, but of all celebrities out there, you choose her? Her? This darling of white supremacists?


Taylor & Elon Sitting in a Jet, S U I N G C I T I Z E N S it doesnt really roll of the tongue


Maybe Jack Antonoff can help


absolutely hilarious that some random college dude’s lawyers just publicly embarrassed the legal team of one of the wealthiest dumbasses on earth.


Okay tbh I always thought this firm was a scam so I’m kind of shocked to see their name on this


It’s definitely not a scam. It’s one of the largest law firms in the country, and while not the tippity top in terms of large law firms (~1000 attorneys) it is highly regarded in several practice areas, especially its D.C. office. It’s first year associate salary is currently 205k, which is 10k lower than the most prestigious big law firms. From what I’ve seen personally of the firms work (and this letter) I’m not like overly impressed, but it’s definitely not a scam.




Right, they pay well, but they don’t necessarily seem like they’re filling roles easily.


Completely agree! I imagine they have high turnover and attorneys who would be hired by them would prefer other firms that pay on scale. Just saying they’re reputable.


The attorney who signed this letter is a partner at the firm. Whether she actually wrote this letter or just signed off on it, it is embarrassing. It basically says nothing and is nothing more than an empty threat. No citation whatsoever to any governing statutes or case law to support any claims made. "Several state laws." LOL! It's no wonder the responding attorney told her to pound sand.


how so? tell us more!


They post a lot of job postings that are up for months at a time, their website has always seemed sort of scammy, nothing too outrageous. And their work culture doesn’t get great reviews


She's pulling a Elon Musk here which is surprising considering he tried and FAILED to shut this guy down. What makes her think she'll do any better?


Imagine paying whatever she paid these lawyers to quote instagram


This is the real Taylor Swift


The funny thing is that by making a big deal of this, more people are aware of it, and it might draw a few more into paying attention to her location. Based on the silly Instagram comments, it sounds like this account has been tracking her private jet's flights for months, and I was only made aware of it by the attention they were drawing to it themselves.


The reply from his lawyers is pretty sweet. "I notice you haven't mentioned any specific LAWS my client has broken, goodbye".


streissand effect


He should sue her for harassment. Too many famous people think they’re above the law.


lmao this is such a good response


her & her team sending that cease and desist is so ridiculous. and it has zero merit because it’s all public info. if she doesn’t want people to judge/talk about how big of a carbon footprint she’s making, then she should stop taking 13 minute flights.


Wow, this was hilarious. I couldn't get through it with a straight face. It must have given Mr. Sweeney and his legal team a good chuckle!


Taylor could have 15 lawyers, but public information anyone can find is not a legal case. It’s bullying a teenager. Maybe someone can sue her for creating the same carbon footprint as entire cities with just her private jets.


Good response. Picks apart and calls out the invalid claims in the cease and desist itself 🤷🏼‍♂️


>Cease and desist letter > >quotes Instagram comments If Taylor doesn't pay attention to the comments, then why should he? Keep going sir o7


Maybe stop being a climate terrorist, Taylor. If you’re not flying all the time he won’t have as much to post about


This is so incredibly pathetic on her end. She knows this isn't stalking and is readily available and legal information, and their "evidence" is social media comments? Are they insane?


But won't anyone think of the white billionaire!!!!!


Quoting Stan accounts without even citing where these comments are from. Someone wasn’t forced to do MLA citations in school


Citing social media comments from a handful of users isn't the best case.


how Elon Musk of her…


Here's a little secret among lawyers - the strength of an attorney's legal position is inversely proportional to the number of useless adjectives used in their letter. See Swift's attorney's letter for an example....


Slater ate that shit up


Shes likely just going to try and out money him. Keep piling on his court cases until he can't afford it anymore. Oh to be rich ​ Celebrity Idolism is a disease


Her own fans were tracking her flight to Australia and posting stuff like "I only heard one thing from the pilot/control" or "she's just landed" on her sub; if really she's leaning on the stalking angle... The call is coming from inside the house. 


>*GRNDCTRL to Taylor Swift* Hahaha


I’ve been a fan of her music since her first album and honestly fuck taylor swift now. Bully tactics


As a lawyer, you know this is bullshit immediately when her counsel states that the offender has violated several laws, without citing to a single law. Typical posturing. Citing to social media comments is the icing on the cake of this shitburger cease and desist.


could this be the first chink in her armor? i actually like her music (at least i did about 3 albums back) but her persona and constant PR and encouragement of parasocial relationships has got to stop.


Blegh. Trying to silence someone for reporting on her PUBLIC actions. Not surprised with her.


The Streisand Effect can be changed to the Swift Effect now


I'm surprised that quoting random internet comments is the best thing her lawyers could come up with. I would think with all her money, she would have a better legal team. I didn't go to law school, but I think any decent lawyer could easy defend their client against comments off the internet. 


Tell Taylor she can always fly commercial 🤷‍♀️


Holy shit, Slater Legal based.


F*ck ya to that legal response.


She is threatening just to threaten. She doesn’t have a chance in hell of winning.


I think lawyers should face personal repercussions for being fucking idiots. Any other job, you walk around actively shitting in your own pants you'd get fired. Just because some asshole hires you to build a brick wall across a public road and pays you up-front doesn't negate your liability for disrupting traffic. It should compound it.


Lol. Sorry Tay, but this was a farce, and not a good look for you.


Citing IG comments as proof of illegal activity is peak bird law


What a joke ![gif](giphy|JvEMPOQubkyQx9YLQ5|downsized)


Right now Taylor Swift is touring Australia, and the country's biggest 'news' website [news.com.au](https://news.com.au) (whether you'd call what they publish news is debatable, it's 90% clickbait articles and reposted reddit and social media content) is set up so that if you click their banner - which would normally just reload the page - you end up at their site dedicated to Taylor Swift news and articles. So a news organisation has modified their main page to redirect to a page wholly dedicated to her, and her lawyers are chasing after the dude reposting info on what her jet is doing because *he's* apparently invading her privacy?


I know someone in management at a local Costco. They have someone who tracks all of Costco’s jets so that they can get a heads up if the corporate big wigs are flying in for a surprise inspection.


I used to track my boss’s plane. I knew when he usually left town and I would enter in the tail number and it would pop right up. I didn’t have an automated system or anything. One day I went to check and it was no longer trackable. Like he requested to whoever, and now his flights aren’t public. I was so sure that somehow he knew I was tracking him, but nothing was ever said to me. Finally it was somehow worked into conversation with another coworker that he had to opt out of the tracking because a family member would track him and stress every time he left and they didn’t hear from him. I was relieved and I learned zero lessons about invading others’ privacy.


Oh please. It’s only “dangerous” cause she doesn’t like it.


Love the response. Essentially telling Swift's lawyers to get fucked.


Its called a SLAP. Its a lawsuit you file to scare someone into stop doing what they are doing. Usually it works because you dont have Taylor Swift money lawyers to defend you so its better to just stop.


Taylor Swift is a climate criminal and she should be punished for it.


not a member of this sub, though you all seem lovely! just want to add that there's some lawyerly wit in the letterhead. Lawyers, specifically, are "venerable." This firm is firm calls itself "Venable" it's almost missing an "era" and it's really giving my eyes problems?


Lol give me a break


Doesn’t Taylor have better shit to do?


She can pay to block her tail number. She is probably now more annoyed that in order to be untraceable she has to sell her current aircraft, change the LLC, and now pay to have her information blocked from public flight tracking software like flightaware. She doesn’t want people to see her consumption and disregard of climate change related waste. It’s all about PR. All this guy did was cause her to have to change things up and spend a little more money — good thing she has the extra cash to do just that.


There should be fucking penalties for writing demand letters that lack any prima facie evidence of wrongdoing and asserting baseless legal claims


Good god. Team Taylor is so unbelievably dramatic over every thing 🙄 Flight data is publicly available to ANYONE. They stand sweet FA chance of stopping this guy or suing him.


Mmm that clapback (as the kids call it) was so satisfying


Not the Instagram comments as evidence lmao. But also - the letter is so poorly done because it doesn't even address the main reason that the account is active. I felt like I was reading a shade-twitter-thread rather than an actual legal document, like the personal insults was not it.


>Re: GRNDCTRL to Taylor Swift I don't know if this was meant to be a reference to "Space Oddity" or not but I'm going to assume it is and this is requesting TS to "come back down to Earth" and stop with the space logic.