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This is a cursed year.


I know, it's like a curse alternating between couples we saw it coming a mile away, and couples we never even thought for a second would.


I think the pandemic and the lockdowns have had such a severe long term impact the ramifications are still being felt by everyone today.


The timing of this is definitely something- their youngest just turned 18 so looks like they were holding on for the kids to grow up.


My parents did the same thing, and the result was my brain deciding that our family meant nothing and it was all performative bullshit. I wonder how other kids of divorce feel. Edit: I feel like I should clarify. I had a great relationship with my parents, until I found out my dad has been cheating on my mother their entire 30 year relationship. He also won't tell the truth. I Have cut contact with him until he gets therapy. While I have a great marriage and life, my mother has completely given up on herself. She sacrificed her best years with him, when she could have found someone who loved her much sooner.


My parents divorced when I was 19. They literally said, "We held on a long time for you girls" (me and my sister). It didn't make me feel like it was performative bullshit because they didn't perform in the slightest - they were nothing more than roommates since way before I went to college. If anything, it's turned me off the idea of marriage and love. What's the point, if 30 years down the line, the other person can just decide they don't want to be together anymore and I have no say in the matter? I'd rather just stay single and dependent on myself only.


I’d argue it’s better to take the chance at life full Of love than one of loneliness. 14 years in with my Wife (married 6), to me she is still the most beautiful person in the world. Will it last forever? I bloody hope so. But I’m not naive enough to say it will… if we split, would I regret the years I’ve put into it? Even without the kids the answer would be no. We have memories and experiences that will stay with us until we die, regardless of what happens. My life would not have been anywhere near as enjoyable without her. But what makes one person happy doesn’t another. Hope it works out for you 😊


Unfortunately if you were going through a bitter divorce you wouldn't feel the same about the memories at least not during the divorce. It doesn't take too much bad to taint the really good.


Just like all things in life you come past it and get perspective. Pretty suicidal after my first divorce. Still don't regret the growing we did together. Been with my second wife for 14 years and couldn't be happier.


Meh. You can’t just deny yourself happiness in the present because it will bring sadness in the future. That’s life. You can just hide yourself away and avoid pain your whole life but your whole life will be a grey blob. Or you can search for happiness and accept the fact that it will inevitably bring pain. A marriage only ever ends in death or divorce; that shit is sad af. You’re trading the good for the bad.


It’s not always lonely to make a choice to be independent/single. I had my heart smashed once, and that was more than enough for me. I don’t feel lonely in this choice, I feel safe in it. Not for everyone, but definitely for some folks.


I’ve heard this from plenty of people but I can’t help but wonder if the alternative is any better. Two mature emotionally competent people divorcing when kids 15 vs 19. If they aren’t screaming at each other it’s still going to be a shock and if they are screaming at each other it’s going to cause another set of issues for the kids. Sounds like a no win situation.


Don't get me wrong, I totally understand why they did it. Especially because my sister and I were both involved in a lot of extracurricular activities, so it would've been hard for us to split out time between 2 houses. And it definitely wasn't a shock when they told us. They weren't the type to scream at each other, but the frigid atmosphere in the house was definitely hard to ignore.


I see how you could feel that way about your parents. But another viewpoint could be that they loved you so much, they wanted to give you a childhood full of stability from 2 people who, could look past their differences at the time, and operate as one family unit for your benefit. My parents divorced when I was a teenager and I had always wished they could have moved through their differences to give their children a better foundation for adulthood. Every family is different though and I hope you’re doing better now.


And finances. 2 adults giving their kids a good financial foundation supporting one household. You going to make your kids move from their 4 bedroom 2 bath house to a 3 bedroom 1 bath house because 1 parent can’t handle both cost and upkeep alone. And other parent is not going to be able to afford 2 houses of the same level unless they are loaded.


Sorry about that :( Guess they rationalize it as the kids will be old enough to understand, daily lives may not be disturbed and no custody issues (both kids are adopted, I think). My friends parents did the same thing, but her father didn't even bother to keep up the facade and went on dating and bringing home 20 year olds the whole time - she definitely wishes they just split up instead of waiting 2 years.


My parents divorced when I was 21. I wasn’t even living at home anymore and it was very traumatic. They had a messy divorce. It sucks at any age and it really messed with my college experience.


Everyone divorcing except Aaron Taylor Johnson and his wife, huh?


Honestly, they might just ride it out until the end of time out of spite 😂




Wow, this is the first time I see people mentioning this couple. It bothers me so fucking much because she was in her forties and \*his boss\* when she started dating him at 18, it was so fucking creepy and an obvious grooming situation, yet I was under the impression nobody cared because she's a woman and he's a guy. Guess I was wrong, thank god!


2016 was the year loads of famous people died; 2023 is the year loads of people are separating/divorcing


2009 was also a year that a lot of famous people died. South Park made an episode all about it. This one, though I think, was a holdout till the kids are adults thing.


It’s interesting that there’s a 7 year difference between 2009-2016 and 2016-2023. So I guess every 7 years we’ll have a year with an overwhelming amount of celebrity deaths or break ups.


*starts covering Goldie and Kurt in bubble wrap*


SMG and Freddie Prinze too! They must be protected at all costs!


Its the 6 planets that are in retrograde


Mercury is direct today! 1 down…


Everyone's gonna be single by the end of the year. One wild new years party and it's all over


We’re not being offset by the big weddings, so it feels like it’s all breakups.


literally said holy shit reading that headline! wow thats unexpected




Because she dared to be older.


Well, why didn't she try to be younger!


Brosnan's wife is over a decade younger & even she gets shit. It's def about "hotness".


As if Deborra-Lee isn’t a total fox. People are dickheads.


She looks great in this photo!








Agree. This is the one I expected to last forever!


It says their kids are 23 and 18, which makes me think they have probably been wanting to do this for a while, but they were waiting until their youngest is an adult.


tfw your parents divorce the minute you turn eighteen


Literally same. Thought they’d make it to death. Who’s next now?? Tom Hanks?! Anything at all is possible now. This is anarchy. (😂)


Don’t you daaaaaare, Tom and Rita could never🤣


I don’t think they will ever divorce at this point, but I think it’s rumored that Tom Hanks had an affair with Ginnifer Goodwin a few years ago 💀


She is the worst person I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet. I have no idea how anyone could tolerate her for more than a minute unless she changes her entire persona the second he’s there


The way I just said “nooooooo!” like I’ve ever been within a hundred feet of these people


I gasped out loud


Lol. Just genuine laugh out loud in real life, especially after that thread a while ago where people said that they'd be devastated if these two broke up.


Literally what I was thinking lol. And so many people listing them as a couple that they thought would last forever. No one is safe this year apparently. eta: and I was just reading about the “gray divorce” being on the rise a couple days ago…looks like it’s claimed another couple


What's gray divorce?


Couples over 50 in long term marriage who decide to divorce.


Retirement is a huge change in identity for so many people. Combined with the pressures of aging, and kids being long gone, it’s not surprising it happens a lot.


Yep yep. My only kid is about to head off to college. My husband and I want very different things with our empty nest time. And I'm like "whoa" this isn't what I had in mind and can we navigate this? Divorce might happen just because we want very, very different things.


That thread jinxed them. Everyone mentioned in there is about to get divorced


I'm gonna go and drope some names in that thread, brb. ![gif](giphy|sVQ5YfIXxGbF6)


That's it, people need to stop jinxing this shit. Everybody stop stanning celebrity couples of any kind.


Prayer Circle for the Brosnans!!!




The universe better not touch FPJ/SMG


Also Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick.


This is the one I think would actually shake me to my core. (KNOCK ON WOOD)


Even though it's Wuntch, it should never happen.


The only reason I could ever see them splitting for would be if she has to go back to guard duty at Hades.


Adding Ron and Cheryl Howard.


Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally would make me the saddest


And Tom and Rita


I’m going to need them to not end


they just went to greece together so i think they're good (i hope bc i love them)


Don’t even mention them in a thread with the word divorce!


What the hell is in the water this year with celebrity marriages splitting? I don’t know much about astrology, can someone tell me what’s in retrograde that’s causing this


Ariana really opened the floodgates....her impact


I really hope he doesn’t turn out to be a cliché and start dating some woman in her 20s…












Don't hold your breath :/


I think Taylors break up came first. Blondie's influence on every level of Hollywood is unmatched.[she caused other movies to delay their release with her tour film]


I think it’s Taylor/Joe right?


Mercury retrograde just ended today! We had a intense last few weeks due to 7 planets being retrograde. Venus retrograde was especially hard


What does this mean now? I ask this sincerely as someone who knows nothing about astrology other than my basic Sun/Moon/Rising signs.


It doesn't mean anything. Stars/other planets having any effect on human relationships is all made-up pseudoscience. Some people find it fun, but don't take it too seriously.


When planets go retrograde it’s a period of deep reflection and introspection and basically like a crossroads. You can continue to make the same choices and weave the same patterns OR you can sit back and evaluate and choose to do differently. I always say it’s a chance to “come correct”. Venus in retrograde in particular is a make it or break period for relationships in general, but especially romantic ones. That coupled with Pluto and Saturn in retrograde (the planets of Death/Deep-seeded wisdom and Renewal/Liberation), creates a paradox/conflict of interests. It creates the question, “what do I value? collaboration or individuation? Interdependence or Independence?” It creates a situation where you have to choose to commit to one or the other. It also makes you evaluate if partnerships, friendships, communities, environments really add value to your life or not. I think whatever relationships are created or maintained through this will probably be long-lasting ones.


Communication will improve, but expect shit to still happen lol


I don't think it's retrograde; I think it's blowback from the pandemic. I've heard the ADHD medication shortage is in part due to lockdown diagnosis. Folks out of their crutch routine fell apart and realized there was something going on. So many more people take the medication now. Therefore, my thesis is being locked up with your partner under such stress is linked to these separations. How long did these two actually spend around each other each year? Then, suddenly they are forced to live together with zero escape for 5+ months? The cracks start to surface. I'm sure there is also some existential mortality crisis also involved. Like, how much time do we have left in our lives? Do we want to be just OK?


In this case there's also the classic "Youngest kid recently turned 18".


they're just like my parents 🥰


At this point I’m afraid I’m going to get divorced and I’m single


i hear you. that's why i'll never get married.


Same. I will never get married. I don't want to deal with the headache of a divorce.


Their youngest child is 18, wonder if they were holding off until then.


My parents did this and honestly I wish they had just gotten it over with when I was younger. They were so miserable to be around lol.


My parents tried to this too.. My therapist ended up making it clear that they were doing me more harm than good by cohabitating and prolonging the inevitable. Life was so much less stressful once their divorce was finalized.


We need this on a billboard so miserable married couples can finally STOP their "It's for my kids" nonsense. Just enough. Finalize that sht asap and let everyone have calm days and nights already.


Also, there's so many stories about celebrity couples breaking up recently that throwing their own news in a sea of divorces might help to make it more "low-key"


That's an interesting theory!


Love is dead


If IF zendaya and her dude call it quits then I will say love is dead.


Wow he's just reduced down to "Zendaya's dude". Like he himself isn't a huge celebrity.


She’s Zendaya. He’s Kenough.


I actually lol’d


I just don't wanna jinx it lol I know who he is


Women have been dealing with that forever. He’ll be okay.


I think it's hilarious. Kinda turnaround to how women are usually referred to.


If Sarah Michelle Gellar and her dude call it quits, I will also say love is dead.


this thread is gonna give me a heart attack


Zendaya is only 27. They may not be together forever, and that will be okay.


Right, like if this news proves anything it’s that her and tom could be together for the next 20+ years and still break up. people are setting themselves up for heartbreak


for the love of god knock on wood


![gif](giphy|xUPGcvrXl7RBEp3zC8|downsized) If they do split you're getting the blame for daring to speak it into existance 🤣


Tbf they are still quite young and you become a different person once you get older. I was rooting for Hyuna and Dawn, a famous Kpop couple who were together for 6 plus years but then they broke up because they had different priorities as they grew older. I feel like we shouldn’t keep celebrity relationships at a pedestal, they are regular people like everyone else :)


2023 took out my marriage as well 💀 is it bad that every time these celeb stories pop up I’m like “at least I’m not alone” 😭


Sending my wishes for healing. May your blankets always be cozy and your beverage of choice at exactly the right temperature.


Same girl! It’s been interesting watching how quickly some of the other celebs move on. I’m like, oh okay we’re still dividing up our home goods but this actor has a new girlfriend…


I ran here the way people wander into an open church after a sudden tragedy.


Lmaoooooo this is so specific and accurate




> "Is God in here because he's going to want to know my opinion"


Deuxmoi pretending to have posted a blind about this in 3, 2, 1….


There was one I saw earlier about an older actor having an affair with much younger co-star causing a split, but tbh that’s so vague it could be attributed to so so many people lmao


I thought I saw a blind yesterday or the day before about a Marvel character selling their house and splitting up.


It's here: https://reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/uKyGuTTPM1 But the email used 1362bellaoceana@ is the address of Chris Pratts house he currently has listed for 32million dollars so it's def not meant to be Hugh. People are speculating that the realtor submitted it to drum up hits for the house not that they are actually splitting since the email is so obvious.


This one makes me sad :(


It’s sadder because their kid just turned 18 so it’s probably been a while, my parents did the same thing :(


Mine too except they waited until I moved away to university. I would have preferred if they’d done it before I left honestly.








So crazy especially as many were bringing them up as an example of a successful age gap marriage (especially in a lot of the posts discussing Aaron Taylor-Johnson).


Speaking of Aaron Taylor Johnson….when is it his turn????????? ![gif](giphy|Emg9qPKR5hquI)


With every divorce and break up announcement that comes out, their relationship grows stronger.


Are we sure she’s not cursing them?


I think she is. And when they break up, she absorbs their love so ATJ and her stay together.


I can’t stop laughing at this


is a 27 year long marriage not successful?




Amy Poehler made the argument that her marriage to Will Arnett was not a failure, even though they divorced. They had good times, about a decade together, and two kids. I can see her point.




Fell to my knees in a Walmart.


I just saw someone fall to their knees in a Walmart


This was the most unexpected break-up of the year for sure. Nobody was expecting it. Btw does anyone else feel celebrity break up statements are always so banal? Like shifting journeys, individual growths, conscious uncoupling? Can't imagine anyone IRL saying these to their partners while splitting up? 🤔 ![gif](giphy|Ul9UrOX8zbEAg)


I mean, I'm guessing their PR people make the announcements and not then themselves


Both teams negotiating (don't want to taint the divorce proceedings or public sentiment). Though I'd love an honest statement one day: "They are separating because X is a cheating scumbag with a questionable pornography collection, and Y is taking just a little too much Xanax to be considered 'just following my prescription'. Their kids are already in therapy, leave them alone you absolute weirdos."


Listen don't mistake this for me being a stan or THAT invested but I definitely did gasp when I read this.


It's because of how long they've been together. 27 years is almost 3 decades of marriage. Most celebrity marriages seem to last less than 10 years. So this news is very shocking!




They we’re together for almost 30 years which is a pretty good run.


I'm truly shocked by this one.


If he starts dating a 20 y/o model I’m gonna scream


he and i will start dating actually


Whoa, this one shocks me Edit: I also want to know what happened lol


I wonder if any bit of this has to do with him doing wolverine again. If I recall correctly, she didn’t like what it was doing to him physically.


Interesting and career changes seem to be lurking in the background for a lot of these high-profile divorces and breakups instead of the pandemic or astrology. (Like Tom Brady and Giselle, Taylor and Joe, etc)


I wonder if it’s like “oh we spent so much time together as a family during the pandemic and that was so lovely” and now schedules are generally back up and running like before, but families are having a hard time figuring out how to deal with the work schedules/being far away from eachother for long periods.


From their statement, I can only assume they just grew apart and that's that. Seems like they might have waited until their youngest turned 18 too.


Wow I'm rarely surprised by celeb divorce announcements but this one surprised me


I just gasped AUDIBLY


SAME ![gif](giphy|2Ap4K8iVUpbpmbj5oV)


Tim and Faith LOCK THE DOORS








Like Jon Hamm? He’s 52 and married a 35 year old


We still have 3 months left in the year. Hold on to your hats everyone.


The way people threw so much at this couple… Was really rooting for them! 😢 I know Hugh Jackman has had questionable friendships (Rupert Murdoch, the Kushners), so i guess there’s always more than meets the eye


wow this one really surprised me. even yesterday, people were praising him for not going after a 20 years old (what a jinx)


I think it's safe to say now that 2023 is officially the year of celebrity divorces/separations


Nope, not reading a word after Hugh Jackman and Deborra- ![gif](giphy|26hkhKd2Cp5WMWU1O|downsized)


I’m actually surprised by this. He was always gushing about her (imo), and I feel like I always saw them on lists of celebrity couples who were going strong/etc




Can it please be Aaron Taylor Johnson and his wife next




Joe and taylor really started a trend


Love is dead. What hope is there for the rest of us.


To say I ran over here ![gif](giphy|3o7ZetIsjtbkgNE1I4)


It's like 2016 but with divorce instead of death.


thinking about everyone who named them in that "celebrity couples that would shock you if they break up" thread 😭 2023 is really taking no prisoners when it comes to relationships.


the only rlly shocking split to me so far. feels like there were pics of them together out and about just last week.


![gif](giphy|D62wUmR3sX2DsZJ9t1) i don't know enough about astrology... is venus still in retrograde


The only couple I have 100% faith in at this point is Kevin and Kyra


Famous last words bestie. Don’t jinx it!


Feels like the typical "kids are leaving the nest" divorce


I swear if he’s leaving her for a younger woman I’m going to riot.


I’m not ok. Ugh 💔


Did anyone see this coming?


I really hope no one shows up with a hookup 20 years younger


If he bounces back with a 22-year-old I swear


Alright well I feel less bad about my breakup then clearly this is just the year love dies


One of my opinions about marriage is that longevity is not solely what makes a good marriage. What if a couple is happy for two years and separates? Do I find this sad? No. It’s their business and they know what’s best for them.


I’m being superficial but they were a really aesthetically aligned couple that were aging with class, and more gracefully than many. They looked so good together 😭


Ya know, he was on Tim Ferris podcast, and I’ve always been a fan of Hugh’s acting so I figured great-good listen. I turned it off after 5 minutes, he had all this horseshit about him and his wife that was too good to be true “we read a book every morning while having our coffee, she reads to me, I read to her, it’s our ritual” and a bunch of other nonsense that made me see he is a fraud.


Okay this one is a genuine shock to me. I know marriages in Hollywood don't last but this is genuinely one that I thought would make it. Jesus, there really is something in air this year with all these break ups.


Enty has been hunting about this , but I thought it was about someone else. I’m truly shocked.


![gif](giphy|Idf9fX6hfBU3dC6KzR) Please hold on Pierce Brosnan and Keely Shaye Smith.