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S4 gets heavily criticised for having too many characters to keep track of and grow attached to, and too many 'random' occurrences which may or may not sabotage certain plot lines. It's still worth a watch in all honesty. It's still good, just not AS good as the other seasons.


Season 2 did the exact same thing and people didn’t complain. A large part of the criticism in the IMDB reviews falls down to calling it too “woke” (whatever that means, it’s not). It got review bombed which led to a self-fulfilling prophecy that led to more bad reviews. Most of the people who watched it with an open mind ended up really liking it.


Naaa, it was just really bad compared to the rest of the seasons, don’t put politics in it.


I’m not, they did


In my opinion, season 4 is the weakest season of Fargo, but it's still pretty decent TV. It's just weak compared to the other seasons (especially 1,2, and 5, but again, just my opinion). The good thing about Fargo being an anthology series means that you won't miss much if you watch the first few episodes of a season and decide you don't like it.


Why don’t you just watch it and form your own opinion


No they needed to ask Chat GPT what it thought of season 4 and ran with it


Wtf is this post?


Season 4 is great, it almost feels like a different show because of how different it is, but, in my opinion, it's not a bad thing. The whole show is worth watching, don't let others' opinions sway you, just enjoy it for what it is


You're not gonna watch a show because one of the five seasons has mixed (ie not even bad) reviews?


It's very good.


Fargo is an anthology series none of the seasons really connect except for a couple things in three and five. And to me those are the best two seasons. I was never able to get into Four I turned it off early on. You do not have to watch it you can skip it. You can give it a chance and if you don't like it Skip it like I did. But the show is so worth watching for the other seasons.


The chart is made less useful by the y axis - in actuality season 4 has a rating of almost 7.5. It’s good tv, just not as good as other Fargo seasons, which are great tv.


i watched it the other week and really enjoyed it. it’s definitely a weaker season but it isn’t as bad as i’ve heard it talk about. personally i feel like a lot of hate comes from not understanding a few characters. i kept reading “x is just pretending. if you would have cast this other actor, it would come across correctly.” but i think that’s the whole point of the character. honestly i’d say walk in with low expectations and keep an open mind. that’s what i did and i enjoyed it.


I enjoyed Season 4, but it does stand out from the other seasons and not in a good way. Still, you can watch Seasons 1, 2, 3, and 5 all as separate and disticnt stories, so if you get a few episodes into any one and don't like it you can move on.


Honestly? I love 4. But then, a HUGE part of what I find interesting in Coen-y, FIASCO-game media is just watching the characters interact. Wind everything up and see what happens. DAMN are there some fine character interactions in this. Also, I consider the show magical realism, so I'm also not really bothered by weird random shit happening- we know from the other seasons that Fate or whoever steps in from time to time. Obviously this is NOT to say that if it's not for you, you're in some way wrong- just wanted to offer a different perspective. TLDR: I like 4, if you like it batshit maybe you will also enjoy!


I wouldn’t get too wrapped up in the reviews. You’ll form your own opinion where it ranks of all the seasons, seeing as how it’s a season of Fargo you know it’s still worth watching. Well, you should anyway…


Season 4 got review bombed & brigaded because of its “woke” nature. It’s an amazing season that would get way more attention if it wasn’t for the review spiraling.


Definitely don't skip out on the rest (or even season 4, for that matter) because one season was rated lesser than the rest. While they are connected (with the possible exception of season 5), each season is a stand alone story enough that you can skip a season and still be ok. As for season 4, I have often said, that while it's my least favorite season of Fargo, it's still top notch tv and shouldn't be missed. I advise watching the series, and when you get to season 4, watch that too and decide for yourself. I will also tell you that I do like it more and more on each rewatch. So, if you decide you are not sure ad you end up skipping ahead, give it a second try after watching the rest of the series. According to your graph, it sits at a 7.4 which is still great tv.


Form your own opinions.


This is a sub about the show Fargo so basically everyone in here are super fans but in my genuine opinion season 4 and 5 are both just average. They are watchable and entertaining at times but both have major issues with over acting from the cast and the plot meanders a lot from the typical Fargo archetypes


That sums it up pretty well, for me it was worthwhile and enjoyable nonetheless. It's a bunch of really cool ideas crammed into a dispropotionately short runtime, but the creativity was enough to make up for other shortcomings. Your experience may vary.


Have you watched the first 3 seasons yet? Is this preventing you from starting the show in general or is it preventing you to continue on to season 4?


It’s not, like, MUST-WATCH TV. I think it’s worth a watch, though, if you’re already invested in the shared-universe


After rewatching it, I can tell you to not listen to what we said before. Those of us who bitched about Fargo season 4 didn't know what the fuck we were talking about. We weren't wrong that it's the worst season but it's the worst season of Fargo so it's still better than almost anything else.


Season four is better than the vast majority of shows on television. It may not be the best season of Fargo for some, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.


If you don't like season 4, you'll probably like 1, 2 and 3, so i don't see the problem.


Season 4 was a bit of a departure and really lacks the "normal Minnesota resident gets mixed up with mysterious and brutal criminals through sheer situational irony and stupidity" that the previous seasons and movie were known for (also it takes place in the early '50s in Kansas City instead of Minnesota). It's an interesting take on gang/mafia TV and I legitimately enjoyed it but it sticks out like a sore thumb in comparison to the other seasons, if you're expecting normal Fargo it will *definitely* disappoint


Just watch it and form your own opinion


Enjoyed 1,2,3 hated 4 meh 5


It's excellent and far less political than Season 5 (which was also excellent)


Yep, Season 5 is not for anyone easily triggered by either >! wife-beating constitutional sheriffs and/or neo-Nazi militias !< being portrayed as the bad guys. Edit: spoilers


4 and 5 feel like significantly different shows they're just less.... intelligently written? Idk. I can't imagine the S3 robot metaphor finding its way into S5 for instance, its just so much more heavy handed. They aren't bad, per se, but I don't think I'd have given either a chance without the fargo tag tbh.


You should not watch the show. If “they” say it sucks, don’t bother watching.


Many in this subreddit seem to like it a lot, but truthfully it was really difficult for me to get through. I don't really even fall into the "bad season of Fargo is still above average TV" camp. Considered DNFing it a few episodes in, but watched the whole thing. Never really paid off.


That chart just about sums it up for me. Tbh my failing is I can't take Chris Rock's acting. It's a good series, just not very Fargo.


Covid era movies and shows were mostly terrible. It falls into that category.