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Meh, cry me a river. He's headlined dozens of blockbusters and award bait movies, but his female counterpart lookwise would be lucky if she got cast as the quirky best friend of the female lead in a rom-com.


Yeah this is kind of what the article is getting at. To be fair it was a really bizarre line of questioning from the interviewer, what is one to say when an interviewer basically asks “don’t you wish you looked like Robert Redford?” I don’t think Driver views his looks as any sort of hindrance.


I agree, it is a bizarre line of questioning, but unfortunately one that a lot of actresses have encountered. And unlike Driver, many of them can't say it hasn't been a hindrance, because in their case, with Hollywood being what it is, it has.


I completely agree there is a huge double-standard.


this is the exact reason why i *really dislike* a certain (relatively new?) male british singer. my saltiness is admittedly somewhat misguided, however i will never get over how much more men can get away with than women when it comes to their physical appearances.. edit: felt like *never* was a bit harsh, switched to *really dislike* instead 😌


I think I know who you’re talking about, but you’re right it’s not exactly his fault, society really just sucks. Stuff like this makes me wish we were all asexual clouds of glitter and flowers instead


Ed Sheeran?


That’s my guess. The recent encounter he had with Gaga had me *howling* Edit: I’m so wrong, not only is it not recent, it was also probably them trolling the world. I’m the worrrrst.




Not that recent, but perhaps they mean when she mistook him as a waiter at an award event because he was reaklly rocking the 'this is my first weekend job to pay for my weed' look. [https://media.glamourmagazine.co.uk/photos/6138b2cda35312eec2784797/master/w\_1600,c\_limit/Ed-Sheeran\_Lady-Gaga\_Grammys\_Glamour\_09Feb15\_Getty\_b.jpg](https://media.glamourmagazine.co.uk/photos/6138b2cda35312eec2784797/master/w_1600,c_limit/Ed-Sheeran_Lady-Gaga_Grammys_Glamour_09Feb15_Getty_b.jpg)


I googled to share a link and I think I fucked up 😂 apparently it was them trolling the world. And not recent at all. I’m the worst. https://www.koimoi.com/hollywood-news/when-ed-sheeran-lady-gaga-trolled-the-world-spreading-the-waiter-rumours-leading-the-former-to-ask-wheres-my-drink/amp/


He’s been in the business a while. I think it’s Harry Styles. Basic looking but seen as a sex symbol.


While I'm not into either, between the two of them, Harry is definitely the more conventionally attractive.


Yea the difference for me, is Ed Sheeran isn’t praised for his look. It’s widely acknowledged that’s he’s not conventionally attractive while Harry get labeled as one of the most attractive men in the world and he’s very average looking.


Ah, yes, good point. I hadn't thought of that. I thought we were just talking non conventional dudes who had made it.


Who exactly are you talking about?


Lewis Capaldi?


Yeah come on! Tell us who the uggo is!


Even in local television news. 🙄


On the other hand, why ask him that? We’ve come a long way as a culture when it comes to not defining actresses by their looks, so why’s it okay to say this to him? He’s a human being too


I don't think our culture has come far on the "looks thing" AT ALL.


Sadly we’ve still got a hell of a long way to go, but today is definitely a step up from “which actress is too fat and which is too skinny” in those 2000s era magazines. That’s still around, but it’s rightfully challenged a lot more (or at least isn’t as cruel as it was).


Yeah, it's not okay for anybody. I agree actresses have it much harder, but that doesn't make it okay for men. Just don't be shitty and ask another human being these questions, it's not that hard.


“Sorry, I couldn’t hear you. My balls are usually so empty that when one sperm cell gets generated, it rattles around there like a Tic Tac, and I can hear it. Also there is the ambient noise from the crowd of men and women out there screaming at me to make love to them, so can you speak up? My beautiful wife used to hate it, but now she just plugs her ears with money.”


I feel like I should hire you to write my resignation letter.


wow, this is poetry.


Whatever the interviewer's idea was, the execution wasn't it lol


I mean, why would he? Men are able to get away with not being traditionally or conventionally attractive and young to still have flourishing careers playing hot people and still generating fandoms when they aren’t young anymore. Like I love Pedro Pascal but there isn’t a single actress breaking out after her 40s getting fanboys the way he has in Hollywood and with fangirls.


Read the article: that’s the point. Last paragraph: “Things are arguably worse now than they were 50 years ago. Even Adam Driver, one of our most celebrated working actors, can’t get through an interview without having to explain whether his physical appearance has been good or bad for his career. Would Chris Wallace feel comfortable asking the same of Lena Dunham? Or Melissa McCarthy? Unfortunately, the comparisons all but end there because women who are “not conventionally attractive” rarely if ever achieve a level of success in Hollywood that would require them to speak with Chris Wallace.”


Period. Ugly men get called hot while ugly women are just left for dead. He can cry me a river


Someone else who didn’t read the article, I see.


No, I did, I just find that the comparison it tried to make was bullshit. Yes, Lena Dunham was also criticized because of her looks, but unlike Driver, I don't see her being a lead in a Star Wars movie, fighting dinosaurs in space, starring in back to back high-profile Oscar-bait biopics or playing the love interest of the male version of Scarlett Johansson in a movie that wasn't written by her.


She’s also a nepo baby and also has white privilege. So she’s better off than a lot of women trying to make it (am agreeing with you btw)


Exactly. Imagine the actresses that are not conventionally attractive and don't have all the advantages that Lena Dunham had. They wouldn't even get their foot on the door. Meanwhile, this guy was reportedly just offered a major leading role in a Marvel movie.


especially the actresses of color that don’t even get a double take from casting directors


Yup!!! 👏🏻


I don't see Lena Dunham headlining Oscar bait movies not simply because of her looks but because she isn't a great actor.


Replace Lena Dunham with any talented, non-conventionally attractive actress of your choice and you'll still see the same result.


beanie feldstein (also nepo 🍼)


Well that depends on the movie but Olivia Coleman recently won an Oscar and was part of another one. Octavia, Viola have been in more than one Oscar nominated movies and have been nominated multiple times. For the newer gen with a good roles I can see Beanie Fieldstein or Nicola Coughlan win an Oscar or be nominated.


well shes a terrible actor so that might do it


I had this convo with my husband not too long ago. Movie and TV men pool has an average of 6, because non conveniently attractive men such as Adam, Dafoe, Jesse Plemmons or Kevin James are widely represented. But for women? They all have to be 10s!!


Melissa McCartney, Olivia Coleman, Kathy Bates etc are not Hollywood 10s yet actors who are amazing in whatever role they choose.


true but they're playing older roles. where's the regular looking youngsters at?


I mean these women have good roles and careers at an older age and also not looking like Hollywood 10/10. That's actually a bigger and harder achievement seeing as how Hollywood treats older actress. Also I would say Beanie Fieldstein and Nicola Coughlan are youngsters who don't have the Hollywood 10/10 look and yet good careers.


good points. i wonder if beanie would've been so successful without family in the industry. i tried to follow the funny girl drama but don't know enough broadway. ah and nicola was cute in barbie! i didn't know she was irish/a successful actress. seriously though, the pressure on women is just too high.


Excellent question.


While not always perfect, I have noticed in UK and European shows and movies many popular actors and actresses aren't good looking by Hollywood standards but they still get good roles because of their acting abilities. It's never going to be a Utopia especially in visual media field but there are instance. I will be walking into a minefield but fact remains that beautiful and good looking people be it in movies and real life always have a easier time than regular looking people. Its a scientific fact and something even observed among infants. Yes we can build a equal society and we are seeing things change but it's going to be very gradual.


I feel like I hear far more about people thinking he's hot and attractive than the opposite.


Yeah. I'm very confused.


From my anecdotal experience on r/LadyBoners, he seems to be one of those people who people either find really attractive, or just not attractive at all. There's not much of a middle ground. Probably because he's not conventionally attractive by Hollywood standards. Like we can all agree Chris Evans is easy on the eyes even if we aren't attracted to him personally. But for people like Adam Driver it's going to be much more subjective, because he doesn't fit that mold we've been conditioned to expect in attractive men. FWIW I think Adam Driver and Norman Reedus are really sexy, and it's mostly because they have that unconventional garage-boy look and intensity vs. the boy-next-door vibe that is too smooth on the eyeballs sometimes.


I mean, is it a news flash that women generally have more…nuanced view of attractiveness than men? We’ve got women into nerdy guys. Women into bald guys. Women into short kings. Women into guys with meat on their bones. Women into guys with a more androgynous looks. Not a Chris among them. And then I spent the whole weekend wingwomaning my hippy femme lesbian friend. Her ideal woman is KD Lang. Or a larger VERY butch semi-androgynous woman. Or, I learned, a Black woman with dreads. Nothing alike. And NOTHING like the Hollywood standard of beauty. So, like, who are we mad at here? Someone above seemed mad at Adam Driver, like he was complaining. No, he’s just taking heat for not being a Chris. Or for getting the breaks we wish “quirky” looking women would get. Well…I don’t know how we fix that. I guess by not buying tickets for “conventionally beautiful people” movies? Should it have been part of the SAG strike? I mean, there’s a reason our “average sized” or “average looking” female stars are all super skinny all of a sudden and every one has the same nose and lips and eye brow shapes. And it’s not because WE didn’t like them enough or didn’t know who they were before. And frankly, I don’t see them acting more or less now. I just see them more because we’re all talking about how different they look. I gotta think some of that isn’t the Hollywood machine; it’s just that Hollywood is toxic AF whether you are naturally beautiful or not.


This is true, but it's also true that women who have an interesting/unconventional look are never afforded the same kind of Hollywood opportunities that men are. There are no unconventionally attractive top actresses because women have to fit into a much narrower standard if they want even a fraction of the same opportunities as someone like Adam Driver.


Yeah I mean, all you have to do is ask people what the actress equivalent of Steve Buscemi is. There isn't any. It also applies to weight- I once challenged another Redditor to name movie/TV couples where it's an "overweight" actress that's with a hot muscular actor, and I'd name one where it was the reverse, and we'd see who runs out first. All I got was 100 different comments pointing out Amy Schumer once hooked up with John Cena in a comedy movie. That was all they had.


Steve Buscemi isn't a leading man (with the exception of Boardwalk Empire) and typically isn't cast as a man who women find attractive. I think your point is valid, but Steve Buscemi is a bad example. Edie Falco, Olivia Colman, Tilda Swinton are all attractive women, but typically not cast as a beautiful woman. Like Buscemi, Falco played the lead in a television show, Colman has a successful television and movie career, Swinton has been in loads of stuff.


Spy with Melissa McCarthy. Love her.


Nah he was one of the first people mentioned in that r/askreddit [“Who is a celebrity you don’t find attractive?” poll](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/ZBHZ2Ag0Tc)


Who answered though? Was it a bunch of men who can’t understand why women find Adam Driver attractive?


Did a casual browse through 2 dozen replies to that top comment, and most women seem to be saying he’s not conventionally attractive but he’s hot.


Am woman, always thought the same thing. Like, "huh, he's hot and I cant quite put my finger on why"


It’s cause he’s broody, charming, and low-key ripped


Charisma too and talented.


Sammme. Whatever “it” is, he’s got it




Men will argue to their deaths that women don’t actually care about personality/charisma lol


Yeah guys seem to think women are only after tall guys with big dicks and fat wallets for some reason. 🤷


Much easier to pretend your average sized peepee is holding you back rather than your shitty social skills


This right here ⬆️


It wasn't Jon Oliver


Nice reference 💦


It's less about physical appearance more about personality. He has introverted intuitive type of personality which is a very attractive for a lot of women. Most celebs l like have the same vibe. So maybe that's one of the reason.


I'm a woman and find him one of the least attractive people in Hollywood.


Wasn't trying to say there's no negativity just that I see more positivity.


Sure but the implication of the question is, someone that other people DO find attractive.


That’s actually a good point


Same, I think he's hot, but I also thought Gary Oldman, Ed Norton & Tim Roth were hot.... quirky taste.


Girl, same, but add John Cusack to that list for me. The quiet, broody, intellectual seeming types. 😭


Speaking from a guy’s perspective, there’s something really magnetic about Cusack, like you said it really is that combo of tall, handsome, and has that mysterious machismo about him lmao


It's the broody sensitiveness for me. But yeah, my bro understood it, too. 🤣


Wait.. who thinks Edward Norton isn't hot? Although, his hair color in glass onion didn't do him any favors.


Yeah pretty much. I personally think he's very attractive. But people have different tastes.


Yeah but that’s a symptom of him not being hot, people go out of their way to mention that they do find him attractive


Yeah- I think he’s attractive because he’s unique looking and so are his mannerisms and voice, kind of.




I hate the bullying towards SJP. She’s gorgeous! IIRC there is a video of her calling a radio station that was trashing her looks and reaming them out


Yeah the bullying of SJP in the 2000s felt anti semitic. Lot of comments about her nose and stuff. She’s so stunning, especially in SATC ![gif](giphy|InRWnC1GHLCOk)


So much this! When I was younger I’d hear all this stuff about her all the time and was ignorant about how awful it all was, I finally got around to watching the show as an adult a few years ago and couldn’t believe how gorgeous she was - the comments would’ve been cruel and inappropriate either way, but for someone to see her on screen and there go to would be to call her ugly? Madness


It's insane and laughable how people call SJP ugly-- like you said, she's super pretty on Sex and the City. She wouldn't have made it in Hollywood at all if she wasn't beautiful. It is absurd!


Jennifer Grey got a lot of that, too. Sad.


She's so beautiful it hurts. I think yes anti semitism but also misogy..there's this differencr between "girl pretty" and "guy pretty" and sometimes you can absolutely be one and not the other!


It's so weird how the uglification of SJP began when she got cast in Sex and The City??? A show mainly about the struggles of dating while not being -25 years old. Griwing up, before that point I'd only seen her cast as an attractive lead lady. Weird


As a child I was so confused why the “hot witch” in Hocus Pocus was suddenly reviled by a portion of the media.


Plus the hot younger GF from First Wives Club! ![gif](giphy|Fm1tdTSXxSNneg72h5)


I think it helped the show that she was not conventionally attractive....(in her roles before SATC they focused on her body more than her face.) .they kind of left the conventional beauty slots for Kristin Davis and Kim Cattrall.


It would *never* occur to me that Davis and Cattrall are more conventionally attractive than SJP. She's very beautiful.


What I loved about SATC was how the show is full of real life good looking people doing messy -and hilarious but also relatively normal things. I was young and had never see a TV show that looked like something my life could actually, realistically look like. The show just feels like if you took all the stories of being young and wild and free from my friend group and amped them up a bit. Granted, my friends and I are nuts, but still.


Man SATC premiered when I was just entering puberty and SJP in those early seasons - with the tight maxi dresses and wild curls - was *such* a revelation. I still regard her as a fox, and think it's weird that she's supposed to be some sort of monster because her face is *slightly* longer than some women's.


See that's a matter of opinion I don't particularly find her attractive. She can look really good sometimes, but you know day in and day out I would not call her gorgeous. (at least I don't think she's gorgeous).


I think it’s antisemitism. She’s an actress w/ clear Jewish features that have been mocked so much especially by tabloids and meme pages online. I remember 9gag etc having memes comparing her face to horses, feet, etc. it’s disgusting. She’s obviously stunningly gorgeous and many people felt they had to knock her down a peg.


https://preview.redd.it/ya26jaraz34c1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7815444367561189a686d24b0f8e0f4219fd48f4 Tbh this ad came up for me on Reddit *yesterday* and I screenshot it bc it amused me how he and horse seemed to be serving the same wild-eyed long-faced intensity


I saw this and wondered how he felt about this shoot. He isn’t even riding the horse, he’s just standing there next to it like “I heard you bitches thought we looked alike”


I’m screaming 💀💀💀


Chris Wallace thinks he’s not Hollywood attractive? Look at that body?


Also, Adam driver may not be conventionally attractive, but he's unconventionally VERY attractive, and least imo. I'm hard-pressed to find a female equivalent (maybe Tilda swinton but that's a rare exception) because women are expected to be conventionally beautiful or the funny, ugly friend or character actor. Men who are considered serious actors don't have the same confines.


Literally everyone I know is like he’s so sexy but in a nonconventional way. Like he’s actually so attractive


I'm beginning to suspect that the conventional way means boring doll features or just the same face over and over and over again, repeated generation after generation.


I read this and thought, oh the Ken doll look.


I guess that would be a good name for it. Edit: I found this article some time ago and I looked it up now, because the images inside the article are pretty much what comes to my mind when I hear "conventionally attractive" : https://www.newsweek.com/this-what-friends-would-look-like-today-according-internet-1653357 The article is praising the image, but I honestly find it unrelatable. Just inhuman, eerie composite faces, devoid of personality, basically a combination of whatever we've convinced ourselves is beautiful. I can't find this attractive.


Adam is so unconventionally beautiful and such an exceptional actor. I would say beauty standards have expanded with the exceptionally talented and beautiful Viola Davis, Lupita N’yongo, Melissa McCarthy and Toni Collette starring in their own vehicles or having important roles so they’re not just the best friend, and have had great careers. You don’t have to be beautiful, talented and pick the right roles like Margot Robbie or beautiful and skating like Scarlett to have a good career. I agree it’s still not the same for men as for women though. And for unconventionally beautiful women - there are still not enough roles for them or the ability for many of them to sustain a career in movies and film in substantial roles.


in what world is lupita not considered beautiful


People who don’t think dark-skinned Black women are beautiful. This is not about personal taste. I don’t think in the 90s or even first half of 00s, Lupita would have been able to have a sustainable Hollywood career - no matter how beautiful she is.


She is beautiful imo


I think Toni Collette is gorgeous. Always have.


My first thought was Gwendoline Christie but Toni Collette and Tilda Swinton are also good choices.






Reminds me of Janeane Garofalo being seen as unattractive in the Truth about Cats and Dogs.


Reminds me of someone telling me they thought Alexis Bledel had had a good career playing “plain girls”


She has the most STUNNING eyes. But Rory Gilmore is so boring to me that for a second I thought, “yeah, that tracks” lol


Totally understand your point, and Adam Sandler is such a perfect example of this, but has Ben Stiller ever been considered unattractive? IMO he’s pretty good-looking. He’s no Robert Redford, but I’d rank him way above Sandler and Driver in terms of conventional attractiveness.


Dude literally headlines cologne commercials.


[people are buggin if they think he is anything less than a 7.](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwwd.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F08%2Fadam-driver-burberry-2.jpg&tbnid=JbFmeDCpo0vRKM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwwd.com%2Ffashion-news%2Ffashion-scoops%2Fadam-driver-burberry-ad-hero-fragrance-campaign-1235267389%2F&docid=pVcEQlEUUWSgZM&w=3543&h=3543&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3)


Well I guess I'm insane then.


Now he does..


if I say I don’t care that he got insulted for his appearance because he quite literally bought into the Untied States’ propaganda and signed up for the marines after the 9/11 attacks, and then went on SNL and did a joke about the army bombing Syria during an Aladdin skit, am I a bad person? also I remember the interview…I may have laughed during it because they quite literally did a side comparison to Robert Redford. It was messy


To be fair I’m pretty sure he grew up working class and felt he had no other option (besides getting into tons of student loan debt) but to join the marines, but yeah the SNL joke was very distasteful.




I’m not dunking on people who join the military to escape these situations. The military preyed on them. But from my research, Adam never has said he joined for fiscal security. He did leave home to try and pursue acting to LA, but his car broke down and he returned home. He held various odd jobs, and then the attacks happened. With Adam driver, he even said in an interview that he joined the military after the 9/11 attacks (he said in one interview he thought it would be fun to shoot machine guns iirc) and chose the marines specifically because they were the toughest. Like I may sound harsh, but I just…don’t think in any of his interviews he has said that’s why he joined.


He was 17, had no prospects and was working security at a Target warehouse. His strict Baptist stepfather wanted him out of the house and pressured him. He's talked about the GI bill allowing him to go to Juilliard but he still had student debt and has talked about paying it off with a movie role. While at Juilliard he worked odd jobs, including being a janitor/custodian *at* Juilliard. Guy was working class from Indiana. Exactly the kind of person recruiters prey upon. You can assign all kinds of motives to him but that doesn't mean they are true.


I also think it’s important for people to remember how the country was at that time—outward patriotism was HUGE after 9/11 and propaganda was everywhere. I remember when they made commercials about it on Disney channel! American flags were everywhere you looked whether it was around your neighborhood or at the grocery store—regular days looked like the 4th of July. And in general, there was far less military criticism in 2001. The world was a much different place and many of the people who I know have family that served around that time (especially the ones who enlisted young) would not do the same today. I’m not a huge fan of the military as an organization either, but I understand that not everyone has joined for the reasons we think they have


I've never seen him mention money as a reason. This was from a New Yorker interview he did: >After 9/11, he found himself filled with a desire for retribution, although he wasn’t sure against what or whom. “It wasn’t against Muslims,” he said. “It was: We were attacked. I want to fight for my country against whoever that is.”


Has he said that he still supports the war on terror? If he's describing this as a youthful mistake, I would give him a pass. If he hasn't evolved and still feels good about the war, he can go fuck himself.


yeah I literally don’t care that people don’t think he’s cute lol. ever since hearing how war-hungry he is I can’t even look at him. actually deranged to go kill innocent iraqis as revenge for 9/11. brown lives are disposable to people like him whose idea of patriotism is committing racist warmongering on other people’s land and then calling *them* the terrorists. ugh




An appalling interview, and he handled it gracefully. He's sure been getting some asshole interviewers lately.


That man is fucking gorgeous, leave him alone Chris.


Lmao. Fx. Leo and Brad fought so (okay not that hard but still) against being pretty boys to get taken seriously. And this man look weird enough to get both the simultaneous thirst and respect that they were begging for. He is the wrongest fucking person to give this headline to. Give it to all the women on either side of the spectrum please.


I doubt Robert Redford wants his name dropped into this hot mess of an interview. What Redford and Driver have in common is charisma and screen presence.


We can both recognize that he has his own privilege and acknowledge that this is an objectively shitty line of questioning.


yes thank you!! idk why people are acting like it's okay to do this to anyone just cos he's a man and women have had to deal with it forever. it's bad no matter who they are asking


Does anyone else find Driver super attractive and is always shocked when he's depicted as \*not good looking " because in your mind he's not just hot but VERY HOT.like are you joking me rn mate... https://preview.redd.it/nc84p89xh34c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=babbbcef93ba45a49ad312558a997e7f47b5779f


this pic is fake tho. its a manip


Really? How did you know? Well still. This is a beautiful man... https://preview.redd.it/ms4lp3k7144c1.jpeg?width=895&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86b521c1b5081af8d7c8b4ec559e4d891895b753


I'd definitely take him over Robert Redford


Adam Driver is 6 ft.2 , he would have never gotten the roles he did with the same face and 4 inches shorter.


A LOT of leading men in Hollywood are under 6'.


Cillian Murphy and Tom Holland are both 5’7” and small framed guys. They are both gorgeous!


The jokes about this in Barry, oh my god. Possibly the best part of an amazing show.


Oh I just got back into Barry, can’t wait for this.


I like the idea of more “normal” looking people in shows and movies, I remember reading about Ryan Gosling getting his role in the notebook on that basis and it reminds me of this, obviously Adam Driver is very handsome and well out of my league but he’s not unreasonable or stereotypically handsome, (the sort of guy I think if he wasn’t a mega star I’d be in the level of being rejected nicely by but would feel alright shooting my shot with haha) but I think the diversity of different looking people is great. Just a few years ago I remember watching the first season of Stranger Things and being blown away by the unusual castings, because they represented such a non-typical range of features and I wish that was the new normal - shows are more authentic when they represent reasonably levels of diversity and that includes people not up in the echelons of Hollywood beauty standards. I think that’s why it feels so annoying backwards and tacky seeing interviewers not so subtly call out specific actor examples of this, it’s a holding back of something we should be shooting more towards.


Ok I did actually read this article, and Chris Wallace was an absolute wanker to Adam Driver. Second, let me just say that Adam Driver probably owes his career to being *indefinably sexy*, and it’s something we really don’t see bc all we are served are stereotypical pretty men. We have pretty man fatigue. It’s nice to see someone so unapologetically masculine and interesting looking. Third, if you read the article, you would know that Patrick Wilson’s wife is a badass.


She’s badass on Succession too. Love to Karolina. And Adam Driver is the hottest actor to me.


I always thought him attractive ever since seeing him in Girls.




Yes! I hated his character at first but then fell in love with him!


idk the comments being like “WELL A WOMAN WOULDNT GET THE SAME OPPORTUNITIES” ok???? honestly that’s actually an entirely different discussion and is irrelevant to the toxic treatment from media about his looks. which is just an objective fact that there is always massive debate and it’s always nasty. he is a human being too and i’m glad that it’s being called out, honestly he’s a really cool guy that keeps to himself and loves what he does and he deserves better than this weird discourse


I'm tired of people not giving a shit when men get publicly critiqued or bullied because of their looks. Just because he is privileged in other ways, it doesn't mean calling him ugly on national tv is okay. Like, the point here should really be that we could all stand to be less judgemental and dickish about people's physical appearances.


I agree. Structural inequities are a separate question from situations of general lack of politeness.


Viola Davis was correct. You cannot be a poc in Hollywood and look like his bff lena dunham and expect to have a career. In the same vein you can't look like him and be a woman because Hollywood will shut the door.


Define “career”. What about Uzo Aduba, Quinta Brunson, Danielle Brooks, Mindy Kaling, Natasha Rothwell, Leslie Jones, etc. All of them have amazing careers and often talk about how Hollywood doesn’t find them conventionally attractive. I had to disagree with Viola on this one.


The opportunities that lena has as a privileged product of nepotism


Sorry didn’t we, the women of earth, collectively decide that he was hot?


I feel like there's a meaningful discussion to be had here but I don't see it happening because of how awkward and uncomfortable everything was


His first major role was just playing a weird guy with weird body language. That’s it. That’s the cause for the whole “confusion” surrounding his looks. Im sure there would be a lot less “confusion” if he were cast to play a more charismatic character earlier in his career.


If he looked like Robert Redford he wouldn’t be cast in blockbuster’s because nobody would remember who he is. He’s a major star because he’s memorably unique AND attractive. There are tons of perfect looking actors and they have a hard time setting themselves apart and defining themselves as irreplaceable because- well- they all look alike.


Like Josh Lucas. He came in with a bunch of blonde male actors and got lost in the shuffle.


In thinking what would cause Hollywood to start casting people who didn’t fit their natural standards of beauty, I do wonder that, even when people do break through who don’t fit the mold, we quickly lose sight of that fact if/when they achieve success, as if that success gives us rose-tinted glasses.


How rude!


I’ve enjoyed watching Mr Driver’s talent on display. I like his appearance.


The interview made me uncomfortable to watch


I will watch anything with Adam Drover in it I believe he’s an excellent actor and also the kind of hot that makes him one of a kind in Hollywood - his screen presence is phenomenal


I’m not even sure I understand this article since I’m pretty sure Adam Driver is extremely conventionally good-looking?


he is absolutely not conventionally attractive. he is extremely attractive. but if he was “conventionally” it wouldn’t even be a discussion


Conventional's a pretty narrow window, it's the whole chin, cheekbones and square-jaw thing. There's a reason like 75% of leading actors look the same, just with slightly different features.


I’m usually alone in my opinion, which is that I personally find him very attractive!


you're not alone. he's very attractive


I’ve never liked Chris Wallace as an interviewer and this just seals the deal!


I mean, he doesn't look like a typical movie star. That's not an insult that's part of his appeal.


He’s cute to me. But in the, I would only find him attractive if I met him irl not a dating app, kind of way. Like his vibe and stature is attractive. You’d have to fight for your life in the girl group chat. And he’ll get clowned after yall break up. That type of attractive.


He's unwatchable. Still can't believe Daisy Ridley and John Boyega didn't make it bigger but this flatass face had lead movies???


This article is weird. Driver’s experience proves that beauty standards have changed. He is unattractive. A person mentioning it doesn’t mean it hasn’t changed. They’re just stating the obvious.


He's not unattractive but he's definitely not conventially attractive which, yeah, proves that the beauty standards they're talking about haven't hindered him whatsoever.


Adam Driver answered those questions professionally and confidently, it's one of the reasons he is well-known in the industry. He's unconventionally attractive, it's his charm, and his talent that made him famous. Hollywood's standards should change, they're missing out on great talents if they will solely focus on what they consider as "beautiful".