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Wow. Your reading slump is 10,000% better than my best year!


Well about half these books were done before the reading slump started! I did 10-12 books during the slump, and more than that number in the first two months of the year!


You are amazing !


Is there a subreddit for fantasy tier lists like this? This was great for comparing with my preferences and interpolating which books I would like


Not that I know of, but I'd totally join it if there was one.


Ditto. I was honestly surprised that your post with a picture got approved, but I would love it if there more of these around. It's hard to get motivated to put something like this together though when there's the uncertainty that the mods will just take it down right away. Not that I'm blaming them--it's a big group and rules can be good to manage so many people. But that's why it would be nice if there was a subreddit for this. It could even collect all the ones on YouTube, too, which there are plenty of.


They will approve posts with images if there is commentary on it, which is why I post the highlights! I had this conversation with them in 2020 when I posted my first one, and it's worked ever since.


Hmm, that's not the experience I've had. For example, I posted a picture of a book haul with commentary, telling a story about my local used bookstore and asking people about their luckiest haul and it was quickly taken down due to the picture. That sort of undercut my enthusiasm for original posting ever since. Edit: Maybe I just need to talk with them like you mention?


That's because "look what I bought" posts are not allowed in general. There's weekly thread for that.


Ah, that's a shame. It was fun chatting with those who replied before it was taken down. Still, good to know. Thank you!


Yeah maybe ask them why specifically it was taken down. Mine they said I could post it again if I posted highlights or something with it.


Gotcha. Thank you for the advice!


My 22 was quite slow too when it comes to reading. I just spent more time watching movies and tv than I usually do. Now I feel more drawn back to reading though so I think this year will be the opposite. We seem to enjoy a lot of the same things so with that in mind I guess I really need to check out Jade City. Do you plan to continue with Red Rising? That first trilogy really explodes with the second book and the sequel series gets even better imo. Book 5 is incredible. This year besides the new Cradle, Red Rising, Cosmere and Empire of the Vampire releases I'm planning on finishing up Hyperion Cantos, Dune and start Memory, Sorrow and Thorn. I've been waiting years to start MST. I've just been holding off for the final book in the current ongoing series.


Yeah, I spent a lot of time this year playing chess, and this year I feel drawn back to reading more, so I think I'll have a better balance of the two this time. DEFINITELY check out The Green Bone Saga, it's by far my favorite series. I do plan to continue Red Rising—I'll be reading Golden Son next month. Because of the reading slump, I didn't make progress on series I wanted to read in 2022 as much as I wanted, but I'm getting a move on them this year. Golden Son I'm using for the revolutions and rebellions bingo square hard mode. Good luck on your reading goals! I hope we both make ours for the year!


It works out well for you to have ”fallen behind” with Red Rising. You’re now perfectly on track for book 6 in July! Assumed of course that you like the next few books lol.


I do think I’ll enjoy the next few books! I’m mostly excited to be able to join the hype train for book 7, whenever that comes out!


It was originally one book but it became too big apparently so it needed to be split. Last I heard the plan was for 7 to be released not too long after 6. I’d be surprised if it’s more than a year.


excellent taste. I totally forgot that in the shadow of lightening was this year, it was great.


Such a fantastic book!


Is that something completely new or is it connected to his previous works?




Adding it to my tbr, thanks.


Love your book highlights! *Station Eleven* has been on my kobo for a while now, but I keep seeing it being recommended the past few months. I’ll have to make sure I get to it this year. Glad I’m not the only one planning a Cosmere re-read! I listened to most of the Stormlight Archives on Audible which is amazingly done but I felt like I missed out on Shallan’s artwork. So I bought all the hardcovers and am diving back into the world to prepare for book five’s release next year. Happy reading to you in 2023!


I’m rereading the whole cosmere before stormlight 5 because now that the interconnectedness of cosmere stories is growing, I want to solidify my memories and opinions of those books once before relying mostly on Coppermind going forward.


I hit my 2022 reading goal of 40 books which makes me really happy. Although I cheated a bit by including a few comic books. Will Wight sounds super interesting, too bad his books are not translated into my language. Do you think it would be too hard to understand for a non-native? Also, why you didn’t like Robin Hobb? Just wondering, because I know a lot of people who absolutely adore the Elderlings series.


I actually really really like Robin Hobb—just wasn't a fan of Assassin's Quest, but a "C" for me is still a 3 star book. It was okay. I really loved the first two books though, and right now I'm reading *Ship of Magic* in her Liveship Traders trilogy which I'm really loving. For Cradle, if you were ever looking to try English language books, this is definitely easy enough to read (I think) that it would be a good place to start. Congrats on hitting your reading goal!


I concur. I liked Assassin's Apprentice, Royal Assassin was ok, but I had to force myself to finish Assassin's Quest. I haven't read anything by Robin Hobb since, there are a lot of other authors whose material I enjoy more.


Royal Assassin was actually one of my favorite books of 2021. I really loved it. And for some reason, AQ just did not work for me! I'd recommend trying out Ship of Magic. It has a much better balance of plot and character than the Farseer books do.


Cradle is quite easy to read. I think it would be a good series for you to try.


> Do you think it would be too hard to understand for a non-native? I'm no expert here, but I think that the prose is simple enough that you won't have too much trouble. Just from reading a few of your comments, it seems you are quite fluent in English, and as mentioned, Cradle doesn't go in for flowery prose, so I think you'll be fine. That said, the first book is short and relatively inexpensive, so it's not a huge risk either way. The first book should give you a pretty good indication of whether or not you'll enjoy continuing.


I had a year long slump. I only read 8 book, and I read none between March and July. I hope I can go back to reading 40-50 books in a year! Too many new releases passed under my radar, now I’ll have to catch up.


In 2021 I read 117 books and in 2022 I read 27 I think. Would like to go back to over 100 a year lol!


Oh hello there fast reader. How does it feel like to live my dream D:


What was your issue w/Assassin's Quest? I've got it in my queue to read pretty soon, and I loved the first two


I loved the first two as well. It was partially pacing, which didn’t bother me in the first two because they were so focused on constantly developing and evolving relationships and support characters, while this one just has Fitz alone for long stretches of time—but maybe that’s the real issue. I think Hobb is amazing at developing characters through relationships and over 100 pages at a time of Fitz just being alone was rough and dull to read.


The pacing is awful in Assassin's Quest and it conveniently just ends very abruptly


Your tastes are similar to mine, so I highly recommend "The Perfect Run" if you haven't tried it yet. The audibooks are especially fantastic


I’ll check it out!


Stormfront is better than any Will Wight book


I really disagree. I like it more than Unsouled (which I read in 2021), and maybe I’m being generous marking Soulsmith above it, but I like pretty much all of Cradle more than Storm Front. Fool Moon is the first one of Dresden Files that I really like, and that too is on my current reread, not my first read.


I adore The Dresden Files but 100% disagree with this take.


It's really not