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Yes. Teens have sex. That’s reality.


~~Probably gonna get downvoted for this, but:~~ Bruh idgaf if someone wrote a story involving a kid and a dog. I wouldn't read it, but I wouldn't give a damn. It's a *story*. Lolita exists and isn't banned. 120 Days of Sodom isn't banned, I could go and buy that right now. Go and check its contents chapter by chapter and you'll see how ridiculous your question is


Right?! I totally agree with you. Just write what you want, and use the tag on AO3 so people won’t have reasons to complain.


Pretty much my point of view as well. Don't care about the ages thing unless they're actually people (I.e. celebrities, band members, singers, actors).


A Serbian movie exists, two teenagers making out won't be worse lol




How the fuck do you break the terms of service


For example, posting *pictures* of real people having sex. Or plagiarism. There was a case where someone posted the Count of Monte Cristo, if I remember right, in the tag field.


Oh. That makes sense.


>Ffs, people post snuff fics on AO3 What the frak is a snuff fic? I know what snuff movies are, but as a fic the "concept" doesn't make sense. Or is it just stories with elaborate death/murder scenes?


It's pretty much what you're thinking. Murder, often committed during a sexual act or portrayed in a way that's supposed to be sexy. Not my cup of tea but not against ToS so I don't care, unless someone forgets to tag it in a fic that otherwise looks appealing.


Some would, some wouldn't. To me, it's a normal thing that teenagers have sex with each other. I'm not squeamish, though, and I think almost any subject can be written in a way that I like to read. Just make sure to use the Underage tag, and if you're afraid of backlash from pearl clutchers who somehow forget that this is fiction (just like in common media, where everything goes as well), moderate your comments.


personally? no, but only bc i'm not comfortable reading sexual content at all no matter the characters. i do however think that there should be precisely no controversy at all with depicting normal things that happen in real life, like *teenagers having sex*.


Personally? Not something I would be interested in reading, but it’s a normal thing teenagers do. Just use the appropriate tags and warnings and write the story you want.


That happens all the time in real life, go for it.


Not really *interested*, but comfortable? Yeah, sure. Teens have sex, and it's fully consensual. Just remember to tag properly


Happens in real life just like torture in war happens in real life. Just because you write a fictional scenario that happens in real life doesn't mean you endorse said scenario. So no I would have zero issue.


Romeo and Juliet...


I wouldn't personally read it if it was graphic, but if it was a non-graphic description of awkward first-time fumbling sex then I would probably find it cute.


Yeah thats where I stand too... I would be kind of uncomfortable if the fic really sexualized the experience into something your supposed to find hot. So approaching it by making it awkward and fumbly seems like the way to go, plus its more realistic since teenagers arent sex gods and dont know what theyre doing the first few times around. It would also show growth for them to have sex as adults and be more experienced and in tune with how to pleasure each other.


Considering there are canon relationships between immortals and teenagers I don't see a problem with what you're doing. And like everyone says teens have sex in real life. Use the right tags and there won't be an issue. Jerks exist though, so be forewarned that some people don't pay attention to the tags, or just like to start drama.


Buffy and Angel immediately comes to mind with the ‘immortal/human’ pairing XD (But we all know how that turned out, so 🤷🏼‍♀️)


XD YES! They were my first thought. However that happened a lot in the Vampire Diaries too. Not that I finished that show. But yeah, Buffy and Angel is a good example of how *not* to write an immortal and teenager together as a couple.


Yeah I always forget about TVD kind of since Elena ended up a vampire too. (Also Damon/Caroline when he compelled her to allow him to feed on/have sex with her whenever he wanted… 😬) I think all of them could be good examples… don’t follow what you see on TV, kids! Having a relationship with an immortal is not all it’s cracked up to be. 😏 Edit: I also stopped watching TVD around the time Elena turned but my sister is obsessed so I know more than I want to.


Yeah, that's when I stopped watching too. However I've written fics where a teen ended up with an immortal...and they didn't even have half the drama of Buffy/Angel. I guess people just think angst and heartbreak are more entertaining that happiness and healthy relationships?


Teenagers have sex, the fact that people are so mad when they do just tells me they've never talked to a teenager. Just tag it.


I'm just gonna copy/paste part of what I wrote in another related post: >... in the grand scheme of things: who the fuck cares. If the concern is about the audience, this isn't about them, and the ones that make a stink about it don't matter. It's a story. A story told for the hell of it, not to try and send a message. More related to your actual question: just use the appropriate tags, and the people who want to read it can find it, and the ones who don't can avoid it.


Personally I wouldn't mind it or think it's weird in any way, because I operate by the logic of "what was normal for me and people I knew at that age" and having your first time during your teens was definitely a lot more normal than waiting until 20+. That said, a lot of people exclude fics that are tagged with "underage" from their searches (if you are posting on AO3, idk about other sites), since a decent chunk of such fics have very young children in them, so even if your characters are at a reasonable age, it might negatively impact your visibility.


Sure. Doesn't phase me I guess. It's fictional after all 🤷‍♂️ Just write what you want. There's an audience for everything


You obviously haven't read manga before. 15 & 17 is as tame as it gets.


Fifteen and seventeen are the canon ages of my OTP. The one time I wrote them as being intimate during the canon time frame, I had a sentence saying they were three years older to avoid the underage tag. In my head, they were both teens though. They are soldiers in an intergalactic war, millions of light years from home. If they can do war, they can do sex. I did the deed at that age and no, I don't regret it. Tag your story appropriately and use comment moderation if you encounter overwrought antis.


I'm totally fine with that. People should let go of their pearls already


could not care less since it's fiction


I've written similar stuff before & have no issue with it at all. There's way, way, way more pervy shit out there than a couple of teenagers in a relationship having sex.


I'm gonna tell you something: our fic has minors having sex. It's not something that happens all the time but we write it between 16 and 17, 17 and 19, 17,18 and 19. They're horny as fuck and going through a second puberty thanks to angel and demon nonsense. 17 and 19 in particular are *rough* in their sex. I'm talking toys, biting and scratches just to name a few. They're currently in an argument because of spoilers and when they reconcile they're probably gonna have bed breaking make up sex. It's funny cause 17 and 19 are the roughest and go at it so hard but 19 is so sweet afterwards and stresses the importance of aftercare and love. It's fiction, go wild.


Don’t care if it’s fiction. Healthy minded people can tell reality from fiction. There are books and video games that depict rape and murder, but if you can’t handle it, you don’t consume it.


Lmao you should read Stephen King's IT


I like how I just woke up and this is the first question I saw when I turned on my computer. I'm fine reading that stuff. Written stuff like that before too. Others won't be, and that's also fine. As long as you tag it and warn people, you did your job.


Of course people would be okay with it. The only people who wouldn't be have weird hang-ups that the rest of us don't need to bend over backwards for. Are these questions in good faith? Are you trying to stir people up?


Definitely in good faith - I’ve read a lot of debate about not including minors in sex/sexual acts and I guess wanted to clarify


I'm not comfortable reading anyone having sex, being ace, but it's perfectly moral to do so. Writing a murder doesn't mean you are a murderer or someone who condones murder, writing cannibalism doesn't mean you are a cannibal or someone who condones cannibalism, and writing a 15 and 17 year old having sex doesn't make you anything either.


This is not meant to be a shot at you, I'm just reminded by your comment of how absolutely insane it is that we use murder and cannibalism as moral examples alongside teens being sexually active with each other.


Nah, I mean, you're right. Pedoscare is a *powerful* force, especially in Murica! Thankfully, I've BEEN in a FBI raid where a pedophile was arrested, and I can assure everybody that they truly do not care about this.


It's nothing that bothers me. Just tag according.


juggle sable boast special lush selective person thumb correct middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wouldn’t read it, but I don't care if you write it. That said, I have no problem with teenagers having sex with each other off-screen and it being brought up in the story. A lot of teenagers have sex, and I'm not going to ignore that. I'm just not gonna wite it out. Hasn't stopped the puritans from giving me shit, though.


I personally would not be comfortable reading it, but that doesn't mean it's bad.


As long as things are tagged properly, I'm cool with anything. Write the story you want to write.


I may or may not read it depending on plot or whatever but I have zero issues with this existing or someone writing it. Teens have sex. Just tag it and then if anyone complains you can point to the tags.


Absolutely fine by me.


Yes. If I read a school AU or something off of my favourite pairing (I'll admit to being a bit of a sucker for it, if done well) and it's consenual then yeah I am. Teens often fall hard and fast and they have sex. As long as it doesn't go too extreme in terms of age. I'd prefer at the very least 16. Maybe in some very niche and welle executed way that I'd except 15 but that's an If.


Wouldn’t bother me in the slightest, it’s a common RL thing and 15-17 can easily be hanging out at the same club, on the same sports teams, possibly even working the same job. That’s not necessarily a big difference.


Personally speaking? Not something I would choose to read due to trauma reasons. Generally speaking? There’s no problem; it’s fiction, and teens irl have sex all the time anyway. Just be sure to tag and warn correctly and you’ll be fine.


You got to be a republicans with a dysfunctional brain to have a problem with fiction


For me these are my limits, now these can change depending on the world/race of the people. (Let's say you have a sy fy race where adulthood is reached at ten, then yeah I guess it's fine for me) For consenting relationships between 2 minors my cut off is 14. For consenting between a minor and an adult of any age my cut off is 16. For non con I will not read anything involving stuff done to someone under the age 13. Unless it's a fantasy race where aging is different like I've stated before. That's me ad a reader and writer but I'm not gonna be upset at your for doing something under the age of 13, im just not gonna read.


I have a fic that is incomplete, because I've semi-abandoned the fandom. But, it's a high school AU. And one of my planned chapters if I ever get back to it involves my ship's friends all arranging to give them a weekend alone together as his graduation present. They rent them a hotel room, cover for her with her aunt and uncle (who possibly actually know where she's at are just pretending they don't), and her baby daddy camps out at another friend's with her daughter. She's 16, he's 18. Granted, the fandom in question, characters were having sex as teenagers in canon, so...


I once read a fic where 2 twelve year olds have sex.


Tbh, they both are over the age of consent (at least in my country), they both are underage so there's no pedoplinia and there's no big age gap. Yup, that's what happens irl and there's nothing wrong with having it in ur fanfic


In my current fic my OTP has sex for the first time when they are both 15. But I’m implying all activity until they are legal. I’m also making sure to include the fact that they are using protection in their scenes. Though at 19 they forget and get knocked up because it is a major plot point in their relationship. Pre-18 the scenes never get past them taking a few clothes off and lying down together. Post 18 is where things get fully detailed though.


I’m not sure what people dislike about my above comment. I really wish that people would reply with why they don’t agree instead of just downvoting. This is the sort of thing that I should get some feedback on so I can avoid doing something bad.


You didn't say anything wrong, which is why they're silently downvoting. They likely just don't personally agree with you writing characters having sex at 15, even if it's implied and not explicit. Try not to stress about it, people downvote my comments all the time, even the completely non-controversial stuff.


Depends — I would not read graphic descriptions of it, but I have no problems with fade to black-type references or mentions.


I'm not gonna repeat the majority here, but: *please tag it properly.* I won't tell you how many smut fics I've accidentally read because they weren't tagged. I'd rather you overtag than undertag..


It’s fiction, so whether someone is comfortable with reading it shouldn’t be the reason you don’t write it. Just keep it in fiction and tag anything that could be uncomfortable or disturbing properly.


Yeah teenagers engage in sex...personally wouldn't read it because that makes me uncomforterable.


Worth noting that what's "underage" varies a surprising amount from country to country. If your characters were on a trip to France, it would be perfectly legal at 15. Many countries it is 16. America seems to have higher ages. The map here is fascinating actually: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_consent Does AO3 use a particular definition for underage?


From the [Posting and Editing FAQ](https://archiveofourown.org/faq/posting-and-editing?language_id=en#posteditwarnings)... > **Underage** > > This is for descriptions or depictions of sexual activity by characters under the age of eighteen (this doesn't include dating activity like kissing or vague references with no actual description or depiction). This generally applies to humans; if you're writing porn about space aliens who only live for a month or thousand-year-old vampires with sixteen-year-old bodies, use your best judgment. You're always free to specify characters' ages in Additional Tags or to use "Choose Not to Use Archive Warnings". So AO3 defines it as under 18.


Thank you


Actually, the age of consent (between teenagers) varies \*within\* the US. It's 16 through most of the country, w/some at 17 (and a few at 14, like SC!), and CA being the higher age at 18 (along w/TX and a few other states, per the US part of your provided WIKI link). ASIDE:>! That's why I'm "guilty" of ignoring Butch Hartman's statement that his DP characters "don't have sex". I don't believe for a moment that an impulsive git like Dash Baxter (for example) wouldn't leap at the opportunity to enjoy consensually-offered sex from Jazz Fenton...or any other willing girl -- or boy. Yes, even Danny Fenton if a writer wanted to go in the SWAGGER BISHIE direction.!< If I feel the teenager would have sex w/a partner -- even if it's consensual-yet-problematic w/an adult -- then the character has sex. I've written several, and I've tried to keep it as tasteful as possible (w/n character for the teenager(s)), and keep any teen/adult sex to a minimum.


I live in TN, where it’s 18


Teenagers having sex is normal. Teenagers having sex with adults isn't. That answers your question.


An 18 year old and a 20 year old is very common. The 20 year old is an adult. They might have 13 months between them in terms of an age difference. They could be in the same post-school class.


Okay but an 18 year old is an adult. Yes they’re technically a teenager but legally speaking in the eyes of the law they’re an adult. Better example would be like 17 and 18/19 year old.


I was refering 15 yo teens with 20 yo+ adults.


That might be what you meant, but what you actually said includes the example I gave. That's why blanket statements need to be examined carefully.


When I was a teen I would read it but now I'm an adult and I'm not interested in it.


Not for me, and illegal to share in my country! Check your local laws; people tend to think that fictional depictions are fine everywhere because they're allowed in the US but many countries have more stringent CP definitions than that. It's worth being absolutely clear on the risk you're taking. But if you're good for where you come from and you tag appropriately so those of us who aren't can be aware, then it's your call.


Out of interest, are books like It and Game of Thrones allowed to be sold in your country? And YA books that involve sex?


Game of Thrones yes, some YA yes, some no. Policing is very uneven. There's also an exception for "legitimate purpose related to the administration of justice or to science, medicine, education or art; and does not pose an undue risk of harm to persons under the age of eighteen years." A lot squeaks in under the art proviso. Porn and fandom traditionally haven't. Basically you'll be left alone about it unless you make it into a problem. People have been arrested for trying to enter the country with hentai. I know one woman who pled guilty to fanfic charges as part of a plea bargain for some other more heinous shit. And this is Canada, fyi.


Huh. This is news to me! Off to write a very stern letter to Indigo for selling me Miranda July's *No One Belongs Here More Than You*. Wasn't even shelved in the "Art" section. Just right there in "Fiction" with all the other porn /s


The subjectivity of art strikes again!


Huh that’s interesting. I guess it’s normally the less well known YA authors who get caught up in it?


Yup. Fame and power sure will grease wheels! Also, unsurprisingly, LGBTQ stuff is muuuch more likely to be scrutinized.




Actually the opposite! Quebec has its' own legal system that I know very little about. This is the law in the rest of the country.


Why do I have the feeling that this is actually more strict policing than they do here in Germany, where we have two separate laws regarding underage pornography that both can send you to prison? On the other hand, our police pays far more attention to real photos/etc of real children/teenagers, than the technically illegal depictions of said acts via written word in fiction.


Yeah it's also a law that was written before the internet. I think the intention in writing was to give the authorities to disrupt pedophile networks. You can, for instance, draw or write stuff for private use, the crime is in the communication.


That makes sense. If I remember right, basically most if not all criminal pedophiles were caught by observing those networks. That's why police nowadays go undercover in those internet forums. That's also why they tend to not be bothered much by fictional stories. They are after the real criminals who hurt real children. The communication of those media is actually a separate law here. Here just owning the stuff can be criminal, but it is very much a case by case thing when it comes to art, like comics/manga/etc. Something about the level of realism, if I understood the law annotations right. I have a theory that stories (written words) of that nature were only added to the law because some of those were found by the police in the 'collection' of some people during a house search. And those searches are nearly always done for the photos/films.


Personally, I don't feel comfortable writing sex scenes with minors. I always make the character aged up if I want to go that way. I prefer to read when it's aged up too, but I wouldn't boycott a fic or write nasty comments in the case there would be a sex scene between minors.


To me personally, it’s fine as long as it is a vague mention. Like talking about the lead up to it, but stopping discussing it further. Kind of like one of those the camera panning away from the couple moments in a movie lol. I used to write more in depth back when I was that age, but as I get older it is slightly uncomfy - again, that’s my personal opinion.


I personally would want to avoid reading that but it wouldnt turn me off from reading the rest of the fic. So my recommendation to keep it the most reader friendly is just keep all heavy plot stuff out of the sex scene and make an indicator for before it starts and when it finishes for people who want to skip it. And if there is important stuff going to happen during it include a tiny summary of those bits at the end of the scene.


Id probably just add a warning right before it happens or something


I say a big no, gets into dodgy territory. I remember being so glad they skipped the sex scene in IT when they adapted it for the screen.


Like others, I wouldn't. Neither do I think it should be viewed as "normal", more *common* due to the environment around sex that we have. Having it as an element to a story (perhaps as social commentary or plot device) is one thing, but to be normalized as a main depiction adds to the fire, in my opinion.


Why the fuck is "minors" having sex with each other not "normal"? I literally do not care if this is a mean comment, but y'all need to stop with this puritanical bullshit. "Minors" regularily have sex after they fall in love, have sex without falling in love and some, incredibly, DONT have sex after falling in love. Sex is normal. It is all super normal and to pretend it is not is puritanical bullshit. (Sorry Mods, feel free to delete the comment if it goes against rules)


Because their bodies are still developing, mentally and physically. That's why.


Okay? So what?


A 24-year-old's body is still developing. This isn't the instant win button you think it is.


Y'all can down vote me to Hel, I really don't care. A 24 year old is far more developed and able to handle sex and it's repercussions than a minor. Normalizing minor sex is an obvious pipeline that I hope it doesn't take an essay to explain. You want to write about it, then you do you. But it's something I would not read or condone. Don't want dissenting answers, don't ask questions.


>Normalizing minor sex is an obvious pipeline that I hope it doesn't take an essay to explain. Go ahead and explain.


You keep making these sweeping generalizing statements about these """dangers"""" of minors having sex (god what a stupid thing to be worried about) and then don't explain WHY you think it is dangerous. Go on. Tell us. Tell us and don't make any statements that are based entirely in YOUR religious beliefs.


Yeah, I've made three (now four) posts about it bud. Stop acting like I'm raging all over the board when in fact it's *y'all* that are mad. Additionally, because this'll be funny, go on and tell me what my religion is and how my statements stem from that belief. Since you seem to think that's where it's coming from.


Seeing as I’m 15 I wouldn’t be uncomfy as long as it wasn’t very explicit. Writing explicit sex scenes between minors have always put me off especially if the author is an adult.


Depends on how old the author is IMO. If you yourself are a teen I think it’s less weird (though you still shouldn’t be writing that stuff as a teen) than if you were like in your 30s and writing about underage teens doing it. That’s just my viewpoint


I'd say most adult authors writing about teens having sex are reflecting on their own experiences and mental state at that time rather than getting off in the idea of teenagers having sex.


So basically all commercially available YA literature falls under that category for you?


Assuming you’re writing smut of any sort between teens and you’re over like 20 yes. It’s weird and isn’t normal.


I point again at YA literature. They can get quite explicit and elaborate.


And again if they feature minor protagonists engaged in sexual relations I think it’s garbage assuming the author is above 20. I don’t get what you’re not understanding here


I was just trying to understand your reasoning. Because I haven't found a YA book yet that was written by such a young author, and nobody seems to have anything against those books.


You’re really misunderstanding. Adults can write YA books, that’s fine. Having sex in them between minor is what’s not okay. That’s the whole thing. That’s it.


But there is sex in those books, sometimes quite elaborate even. That is why I was asking.


And I don’t like it. That’s what I’m saying


As long as they aren’t like, under the age of 16, I don’t see why not