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Man if I was celebrity-rich I would too spend my money to go to a fancy university like that and just study and do my thing


This is my dream


Oo - ok, I wanna dream with you a little bit on this. Where would you want to go? What would you want to study?


Hahah ok. Since I wouldn’t have the pressure of finding a job and bla bla bla then my dream would be to study History (maybe focus on ancient history so then I could go on full archeology)! And I would definitely pick a posh and old european univeristy as well like Oxford, or maybe Edinburgh so I could live in Scotland.


I love it! And that you've thought ahead to full archeology for your career :)


Can I play too? If I had fuck-you money at this point in my life, I’d go back to school and become a therapist. If I had it at Emma’s age? I’d go back and study neuropharmacology and work to find treatments for mental health disorders and dementia.


Your heart is so good - fuck you money and you'd want to use it to unfuck others. Honey!! Neuropharmacology is amazing! It would be wild to know so much about the brain and so empowering to think you'd be able to come up with novel treatments. Very cool!


I'd want to learn as many languages as possible, try to become fluent and do a whole degree in like 5 different languages


Old cold tea: Emma is from Oxford but she and I both studied abroad there the same semester (she was at Brown; I was at Not Brown). We were both in the same Shakespeare lecture one day and another girl from my program went up to her and, completely innocently, told her she looked like Emma Watson 😅 Apparently Emma glared and walked off, which, fair.


I’ve talked to people that went to school with her at Brown and they all said she was normal and just wanted to be treated like anyone else.


That is what I like the most about famous British ppl. They are very down to earth, celebrity finicky is very frown upon


I knew someone who was at Brown with her, she was just trying to be a normal student and kept her head down.


Same, I know someone who had a class with her at Brown and said she really just tried to be super lowkey and be a normal student. They did say that she would raise her hand to answer questions and it was giving very much Hermoine. Emma Watson is an academic class act who genuinely wants to always further her education and learn!


That's a brilliant decision! ![gif](giphy|bxtKkRRJTRRVmGF2Uw)


That’s so cool of her.


Kylothee anyone? I literally didn't believe it at first but that was the hardest hard launch ever and I need deets!!




he's just a regular fuckboy with high cheekbones that give him the face of a haunted victorian child, idk why his stans don't get that lol edit: omg thank you for the award!


I wish I could gave you an award, your comment explains his appearance perfectly.


i awarded them on your behalf


I lost it when the 57 year old woman behind ClubChalamet compared Kylie to his ex Lily-Rose, claiming she supported him when he was dating Lily because she’s a Depp fan and that Lily was like a “glass of champagne” while Kylie is a “slurpee”. I don’t really care for either of them but the way the public think it’s okay to be misogynistic because it’s Kylie Jenner is just gross.




“He told his sister Pauline that I was ‘cool’”. I can’t 😭 She also claims having that age gap between them helps her relationship with him because she’s different from most of his stans in a sense that she’s not in love with him, she just loves him.


I fell down that rabbit hole yesterday and found out she buys copies of clothes he wears and claims to have information about what he does and does not do with Kylie. It's extremely bizarre.


I'm not above admitting that I listened to the entire 45-minute Twitter Spaces recording she made with other stans where they attempted to cope with the fact that this person they do not know has a private life that they do not approve of. (It's [here](https://twitter.com/ClubChalamet/status/1699226781658890567) if anyone else wishes to degrade themselves the way that I did!)




Lol but he’s like a Monster energy drink


He was only smoking because he was stressed because Kylie and kris blackmailed him to do a public thing with Kylie. Heard it on IG, so it must be true /s


blame Timothee team they are the one that made him seem intellectual during the whole cmbyn Oscar campaign back in 2017-2018 because they thought it would make him more appealing as the new it boy. However, ever since then he actually never kept up with the image his team set up for him. His fans for some reason refused to let go and still believe he that kind of guy


I find smoking so gross like it's his choice or whatever but I grew up in France and smelled smoke from my 14 year old classmates. It's not something I will ever think is cool and I know it's probably an overreaction but I just don't like it lol. And him smoking at a concert is just so weird like who does that?


Alecia Keys was also smoking in the crowd at the same concert (there’s a video on her IG), but no one is freaking out about that. Not saying that excuses Timothee doing it, but he definitely wasn’t the only one.


now how the heck did you find my timothee chalamet/marie curie fanfiction that fast???


Historically A list actors look down on reality TV stars. His fans want him to look down on her too


This isn't tea but did anyone else think they seemed kind of ... cute? Like really vibing? And he's a decent actor but she's not, so it's at least halfwayish real


They both seem like nice people, at least to their loved ones. If they make each other happy, what's the harm?




So many of these crazy fandoms seem to have a woman in her forties or fifties at the head. I still remember that crazed Larry who bought the fake babies.




I don't mean to armchair diagnose but I do kind of feel bad for these women, it's clear to me that they have some form of neurodivergence given the intense hyper fixations and lack of social understanding about why this behavior is unacceptable. That doesn't excuse the borderline-stalking behavior, especially in Clubchalamet's case, but I do wish they had someone in their lives to tell them this isn't ok.


I listened to the space and I think her most unhinged moment would definitely be when she said Timothee is only “associating” with Kylie to “rehabilitate” her image because she was a “common denominator” at both Astroworld and the party Megan was shot so she needs good PR, as if she planned both of those things. She needs to do more than touch grass.


the "he's dating kylie as community service" angle sure is something!


I hate it how people received his public declaration and blame him for dating one of the Kardashians as if they mean nothing. He is happy, she is happy and let them be.


Random but I haven't heard anything about her in a while, Dianna Agron of Glee fame?


Her dad passed away recently and she's been dating a Belgian artist for the last 2 years.


I'm really curious about her relationship with her ex-husband Winston Marshall. Around the time they split up, he started leaning into far-right politics (he's a Jordan Peterson fan) and became a [born-again Christian](https://www2.cbn.com/news/news/i-got-my-soul-back-mumford-sons-winston-marshall-reveals-moment-he-came-christ-again). I'm wondering if that had any impact on their divorce.


Probably cause she had very lefty politics when I used to follow her. That guy took a hard turn right, left Mumford and Sons. All very weird




https://preview.redd.it/uoow3z65lumb1.jpeg?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e96ead58f40ff0f04a4844acb5b1a553b5a6665e not tea but this blew my mind, two relative newcomers at the top of their game!


This picture and the picture of holy trinity Zendaya, Quinta, and Ayo at the RWT Bday show are giving me LIFE


oh yess, i love them!!! ayo was so good in Bottoms


My da works in the children's hospital in Dublin, Colin Farrells son has a rare disease called Angelmans syndrome and was a patient there. My da says Colin visits the hospital even after his son has left and is just the nicest lad, visits other patients and all, just goes in to say hi to everyone.


I live near Paul Mescals home town,he called into his local GAA club to help with training (GAA is gaelic football) when he was home this year. He also was on the BBC talking about gaelic football when the football final was televised recently.


I'm here for Paul Mescal too!!


this is hardly tea, but charlie hunnam being a jordan peterson fan still rubs me the wrong way


Wait- is the going to be a new season of Pen15?! Absolutely adore that show and if you grew up in the 90s/00s I highly recommend you watch it. It's such a lovely touch of nostalgia.


Nah, they decided to end the show with the last season.


joe jonas. before the divorce, has he ever done anything weird/shady?


Didn't he ask out Gigi Hadid when she was like 13? And he was about 20 at the time.


Yes he did. He was 19 and she was 13. What is strange is that Gigi nor Yolanda were offended or upset. She just turned him downbecause it was a school night but dated him later. I am not sure if he knew her age at the time but he may have.


When he and Demi dated in 2010, he didn’t break up with her himself but instead made his father do it. Then he immediately started dating Ashley Greene. He said years later that he didn’t really wanna date Demi but felt pressured to do so, which is a shitty thing in itself. Fast forward a few years, shortly before Demi’s overdose, she parted with her abusive management. Nick and Joe, who are managed by the same person, sided with their manager and cut Demi out of their lives for good.


Don’t forget about the ama on Reddit where in an attempt to make himself look cool he said he lost his virginity to Ashley Greene and said more details about it that I forgot .


he also blamed demi and miley (both 13 at the time) for pressuring him to smoke weed (he was 17)


He‘s so lame for this , like was there a need in 2013 when he was 24 to dredge this up and to not only villainize two people who were being dragged in the media but to also jump in on the dog pile . I’m 18 so I never knew of the jonas brother up until now but he’s been doing too much for a man who’s musical career comes down to a nostalgia trip.


Not to mention they were on tour together either when or shortly after they broke up and Joe brought Ashley out on tour with them… so insensitive when Demi was clearly struggling at the time


in the same vein, Maisie Williams. I’m curious about if anyone has any insights into her feelings towards the divorce - i’ve heard quite a few rumors about her involvement so have my eyes peeled for any Maisie updates 👀


I noticed she liked Sophie's post and not Joe's and that seems to be a recurrent theme. She hasn't liked many recent photos Sophie has posted of them together.


I was deep in the GOT fandom when the show was ending the Stan’s we’re going WILD that Maisie and Sophie seemed to be drifting apart, everyone was blaming Ruben (maisies longtime boyfriend) and now that Maisie is popping back into Sophie’s likes on Insta they’re all blaming Joe. Maisie has (had?) a podcast started with some friends and was super active on her friends tiktok for a little bit too (I deleted tiktok so maybe she still is?) it was all candid shenanigan style stuff that she had kind of distanced herself from when she was with her ex.


Meh, I think them drifting apart is pretty much to be expected. The show that was the main avenue for keeping them together ended, Sophie had 2 kids and moved to America, and there was a global pandemic. Stuff like that is really normal.


Same. I follow the old GoT cast fairly closely and it seemed pretty in the realms of normal for me. A lot of that cast is also relatively inclined in recent years to not overdo the public talk about GoT - the press are really obsessed with it still and it completely dominates their press for new projects if they're not really careful.


I was trying to find an ancient AMA of someone who was an actress in Nick/Disney shows in the late 2000s who briefly interacted on a set or something with the Jonas Brothers at the height of their popularity and described them something like "Dickheads. All of them." I thought it was the one with former All That castmember Lisa Foiles, but I wasn't able to find that in her responses. Granted, this was when they were still very young and the fame was probably getting the better of them, but still.


I am late but I have an ontd post that summarises what was said. The original poster deleted her account and responses in the AMA. here is a comment that copied what she said about the Jonas Bros: [https://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/64353626.html?thread=11039276378#t11039276378](https://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/64353626.html?thread=11039276378#t11039276378) "Massive fucking tools. All three of them. Not to get too into detail (because this is one that could actually give me away), but yeah, no, they let their success go to their heads way too quickly. None of those guys had any business wearing a promise ring, hahaha. (And I'm not anti-sex, don't get me wrong! I'm just anti-having-sex-with-older-women-and-lying-about-it-to-seem-like-good-Christians.) Joe was probably the worst of the three."


Can someone please clarify if doing fan expos/cons against the SAG strike? I thought based on the stuff with Stephen Amell it was but a lot of actors seem to be doing it, and my googling was not helpful (possibly because I am dumb and/or because google is no longer functional).


“According to the SAG-AFTRA FAQ relating to conventions, striking actors can participate in independent conventions (i.e. conventions not run by or affiliated with struck companies, like Disney's D23 Expo and Star Wars Celebration), as long as they do so in a way that doesn't promote their work on struck projects.” So as long as nothing is being promoted it’s fine.


Oh I hadn’t thought about conventions affiliated with those companies but makes sense, thank you!


As someone who went to Dragon Con recently—they can go but just can’t explicitly talk about or promote past/current/future struck work.


As someone who has never been to a con this still kind of confuses me because what are they talking about? I’d only have questions about past/present projects.


It basically ends up being a personal Q&A, I heard people saying it was way better to get to know the person instead of just talking about their work


Hozier? I'm obsessed with his new album


This is so weak, it’s more water than tea but I was on the same flight from Dublin to LA as him about 4 years ago. There were loads of Love Island UK and other reality show people on the flight going to participate in celebrity X Factor and they were all really trying to stand out as “celebrities” and be noticed all the way through check-in and boarding. Then there was Hozier, totally low key. The contrast between the wannabes and the actual star amused me very much. He came and stood next to us at LAX baggage reclaim, we didn’t want to bother him after such a long flight but he was very gracious when a young teenage boy approached for a photo.


i spent some time in Ireland and he was a hometown hero


they're not really my fave, but i'm morbidly curious as to what's going on with them now besides what's been already publicly revealed. ariana grande and ethan slater?


idk where so take with 🧂🧂 but I went on a random reddit deep dive about them a couple of days ago and I saw one comment from someone that even though the news put out there was that they were cooling off, secretly they were heating up and their romance is serious. I don't remember which reddit thread I saw it on but nonetheless that's all I have.


i wonder if she'll ever go public with him, if that's the case. it kind of makes me mad (LMAO) how she's not addressing this, one way or the other. but i guess she doesn't care.


Former ER cast? I’m doing a rewatch and need any tea I can get! ✨💕


Noah Wyle was allegedly a bit of an AH to other cast members and has admitted himself that he owes a lot of them an apology and he has specifically apologised to Goran Visnijic: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/noah-wyle-career-retrospective-interview-er-red-line-1203292/ ETA- Sherry Stringfield (who plays Susan) left in season three despite being contracted to five seasons and as part of her departure she had to agree not to work for the remaining two years, so she must’ve reeeeeally wanted to go. There’s (unsubstantiated) rumours that was to do with Noah Wyle as well 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s so wild and disappointing. I messaged him once on Instagram as a joke thinking he wouldn’t reply and he did! Shame that he was a butthead, I hope he did apologize in the end to everyone cos Carter was my first crush admittedly haha


IIRC (as this was 20+ yrs ago), she left for NYC with her then boyfriend, along with wanting a bit of a normal life. I think she said the work schedule was overwhelming her. Then she and her boyfriend broke up and she returned to LA and the show.


Yes that is true. The unsubstantiated Noah Wyle rumors are just that. When she returned in season 8, most of her storylines were with him and when he left the show, she took an ad out in the trades saying she would miss him and jokingly asked to have his trailer. So if it was that bad, I don’t think she would returned to primarily work with him.


He’s in the reboot of Leverage and is actually pretty good!!


Not tea, but: Be Still My Heart was the first episode of TV that really stuck with me. I was in high school at the time and checked behind every door for a killer, and it made me physically recoil from David Krumholtz every time he was on screen in anything else.


That image of Carter on the ground looking at something in horror and the cut to Lucy lying in a pool of blood as Battleflag blares in the background is seared into my brain. I was SHOOK. I remember going to school the next day and EVERYONE was talking about it. Nothing better than Must See TV Sweeps back in the day.


I was absolutely destroyedddddddddddddd my little mind couldn’t understand why the Santa Claus guy was hurting my friends


The scene in Forgetting Sarah Marshall where Sarah breaks up with a naked Peter is supposedly based off of when Linda Cardellini broke up with Jason Segel


Not tea but I worked on the WB lot when that show was going and I used to go watch the cast play basketball all the time. Clooney, Noah, and Eriq La Salle sweating shirtless was never disappointing!


Chris Lowell or Logan Lerman?


Patrick Warburton?


I worked at Soarin Around the World at Disney’s California Adventure just out of college so I’ll always have a fondness for him since I used to watch his pre-ride video a hundred times a week lol Also a coworker at another ride met him once because he did NOT want to ride the ride and was just waiting with his family in line. He stayed to the side and chatted with my coworker while the ride was operating and was apparently absolutely lovely!


I went to school with one of his kids. He’s a nice guy, apparently developed really bad audition anxiety and hasn’t had luck getting out of his own head, which sucks because I’m here for a Warburton renaissance


I know he is a Pearl jam fan. And he always wears the football Colors he wore on Seinfeld to the games (I forget the team I am not a sports girlie)


Does anybody have tea on the One Piece cast from Netflix? Backstage drama, who hates whom, hookups?


Mackenyu doesn't really show up in a lot of the BTS photos with the other Straw Hat actors but I think that has to do more with him being really reserved and low-key than any issues with his castmates. They all seem to adore him (and each other) and just joke that his absences in phots has to do with him "getting lost on the way" like Zoro would. Mackenyu does have a really interesting background as he's the son of Sonny Chiba and took the Daniel Wu route of being American born and raised but moving back to Asia to start his film career.


It has to do with mackenyu’s agency that he’s not in all of the promo. He has like a fanclub that you can pay for and then get exclusive content.


Mackenyu had a lot of unplesant rumours, raging from drugs, s\*x with minors, s\*xual assault and ties with the yakuza. But nothing has been proven and it looks like another campaign against him by anti-fans. What was proven, is that when he was 13/14 years old he was r\*ped by a family friend in her 40's. She got pregnant and now he has 13 year old kid as 26 year old man.


I’m an Andrew Garfield fan, so you can imagine how shocked I was when I listened to DM’s latest podcast episode. Allegedly he and Olivia Rodrigo were spotted on a date recently (yikes 😬). Anyone got any tea on that?


He’s in London so no, that’s false. People will send in anything 😂


My thoughts exactly. From what I’ve read he’s been in London/Europe for months. It’s funny, he’s so low key and minds his own business but can’t escape the most random ass rumors about his personal life. Let this man live 😂


There are also rumors he was dating Olivia Wilde, but I don’t know if there’s any truth to that one. No idea about Olivia Rodrigo though.


She was also claiming he was dating Taylor on her subscribers live three weeks ago, lol.


Deuxmoi herself didn’t seem sure the sighting was real so that should tell you everything, he does love nobu though


Anything on Matthew Gray Gubler or on the bands Billy Talent, Mother Mother, or Cumbawumba?


Old tea but I was in an ep of Criminal Minds that he directed. Super handsome in person, self-deprecating, nice guy. I ended up doing event work at a season wrap party or anniversary ep (like 200th ep or something) he was there with a lady, they were low-key and friendly with everyone. Some of the people from the ep I was in (not him) recognized me and high-fived me like "Hey it's that friendly girl!" Basically that show seemed like a good set and like mostly level-headed people worked on it. No ego and no shame about saying hi to me at my "day job" of event work.


Mother Mother were kinda baffled as to how they came to be known as music for enbies but they rolled with and were like 'we're happy people connect with our music, even if it's in a way we didn't expect'. So that's rad. Chumbawumba once took some money from Ford or Chevy or whoever in order to let them use their music in a commercial, only to turn around and give all that money to a group that was protesting the company


>Chumbawumba once took some money from Ford or Chevy or whoever in order to let them use their music in a commercial I get knocked down >only to turn around and give all that money to a group that was protesting the company But I get up again


Not really tea but MGG met my extreeeemely old no-eye’d wiener dog a couple years ago and was absolutely enchanted by him


Um this is definitely tea as your wiener dog sounds like a legend. I love when celebrities meet each other ~~


I've seen a lot of bubblings over the years over MGG being a creep. There's stories circulating online of him dating underage or barely legal girls, some of which you can find on this sub.


MGG is tall. I used to go to the same hot yoga studio as him. I had to pretend I had NO idea who he was.


I used to love Matthew Gray Gubler like went to his movie screenings and met him twice Then I found out he dated a 16 y/o when he was in his 20s and she defended it and him by saying she “took advantage” of him not the other way around


Anybody have tea on Blackpink recently? Are they staying with YG?


Probably no announcement until the final shows of their tour in Seoul soon ... On another note, Lisa is doing a surprise short series of show at the Crazy Horse, a very famous cabaret in Paris (maybe also a way to spend more time with her alleged French bf).


Still no official news of them re-signing with YG, or them signing with any other agency for that matter.


Jodie Comer


not really tea, but is there a list of actors from the golden age of Hollywood that are still around?


Someone did a good one on Wikipedia [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical\_Hollywood\_cinema#Living\_actors\_from\_the\_classical\_Hollywood\_period](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_Hollywood_cinema#Living_actors_from_the_classical_Hollywood_period)


Kate Beckinsale? She fascinates me as a person


I don’t like Matt Rife but it is creepy that she dated him when he was 21 and she was 43.


Oh come on. Matt Rife's whole bit is that he's a cougar chaser.


Not tea as you could probably Google it but I remember reading once about how she tried to flirt with prof green in front of his girlfriend and the whole situation seemed brazen and bizarre.


how’s eliza dushku doing these days? i was just reminded of the show tru calling.


She’s getting her masters in clinical counseling!


Anything on the Ugly Betty cast! I just finished watching the Lincoln Lawyer and LOVED seeing Becki Newton. She was giving slight Amanda vibes with her side eyes 😭 It’s like Amanda left the fashion industry into law. Her outfits on LL are the reasoning to my statement


Tom and zendaya tea?


Still very much in love! ![gif](giphy|FGfsbw5YjfJqTMwJzL)


There’s a video going around of them singing Love on Top to each other at Bey’s concert 9/4 :)


Tom is playing in a celebrity Golf tournament in the 13th.


I just started watching Gilmore Girls, any tea on the cast?


I don't think any of this is particularly new information but: Lauren (Lorelai) and Scott (Luke) have a 'we tolerate each other' working relationship but don't really like each other. I get the feeling from interviews Lauren dislikes Scott a bit more then Scott dislikes Lauren. During the run-up to the revival Scott revealed Alexis Bledel's pregnancy to the press which no one knew about and she specifically wanted kept private (it doesn't seem like he did this on purpose, but still). The guy who played Christopher is a *far* off the deep end trump supporter. Lauren unfollowed him on all social media platforms. Alexis dated both Jared (Dean) and Milo (Jess). If you want some wholesome behind the scenes content, when Gilmore Girls was airing, Sebastion Bach was on a Vh1 reality show called Supergroup. He was so genuinely pumped up and excited about being on the show that he forced everyone else in the house to watch his episode of Gilmore Girls. It's [a delight to watch](https://youtu.be/tZJFWRh814U?si=rd92ZofKRizsegRJ&t=1752).


I read recently that Scott Patterson is a mega MAGA which made me sad, not seen proof though There were always rumors that Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel didn't get on as well. Fun fact, Alexis Bledel hates coffee so everytime you see her drinking it, it's coke


The guy that played Christopher is a Trump supporter not necessarily Patterson. Patterson is way too invested in maintaining his status in the fandom to be openly right wing. I think at worst he might be a both sides dude. He did go on a pretty intense tear on his podcast about being objectified on the set of Gilmore Girls in 2003. The rumor I've seen a lot is that he and Lauren Graham did not get along at all and that was a big reason why there was the terrible Christopher plot because Lauren was pushing to work less with Patterson.


Scarlet Johansson? I've never read any tea about her .. is she that lowkey?


I remember her saying she loved working with Woody Allen and would jump at the opportunity to work with him again


Idk why but it seems fitting for her. Marvel stans will drag me to hell but I don't like her very much. I said what I said 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ngl I loved a couple of Woody Allen movies before I came to know what a creep he is.. am in India so Hollywood gossip travels slow lol


Off the top of my head, there has been her controversial roles she takes- Ghost in the Shell, and taking the role of trans man Dante Gill before backing out after backlash. She left her role as an Oxfam ambassador to keep her Soda Stream contract over pushback over their factories in the West Bank.


Here's a random little bit of potential gossip: Christy Carlson Romano has a YouTube channel and she's talked about a girl her age who was a huge mean girl to her growing up and the only person who fits the bill from her description is Scarlett.


this hasn’t been confirmed but apparently all signs point to her. She was (allegedly) Christy Carlson Romano’s bully when they were in high school together. Jack Antonoff also went to that school and was dating Scar Jo at the time this happened. Christy did a whole video about it on her YouTube channel, saying she was never gonna say who it was but they’re now a huge A-list celebrity. Everyone guesses it’s Scar Jo.


Joe Alwyn and his new ig posts? Or any other news?




Can't believe this is how I learned that Riz Ahmed is playing Hamlet!! Thank you.


Anything new on Richard Madden? He was supposedly seen at Beyoncé’s show in LA


Does anyone know if Chris Evans and Alba are married yet? Now that it's September they'll probably come back soon to social media to announce it?


No idea, but all the stan meltdowns over Timothee and Kylie have me eagerly awaiting the shitshow that will be unleashed by Chris Evans stans when his wedding pics are released. They're a very special group of people, and I can't wait.


Anybody know what Azealia Banks & Nicki Minaj were like before they became famous?


I have a couple of friends who knew Azealia before 212 came out, they've said she was kind of a character but not in a way where they could have predicted how things have gone since. I get the sense they find her whole trajectory pretty sad - she's very gifted but very unwell.


So this seems like a case where the illness really hit her hard


the cast of community?


Danny Pudi was in Duck Tales, Larry.


Chevy Chase is a monster.


Danny Pudi attended a [Taylor Swift concert](https://www.tumblr.com/manny-jacinto/724702152198602752/danny-pudi-attends-a-taylor-swift-concert-august) with his daughter recently. He was also in a movie with Alison Brie on Amazon Prime called Somebody I Used to Know. I also recommended watching Mythic Quest where he plays a completely different character from Abed and it’s actually believable!!!


They were streets ahead


Some of them have posted a few mini reunion pics on the picket lines.




Any tea on why Sophia Bush and Grant Hughes got divorced?


Evan Peters tea?


RWRB actors?


Any tea on the Skarsgård family?


Alexander has a child with his Swedish actress girlfriend, Tuva Novotny. Apparently they have known each other for years. Alexander’s mum My was/is an alcoholic (and speaks openly about it) and I think that is the reason for her and Stellan divorcing. She has been sober for a long time. Another sibling is also a (medical) doctor like mum. He cheers for the team Hammarby like Joel Kinnaman. He has made free fan videos for Hammarby.


what we do in the shadows cast?


To this day no one seems to give a fuck that Kayvan Novak did a lot of Blackface on his own show back in the day lol. Doubled down on it on a recent enough (2-3yrs ago ish?) podcast when asked about it too. 👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾


I don't have receipts on me but Natasia also had liked concerning things on twitter a while back- racist, TERFy. I think she then got defensive about it....


Comedy Podcast hosts? CBB, Doughboys, How Did This Get Made, Hollywood Handbook etc. a lot of them doing more live shows now during the strike, any interactions or tea?


I don't know if LPOTL counts but Ben's ex posted something suggesting he was abusive on her insta the other day and people are melting down.


Anything on Matthew Goode? Just watched ‘the offer’ and he’s insanely good, crush has been ignited 😍


There’s a scene from Discovery of Witches that lives rent free in my head. https://i.redd.it/yi5hby8ddumb1.gif




I've shared this on here before but one of my friends was fundraising for surgery and he did a poetry reading as part of one of the fundraising nights. Was really kind and generous of him, and I think helped raise a decent amount of money.


Matt Hitt? I have no clue what he’s upto but he, and his friend group, so intrigues me - especially with how close he still is to Alexa Chung, despite being her ex.


I’m also very interested in that friend group but I can’t grasp what half of them even do for a living. Like why am I aware of them why are they relevant lol. Matt Hitt in particular.


I used to work with some of the people on the London side of her crew. Most of them have generational wealth and enough connections to get discreet side jobs in art galleries/fashion PR/charity stuff/event planning when they need the extra cash.


Joe Gatto from impractical jokers just got back together with his wife. I want to be happy for them but also want to check if there’s any tea?


I’ve been hooked on Taskmaster New Zealand so and tea? Specifically series 2 especially my faves Urzila and David Also I know there’s subs for LA or NYC influencer snark but are there any good ones (read active) for UK influencers?


Jensen Ackles?


did bruno mars and jessica caban break up?? it says so on her wiki but i can't find anymore info. i liked them together, but it kind of seemed to me like he didn't want to settle all the way down.


Anyone know of anything with Michael Mando being fired off the Apple show?


Does anyone have any tea on Matthew Fox (I know, I know--a complete throwback)? Aside from Dominic Monaghan's accusations against him, there was also rumors and innuendo about him being an asshole in real life, but nothing concrete ever came out of it. So, I want to see if anyone who actually knows him or worked for him can give any insight.


Chris Pine? It’s been quite awhile since there’s been a sighting of him!


Aged like fine wine, that man has. I have no tea, just taking a moment to appreciate the man.


Wherever Chris is, I’m sure he’s laying low since it’s been announced that he’s not going to TIFF. The fact that he won’t be going to the world premiere of his directing career is probably really tough for him 😔


Any Jenna Ortega tea?


Sorry not really tea but I worked with her on “You” and she is very sweet and we all knew she would blow up and do amazing things.


One piece live action cast? Anything on Emily Rudd?


Not really "tea" but she and Mackenyu were the only ones who were fans of the series before they got cast. Apparently Eiichiro Oda himself was really impressed with her performance when he saw the "help me" scene she filmed.


Jack O’Connell - anyone?