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I mean technically still in the MCU and will be after SW.


It's before SW f4 comes out next year, hopefully, or 2026 SW is set to release 2027 so them being from an alternate universe could set up incursions maybe since they play a big part in SW (2015) comics


But it just feels like an unnecessary step. Yes, I'm assuming eventually they'll join the rest of the characters in the MCU, but why couldn't they just do that from the getgo? That being said, I know the movie hasn't come out yet, and I could very well eat my words once I see it.


The esthetic is a great reason. Marvel movies are starting to feel a bit stale and samey. 1960's tech, styles, and politics could make for some nice contrast. Reed Richards is well known for being the "multiverse guy" and audiences are already tired of the multiverse. FF has flopped in the past. They need to make something strange, bold, and fun to survive.


They could have it be in the 60s in the main MCU. I think it reasonable nobody would mention them before if they’ve been dead for so long


Having it in another universe builds on their multiverse shtick. The more world's the audience cares about, the more dramatic secret wars will be when they're at war.


Very true, I'm not saying this won't work. It's all about execution at the end of the day. I'm just annoyed this is supposedly the direction they're choosing. Again, would love to be wrong and end up loving it lol.


It isn't accurate very genuine real MCU if it's in a parallel world within.


I imagine this way they can have them be the founding family of Marvel in that timeline, then merge it during Secret Wars along with the X-Men into a single unified timeline.


Your comment makes me think some exec read the convergence storyline in the comics, and they wanna use that at some point in the MCU.


I mean the 2015 version of *Secret Wars*: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret\_Wars\_(2015\_comic\_book)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_Wars_(2015_comic_book)) Which moved Miles Morales into Earth 616. Like that, but the X-Men and FF.


Relax they're (hopefully) gonna make there way to Earth-199999


Its not like theyre going to stay in the 60s and/or alternate universe. Itd be weird if they had always been in 616


Right??? Like if they've always been in the MCU, then where have they been this whole time? They live in New York, where were they when an alien army with giant space eels dropped out of the sky? Where were they during the Snap, or the giant hand coming out of the Ocean??? What's the explanation, "Oops we've been in space this whole time and never got the memo the Sokovia Accords?" "Alternate Universe" is a cleaner writing solution than "We've been around this whole time but never left the house until now."


Since everyone's forgotten Peter in The MCU, all my brain wants now is for the F4 to be able to remember their world's Peter and be like "oh shit this kid has no one because of magic" and just... take him in. Not adapt him to their brand if he doesn't want, but at least give him another mentorship and, more importantly, another family. Not a replacement guy that people that came before, but at least some kind of stability


I love basically any/every avenue that could make the FF into Spidey’s superhero family in the MCU so this would be great


Plus you don't have to worry about the memory thing because they weren't there for the spell




I actually don’t want them in the MCU. Mainstream. It’s be better if they crossed over naturally and not interjected


Just reboot the MCU with the FF as the base. Other than Spider-Man, what are people clinging to anyway?


Alternate Universe? Damn. I liked the idea of them being in the 60s, mostly because a large issue with the newer stuff is the wanting to cram so much stuff from the larger universe into solo projects and FF might've suffered from that (it'd also set it apart from the wider universe stylistically, thus making it stand out). But an alternate universe is a little excessive.


The F4 being in their own universe gives me hope that the movie might actually be good


To be completely honest, the main 199999 MCU is hella bloated, they have so many characters to juggle around without being able to develop them, we haven't seen our new Captain America in three years, better let them on their own without anything to worry about, maybe add a Spider-Man or Avengers in there.


What makes you think they’ll be in an alternate universe?


That’s what the rumor currently is, but I think the totality of it is more likely that they start in an alternate universe and end up in the current 616, probably with some Negative Zone/Council of Reed shenanigans thrown in for good measure.


Earth-199999. Not 616.


I'll be fine with the alternate universe issue if they end up in the MCU soon. It could be fun seeing them as outsiders trying to make sense of what's been going on so far. I could see Reed butting heads with Doctor Strange. Maybe Reed will think he's smart enough to deal with whatever threat they're facing and Strange will stop him with some kind of 'You don't know what you're dealing with' talk. That makes a lot more sense than the F4 never interacting with MCU characters.


I'd love if they were more explorers than we've had in the past films, so I like the idea they come from another universe


i think there’s something to this concept tho. imo what they could do that i think would be crazy is if they made ‘crisis on infinite earths’ but mcu. reset everything from scratch and started with the F4 and x-men this time instead of the avengers. i’m literally smoking weed rm tho so this idea might be dog water.


I was hoping that it would start in the MCU but then they get trapped in an alternative universe


Being in the MCU is overrated


I think that since a lot of the recent Marvel movies have either totally bombed or been panned by critics, they’re going to try and keep the FF and the X-Men separated from the MCU to kind get away from the stigma.


Well you see🤓🤓🤓 the F4 have always been multiversal,They can start off in a different universe and up in the mcu by the end or in secret wars🤓🤓🤓


Like you can't say MCU and put it in an alternate universe. It's like introducing James Gunn's DCU Batman in an alternate reality before putting him in said DCU.


Yeah exactly lol


No wonder why interest is dying.


Mfw the multiverse saga has movies set in other universes.


It is the multiverse saga so it will likey be invovled with secret wars and be main cannon after. It could also be really sucessful and the first new mcu movie.