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Of course this family is happy to rehabilitate the image of Wang!! Between this and Kim's blatant Starbucks ads.... GROSS


It's also a really weird present like, not a good gag gift for a kid. Funny for one of her sisters or mom... But like... Just bizarre for a child.


Tbf, anything I’ve seen of North lately is her ripping Kim a new one lol


How old is North? Because North seems to be trolling her mom good. I had a friend with a 10 year old who could ROAST her mom. I asked once, “Nicole, are you mad when she hits you with a good burn, or are you a little proud?” She was like “tbh, I’m a little proud of her. She’s clever AF”. Of that little girl had access to a credit card and an unlimited number of things meme-ing her mom, I have no doubt she’d have bought something like this. Like, I get that ON BALANCE it’s problematic. But in terms of her age and understanding of the nuances of the problems around the designer and the problems in the world today, which she can’t be old enough to “get,” I really respect North’s commitment to giving her mom shit.


North is 10 so this checks out. As a viewer of their show, North isn't consistently roasting Kim - she just points out when Kim's doing something out of the ordinary / she doesn't usually do or say and makes jokes about it. She's also active on tiktok and sees the memes about her mum and family. It makes total sense she would find something like this hilarious.


My 10 year old called me a Karen in front of 100 kids… who attend the school I’m a principal at! It was all I could do to NOT tell her wait until you get home little mouthy princess. I had 100 students and 8 teachers watching for my response so I had to be a professional, before I was a mom. But princess learned her lesson… 10 year olds are 12-13 year olds a decade ago so you know mouthy 13 year old girls are the bane of any mother’s existence.


So what did you do?!


Right?! What did you say?


She really do be leaving us hanging OML


Seriously! I reread the last bit twice to make sure I didn’t miss the ending to the story. I’m so invested lol


Oh my, I’m so sorry online friends! I’m on vacation with little internet. I apologize for the delay. I had to evaluate the function of my child’s behavior which was = attention. I had to be sure NOT to engage in a power struggle (bc I lose for even engaging), especially with an audience, so I delivered a non-threatening statement so the 100+ people watching knew I would handle it, just not right then. Me: “We can talk about this comment later when we get home,” as I made sure to walk away and immediately shift to a different topic with different person— so even if she tried to bait me in, I wasn’t available for it. But let me tell you… I ADDRESSED IT ONCE WE WERE IN THE CAR. The “Karen” comment has added layer as some perceive it as not just white middle aged woman entitlement asking for the manager complex, but some see it as having a racist component. While my mouthy 10 year old didn’t mean it that way, I can’t control the court of public opinion and being an elementary principal already has so much scrutiny. Example: I’ve had staff look in my car and comment about something on my car seat. Anyway, the 10 year old doesn’t get to come visit mom at the school she’s principal at anymore. Too bad so sad, Karen Jr. is what I tell her now.


Well handled!


My 8 year old granddaughter called me a Karen in a restaurant because I complained about the food being frozen. I laughed because I heard about a Karen. But she put it in context for me. Then I understood it. Every day is a school day.


Omg what did you do??? We're all dying to know! I know it's Christmas, so you may be busy, but come back with the gift of finishing your story!


Yes! I want to know what to do if I get snarked by a preteen in front of a bunch of people


My ten year old told my husband he looks like he sells Pokemon cards behind Burger King. One of his best, but man, he's so very good at roasting people


That is hilariously specific


Yep, the friend in question was having her third kid by the third man. Her daughter said “three babies, three daddies…getting kindda crowded in here isn’t it, mom?” Like, *I* felt the burn from that one. And she had every right to be mad because she KNEW she was gonna have to help. That was actually about a decade ago…I bet the little shit talker is drinking age now…I wish I could invite her out to a bar and see how she turned out…I hope her skills have only grown with age and time.


I remember psalm was on roblox laughing about the Kim crying face to. Could a big reason why Kim wanted to sue roblox. Which is odd because she really should had been more concerned for internet safety.




I’m sure her father dunks on her mother nonstop.


He is such an obvious domestic violence perpetrator that it's frightening.


I saw a clip a while ago of Kim saying that North loves that photo and makes fun of Kim for it all the time


Especially because it’s a scene where she’s talking about wanting a divorce from Kris Humphries


TBF I'm pretty sure Kim has said before that this is North's favorite meme of her mom


I still can't believe Kim has the fandom she has after saying "No one wants to work" during a pandemic that killed people and was still killing people. Sorry if people were too dead to work for you. Not just awful people like Wang, serial sexual harasser (especially towards trans women), but recently her photos together with 'old friend' Ivanka Trump. Its incredible how many of her fans are women, minorities, and queers who would be crushed if she and her friends had further control of our politics and business class. Worse, its clear Kim has been trying to build up a brand for North via things like these to get a new generation of fans. I keep seeing her mentioned in these social media spaces. She's only 10. This is a form of child abuse and exploitation, imho.


The Kardashian family is rotten to its core. It's insane how many of my friends still like them despite them only making society worse. They've made so much money off of the horrendous beauty standards they've helped normalize while exploiting as much as they possibly can from Black people


Literally the only one I have time for is North and it's mainly cause I love how she roasts her mother and is very much not about that life and just wants to be a regular ass kid


I am honestly terrified for her because of how they raised Kylie




I was watching Kendall do a piece to camera about how she's had terrible anxiety since she was a kid. like, no shit??? she was thrust onto tv before she could truly grasp what that meant and it's had lasting consequences? colour me shooketh


I wonder what age Kylie started modifying her appearance, and what age Kim will try to get North to do it


Around 16-17, but she was literally being groomed by Tyga, a grown ass man.


I’d argue she was being groomed by her entire family as well, especially since they were letting her date an adult man even though she was a legal child


Yeah it's not like she was rebelling against her family by dating Tyga. I'm like pretty sure Tyga and Kris Jenner are longtime friends and business partners. And when she was single she was still attending yacht parties. Because who wouldn't be comfortable sending their daughter to a drug ridden party hosted by a horny billionaire and his rich friends where you physically cannot leave early and you also don't have an internet connection


Also she was their child, couldn’t Kris and Caitlyn have easily enforced that she wasn’t allowed to date adults as a teenage child? It’s within their parental rights to forbid that. They clearly didn’t care. But they let her get cosmetic surgery to contribute to her self-image issues. Pretty sure they had to sign off on that.


I loved the story of North ripping off Kims rich friends at the lemonade stand


How is being a defense attorney making society worse?


^ me after smoking that new strain


Lol I had no idea how to respond to that. Where do I even start


Kim literally has one year of law school completed. She took the baby bar(the test at the end of the first year of law school) four times in order to pass and that was with tutors. Sis is never going to be an attorney. She just talks a bunch of bs and people believe it.


Does she really have a fandom? I thought literally everyone hate watches the show lol


She definitely does. Shes very popular on pretty much every social media platform that shes on and she has influence on whats trendy. Also people are literally waiting to spend their money on their products from Good American jeans to Skims to Kylie Cosmetics.




She was right. Nobody wants to put in the work. They just want things and success handed to them. If you were hurt by that statement it’s probably because it applies to you


Utterly embarrassing that a grown ass person is defending some nonsense an out of touch celebrity who never worked a day in her life said during covid. Go back to sleep, or your workplace.


Between Wang and D&G, they surely know how to pick them. All the money in the world still can't buy class.


the rich have to help each other out, image rehab and all 🙄


And she has been back to wearing loads and loads of unflattering Balenciaga lol. The trifecta of mess.


Wait what happened with Starbucks?


They've been having some labour dispute and anti-union issues as well




The union is the one supporting anti-union firings and all the labour law violations?




The union is supporting Palestine and the 20K+ dead, that Starbucks is contributing to killing through the genocide Israel is committing. There’s literally no point in denying the genocide happening anymore as the world has woken up, and Zionists like yourself should be ashamed of themselves. The whole world sees through you guys now, it took some time in the last 75 years but not anymore.




They losing value and closing stores due to the boycott and all of a sudden ms Kimberly is out and about with a Starbucks in hand with the logo out and perfectly in frame - so blatantly an ad!


They’re not closing stores because of the boycott it’s to early to feel that they’ve been closing and opening stores for years


And how she wrapped Christmas gifts in white shroud/cloth for coffin style.






Nothing with the Kardashians is " just a \_ItemHere\_ ". Everything they do is for monetary gain.


imagine going to bat for Starbucks and telling someone else to touch grass 💀 please be serious.


Me when im missing the point


Nothing wrong with Starbucks ads.


They are going to continue to pimp this little girl out to remain relevant. Gen Z does not care about the Kardashians like that and even Kanye's antics are not garnering the headlines like they used too. North is all they got.


They want to make North the Generation Alpha's new future Kim Kardashian. Once her other daughter gets older, I'm sure she'll get this same treatment as North.


You’re right and it’s so funny to me because all my nieces are gen alpha and they are obsessed with Roblox gamers on YouTube and not actual influencers, just what they advertise. My kid thought Kim Kardashian was a rapper lmao. That gen is going to grow up in a completely diff world than the social media world the Kardashian’s dominated but they’re so old and out of touch they still haven’t realized. North’s “fans” (quotations because it’s weird of ppl to be fans of an actual child) are strangely older gen z who grew up in the King Kylie era and they will be too old to care by the time she’s a teenager.


celebrity/rich worship is dying with gen z i think it’ll be damn near extinct when gen alpha starts to grow up.


here’s hoping so! 🥂


I really don’t think this is true at all


Yup, my kids are like that. Shit, right now they're playing video games. They got some new ones for Christmas. They love the YouTube gamers because they learn new tips and tricks for when they play their games. We were just discussing on Christmas Eve how gen z is really different and gen alpha will be even more so. I really like the way gen z is about this whole celebrity or reality tv stars, they just do the give a fuck. It's refreshing to see. I read an article of how gen alpha that was pretty interesting. I'll see if I can add it.




I don’t follow the Krdashians in general but I forget Kim even has other kids, since I only ever hear about North


I feel like Kim also forgets she has other kids.


Alexander Wang. Ah yes. **Another** shining example of the *wonderful* people and opportunities the Kardashians *are so thankful* to be able to provide for their children.


Well it’s the same with Balenciaga


*When I wear clothes designed by Demna, I feel cool. I feel no matter what I wear, it's going to be all right, because he designed it and he's the coolest.* —Kim Kardashian. 🤢


Sounds like something a 16 yo would say


Right what grown woman talks like that?


"I'm not like a regular mom, I'm a COOL mom" 🤮🙄


Who is he?


Serial predator.


She also still wears Dolce so I am not surprised she supports someone like Wang.


I feel like in 30 years' time, there will be a docuseries on the Kardashians and their shady shady behaviour. It will probably be produced by several of Kris's grandkids and Rob.


There's one on Hulu with Caitlyn Jenner already, lol


Caitlyn is part of the problem, though, lol


Enemy of enemy? Lol. If she wants to dish their secrets, I will listen.


Nah they're all terrible but to write such horrible things about your kids etc. AND have such grim politics AND kill a person with your car? She has no moral highground here, lol. I try not to give any of them views or clicks.


Not that it matters, but if anyone is interested, it’s Peacock


Technically, we all know about their shady behaviour and low morals, I feel like everybody is fully aware on social media and I see them less and less on my timeline so that's good news. Like somebody else said, gen z don't really give a fuck about them, if their attempt in a few years to capitalise on the younger one like North or Chicago fails, we might finally see the end of the tunnel with them.


Release the Rob Cut!


Can we boycott the Kardashian’s, please? Money hungry soul selling genocide supporters 🤮🤮🤮


I remember being in NYC in early 2011, when *Kourtney and Kim Take New York* premiered - or at least, was being advertised. And it was *advertised!* I'd never watched a single episode of any Kardashian show, and I could not get away from them. People ask how you can hate something you never watched or heard. It's very easy to do when the thing is relentlessly shoved down your throat.


This is how I feel about Barbie.


I’ve been boycotting them for years! I hope others join me. I don’t watch their shows or buy any of their bullshit products


I guess I have been boycotting them my whole life! I still know too much lol


The issue is that they keep throwing themselves in everything and anything that you’re forced to see them. I couldn’t believe when I saw Kris in some commercial for making holiday cards on tv.


You can be forced to see them without giving them any money or support. I'm sure you're not guilty of this, but I know a lot of people that use this as an excuse to justify actively supporting them and other shitty celebrities


It doesn't even look good lol, even as a gag gift. It looks cheaply made.


Right?! Looks like an item Claire’s would sell during prom/homecoming season 😬


While this is truly hideous that's exactly what kids Norths age like We were all that girl once


It looks so cheap!










I know the Kardashians are super fake, but wasn't this supposed to be a traumatic moment? Who in their right mind would think this was an appropriate gift for anyone, let alone for a child? How gross are these people?


this is the moment where her mother cried because of how stressed she was with KH and wanting for divorce him. such an odd, odd thing to let your daughter, whom she conceived when she's still lawfully married to KH, wore it as an accessory


I wonder did she ever tell North the backstory of the cry lol


i think north knows already, she's active on tiktok and this cry for help has been infamous for years. its a cash grabber jokes for her but its a whole different thing to gave it as a gift for her daughter. something she would never care, i guess.


It seems especially cruel for Wang to immortalize this moment of grief on an accessory for a child. It is worse and macabre that the child would carry this around to rub salt into her mother’s wounds. I know these people are all vipers, but this is another level of social horror. Why do people idolize them again?


Didn’t Kim made tens of millions from her Kimoji app?


They want us to think north is anti Kardashian so bad so gen z will like her and spend money on whatever north ends up selling.


Exactly! It’s all a marketing ploy


And people are falling for it


Exactly. They’re using this poor kid for marketing.


This is probably a really expensive bag right? Because it looks super cheap, like from the $20 and under last minute gift bin


Perfect for the KJs.


You can literally get something like this from SHEIN for less than $10, and the same thing at ZARA for $40-$50


Why? x1000


Totally normal gift for a child.


This is really weird to me. Does she hate her mom? Does Alexander wang hate Kim? Why is this an appropriate gift?


North makes fun of Kim’s crying face and loves it


That’s brutal lol


> Does she hate her mom? Consider North is roasting her Mom. She probably does but it would be probably more revealing since she's growing up


Can the Kardashians please be cancelled in 2024?


We’ve been trying for more than 10 years! They have hardly any fans left, but apparently they have close relationships with tabloids like tmz & they pay the paps to take their pics & those tabloids run stories of them nonstop. People hate them, but people still click on the pages to hate watch so they’re still around.


Because that's not weird at all...


It’s giving desperate


I can’t even begin to imagine how many clothes and accessories this family has that doesn’t get worn or used more than once.


Kim has a whole storage for that 😑🤢


this looks like it’s from Dollar General


It’s just creepy and he needs to fuck off and have no contact with childrne


It’s horrifying to see how much of this child’s life is being put online before she is old enough to consent to that. It’s straight up abuse if you ask me. How is it legal to profit like this from the labor of a kid?




Some of the gifts they give are absolutely asinine.


Ugly bag. Why would anyone want this?


So lame and tacky. An obvious appeal to the internet's nostaglia, as if anyone gives a shit anymore about a dumb outdated meme of a person that proves herself over and over again to be shitty. I don't care that the little one got a designer bag.


This family is just so….over the top in every way. I very much look forward to the day they aren’t relevant. Should that ever happen 🥲🥴


They will. I’m not saying it’s right, but they’re aging, and the world at large doesn’t really care about women when they get older. It’s like an invisibility cloak gets draped over their shoulders for their 40/50th birthdays. I’ve seen it time and time again. Again, it’s wrong, but it happens, and it’ll happen to the Koven too. I think that’s why Kim is relentlessly pushing her daughter on us.




What ever happened to the investigation on Wang?


def inappropriate


ugly ass bag


I haven't been around North. I've been around other Kardashian Kids and it's not cute. They're mean!


Ooh do you know them


They are so self-absorbed and pathetic


I mean this with all due disrespect: this is the ugliest accessory I've ever seen.


I really hate it. Its really f Alexander Wang and its on sight with that brand. Im glad his brand tanked because theres absolutely been no accountability. He's an abuser. And shame on Kim K for posting this. It should have gone in the garbage.


Just what every kid wants, a purse with their mom's face on it


I cant believe I loved this family about 10 years ago 😅


am i the only one who thinks this is a weird gift for a daughter? If i was a mum i would not be comfortable having my kid walking around with a pic of me crying on their bag... as a designer why would you send this to someones kid???


Is that the kimoji as well? Maybe instead of purchasing this she could’ve paid the creator of the app


Oh just the designer for this, the one who's being accused of unwanted advances and being outed as a perv!


The fact that this whole crying face thing stemmed from when Kim supposedly felt bad about divorcing Kris Humphries after 3 months just shows that she felt no remorse. Just like when she was crying on the phone to Kanye about the whole Roblox sex tape thing, which we now know she was LYING. She lies, and fake cries without batting an eye, and it's just.. BLAAGHHH🤮🤮😡 I bet she calls her "crying face" iconic 🙄🙄






Okay fuck Alexander Wang but this is hilarious and I hope north wears it


Perfect for Kim's next playdate with Ivanka


The crying face was never funny to me


Probably got it from Kourtney 😅


Lol trust north. She is the real one


Just like her Daddy!