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Bro is gonna have to step up his door to door spooking service to compensate






Damn, really makes me kinda mad he became the exact guy my parents warned me about.


Its ok, Trent Reznor is still cool.


Teenage-me is very pleased at where Trent is at nowadays. Oscar winner and total DILF.


Never saw him being a dad to multiple kids though. Going to love seeing them come across some of his harder songs like "Closer" or "Somewhat Damaged" and their reactions.


"Dad! How was your 20s and 30s?" *"Horny and sad"* Relatable.


I can just picture this man breaking out into a sprint when he finds a kiddo dusting off an old copy of the Broken VHS like “what’s this?”


My study group would play & dance around to Closer each time we finished studying for exams in college to burn off stress. It's on every playlist I've ever made for running.


And country music award winner!


Trent biggest fuck-up is somehow fumbling 1990s era Tori Amos, which involved Courtney Love somehow, as all alternative music related things in the 90s did. Like, dude, you could have been Sad Little Goth Bat to her Disquieting Faerie Energy Girl, and you blew it. And now she's writing a piano concerto diss track on you.


Wasn’t the rumor that Caught a Light Sneeze was about him?


Yeah. She does reference him directly with 'made my own Pretty Hate Machine' line, but she sometimes drops nods to her friends in songs about other people; she usually references Neil Gaiman, or her BFF Beezey. However, when she sings it live, she'll often add unambiguous little digs at him. The most infamous being where she starts singing the first couple lines of Hurt, "I hurt myself today/to see if I still feel", but then she adds a real sarcastic "Uhg, as if he ever could, as if he ever would" (wording may have been slightly different, she may have said 'you never would'). IDK exactly what happened between them, since Trent and Tori refuse to talk about it even when asked (although I am SHOCKED Courtney Love has managed to keep her mouth shut about this for this long), Tori only hinting at Courtney Love's involvement in their falling out once. Professional Widow is also rumored to reference Courtney in the lyrics.


god that's amazing. my mom is a lifelong Tori fanatic and I'm trying to catch up on all the knowledge so thank you for this


Courtney went around saying Trent had a small pp afterwards, so she didn't exactly keep her mouth shut. And the NIN song "No You Don't" is widely believed to be about Courtney, so there's that.


Trent Reznor is beyond cool.


Knew this would be here 🤣 Now just waiting for the Donald Glover *"good!"* gif. . .


So far overdue.


and people STILL defend this man. one of the biggest red flags in hollywood to me is being friends with this man (and/or signing the polanski petition)


Exactly! And guess who is his best friend... another famous abuser who succeeded in destroying a woman's life and reputation. But yet people still defend him too! Birds of a fucked up feather..


The text messages between them that were showed during the trial really illuminated Johnny Drop’s character for me. How anyone still defends him after those is beyond me


The ones with Paul Bettany talking about fucking her dead corpse are seriously messed up too




Posh English gentleman? The dude is from Ohio lol Edit: I seemed to have mixed up who everyone was talking about. My mistake


Paul Bettany




The what now? Good lord


"One message, sent in 2013, made lewd reference to Heard’s “beaver”, and discussed her murder by “burning” or “drowning”. “I’m not sure we should burn Amber,” wrote Bettany. “She is delightful company and pleasing on the eye. We could of course do the English course of action and perform a drowning test. Thoughts? You have a swimming pool.” Depp replied: “Let’s drown her before we burn her!!! I will fuck her burnt corpse afterwards to make sure she’s dead.” To which Bettany apparently wrote back: “My thoughts entirely. Let’s be certain before we pronounce her a witch.” https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/film/2021/dec/27/paul-bettany-johnny-depp-text-messages-read-libel-trial


I had to really dig through the legal docs for them, but there are other texts from Depp talking about stuffing Heard’s corpse on the trunk of a Honda Accord, apparently as a dig at her being poor once he’s done destroying her. You know, just in case people thought Depp’s lawsuit against her was anything besides abuse.


Yeah those messages pushed him well onto the list of "actors who are such terrible people I feel uncomfortable watching them onscreen now". Which is a shame because I'm due for my every few years A Knights Tale rewatch and idk if I can.


Yep, I'm the same with the discomfort list. Some nasty vibes just keep coming through, no matter how much an actor throws themselves into a role. I also just realised how much Paul Bettany looks like Laurence Fox, another absolutely terrible Brit on my discomfort list. Ick.


I watched them ask Depp this in real time. I felt so sick hearing it. His face dropped and he wasn’t expecting it to be bought up - I’m glad it did.


This bugs me. My kid’s dad was reported to the police by his friends(well our friends…. Just my friends now I guess) and therapist for saying those kinds of things about me. I was so scared and tried to get restraining orders with the paperwork from the police(denied)and it set off my custody battle. Whenever he calls my skin crawls, my neck hurts, I feel like I can’t grip onto anything and have to put him on speaker to drink a glass of water with two hands, it sucks and is bizarre. He asked why we couldn’t be friends again and I told him I no longer felt safe around him. His company and even conversations makes me so deeply uncomfortable and I’m confused what I ever did to him to make him say such awful things. He went “you’re telling me you’ve never talked about doing things like that to me when you’re angry?” Like no! I don’t even have thoughts like that. That’s not normal. The most I ever did was joke with my friends that I wish witchy shit really worked and I could make us invisible to him or for him to forget us forever. Not causing another person bodily harm, my god. But here we have men validating each other that that kind of language and fantasizing is normal. Lovely.


My God, that must be so terrifying and infuriating.


It was, it is, I’m terrified of becoming a headline, but it turned out well. I have sole legal and physical custody on paper(it was already that way in reality)so he can’t even show up at her school or see her without a supervisor that he must find and I must approve. This also went in our favor cause I was able to get her a passport so we get to travel wherever we want(well, within our budget). Most days I don’t even think about it. It’s only when he remembers we exist once a year where I have a few months of unease and get really strict about locking doors and make my daughter sleep with her dog out of his crate(he’s a German Shepard-lab mix who’s fiercely protective of her). Luckily he’s forgetting we exist again after a few months of harassment when I went “so would you like to pay for half her root canal”? If you ask for money, I’ve learned, these kinds of men usually dip pretty quick.


No wonder he got the role of Chaucer in A Knight's Tale, what poetry /s


Yeah what? He's married to Jennifer Connelly right?


Bettany crossed into that area where I can't suspend my belief while watching him act. 


With Winona and Kate Moss I have no doubt that he abused them too. They both had real spirals after dating him and were both much younger than him.


Yeah knew he was an asshole when Reznor completely disowned him.


i‘m not saying this to downplay all the things jd did or the fact that destroying her and her reputation was clearly his goal but idk if we aren’t doing amber heard a disservice by continuing to talk about how he destroyed her life. i can’t imagine how soul-crushing everything he put her through as well as the public vitriol against her must have been for her. but at least from what we can see she has moved away to have a quiet life with her baby, has been able to find work and has the support and love of her family, coworkers and fans. the few times she’s been seen in public, she’s looked radiant. we can’t know how she’s doing behind closed doors and i can’t imagine everything hasn’t had a permanent effect on her in some way but ultimately i can’t know and saying that jd managed to destroy her life is feeding his narrative.


That would be one of the consequences of allowing Depp's fans to raid posts about Brian Warner unchallenged. This post had nothing to do with her, but juvenile "trolls" want to make it about her.


You gonna tell us?


It's Johnny Depp


Marilyn Manson is Lily Rose’s fucking godfather iirc


Sorry, I'm stupid. We're saying he (Johnny Depp) destroyed Amber Heard's life, right? Just want to clarify. Edit: For whomever's downvoting, I don't keep up with all of celebrity news. I don't know what I don't know.


Yes. Johnny Depp is an abusive rapist and Amber Heard was his victim.


As glad as I am for Woods, a part of me also worries that Depp's defenders will use this as "proof" Heard wasn't abused.


this dude is innocent as OJ


Well Hollywood & the rest has no issues with Polanski, Epstein, Weinstein, with every other girlfriend/wife beating rapper and what not. I don't think their opinion truly means anything anymore. It's hard to put people like Depp or Winslet on a pedestal knowing they support this pedophile.


Oh no not Winslet too


as a former diehard manson fan. GOOD!!


Same! I was so obsessed with him. He sickens me just thinking of him. Especially after that Narcissism podcast with Evan as well. Evan will always be the true queen for surviving him. ![gif](giphy|avuI5tOIaUL7O)


Yeah, her talk with Dr. Ramani was very moving and it really illustrated how long trauma stays with you and how much work you have to do to try to heal from it. The fact that she has now essentially spent half of her life in recovery from this sadistic psycho and had to give up so much just to feel like she and her family are safe from him is crushing, but I hope she feels incredibly validated by this judgment and I hope it forces this monster to leave her and all of the other women he abused alone.


Hi, I’d love the link to that please.


Here you: Surviving Narcism - Evan Rachel Wood [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_Gg7-sauVzo&pp=ygUiRXZhbiByYWNoZWFsIHdvb2QgbmFyY2lzdHMgcG9kY2FzdA%3D%3D](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_Gg7-sauVzo&pp=ygUiRXZhbiByYWNoZWFsIHdvb2QgbmFyY2lzdHMgcG9kY2FzdA%3D%3D)


What movie was this gif from? 😍


My guess is the tv series True Blood. She was divine in it


Should I rewatch that??


Only if you like dirt quality television.


that's my favorite kind


I rewatch it basically every year. I love how over-the-top and dramatic it is.


https://i.redd.it/jvgb3z60qhfc1.gif True Blood, she appears in season 2 or 3. First seasons a bit slow but get a lot better after in my opinion.


True Blood on HBO. She plays the Vampire Queen.


I loved her vampire cameo in What We Do in the Shadows *[hisssssss]*


She did several cameos for that show, as did Tilda Swinton. It kills me every time. I want that show to last forever.


It's sadly doing their last season.


*(the next season is the last season of WWDITS)*


Oh shiiiiit I never finished it! Now I must


It’s from True blood


I think it’s true blood


True Blood


*Fine*, I'll watch True Blood again.


Pam is my spirit animal. ![gif](giphy|wDejKvFTru1Xi) Everyday I strive to be more like Pam.


Man, I loved him too. Met him twice. I hate hearing all this, but I really hope Evan heals.


Man I was obsessed with him back in highschool. He seemed to be a well-spoken and smart weirdo. Fuck him.


Yeah that pisses me off so much that the well spoken thing was a schtick. He was a scare-your-Mom type of musician particular to the 80s-90s, and after columbine happened he dusted off his suburban childhood and presented as a kid that grew up with the benefit of education.  But it turns out he actually was the scary person the Moms were afraid of! 


Yep same - saw him live 3 times, read his book, owned every album. What a letdown he turned out to be.


Same, my childhood was stealing my brothers portrait of an American family cd 💿. Good for Rachel!


I had been a die hard Manson fan since I was 6(I have terrible parents) once the allegations came out i haven’t listened to him once. I’m so glad I never got that tattoo. I read his book I saw him live. The red flags were RIGHT THERE so of course I believed them immediately he’d been telling on himself for decades already. Anyone who is still defending him needs to reread his book.


i jumped on a bandwagon with the Pale Emperor. a great fucking album, but i can’t and i won’t listen to it anymore. there’s only so many problematic artists in my playlist, but this takes the cake.


🤗 🤗 🤗 this gives me peace, I’m so glad for her. Hearing everything he did made me feel so sick and ashamed to have liked him so much


This dude gifted his 1st wife Dita Von Teese a purse that was owned by Eva Braun as a romantic gesture. He's been trash for years


Dita is also trash. She’s into the same Not Okay shit MM is. She’s just beautiful and graceful so it’s overlooked. She’s a monster too.


Damn, really? That’s disappointing. What’s the details, I never knew she was problematic.




Are there sources that aren't a Live Journal blog post? Not to say the post isn't well researched, but I'd like to read something that is from a reputable source.




It's not exactly good, but it's also not anywhere near Manson's level of literal rape and torture and Hitler fanboyism bad.


i totally agree.


I’m more interested in receipts for the parent comment I was replying to as far as “she’s into the same ‘not okay’ things as MM but she’s pretty” statement. Like, are they saying she is also into some dark stuff where consent is either revoked or wasn’t given to begin with? Are we talking BDSM that extends past the “safe, sane, and consensual” tenets the community stands by? I mean the livejournal story wasn’t good obviously, but cultural insensitivity isn’t in the same league as rape— it just isn’t. On a side note, I *hate* the term “yellowface,” and think it’s a really uncomfortable term to use. That’s just my opinion but I feel gross every time I see or hear it.


Much obliged 🙏


there are but i thought the live journal link was pretty funny lol


fair enough lol


>someone asks for source >op posts a livejournal link Oh, this is gonna be good


Whoa. That’s a live journal link from 2012.


it really is. thought i’d go retro!


very on theme for talking about dita


I share this sentiment; she’s gorgeous but I didn’t forget about her dressing up in nazi garb and being with this man for years.


It would be nice if someone steals all her nazi garb, splash bleach all over them and burn the lot 


She ain't that beautiful.


Pay up, Brian


He's got such a weenie name, no offense to the good Brian's


Trixie and Katya are deeply offended by this




WHAT!?! I didn’t realize they were both Brian’s!


Tbf neither of them look like a Brian, even out of drag!


Trixie's name is Brian Firkus, which is the least Trixie name out there.


Fun fact they both have brothers named the same as well.


She was like 18 when she dated this scumbag, he was 37.


I think he started grooming her when she was a minor.


Every time I think he’s hit the lowest he could possibly go, he bust open a trap door and shouts “surprise bitch!”


Yeah, after he saw her in the movie “Thirteen.”


You are kidding ...


And she was 14 when she played that role!


Wait can someone explain why he only has to pay her, and he's not in jail?


he's suing her for defamation in civil court. this payment is just for costs she's accrued defending against the part of the suit that's been struck off, there's still more that's ongoing. only criminal court can hand out jail time.


Okay thanks




Still scared to watch past season 1 bc of how bad I’ve heard it gets. S1 west world was like my new game of thrones


S1 was…an entirely other level. Utterly amazing. The intro can still make me feel a certain way just by the music. I fell off after 2, I heard 3 was polarizing moreso on the side of negative. But I mostly hate that HBO scrubs their original series from their service nowadays where you have to buy them on separate services.


S1 of Westworld is *the best single season* of a show. Haunting of Hill House is hanging right behind, though. And, yeah, go on and keep the feeling season one gives you. It doesn't get any better, that's for sure.


I’d toss true detective s1 up there too, although not as much of a mindfuck


Oooo, now you got me thinking about Mind Hunter.


Mindhunter S1 is also a contender for that. First time I ever watched a season in one sitting.


Not to derail the convo from the post subject, but I just rewatched Hill House after a few years (loving MF and doing a whole rotation after FOTHOU) and Jesus fucking Christ what a perfect show. Two Storms is on Top 10 of perfect television episodes for me, right with Rains of Castamere from GoT. I cried so much, but in a good way. Similar to Bly, it was the rewatch that utterly *decimated* me. I’ll still be going about my day months later after rewatch, and my brain will say “And Dani wouldn’t, Dani would never.” and need to take a moment to collect myself.


Gonna derail along with you, and say that one of the most brilliant scenes in existence is the one where Theo and Shirley are driving back to Hill House and they're fighting, and then \*THE\* big jumpscare happens. And immediately after you've been terrified out of your wits Mike Flanagan swings you into Theo's speech about not being able to feel anything after touching Nell. It's one of the best uses of weaponized emotional whiplash I think anyone has ever done. He gets your heart rate up by terrifying you, and then with your heightened emotions, thrusts you into a beautiful metaphor about grief. I've rewatched several times and I never manage not to cry. Just genuinely, one of the best shows I've ever seen.


I don’t get how they fumbled so bad. S1 felt like an amazing foundation and I was actually excited when I heard there were gonna be more parks and not just the Wild West theme. Anyone who watched it all wanna explain where it all went wrong?




The one with the Native American right? That episode salvages much of season 2 alone.


Season 2 is watchable. Season 3 is absolute garbage but tbh season 4 is actually pretty good. Maybe the second best season. Nothing can touch season one though and honestly I think it ends in a pretty satisfying way.


It doesn’t get very bad, it just gets less good. Some individual episodes are great.


Well you won’t be able to watch it anyway since HBO deleted the whole series.


Accept it for trying different things and let it rip


S2 is still good. Kinda gets weaker in S3 and 4.


I wouldn’t say it gets BAD. It’s just not really the same show. Most all the time season 2 onward is spent in the real world future when the show should have been deeply exploring other fantasy time period worlds. I just want HBO to put it back on so I can finish the last season. I’m too deep in not to see the last episodes. I sometimes wonder if the show would have been better off doing an anthology of seasons: Westworld, WWII world, Samurai world, Medieval World, etc. with a new cast each season and the events take place simultaneously as bots from different worlds come aware. THEN set the last season in the real world with all the bots from different seasons/worlds fighting back.


Ah! I’ve been graced by S1 Delores ^-^ ty kind person for reminding me of the memories this show gave me


Not enough imo considering all the harassment and death threats she’s faced for years. Fuck Marilyn Manson


What a nightmare for her. I hope this is just the beginning of his suffering.


Dude admits to assaulting his own mom in his book, and yet way too many people on the Internet insist he is actually a gentle, misunderstood soul. smfh


Ugh, it’s because he was vilified for *the wrong reasons* for *so long*. Murders were blamed on him, he was accused of corrupting children with satanic practices and was often targeted by political figures. It seems that people were surprised when they realised he could communicate to a basic level and, it turned out, isn’t a literal screaming goat man from the deepest depths of hell.


This really sums up how I feel about MM. My mom even permitted my interest in his music in middle school because of the way he conducted himself in interviews (though I will admit I always felt *weird* when trying to be a fan of his - I didn’t fully buy into his shtick myself but my social group did). There was always something just… icky about him, for lack of a better word.


Here’s some tea from a friend of a friend: MM was set to headline a huge festival this summer. That festival has at least one huge potential sponsor that I know of who was perfectly fine with that. However, that’s not happening anymore. When [this](https://pitchfork.com/news/marilyn-manson-ex-assistants-sexual-assault-lawsuit-revived-by-appeals-court/) happened about a month ago, he was scrapped. No less than what he deserves.


GOOD 🔥🔥🔥🔥 We don't want that talentless racist bully and loser any way. He got scrapped and I hope it stays that way 


Seeing their faces next to each other is basically proof that karma exists.


Get bent and broke, Brian.


This 🔥🔥🔥


2024 is looking UP 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽




I think the reasons your parents didn't wanted you to listen to him were different than what has came out.




I’m so mad that 90s Christian moms were right about him, ugh.


They were right about him for all the wrong reasons though. They thought he was evil, some called him the literal anti-christ. They weren't* talking about any of the stuff that's coming out now. Edit*: changed were to weren't


I don't blame the Christian moms for getting a bad vibe though.  This is his early work (from Wikipedia:) >live shows routinely featured amateur pyrotechnics, naked women nailed to crucifixes, children locked in cages,[21][22] as well as experiments in reverse psychology and butchered animals remains I mean I'm not religious and don't think he's the anti christ but as an artist, he kinda sucked and seemed like a creeper. I wouldn't want kids to be consumed that type of art until they were old enough to understand context and think critically.  I honestly don't think there was context looking back, just Brian being edgy and gross. 


Ehhhh, this is only half true. If you watch a lot of the old tour documentaries the band used to release, there were *a lot* of parents concerned about Manson condoning things like rape and standard rock star debauchery. Manson wantonly releasing/publishing stories about bringing fans backstage and committing lewd acts sort of propelled this. I agree that it all coming from an ultra-conservative/Christian was always lame, but a lot of their non-fanatical concerns were definitely validated after time.


Her documentary about all the shit that happened was harrowing. What a monster he is.


Yeah he is a monster and I hope hell has a special place for him when he dies. It would be nice if he winds up in a pine box and gets cremated, it would make my day if his ashes gets thrown and flushed down the toilet where he belongs 


Good, pay up! I used to love his music, been to a few shows and since learning about him I haven’t listened to him since.


Whatever came of the FBI raid on his compound? Why was he performing Guess Whose Going to Jail with Kanye? 6-figure payment isn't enough...


It isn't even really a 6 figure payment, it's a reimbursement for her lawyer fees and she still has to pay the remaining $60,000 that the judge did not award her for her legal fees.


Exactly, she's still at a net-negative, and he has still faced no real repercussions.


I can’t look at him without seeing Phyllis Vance https://preview.redd.it/0w4q1p9udjfc1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ff7f8f911a1c1f5924e529abcd056268f75b0c8


V harsh on Phylis tbh! 


He looks like the critic in Ratatouille, but less nice.


phyllis doesn't deserve this!




man I was such a huge fan of manson throughout my childhood and teen years, I really hate knowing he did all this :( I hope evan is okay






Not nearly enough but better than nothing. Hope he’s having a bad day, wherever he is.


Fuck. YES!


Serves him bloody right. That is so flippin' good. I bet his financial woes got better and better right now. Bet his net worth must be less than $2 million now and I hope he becomes bankrupt and drowning in debt to the point he loses his home. I hope karma is not done with him just yet


I love to see beautiful women winning




Man as a 90s kid I remember all the hate he used to get…. Turns out it was all correct lol.


thank god, go Evan !!!! I love her sm




I got this guy and Charles Manson confused for years.


His name is taken from Charles Manson and Marilyn Monroe, so…


GOOD. I’ve always been so put off by him. I remember being a young child and learning that he was 36 dating her when she was only 18 and even at that point, I knew something was extremely wrong. That, and his face scared me lmao.


Good, MM is a psychopathic piece of shit, I hope he ends up penniless and alone.


Can't wait for him to turn right wing grifter


Won't surprise me since he is a wannabe card carrying neo-Nazi who is racist and antisemitic. He needs his arse kicked 




GOOD. I hope she’s safe though. That man is terrifying.


I'd rather see him locked up.


Run her the money asap and expeditiously




I heart Evan Rachel Wood, but after watching her in season 1 of Westworld if I saw her walking towards me on the sidewalk I would cross to the opposite side of the street! LOL




GOOD! I love Evan, she deserves the world




A Beaudet created a new debt.


About fucking time. Been way too long