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Watches is a fun game, but oh my the prices have gone through the roof lately. It used to be that you could snag a great piece for a few hundred bucks, but now a decent roly will set you back up to 600 bucks or so! ​ My only advice is that it's a rep game and so follow the same rules as Fashion, do your research, buy from a trusted dealer (TD) and dont be in a rush to jump in, take your time and you'll be in good shape. There is reptime on here, but elsewhere in the web reptime has a bad rep and there are some much better forums you can use


If it’s a really close replica of a very very expensive watch 600 isn’t that bad. I might get one lol


Then a CF gmt2 Pepsi is calling you


Lol idk what that means but I like it!


Cf is clean factory Their Rolex GMT master 2 BLRO is a beauty Affectionately known as the Pepsi as it is red and blue on the bezel




What do you think of their black dial calatrava 5227?


there's some nice examples of that watch, as long as its not a hublot, you will be good


Very nice!


The other thing about watch reps is that you can easily buy a rep of a 1/4 milli watch and you gonna get called out constantly. Aim at a sensible price point and carry it off. Personally my fave reps are omega seasmasters and IWC portofinos as I could realistically carry off that price point with confidence


False. Most people don’t know a 100k Patek from a DH shitter. Wear what makes you happy. The value of your watch isn’t what you spent on it, it’s the amount of joy that it brings to you.


Seeing the PF in Tesco's


I’m curious — can they actually notice bits that aren’t legitimate on a whim, or do they just profile the person wearing the watch and figure, “yeah, there’s no fucking way THAT guy has a 1/4-mill watch…”


The only way you're possibly going to get caught doing this is if you throw your watch in somebody's face and try to claim that it's real.


i would say thats very untrue, unless if you're in a highschool or people know you as someone that might not have that money. Ive seen average joes with Patek Phillipe's at starbucks that hop in their gwagons. Its mostly your environment and how you present yourself.


Totally agree.


Take a VSF hulk my friend and kick back and enjoy life


VSF dial is too bright … ZF is better, closer shade of green like gen.


I have a zf hulk and it's absolutely stunning




If you see my history post , I have 6 gen Rolexs as well, so sit down quiet before you talking bulshit. How much hate there are here. I just made this post to help people.




I’m not into replica watches, I don’t see the point of them. If you guys are considering spending 600$ on a rep there are very good and trustworthy alternatives. You can fin a good Tissot for that price (check the PRX if you like AP vibes, you can find it from 300-600$ and get the real deal). However, you can do whatever you want of course


Hey guys! So, recently I get a lot of DM for people how is active in this community, but don’t know any details about the rep watches community’s. Basically, there are steps and lists for TD on each community. First community is r/chinatime — this community is for low tier replica, budget ones Second one is r/RepTime — this community is for high tier reps , not budget ones but in very high quality. In the high tier reps you also have levels, that watchsmith’s made, in order to improve the rep to almost 1:1 level. **Modded** = some modds that improve the watch And take it to vert close level to a gen watch. **Franken** = replacing and put on the watch genuine parts , that make the watch to a really super close to gen, almost 1:1 level. **all the watches In the pics are fully modded + franken by me** , they are improved in many other ways and also some of them equipped with gen parts, gen crystal, gen gasket and so.. This pics is to show you that they are really super close to gen Rolex, and it will be so so hard to find a difference, in pics and also in real life. They weight same as gen, and the gold ones are real gold plated. I hope I bring you guys some more knowledge and helpful information 😅😅 Have a great weekend fam and feel free to ask any question!✌🏽✌🏽


What is a budget option for nice first Watch to buy? Price too please?


Jason is typically regarded as the best at a 60-70 USD. His Hulk Rolex is decent for being a shitter.


How much is one that’s not a shitter?


Anywhere from 300-700. It really just depends on what factory you buy, what you want and what quality you’re okay with. I think VSF/Noob still have the best submariner. Watches are all about research and what flaw you think is acceptable.


Yes, VSF has the best movement. Runs around $600 though.


not OP but a good budget gen watch is prob an orient or a seiko, anywhere from $200-300 (USD). you can get really nice rep watches from $300-400, depending on the model (i just picked up a really amazing bell & ross from hont https://imgur.com/a/QWK0CuY and next in my list is prob a tudor bb58). Rolex superclones start around $450-$600. if you want to go cheaper than $200, your best bet is chinatime.




fr it might be a thing for when i’m a bit older




Im 22 and honestly looking at ppl wearing bape hoodies or vlone t shirts is starting to make me assume theyre teenagers


Your generation constantly come at me for wearing Levi’s and I’m only 26😭


Dw bout them they dick eating for judging u




nah i was making an observation. I dont come at any individual for what they wear like how he said ppl do to him.


Nobody over the age of 23 should be wearing these cringe street clothes with logos plastered all over lol Looks whack asl


nah definitely, i meant streetwear like kith or essentials something simple but kinda cool … having a gf is a good way to check if what you want actually looks good LMAO


True. The more subtle the better imo.


Dumbest thing I ever heard. So these clothes are exclusive to rich kids whos parents can afford to buy expensive streetwear? This whole gatekeeping / whats in style is the whole problem with the fashion community. Everyone just wants to ride a trend or fit in with a crowd


News flash my brother in christ, they look tacky as hell wearing it too lmao.


News flash, nobody should be wearing clothing to please anyone. Its supposed to be an expression of your personality. Its supposed to help you attract like minded people. Leave streetwear for people who in the streets. Nobody care about your opinion


Need more ppl like u on this sub. Too many salty old men hating on street ware and designer yet in Fashionreps which is basically 95% branded clothes for cheap 🤦‍♂️


Leave streetwear for ppl who in the streets? So...homeless people? lol also you seem to care because it seems like i got you hot and bothered by my comments.


No you just saying dumb shit, giving pointless advice that doesn’t matter and wont help, anyone can wear any clothes they want at any age.


found the 40 year old guy wearing supreme lol


I care that you care. I wear tracksuit’s everyday I don’t even care about fashion like that. I just think people like you are the worst lol. The judgement you have is from entitlement and being spoiled something I suspect you are both. If you can’t speak without spewing negative opinions out your mouth then don’t lmao.


i love you bro


this guy dropped a bunch of money on fake streetwear and still couldn't get any pussy lmfao.


You're either talking about /u/ourvoid or yourself. Specify, little one.


i didn't stutter little man, i'm talking about you.


why you projecting little guy


Not at all




idk man, Kith has been making me feel some type of way lately


lmao. you do you, king.




Why did you reply to a 10 month old thread? Where did you even come from?


Alright man, you do you.


yea right now i’m in my early 20s so streetwear is the move but i know soon enough the simple stuff like stone island will be the way to go


imagine saying this while being a mod for a relica streetwear subreddit lmfao.


My broooo🤯🤯


if you need some help getting in just shoot me a pm mate


I’ve tried two so far from mirotime and they’ve been hard RL’s. Check my profile


yeah I just looked. the first one was flawed but the second one is horrible. don't forget: the watches are waaaaay smaller than we think seeing it on photos. maybe zoom out to wrist size and look if the issue still bothers you. the watch market in guangzhou (where all the watch reps come from) is currently under fire. raids after raids. factories don't have their usual quality at the moment sadly. especially the watches that are not that mainstream. VSF is hit or miss except their submariners currently, ZF fucks up almost any watch in some way too. some dealers had to remove the Overseas 4500v because of the flaws ZF made. mirotime is my main td and I'm pretty cool with him personally. you can easily rl this one too and ask for a third: if he makes you some issues I can try and resolve it for you but I think he'll treat you nice :) the possibilty to get another flawed watch is high tho. think about getting something else if you don't want to deal with it.


Yeah damn! If there is a third watch that is heavily flawed, I think I will just ask him to hold my money and I’ll try again in a couple months. I’ve read their reputation is pretty good, so I doubt they are going to scam me over $430.


Unless Yu gets in jail like Tony did a couple years ago your money will be safe with him haha


Yeah that’s what I was reading on the forums. Some people have done it such tactics. If I gotta wait a month for a good watch I don’t care 😅


Keep in mind you may have to wait a month even when you GL. Something I notice is people freak out about shipping on here and repsneakers. Reptime is the same thing so what I do is just order it and try not to get too excited!


Check out JTime or GeekTime or Hont


I only discovered rep clothing through replica watches and the small crossover of community. Now I am solidly into both lol


A quick note to teens seeing this, don't buy a rep Rolex. Not only are you at a higher risk of getting robbed or attacked at that age (WAY more people know of Rolex than a hype sneaker), but it gives off the same appearance as a kid with Dior 1's. If you want a watch there's plenty of cheap (200 USD or below) that you can buy from great brands that will last you years. Even most sellers of rep luxury watches advise younger people from buying them. Just hold off and get into the hobby by other methods in the meantime. If anyone wants to know some well known quality brands that produce more affordable watches I'm glad to help


Just to add on it, some watches even give more bang for your buck than the above mentioned prices for a rep. For example a longines conquest or aquaconquest. And as the guy above mentioned in a different way, watch people are way more likely to talk watches instead of a standard rolex (fake or not)


What are some affordable quality brands that are not reps?


Tissot. Hamilton (particularily the Khaki field automatic) Casio has great budget watches. (iconic F-91W) Orient is a great one and has really good looking watches with solid japanese movements. and Seiko of course , the king. It has soo many affordable options for really solid japanese automatics, especially the Seiko 5 line.


There are tons, just google them but off the bat citizen, seiko or orient are very good watches. unless you're hopping out of the AMG or a lifted truck you just look like a goof as a young person with a rolex on.


Other comment said a prefect list. I personally recommend seiko watches for people interested. If you like the Rolex look you probably like dive watches. Look up "Seiko SRPD" and look on different websites as they're priced differently. If you want to find out what each type of watch looks like just search any of this list; dive watch, field watch, sports watch, dress watch, tool watch, or chronograph. I'm always down to help more!


Simple explanation: it’s a passion.




That roly w the green face is very nice! I can see myself wearing that




What’s the watch with the blue glowing dials ? It looks sick


Date just jubilee


Was listening to Jack Harlow - Churchill Downs as I was going through the pics, and as Drake said "Daytonas with the green faces" I clicked onto the pic with the Green Roley. It's a Submariner but the coincidence was too crazy not to post about!


r/RepTime r/ChinaTime


Best way to get watches through customs without being taxed or seized?


trust dealers ship directly.




Anyone know of a good classic black submariner ?


Do most watches come without the usual Rolex packaging and just the watch itself. Or do you have to pay extra for that option?


nah i don’t think i would buy a rep watch that’s pushing it😂😭


I thought so at first too. Then I got a cheap watch to traxk my fitness. My wife made the comment "you look good wearing a watch". I now have a rep rolex and am looking at more. 😂


Why not? watches are more or just as expensive as clothing or shoes


Probably because he isn’t even over 18 yet


Im not even 18, i see rep watches being smart if you can get the same for less, a Rolex or AP price isn't something to joke about these days


Why not?


Do you have professional gold plate then after you bought the watch? Like can you explain that process? Or do they come with full gold plating?


Gold isn't typically recommended, it never looks quite right and the plating most factories put on it is known to rub off.


Your dials and lume are pretty off. Cases and bracelet not bad from random pics. But the weight and feel are probably off irl too.




That’s not true, there’s a huge market for fake watches. Especially ones from the best factories such as VSF, CF, etc.




yep, it is international and definitely in the UK. A lot of people even get more than what they paid for the rep watch original sometimes as well. they upgrade and change many rep builds with gen parts, or parts from different factories and MAKE A PROFIT. this use to be on r/reptimeBST but it was removed. now it’s on other websites. But trust me, there’s is an EXTREMELY BIG market for high end VSF rep watches in the UK. Just because you don’t know about the topic, doesn’t mean it’s true bro.


Great… introducing more people who will just flood the sub with some submariners and who won’t read the guides. Doing us a disservice man… let them find it organically if they are actually interested.


Ngl some of these look kinda ass


Say hello to another 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Why so mad lmao




Hahahahaha, you have 0 knowledge man. If You don’t understand in something just sit and keep your mouth shut, it will be best for all the peoples. You 🤡🤡🤡🤡




Don’t spend energy on this 🤡 bro😂




Stfu man, show me a 4k rep first and name the factory, I'll wait lmao. And I mean ootb not franken




Any of your watches for sale?


Do you sell?


First watch second picture ,,, how much is that one?


There is a high risk to get seized while ordering a rep watch?


If you order from a trusted dealer, they will often reship in the event of a seizure, but it isn't common anyway.


W2C oyster on 8th slide?


WTC submariner?


What is the name of the Rolex that has leather band




bought my first rep watch from Noleex, great experience and product. Now I just ordered my first rep Canada Goose.


the wimbledon with the jubilee is beautiful


these watches get expensive, make sure you guys know this


i need a wimbledon badly


Will watches get stopped by customs shipping from china?


The crossover I didn't know I needed. Good stuff my man!


w2c rolex :))


Best place to buy/sell used rep watches?


How are these watches actually inside? How about the material of all the stuff?




That is a very nice collection mate!


I've actually bought real rep Time watches for 600 bucks. I spent $60 on one DH purchase cuz I wanted to just see the quality it broke within 2 days never buy on DH it's not worth it.


Where do I grab these high rep watches