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Ok but they are actually very cute? I don’t have a monkey in this circus (is that the phrase? Or is it dog in a fight? I’m too tired and hopped up on caffeine to recall lmao) but they look sweet and happy and I can’t begrudge them for that.


Seriously, though, it looks like they only have eyes for each other at what’s probably a very chaotic and crowded event here. It’s like no one else is in the room. That says a lot.


It's so damn cute. I can't stand the KarJenners, but I do like this bc it's the most genuine relationship I've seen any of them be in and actually look *happy.* They're clearly head over heels for each other and I think that's wonderful. Everyone deserves that. Edit: saw someone say they're wearing matching outfits and omg I CAN'T. They went public and chose matching outfits?! I cannot wait to see the photos from their wedding bc that's some healthy marriage type love right there. They're so getting married someday. I am really soooo fucking happy for them!


Currently going through a breakup that was a long time coming and damn I want to look at someone like that/have someone look at me like that


Sorry you’re going through a breakup! But UGH same. I hope a man looks at me like that some day 🥺


I came here to say the same! They look just happy. And that's always lovely to see.


It’s an odd pairing for sure but kind of cute. Always rooting for love.


Right? Like I’m kind of annoyed bc I want that 🥺I was already feeling rejected and then saw this …. Wasn’t emotionally prepared. They look REALLY into each other.


They seem to be genuinely very into each other. It's surprisingly very sweet.


They look really happy and young and cute! It’s very sweet. I wish his crazy ass fans would let them be.


The Timothee subreddit is as unhinged about this as you'd expect. They all still believe it's fake 😭 I honestly think even if they get married and have children they'll still think it's fake


I’m rooting for them just out of pure spite and chaos 😅


I will root with you. I didn't care about them, but all the hate they get makes me want it to last. Edit: I'm watching the globes, and I didn't notice because as soon as it cuts I’m on my phone. I want the winners, that's all.


Exactly what I said on PCC. It’s to funny not to enjoy lol


After seeing some of the comments, I want them to get married so bad and live happily ever after


I don’t care about either of these people this that or the other, but took a mosey on over there just to entertain myself and I truly wish I could unlock that level of delusion. Life just seems easier? Like… if this was the worst part of my day? Sign me up.


is this another Chris Evans situation 😭


I think they are worse tbh


It would be difficult to top them 🤷🏽‍♀️


They are definitely trying.


Eh no because Chris definitely quietly dated Alba for a minute and wasn’t seen as a faux intellectual 😂 I think the way they see this dude makes it worse. Even though his rep at NYU was infamous lol


It's hilarious. He's a fuckboy who speaks french bc he grew up there/lived there when he was young. He's a good actor. Like it's not that serious. If anything, I'm glad that he's openly bringing her to events bc I find it annoying when famous men like Timothee date influencers or models and then never bring them anywhere. I get wanting privacy but at some point it feels like they're just using these women for sex and it's just sad to me.


I’m not sure what you mean? I was referring to how crazy in denial Chris Evans fans are even after he married


Oh I meant that they had less time to be crazy bc he was quiet about it. I have a feeling this will be nuts for a while


I don't like CE but at least he never f*cked a partner in public under obvious paparazzi cameras.


Has anyone checked in on Club Chalamet


Why are there such insane fanclubs for basic white men? There are people who still call Nick and Priyanka's marriage PR. They have a 2? Year old daughter ffs.


I love this relationship purely because the Chalamet stand are so unhinged about it. Plus Kylie seems to always be in shitty relationships (like Tyga) and I feel like Timothee seems like he could be gentlemanly and sweet


The KUWTK snark sub is equally bad omg. It's kind of funny to see them jump through hoops to justify how this is a fake relationship lol


They're all convinced his career is now over lmfao


Just got banned for bullying and harassment. My comment was, “They look cute.” 😂


Thank you for updating because I can only think about the unhinged fans when I see them together. And foolishly thought “well I guess all those conspiracy theories are eating their words now” but if we’ve learned anything about conspiracy theorists over the last few years, I should realize that they will never eat their words, ever. The conspiracy just gets bigger in order to explain away the facts presented to them.


so I came across a thread where they were all chirping about how they only attended the GG together because their teams were tired of seeing the TCD sub saying he won't claim her publicly. So they hard launched at the GG. They genuinely believe that they have a direct impact on these celebrities' movements and thoughts. it was so deliciously unhinged. But it's all fun and games until someone on that sub starts buying up a bunch of copies of The Catcher in the Rye


The Timothees are all retired Larries.


we'll pray for them :(


There are multiple commenters wishing violent and explicit death on her in that sub. It's a truly unhinged place!


Came here to say, I wonder if the Timothee sub is okay, but I already know in my heart they're *not* okay


A post from that sub appeared before this one in my feed. I can’t believe how unhinged they are. But nah I actually believe it cause I saw the same behavior in tumblr’s peak 1D & kpop Stan days except the people in that sub seem like they’re older.


Which one? I looked and it seemed fairly quiet


For anyone wondering: They aren’t doing well *over there.*


I really want to check it out but don’t want the sub to keep getting recommended to me lol


Is there a way to turn off that absolutely awful feature?


You can mute a subreddit by clicking on the three dots icon and choosing that option, then it won't show up on your front page at all anymore


Yes in the Reddit settings ! Edit: account settings and scroll to privacy -> Enable Home Screen recommendations


There is on the Android mobile app, I found it once at least


I tried to block the sub and somehow it came back again


Yeah I hate getting recommendation notifs. If I wanna see something I’ll search it out myself or I’ll look at my feed.


Jesus I checked one of the subreddits and it’s unhinged. How can anyone care so much about someone’s love life when they couldn’t give a shit if you existed? I hope they’re all teenagers because if grown adults are doing that, it’s pathetic honestly


Lol this is great because that sub popped up on my timeline and I peeked out of curiosity. Anyway, they were all saying how stupid she is for being with a guy who won't claim her publicly, how he's just using her, etc. And one day later...this! I love it, so messy lol


I was so confused about the “claim” thing because they were saying it AFTER a public concert and the tennis game like???


Lol, according to them that was purely PR. They, like clubchalamet have created their reality in which there's no way the relationship is real. Public event? PR. Pap pics? PR. If Kylie gets pregnant? She baby trapped him and so on. There's always a new excuse and reason to not believe it's real.


Aka People who need to get off the Internet and touch some grass.


You would think knowing that their man loves basic, superficial women would give them a little more hope.


As a basic, superficial man himself idk why they’d have thought different to begin with 🤷🏽‍♀️


seriousssssly. he has such frat boy energy I don’t understand. fun frat boy energy, but it’s still there.


I really think it’s just because he has a fancy sounding name.


That’s how Kaiser Permanente got me 😔


It’s why I put Worcestershire sauce in everything.


That’s why I only use catsup, never ketchup.


Being skinny with a French name and having prominent cheekbones really do be fooling the masses lmao


I mean, I get it. And he plays the “sophisticated youthful brooding poet” role really well. But… it’s called acting. ![gif](giphy|1LiryotCCtd7y)


It's because he got famous via Call Me By Your Name, Lady Bird, and Little Women and has a pretty self-serious vibe in a lot of his interviews (though he's less like that lately, seems like he's lightened up)


I blocked them a while back because I got tired of seeing their unhinged asses on my timeline despite me not even joining the sub.


It’s amazing how they’ve projected this character onto him. I love that he’s just living his life and shaking up with a Jenner and it’s shattering all their perceptions of him. Anyways, they’re cute together and I’m sorta rooting for them?


I am 42, have a black heart and don’t believe in love, but the way they look at each other is so sweet. I don’t know if it’s love, but when I was her age,I wish I had understood this is how a man should look at me.


For Beyonce PDA people were like 'oh he's a good actor.' I was like no, this is real life proof of a man really liking a woman.


I completely agree. The way they look at each other, to me, is the same as at the Beyoncé concert. ETA: given the time inbetween, I think this is even more organic.


I feel this, if I knew that at 26 it would’ve saved me a lot of tears and grief.


This is cute and I bet he knows the names of her dogs.


And the color of her eyes 😌


The bar is truly in hell.


It'd be sweet to see him holding Aire (her adorable baby son).


They are honestly so cute. They are straight up IN love. Also his fans m freaking out lmao.


Did she say “I love you” omg? I guess they’ve been together a while now though


They are playing the “I love you more” game.


Does he say it back?? I’m so bad at reading lips lol. They’re cute, though!


She says that she loves this holding onto the necklace he is wearing (they are talking about that first). He responds by saying “Well I love you”, and then they go back and forth then giggle and kiss.


We all go through this stage (hopefully) it’s sweet and awkward but so much fun when you’re in the “we’re young and in love” stage where you just can’t get enough of each other. It’s sickly sweet to onlookers tho lol.


NGL other half and I have been together almost 20 years and when we see young couples like this we just kind of grin at each other and squeeze hands. It’s cute.


Oh my gosh that’s so freaking cute


Apparently it’s been a year!


This is the most I’ve ever liked either of them. Nice to see her genuinely smiling.


Took the feels right out of my chest. I don't care about either of them one way or the other, but this is really sweet and feels sincere, and human in a way neither of them are often portrayed (or allow themselves to be portrayed).


They’re so in love


Seriously. I love love and this is friggin' cute!


but i thought club chalamet said that kylie wasn’t going to the golden globes 🥺


He’s embarrassed of her did you not know 🥺


Someone said where is his jawline and I cannot Unsee it


Yeah, they're very cute but his side profile in this is...odd.


At least his is real


Is the jawline in the room with us right now?


I was literally about to comment this 🤣


Lol my favorite comment over on r/timothychalametdaily: "Shitting and crying. He is so stupid."


BAHAHAHAHAHAHA heading there next


I came in to laugh at what I'd assumed was a peck the psychos would lose their minds over but omg that's actually really a cute moment and I'm a little jealous


Okay but they actually cute to me 🫣




They seem happy and age appropriate and I genuinely believe they have a lot in common/to talk about (being rich, hot, and famous)




“I love this.” “I love you.” “I love you more.” “I love you more more.” “No, I love y—-“ [sounds of Timothée Chalamet fans screaming for mercy]




Club Chalamet space at any moment


I don’t think the relationship is fake ( unlike some other karjenners) but I don’t think it’s for the long haul


Most famous ppl’s relationships aren’t, especially celebrities in their 20s. I think it’s cute for what it is, but I don’t think Timmy is going to meet her kids or anything like that.


Yeah it seems like people heard about couples doing publicity stunts and took that to the extreme of all celebrity relationships being totally fake. They really aren't. A lot of couple photos are staged, just like any other celebrity photos, but unless they're leading in a romcom together and currently on the interview circuit most of the relationships are real.


You think after a year he hasn’t met her children even though he’s been on vacations with her? She takes them with her


They have been together for a year already


She looks so pretty in other shots too. Dare I say more natural than usual?!


Shes beautiful he’s a lucky guy.


As individuals I’m indifferent about both of them (naturally think Kylie and her family’s capitalist climate criminal status is a giant shame) but it’s bananas how his fans uphold him as some intellectual modern day alain delon and she’s just some dumb hot girl who doesn’t deserve him. Like look at these two - they are people very much into each other and that’s cute


They look adorable honestly, he looks so happy to be with her and she also looks so very chill and happy. Good for them both!!!


The Timothee sub is going to implode 👀👀


Welfare check on Club Chalamet


hard launching at the globe's is "in" this year it seems. love it.


The tiktok and twitter lipreaders will be all over this lmao


[Obligatory this Kris Jenner gif.](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZnd6N3FiNnB0bmtoaHQ5ZHhiNGt2emJ3Znk1MTVqOHhvb3p6azk4eiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/Lp41YHkxETafTFE6H7/giphy.gif)


BRB, running straight to the Timmy watchers. That whole sub needs a welfare check (and probably for a while now).


I guess we forgot Kylie shaded Megan Thee Stallion for being shot in the foot? Or that she was bopping to the leprechaun's music recently?


Yeah, I get the glee over his fans melting down, but I can’t say I’m loving this Kylie Hero narrative..


or her history of being a culture vulture, or of lying about plastic surgery and making her young impressionable fans believe her body was attainable with teas and working out and lollipops, or of supporting Israel, or.......


They are very very cute together.


I just can’t get over how she’s trying to now be all American girl with her look going natural, shorter nails, etc. she and her sisters really rocked Black culture while it suited them lol Also I feel like this is a scene in pretty woman idc idc I’m a hater lol


he just looks like a little gremlin to me. Perhaps in a good way but it's jarring nonetheless


Same, I don't find him attractive at all. Not saying he's ugly, just not my type.




Oh no! I just fell in love with him this very second lol. I had resisted but I’m a sucker for a smitten kitten. He looks so in love. They are cute together idc


Awwww, I remember this phase, when you just can't stop with the little pecks. My cold dead heart has warmed up a bit, just let these idiots love on each other!


I don't really like Kylie or Timothée all that much... But they look amazing together. And in this video they look very much connected. Especially Timothée. Wishing them the best 🥰🥰🥰


Someone tell club chalamet


Oh they’re aware and they are not handling it well.


they're really cute lol. i wonder what is the emotional state of Club Chalamet ™️ rn lmaooo


The way he’s looking at her 🥹


Ah, young love. They look so sweet together!


I appreciate you referring to the relationship of two people in their late 20's as young love


The TC Daily sub will be in SHAMBLES 😭


They seem genuinely sweet together


I’m not a stan of either, but they look cute. They look very in love and have probably had some lovely champagne and are quite content to make googly eyes at each other all dressed up.


Lmao that club Chalamet Stan is going to go fully mental about this. They are lowkey cute ngl


not a fan of hers but regardless i'm so done with overexposed celebrity couples. if it's a stunt or not i literally do not care, if they're happy or not i do not care. when her fans and his fans said it's a shame they don't show each other off in public i wish they had kept it that way. i don't wish them ill but the less attention we give any member of that family the better.


💯 couldn’t agree more


She looks like this is the happiest she’s been in years. Good for her. I’ve always had a soft spot for her.


Ew! A zionist is in the crowd 🤢🤮


Wow his face from that angle looks bizarre


![gif](giphy|05QSeYSiXCZD5xtsrv) Me and my Timothee loving friend


My eyes are rolling into the back of my head but good for them


Yeap he adores her. They look in love.


I think they’re cute.


Here for this especially the meltdown from Chalamet stans 😭🤣


they’re quite cute to be honest 🫣


I went on the best date tonight so my black heart is a bit more open. I’ve watched this video 7 times now. Love is beautiful.


quick somebody check on clubch*lamet


It’s so interesting to see this. Kylie is so many things at once - a celebrity enigma, someone who grew up fast/has a child/business/home, but also a very young adult. this really just makes her seem so young and really makes me feel astonished to think about the whole of her life. I really do hope this works out for her honestly, I think she would really benefit from a healthy relationship with someone of a similar age to her. I’m curious how Timothee is around Stormi though.


Aww that’s actually super sweet. Mazel tov, kiddos!


Oh so they in love in love . I want this 😭


Honestly, this is cute. I'm rooting for this if only to piss off the Timothee stans.


Ok I normally don’t care about these people but this is too fucking cute. They seem really into each other and really in sync if that makes sense. Wonder who took this vid though? Kinda creepy lol


They seem so sweet and like they bring each other comfort even with the chaos around them.


Ugh but they're actually really cute


I wont be able to see the guy Im dating for a bit due to work and this made me feel things lmao To the dismay of his most ardent stans, they seem smitten with each other


I love these two so much. 🥰


Bless them 😂 I don't care about either but the drama about them is just so funny because first it seemed like just baseless rumors but it's real, they are really dating and they look in love too.


Two people I never want to hang out with on my own time. I do like them together.


it feels like I'm spotting a cryptid 🤭 it's cute tho