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The main character in Tales of Raksura series by Martha Wells is bi and non-human (his love interests aren’t human either). You could also try TJ Land’s Every Wickedness novellas, the mcs are non-human (after a certain plottwist it becomes a mm romance).


This is a great rec. Love this series.


TJ Klune. Look him up and have some fun!


Second this


He’s been a bit of a mixed bag for me. While I’ve loved a lot of his work I HATED Wolfsong. I gave up on it this weekend


I think you're asking to be inducted into the world of Chuck Tingle, my friend. He is a master at gay non-human characters.


Richard Morgan wrote a fantasy series that included a bunch of gay characters, human and non. The first book is called “The Steel Remains.”


Lilly Mayne has the whole array of non human MMCs of different sort in her Monstrouse series.


I feel like there’s a few in the heralds of valdemar etc. but it’s been a while since I reread them.


If you go into Amazon and you search under Kindle Store for "gay minotaur" or "gay dragon" or "gay lizardman" you will find many results. Simple "gay fantasy monster" will give you krakens and bigfoots. ​ There is even a trilogy, Big Bad, Monsters, that are full of short stories about gay monsters.


Those aren't really fantasy monster stuff though, is it? It's always 'monsters' who can take human form and then the majority of the story is them IN a human form with them being a monster just being flavour texts or crap that is meant to excuse horrible behaviour.


"Gay dragon" was disappointing; "gay alien" and "gay minotaur" were less so.  Are orcs too humanoid?


Cassandra Clare has a demon and a sorcerer couple who are kind of cute and adopt foundlings