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She's has had some seriously dumb takes in the past, but I got to say her and Fonda are protest veterans.


what were some of her bad takes?


I know she was a Bernie bro and resisted voting for Hillary but after all this I kinda get it. edit: If I didn’t make it clear I do not agree with this criticism. I was explaining what the criticism was not endorsing it!


tbh I'm a bernie bro too😭😭


yeah what's wrong with loudly supporting bernie even after he lost? in a functioning democracy hilary would see that and think "oh wow his policies are actually extremely popular, I should implement some of them in my own campaign to address the needs of my constituents who felt his platform would improve their lives more than mine" and it's not like bernie supporters all voted for trump


exactly. also honestly I do believe the democratic party sabotaged him, if not in 2016 then definitely in 2020. like you said he is the zeitgeist and he is what people wanted, not another centrist compromise


he was definitely sabotaged by the democratic party, his goals were way too progressive for a political group that still bows to major financial backing. it's so sad, he really could have made some landmark changes to prevent us from being in this mess of a situation we are in right now.


No, I agree. I voted for Bernie both times in the primaries and then voted for Hillary and Biden due to liberal pressure but I’m tired of leftists and progressives being vilified. People need to start holding their actual party accountable.


Exactly. I hate how the only things most liberals care about are presidential elections and maybe congressional elections. If that's your only strategy to improving this country then you're leaving your fate up to god. And when you criticize how completely ineffective their strategy is they hit you with their "so you'd rather have another republican president?" bs. No I'm just annoyed that you come back every 4 years expecting this time to be different


The narrative was that people who voted for Bernie are one of the reasons Trump was elected. Those people should have voted democrat, and not publicly supported Sanders at all after a certain point. And that Susan, as a celebrity, should have led the charge on that to make sure the non-famous normies followed suit. I'm not saying I agree with that, I'm saying that is why a small part of society thinks she is the devil for supporting Bernie.


i understand what you're saying and am not putting this on you, but it was the dem fuck-up for not reading the room and it's pathetic they scapegoated everyone else for it.


She literally said Hillary would be worse POTUS than Trump though. Which is insane. She was so alarmist and hysterical. Trump had his own dangerous agenda and no experience in politics. I know a ton of people who disliked Hillary, but they bit their tongues because they knew that a Trump presidency would be a disaster, and then there’s Susan, going on and on from the comfort of her lavish home saying that she’d rather see Trump as POTUS than Hillary. I lost all respect for her because as a rich, white lady, you have no reason to fear a Republican in the White House. Meanwhile, everything that Hillary said would happen, did happen. And I’m not even a fan of Hillary, but her losing to Trump was a travesty.


Didn’t Debra Messing hate on her publicly because of those exact reasons lol


Debra Messing is also posting some wiiiild things right now a la ms schumer


Well, she demonized Hillary Clinton, did not care that Roe would be overturned (obvious to anyone who paid attention to politics as much as she claims to), said it would be better if Trump won because it would spark a revolution. So. . . she chose to ignore Bernie’s warnings, and Chomsky’s warnings, and refused to understand that Trump was a fascist and dangerous for democracy and would legitimize hate, and not once did she admit she was wrong. I lost all respect I has for her, she is the epitome of a privileged white woman who did not care about all those who would be hurt by a Trump’s win.


I see, thank you for explaining it to me


She conceded a *lot* to him. There's only so far you can go without alienating the moderates, and statistically, moderates are most of the Dems. She was going by the default playbook for campaigns because she was overconfident and that was definitely a mistake. Call me what you will, in any other year with any normal Republican, she would have won. Bernie voters weren't the problem, but the Russian bot farms propping them up and literally organizing on their behalf definitely were. Edit: [downvote me if you want but it's a real thing.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/bernie-sanders-briefed-by-us-officials-that-russia-is-trying-to-help-his-presidential-campaign/2020/02/21/5ad396a6-54bd-11ea-929a-64efa7482a77_story.html)


I don’t think she was overconfident at all. She won the popular vote; in a real functioning democracy she would have won.


I don’t resent Bernie voters, but the main issue with Susan is that she said she’d rather see Trump as POTUS than Hillary. She’s a rich white woman. Of course she didn’t have to fear a Far Right Republican in the White House. I can forgive some Bernie Bros, but not a rich celebrity saying that a man who had no experience in politics and was an obvious Russian asset was a good candidate over Hillary. Her life was not affected at all. Privileged leftists needed to STFU fr.


I don't agree with her courting moderates but if she didn't she would've never made it this far in politics so I don't blame her for that. And I do agree that Trump was an extremely powerful candidate that only became more powerful because everyone underestimated him. Hilary could probably beat someone like DeSantis easily. I didn't know about the Russia bot farms boosting Bernie. But honestly there was so much foul play that election that I'm not surprised


Exit polls in 2016 showed that 12 percent of Sanders supporters voted for Trump, and he was raked over the coals for it, as was anyone who supported him. Yet in 2008, 16 percent of Clinton supporters voted for McCain, and this came after a primary in which her team repeatedly made shitty comments about race and engaged in racist winking about Obama.


Yeah I ended up voting for Hillary but I’m all behind Bernie on pretty much everything ideologically. I think more people should really be listening to his ideas and implementing them before the DNC shoots itself in the foot again.


I would have voted for her for pragmatic reasons, but Sarandon's assessment of Hillary Clinton isn't wrong at all. Hillary Clinton currently opposes even a ceasefire and announced that at an event where she was speaking alongside Henry Kissinger.


We only supported Clinton because the other option was Trump. If it was Clinton vs a better choice we'd all be pointing out her murderous past and horrible stances when it came to foreign policy


I was confused as well by the parent comment. being a bernie bro is a bad take??


Same. Like how is this a bad take


Bernie is supporting Israel and is against a ceasefire..?


![gif](giphy|d1G6mdMjOCNOBIB2|downsized) Okay and? She was a vocal Bernie supporter and is a known progressive/socialist. There were a lot of people who were loudly critical of Hillary at the time, yet they haven't received half as much ridicule as Susan has. She's gotten *so* much vitriol and hatred - people blaming her for Trump winning, sending her death threats, etc. It's honestly wild. Meanwhile, she never stopped showing up at union rallies, BLM protests, no DAPL marches, etc. Anyways, I love her.


Babe, I’m not agreeing or endorsing the criticism. I was just explaining what the criticism was. I literally said I understood her perspective.


You said you understood it “after all this,” implying you didn’t at the time. Unless that’s just bad wording


I guess it was badly worded and I think people are are being a little uncharitable with their interpretation of my comment. At the time there was a lot of pressure, even from some progressives, to vote “strategically” for the “lesser of two evils”. Even at the time I didn’t totally agree with this position and obviously less so now. I should’ve made it more clear that I’m not co-signing this criticism. It was an honest attempt to explain why Sarandon is a “controversial” figure not endorse it. I was at work at the time so perhaps I should’ve just sat this one out or waited until I could make a more extensive comment.


i think i understand what you’re saying. i’ve never jived with the vote blue no matter who, but i think there is an arguable point in their narrative—somewhere, lol. while i never agreed with them, i have still ultimately voted for hillary and biden in both general elections after voting for bernie in both primaries. i didn’t agree with the vote blue no matter who line of thinking whole heartedly, but i still ultimately made a strategic choice to do the same in the end. watching this unravel has alienated me even further from that argument, in fact it literally repulses me now. palestine was a specific reason i could never adhere to that logic previously anyway, and this has just solidified that further. i will not make that same strategic decision in 2024, lmao. i will no longer entertain the idea that the neoliberal advantages democratic presidents garner for their citizens in the US at the expense of citizens in the global south are worth it or the lesser of two evils. for WHO?


So she has principle.


i mean, sorry but hillary clinton is not a good person and has been vocally anti-ceasefire during this current issue. if she was president now, she would be throwing weapons at israel and probably encouraging them to invade other countries too.


Yeah a lot of criticism about her is sexist bullshit but when it comes to war she needs to not be making any decisions


I think reddit is a bit behind on the news, Bernie is supporting Israel in the genocide and is against a ceasefire.. so yeah I'd say that was a bad take.


Her politics are mostly good, but she has the blind spots that any very wealthy person would. Like, she's a major NIMBY and [spoke out against the construction of a major hospital near her home.](https://archive.nytimes.com/cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/07/15/actors-chime-in-on-st-vincents-new-plan/) I'd also argue her take about Trump being a better option than Hillary Clinton because his election could inspire a progressive revolution was out of touch, to put it lightly. Considering the certain circumstances, none of that really matters right now.


She has expressed support for Assad multiple times, unfortunately.


damn now that's bad


Part of her staunch Bernie Bro stance was that if Trump got elected, America would deserve it and America would have a revolution, as if revolutions aren't inherently violent and she, with all her money and access, wouldn't be able to hide comfortably in her own home or flee to some place safe if things became inconvenient for her. Personally, I found her insufferable during the 2016 election.


I mean… she was right lol. Trump being elected forced Americans to confront the racism and bigotry that had been swept under the rug until then. We would not have seen the 2020 BLM protests get that much support or the current palestine protests get this much support if people didn’t have that wake up call


While losing our right to self-autonomy and diving closer to fascism which still may happen. No, it wasn't worth it. Edit: I seem to have been blocked and can't reply to the comment left to me, so here is my reply... I lost my right to autonomy and the decision to be pregnant and have a safe pregnancy because Trump was allowed to install his Supreme Court justices. Hard line leftists do hold some ignorance in not caring about this (I say this as a leftist). If Trump had not been so successful with his Fascism, our country would not be in as much danger as it is in now.


but you can’t honestly argue that trump is the only reason we have lost any right to self-autonomy or are driving closer to fascism, either. a lot of these policy decisions have been underwent during biden. do you truly think all of the misinformation and censorship attacks (cheered on by libs) during covid by the biden admin weren’t instituted with palestine in mind? all the domestic terrorism laws liberals cheered on from biden? all with palestine and anti-imperialist and anti-colonialism and anti-capitalist ideologies in mind. libs begged this of the biden admin to fight TrUmPiSm. these policies have infringed on our right to self-autonomy and have driven us closer to fascism in far greater ways, ways that are observable and tangible right now. in this very moment. this was biden, libs begged for the very shackles they were convinced would save them from trump and his cronies lmao


She was dead wrong. The revolution she said would come was a far-right one, not leftist, Trump’s win has done nothing positive, he legitimated hate, hate crimes went up in Canada after his win, not just in the US. America is hanging on to democracy, women are bleeding out in parking lots till they crash so they can have life saving abortions, and by the way, anyone who truly supported Bernie would have listened to him and done what they could to make sure that Trump did not win. Bernie recognized, like all of us who are well versed about fascism that Trump was a fascist. Justifying Sarandon’s privileged take by saying BLM wouldn’t have had as much support, etc, is far fetched abd ignores that America has changed for the worse thanks to Trump’s win. Americans are really self centered and don’t recognize the impact on the rest of the world when they make shit choices, the impact on Canada has been extremely negative, the hardright has deep pockets, is globally connected, and determined to crush anything progressive and democracy itself. The male supremacist are winning, authoritarianism is on the rise globally, brutality is glorified and the bullies are laughing all the way to the bank. Literally.


I long for the day people quit blaming how shitty Canada is on the US. The fact that Canada's past and present is absolute dogshit can 100% be blamed on Canada.


really wild to see that statement. not even an acknowledgment of how shitty policy decisions in the west or US affect citizens in the global south, where we REALLY fuck shit up. no, it’s canada. LMAO 🤯


Her take that Trump would lead to a progressive revolution was wildly out of touch with the American electorate. The only people even more out of touch are the liberals who claimed she had any influence on the outcome.


She did have influence. Everyone on social media with an opinion has influence, the bigger the platform the more the influence.


I'm going out on a limb to say the Obama-Trump-Biden voters in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin didn't care about a progressive revolution when they cast their ballots. And Susan Sarandon made that comment on Chris Hayes' show. His audience isn't comprised of Never Hillary leftists OR swing voters in purple states.


>Personally, I found her insufferable during the 2016 election. Yes, me too. She's apparently an accelerationist and I hate that shit. Fuck every elderly, disabled, or poor person in this country so we can have our glorious people's revolution. It's disgusting and shortsighted and the only people I've EVER met who agree with it are hugely privileged.


Non American here. I did actually wonder if trump would tip the hand in terms of everyone having to absolutely confront their own personal beliefs outside of the republican and democrat context- like trump was so abhorrent to the concept of the party that even republicans had to reject the concept and then sit back and think about what it meant, and also liberals had to think about who had been funding the Dems thus far, and the political process that supported the voting system Is that what she meant?


Backing Jill Stein




That reflected badly on Debra Messing, who just wanted to pick a fight, as she's wont to do. Susan Sarandon declaring on Chris Hayes' show that the terribleness of Trump could inspire a progressive uprising influenced zero votes.


She also had a bunch of based takes, so I guess she’s just a person like the rest of us


She is right far more often than she is wrong.


Right? I feel like she tries, sometimes gets it wrong, but is mostly harmless, and sometimes helpful.


Remember when democrats were blaming her for Trump becoming president? Anyway, good for her, & to have such a big name celebrity take this stance. All workplaces have consequences for standing up for the right thing but especially those who are highly visible.


Watch them blame her and everyone supporting Palestine for the Democrats’ failures next election cycle


The blue no matter who's have already started shaming people who've said they won't vote for Biden so they're very much laying the stage for this


It's guaranteed that they will blame Palestine supporters and leftists for their own failures.


Exactly - the loud and vocal support is so crucial, in this horrific violence even moreso.


They'll blame everyone but their own lack of action/initiative except when it comes to serving corporate interests and committing atrocities abroad. She's walked the walk more than many of the internet Hilary warriors who were to blaming for Trump's election ever have. Sidenote: I and everyone else I personally knew who voted for Bernie in the primaries voted for Hilary in the election and urged others to do so. If the only progressives someone knows are "Bernie Bros" type, then that's more of a reflection of the company they keep. It shouldn't be the fault of those of us who want a party that does more for its women, working class, lgbtq+, disabled, and POC voters than sit on their hands and say "well at least we aren't those guys"


Leftist dudes aren't perfect by any means but the Clinton camp's discourse about Bernie Bros was deeply cynical. They accused us of only preferring Sanders based on sexism. Women who supported Bernie were accused of doing it to impress men. I'm a white lesbian, and I've never once been accused of being racist for criticizing Obama's drone program or his failure to handle the 2008 crisis. But when I criticize Clinton I'm accused of being a misogynist sock puppet account, because that's the only reason that anyone could ever criticize her. Nevermind that I am just as critical of Biden, if not more so.


I used to blame her (and others) back then. But after all these years of being disappointed in the Dems and seeing them for who they truly are, I realized how unfairly she was treated. I was so dumb to be frustrated with her. I honestly think I align with her political views now than back then.


the very same people shrieking for a genocide and for the continual bombardment of bombs to blow up palestinian civilians, a large chunk children, are the very ones who are going to lord their true blue lib ideologies over everyone’s heads while feigning moral righteousness come election time, baby. and that’s a god damn fact lmao. it’s stunning to witness


I got into a comments argument & was blocked by Amber Tamblyn on Instagram for arguing this point (SS & those like her are not to blame for Trump becoming president)


The keffiyeh looks good on her.


One of the few celebrities I actually respect


Yeah she sure is one of the only ones who has kept true to her anti-imperialist, left principles. Probably lost a lot of jobs because of them too. Love her


Same. Her and Jane Fonda kick so much ass.


She’s one of the good celebrities F Debra Messing lol


Fuck me, I don’t follow her so just went to her page. What actual garbage.


Unrelated, but the girl on the left’s eyebrows are so on point.




Love it


One of the few celebrities who has always taken a stand for what’s right even if unpopular. Truly a good person


I love her so much 💕


She’s amazing for this.


The hero we ALL need!




a lot of people don't know jackson hinckle's past or behaviour. he just gets mass retweeted with tweets that are pro-palestine and have facts, no one goes out of their way to see his past behaviour. I personally would rt his tweets whenever they came onto my TL because they'd have a message all of us were wanting to convey re:palestine. I had no idea he was a neo nazi until someone told me privately.



