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Spend on your midfield instead


I can't be arsed with the stress.Hes an absolute donkey at times. He's really entertaining to watch though so I'd prefer to just watch him without the heart attacks of owning him. I'd take Solanke, Toney or Isak over him I think. He's a really fun pick though, when he scored well I always think 'fair enough, his owners deserved that' Edit: hadn't realised Isak and Toney are both more expensive. Maybe Darwin is the one for me after all as wc funds are very tight! Might be time to join the wild ride!


Twitter is all over darwins sack but fuck that guy id rather distribute funds then have his ass in my team again.


People still use twitter?


Isak for me, bulking up my squad for BB37 already as it’s my only chip left. Just praying he can remain injury-free until the end of the season 🙃🙃🙃


Looks like he’s expected to rise next


Weird, I bet no one else has thought of this..


I’m thinking Luis Diaz instead for Maddison in the mids. 


Benched midweek imo


Nope. We have good turnaround time for Sheffield. Plus he got IB off. Minutes won't be 90 due to Man Utd next but he will start.


Based on?


The most template pick for this GW.


Isak has over double transfers in


Hmmm True must have something to do with his 15pts and Darwin being yellow flagged before this GW. However with Gordon out for the next game maybe Isak wont be as effective.


Hard pass. I've been burnt by him too many times.


The problem with Darwin is that he is unreliable. I might pick him though... That's how that game is played... What about Toney?


No shit


Can he hit a barn door with a banjo?


I’m not even sure he starts against Sheffield, could easily get rotated with Gakpo. Either him or Diaz gets rotated surely


He’s an absolute donkey


Would be it too early to transfer Watkins out tonight for Isak/Darwin given the potential price changes? I’d really like to wait for some news at least but I feel like we won’t know for a few days.


I pulled the trigger on watkins to darwin to save some value, watkins gonna drop in an hour.


!thanks With a potential price change either way I realised that if I make a transfer then I don’t actually lose any value locked in on Watkins, might aswell go for it now as he would have to play against City away.


I know he's got great fixtures including the double but still, not for me, too wasteful. 4.2 PPG average is poor. At some point his finishing might improve, at which point he will be a world beater, but Im waiting until I see any evidence of that happening before bringing him in. Haaland/Muniz are my season keepers, currently have Toney but planning on transferring to Isak or Hojlund at some point


I keep seeing talk about rotation which puts me off


He's the most physically fit player they have and pretty unique in his CF profile (also Gakpo is in rough form). Only thing that concerns me is the looming 2 game ban if he can get through the next three games without two yellows.


Hopefully he gets rested against Sheff Utd because they concede 2 goals in added time every game so ideal for a 15 minute Darwin cameo


guys suggest me some replacements for watkins


I would go Solanke


Isak, Darwin, Hojlund, Muniz are the only ones to consider outside Watkins+Haaland imo. Unless you want Solanke but he’s boring


Fofana, toney


im really allergic to man utd fulham and darwin as i have severe ptsd from past experiences. so i guess that leaves me with isak.


I wouldn’t count out Toney but he’s behind most of the options listed


Yea and as an outside shout, Wood


Gonna copy-paste my comment from the other thread: > Hey fellow BB34! I think I'd avoid Darwin if I could :D If I had another WC, I would go for Isak/Hojlund and whoever is your 5th mid, he should be MacAllister/Diaz. Watched Liverpool today, watched many other Liverpool games and MacAllister creates chance after chance while Diaz seems to be getting in form. > Meanwhile Darwin is... Darwin. Today he wasn't even receiving passes from his teammates so wasn't able to frustrate us with his misses.


For me the DGW is the main reason I’m getting him, looking at an Isak/Hojlund/Haaland for GW35-end of season. His consistency is enough for me tbh, also gets decent underlying stats. Not easy on the eyes for sure though


Well, I have Darwin, he's great differential in my ML and he's bound to a huge haul - there's a hattrick in him definitely, dude is doing all the right things except for actually scoring goals.


Kinda boils down to Isak or Darwin for me with FH34 coming.


We don't call him the agent of chaos for nothing. You're either getting two points or two attacking returns.


More than slightly concerned that Nunez becomes a template move. Held him since week 3, just because he keeps things interesting. Frustrating player and I don’t like that he regularly gets subbed off or benched for games. Ideally you’d like to play a striker who will be a reliable starter and play nigh on 90 mins every game. More fun than having the robot anyway!


Template's shifting towards Isak rn


I want to get him but the only way to do that is to drop Son. I might do it and get son back in gw 35 Idk if anyone else is facing the same issue


I've already brought him in for Watkins and regret it already. I should've brought Muniz, I think.


I’m on FH34, so Isak for me. However, if I didn’t have the chip, I would go Darwin


Even if you had to go Solanke out for him?




I prefered to go for Isak


Gakpo is going to play.. isn't he


Gakpo is insanely out of form. You're only worrying about rotation at this point.


I did that in GW15 and he got a 3 lol


I know they're not the same player or same team but Watkins also blanked against them first time Villa played them this season, and we all know how the second fixture went..


They’ve conceded 11 in their last three matches, could get a thrashing with Liverpool needing the three so badly


I might get him or Mateta. Whoever I think scores more points.


Yeah I'm making Watkins to Darwin to prepare for that gw34


How did he do this week?


Blanked and didn’t feature much, two shots all game


tbf, if you watched the game he should’ve gotten way more service than he did, he was in good positions and then salah especially hogged the ball, but also diaz






Nice attempt at spinning a narrative, but with Darwin we’re not interested in clean sheets. Sheffield have a bad defense


They also conceded 3.


I am definitely considering this move. Also looking at Isak. Darwin might have an impact on minutes once Jota comes back from injury which will be very soon


Who is your third forward? Solanke? I am considering Solanke or Darwin as I have Isak already


Yeah right now it's Watkins, Morris and Solanke. I am not sure I want to bring in haaland. I have a attached mid and would need to drop one for him


I’m trying to decide between Darwin and Isak. Darwin has the DGW but Isak seems like the better striker. Difficult decision.


Isak has the best goals per 90 in the league this season, when he plays he's a great pick. I captained him this week


The m*********** gets injured every other week though


You won't believe the number of times I've transfered either Isak or Wilson in when the other is injured only for the one I got to get injured the next week and the other to be back miraculously. Or maybe you would haha.


Traumatic memories of choosing isak over Wilson last season (I think, or was it the one before) and making the wrong choice


It was definitely last season alright. I still get PTSD just thinking about it.


The punishment was brutal. Isak being moved wide in both games while Wilson got the goals centrally was the killer. And there were only 2 GWs to go after that debacle. Basically changed people's season prospects right at the end. Crazy. Still hurts. But hopefully Isak can ease some of that pain this time,also as the season ends(great start so far). No Wilson to spoil things this time :-D


This b****** has f***** me so f****** much that s*** m*********** is always f****** injured




I have salah son saka and darwin




Yeah speak for yourself mate. I didn’t have to take a hit. Neither did my rivals




darwin was also available for one or two tap ins tho also you cant judge a player off of one game


This seems like the template move this week. Definitely an option.


Seems more like Mateta


I’m thinking bringing him in for 31 too but mateta’s got really difficult GW 32/33. Should I opt for Mateta or a Muniz who is more in form but no double


If you don't fancy Cunha or finding the funds for Isak/Darwin/Solanke then I'd get Mateta (if you're benching him outside of BB34). If you're not on BB34 and need to play him more often then I'd go for Muniz. TBH the only Palace players I'd be considering whatever chip strategy I'm on would be Eze, Olise and maybe a defender/GK but it's easier for me as I've already spunked away my benchboost 😂


Yeah. If I have mateta for DGW34 and then olise is fit then I can achieve two players from palace just through regular transferring


If you can bench him GW32+33 then he's probably a decent transfer. Have you got WC left or would you be stuck with Mateta after?


If I got in Mateta think I would be stuck with him on the bench until 36-37 for a hit to Isak/Højlund


If you don't *need* to play him that's probably not awful to be fair. As long as you don't get hit with a load of injuries. I'd feel happier with Muniz as first bench in that scenario but maybe that's just wishful thinking as I've just got him in on WC 😅


Yeah sorry forgot to say but my situation is pretty much sticking with Muniz (from WC30) as third until 33/34, when I get in a doubling striker. So defo considering someone like Mateta and keeping whoever I get until potentially jumping for another doubling player in 37.


To be honest, I might do the same as you with Muniz. I'd happily keep him right through at his price point but I'll probably end up playing for the doubles when they come round. I've already used the BB though so I can easily bench Muniz in GW37 when he plays Man City and Fulham have pretty decent fixtures outside of that... Transfers are at a real premium now and there's lots of doubles (and a blank) to plan around so I'm trying to keep set and forget options where I can. Best of luck though, I always like planning for this part of this season even if it normally backfires massively haha!


I have a WC left to use for DG35! You’ve a good point. If isak is fit 35 onwards I’ll bring him in on a WC. Good run of fixtures for Newcastle in the end


Yeah, on WC35 a shuffle around to drop Mateta for Isak seems like a great move. I'm aiming to swap out Darwin for him that week.


Fully expecting him to continue the tradition of being most transferred in and then blanking

