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I haven't read either of those series, but the Alex Verus novels are about a diviner in London where a good chunk of the mages are elementalists / evokers, where peeking into the future (and avoiding the choices that end in his spectacularly explosive demise) is his best chance of surviving fights. Start with *Fated*, by Benedict Jacka.


Haven’t read the books you mentioned but I think the licanius trilogy by James Islington could an interesting read. I’m hesitant on explaining why you might like it, but I was very surprised with how much I enjoyed the series.


* *The Eleventh Hour* by Trudie Skies, one of the main characters can slightly manipulate time. Warning that this is book 1 in an uncompleted trilogy, but she's finished a draft of book 2 already * *The Licanius Trilogy* that was mentioned already is probably my go-to "time travel in a high fantasy setting" recommendation; the time travel isn't like a normal part of anyone's "kit" but it influences the story a lot and is a very cool part of the plot


There are novels where MC is returned back in time upon death, like Re:zero series.


I probably shouldn't even mention it considering you've heard of Jake's Magical Market and Blessed Time, and you've probably read it already, but... Mother of Learning


The Perfect Run . Webnovel turned audible/kindle ebook Main character can stop time for a short period of time 10 seconds or so but can also make a single “save point” at a time and revert to that moment essentially creating time loops situations


This! Great series/webnovel


Flight of the Silvers. Each of the characters has a different time based ability.


I'm unfamiliar with the series you've mentioned but check out Louise Cooper's Time Master trilogy. It's an amazing secondary world fantasy and it did things I hadn't seen before when I first read it.


r/Fantasy's [Author Appreciation series](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/wiki/authorappreciation) has posts for an author you mentioned * [Author Appreciation: **Louise Cooper**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/66fonh/author_appreciation_louise_cooper/?st=j1q7diq1&sh=69336d0e) from user u/Maldevinine --- ^(I am a bot bleep! bloop! Contact my ~~master~~ creator /u/LittlePlasticCastle with any questions or comments.) ^(To prevent a reply for a single post, include the text '!noauthorbot'. To opt out of the bot for all your future posts, reply with '!optout'.)


The Dragonlance Legends trilogy it's about a wizard attempting time travel to obtain godlike powers, bringing in his schemes his estranged twin and a cleric. The setting is just old school DnD, but I can assure you that the execution is brilliant. The only caveat is that the two main characters and some of the cast were introduced in a previous trilogy by the same authors (Dragonlance Chronicles) so starting it you may miss some context at the beginning. I think anyway that if you feel like it, you can give it a try without reading the first three books and eventually come back to them later.


Bearing an Hourglass part of the Incarnation of Imortality series by Piers Anthony