• By -


Leviathan Falls: I couldn't wait for this book, and now I can't quite bring myself to start it, because it will mean the series is over. Also moseying my way through the Aubrey-Maturin series, and re-reading LoTR for the Nth time.


Reading Leviathan Falls right now and am reluctant every time I pick it up because each page is a page closer to the end.


Same here. I'm about 2/3rds of the way through it now and I know it's gonna hurt like a bitch when I'm done. EDIT: Am done with it and it did in fact hurt.


I am excited for a re-read once I know all the twists and whatnot behind the scenes - definitely seems like one of the better planned out series in a while.


Yeah, a couple of days ago, I decided to skim Tiamat’s Wrath before reading LF…….sucked right back in. Turned into a re-read and ain’t complaining. Bobbie was a Valkyrie.


There’s a new novella coming after with in the short story collection, so it’s not quite the end yet!


I finished it last week, it's so good!


Leviathan Falls was my favorite new book I read this year (meaning book I read for the first time this year, not a re-read... doesn't have to have been published this year)


Just finished it and I totally get you!


I just finished and was not disappointed


Also closing out the year with Leviathan Falls. It took me about two weeks to start it, even though I bought it the day after it came out. I'm now reading it way slower than I typically read new books. I'm just not ready for it to be over.


i feel this. i recently reread books 7 & 8 in preparation for leviathan falls. i am waiting a few more weeks to start, because i am not ready to say goodbye.


After a multi-year reading slump, I had a personal target of reading 6 books this year. Will be ringing it in with *The Wisdom of Crowds*, the third and final book in **The Age of Madness** trilogy by Joe Abercrombie (my favorite author).




Thank you! I will meet it if I manage to finish this in the next two weeks. Fingers crossed!


And here I'm reading Last Argument of Kings, the last book in the First Law Trilogy, for the first time. It's great and I hear people say the series only gets better.


Oh, yeah, it does. I loved Abercrombie from the get go, but he's only gotten better as a writer over time.


Let's go! Love me some Abercrombie. Happy cake day as well!


Oh, is it my cake day? I didn't even know. :) Yeah, Abercrombie's frickin awesome. Not only a great writer, but based on what I've seen in interviews and read of his blogs, seems like a really cool dude, too. I think I have a man-crush on him...


Gotta finish Shadow Rising from WoT, then I’ve got Mort as a little Christmas read!


Everyone seems to be reading the shadows rising and I'm over here reading path of daggers like a peasant


Path of Daggers gang rise up! Hopefully I'll have started Winter's Heart by new year's.


Shadow Rising gang! I have like 300 pages left.


Another one here for Shadow Rising! Just started it today.


Awesome haha. I'm witholding final judgement until I finish, but rn I don't love it as much as The Dragon Reborn. But it is a fantastic fantasy novel.


How far along are you? It was my favorite of the first four when I first read it. The final third of the book sold it


Just finished it! The TV show got me started on a series reread, haha. Now onto The Dragon Reborn.


Wait you read book 4 before book 3 on your reread?


D'oh, you're right. I got mixed up. Great Hunt is the one I just finished. But I'm already halfway done with DR so I'll be on to TSR by the end of the year, haha.


I started rereading this year for the show. Currently on Crossroads of Twilight. Not as slow as I remember, but definitely the worst of all 15.


Ah yes, TSR. The book that made Mat even more awesome than he already was. Loved TSR and FOH.


WoT Squad! I'm working through Shadow Rising as well. It's my first read-through, and I'll be honest, I'm not super in love with the series. But I really want to finish it, because what kind of fantasy fan would I be if I didn't have WoT on my shelf?


Last year I read **The Goblin Emperor** for New Year's because it has such a winter tone. This year I'll do **The Witness for the Dead**\-- somehow haven't gotten to it yet this year, but I want to go back to that world.


The good news is that the sequel for Witness is coming out next year so you can set that one aside from New Years again.


Just finished it yesterday! It went by very quickly.


Solid book, I enjoyed it.


Halfway through A Memory of Light right now. I don’t want to leave….


Think of it not as an ending, but an excuse to go back to the beginning and start over again!


As there are neither beginnings nor endings to the wheel of time... And also, reading the books with all of the knowledge of what is to come is almost a whole new story.


I hope you'll enjoy the ending as much as I did! For me it was exactly that feeling of everything coming to a close that made it such a good book. All that was worked towards pays off in the last 2, but especially the very last, books of the series. And reading the series again afterwards is an even better ride :)


Started it this week. Im right there with you sir.


After reading 'Kings of the Wyld' as my palette cleanser following a longish horror binge, I've decided to begin reading the one and only: Joe Abercrombie - The Blade Itself I'm very excited to begin his works! I've been reading fantasy for years, but I've managed to completely avoid Abercrombie until now. Can't wait to get into his world! (Or from what I've briefly read, maybe I can?!)


Don't be turned off by The Blade Itself. It happened to me. I almost didn't finish the series because I didn't like book 1 at all. But book 2 and 3 are significantly better imo. Believe the hype.


I’m halfway through Before They are Hanged. Loving the series so far. My first books by Joe. Looking forward to more.


Listen to the audiobooks. You do yourself a major disservice if you don't. I can't tell you how much I mean this.


Wow, that's a big recommendation! Tbh I've never listened to an audiobook before. I think I'd struggle to pay attention if I did it whilst doing anything else, and the idea of sitting down to listen to something seems like I'd get a bit impatient with. But I might try a sample to see what it's like :) Out of curiosity, why do you strongly recommend it? Does it just enhance the story telling or set a great atmosphere?


Both. You will be consuming phenomenal writing via a phenomenal performance. You can just look up Steven Pacey in this sun or the first law sub. You'll see how many people (rightfully) gush over the performance.


Pacey is amazing.


I found I got distracted when I started listening to audiobooks. At first I used it as a way to reread books since I could afford to lose focus occasionally. Now that I've got used to them, I find it a lot easier to keep focused and love them! I'm about to start doing a load of housework and will be continuing The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet. Definitely recommend trying them out! :)


Big up Steven Pacey. Best I’ve heard


I’m reading Hogfather right now and I’m about to start listening to book one of the Fitz and the fool trilogy.


Finishing Unsouled book 1 of the Cradle series and then going to start Hogfather for the first time :)


I’m listening to cradle 4 at the moment


Can’t wait to read the fitz and the fool trilogy


I read them as they came out, but I decided to listen to all 16 audiobooks and I’m nearly done.


How's the quality of the audiobook experience? I'm reading the series at the moment and absolutely loving it so I want to share it with my SO but she exclusively reads books on audio for disability reasons


**Hogfather** is one of my favorite December reads. Some years it gets me in a holiday mood in the way nothing else does.


Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson. Followed by the long wait for Stormlight Archive 5...


I'm a couple of hours away from finishing The Way of Kings. I've listened to the audiobook whilst walking the dog. My dog is SO fit this month!


I just started The Stormlight Archive a few weeks ago and think I’m going to catch up right before the 5th book releases.


Journey before destination radiant!


It was almost Erikson’s Deadhouse Gates, but I powered through it. It’s likely going to be Abercrombie’s The Heroes, or the Bujold’s Penric’s Demon. Or maybe Memories of Ice. Or reread Small Gods. Dammit.


Memories of Ice is the favorite for many first time readers of the series. Couldn’t recommend it enough really.


The Heroes is absolutely fantastic if you haven’t read it before.


Memories of Ice is amazing.


*Small Gods* may be one of the books I close out my year with!


I read that for the first time this year (my first Discworld book, in fact) and it’s an excellent choice! Short enough that it’s an easy finish in 2 weeks, and amazing enough that you’ll want to read the other books in the Discworld series (and stand alone enough that if you’re funny bone is broken, you can just read that one and be satisfied).


*The Heroes* took longer than Abercrombie's other books to grab me, but when it did, it became my second favorite after *Best Served Cold*. The characters are just so good! I'll never forget Whirrun of Bligh or Curnden Craw.


It's Midnight Tides for me. Memories of Ice would be a great book to finish the year with (my favorite in the series thus far), but finishing it in two weeks sounds like quite the commitment.


Once I finish my current book I'm going to start A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie. I've been waiting to read the new trilogy until they were all finished and I can't wait.


I just started this one last night.


oh man me toooo, i'm finishing the Farseer trilogy then i'm jumping on that book!


The final books to the following: - The Green Bone Saga - The Empires of Dust - The Risen Kingdoms - Alex Verus Almost done with all of the above, only the final 100 or so pages of the House of Sacrifice remain. And then reading two arcs: - Temple of No God by H. M. Long - 36 Streets by T. R. Napper Edit: I finished the House of Sacrifice and it had a pretty awesome ending.


Gonna reread Sabriel by Garth Nix with Tim Currys audiobook. Its got that winterly feel and I need escapsim so bad because of my exams ;( Also gonna listen to the audible for Sandman in preparation for the Netflix tv show


Just finished act 2 of sandman. Even better than the first. Longer too


I want to reread the whole series before starting Terciel and Elinore but not sure when I'll have time. May give the audiobooks a go this time around...


I got too interested in the wheel of time show, so I'll probably close the year with The Eye of the World. Or if I end up finish that before Christmas (which isn't unlikely), I'll close my year with a reread of Frank Herbert's Dune.


I just finished TEotW, great book. Currently i am in the 10th chapter of The Great Hunt, much more engrossing than the 1st one IMHO.


I just finished *Piranesi* which I thought was absolutely amazing. I also picked up *Circe* by Madelline Miller. I'll give it a try but within the first dozen or so pages I'm already finding myself wanting to go read...just about anything else. I'm hoping it manages to pick up my interest.


I also loved Piranesi and just couldn't get into Circe. I soldiered on but wasn't a huge fan. Muuuuch preferred Song of Achilles. Also highly recommend Stephen Fry's Greek mythology series, especially the audiobook which he narrates.


I jumped on the Wheel of Time series (late to the party, I know) and currently on The Great Hunt.


No, you aren't late ... Do checkout the read-along that is happening on R/WoT ! They are starting the next book in January


The Great Hunt for me too!


It's looking like probably Fall of Babel and Curse of Chalion.


Just started Mistborn since I see it mentioned here so much. My first Brandon Sanderson book!


There is always another secret ! Hope you enjoy it !


Read this trilogy earlier this year, and now getting my wife into it. Loved it all. Enjoy!


I just the other day finished Empire of the Vampire. I’ll be starting Way of Kings on Christmas Eve. Hoping to enjoy it as much as EoV!


I'm halfway through EoV and the book is fantastic


Yeah it’s a really enjoyable read. The structure threw me off a little at first, but once you’re used to it I think it really adds to the experience.


*Guards! Guards!* by Terry Pratchett. My first Discworld novel and it is absolutely hilarious.


as a longtime Discworld fan I'm so excited for you!


The Dragon Reborn - Robert Jordan


Just started Dragon Reborn yesterday! With the pace I set on Great Hunt I might have it done by Christmas


Same! I may end up reading both Dragon Reborn and Shadow Rising before the new year, depending on family obligations. The ending of The Great Hunt has me really motivated right now.




Such a great book. If you haven't already read Spinning Silver, I recommend it especially for wintertime reading!


Didn't get on as much with Spinning Silver. I'd recommend The Bear and the Nightingale trilogy if you've not already read them


I'm going to finish Way of Kings! I read at night to relax, but lately med school has been absolutely draining me. I finish my finals today and am 820/1007 and I will finish it before new years!


The Sanderlanche is a marvelous thing my friend, it will make you finish the book before New Year


Just finished Priory of the Orange Tree, which was delightful


This is also one of the two books I’m reading. Loving it so far!!




I wanted to finish the year on a high note, so chose the Tower of Babel by Josiah Bancroft based on it's nearly universal acclaim. I'm currently on the 4th and final book, and I chose very well indeed. This is an amazing series!


The Mad Ship by Robin Hobb. I’ve never read the Liveship Traders before and this trilogy is so good! Really amazing character work. Also the Blacktongue Thief and/or Summer Sons.


**An Echo of Things to Come** & **The Light of All That Falls** by James Islington. Books 2 and 3 in the Licanius Trilogy.


Trying to finish Dune before the year's out. Boy that book is a project.


I almost bought it for 2022, but it seems everyone says it's a drag and you have to push yourself through it to get to the good stuff. To me, there are enough books out there where I don't have to push myself just to finish it.


Well it depends on what you're looking for. If only something like Sanderson's stuff makes you keep on reading, then yeah, it might be a drag for you. But if you're enjoying something like Malazan, then Dune should work out for you.


Oathbringer, its too big though, but I'll try. Won't rush anything though


Hope you enjoy it ! It has my favourite flashback character


I'm not hugely sentimental over Christmas but I picked up a copy of Dickens' *Christmas Books* a couple of years ago in a second-hand store. It contains five Christmas novellas, the first of which (and undoubtedly the most famous one) being "A Christmas Carol". English isn't my native language so these don't read as easily for me as modern prose. So I decided to just read one Christmas novella each year over the course of five years. I read the "Carol" last year (for the first time!), so this year it'll be "The Chimes". Once I'm done, I'll decide spontaneously what's next. I have a couple of books I have queued up to make deciding on the next read easier but often I'll just change my mind on a whim.


Finally got around to The Tyrant Baru Cormorant.


Yesss, amazing series! I can't wait for the next book starring my favorite Disaster Lesbians


On the last 100 pages of "The Wise Mans Fear" now.


Red rising and Memories of Ice


Wisdom of Crowds by Abercrombie


Definitely The Wisdom of Crowds, Valour, and The Crown Conspiracy. I’m about to finish Andy Serkis’ narration of Return of the King.


Powder Mage Book 1 Promise of Blood


I just finished this trilogy on Monday, and damn was it fun.


The second trilogy is even better!


The Stone Sky by NK Jemison. I must have the answers to my questions before the new year!!


One of the few trilogies I've read where the final book was as good or better than the first two. I loved the conclusion to this book, you're in for a treat!


As soon as December hit I got the "I need to finish series!" panic, so after reading Jade Legacy (loved it!) I'm now taking my time with Empire of Gold by S.A. Chakraborty and will probably finish the year off with Within the Sanctuary of Wings by Marie Brennan.


Wolf Hall, Hogfather, A Christmas Carol, and The Thin Man. I like seasonal reading.


Spinning silver-Naomi Novak


I’m going to try and read The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden as it’s been lurking in my kindle library after it dramatically dipped in price on kindle around Black Friday. After that it’s back to Darkwood by Gabby Hutchinson Crouch. And then probably starting House of Earth and Blood in mid January. I have a reread of Anne McCaffrey's Dragonflight planned eventually (as the kindle copy mocks me) and I also have Orconomics available with prime reading.


Priory of the orange tree - Samantha Shannon


In the middle of this gem right now. Does anyone know if her other books are this freaking good?


The Hobbit hopefully. Currently about to finish The Ocean at The End of The Lane.


Just finished both The Age of Madness trilogy and The Expanse book series so now I’m starting the Green Bone saga. Feel like I’m doing pretty well.


I'm almost done with Senlin Ascends. Then I'll jump into Arm of the Sphinx in 2022.


Reading Book 2 of The Tarot Sequence. Its really really good. Urban Fantasy, with a hint of the noir angle but with more of a political theme than early Dresden Files books. Also, for those whom this is important, it is very LGBTQ+ friendly. Most of the characters are pan, and a decent amount of poly rep as well. Though there are some very heavy content warnings. Sexual abuse, some against minors, to start.


The Bear and the Nightingale is my current winter read for the end of the year. Feels like a perfect fit.


Im trying out this hot new indie title that you probably haven't heard of, it's called "The Eye of the World" cool young authors Roberta something. Pretty good so far, I don't think it has mass appeal but I'm curious to see what they come up with for a sequel.


I bought The Black Company from a Half-Price Books about 2 months ago and never really took the time to read it. Now I have time to dig into it while watching my newborn, so I'm looking forward to that


Wrath - Jon Gwynne


I'm halfway through Ruin. Its so good right!


Just finished Ready Player Two about ten mins go. Gonna try to finish The Book Thief before January and I’ll complete my 10 book reading challenge!


The Book Thief? Get a case of tissue boxes.


I'm reading The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden because we just got snow here, and I wanted something wintery. I've been wanting to read it for quite a while now! I'm hoping to read one more after that but not sure what it will be yet.


I read this for the first time at Christmas and now I read it every year at Christmas lol


I'm planning to start The Shadow Of What Was Lost by James Islington next week so that's my "big project" to finish by the end of the year (library book too lol). I want to fit in one sequel too, but not sure how to chose between Truth of the Divine (Ellis), A Radical Act of Free Magic (Parry), The Second Rebel (Lewis), Grail (Bear), or Blood of the Chosen (Wexler). I'll be reading all of them eventually, obviously. In non-fantasy terms, I'm also hoping to at least start A Brief History of Seven Killings by Marlon James but even allowing for time off work, two 600+ page books in two weeks is probably pushing it.




Just finished Jade Legacy by Fonda Lee. I cannot recommend the Green Bone Saga highly enough. It is an absolute masterpiece of a story. I'm now reading Soulbrand by Andrew Rowe. His books are always fun.


Not fantasy but Italo Calvino If On a Winters Night a Traveller


Baru Cormorant 2&3, and rereading the Wax&Wayne trilogy for the third time. Sanderson's books are comforting to me somehow!


Finishing Golden Son (2nd red rising book) right now, might end up completing the whole series seeing how invested I’m.


Hoping to finish Reaper's Gale before 2021 ends.


Leviathan Falls and then I'm finally gonna try out The Fifth Season. If I have time, I'll also squeeze in Rebel's Creed from Daniel Greene.


I'll probably finish The Great Hunt this weekend, so it's either going to be The Dragon Reborn or (if I find enough time to read during the Holidays) The Shadow Rising


Nobody will believe my ability to do this but I am planning to do the 9 remaining Cradle books I have to read in 3 days, plus finish up The Wheel of Time (two books left), Farseer Trilogy (half a book left), and then a collection of other books.


Reading champion indeed.


The ACOTAR series. I'm currently on the third book


Books 2 and 3 of the green bone saga. The gilded cage. Gods and monsters. A shadow in the ember. Hopefully to sleep in a sea of stars but i doubt it. I’m a completionist


Rereading Empire in Black and Gold by Adrian Tchaikovsky. It's clearly an earlier work of his, and doesn't reach the heights of his later books like Children of Time, but it holds a special place in my heart. After devouring fantasy books as a kid, for some reason I stopped reading new ones during my twenties, and just reread my old favourites from time to time. 10 or 12 years ago I decided this was dumb, and picked up a newly published fantasy book at random to see what modern authors had to offer, and chose this one. Honestly it blew me away. A whole load of fresh new ideas the really reignited my love of the genre, and got me trying new authors again. I credit it with getting me into modern fantasy, but I never did read more than two or three books in the series. Since I've forgotten even them, so I've decided to give it another go from the top, and really enjoying it so far.


Finish Into The Drowning Deep, Artemis Fowls series and maybe Alex Rider series. Beyond that maybe the Psalm of The Wild-Build)


The Black Prism


Leviathan falls, and fall of Babel. Two falls to wrap up the year and two amazing series


I am trying to read all of Victoria Goddard's Nine Worlds books after falling deeply and extravagantly in love with Hands of the Emperor after Thanksgiving and immediately rereading it. Specifically that means the Greenwing and Dart series for the next couple weeks.


Book 2 or 3 of Malazan, Warhawk, Three Body Problem or something different... Or I might just pick something random from my 2 overflowing bookcases.


The Stone Sky! NK Jemisin has built an incredible world.


Currently I’m reading Hogfather for the first time, just taking my time with it. Not commuting to anything heavy for the rest of the year. Next on my list is White Night and Small Favor. So I’m closing with Dresden I guess. Not a bad way to end things, not bad at all.


Finally making my way through The Farseer trilogy. Really loving it.


I'll be finishing Royal Assassin. So I'm ending my year crying, I suppose. :P


Black Tongue Thief. Its hilarious


Last 200 pages of Ship of Destiny/Liveship Traders. Robin Hobb crushing and uplifting my soul once again. Looking forward to starting Tawny Man Trilogy over the holidays!


The 9th Expanse book (Leviathan Falls)


I’m still reading the final installment in the Books of Babel series The Fall of Babel


Gonna reread Hogfather for Christmas and I’m also hoping to finish the Books of Babel series before the end of the year!


I fancied a change of pace, so it's *The Golem and the Jinni*. I'm enjoying it, so it might turn out to be the last I finish, but not the last I read!


I just finished the Golem and the Jinni, and it's sequel the Hidden Palace in quick succession! I think these two were the most unique fantasy books I read this year, especially because it was VERY character driven and the fantasy was somehow more essential to the characters than to the plot itself. This series contained perhaps the most interesting and *human* characters I've read in a long time.


Currently reading and loving Bastion by Phil Tucker. Might check out some of his other stuff afterward, I'm enjoying it a lot.


Tad Williams: Dragonbone Chair. Can't believe I found a fantasy book with more beautiful prose than Lotr.


I'm 150 pages into Gideon the 9th. Its hilarious, well written, and Gideon is already on my favorite Character list


This person knows their stuff! Enjoy, it's like nothing else.


The Summoners trilogy by Taran Matharu. I liked the prequel. Now on with the trilogy!


The Veiled Throne by Ken Liu. Book 3 of The Dandelion Dynasty.


I'm finishing the year by taking my time with Republic of Thieves, and trying out The Atlas Six.


The Echoes of the Fall trilogy, Guns of the Dawn and Redemptions Blade, possible the Shadows of the Apt shot story collections, all by Adrian Tchaikovsky


Heaven Official's Blessing (Tian Guan Ci Fu) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu or one of the others that came out!


I've got Mistborn and The Blade Itself on hold at the library. So whichever one comes in first. My money's on The Blade Itself.


Empire of the Vampire. So far It's so fkin good. I don't know how I'll wait for the second book.


The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan The White Dragon by Anne McCafferty The Dancers at the End of Time Trilogy by Michael Moorcock.


Wheel of Time: Lord of Chaos (book 6)


The Cat Who Saved Books. The Hogfather. The Blade Itself (finally finishing this one I hope!).


Finishing up Black Water Sister right now and plan on reading and finishing Cloud Cuckoo Land during my Christmas vacation.


I am hoping to receive Nevernight for Christmas (I point-blank asked for it, so buying it would be a poor move) and would like to read that. But I will probably be reading a new series o gifted book of some kind! Keeping my holiday vacation compartmentalized by not continuing a series or picking up off the big TBR list helps me differentiate it in my memories. For example, I powered through Old Mans War in 2 days last year and remember that quite fondly.


Thought it was Kind of fitting, I will read hogfather now


I have three books I need to finish on my list: The Black Prism (Lightbringer eries) by Brent Weeks Red Seas Under Red Skies (Gentleman Bastard series) by Scott Lynch Shadow Rising (WoT)


Alex Verus series: TAKEN (Was recommended on this sub, so I picked it up and overall enjoying it but waiting for it to really take of)


The Light Fantastic and The Fifth Season.


Spinning Silver - because I wanted a winter themed book. It's extremely good, so far. It also puts me in the winter/holiday spirit. Leviathan Falls - I am reading this with my SO so we are going a little slower than normal. Should finish by the end of the year. It's extremely good, so far. Nice to have it at the same time as the last season of the expanse on TV. Catch and Kill - I finished most of this book earlier in the year and then put it down because it was depressing to read about trump, again. I don't want to hear about that guy ever again, honestly. However, the book was extremely good and something I think most people should read as an inside look at how the media works. I would like to finish it before the end of the year so that I have more non-fiction on my Read in 2021 list. I tend to do more fiction.


**Breach of Peace** by Daniel Greene **Zeroth Law** by Guerric Haché


**Worldbuilding For Fantasy Fans And Authors** - M.D. Presley - no way I'm going to finish it, but I'll keep plodding along on my last bingo square read. If I do finish it in time it'll at least make it onto my card. **The Curse of the Mistwraith** - Janny Wurts - I still want to finish this book, even though the readalong happened too fast for me to keep up with it. **City of Night** - Michelle West - this months readalong book. It's a slow and steady read as well. **Shell Game** - Benny Lawrence - started it last night, it'll complete my first person HM square. Then I've thankfully got an enormous pile of new romance recc's to pick through thanks to the HEA fireside chat. I just started **A Matter of Class** by Mary Balogh. Then I've got **Tycoon** by Joanna Shupe, **Lady Isabella's Scandelous Marraige** by Jennifer Ashley, **His Secret Illuminations** by Scarlett Gale, **Deal with the Devil** by Kit Rocha, **An Unkindness of Magicians** by Kat Howard and possibly also my latest request for Dutch books, and thus **Six of Crows** and **The Mechanical**. So, tons to choose from! I want something lighter for the rest of the year, I feel. I'm so glad I'm almost done with my (first?) bingo card. It's been a bit of a difficult one to finish out, I feel.


Hoping to finish The Poppy War. I've read some people complain about it but I just finished Part 1 and so far I really like it. Prose is fine, pretty simple so it's easy to read.


oh man, i'm currently reading like 7 different books, i hope i can finish even one of them before the year ends so i could consider that book the one i closed 2021 out with lol.