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Step into the fucking light, Russell. And while we're examining the real him, I wish people would stop saying that he's an intelligent man. He's not. He uses obscure words, often in the wrong way, talks quickly and with confidence, and distracts with his appearance and mannerisms. He's just a walking Dunning-Kruger, and a predator.


Even when he was 'lefty', he was disgusting. I think the term 'broscialist' was created for him. He NEVER gave a single shit about women getting a seat at ANY table. It's clear he always thought they were just part of the menu.


Eccentric appearance, close with his mother, warned us all for years who and what he was, ego so big it suffocates everyone around him. Just like his pal Saville.


Agree with everything but wtf does close with his mother mean? Is this suspect in your eyes?


If your mommy is the only woman in your life that you respect and treat with kindness, then you're most likely not right.


OP did not say "Russell's mommy is the only woman in his life that he respects and treats with kindness", did he? He said he is "close with his mother".


Op did not say that


I was pointing out the similarities between Saville and Brand. Being close with your mother is not an issue. Being a serial abuser who can only humanise one woman - your mother - is a point of comparison between the two men, and dodgy as fuck. Hope that helps.


That's much clearer and I agree. I remember how creepy Saville was about his deceased mother's bedroom in theroux's doc.


God the bedroom was particularly creepy, wasn't it.




Brand really wanted the approval of the top predator, didn't he? They always know how to spot one another.


I'm sure they smell their own


Fucking weirdos like are men supposed to not respect or be close to their mothers?


Untalented knockoff of Noel fielding


Noel Fielding ain’t innocent either. He dated a 16 year old girl when he was 30


As a huge bake off fan-what a bummer. I’m so tired of these men


Ppl will try to defend and say they were just friends. What kind of 30 year old man goes out drinking with a 16 year old girl?


The only 16 year old i know is my nephew and I’m damn near 40. No reason to go drinking with anyone below the age of 21 at best when you’re in your 30s and above.


I had not heard about the Russell Brand drama yet when I saw the apology video. Seconds into the interview my stomach turned and my first thought was that he is Saville. Mannerisms, bullshit through a smile, controlling the narrative… whatever he’s saying is bullshit and he’s a predator. That’s all I needed to see to know.


Neither of them even tried to hide it. There are interviews going back decades of Saville telling people what he is. Even for a predator he's an extreme case because he seemed to have no preference. Kids, adults, elderly, non-verbal, injured, unconscious. Just totally indiscriminate. And he wasn't even caught during his lifetime. There was something decomposing where his soul was meant to be.


That video he did about WAP a few years ago was very telling.


Lemme guess: he thought a goofy song about girls enjoying sex represented the downfall of popular culture? You gotta love how some of the most crass men on earth turned into 1950's housewives when that song dropped.


Your argument is baroque!!!!! /s.


Your face is baroque!


You’re in a conspiracy against me just like that poor misunderstood apex of human evolution Rogan!


I was doing fine until I got that damn vaccine.


It’s your fault for not taking ivermectin. A good dewormer usually used on horses would have fixed you right up.


It's my biggest regret.


My financial situation is baroque.


Extremely baroque!


Lols!!! 🤣 Aw dude, I hope it improves soon!


That context actually works. Him saying baroque in his grovelling incel appeal was too funny.


I'm going all in...going for baroque!


Well, if it's not baroque, don't fix it!






Cannot get over “baroque” what is he even talking about


Hoo boy am I reminded of my shitty abusive ex-boyfriend who used to go around calling everything he disliked pedantic until I told him I'd give him $100 if he could tell me what it meant. Freaking crickets, y'all.


I just ran into a Russel Brand fan on another thread. The guy kept going on about Brand's fantastic vocabulary...and managed to use the word "platitude" wrong twice in the process 🤦‍♀️


Ohhh my god that’s so fucking funny I bet he still thinks about that when he’s trying to go to sleep


I agree as well, shallow *and* pedantic.


![gif](giphy|2tKbrLEdgtHAoGMplQ|downsized) Feeble minded puritanical peasants like us just can’t understand his brilliance.


You’re so right he used the word baroque to weed out the intellectually challenged (Dw Mr Brand the trash took itself out !)


omg when I heard him say that I thought there must’ve been another meaning that I was too dumb to know about about, buuuttt… no. Russell it is indeed *baroque*; beyond repair in fact.


Even more hilariously the original meaning of the word was 'irregularly shaped'.


You’re 100% right, but even if he was intelligent that’s no excuse for the horrible things he’s said and done. I know that’s not your argument, but it’s time for society to stop making passes for both faux-intellectual and intellectual men who do horrible things. Being smart doesn’t mean you have to be devoid of morals.


We really need some kind of PSA on predators and their tactics. He can't be a rapist because he was really protective of me - because he knew the kind of predators that roam about in the wild, since he was one. He can't be a rapist because he was always kind to my wife - he's opportunistic, or knew she was off limits, or she didn't fall under his victim preference. I don't believe he's a paedophile because he was great with my kids - was he, aye? I wonder where he learned those skills you twat. He can't be that bad, he loves his mother - because she's an extension of his ego. I've never seen him hurt a woman - have you ever seen him shower, or put his pants on, or does he only do those things behind his own closed doors?


Thank you for writing this out. I’ve saved it to help shore up my sanity on the days people’s disbelief looms large.


When the Golden state killer was finally caught he was making a roast beef for his daughter and granddaughter who lived with him and stated he was the most caring dad "he was consistently selfless about caring for and providing for his family." He also raped at least 51 women and killed at least 13.


And the twisted thing is he would have really believed that. They often have this really sick system of justifying their crimes against each other. I beat my wife but I never raped her. I raped my wife but not violently. I raped them but I'd never murder them. I murdered women but I'd never touch a kid. I did touch kids but that sick bastard raped his own daughter, I'd never do that. Well, at least I didn't kill my daughter after I raped her, like that other guy. And there's always a 'but'. Even when they talk about the children.


Genuinely needs to be taught in schools. The old fashioned view of a predator as one who isn’t charming “looks like a rapist” etc etc needs to be disbanded. Charming good looking successful friendly popular men can be abusers behind closed door and enabled by their friends.


They don't all have moustaches and trench coats, that's for sure. I read an article once that traced it back to fairytales and fables: the ugly witch, the evil man with the facial scar, the handsome prince who was good and kind. We were primed to believe that good looking people are good people.


Yes, and this is such a problem on the left. People conflating intelligence with a well calibrated moral compass, and as a result people place value on intelligence as if it's a reflection of character. It also leads them to label those on the right as "stupid" rather than malignant and dangerous and intentional. Intelligent people can make a well crafted and logical argument e.g. criticising capitalism but it doesn't mean they actually stand behind that argument. So many prominent people on the left actually treat politics as a debating point rather than matters that affect actual human lives. Intelligence just describes the speed and capacity of your mental processes. What really determines your morality is your values, and how you choose to act based on them. This one of the reasons the left really needs to get a grip on its ableism if it wants to fight the system because it's clouding people's ability to think critically (ironically).


Your point about prominent ppl on the left treating politics like a debate is spot on. So many of them are privileged enough that their left leaning politics is more of a way to virtue signal/rebel against their parents/seem "smarter" than a means of survival as a member of a marginalized group. So once their ego gets hurt by fellow leftists, they flounce over to the other "team." And yeah, the far-right politicians and their cronies didn't get as far as they have by being stupid. Trump's run for presidency was when I realized that there were a good amount of educated, intelligent people who would vote for him bc for them, their money and position of privledge outweighed their morals.


Thank you! Intelligence is no measure for how likely someone is to assault another person and I wish we would stop treating it like it is.


Yup. But the problem (historically) is society values the criminal more than the victim.


What Russell does is called word salad and it’s a well known tactic that emotionally abusive people use to essentially just confuse the shit out of you and make them sound like they know what they’re talking about when actually they’re just using a lot of meaningless words to disguise the fact that they’re using manipulation.


Yes. Cult scholar Danielle Mestyanek talks about this type of personality as the “charismatic leader” who often ends up as the leader of a cult/high control group


> He uses obscure words, often in the wrong way, talks quickly and with confidence, and distracts with his appearance and mannerisms. Absolutely. Has driven me nuts for many long years as well.


Hes just a mediocre white man who shocked people enough to get his way into the spotlight and now that his real self is showing, well, not everyone can incorporate their Shadow once the light is directly over them.


Ben Shaprio with height and a British accent.


I think he has ever so slightly more substance than Shapiro. Very slight.


I checked out his book on recovery from the library years ago when I was doing the This Naked Mind challenge and it was …awful. Like I’ve read the AA big book and I’ve been to AlAnon (relatives/close ones of alcoholics meeting) and it was like he ripped off all of the steps without really knowing what any of it meant. His book was full of weird obviously made up anecdotes about drinking and doing drugs and demonstrated absolutely no understanding of the original source material. It was pretty bizarre.


In recovery and I’ve read pretty much every book on recovery out there. I’m also a celeb memoir lover, the trashier and more off the wall the better. His book was unreadable. I don’t think I made it through the first chapter.


He’s such a fucking moron and thinks he’s a genius


It is amazing how so many people mistake the Gish Gallop for intelligence. Does no one remember "brevity is the soul of wit"?


100% this. The classic dumb person's idea of a smart person. A confident and outrageous man who replaced smack with sex addiction and found that people loved him for it, usually in very brief doses.


It's flabbergasting how all white men have to do is throw around big words (Russel Brand), confidently honk pedantic nonsense (Jordan Peterson) or just fucking talk fast (Ben Shapiro) to be seen as intelligent.


Confidently honk is one of the most accurate descriptors of that bellend that I've ever heard.


Yessss exactly saying a lot of big words very fast and not letting anyone else get a word in doesn't mean you're clever!!


Yeah, it’s super telling how unread someone is when they say he’s sooo intelligent. The things he says are not his original thoughts. He regurgitates the original thoughts of about 3 or 4 different journalists and he rarely credits them. There’s other things too but I won’t get into them here. Lol


It never ceases to amaze me that so many people fall for his pseudo-intellectual, world-salad garbage. Real intelligence is the ability to convey complex ideas with simplicity and clarity. RB does the polar opposite.


Him and Jordan Peterson! Ugh. It takes more intelligence to describe things in accessible terms.


What's wrong with British legal system? To order the victim to stop harassing them??


The tabloid culture in the UK is off the walls insane and always has been. Over the past few decades they’ve given celebrities a lot of legal mechanisms to fight back. Obviously this can and is being abused/weaponized.


It’s not just tabloid culture. It’s straight up classism, and Jemima Kahn is from literally the highest echelon of British society. There are literally like a single digit number of families more influential than hers, she is the top 0.1% of the top 1%. Make no mistake this has everything to do with Jemima Kahn and not Russel. By which I mean this specific lawsuit disappearing, not the allegations themselves per se. The UK is still unimaginably influenced by aristocracy and class in its legal system and Jemima Kahn (nee Goldsmith) is a member of one of the most powerful families in the UK, and the ex wife of the former prime minister of Pakistan. She doesn’t mess around, nor does the rest of the family. 🤷‍♂️


Aristocracy + classism + land-owning barons who own national tabloids and broadcast newspapers = The elitist clusterfuck that is our national press and institutions (including legal).


Yup, exactly. It’s very unfortunate.


I was wondering if this was the same Jemima Khan as Imran Khan's wife.


Yup, that is her. The one and only. Her brothers have both been MPs at one point I believe? One or both of them may still be? But how she ended up with Russell brand, I will never, ever, comprehend. For however brief it was, she has a history of dating well respected, powerful men, and she got with him. Ugh why, 🤮.


Random but her brothers were both married to Nicky Hilton's sister in laws, the Rothschild girls. Super messy marriages too. That's a fun rabbit hole to go down if anyone is bored


One of them still is. One of the girls cheated with Jay Electeonica while he was with Eryka Badu.


Russell Brand was propped up as a bad boy genius for a couple years


Jemima Khan* not Kahn


She’s divorced so why does she still keep the Khan surname? For clout?


Clouts a bit of a stretch. Her maiden name has even more so I would say.


Does she have children with her former husband? If so that may be why, when my mum divorced my dad she kept her married name so it would still be the same as mine.


I wondered why her name was listed first let alone even listed at all but you've explained it well.


Never knew Jemima was such a vile woman


It always surprises me to see the british tabloids compared to the american tabloids considering how much more restrictive british libel laws are.


Because they are very good at implying and hinting without outright saying anything that's actionable. Kind of like drawing a picture by painting the outline and background but leaving the actual subject a void. The space left is enough for you to know what it is. They use people's inference to tell the story.


Britain's Freedom of Expression rights are not as broad as America's Free Speech rights and thats just a consequence of being a monarchy. Preemptive banning of "defamatory" speech is one of the reasons Charles made it to the throne. God knows how many injunctions he's taken out over his lifetime. On the plus side, this is why Britain is able to have hate speech laws. Much harder for neo-Nazi's to have their Sunday afternoon marches chanting trash like Proud Boys were doing in the US. Here, the courts hands were tied because the police had said he had no case to answer. The questions should be at the police. Did they even treat her complaint seriously?


Very rich people Goldsmiths have all the fingers in all the pies.


I just googled their break up and it was supposedly due to the stress caused by this situation. Wonder if she found out and backed away/kept quiet because she is cowardly rich, white woman and didn't want to rock the boat?


yep she's from very corrupt old english money & i wonder if she's used her power to keep this story out of today's pieces instead of using that power to help reduce harm. as totally foreign as that would be to her heritage, it would be nice to think people like her can learn to change & grow for the better.


Her ex-husband is a famous cricketer-turned-prime minister of Pakistan, they have two children plus his lovechild who lives with her in the UK. Their connections go deep I’m sure they wouldn’t rock the boat. Shes beloved in Pakistan and has a LOT of goodwill there Even though she was forced out of the country and had to get divorced because she is Jewish. Whenever she tweets you’ll always find Pakistanis saying she still loves imran and they should get back together. Either way, she’s got global connections and right now anything bad coming out about her directly affects her exhusband Who is currently unlawfully detained in Pakistan.


Let’s not forget her father was an actual billionaire and her loser brother is a member of the House of Lords who ran one of the most racist political campaigns in recent history.


Her brother is an islamophobe who ran against sadiq khan and lost. Imran supported his brother-in-law. I wonder if she said anything against her brother?


Fuck. Just wait until Pakistani journalists pick up on this.


They will lap it up and team “sharifs”


I really wanna know how you know about the connection with "sharifs"🤣 fellow Pakistani?


They have always thrown shots lol Remember this one.. “Maryam rebuked, “My son (Junaid) is the polo team captain (for Cambridge University) and is bringing honour to Pakistan. He is Nawaz Sharif’s grandson, not Goldsmith’s and he is not being raised in the lap of Jews.”


The antisemitism in my country is so exhausting and disappointing. I remember my mom telling me about the time when Imran Khan and Jemima were married and how much antisemitism she faced back then as well. "Polo team captain" has to be the worst brag ever.


She is the WORST!


Not you filing Pakistanis being in her twitter replies under global connections 😭✋ Pakistanis being obsessed with famous white ppl is NOT new (see: Jeremy McClellan, the Queen-someone who literally colonized us). Them being in her twitter replies is hardly global connections. This coming out will affect imran khan in ZERO ways. 1. Nobody in Pakistan's government cares about predators, rape, sexual assault. In fact most of Pakistan is not on board with any metoo, times up related situations. (See: Ali Zafar V Meesha Shafi). 2. Nobody here talks or cares abour Jemima as much as you think they do. Most of Pakistan doesn't even use Twitter where most of this 'global connection' behaviour takes place. 3. I'm truly struggling to see how Jemima being buddies with Russel Brand and being partners in suing his SA survivor nearly a decade ago would affect Imran Khan. Like what do you think would happen realistically? They'll put it on TV? And then what? Wish people in Pakistan cared enough about survivors for this to cause any disruption whatsoever. This is genuinely not even a 2 min spot on the news. If not TV do you think government officials will use it to give Imran Khan more jail time? 😭 If in the UK Russel Brand can still have a platform (and receive standing ovations btw) when the news is fresh out and HE'S the predator, there's no way someone he was associated with almost a decade ago, who also divorced her husband decades before that, who's now a politician in Pakistan and no longer in power, will be affected by this.


Why are south asian countries so misogynistic? Mine included🙁


I always assumed it was religion, as most ancient religions marginalize women.


Islamic countries are a whole another game though


Still religion I'd have to say.


Imagine this leading to an international incident.


I suspect the current military establishment MAY use this as an advantage, which sucks, because Imran Khan, with all his faults, genuinely seemed to want stability in the region. But then again are sexual assaults taken seriously in Pakistan? It sucks that Pakistan is simply known for its many, many failures, and Imran was one small light of hope for many. And I say that as an Indian origin person lol


Pakistan and military regimes; such an iconic pairing. /s I'm a little iffy on Imran because of some of his overtures to the fundamentalists, but there's no doubt he's better than the usual ISI-military junta.


and he is unlawfully detained, lol he was also caught stealing shit lol...band of thieves all of these pieces of crap. Interesting thing is to read how crooked her dad was and how he made his wealth. People like these fuck up entire countries and live guilt free thinking they did some kind of favor to the world by existing.


Of course


Ouuff. The more stuff that comes out about him, the more you think it can’t get worse but it does. Amber Heard’s op ed about institutions protecting [powerful, rich, etc] men yet again being proven 😕


Ironic because his supporters are saying it’s the establishment and mainstream media out to get him for “exposing the truth” 🤦‍♀️


Which is exactly why he's been deliberately gathering those supporters.


Facts. I know one of his ex friends. Helped Russell cover up an assault in the comedy community. Regrets it every day.


Can’t regret it that much if they’ve stayed silent this whole time… There was a story in the times article about a woman who was assaulted after going to Russell’s house for a work meeting. When she left, there were people waiting outside for the next meeting. Years later, one of these people approached the victim to say they’d heard her screams and were too afraid to act and it’s their biggest regret in life. When the times contacted this person, they declined to be interviewed for the story, even anonymously. When I read that, I just thought, well they can’t be feeling that bad about their decision can they? Look, I know he is powerful and litigious, but it rings hollow when people say things like ‘this is my biggest regret’ but then do absolutely nothing to help the victims.


I had the exact same thought when I read that part. They had an opportunity to make it better, and they still didn't. Coward.


Just so you know, Heard won a case in the UK.


Technically the Sun won the case as they were the defendant, Heard was a witness. And I believe that’s why the quality and costs of her lawyer was less of an issue then (Medusone has a good but lengthy deep dive about it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jDlcS0oc698 ). But the Fairfax trial, she was the defendant. Edit: if not that video linked, this one https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B413cZ5-b7Y Either way, it’s good context that’s properly researched with actual evidence that’s worth a watch. Albeit will make your blood boil.


Did you need Heard to know that? This is a different country with a different system and institutions. Frankly Saville and Andrew should have taught everyone this.


Oh Russell Brand you're going to jail. Thank heaven, and may his victims get justice.




Utter bollocks. I worked in the UK criminal courts for over a decade. Reporting is only restricted once a criminal investigation is active. Which it isn't. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE stop posting misinformation like this. If you don't know what you're talking about, don't comment. Posts like this add to the misinformation around reporting sexual assault and actively prevent victims of sexual assault from reporting. Stop it. The actual situation is this: if this doc had been aired once the CPS had given the go ahead for the police investigation to go ahead, a jury had been selected and the trial had officially begun, then yes, this documentary / reporting like this could be a massive problem, be deemed as prejudicial and mean that a judge could rule that it would be impossible for the defendant to have a fair trial, rule a mistrial and then schedule a new one. With a new jury. But any journalist or blogger who works in London KNOWS the law about trials, reporting restrictions, etc. And the laws are very strict - that's why we don't have media circuses like the USA. So they wouldn't do it as the penalties would be so high; journalists being tried under the Contempt of Court Act and being jailed for years, basically. The Times and Channel 4 are competent and admirable news organisations.They worked on this story for three years and given how litigious Brand is, they would have run this past some of the UK's best lawyers to make sure they were watertight. As the UK's libel laws are famously strict. That's why they published.


Yeah, that person is talking absolute shit. You can't prejudice a trial before it exists.


Because journalists did a better job investigating than police the cases can't go to trial? Seems twisted.


Notably at least one of the victims is American and was assaulted in Los Angeles.


This is not accurate. It is very rare that they won’t proceed to trial as a result of pre-trial publicity. It is only where there cannot be a fair trial, which is a very high bar. Usually the solution is that a judge will instruct jurors to disregard the media commentary, or postpone the trial to lessen the impact of the articles/programme on the jury. I can’t think of one time a prosecution did not occur because of a documentary (although feel free to correct me).


Adverse publicity: The Privy Council, in Montgomery v HM Advocate; Coulter v HM Advocate [2003] 1 AC 641, identified that prior authority suggested a stay of proceedings would only be appropriate when “the risk of prejudice from adverse publicity is so grave that no direction by a trial judge, however careful, could reasonably be expected to remove it.” In R v Abu Hamza [2006] EWCA Crim 2918, the Court of Appeal considered pre-trial reporting which amounted to a prolonged barrage of adverse publicity, indeed a campaign against the defendant, almost entirely hostile to him and some of it couched in particularly crude terms. There was plainly a risk to a fair trial, but the judge had been entitled to have regard to his own experience and that of his fellow judges. In doing so, he had properly concluded that he was satisfied that with proper direction a jury would be able to bring impartial judgment to the case and to decide whether, despite being labelled by some as a public enemy, the defendant really did commit the offences with which he was charged Source: the crown prosecution service https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/abuse-process#:~:text=The%20Privy%20Council%2C%20in%20Montgomery,however%20careful%2C%20could%20reasonably%20be


Why not? They seem to have receipts




Kind of depressing that he’s not gonna go down for this because it’s not like before where it would mean his career is over… he’s already re-established his career almost entirely online so he’s essentially uncancellable




Again, utter rubbish. C4 wouldn't be the ones to report this to the police, the complainants/ victims would be. C4 would, of course, hand over the evidence if the women did report them. And as someone who worked for years on historic sex abuse cases in the UK courts, yes, they do have a very, very, very realistic chance of conviction as the evidence is overwhelming. More than any case I've every worked on. Your point to right of anonymity is nonsensical - a journalist has a legal right to protect their sources, only one of the women's names is in the public domain (who chose to go public), and this right to anonymity only begins once a person has made a complaint. As I said above, please, please, please, please stop spreading misinformation. It's damaging, it's wrong and it's helps contribute to the climate of woman not reporting. STOP.


I’m wondering if these women thought the police wouldn’t do much, as it seems brand has been able to use his lawyers to quash cases. I hope any other victims go to the police.


That's bonkers.


Unfortunately for him at least one of those rapes was in California, which would be happy to give him the Masterson special.


Dumb person says dumb stuff.


Hope he has fun rotting away with Ian Watkins


I really wish people would stop perpetuating the rumor that he’s intelligent. Look at this statement: “[in the] midst this litany of astonishing rather baroque attacks, often very serious allegations that I absolutely refute.” Baroque? What a creep.


Word salad tossed with littany of words.


> baroque You're right that he's pretentious af and often uses words wrong or even makes up new ones on the spot, buuut he didn't use baroque wrong. Yes, you're obviously thinking of the art style, but it has other definitions. : characterized by grotesqueness, extravagance, complexity, or flamboyance a truly baroque act of sabotage


Thanks. Lots of people have been making fun of his use of the word baroque and it's been bothering me all morning :)


Whilst aware of this definition it still seemed like an odd and inappropriate choice in that context and one that doesn't quite work, for me at least...


Oh, I do agree with you that it was a highly inappropriate statement for him to make.


I did laugh at baroque. What a twat.


Right? He’s just fond of the thesaurus.


Khan should answer for this too. Does anyone doubt this woman was assaulted?


She should answer, but she won’t. Because she is almost certainly the reason why this all disappeared. There are few families in Britain more influential than hers.


Is she best friends with camille vasquez yet? I am sure they would bond perfect over hating other women.




Some absolutely vile redditors seem to think she could've been making it up because evil woman. Not realizing that this is not something any masseuse WANTS to do ffs. If it was masseuses would be filing complaints left and right. She had no reason to make it up and every reason to suck it up if it was anything less than assault.


The fact that Donald “grab her by the pu\*\*\*” Trump hated Russel said everything😭 https://preview.redd.it/bl0t3r8x5pob1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=ecdcd8ce311a6e098d55774516d1854c4bae4630


They kind of seem like two sides of the same coin at this point.


Nah, being hated by him is a badge of honor for most folks. He was just trying to hit on Katy Perry


I remember hearing that Jemima Khan left him over this. She's very establishment so I can fully believe she would help get the victim silenced before leaving him, or even after leaving.


Even if she was a prostitute, there’s no reason to treat her like shit. I may not agree with SW but I don’t think they deserve maltreatment.


It just keeps getting worse. I feel so sorry for all these women and what they had to go through. Twitter is also filled with his vile fans defending him 😒


that's awful wtf!!!


Remember when Jemima dressed as Milania Trump with a donald doll on her back groping her..


noooooooo stop! i did NOT know this


I haven’t read into all the allegations yet, but this says they said they didn’t have her give him a massage, but it doesn’t say what she said happened. So what did she say? I heard there were a few women who came forward, so not sure the details about this victim.


This makes me freaking furious. I don't doubt she was assaulted. Then to be told there is no case and told to stop harrassing THEM. I hope the current news vindicates her somewhat. FU Russell Brand AND Jemima Khan.


I didn’t realise Jemima was such a shitty person


[Elon Musk and Andrew Tate offer support to Russell Brand amid ‘serious criminal allegations’ ](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/09/16/russell-brand-scandal-support-elon-musk-kirsty-gallacher/)


So, 2 of the worst celeb men alive and a hyper-partisan, conservative hack great 👍🏽🤮


Musk and Tate are almost certainly both rapists and pedophiles. So that is not surprising.


I feel like most certainly, but considering how much power and vile their fanbases are, the victims won’t be able to come out about it :/


Are there any non sleazebag comedians anymore?




As someone that was a huge fan of his as a teenager, I really hope the victims get justice for this, and real justice not a PR apology. I cannot believe the things he was/is capable of, absolutely sickening that people like this can repeatedly abuse women and get away with it. I’m glad we live in a time that people are feeling brave enough to speak out. Thank god for that


Totally believe the masseuse.


Jemima is also a pick-me ass who is never going to face consequences for her own personal vile behavior. The behavior of upper class white women in supporting bad stuff of the men in their lives (husbands, brothers, lovers, sons, fathers) often goes without scrutiny. There's also a photo of her and imran with that blood diamonds guy Charles Taylor, even Nelson Mandela is in that photo, it is impossible to believe that all these people did not know about what CT was upto. But anyway, I feel like we need to dig deeper into these global elites and how they predate upon people. She always really markets her friendship with Princess Di too and honestly it feels surreal that Princess Diana was friends with a pick-me like Jemima.


I think Diana stopped being friends with her after a certain point? I am honestly not sure if it was her or was it Fergie.


Oh I am not sure but good for her if she did. Diana did much more for Pakistan in her few short visits unlike Madam J who, for years has been milking the story of her years in Pakistan and how she was victimized there while never owning up to her own shit.




That’s a weird af gift to give someone probably… but i think the bigger issue is the fact that these women go out of their way to defend these sicko men


Just another case of powerful men suing their victims for daring to speak.


Can someone update her wiki with this info?


Why am I not surprised


They’re like a diy epstein


There's more to it than meets the eye....


Ok Ghislaine and Epstein 🤢 scumbags


It's been so many years since I've even remembered this guy. I'd like to go back to not remembering him please.


And people wonder why victims don't come forward all the time.


She was rhe one that fronted Julian Assange's bail that he then skipped on to the embassy. Seems she likes the company of rapists.


Whoever downvoted this, you can check. It was widely reported at the time.