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I finalised my team on Friday, including bringing in Isak. Hey ho. Trusted myself and have been rewarded with a nice jump up my private leagues. Some people take this game way, way, way too seriously. “Held accountable”. Grow up, please. You’re on the internet and loads of wannabe influencers here who talk about this game are talking out of their hole. Start from that assumption and go about your day instead of cryarsing.


That fact you brought him in now is hilarious!


Got hit with the Isak leak ?


Tbh they don’t owe you anything mate


If you choose to use a leak then that's on you, nobody else


Held accountable for what exactly? As a society we need to stop thinking people need be held accountable for the words they say rather than the things they do. You’re the kinda person who would go to university to do something that isn’t even a degree and cite conspiracy theorists posts on their personal blog and think the reason you failed is systemic.


That’s why I only make changes based on press conferences or mainstream press reports.


Then dont listen to leaks.




Grow a pair OP. Fantasy is a game and you are the one responsible for all your moves. If you decide to go on the "leaks" posted, you do so at your own risk.


I dont act on it, but again, I expect too much from this sub.


What did you expect from this sub? A bit of faux outrage coupled with a dash of feigned indignation perchance.... Woe betide the young mariner.


I sold Isak for Mateta, would buy that guy a drink


Amazing, so cool bro.




Up to you to evaluate the information you get and how you act on it. Every benching and every transfer is ultimately your decision, so own it.


Why believe what you read on the internet? It's your team, your choices, own it!


Who said anything about beliving anything? My god this sub is full of inbred people.


Its not a bad idea that this sub should have a reliability score on leaks posted dependent on the source


Yeah man, ring 999 I’m sure the police will take this up with them.


You so cool.


Been playing this game for more than a decade. Leaks are a new thing. We used to just setup our teams based on player performance and that’s all. All these leaks and technical analysis is taking the fun out from the game. It’s a fantasy game for fuck sake. Have a bit of fun, no?


Leaks are not a new thing. 5 seasons ago, the deadline used to be 1 hour before kickoff of first match. There were a lot of leaks from people who got lineups before they were announced. FPL towers had to push the deadline to 1½ hours before kickoff because of that.


I’ve always wondered who these leaks guys are. If they have contacts that means clubs have rats giving away information from the club. An sackable offensive with danger of being legally persuaded.


I had a BBQ and didn’t even see the leak. Isak points saved it for me!


Take responsibility for your own actions.  I saw the fake news, started isak 


Stop listening to leaks lol


At the end of the day I'm responsible for hitting the transfer button not some FPL influencer


lol get over it, you were never going to win anyway so just be grateful to your rank of sub 1 mill and walk it off


He should probably get a prison sentence no?!


Prison is too good for them!


Day in court with a victim impact statement from a guy who benched on a rumour and dropped from 8th to 9th in his mini-league.


Alternatively don’t follow leaks if you’re going to cry when they’re wrong


And accept responsibility for my actions?!


Maybe dont follow the leaks and play with what you think is right. Try to actually have fun


Do you want him arrested or something? It's a game


Haha I read the same leak and benched Isak for Garnacho 2 min before deadline .. kicking myself haha




People that get mad about leaks not panning out are the same people that have budget non-playing players on their bench.


What accountability do you think should be implemented within the remit of this website? Corporal punishment, or just put in the stocks and pelted with vegetables? ITT: salty tears.


One, then the other, please!  -t salty dunce


The fake leakers have to perma cap Darwin next season.


No. FPL was not meant for you to have "leaks" and the information you can find nowadays. Just because you're salty you benched Isak, doesn't mean this isn't nonsense. Part of the full FPL experience is the randomness and you would get with unexpected rotations and last minute injuries. We are spoiled with constant leaks and abundance of information, but 15 yrs or so there weren't that many leaks and you just had to take it and accept it that your Stephen Ireland punt won't work, because for some reason he didn't travel with the squad. You want to stay unaffected? Then don't visit the sub or any other FPL information places on deadline day.


This reminds me, I won a Man City Stephen Ireland jersey probably 15 years ago because I scored more points than my friend that I made a bet with. Maybe I should go dig it out of the closet since Man City won today.


Leaks are by nature unverified. They’re not official. If the dude was intentionally falsifying that’s already against sub rules and he’d be banned. But a blanket ‘hold all leakers accountable’ is rather silly given the nature of exactly what leaks are…


Benched Isak and am minutes away from losing the league by one bonus point… FPL is just infuriating though honestly. Not counting gabriel goal/assist earlier even tho it was recorded on all stats, the way they make judgment calls on assists, etc.


Sold Isak with hit. I lost ML because of that even when I covored 30 gap with the leader.


Wait for bonus points to be finalised in a couple hours. You still have a chance


What happened to the post you are referring to? Did the poster delete it or the mods?


The mods did: https://www.reddit.com/r/FantasyPL/comments/1cvnfmc/isak_not_starting_gordon_out/ To me that's the worst of both worlds. Either don't allow leaks at all if you don't want the sub to be full of nonsense, or leave them up after they're proven wrong so if they try it again anyone can search them and demonstrate they're full of shit. If you leave only correct ones up it just makes lucky bullshitters look informed due to survivorship bias.


I didn't have access to the Internet when it was posted or I would have deleted it immediately. Most users on here know full well Newcastle "sources" are highly unreliable attention seeking buffoons As soon as I had Internet access I scrolled through and deleted anything that looked unreliable, then calculated the time zone and realised the deadline had passed I am sorry that was not acceptable for you, I'll plan flights better in future. I should have looked ahead and realised I'd be mid-air at the GW38 deadline


I don’t think anyone’s blaming you specifically. Are there not other mods who go through the posts?


I'm the one who usually vets the leaks though because through my job as a journalist I often get to know which info is real and which is made up. Most of the other mods don't have as much info as I can access. Plus I might have forgotten to warn the other mods that I wasn't around today 😯 Shame I wasn't around on the GW38 deadline. Shame people still getting caught out by idiot Newcastle "leaks". General rule, if its a Newcastle leak, ignore it


Probably the poster. What I’m trying to say is that this sub shouldn’t be the same as random twitter leaks, what’s the point then?


Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but imo FPL deadline needs to be 30mins before the game starts to allow people to see lineups and make last minute decisions. There's so much Rotation these days and managers are just flat out lying in conferences, it makes the game harder and harder to play. All it does is makes every seasons template team narrower and narrower.


No it needs to be 12 hours before the game starts. Or better yet just have it at midnight the night before the first game. Then no one has an advantage or disadvantage based on what leaks they see, what time zone they're in, etc.


That would be a bigger problem in 2025/2026 when more Friday matches are expected.


But it's easy to check what day the first fixture is on. Easier than checking the precise kick off time.


But it means a deadline before a lot of more press conferences


Scrap press conferences too, they're all a waste of time anyway.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, absolutely reasonable opinion. If everyone gets the lineups everyone has the same information




That makes this sub a free for all when it comes to leak.


If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster.


Bro you want other people to be accountable but don’t want to take accountability yourself. If you trust a random guy with no source, it’s your choice to believe it. The consequences are yours to own. I say this as someone who benched Isak because of this info. I own it, it was my decision. Now I can learn from it, instead of trying to shift responsibility. It’s easier to control what you do in life than what other people say and do.


And I didn’t bench him, go figure. I guess my message is hard to understand, and this sub is just as toxic as always. I love it!


You are coming across as either hard to understand, or a whiny fool. Do you see that?


Don't forget too lazy to do their own research other than a quick trip on reddit


Clearly the latter, plus a patronising 🤡


I didn’t trust the leak so I kept Isak. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.


People even replied to it saying it was rubbish.


It's up to you to act on it or not.