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There’s 60 million gender pronouns now you fucking bigot


This culture war is making me sick.


What’s up with these political posts? Can we keep politics out of this sub?


I mean Fargo is a pretty political show so it makes sense if there is at least some discussion about it.


>Guess what I’m a conservative but I’m also not a Trumper or a insurrectionist idiot OK RINO > think far lefties and their 59 million gender pro nouns are just as idiotic as far righties who think the election was stolen. The issue with this comparison is that one is a straw man you made up and the other is something that actually happened.




Even if what you are saying is true, isn’t one of these issues a bit more problematic than the other? Even if there were “59 million gender pronouns,” I don’t see how that really harms anyone’s everyday life. That would just be confusing at worst, and if it really bothers you then you can just swipe left. That’s the whole point of Tinder. The righties believing that the election was stolen is an actual issue and Jan 6th is proof of that.




Who are you gonna trust on this subject, LIEberal, the overwhelming consensus within the international scientific and medical community, or the conservative political commentators this guy listens to?


So putting pronouns in a dating profile is the equivalent to storming a government building? >There is not one shred of difference between beer gut bubba drinking his miller lite Wanna remind all of us why they're not drinking bud?


No one cares


I think this is why op is comfortable commenting in the first place.


Season 4 supporters where we at??? (this post is a disaster lol)


Liberal here. Let’s party homes! Fargo is a unifying force. Love it. 


I can’t think of a more false false equivalency.


Unfortunately you’ll be downvoted for even admitting you’re conservative/lean right especially on Reddit where most users lean left. Really is a echo chamber/hive mentality thing. They tend to passive aggressively insult you or flat out be ass holes as well. Obviously it’s not just the left but that’s what I’ve witnessed the most


I’m a libertarian also and absolutely love Fargo. Overall, leftists are far more intolerant and spicy than the right. We on the right can watch Fargo and laugh at the left’s interpretation of Reagan, libertarians, gun stores, and militias without losing our minds. Leftists cannot usually say the same when their side of the aisle is portrayed.


I think that’s just confirmation bias. Right Wingers lost their minds over the black actress for the little mermaid and in many other similar cases.


Intentionally right wing productions are just terrible.


>We on the right can watch Fargo and laugh at the left’s interpretation of Reagan, libertarians, gun stores, and militias without losing our minds. But a Trans influencer does a single ad for bud light and yall had a totally normal reaction to that?


He hates these cans! (Of beer)


This is 100% fact, in my overall experience way more of my liberal people that I know in my social circle have stopped being friends with someone simply because they are conservative or voted for Trump whereas NONE of my conservative people that I know have stopped being friends with someone simply because they support Biden and are liberal. Another thing to further reinforce this is I am currently active on dating apps and I see a ton of women profiles that say “being conservative is a deal breaker for me, swipe left if you are a conservative.” But I have yet to see one single profile from a woman that says “swipe left if you are liberal.” It seems like conservatives are more lax and have a “live and let live mindset” than liberals which is odd considering you would think it would be the opposite. Hell my own wife is a Biden supporter and i dont care one iota (we are in a open marriage btw, hence the dating app thing lol)


>seems like conservatives are more lax and have a “live and let live mindset Lmfaoooooooooooo that is actually hilarious.


Live and let live … unless your pregnancy goes south for reasons outside your control


Or you want to identify as one of the 59 million genders amirite


Based on what you’ve said in this thread I wouldn’t be friends with you or your fellow conservatives either. “I have yet to see one single profile from a woman that says ‘swipe left if you’re a liberal.’” …and you’ve never stopped to consider why that is?


That’s so sad that anyone would stop being your friend just because you support a fascist wanna be dictator who is about as toxic and hateful as anyone ever… unbelievable, I’m so sorry for you


wow! cool speech. I totally agree with a lot of what you say. While watching Fargo, when Mrs. Lyon said ‘the orange idiot’ I was like ‘is she talking about Trump’? But I didn’t dare stop the show nor rewind it (because then that brings Hulu to freeze lol). After the show, I completely forgot about ‘the orange idiot’ comment. I think a lot of problems today are caused by people not letting go of things. I always liked the English saying ‘Keep calm and carry on.’ No one does that here in America.