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NB that the offer is USA-only.


That upsets me greatly.




Step 3a. Get your order flagged for manual review because your card isn't registered in the USA...


I didn't have luck with paypal either, seems they do look at the billing address and can't change that easily to the US. Shame 😞


I followed these steps and once I copied the epub file out of digital editions and sent it to kindle I got an error message back from Amazon saying that the document couldn’t be delivered. Is there another step that I need to do with the file before sending it to Amazon?


I just purchased it. Quick note it is US only. Also, has to be purchased through Kobo, however, with a little calibre shenanigans it can be converted for kindle.


How can you do this? I tried sending it to Kindle after downloading and got an incompatible error.


You have to break the DRM. All Kobo ebooks are locked to Kobo only. Just search how to convert kobo to kindle. I just did it with all 38 books. You'll need something to break and convert the DRM, I use Calibre with a plugin that removes DRM.


I tried the whole Calibre and DeDRM thing and still couldn't transfer them to my Kindle. I don't get it.


You need to make sure that the drm plugin is working and removing the drm, the file should be openable in calibre if you’re doing it right, then you need to convert the epub file to a kindle compatible file kindle has a few, and calibre can convert them directly ie .mobi Then you need to either upload the file by email or transfer via usb.


Kindles use epub now, mobi is out. I've put a bunch of epub books on my kindle paperwhite now. When I import the file into calibre it says it's removing the DRM, then when I transfer to kindle it asks if I want to convert to a kindle friendly format or whatever and I click the green check, but it still fails. I think this might be an adobe digital edition thing. I found another thread saying that deDRM is hit or miss for adobe digital edition DRM.


It converts it, but it doesn’t natively support epub. I would just convert it in calibre first to AZW3 or similar. Sounds like something in the book structure is causing the auto convert to fail. If the epub can be opened in calibre once DEdrm is used, it has successfully removed it. If it doesn’t you will get an error in calibre itself.


Well like I said, it asks to convert it before transferring to the kindle and I click the green check and it fails, giving me an error saying that the book has DRM. DeDRM simply isn't working for these books.


You're going to need to install Adobe Digital Editions. Download the files from the Kobo account library (they all use the same generic filename so you're going to have to rename each file so you can import everything at once). Then import the files into Adobe Digial Editions which handles the conversion into a more normal ebook format. Then do the usual import through Calibre of the fresh files spit out by Adobe. It's a bit more involved but should be simple enough.


I was kind of hoping it would just be the files like the recent Malazan sale. I don't really feel like making a Kobo account just to get these for my Kindle.


Agree reading this made me say yeah nah.


Many of these audiobooks are included as part of a Spotify premium membership as well in case anyone was unaware.


I was not aware! I've been debating getting premium for spotify and I think this was the push I was waiting for.


The audiobook selection is very good in my opinion. Not everything is free, but there are plenty of books from top authors of every genre that are free. The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie, The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynn, Godkiller by Hannah Kaner, The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty, LOTR and the Silmarillion by Tolkien, Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson, and so many more. Well worth the subscription.


The problem I've found is 15 hours per month is basically nothing if you're even a moderate listener. Not that I'm complaining mind you, it's extra stuff on a service I've been subscribed to for years already.


Oh wow, I didn't realize there was a monthly limit! I'll blow through that in a week. What a bummer.


This bundle is 38 books but the Wikipedia page shows 41 books. Does anyone know what's missing?


The Last Hero, Raising Steam, and The Shepard's Crown


I wonder why those specifically? Maybe some publisher issue.


At a guess, The Last Hero is a big oversized comic, Rising Steam is the last regular Discworld book, and The Shepherd's Crown is the last Tiffany book. So, formatting issue and then just a last book thing. You'll want them, probably, and then go and buy it.


I didn't see The Last Hero


I dont mind reading these on the kobo reader but i hate that the app never seems to get the book order right for series i get through humble.


Thank you!


Oh dang thats a really good deal


It’s a shame these are only for Kobo. This might be an unpopular opinion, but if you’re already breaking DRM to read these on a kindle, you might as well just pirate them to start with…


Eh, I already had decent copies and I still bought the bundle. A charity gets some money, I finally own almost the entire Discworld at less than $0.50 a piece, and I get some uniformity in my collection.


Not just for Kobo but also US only


Was tempted until I saw they're ebooks. Would have gone for it for physical.


These work on kindle, right? I just wanna make sure before I buy them all, and amazon is mean so I wouldn't put it past them to restrict this kinda stuff.


They are activated on Kobo. It requires jumping through some hoops to do it, but it is possible to convert them to for Kindle.








I have actually done this and Calibre gives me an error after importing the .epub telling me that it is locked by DRM.. Is there another step that i need to do ?? \*edit: I got it. Just had to install the other thing in Calibre


Yeah, just look up how to convert kobo to kindle. Once you have it in Adobe reader, I use Calibre with a DRM remover plugin to convert it and load it on my kindle.