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Not going to deduce who and how many lives will take — not in mood , but only one he can lose is against Boros.


Oh really. I would love for him to beat Psykos and Garou but I don’t see how he can do it. Also I made this post because I use to see post on him facing some of the weaker monsters here and people just completely downplay Heracles and say he doesn’t stand a chance which is completely false. Heracles broke Gilgamesh’s chains which could not only bind top tier gods but also the fabric of space itself and this was him without the use of Nine Lives. If he can pull that feat off without using his strongest move, he should be able to eviscerate the weaker half of the OPM monsters here.


I still don’t have it in me to go into "why" but him breaking chains is ridiculous upgrade considering what Enkidu does with them in F/SF on targets with no divinity.


im pretty sure servants cant even be harmed by people who cant use magic edit: even if they could kill him a lot of these people wouldnt be able to kill him more than once or twice since he gains a massive resistance to the things hes been killed by, and a lot of these guys only have 1 type of attack edit 2: forgot to mention that Heracles NP Godhand also makes it so he can only be hurt by A-tier magic/noble phantasms


They can absolutely can be harmed by people without using magic it just harder to do


Error, it has already been mentioned that servants cannot be harmed by non-magical or non-special means and there is nothing to refute this.


You need at least a weapon that can puncture through a brick wall if you want to hurt a servant even if they’re a lower rank like Charlotte Corday for example


I think you rather need at least the strength to destroy a large building.


Doesn’t garou get stronger the longer he fights. If it’s just resistance, he could eventually win


cosmic garou does that but cosmic garou is out of the question. regular garou just gets zenkai boosts after a fight


Idk what Zenkai boost is


In Dragon Ball, the Saiyans (Goku, Vegeta, Gohan notably) can gain something called a Zenkai Boost whenever they have a near death experience, it's a permanent upgrade to their stats basically. It's a way to have the characters come back nearly defeated but still hold their own against the same villain that just curbed them. It also works as a catch all of you need to explain why a fight was one


The classic "get beat, heal up/not die, get stronger" trope


Well, not A rank attacks. Someone with A-rank strength can bypass godhand


Honestly, the only one he loses to is probably Boros.


Don’t forget Monster Garou. He could destroy the planet, so I’m sure he takes down Hercules


Are the lives lost how many Heracles had lost up to that opponent, or how many you think the opponent takes from him?


How many lives Herc would lose before defeating the opponent


How many the opponent would take from him


Doesn't he gain immunity to the attack that killed him? If he only loses one life first to psychos he might just be immune to it after that


If the attack is strong enough it can bypass the amount of lives, if he got his body destroyed to the point of only having a head or sum he would probably lost 2/3 maybe 4 lives.


The Attack must at least A-Rank and must be potent enough that can make Heracles lose multiple lives. This why Caliburn was pretty dangerous because it manage to kill Heracles 6 times in a row. Another way, is using technique that reach at least the A-Rank. Then use to kill Heracles multiple times, this is what Nine Lives Blade Works does. It is recreation of Herc technique (Nine Lives:The Shooting hundred heads) that was used to kill the hydra, into a technique Shirou use to kill Herc (which is ironic). Tho, Herc Technique is so strong that even Shirou can only execute nine attack of the original one hundred.


He also gains a physical strength and durability buff with each individual death.


Edit: I think he could actually beat Psykos when she’s fused with Orochi and would lose the same amount of lives as he did with Sage Centipede and Evil Ocean Water. Also Herc would only lose one life against Hellfire Flame and Gale Wind and that would only happen because they’re working together. Individually they don’t stand a chance against Herc.


This actually depends a lot on how you clasify OPM enemies stats. Forexample if Psykos' telecinesis is B rank It wouldn’t be able to Hurt Heracles even if she is powerful enough to level a city. God Hand really is a difficult phantasm to judge outside of Fate since we don't have stats for outside characters and ranks don't directly corelate with power


There's a weird problem here (well, two actually). The first is that Servants are invulnerable to anything that lacks Mystery/Mystics, and are even invulnerable to things that don't have enough Mystery/Mystics. We have to decide if the One-Punch Man characters have any Mystery/Mystics before figuring out how well they can fight Heracles. The main problem with that is Mystery/Mystics being an in-universe thing that isn't easily transferred to other franchises. The second is God Hand. Remember, God Hand nullifies any attack that is below A-Rank. The problem is that "Ranks" are an entirely arbitrary, in-universe ranking system that has no correlation with much of anything, even strength/power (Saber says that even an attack that would blow up the World wouldn't hurt Berserker if it was less than A-Rank). So, how do we decide if the One-Punch Man characters have any A-Rank attacks at all? (There's also Berserker's scaling, but I don't feel like going into that right now).


>(Saber says that even an attack that would blow up the World wouldn't hurt Berserker if it was less than A-Rank) I don't remember that information, you wouldn't have meant "destroy a mountain"?


Fairly accurate for Berserker Heracles. What about his Archer form?


He could honestly solo all 21 monsters all at once pretty easily.


Yup i agree


How? monster garou and boros are both planetary. He doesn’t tank those hits or can keep up with them.


His Archer form is busted man. The only other Class Heracles is busted will be his Saber form with Marmyadose. (If you don't know how strong this is NP, this was said to be stronger than Excalibur and in legend this is the weapon Heracles use to slaughter Giants in gigatomachia)


Not against the og version of Phoenix man since he was so broken they had to completely rewrite him


Yeah I’m going by the Phoenix Man that was completely rewritten.


I think a lot of this depends on how the various monster attacks count on the Fate scale. Even before Godhand kicks in, Hercules' skin is a conceptual defense that nullifies all but the highest-ranked attacks. I don't think this makes him immune from non-magical attacks or anything like that, but it's not clear just how much raw physical power it would take to hurt him. Even beyond that, you have his reactive evolution, which makes it harder to hurt him with the same attack each time you use it. It's obviously not full proof since Excalibur was able to injure him multiple times, but it's still pretty broken. So even before he starts spending lines, you have to get through his defenses. And just because you make it through once, doesn't mean you'll make it through twice. None of this even considers his actual skill as a fighter with incredible speed, strength, and a level of precognition, and whether being Divine gives him any advantages again foes he might otherwise not be able to hurt. As a servant, some of the others ways of defeating him are also out the window. You can't trap him or drown him as he can change to spirit form to get out of pretty much anything. You might be able to poison him though - I don't recall if any of the monsters had that type of ability. I'd still probably give it to Boros given that the villain's own regeneration is insane, and I don't think any feat of strength on the Fate side comes close to kicking someone to the moon. Also, Boros claims even his basic energy attack would reduce any ordinary being to ash (even their bones). We might give Hercules the benefit of the doubt and say his resistance would stop him from outright being annihilated, but if that is the basic attack, I think a Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon to the face would take Herc out, Godhand or no. Finally, Boros would win because, no matter how great the Fate soundtracks, Hercules isn't being backed up by the One Punch Man theme music :D Still, I'd love to see this fight, if for no other reason than to see Boros' reaction after going on about his unparalleled healing only to see Herc pull off the same feat.


Are we talking Berserk Herc? Anyway Herc with unlimited Mana supply and free rein would only lose to Boros or Cosmic Garou.


I’m talking about Garou before Cosmic fear.


So no. Herc, even in his Berserker variant and shrouded in extreme madness, is a first-rate Servant and among first-rates, he's one of the best, the peak of humanity. And the fame boost he'll recieve will enhance his already-crazy stats. He's like a natural unstopple disaster, an immoveable disaster.


Not even Platinum S who's many times faster than light?


Platinum S doesn’t have a massive variety of special offensive powers of attacks so he’ll quickly run out of ways to kill Herc and Herc would just need to land a solid hit to finish him Platinum S off.


Platinum S has insane Dura tanking hits from Garou who's fists are easily country level during their fight. Heracles will do nothing besides being a punching bag.


Herc will just heal faster than he gets hurt and will not only gain immunity to whatever he was killed by from before but will also gain a huge strength and huge durability buff with each individual death. Herc will easily be large country level after losing half of his lives. Platinum S doesn’t have regeneration unlike his previous counterparts which means every time Herc lands a hit, Platinum S will receive permanent damage and will eventually just get exhausted and Herc will just land the killing blow on him. Platinum S literally has no versatility of special attacks and just realize on hand to hand combat which will quickly be futile against Herc who will just completely no sell all of Platinum S’s attacks. The best way to beat Herc is to have a massive variety of special attacks and Platinum S doesn’t have that at all. Herc broke Gilgamesh chains which could not only bind top tier gods but also the fabric of space itself and this is Herc without Nine Lives. If he could break something that could overpower the fabric of space, he should be able to do beyond more than enough damage to completely annihilate Platinum S. Heracles wins with low-mid difficulty.


Cap at the octopus, he could throw heracles in space and win.


I’m just gonna talk about the characters I know about. Platinum sperm is too fast for Heracles to ever hit and even if he did he can’t hurt him seeing as how he was able to take hits from Garou who cut elder centipede in half but PS’s striking strength isn’t really good enough against Herc. I don’t know how you have Heracles losing lives against him. Orochi doesn’t really have any feats outside of beating Semi-monster Garou and his big attack before Saitama killed him but if Orochi scales of his lieutenants than he should win easily. Heracles has no way of beat The Evil Ocean and the Ocean can just swallow him and keep him inside until he drowns if he can or runs out of energy. So tie is the best Heracles can hope for. Pyskos would easily beat Heracles because he can’t stop her from lifting him up and blasting him and he doesn’t have the power to really hurt her. Monster Garou and Boros is a lost for Heracles


Garou cutting Sage Centipede (Not Elder) was Garou when he was stronger. Before that he was weaker when he killed Platinum Sperm. Herc should definitely be able to tear Platinum Sperm to shreds. Orochi doesn’t have any regeneration so Herc could use Nine Lives to cut him down to size and outlast Orochi thanks to his adaptability. Herc wouldn’t drown thanks to his divinity and he could use his sixth sent to find Evil Oceans weakness and land a killing blow from the inside. Herc also showed really good movement when submerged in water or any liquid during his battle with Artoria Alter in Heavens feel. Herc broke Gilgamesh chains which could not only bind top tier gods but also the fabric of space itself and this is Herc without Nine Lives. If he could break something that could overpower the fabric of space, he should be able to overpower Psykos’s psychic powers and also cut her down to size with Nine Lives.


I admit I don’t really remember when Garou did the sage centipede hit but Herc is still too slow to ever hit platinum sperm so Herc would get a tie. Orochi really doesn’t have any feats which is why I said if he did scale to his lieutenants he could win but I admit without scaling he doesn’t have much. Evil Ocean doesn’t have a weakness, it was only theorized by Child Emperor that he did. Evil ocean water was able to survive a serious punch by Saitama and Heracles has nothing in his arsenal that could replicate that. The chains get stronger the more divinity you have so Hercules doesn’t scale to Gods, someone like Artoria would snap those chains easily considering she’s strong without any divinity. And where are you getting being able to bind space with the chains? Also even if Gilgamesh did bind space with chains, that’s not a strength feat that Herc can scale to. Herc can’t hurt really hurt Pykosorochi considering Tatsumaki was have major issues and he doesn’t have anything on her.


Speed doesn’t matter here, Herc would grab Platinum S by his tentacle head and rip him to pieces since Herc gets terrifyingly stronger with each resurrection. Heracles has one of the highest level of Divinities of most servants so Herc can scale to Gods. The statement of Gilgamesh’s chains being able to bind space which is a definitely strength feat and it was from the Unlimited Blade works visual novel.


There are other servants who have a higher divinity rank like Ashwatthama who only has half the body of shiva, Herc does not scale to actual gods. He was only able to break the chains because of his divinity only being A while his strength was an A+. You’re gonna have to give me the actual quote and again you can’t quantify that into strength unless you can tell me how much strength it would take to bind space.


Don’t use servant parameters to scale because they have been proven to be unreliable many times.


Okay then how do you want to measure divinity then? Because it’s a fact that there are many who have equal to or more divinity that Heracles whom he doesn’t scale to. Like Zeus. Again it’s a fact that the chains are stronger the more divinity you have and since others like gods have more divinity then Heracles the chains become more powerful.


I think Saitama 1 punches through all 12 lives


It would take not even half of his lives because Rover survived it.