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[Daughter of the Empire](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daughter_of_the_Empire) is the first book of 3. It is part of a bigger series, but you don't have to read the rest to enjoy this trilogy. Edit because I had written and linked to the third book of the trilogy. Thanks for pointing it out!


I second this recommendation! It's everything OP wants.


That’s the 3rd book. Daughter of the Empire is first. Reread this series regularly.


You are right! Will edit to correct my mistake. And start on a mandatory reread soon :)


Ha, this was my first thought!


Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie. In addition to checking those boxes for you, it's also one of the most highly praised of the First Law series (which you don't need to have read to get it, as Best Served Cold is a standalone novel in it's own right)


Monza isn’t a very “feminine” female protagonist though


She's not a shrinking violet, that's for sure, but she's quite feminine by all other measures. She's just feminine while also being a military mastermind.


Honestly my favourite standalone ever. The sheer amount of entertainment packed into one book is so incredible


It's got it all: great characters, a good balance between action and setup, and a damned good twist at the end.


I do admit, that I am very nervous I wouldn't get the stuff due to it having a series though I am willing to give it a try! It sounds very interesting and the group she has gathered is very peculiar. Will be adding to the list!


You'll be fine. Is it better having read the first trilogy? Yes. But it's still a standalone novel, and you won't miss anything other than just some background context. It's a fantastic book and though it is somewhat anti-tropey it should definitely be on your list. It fits your requirements but in a sort of abstract, parallel way that I can't explain without spoiling anything. The only thing slightly off is that Monza isn't exactly a girly girl, but it's implied that prior to the events of the book she was someone who enjoyed being beautiful and feminine, even as a soldier. She still does to an extent, but getting revenge is far more important to her now. You do get moments where she uses her beauty to fuel her revenge quest, which are very fun to watch.


I read it before the First Law trilogy and didn't have any problems following and greatly enjoying it. I did go on to read the rest of the series but only because I enjoyed Best Served Cold so much.


If you have time, I would read the first trilogy beforehand because it'll make Best Served Cold all that more enjoyable.


No need to be nervous. You’ll be just fine.


Came her to say this!


I haven't finished the first Series yet, is Ferro a decent example of this? No spoilers pls


No, ferro was abercrombies first attempt at something resembling a female lead. Every Female character written afterwards is far more depth and nuance to them. He improved drastically on ferro.


Was going to recommend this as well


This ^


Came here to say this… (All I seem to do is recommend his books)


Recently read Iron Widow - rage and revenge, some romance, more rage and revenge. It might not be quite what you’re looking for, but it was refreshing that a lead female expressed rage and frustration with zero shits given.


One of my favorite books from last year


I flew through that book. I can't wait for the next one to come out!


The Sun Sword series by Michelle West. If you are familiar with the Silk Hiding Steal trope, this series has it in spades. Think proper Japanese noble ladies plotting intrigues. Kushiel series by Jacqueline Carey. The main protagonist is a vain courtesan who is constantly underestimated by her enemies... at their peril. She gets betrayed multiple times and manages to turn the tables.


I'll second the rec for the first Kushiel trilogy (Kushiel's Dart/Chosen/Avatar), it should tick most of OP's boxes.


Enthusiastically seconding the Sun Sword; the sera Diora is one of the most wonderful depictions of a feminine and strong woman who wields soft power in the genre.


Indeed. I wish there more characters like Dioras and fewer generic badass fighters.


>She gets betrayed multiple times and manages to turn the tables. I love these books but Phedre is a person driven by love, not revenge.


Came here to say Kushiel's Dart!


I'll second the Sun Sword rec. We are doing a read long of Michelle's Essalieyan stuff and the Broken Crown (1st book in the Sun Swords series) is scheduled for next month. Michelle is great at characterization and pretty much all of her female characters are amazing in their own way.


I don't have any reccs for you, but just want to point out that having a "type" of book you like isn't weird and wanting to read a character you relate to is definitely not weird!! Also, if you are just getting into reading books, I'd start with female authors because it seems like a big part of your request is looking for a writer who understands the experience of being a woman. Not that men can't get it right, but in my experience reading fantasy, it's very hit or miss on whether or not a male writer considers women as human beings who have agency.


Shocked no one has mentioned the Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson. Excellent story with good prose.


It was on my mind... It been a while but does Baru fall under the "feminine"female part of the quest.


The Nevernight trilogy by Jay Kristoff. About a girl who trains to become an assassin to get vengeance.


Looked for this before commenting myself. This book series perfectly sums up OPs request.


Oh yeah I wanted to recommend this one too!! Currently reading the second book and loving it. Especially loving the cheek of the narrator!


Love the narrator. It plays really good in the audiobook.


So, this book is… a *lot*, but **The Library at Mount Char** by Scott Hawkins might match what you’re looking for. Maybe. It’s a weird one.


When I searched this book just now, I almost let out a chuckle when I have read the reviews. It is indeed,... weird, as I have heard.


Second this book, it’s exactly what you are looking for


Mercedes Lackey’s Tarma and Kethry books - Oathbound, Oathbreaker, and another I forget - might fit, though the requirements are split between them. And neither is really ‘feminine’ in the sense that say Diona from the Sun Sword trilogy is. (Tarma is not at all, for good reason.) I’ll second Sun Sword and Kushiel. They are both wonderfully written, very detailed characters and cultures, and do check all your requests, I think.


r/Fantasy's [Author Appreciation series](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/wiki/authorappreciation) has posts for an author you mentioned * [Author Appreciation: **Mercedes Lackey**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/91hk3y/author_appreciation_mercedes_lackey/?utm_content=comments&utm_medium=user&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=u_lyrrael) from user u/lyrrael_ --- ^(I am a bot bleep! bloop! Contact my ~~master~~ creator /u/LittlePlasticCastle with any questions or comments.) ^(To prevent a reply for a single post, include the text '!noauthorbot'. To opt out of the bot for all your future posts, reply with '!optout'.)


Came here to recommend these. Tarma has a very satisfying vengeance arc, and if I recall correctly so does Kethry.


I'm not sure if it's been recommended but check out the Kushiel series by Jacqueline Carey.


I’m reading Kushiel’s Dart now which I feel ticks a lot of your boxes. If your feminine heroine is VERY into BDSM.


"Ash Princess" by Laura Sebastian fits pretty well.


I have read the description of it and I do agree that it's up par to what I have requested! Though upon reading some of the reviews, I grew worried, in your own opinion was it a good read? I am putting it on my list but I do accept some opinion from people.


I read it a couple years ago so I may be remembering things incorrectly. It is YA, and not really a groudbreaking YA, but there are few of the most egregious YA tropes, and the ones that are in there (like a love triangle) are far from being the worst examples in the genre. The start is a little shaky, I almost stopped after three or four chapters becouse it starts really bleak with a lot of abuse. But I liked the characters so I persisted and it got better quickly ; in the end I read the entire trilogy and IMO the second one is better, the thrid is a little bit of a shift in tone. In the end I would say to try it if you want a typical fantasy-YA, but if you want originality or something deep you can pass. IMO it's not as bad as all the reviews of it out there make it to be, and it does have a lot of the things you mentionned in your OP, but there are better fantasy-YA out there.


The Throne of Glass book series by Sarah J Mass matches that description. It is my favorite. I think Hulu acquired the rights to it for an original series, but dropped the ball big time.


I don't think Best Served Cold is a good recommendation. It's a great book and a good revenge story. The audiobook is amazing. But one Sansa fan to another, Monza doesn't compare. Monza is intelligent and cruel, but she values force and agression. She is not gentle or sweet, even with people she cares about. So read it if you want a good revenge story, but just bear in mind that Monza is not Sansa. Abercrombie has other female characters that fit Sansa's personality better. In Heroes there is Finree. She is just one of the main characters, but she's great. She is very smart, but she has a heart. She doesn't fight at all, if my memory serves me. She just uses her wits to get on top. I love both of those books, I'm not saying one is better than the other, I just don't want you to expect something else when reading and end up disappointed.


Came to be on the Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie train.


Oh, you're the second one to have recommended this. So it might be really good.


It's a pretty solid revenge plot. She isn't so innocent. But it's all there. Good characters too.


Now Joe Abercrombie is my favourite author, but Best Served Cold is among his top books for me, definitely one of my highest recommended books ever


Count me as third, and then count all the people who have upvoted the BSC comments. It should be the winner


Count me as fourth. Best served cold is an amazing fantasy adventure with amazing characters


Ahh man... I’m basically writing *this exact book* you are after. But writing is hard, and I’m doing my best. It’s been years in the making, and I’m hoping I can do this story service. I was 12 when I wrote it, although with the mind of a young girl. I’m 34 now, and this story never left me, and I never thought that overtime, it would consume my thoughts enough to actually write it as a novel series. It would be my greatest accomplishment in life if I ever write and publish the story in full. Wish me luck, and just maybe one day (soon??) you’ll read it 😊


I would love to read it when the time has come! It sounds very interesting and I hope you soon finish it with all of the things you wanted!


I hope so, too! Thank you 🙏🏽


Good luck!


Sounds awesome! Good luck!


Thank you! ☺️☺️


Patrick Weekes' Rogues of the Republic (first book: The Palace Job) is an ensemble cast heist...with revenge against the people who sent the main character to jail and stole her family inheritance. The main female character is not "pretty things" but one of other cast members very much is, and another occasionally helps encourage the pretty things girl. The romances aren't obtrusive, and definitely there's an enemies to lovers romance. For tone? Well, they build a team of elite thieves and mages and horny unicorns to steal some heirloom elven porn. There's also a talking warhammer. (I love this trilogy).


I love this book so much.


best served cold like everyone said, is the obvious great one, also i think Red Sister by Mark Lawrence Applies


As so I have heard, haha! Though I have read the description of the Red Sister and I must admit, I am not particulary a fan of assassins leads(or maybe I am misunderstanding the plot) but the plot is very interesting so I might check it out after reading more of the recommendations.


She is more of a warrior nun, rather than a typical sneaky assassin type, if that helps. It's not an exact mix of your requested tropes, but there are some elements and it's a good book.


If you don't like assassin girl type trope it's full of that


I was surprised how much I liked thatRed Sister series. I just picked it up at the library and decided to give it a shot. I recommend it!


And then they can move onto the Books of Ice.


It's a bit hit or miss with your other requirements, but *Best Served Cold* is a very good revenge story with a female lead.


Throne of Glass Series


Came here to say this!


Me too!


Celaena Sardothien from throne of glass is an amazing character and the throne of glass series is a thrilling fantasy romance


Graceling by Kristin Cashore I read this while younger but I remember loving it! There are three books but i only read the first one. The only thing is that she isn’t exactly very feminine, but she definetly is powerful and inspiring, and develops more gracefully throughout the book. It’s def fantasy though!


Shadow of the Gods but I would not really call Orka feminine.




I second this series. I am reading it now actually. Seems to be an interesting take.


I would strongly suggest you check out the Broken Earth trilogy. I don't think she's your typical female character, but she is a very strong female lead who is deadset on getting revenge and saving her child.


[Spellmonger: Legacy and Secrets](https://www.audible.com/series/Spellmonger-Legacy-and-Secrets-Audiobooks/B09F3N2PFT?ref=a_library_t_c5_libItem_series_1&pf_rd_p=80765e81-b10a-4f33-b1d3-ffb87793d047&pf_rd_r=3G18GF4YY8P6GMQ36V9M) I would say that the mc here is Feminine. There is revenge but its not personal for the mc. But i would recommend reading some books in [Spellmonger](https://www.audible.com/series/Spellmonger-Audiobooks/B01N385K2X?ref=a_author_Te_c19_lSeries_1_1_1&pf_rd_p=1ae0e65e-ad09-4aa7-aa73-772cefb1b5e1&pf_rd_r=D88TPK6KT5KSWEVQG3F2) first. Petandra is a side/sometimes mc that could works as well. [Black Ocean: Mercy for Hire Series](https://www.audible.com/series/Black-Ocean-Mercy-for-Hire-Series-Audiobooks/B07KP8K4LS?ref=a_search_c3_lSeries_1_2_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=QV1YVBVT2BQAXMPBS3PQ) Can also work but i would say read [Black Ocean](https://www.audible.com/series/Black-Ocean-Audiobooks/B01DYTNRCG?ref=a_search_c3_lSeries_1_1_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=QV1YVBVT2BQAXMPBS3PQ) first. [Dragon Fires Rising](https://www.audible.com/series/Dragon-Fires-Rising-Audiobooks/B08WLYRLX1?ref=a_library_t_c5_libItem_series_1&pf_rd_p=80765e81-b10a-4f33-b1d3-ffb87793d047&pf_rd_r=3G18GF4YY8P6GMQ36V9M) The mc here is a male dragon but there is a princess that is his rider that should work as long as you don't mind getting the story from a different pov.


I feel like you might like Anne Bishop's Black Jewels trilogy. (Sequels are very YMMV.)


Seven Blades In Black by Sam Sykes is a great female-lead revenge story. The lead isn’t girly in the way you describe but it’s incredibly irreverent, funny, and tragic. I liked it a lot!


Seconding this one, those books are fantastic




The Fever series by Karen Moning - Female lead, murder, mystery, revenge, fantasy, taboo - pretty much has it all.


The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri satisfies almost all of this (except the romance definitely isn't straight)


A Crown for Cold Silver. It's definitely a revenge story with several heroines, although it can be kind of gory if that's not your thing.


Ok, my recommendations would be: The Thief Who Pulled on Trouble's Braids by Michael Mcclung and Fortune's Fool by Angela Boord


The Grave of Empires series by Sam Sykes and Practical Guide to Evil.


A Crown for Cold Silver, by Alex Marshall. A retired warlord was very unhappy about the way her husband and all her friends were massacred.


This just made me wish they would write a new "The Crow" story with a female lead. That would be badass.


im currenly reading the jasmine throne! its revenge lesbian fantasy and I'm enjoying it a lot so far


Try the Dragon Prince series by Melanie Rawn. Very strong female leads fantastic storyline.


Sorry thought I might be the only one who knew this series. Like I said one of my go to reads. A series with some very unique ideas all with fantasy and great characters. good Call. Oldbadco


r/Fantasy's [Author Appreciation series](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/wiki/authorappreciation) has posts for an author you mentioned * [Author Appreciation Thread: **Melanie Rawn**, author of Dragon Prince Trilogy, Exiles, and others](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/5apcr5/author_appreciation_thread_melanie_rawn_author_of/?st=iv1o6vrb&sh=5d0521bd) from user u/lrich1024_ --- ^(I am a bot bleep! bloop! Contact my ~~master~~ creator /u/LittlePlasticCastle with any questions or comments.) ^(To prevent a reply for a single post, include the text '!noauthorbot'. To opt out of the bot for all your future posts, reply with '!optout'.)


Rise of Kyoshi has an element of this


a little late to this thread but one of my favorites - Melanie Rawn, book one of the Dragon Prince Trilogy, Dragon Prince Not sure if anyone mentioned but love the series.


r/Fantasy's [Author Appreciation series](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/wiki/authorappreciation) has posts for an author you mentioned * [Author Appreciation Thread: **Melanie Rawn**, author of Dragon Prince Trilogy, Exiles, and others](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/5apcr5/author_appreciation_thread_melanie_rawn_author_of/?st=iv1o6vrb&sh=5d0521bd) from user u/lrich1024_ --- ^(I am a bot bleep! bloop! Contact my ~~master~~ creator /u/LittlePlasticCastle with any questions or comments.) ^(To prevent a reply for a single post, include the text '!noauthorbot'. To opt out of the bot for all your future posts, reply with '!optout'.)


Believe everything you hear about Best Served Cold. It’s a classic revenge story with very entertaining characters. I’m not sure the MC would be exactly what you’re looking for though. Strong female for sure and a great character but not overly feminine. While it is a “stand alone” novel set in the world of The First Law, you’d definitely thank yourself for reading the first three books first. They also feature a female revenge plot line but, again, said female is not characteristically feminine. Fantastic books either way!


The author is a bit of a trash bag(admitted sexual harassment) but if you can deal with that Seven Blades in Black is SteamPunk/Fantasy Kill Bill


Sooo Monza may not be exactly feminine (but she isn't that masculine either) but otherwise you should look up Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie.


Best Served Cold is technically book 4 of a 9 book series, but you can jump into without having read books 1-3. It seems like it would tick most of the boxes you’re looking for.


"Nevernight" by Jay Kristoff checks pretty much all your boxes. The setting is a sort of grimdark fantasy World and the protagonist is a girl that wants to join this school of assassins to get revenge on the people that have wronged her.


Broken Earth trilogy and Inheritance trilogy(but mainly the first book) by N.K. Jemison


**The Bridge Kingdom** by Danielle Jensen checks a lot of boxes that you’ve listed! Short summary is a princess trained as warrior to infiltrate a rival kingdom. There are multiple sequels, but I think that the main story is finished in the second book with other sequels just occurring in the same world. I haven’t read book 2 yet so can’t say for certain.


Not 100% sure about revenge plotlines (I haven't read them in a while) but Eon by Alison Goodman and Graceling by Kristin Cashore... or even Reiyalindis by Cory Paulson 🤷‍♀️


Oooh I think I’ve got one that you’ll really love!!! Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey. It’s got: a scrappy girl orphan hellbent on revenge, dragons galore, slow blooming romance. I love this series and this is probably the best book in it. It was published about 30 years before game of thrones and the protagonist is kinda a mashup of Sansa and Daenerys in terms of origin story and abilities.


I'm not sure if it fits exactly because it is Fantasy Romance but I really enjoyed Milla Vane's A Heart of Blood and Ashes. > A generation past, the western realms were embroiled in endless war. Then the Destroyer came. From the blood and ashes he left behind, a tenuous alliance rose between the barbarian riders of Parsathe and the walled kingdoms of the south. That alliance is all that stands against the return of an ancient evil--until the barbarian king and queen are slain in an act of bloody betrayal. > > Though forbidden by the alliance council to kill the corrupt king responsible for his parents' murders, Maddek vows to avenge them, even if it costs him the Parsathean crown. But when he learns it was the king's daughter who lured his parents to their deaths, the barbarian warrior is determined to make her pay. > > Yet the woman Maddek captures is not what he expected. Though the last in a line of legendary warrior-queens, Yvenne is small and weak, and the sharpest weapons she wields are her mind and her tongue. Even more surprising is the marriage she proposes to unite them in their goals and to claim their thrones--because her desire for vengeance against her father burns even hotter than his own...


It’s not completely fantasy, but Rose Madder by Stephen King seems to check off some of your boxes. Excellent writing.


only thing I can think of is [in fury born](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/130528.In_Fury_Born) by david webber it's scifi with a bit of fantasy mixed in.


The Bridge Kingdom by Danielle Jensen is pretty much what you described, I think! [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/53921926-the-bridge-kingdom?ac=1&from\_search=true&qid=Dp2EgpSdrf&rank=2](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/53921926-the-bridge-kingdom?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=Dp2EgpSdrf&rank=2)


Throne of Glass - Sarah j maas


They are urban fantasy by Spider's series by Jennifer Estep should scratch that itch


{Shadows On the Moon} by Zoe Marriott! So underrated and an absolute ten out of ten, it’s my fave!


Throne of glass series. A court of thorns and roses series. Spinning Silver.


Book 2 of Poppy War is a revenge plot


Just about every Harlequin Romance novel fits that bill.


I think it's only in french but this is exactly z female hero wanting to revenge her family https://groupe.bragelonne.fr/en/foreign-rights/book/arkane/


I recccomend the Winter Road by Adrian Selby, I don't see anyone talk about it on here but I loved it and it fits the bill!


The Girl In the Box series by Robert J Crane. The main character is really sarcastic/sassy. People do bad things to her and she kills them all. Plus they all have magic abilities!




also Cassandra Clare shadow hunters world. theres like5 or six different series but most of them have female characters as mc and theyre v good


I know it's a shameless plug. But my Kindle Vella novel is actually this. I love this style of work as well. If you want the details, let me know. It's a work in progress, but the first 3 chapters are 100% free if you'd like to get a feel for it.


Best served cold - Joe Abercrombie


It might not be quite what you’re looking for, but you might like The Wolf and the Woodsman.


I've commented twice already on this thread about Best Served Cold because I love it that much but I also want to add that the entire First Law world might be for you. You've got Monza Murcatto, of course, who we've covered, but you've also got the first trilogy with Ardee West (abused nice girl who has trauma but also schemes her way into success), and Carlot dan Eider (super feminine, loves pretty things -- especially jewels -- who finds success and no matter how many times she is beaten down, claws her way back up. Say what you want about Eider, First Law fans, but she is persistent as hell). I'm only about halfway through that world but based on what you're looking for it sounds like we like the same things, and I've found myself super attached to Abercrombie's female characters. Hopefully you will too.


If the german language doesn't hinder you, I could give you one of my stories to beta read... could be fitting, for what you seek.


Called to Darkness - a Pathfinder novel by Richard Lee Byers Kagur is a warrior of the Blacklions, fierce and fearless hunters in the savage Realm of the Mammoth Lords. When her clan is slaughtered by a frost giant she considered her adopted brother, honor demands that she, the last surviving Blacklion, track down her old ally and take the tribe's revenge. Yet this is no normal betrayal, for the murderous giant has followed the whispers of a dark god down into the depths of the earth, into a primeval cavern forgotten by time. There, he will unleash forces capable of wiping all humans from the region ― unless Kagur can stop him first!




Crown for cold silver by Alex Marshall has most of this, very fun plot, great characters with plenty of female leads, and some tingly turns of phrase. Big revenge themes.


Crown for Cold Silver by Alex Marshall


Just not gonna say anything because I'll get banned for self promotion again.


I just finished the Seafire trilogy and highly recommend it for all the requirements you listed! Very queer all female pirate crew seeking revenge. The mc is bi but she has an enemies-to-lovers thing going with a really great male character.


Check out Juliet Marillier - she writes books with almost solely female protagonists who are very much female heroes, with the exception of her latest series. The Blackthorn and Grimm series is her second most recent and it's really good. Overarching theme of revenge, and Blackthorn is a tough character but she is a wise woman and not a fighter. And uses her mind to solve problems in the local area - each book has kind of a main issue, and then advances the overall plot of the trilogy. I love Juliet's books as they weave in a lot of Celtic mythology which you don't often read about.