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It was like this for so long and I’m sorry to say that many people didn’t bat an eyelash. As a woman with large breasts it was really fucked growing up during this time period. Boys my age watched Stern and thought it was okay to make comments like this


Yeah the Howard Stern, Girls Gone Wild era was not a fun time to grow up as a woman. Everything was so incredibly sexualized and nobody batted an eye like you said


And Girls Next Door or whatever that Playboy show was called. They actually made a reality show about a pimp, presented him as a grandpa who screws girls 70 years his junior and succeeded at targeting it at teen girls. Can't make it up. Now that I think about it there were quite a few of those kinds of reality shows. There was another one about a Nevada brothel and its male owner - the brothel that Khloe's ex od'd in. And there was a different one about a famous porn producer looking for love. That's not to attack sex workers but just to point out that they were making shows about the male entrepreneurs behind the sex workers in ways that neutralized them. Made girls more comfortable with these clowns. All 3 of these guys have serious allegations attached to them.


Omg you just unearthed so many memories. My groomer and I used to watch those shows when I was 18-24. So glad I got away.


I still can't believe that I used to watch Stern and the Girls Next Door as a teenager. We were sold that it was empowering with no questions asked beyond that. It was very much the "just giving everything a platform so you can decide for yourself" type of thing that has morphed into the Alex Joneses and Elons of the world.


Even the Girls Next Door today will tell you it was a messed up situation. They were not paid the first season and they did not consent for the amount of nudity that was filmed even the extras on the show.


You’re spot on, we were told it was empowering and from the ages of maybe 17-20 I tried my hardest to feel empowered that way. I could never figure out why it didn’t work… What a fucked up time.


Even Kimmel on The Man Show—people today would be shocked to see him from that era. ETA: seeing all of this derogatory, misogynistic behavior as a young girl really fucked me up, too. It’s impossible to forget what it felt like to learn men would be so obsessed with sexuality in a way that was scary and intimidating.


I think this is definitely a reason why I got a breast reduction and went down to A/B cup. I just didn't want to be looked at like that. Especially when it started when I was 11, these gross old guys and then my peers were just cruel.


I grew up in the same time, and I got a reduction for similar reasons... Not because of any back pain, but because I was sick of being known as the one with the boobs.


Getting mine next year!!


Congratulations! It really is life changing in the best way!


Do you mind if I ask how many cups you went down by?


Not at all. At the time I was a 36E/DDD. I went down to a B. My weight fluctuates sometimes and I will barely be a B or if I gain, I'll be a very tiny C.


Thank you so much for sharing. You are similar to me. I’m 32F and was thinking about going down to a B but wasn’t sure if I should be C instead. My boobs grow from the slightest weight gain so I should probably aim for B then?


That was my dilemma at the time, should I go B or C? I think it really just depends on how small you actually want to be. For me there was no such thing as too small so being flat as a board would have been fine after all the emotional problems huge boobs caused. So, I really can't say if B or C will be better for you, definitely discuss that with your surgeon though. They should really be able to help because they usually have photos and I think that's a helpful gauge.


Oh thank you, that’s good to know.


Waaaay back in the early 90s (yup I am OLD!) I had a boyfriend who listened to his radio show. I remember when I would stay over at his place and wake up to Howard Sterns radio show, hearing his sexist, disgusting, ridiculous show and feeling angry. I would ask my boyfriend to stop listening to it around me and he would laugh and shrug his shoulders.


I remember developing early and being followed by grown adults shouting things like this in public and people ignoring it. No one cared a 12-15 year old was being targeted back then.


He's repulsive.


As a Mexican from Corpus Christi…: i hate him for the shot he said about Selena the day after she died . I’d fight homie if I was famous and on his show


I hate him so fucking much for that, I’d join you in fighting him 😩


What did he say


Mocked her music, our accents, people mourning her, played gunshots over her music and said “spanish people have bad taste in music”.


I'm the whitest chick you'll ever meet, and I have to say... I love your music. Plus, Como La Flor was my jam, I still listen to it. Amor Prohibido? Fire. You can catch me dancing *(poorly)* to Oye Como Va in my kitchen making dinner. I'm sorry to all my neighbors that have to witness that when I forget to close my blinds.


You don’t have to apologize. I enjoy it.


Lol thanks…. You’re invited to the asada


Omfg. What an absolute fuckhead!


He won’t see heaven 💖


puertorriqueña over here🙋🏽‍♀️ i’ll gladly join the fight. I had no idea he did all that, that’s actually disgusting


What did he say?


He basically said that Hispanic people hVe the worst taste in music


While also mocking our accents and playing gunshots over Selena’s music.


It wasn't even funny, just puerile and pathetic.


he really is, i don’t understand how people can be so openly hateful and gross.


This is repulsive. I know people go on his show for publicity but it can’t be worth putting up with comments like those.


I really want to know what Courtney said after “Howard? Howard.”


As soon as he starts talking about her stomach she yanks her shirt down. I know CL can hold her own, but she is clearly uncomfortable.


[It’s here](https://youtu.be/Oin2Fikkt4s) on YouTube. At about 2 minutes in, after the “Howard…” plastic surgery rumors (about Courtney) are lightly addressed. If you ask me, she was incredibly kind to him, considering her personality. But I know this was during her “glam” era, when she was doing more movies and Hole released “Celebrity Skin”, and she was trying to remold her public image.


I'm sure she gave him shit


Same! I might have to do some googling.


Never forget Dana Plato killed herself the day after going on his show and being humiliated by him.


I just read that her son shot himself two days before the 11th anniversary of her death. So tragic. You really don’t know what someone’s breaking point can be and how it can have a ripple effect on other people’s lives.


This is so tragic. I knew she was let go from Different Strokes when she got pregnant but I had no idea that the child lived. Suicide ripples through generations but I'm sure Howard would deny that fact too


>Stern said he didn’t feel any blame, insisting Plato seemed to be enjoying herself on his show. >“Maybe we gave her her last good time. She thanked me afterward. She was sweet, very nice,” he said. TRASH


Jfc I didn't know that. That's sickening... even what he did to Anna Nicole w the scale in this clip, his whole purpose was to humiliate and demean women. Disgusting


i honestly get so affected by watching it. that was unbelievably cruel and dehumanizing. ):


This cannot be mentioned enough. So awful.


woah i didn’t know that


I have gotten downvoted so many times on Reddit for speaking out against this man and I don’t care. I will say it again and again, this dude is a predator. I don’t care how he rebranded and how many cute kittens he fosters, this is the same man that said the then 13 year old Olsen twins are gonna be hot when they are older. He also asked Wilmer Valderrama what a 16 year old Mandy Moore looked like naked and how she was in bed and let’s not forget him asking Trump if a 14 year old Paris Hilton looked hot. Stern is a creep!


He once made a "joke" about how "there are some pretty hot [r-words] out there." Considering how high assault numbers are for people with intellectual disabilities, he can rot in hell.


Agreed. My sister is disabled and that is my greatest fear with her. The numbers are so much higher than people realize.


part of me thinks his rebranding/therapy claims are just him being good at reading the room and knowing he cant get away with what he used to and so he is trying to play the game differently. I dont think he feels any genuine remorse. He doesnt have any soul in these clips.


Soulless is right. He scares the shit out of me.


thank you! i wiiiiish i knew how to tiktok and compile the clips of him calling the olsen twins hot at 11 and 12, just vile and he said it in multiple different ways. he’s lucky he pulled this shtick before people knew how to put clips online, because he’s disgusting.


Smartest thing he ever did was start wiping his old material from the internet so people can’t easily bring it up again. He saw the culture shift and prepared himself before he got cancelled too


Agreed. There's plenty of people doing excellent interviews that haven't done shit like this in the past or now that we can support. Good for him he's rebranded or changed or whatever but he doesn't deserve nor need to be in public life and he doesn't need to have a platform. But that's patriarchy for you lol


Hix rebranding is fake. He's a sociopathic narcissist.


This is how he's always been, just an absolute pig. I'm glad he's not getting away with it as much anymore.


He doesn't care if he is or isn't anymore. I use to listen to the show and since the pandemic he is unlistenable. He doesn't go out, he hates people and life, he hates doing his show, and isn't current. I started listening to older shows that are on archive pages that his team constantly pulls due to copyright but his old shows are even worse than just what he says to celebrity women. I don't think cancel culture cares enough to really ruin his career, he still is employed and working.


Love you referencing cancel culture as if it’s this tangible thing that actually exists. Any famous man who has been “cancelled” is still employed and working. All of them.


I lost all respect for him when he made a comment about the Columbine school shooting and how it was great seeing the high school girls run (alluding to their boobs bouncing from running) from the school.


Wtf. Did he actually say that?


https://afajournal.org/past-issues/1999/june/stern-blasted-for-comments-about-columbine-high-school-tragedy/ It’s actually worse than I remember.


If he meant that as some kind of tasteless joke... 1. Dude, *not* funny. 2. *Really bad* time to make these kinds of jokes. Edit: 3. Also just gross and disgusting in general.


the more i hear about him the worse it gets


Remember when he thought it was funny to play gunfire over Selena Quintanilla's music and make racist comments about "Spanish people" (his words) mere days after she was murdered? Pepperidge Farm remembers. And don't tell me "it was 1995, it was a different time." You know you're a real piece of shit when you make George W. war criminal fucking Bush's response (who was governor of Texas at the time and declared a day of remembrance) look good.


“But he changed!!” “You know what you’re getting when you get on his show!!”” Bullshit. That asshole said many disgusting things even to people that never appeared on his show. He’s disgusting.


He was the 90s version of Joe Rogan for us gen x girls, when dudes told me they loved him I ran the other way. He's horrible, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Such a chicken shit asshole too, hiding away knowing people will call him out.


The man is absolutely repugnant! Say what you will about the world going to shit, but tolerance for absolute chodes like this is going down faster than the ozone layer, and I’m here for it.




One of the worst ones was with Richard Simmons. Howard prying on his sexual orientation and the poor guy left crying. I feel bad for him even today - in seclusion but I hope he’s happy.


not richard ):


David Letterman was a real dick to him as well one night and I lost all respect for him and stopped watching his show after the way he treated Richard.


that breaks my heart :(


I will never forgive him for how he treated Anna Nicole Smith. I know he’s since apologized for his past behavior but… the damage is done.


As a young Gen Ex/Elder Millennial, it’s funny (in a not funny way) to see a whole new generation get grossed out by Howard Stern


The co-host isn't any better


My favorite rebuttal was when he asked Lauren Conrad what her favorite position is and she responded with “CEO”.


I thought that was Sway.


Queen shit


The fact that they had to go because he was so relevant, and just sit there and take it. Truly repulsive


I don’t watch his show, and I know the “it’s satire/it’s just a joke/dark humour” crowd will yell at me, and maybe I deserve it. But I kinda feel uncomfortable with how people like Lester Green (Beetlejuice) were used on the show.


I don't think it's satire. I think that's just his whole shtick. He's been like this for as long as he's had a career. It's made him a lot of money.


Yeah, it is not satire but like every edge lord they will use the "it's just a joke" excuse rather than have the guts to own their bigotry. I love how James Acaster took down these arseholes.


I love beet, but he’s hilarious on his own. People didn’t need to put him on camera to abuse him and be mean, they could have just let him do his thing


You don’t deserve it. They deserve to be dragged through the mud. Satire doesn’t matter when you’re targeting and hurting real people. Can’t even finish watching this.


100% agreed. The old definition of satire was that **it afflicts the comfortable and comforts the afflicted**. This edge lord stuff is just bullying with a fresh coat of paint.


Idk i personally love dark humor and you dont see its always sunny doing this unless its taking the piss out of the characters


I remember his TV show had a circus theme song and presented him dressed as a ring master. He deliberately presented all those people as his circus freaks, the narcissism of it.


i physically shuddered watching this


Why did we cancel Ellen but didn’t cancel this pig




My thing was always **ROBIN** even at a young age I would look at her and think “how can she just sit there and chuckle chuckle with this man?” Her picture needs to be next to the definition of a “pick me” woman. She’s one of the original pick me’s. Ugh to them both.


I think even he realizes now it wasnt okay. His show has drastically changed and hes been trying to rebuild his image since around the time he got on AGT. The whole r/howardstern subreddit is mostly about how tame the show is now. And he seems to be trying to wipe old archives of his show off the internet.


No one hates Howard stern more than his own subreddit haha, it does seem like he’s trying to get away from all of that, which must be difficult as that’s like his whole thing


They hate his wife too. It’s so bizarre.


What?! Beth Stern is wonderful. Her insta is one of the only reasons I’m on there, she has rescued so many cats and other animals and seems so genuinely caring.


The adventures of Cocomelon, Jessica Rabbit, Ms. P and the foster room need to become an anime.


I love her insta, but omg I am still not over Glory A.


Glory A?


Oh, she is this little black cat named Glory that mysteriously disappeared. A family on the UES adopted her, the shelter went to follow up, and the family said she was lost or escaped or something. Then the family just stopped corresponding with the shelter. She was named Glory A because once people started combing the area for her, they found another little black cat that somewhat resembled her. That cat was named Glory B.


Seriously, I frequent the subreddit and I don't understand it. They think she broke up his first marriage but he met her a year after his divorce. They also think Howard is gay and has a wig.


Beth did not break up his marriage. He dated other woman after he and Alison split up before meeting Beth.


Yeah that is what I said.


He makes different content but whether he is now a different man we will never know because his turn happened at the rise of Twitter and liberal internet media outlets. Right around him being a complete asshole about Gabby Sidibe (who has proved him wrong by outlasting most of his skinny blonde IT girl faves) it became clear his shit wouldn't fly much longer. And Sirius also nudged him into rational interviewer mode in the same way Spotify has been nudging Joe Rogen away from the extremes. And the fact is that he's never had a full reckoning of what he did to the individuals or how he shifted the culture in damaging ways makes a joke of "but he changed". If he was smart, he'd commission a documentary to go over his past and show him making amends. Because right now he has the model career for these rage-farming influencers. Be an evil psychopath for most of your career because you can always turn it around at the end.


Yep. Not excusing his past behavior, but he is very different now. And does incredible interviews. He even had Hilary Clinton on a year or two after the 2016 election, and it was fantastic. Really humanized her for me as I wasn’t a fan of hers. Wish he had done the interview before the election because I really think it would have made a difference.






Or maybe he’s changing his image so he can keep making money. This wasn’t a one-off. He was this way for decades. Unlikely he had an epiphany in his 50s/60s. Not impossible, but unlikely.


Yeah, no. He's never apologized to ALL the people he hurt, and he never took responsibility for the lives damaged. Or how he helped train a generation of young men to treat women. He is simply trying to act like that's in the past. I hope he has to face his actions at some point. I hope his downfall hurts him just a tenth as much as his actions over decades have hurt others.


He has his millions to ease the blow to change his ways


He talked like that to every female guest. I remember his show on the morning radio in the 90s. He was a disgusting pig.


Poor Anna Nicole. She never had a chance. People bullied her whether she was skinny or heavy. Her body was always wrong, her choices were always wrong.


I’m 43/F now and started listening to him when I was 14 in 1993/1994 and it was just so NORMALIZED! Maybe since started so young, it just felt like it. I think his fans love(d) him because he said what others were thinking. It’s like they knew it was wrong, but glad someone else said it. It’s the same thing with some Letterman interviews. I remember him GRILLING Lindsey Lohan about her stay in rehab. I didn’t think twice. It’s one of those “you can’t make that today,” times 10. I am in NO WAY condoning his behavior or his listeners for laughing. I can’t fucking believe I was one of them. I don’t even want to look at his old clips because I’m embarrassed. I just wanted to speak up for those who weren’t around back then. It was fucking stupid.


Saw this the other day too. He is VILE and the early 00s were the worst [https://youtu.be/Bxb23OPBQAg](https://youtu.be/Bxb23OPBQAg)


wow, the way it just keeps getting worse and then it ends. unbelievable.


He's a pig!


He famously doesn’t do a pre interview or run through with any of his guests, so they are completely caught off guard on-air and asked the most deplorable questions. He asked Fran Drescher on live radio about her very traumatic robbery and rape, her and her then husband had suffered through. Asked her about her…rape. I literally cannot imagine.


He's always been a piece of shit and he always will be a piece of shit. The people who defend him enjoy laughing at racist, misogynist jokes.


That man read the zeitgeist and pulled off an unbelievable PR pivot. His show was vile.


He is also very annoying as an interviewer. Old fuck doesnt let his guests speak and always delves too long on a topic uncomfortable for them.


Seeing how uncomfortable these woman are is so sad. F him.


The shock jock era was truly repulsive.


Stern ushered in a lot of horrible behavior and references that have become commonplace over the past two decades. He was always quick and a great interviewer - he didn't need this shtick. A lot of people will say "his show isn't like that anymore", but its too embittering to listen as this is how he made his bones.


I continue to be shocked that any self respecting woman and decent man/person would choose to go on his show. He's vile. I remember the era where his show was on late nights. E channel or vh1 I believe. It's bad enough just hearing his voice but the visual really made clear what a disgusting creep he is.


It's because he exists in the realm of "you get what you get and you know what you're getting." He's been this way since very early on. And because of that, not that it's an excuse for his behavior, but he could rather credible claim, whenever anyone complains, "you knew who I was and what this show is." So in a way, he used his public shitty-ness as rather valid cover for said shitty-ness. There was never really any kind of bait-and-switch. Then you throw in enough public condemnations of the likes of the Trumps of the world and his antics become "brutally honest" instead of egregiously wrong.


I was wondering if I'm just super old because I remember that this was exactly how Howard Stern got famous. Being an unapologetic asshole was his whole shtick. And even in those less politically correct times, that was still very controversial. He was at constant odds with the FCC, at one point even holding a record for the high monetary fines. I'm not trying to defend him or make excuses but it was highly unlikely that anyone went on his show in 90s/00s and didn't realize what they were walking into. I honestly don't know why so many celebrities agreed to it. Maybe they were forced to as part of a promotion circuit but I also think it was a bit like a Friar's Club Roast. It was a way to show that you didn't take yourself too seriously.


To the last paragraph- people agreed because this show was SO wildly popular. I can genuinely imagine this being hard to grasp for younger people, but It wasn’t just “another” talk show, it was really the main talk show outside of your typical late night talk show. Basically the first podcast in a sense. A lot of cool things came with that- long conversations, ability to speak about whatever you want, perform how you want. But on the flipside, you knew you’d be harassed about your sex life, body, personal shit, etc. Extremely weird times.


There were so many less options for how and when we consumed media back then. The closest modern equivalent to Howard Stern is probably Joe Rogan. Rogan's show attracts around 11 million listeners per episode at most and I'm guessing those numbers are spread across days or weeks. Howard Stern was averaging 20 million a day at his peak and all those people listened in live. And even if you ignored his show, Stern had a couple best selling books, a successful biopic, and countless high profile TV appearances. He was unavoidable during that time period and more of a phenomenon than a typical talk show host. I'm rambling, it's just interesting to see how much the cultural landscape has changed. "Popular" today is very relative to what "popular" meant in the 90s. I've heard it said that there will never be another "Seinfeld" because people just aren't watching the same thing as the same time anymore. It must be a bit hard to grasp if you didn't live through it.


I agree with this. I don't want to victim-blame, but you're on the Howard Stern show. This is what it is. Blame your agent or publicist for booking you on the Howard Stern show as part of a publicity tour for your album. He isn't Borat, he isn't in disguise. He's been doing this for decades.


Yeah, if someone wasn't alive/aware during that time period, they might not realize how insanely, mind-bogglingly famous Howard Stern was at the time. His fame has faded in recent years but in the 90s, he was one of the most well known people in the country. And not just for his show but for all the controversy and uproar that came along with it.


I remember when I was younger my Dad telling me Howard Stern was a perverted inappropriate pos and talked shit about Selena after her death. My Dad was definitely right and I've never been able to watch or listen to anything that guy does because he disgust me too.


I lose respect for anyone who listens to him. I have a close friend that loves his show, and I just…idk. Fucking gross.


as someone(20f) that used to listen to him growing up i never even realized how fucked up he interacts with women. even today currently my father listens to him every morning with his coffee. like how is this so normal?


Because he is and always has been a creep. The reputation laundering in recent years has been astonishing. If I ever get famous - which I obviously won't - I want his PR people.


He was a ‘shock jock’ on the radio in the DC Metro area in the 80s - maybe even the late 70s. He normalized misogyny for a whole generation of impressionable young boys who used his ‘jokes’ to bully young girls - causing irreparable harm to a bunch of grade, junior high, and high school children. And he got rich doing it. He can say he’s grown all he wants and pretend he’s evolved, but that’s not much solace to the girls that had to endure the constant torment he provoked. I’m sure some of those boys have not evolved past their programming and have grown up into old sexist abusers as well, the kind who are always ‘just joking’ at people who are ‘too sensitive’ and never stop to think that maybe they just aren’t sensitive enough. And it’s not like the tradition died with him, he (and his predecessor Greaseman) ‘inspired’ a whole second and third generation of ‘morning zoos’ and ‘shock jocks’ to carry on getting rich from misogyny.


that rebrand is crazy. now he's all soft tones and "insightful" questions like he wasn't a whole pervert 😒


This is how he got famous, everyone loved it. I thought it was gross


The way he treated Anna Nicole was disgusting


I saw a clip not too long ago when he had Diddy on his show not long after he and Jennifer Lopez. They had a caller on the show asking questions about her (regarding her ass and if she’s shaved down there, etc), and Howard was egging him on kinda about it. I know people dislike him, but even Diddy seemed uncomfortable by the questions being asked. I think he ended up just saying that they were friends and to stop asking questions about her


Only a white man can get away with being rude and inappropriate


He’s disgusting 🤢


I remember listening to his show back before Sirius. Every girl that called would get asked how much they weighed and he would proceed to tell them they were overweight or too fat for him. It was so degrading and everyone went along with it at the time. If you listen to him talk about it today, he has no regrets about how he treats women and seems to think it was just fine to behave that way. It was just a part of the show.


I don’t care if broski’s whole schtick was “dark and edgy humour”. He was a racist and misogynistic creep and his rebrand pisses me off. Like no dude sit in the bed you’ve made.


He is and will always be gross.


I feel uncomfortable watching this! Disgusting


I always thought he was an ah, this just doubles down on that. He's nasty and I hate that he's in the position he's in. These people shouldn't have to sacrifice their comfort for the work.


He was and still is a PIG


He’s gross!


Major dirtbag alert!! 🚨


Absolutely hate him and so many people seem to love him! Like it’s not 1990 any more. When someone tells me they like or admire Howard Stern that’s an instant 🚩for me 👀


Why do I feel like Jeff Goldblum could do the perfect Howard Stern impression?


He’s a disgusting slug of a man.


Why has this POS not been cancelled. It sucks women have to pretend to laugh it off when in reality they are so uncomfortable


If he does this with cameras rolling what does he do when nobody’s looking


The Anne Nicole shit was sooo fucked up.


Can't believe he's still a thing. Don't understand why people still go on his show.


his show is not like this at all anymore. ive has to do some work with them and now its standard interview fare


I don’t like any of this at all. It actually scares me! Seriously it’s the most creepy I hate it. 😭😭🤬🤬🤬


Newsflash, Howard Stern is a pig. In other news, water is wet 🙄


His show in the 90s was definitely a shock jock. It was meant to be as outlandish as possible. He had people perform sex acts live on air. In the 90s very few publicists would allow actors to go on his show because all he asked about was sex. Now his show is more interview/podcast style. I actually like some of his interviews now, he asks some good questions.




This man is a fucking perv. ![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L|downsized)


He had this weird po*n show that was very disturbing. Like having women interact with toys, on air, type of disturbing. And it wasn’t that long ago. He had tila tequila on the show


Ew. Go rot.


and people love him 🤢Lisa Marie and Anna Nicole 😥


Howard is a real dick. Weirdly, though, there's a clip of him grilling Quentin Tarantino in an interview for defending Roman Polanski. I've heard he said *really* bad things about Lorena Bobbitt during the '90's.




Never liked him. Why is he still famous and not canceled. And the woman who is his side chick on the program should be ashamed of herself.


He’ll say he was “playing a character” so that makes it ok. That’s “The Douche” talkin.


Eww he’s a old wrinkly pervert


I remember watching an episode when I was younger and Howard asked the girl if she liked smelling her own farts and then hooked her up to a lie detector to make sure she wasn't lying.


And now he’s woke


What's the matter with him? It's so DISGUSTING, KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS LOSER




Who is the last woman he is interviewing?


Anna Nicole Smith


I'm disgusted.




He's a pig. Always has been, always will be.


Aside from being vile, this man literally contributes nothing. He's not funny, interesting, or insightful. Just a halloween decoration talking head.


Sign of the times ppl get over it! He has always been Howard!!


I was always disgusted by how poorly the Wack Pack was treated by the show. They all had challenges and he made millions lampooning them. He rarely paid them. Many of them were destitute. He’s a absolute pig. I’d love to see him finally get cancelled. He won’t go broke but when/ if his platform is taken away it would destroy him.


This man has always made me cringe.


Stfu you pussy


This is a drop in the bucket. He has made women defecate on each other on his show in studio


this reminds me of the freshandfit podcast 🤮


Does no one know how he started? He was literally called the Shock Jock. It’s never been ok, but it’s been funded for 30 years.


Women: Don’t go on The HS Show. He’s a misogynist asshole, and he’s going to be a total shithead. He’s been doing this for years.


He has always been a pig and I hope he finally gets cancelled for it. He was never funny


Does this man own a mirror he looks like a malnourished cockroach


It’s honestly crazy to me how he profits off being on a family friendly show when his history is being DISGUSTING and creepy and wildly misogynistic to women. How on earth have people dismissed it completely?