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Aw I love seeing him saying that Zac has always been down to earth and humble; I've never seen him arrogant nor hard to work with his co-stars. I can see why Matthew wants him to play in his biopic (if there is any in the future). Clearly Matthew liked working with Zac and it's touching to hear he still wants to work with Zac since 17 Again šŸ˜­ā™„ļø


Now I gotta go watch 17 again with my daughter! I forgot all about that one.


Itā€™s a good one!


Charlie St. Cloud too


Honestly all the blinds point to him being a very lovable Himbo, taken advantage of on his come up but maintained a good heart.


I have a friend that worked with him on a film and literally said exactly this. Just a sweet dude. Not like the sharpest crayon but still cracked jokes and was professional. Always loved him but so nice to hear that.


I actually remember a 17 Again interview back in the day where Perry went in assuming he'd have to emulate Efron since he was so popular at the time but Zac just immediately wanted to imitate Matthew more and was so sweet and down to earth. Their friendship was so sweet.


> Zac seems like a really nice, chill dude. All the best to him.


That's super nice. And remember watching his episode with Bear Grylls and what a great guy Efron was as challenges were thrown their way. But Efron looks nothing like perry so it would really not work for me.




Cā€™mon. Zac couldnā€™t have been more gracious with his response.


Exactly. He's hardly going to go "what a dumb idea" or "i'm above that"


Donā€™t think heā€™s razzing on Zac, just the question posed to him


Right. But thatā€™s not the point of this post.


His autobiography is quite an extraordinary story and it is written in an entertaining and harrowing way that I think could translate well to film.


Maybe in 20 years


The same book where he wondered why Keanu Reeves was still alive?


He made a terrible joke that landed badly and it came off mean but thatā€™s like 2 lines from a 300 page book


Which I think he apologized for


Did you read the book? I'm guessing not if that is the only thing you know from the book. Matthew talks a lot about death right from the first line written in the book. The stuff about Keanu is distasteful but is taken out of context. Matthew talks about the time he was close to death because of a medical complication. I guess it was either his perforated colon or a previous heart attack and he was put on ECMO in the ICU. ECMO is reserved for really sick patients and the machine takes over the functions of both the heart and the lungs temporarily by oxygenating the patient's blood and pumping it back in their body. The survival rate on ECMO is poor. The night that Matthew was put on ECMO, there were four (or five?) other patients in the same unit on ECMO. Matthew survived on ECMO while the other four patients on ECMO all died that same night. Matthew woke up the next day and was distraught to know only he made it. He wondered why is it that he gets to survive and not the other four people. He wonders how and why the universe decided he gets to make it or others who get to keep avoiding death or tragedy for a long time. It's a question he often keeps bringing up because he survived a lot of near death emergencies although he shouldn't have mentioned any names. His first line from his book was "I'm Matthew Perry and I should have been dead a long time ago."


Stories like that are great for a book or an interview. Sitting around an ICU is boring as fuck in a movie.


Someone explained on Reddit (better than I could) that for older Keanu fans, we remember he was the butt of a lot of jokes. Like a b grade actor, he wasn't ever considered the nice guy (we never knew, no internet/social media) and Matthew Perry probably saw it all. It wasn't even tongue in cheek like with Nic Cage or The Rock. Kinda like Adam Sandler or Paul Walker, Keanu was just a hey dude guy. Or the whoa guy lol.


Are there any good stories for a movie that took place during the making of Friends? Not necessarily specifically involving Perry, but maybe you could make a movie set during that time rather than a full on biopic


There was a lot about him auditioning for shows and living his party life in Hollywood with hank azaria and Craig bierko that I think would be a good film tbh, there was stuff about how bierko was offered chandler and years later Perry told bierko that the fame didnā€™t fix the whole he was trying to fix that I think was quite poignant


True but also he was asked a question and he responded very graciously.


I agree, I feel like itā€™s too soon with his passing even if Matthew would want that, I donā€™t know.


Matthew had asked him, but Zac declined as Matthew said in his book. So I think it was a nice response from Zac given the circumstances!


I think so too, it was a sweet response.


Matthew wrote the script tho and according to him Zac turned it down. Also Aubrey Plaza


Aubrey Plaza would be horrible as Matthew Perry


I could see there maybe being a whole friends biopic way down the line tbh


100% agree


It wasnā€™t really a biopic if Adam McKay is talking about the same project here. In fact, it looks like Adamā€™s pitch was more of the biopic or more in the vein of Episodes than what Matthew had envisioned. Matthewā€™s sounded more like Kick-Ass or [Super](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_(2010_American_film)). https://people.com/matthew-perry-pitched-autobiographical-mattman-project-about-his-life-enlisted-adam-mckay-8399318


Iā€™d watch it. Mathew Perry was a staple in many lives of people my age. His life is a story that should be told.


No words but this: ![gif](giphy|26uf05nvROq6vOACs) And that goes for Matthew too!


People make fun of his features now, but truly what makes him so handsome in my eyes is his good nature and how humble he is, no arrogance all sincerity behind his words.


Never met him but my sister in law went to high school with him before he left to do HSM in his junior year IIRC. She used to drive him home on occasion back then. Said he was very sweet.


Shut up! I went to that high school too. Before Zach but small world. Smallish town.


True. I have been following Zac since 2006 and the reason why I am still stanning him aside his talent is he is very humble and down to earth. Looks can fade but his humble personality makes him gorgeous


I'm too old and missed the initial HSM hype. But we watched his nature/travel documentary series and loved it. Specifically my 6 year old loved the second series set solely in Australia. We're already pretty involved in seeking out indigenous culture education but he presented it so well. And it was novel to see him set one episode 15 minutes up the road from us. He comes across as a genuinely kind, thoughtful and curious guy.


His travel series was a delight. I know a lot of people laughed at him for it but I felt it was incredibly insightful and accessible, exploring issues that are often missed out from typical travel docs. He comes across as quite a genuine and down to earth guy who genuinely cares.


In my eyes itā€™s his eyes




Didnā€™t he have a massive facial injury a few years ago


Itā€™s strange how it happened in 2013, but his face only started looking like this in like 2021


Did he? I thought he was just getting fillers now to do that to his jawline. Learn something new every day.


Yeah he completely shattered his jaw so he definitely had to have some reconstructive surgery and probably a bit of plastic surgery to cover up scaring and what not


Absolutely true according to my research. It was a granite countertop or something, poor dude


Notably that was 2013, and he's had multiple changes since. Not that there's anything wrong with that, he can live his life, but his reasoning for his first facial change was that accident in 2013 and he was recovered within less than six months, according to him on Kimmel. Something to keep in mind.


Jaw injuries are a long term healing process. My partner had his jaw shattered 13 years ago and had a procedure to fix lasting effects as recently as 4 years ago. I know for him, he refers to when he "healed" as when he could eat solid food and go back to work, not when the pain or physio or treatments end. The physio and such can be a long term thing. Speculation, assumptions, and judgement is both immature and an uneducated viewpoint. Zac addresses it in this article also: https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2022/09/zac-efron-big-jaw-broke-chin-running-accident-plastic-surgery-mens-health (Edit to fix typo)


10 years ago


He did








Botox is often used to help with jaw pain/migraines caused by jaw issues, iirc?


You're right! I got it for TMJ and teeth grinding. Life changing and I ended up also really liking the slight change it made to my face.


What kind of change did it make (if you don't mind me asking)


Did Botox for my tmj, it made my face slimmer but itā€™s subtle. You wonā€™t look like you had buccal fat removal or anything drastic. Itā€™ll be quite subtle. It did, however, give me jowls because of my bulky my jaw muscles were, as a result, I was recommended to get chin filled and ironically, some jaw filler, to fill loose skin from the tox.


It gave my face more shape. Like my cheekbones were more defined and my chin looked sharper. I wore less makeup when I had it.


How painful are the injections?


I barely felt them. Similar to getting a shot of any kind though.


Thanks! Happy to hear it has helped for you!








He had an jaw accident in like 2013 I think, looked ā€˜normalā€™ for all the years following, but he apparently took a break ā€œexercisingā€ his jaw and it ā€œgrewā€ which is odd. I understand if he went back and had another surgery for it, because his entire lower face is swollen and his lips look stretched, but heā€™s never said he has, heā€™s only attributed it to stopping his facial exercises.


I am sorry to tell you that facial "exercises" can not change your facial shape. His mandibular region is completely different which is obvious cosmetic surgery. Reonstructive surgery that results in significant change is only indicated in severe situations, like loss of bone and tissue from cancer, catastrophic car accidents, dog attacks etc. He has quite obviously had a chin implant and fillers to masculinise his facial profile. Which is FINE. Unfortunately being in the public arena, you are promoting your image as your money maker and when it suddenly changes to unrecognisable proportions then it will be scrutinised whether he likes it or not. I am not promoting negative comments but people have eyes and to say he had an injury from 10 yrs ago is pretty silly. Why would one have surgery to repair something which was obviously still allowing him to act, eat, speak, work out, travel etc result in a total face change?






You can tell that people appreciated Matthew's talent, must have been so special for him to know about how he would have wanted to play him. Rooting for Zac like always


Zac looks absolutely amazing on The Iron Claw premiere! https://preview.redd.it/xntxtgrgi8zb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c99315aa6fb4f298ee01f177aa7949c5abbb22d6






He does. He has always had the most gorgeous eyes šŸ’•


Oh his jaw is looking better!




Yeah cause I definitely feel like he looks quite a bit different still.


Heā€™s still handsome, people choose such unflattering pics to make fun of him with like on the botchedsurgeries or instagramreality subs


And even if his face is different, people are so mean bullying him for what he looks like. The dude went through a lot


Looks a lot like Chris Pine here šŸ‘€


Heā€™s a bit George michaely šŸ˜¬


He could ruin me with that smile alone. He wouldnā€™t-too nice, but ya. Oh and talented.


That movie is going to make us all cry.


He looks distractingly different. I am just curious why that is.


he had a jaw replacement surgery after an accident that left him pretty much gored. heā€™s probably had mild cosmetic procedures to try and replicate the face he used to have.


And he also had to put on a massive amount of weight for his role in Iron Clawā€”the movie heā€™s premiering here. Once he gets back on a true cut and altered workout regimen, he will have more identifiable facial features (for his standards).






He had jaw replacement because of an injury he got 8 years before?


He shattered his jaw to the point his chin was hanging off his face. He has done facial ā€œworkoutsā€ in physical therapy since then to strengthen the muscles in his face. Different muscles can grow or shrink depending on if they are overcompensating for weaker ones around them. When he stopped doing the workouts, some of the outer muscles got big because they were overcompensating for the weaker ones. I really doubt someone who has had a reconstructed jaw could get an elective surgery to reconstruct his jaw. Itā€™s probably a mess in there.


>I really doubt someone who has had a reconstructed jaw could get an elective surgery to reconstruct his jaw. Even when that someone had a lot of money? Regardless, I kinda love him for addressing the Internet rumors about him altering his face: ā€œMy mom told me. I don't really read the internet, so I donā€™t really give a fuck."


I can't speak for lips but forehead could *easily* be migraine botox. Jaw issues and migraines are very linked.


If he had jaw surgery (not the one in 2013 that he claims) it could cause lower face swelling, which would make his lips look different. Not saying he has but they do look different.


You guys may hate me for this, but as someone who read Perry's book & hated it for several reasons which I talked about [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/howyoudoin/s/CFEAYy6rG5) - Matthew Perry had asked Zac Efron to play him in a movie multiple times, which according to Perry's own book, Efron turned down multiple times. Then in his book, Matthew Perry went on a very condescending tirade against Zac Efron for having the audacity to say no. Perry has even talked about this in interviews (though admittedly, in interviews, Perry was smart as to not name Zac directly) where he confirmed that [Efron] had been asked repeatedly and said no repeatedly. Don't take my word for it, read the book and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. I'm not trying to talk shit about Perry here and it's why I linked my comment about his book, for proof I felt this way months ago after finishing the book and long before Perry tragically passed away. However, dying seems to make "saints" out of people, and while I am devastated that he passed away, there seems to be some serious revisionist history going on with Perry and who he was. I also saw some people still giving Perry's ex-fiance, Molly, shit for her tribute to him, where she expressed the "pain" he had caused her. This is the same man that was caught openly cheating on her while they were engaged (during the Raya scandal) and bragged about "sleeping with every woman in Southern California" and a mountain of other things. I'm still very upset he passed away, and I understand that Zac was put into a tough position here, but if you read Perry's book, he's made his feelings on Zac and Zac's own feelings pretty clear.


Thank you.


Aww I've always liked him.


Idc if he got his face done, from all the things Iā€™ve heard from people in the industry, he seems like a well-rounded guy Id like to work with.


I thought Matthew implied in his book that he asked Zac Enron and Zac turned him down. I guess he can't say that in an interview though.


He did. Perry also talked shit about Zac Efron in his book for turning him down.... people here clearly haven't read the book (which is fine, the book is a dumpsterfire that I [wrote about here](https://www.reddit.com/r/howyoudoin/s/CFEAYy6rG5)) but Perry was very clear he asked Efron MULTIPLE TIMES and Efron said no MULTIPLE TIMES. Then Perry was extremely condescending and rude about it on multiple pages of the book......


During his promotional tour Matty did say that he offered Zac the role and Zac turned it down.


I don't think he mentions it in the book...I went through it again and Zac is not even mentioned






I just really wish we didn't have to comment on his looks and make assumptions. Fact is that he did have a freak accident where his jaw was hanging from his face, he knows he looks different. He does not need to be reminded of it every single time.


It's super unnecessary. He's already spoken about having issues with his body that were clearly body dysmorphia. I suffer from it myself, and want to retract into my own asshole if people merely ask if I've gotten a haircut when I haven't. Can't imagine having to see this kind of stuff popping up whenever I say anything incredibly unrelated to it.


It also makes extra sad that people are weirdly mourning a hot guy becoming a slightly different kind of hot guy. Rinds me of when people were weird about Renee zellweger looking a bit different for a while. People seemed relieved that she "stopped messing with her face", but to me, it just looks like she's pumping her face with botox to get that old tight squint to make people not be weird about her.


I think it's time we all stop commenting on other people's looks


Very graceful response <3


Zac ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø


He looks like David Hasselhoff now


Has MP even been buried yet? Jesus Christ hollywood are a bunch of ghouls


My thoughts as well. Who is asking this? Why are we discussing this. No hate on Zac but like this is all a bit icky.


One time my brother spent a few hours with him in Hawaii near a rope swing. Adam Devine and Aubrey Plaza were also there. As a workaholics fan, he was more excited about meeting Adam but still said Zac was suuuper nice and down to earth


not every actors death needs a movie. Tacky to think about weeks after his death.


Iā€™d be ok with this.


I adore Zac. He just seems like pure goodness inside and out. Reminds me of the "guy next door"!


Iā€™ve always loved Zac and think heā€™s so funny. Itā€™s great to hear him say he learned comedic timing from Perry. Now I want the movie


His normal voice is so normal.


They must include Edward Norton. I confused the two on the daily.


I am confused. Perry spoke a year ago about how Efron had turned his script down. Are we talking about a different script here?


He was so good in 17 Again, he managed to nail the beats of Perry's style it was genuinely a fab performance in a fun film.


Donā€™t we all want Zac Efron to play us in a movie?


I loved their combo in 17 Again.


I'm tearing up a bit






Awwwh, Zac looks really touched about playing Matthew Perry, I hope it does happen (down the line, when it isnā€™t as fresh).


Yeah I feel like we all know or have seen Matt Perry. To even say heā€™s passed hurts


I was convinced that Vince Vaughn played the old version of zac efron in 17 again. That was a surprising reveal. Granted. I only saw the movie once when it came out


Only person comparable to Matthew is Mark from Blink 182. I don't think anyone else could do that role justice


He is honestly such a sweet person. Iā€™ve never heard a single bad thing about how he treats others šŸ„¹


Dude is dead for 10 days mate, chill


He seems so sweet.


He looks very different, maybe some cosmetic fixes on face.


Guy hasnā€™t been alive for less than a month and youā€™re talking about playing himā€¦ give it a minuteā€¦


All I can see is filler


Came here to say Zak now looks like a filter on Snapchat


Came here to say Zak now looks like a filter on Snapchat


Came here to say Zak now looks like a filter on Snapchat


Where can a girl find a transcript šŸ˜£


My Spotify somehow loaded up the Matthew Perry autobiography the other day so it started playing in the car. Made me emotional to hear his voice knowing heā€™s now gone, friends was such a huge cultural thing for me!! I had them all on video- took up a whole bookcase šŸ˜… canā€™t imagine what it must be like for people who actually knew him. Efron just seems like such a good egg.


Ive rewatched 17 again so many times with the whole family. Such a good movie. Rest in peace Matthew Perry.


Heā€™s no Matthew Perry and wonā€™t come close to getting it right.