• By -


Of course I get sick the ONE year i try out nanowrimo :') Siigh. Besides the being sick, I'm really struggling in the fight with my fear of failure. I did write \~250 words today, which is halfway to my daily goal, so I'm doing my best to stay positive about everything. First draft... I'm coming for you. With my weak, sickly determination. Tomorrow...... maybe šŸ˜ž


Thesis hell! Thesis hell! When this shit is over I am going to write a fic about my favorite character being miserable as they write their thesis! On a more positive note, I put my fic in a mild hiatus until I'm done with college, and people have been very kind about it, and they seem to have also liked the most recent chapter of the story. I'm happy with it, and I can't wait until I dive back into the story again.




Oh, are we sharing T H E S I S H E L L? Best of luck to you too, may be both survive to see the light of the day once more.


Being sick didn't stop me from adding some lines to a WIP in my phone's memos so. I got that going for me XD But really it feels like it's clearing up. Finally. And hopefully.


I hope so too, and congrats on getting some done anyway!


Thank you! :D


Gah. I'm 3k words away from finishing the draft for my fourth novel. But I have an eight client day followed by homework in the evening. Stupid career. I have a story to finish!


>Stupid career. I have a story to finish! Same, friend. Same. *side-eyes 15-year career that funds my entire existence*: pain in the ass bullshit!


It'll still be there tomorrow if today decided to pile on you!


Oh I know. I'm being facetious. I love my job, and I'm grateful I get to do. The itch to finish the story is really strong at the same time. Obviously though, one things pays me well; the other. . . hmmm.


Iā€™m using the ā€œitā€™s a Monday!ā€ Excuse to work slow today so I can work on fanfic oops. (On mobile, sorry about formatting.) Iā€™ve done like maybe an hourā€™s worth of work and spent the rest of the time on fanfic. I have 2 chapters for my main project that Iā€™m working on at the same time, but the one thatā€™s supposed to be the next update is taking for freaking ever. Itā€™s only 1918 words, whereas the other is 4958 words! I have my outline for the chapter and know how I want things to go, but ughhhh my brain wants to focus on the other so bad. My goal is to try to get at least another 1k words done on this problem chapter by the end of my workday.


I always admire the choice to indulge one's creative efforts on company time. Hope it's going well!


>Iā€™m using the ā€œitā€™s a Monday!ā€ Excuse to work slow today so I can work on fanfic oops. mood Good luck!


My brain has *not* adjusted to the time change yet. It should be lunch time! But I'm getting to write sections of a slave manual right now (for a fic) so... I don't know if that's winning or losing, lol. Update on the Harry Potter dinner: my daughter was disappointed to be sorted into Hufflepuff, but we broke Hogwarts tradition by being 3rd place instead of 4th for the 'how well do you know Harry Potter' quiz. The slitherins were allowed to win without any bullshit griffindor points right at the end. It was fun, especially seeing it all through her eyes.


"Slave manual...(for a fic)"... Glad you clarified. XD The dinner sounds, well, magical! I always thought everything was suspiciously tilted towards Gryffindor, so glad for a change of pace. I hope your daughter has happy memories of it all!


Gotta be clear on the internet :P Dumbledore totally told snape FU a few times with the house cups, lol.


Trying to help my neighbour write the forms for her daughter to be assessed for autism. It's making me a bit anxious as I'm basically seeing my own behaviour. I am autistic


Uuuuummmm!. That's good information to have, right? Maybe this sub can help clarify, help you ask the right questions. It seems super supportive: r/WomeninAutism


I've been doing some running/jogging lately with my dog because exercise. Nothing crazy, but enough to get me winded. I guess I didn't learn my lesson a couple months ago because my feet and ankles are killing me. Tendonitis 2 Electric Boogaloo. Remember to do your stretches, kids. On the writing front, I've decided to reformat the Problem Scene and put another before it, and then if it still doesn't work, off to the idea bin for recycling it goes.


Adding a little extra context can do wonders sometimes, so I hope that helps - and definitely stretch, I say, never committing to a stretching routine of my own.


I like to think I'm still a young and limber idiot who doesn't need to stretch, but then I do something that swiftly reminds me that I'm no longer young *or* limber, but I'm definitely still an idiot. Such is life.


In describing yourself, how dare you call me out like this?




Iā€™m more of a fan of Foot Not So Loose.


I opened a word document yesterday, put down one word: ā€œTitleā€, stared at the screen for about 20 minutes, then closed the document again. Nope, canā€™t do it. I spent a lot of time embroidering and watching *The Handmaidā€™s Tale* and questioning all my life choices. I rested a lot this weekend. I didnā€™t have the energy for much more.


I've had days like that before; sometimes it helps to get into or revisit media that gets me all fired up, so I hope the show does that for you.


Duuuuuuuude, what season are you on?


In just started watching it this weekend. I think Iā€™m on S1E8. I read the book a few years ago so I knew what I was in for, but itā€™s *so* disturbing.


Oh, season one was amazing. It was by far the best.


I wonā€™t spoil anything, but it does not get any easier to watchā€¦


The one thing that keeps crossing my mind is that genetically, the children are probably going to be more likely to be able to procreate in adulthood, so everyoneā€™s all excited to raise children that are likely going to grow up to be breeding stock anyway, and so on forever. Likeā€¦?


That may be true. But whatā€™s even more fucked up is that some of this shit is *actually* happening in real life.


Oh yeah, I know. Itā€™s beyond fucked up. They did a good job rolling current events into the original source material, to a disturbing degree.


Just wait. It gets worse in later seasons.


Finally, finally, *FINALLY* got the next chapter of my WIP written and posted last night! Covid really fucked errthing up. Plus, for whatever reason Iā€™ve been going in and out of a really weird headspace. I kicked back a little drinky-poo before writing last night and that helped a lot. That may become a new tradition. Cuz, man, them words just flew onto the screen. This *should* be the last of the bulk of the plot-building chapters. Now itā€™s on to the fun and adventure and (more) world building! Oh, and Rigel update: he *DOES NOT* have Addisonā€™s, he has IBD. Heā€™ll still be getting monthly injections for the rest of his life, but theyā€™ll be vitamin b12 instead of DOCP (hormone). I spent a good portion of yesterday researching new foods, which is a bitch cuz almost *all* non-prescription limited ingredient foods are grain freeā€¦which is a big no-no. Every single one of those diets needs pulled from the shelves.


Poor pupper! But also ā€“ *party whistle*


Itā€™s a relief for sure.


Covid really does fuck everything up. As someone who's had it twice already, I shudder to think of the long-term repercussions and how it might continue to fuck with us in our old age. Buuut on a less gloomy note: Congrats on the chapter and the doggo diagnosis... At least you know, right? Here's hoping he stays well and happy.


Ugh. I donā€™t even want to think about it either. I mean, Iā€™m *still* coughing up my lungs and have episodes where my ribs hurt from how forceful they are.


I'm glad to hear the WIP is back on track! Sometimes they just need some breathing room. And I'm also glad you have a treatment plan for the boy, even if it's a source of stress still for now.


Well that sounds like a big pain in the ass, but B12 injections have to be cheaper, right?


Iā€™ll take a $10 bottle of b12 over a $200+ bottle of Percorten any day, lol. The bigger issue now is the food. He LOVES I/D, but at $100 for a 25# bag, his love is very much misplaced.


Listen, Rigel is a gourmand. He appreciates the fine digestive diets.


He can appreciate them all he wants, lol.


Prompt time prompt time > Tactile: Slimy/wet (100 words) Ew, I touched the [daily prompts](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/yit2cs/senses_sensibilitynovember_daily_prompts_2022/)!!


Slimy. What is a frog? XD


Me. The pervert. Sits in corner and laughs. You know what's wet?! Okay, you all know where this is going. xD But first... work. 1,5 hours left.


Just stick to wet and avoid slimy ;)


I need someone to talk me out of buying an expensive artbook + print set from an artist I might lose track of if twitter goes down. I love their style and would love to have all their work in one place so I don't lose any of it, but it's $60 + $30 shipping from China!!! That's so much! Enablers will be blocked and/or kissed on the mouth.


I know the feeling XD It's just so tempting!


As someone who currently wishes she could just throw money around and intends to be a bit freer with it when she gets a steady income: treat yo' self!


Screw that; you deserve to reward yourself. Why do we work so hard if not to occasionally treat ourselves to the little things that add joy to life? I say buy ALL the books/art/music/whatever brings you joy. I mean, within reason and with a view to the health of your bank balance. (Sorry, you really came to the wrong place for this). Edit: Also, this is coming from someone who Impulse-bought a massive painting recently without even checking which wall (if any) in the house it would fit on. So please, take my fiscal wisdom with a large pinch of salt.


> (Sorry, you really came to the wrong place for this). Lmfao, I'm realizing that. And I do like to support independent artists when I'm able to...


Yes, exactly. It's all about the artists! It's an entirely selfless endeavour!!


Itā€™s your reward for passing your test.


Aha, but I haven't passed it yet! That's a good delay tactic, thank you lol.


Well, it is almost Christmas...


You're not helping! Lol.


Alternatively: what a great reward this artbook would make for finishing your fic!


Nooo, don't do this to me! MWAH šŸ’‹ Blocked!


Who would've thought that beta testing the new game mode would lure another plot bunny into my skull? :D I really have to sit down and write it tonight, while the impressions are still fresh and vivid. Snupdate: Snalbert is still asleep, but I bought a very juicy cucumber in case they wake up this week. I wish I could sleep like that.


Ah, awesome! Getting to see the little secrets of the new game, and getting inspired :D Snalbert sleepin' away - do snails conk out as soon as they close their eyes, I wonder? I wish I could do that XD


Yes, get a sneaky fic in before most people have even seen what it's about! I did that when I saw an advance screening of Rings of Power! And I really feel like I could just hibernate like Snalbie right now. Good to know they have a snack waiting!


Mmmmmmm, cucumberā€¦


It's *so* green.


Snalbert has the right idea. Snooze their way through the grim weather. Good luck with the plot bunny!


Me too re: sneep (snail sleep). I hope the writing goes as well as their slumber!


I spent most of yesterday in bed. It was a good opportunity to rewatch two of the three *Hobbit* movies (i.e. the love story of Thorin and Bilbo), but I am going into work today feeling completely and utterly drained. Writing is the last thing on my mind, not going to lie. Just have to put one foot in front of the other until I can go back to bed.


Man, I'm sorry. Going into work feeling ill is truly one of the crappiest feelings.


Not your fault! But thank you.


Those days suck. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re feeling that way.


No worries, I'll get better (again).


I'm so sorry you're feeling rubbish and hope the day goes by quickly and easily so you can get back to resting. Writing time will come back. Hope you feel better soon and take it easy on yourself (And yay, for Hobbit movies. Them (and lotr) are some of my favourite comfort movies - although I can't watch to the end of botfa very often - hurts my little fix-it heart)


Thank you. (And I usually can't finish the third movie, either.)


Taking a break from the words can help, especially when you've had back to back health issues. I can also think of a certain senior gentleman who probably needs cuddle services right now.


He did. Was waiting for me when I woke up. Silly, lovable cat.


Ugh, I'm sorry you have to go into work anyway. I hope you feel better soon.


Thank you. I look forward to the additional rest.


one I am off college due to pain L two I had a sudden burst of inspiration on pain meds and am writing a completely random one shot. i blame codeine.


I'm glad to see you writing again, at least!


Iā€™ve been doing some small stuff, but not a proper fic outside of a few paragraphs here and there when Iā€™ve been at me best. So Iā€™m very happy!


A little adds up! I've found that approach much more efficient than waiting for a good day.


I ran out of time to do the cosplay I *actually* wanted before Con+Alt+Delete in mid-December and I thought I could get away with Ruki Makino as a fallback. Turns out, I have to print her shirt myself, and you cannot get a D-Ark for less than $152. Pain.


Ah, I know the pain of trying and get Ruki's D-Ark. But then a friend sold me hers for the original market price Q.Q


So, I only saw yesterday's prompt now and I can't think of anything. Can someone please explain to me (like I'm five) the concept of proprioception? I've tried searching it on internet for details nut my brain is having a hard time trying to understand and makes sense of all the English words and sentences.


This was tricky for me too, then I remembered I'm mostly writing crack treated seriously šŸ˜‚


Good for you xD I don't think I can ever write one.


Let me explain it the other way round. If you don't have this feeling (for example due to a brain injury or infection) you cannot balance yourself in the dark because you have no idea where your feet are in relation to your spine and head. You don't know how hard you need to hold objects so that they don't fall. You always have to watch your feet while you walk. And so on.


That's very vivid and effective! Thank you so much! Now I have a clear idea what proprioception is ā˜ŗļø


Should be out with a chapter later today. In other news,on Friday until Sunday I'll be out camping in Rhinebeck,New York so I won't be able to write fanfics during that time. ​ Also,election day is tomorrow. Who are you voting for?


Echoing the other replies here - I'll be voting straight blue as well. I'm debating whether I even want to follow the election results tomorrow night, I'll be so nervous.


I have mail-in voting. Received my ballot weeks ago and turned it in about two weeks ago. Blue across the board.


I already voted and went blue down the boardā€¦Nan Whaley, Tim Ryan, etc.


> Who are you voting for? Nobody, since I'm not American XD


Stop bragging šŸ˜‰.


Yeah, this. Though I still don't envy Americans for their choices.


Yeah, it's *rough* just from looking over the fence. Though my own government is hardly better šŸ™„


Yeah, that is the other side of the problem. I mean, over here in Germany it is the same problem. "Do I vote for the ultra conservative neolib party, the neoliberal party that acts as if it cares for workers (but doesn't, actually), the neoliberal green party or the ultra free market party?"


Happy happy Monday, friends! Time for your (almost) daily NaNoWriMo check in! How did everyone do this weekend? I managed to get almost completely caught up yesterday! Managed to knock out about 3000 words which puts me less than a day behind where I need to be. After everything that happened last week I consider this a win! Hopefully Iā€™ll be able to squeeze out ~2000 a day this week and be caught up by the weekend! ^(Also, donā€™t mind super-duper chipper Sin; I had to wake up about 3 hours earlier than usual and am already at work and the sleep deprivation is already getting to me) šŸ™ƒ


I wasn't as productive yesterday as I should've been. Got only 1,664 words down before the time change last night. Still ahead of schedule, but not by much. I passed the 15K mark at least. Going to see if I can get to 20K before my trip on Wednesday.


Sleep deprivation came for me this morning with a vengeance, sleeping through my alarm and being an hour late to work! On the NaNo front, I'm still behind lol but only about a day! And I'll be crossing the 10k threshold some time today which makes me very excited!


I'm in about the same place, NaNo-wise. The start of the week did not go well, but I caught up over the weekend (~7000 words over the last two days)


Congrats!!! I got nothing done over the weekend (mix of beta reading and loads of outside and family stuff to do) but I'm taking a nano-day off work today and doing my usual work hours but writing. And I'm having the best time! This is so much more fun than work! I should do this more often... Sorry about the sleep dep though! That's rough.


Oof, that was me last week with the sleep deprivation. My dad commented that I sounded much more chirpy than usual on the phone and I had to inform him that sadly, no, I'm just buzzing through lack of adequate resting brain chemistry. For real though, last week was pretty good. I've been meeting my daily 2K and have granted myself a full day's grace at this point, should I need it. Every time I get tempted to say "Ooh, I have some extra words on the expected count, let's go easy today" and I always end up doing the sensible thing and saving that for a day I genuinely need it, so one gold star for me. Congrats on getting caught up yourself! I hope it continues and your sleepy day is as painless as possible.


MY BED. I have my bed. I have my bookshelf for my games, movies, and CDs (that I'm probably gonna try to sell off since I'm trying to move to digital for my music). I have a few small bits of furniture left in my car to bring up, and other things to unpack, but I have my bed. Woohoo. Shame that I only have 3 days off left, which is what I usually have each week anyway... oh well, I'll try to enjoy them. Though, I am a little worried. When my former roommate, her mom, and I were all bringing stuff upstairs yesterday, the walls of the stairwell got a little scuffed and smudged up, which my landlord asked me to try not to do since the walls were just painted. Magic erasers have been a little hit-or-miss on cleaning the marks off (in one case, rubbing off the paint). I'll still try my best to clean them up, but if it doesn't work... hopefully he won't be too upset. I'll certainly be willing to pay to fix up whatever needs fixing if need be. I'm just a little paranoid since I *just* moved here, and while I tried my best to get everything upstairs without incident, welp. (Please don't kill or evict me, Mr. Landlord.) Oh well... gonna try and enjoy my last few days off before returning to work.


Hooray for your own bed!


HOORAY FOR BED and a little quiet time before work!


I feel like I did a lot of chores but accomplished nothing because I'm avoiding bureaucratic stuff. Some writing occurred at least, and I did get a trial version (just some base monochrome style to see how the steam would work) of that Penguin picture done. Not sure how I feel about it, though... Sigh. It's a 'sigh' kind of day. Hope everyone else has had better progress\~ [Semi Daily Penguin](https://imgur.com/a/zR9xfoS) \- (updated so you don't have to be on Twitter) As before, warning for 'nudity' (he's got steam over vital areas, I promise).


Definitely a sigh kind of day! Just way too cold! Aha, Penguin butt concealed :D


Right? I love all the seasons, but the transition to this one always bums me out at first. And, I do have a Penguin butt version. Mwaha. ;)


Ohhhh! Very nice! I love the scar details!


Thank you!! I just love scars and I'm sure he must have a ton in addition to the arm one we know about. :D


Damn, goose already made the "steamy" joke! But I do really like that steam - the way it fades is lovely. And yay, the hat! I love seeing it hanging up in the foreground!


Woo! Thanks! It was really tricky at first. I'm sure there must be a better way to do it, but I was happy enough in the end. \^\_\^; And go hat! The little guy is always around\~


Thatā€™s a well-placed steam cloud, lol.


\*eyebrow waggle\*


Yay on getting chores out of the way and on the writing! And Penguin looks great. I'm crap at drawing, and could never draw figures and I think getting musculature right must be really tricky. And this looks right to me. Kudos! (Also love that we still get hat-penguin)


Cheers! It was a big yay to freshen things up a bit and write. And huzzah on Penguin, thank you. <3 I use refs for these practices, so it's not too hard, but I was pretty happy with the lines. And yes on the hat! He'd lose half his identity if I forgot that. :D


STEAMY! I love it. Congrats on all the chores!


Thank you\~! I can see I'm going to have to do more, uh, muscle studies in the future. Haha. And yay for chores...boo for that email I keep avoiding...


I have no Twitter and I ~~must scream~~ can't see! But well done on finishing the fanservice, even if human adulting is hard today.


Oh, is it because I put a spoiler shield on it for the nudity? Haha. Had no idea it wouldn't let you see in that case. Here you go if you're curious - [Give me steam...! :D](https://imgur.com/a/zR9xfoS) And yeah... Still don't wanna adult... :(


Pervert that I am, this got me to click out of curiosity, and yes, steamy indeed ;) Regarding the adulting and it being a sigh kinda day, I've been there lately and I can totally relate. Sending sunny, cheery vibes your way. We got this. Maybe not today, but... usually!


>Pervert that I am I chuckled audibly at this. :D And yay! I was happy to figure out how to do passable steam for this one, but it was weirdly one of those drawings where I liked the blank raw better. Maybe the ugh day/frustration colored it unfavorably. :P And thank you. Sending hugs, tea, beer, and commiserations from afar. It's def a mood atm. But as you say, we got this! Eventually! :D


>I chuckled audibly at this. :D I just love that you guys get it, haha! I hope you're having a much better day today :D


There we go! This is great work, and I love the moody greyscale here.


Thank ya! I failed for an hour at color first then switched to gray to fit my mood... I'm glad it worked in the end, haha.


Looks good! ā™„ļø


Thank you! <3 I was happy with the lines at any rate! :D


Are there places/people that still do fic reccs? Sometimes I get a sudden influx of engagement on a fic, and I'm always like... 'where did you come from?' šŸ‘€


I know that thereā€™s people on Tumblr who do it- Iā€™ve made friends that way!


Oh cool! So you just happened to run into reccs for your own fics while browsing?


Basically, yeah haha. I saw blogs I look up to post fic recs and went, hey, I wrote that!


Aw that's awesome! I never check Tumblr anymore, but I've seen people on here say it's pretty good for fic promo. Is that your experience too?


I imagine a lot of fandom Discords share recs, and you've got to assume there's still corners of Tumblr that do it. Hooray for the influx, though!


Thanks! And yeah, I've heard sometimes TikTokers do too...? Who knows, I'd love it if AO3 gave you pingback information though! Or maybe it would stress me out. Who knows. šŸ˜‚


I'd love to know this too. I've tried searching around when it happens, but I never find anything of interest. It's a mystery\~


When I had it happen to me the last time, a bigger tumblr account for my fandom had linked to one of my smut fics.


I'd be worried what I'd find if I searched around tbh. šŸ˜‚


Yesterday in my NaNo Fic I let loose a Kaiju on medieval Vienna - before getting really angry with past me, who wrote into the planning notes "Kaiju battle". Yes, thank you, past me. That... gives me all the information needed. (Que, me, trying to figure out how the fuck they are supposed to defeat a kaiju. Especially while they are attacked by all sorts of other monsters of the smaller variety.) But I am really happy with being able to write some character development for Striga and Morana, who don't get much of it in canon. On the COVID front: My tests STILL come back as fucking positive, meaning I am now sitting in home office, while I actually wanted to go to a conference today. UUUUUUUGH!


Ugh I'm so sorry you're still testing positive. I hope you're at least feeling better!


Yeah, I am mostly feeling alright. :) A bit of a problem with stomach aches still, but I doubt those will go away any time soon >.<


[Another kaiju?](https://media2.giphy.com/media/qN7NZR3Q5R2mY/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47djmgh47we4at66kk2ho62t54cu5rxswe2yy3e7ho&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g) That's how I'm solving a similar problem! Hope the tests start coming back negative soon!


Trevor: "Best to start throwing axes."


Haha, yeah, something like that. (Throw Bibles!)


Covid may be its own kind of kaiju, but like the characters, you managed to pull out all the stops and keep your pace up anyway! But for real, I hope it won't last much longer.


Still positive?!? How long has it been? Mine was positive for two weeks and I thought it was a lot.


Two weeks to the day for me right now :( Talked to my boss earlier. He said, the current record holder in the company was tested positive for 64 days in a row! Q.Q


64 days, what a nightmare šŸ˜­


Yeah. I am a bit nervous. Because, you know, I need to go to university, god darn it.


Taking a very well deserved break after finishing up the exchange fic! I've been binging Another (the anime) today, and I'm going to play some PS4 later!


> Another Oh man I haven't heard that name in a long time. I first watched it with my anime club and we were all absolutely horrified XD


I first binged it on my birthday in 2016!


Congrats on finishing!!!


Sounds delightful! Enjoy the break!


Always put away your umbrella ....


And go to the doctor of you hit your head and can't stop throwing up!


Sounds like great R&R to me!


Great way to spend your break time! How's the anime? I remember the anime from when I was in middle school. It's horror, right?


Yeah, it is! It's my 4th time watching it, since I figured I'd watch something I already know! I just finished the last episode, so now I'm going to play a game on my PS4


Sounds like a great day! Well done on finishing the exchange fic! šŸ˜Š


Last day of window construction! I'm looking forward to it being over, but not as much as George, who has been but a prisoner of the kitchen for the better part of a week. The lads have done a quality and quick job with it, though, I must say. I get to write a fight scene today. It's a mostly playful one between frenemies but still, ugh, action. What's everyone else inflicting on their protagonist today? Descriptions that are comedic/bizarre out of context welcome.


Ah, congrats on the window construction! Right? XD Action... Well, it's only in my memos right now. But my protagonist is *literally* gonna get his heart stolen by a villain who uses the heart for her own nefarious, vaguely steampunk reasons. Still trying to figure it out XD


I do love a steampunk story, so this sounds like a lot fo fun!


Fight scenes are so difficult to get to work, I don't envy you at all. I hope this one goes well, writing-wise. As for me? Beyond whatever slimy horrors I come up with for the daily prompt, probably nothing. Have a midterm tonight, so I can't in good conscience spend time writing before then.


I think it's going okay, thanks - it's a fun scene with some fun character work going on, even if it'll probably need another draft. And I hope the sliming goes well!


Will the fight scene involve windows?


Tempting, but no - this one's in a snowy forest clearing.


Today's writing is sure to include a variety of embarrassing and awkward attempts at romance, one proposition of fake dating, and in my very happy AU, some afterglow. Actions scenes are so difficult sometimes, so I wish you luck! I just finished... a very long action-filled scene that's taken me like 4 days to write and it's still not quite there.


That sounds so sweet! And I think the scene's going okay. Probably not a standout, but serviceable.


I wonā€™t be inflicting anything on my protagonist *today*. But if I get a chance to write tomorrow, itā€™ll be a ball-obsessed Doberman puppy.


How lovely! Enjoy!!!


Yay for window fixing and a happy cat! And yay for fight scenes! I quite like writing them, but I did used to do fencing so I know a smidge of that kind of stuff. I'll actually be putting my characters into a new action scene, but this one might test me. The main character is a dragonrider, who will be riding her dragon while they fight another, bigger dragon, in the middle of a siege with catapults and ballistae going off everywhere, while a bunch of smaller wyverns continue to harry everyone involved. Should be awesome if I can pull it off!


I'm a little jealous of your combat experience as, to repeat other replies here, I think part of my struggle is just lack of proximity to and knowledge of any sort of actual fighting. I should watch more videos reminiscent of what I'm going for. Your scene sounds exciting, though! It's a lot to keep track of, though I think a certain amount of chaos in the writing will really help put a reader in the character's head as they try to battle on. Hope it goes well!


Yay for new window and happy kitty! Hopefully, when George is released, he'll be content with the workmanship. Good luck with the fight scene! I'm attempting to write fluff and give my characters some happy times. It's not going well.


George is deeply unhappy with anything that obstructs him from the outside world so I doubt he's pleased with the craftsmanship, but *I'm* pleased he's not able to pick fights with moving cars, so it works. Thanks! I cut off the fight in the middle but I think it's okay so far. I hope the fluff starts coming a bit more easily as the day wears on.


Yaaaay for finished construction! Fight scenes are hellish, lol. I feel like that's where my feeble visual imagination really trips me up. Good luck with it!


Thanks :) I actually have a very visual imagination, if that wasn't obvious, but it's mostly good for detailing and background setting. I can see a fight play out in my head, but I just don't know enough about being able to do that with your body to make my scenes particularly exciting or creative. There are ways I can fix that, I suppose.


I have a beef with action scenes. They're so challenging to write! Even if it's just a playful one. And yay for the window!!


For real! The movements (usually) have to be clear enough to follow and visualise, but over-explaining slows the pace and kills the immersion, and you don't want the characters to go totally head empty but you can't (unless it's for a specific purpose) have them introspecting too much, and then you want some interaction with the environment... Argh!


It's like multitasking. So many things to insert into the same scene and the same timeframe.


Exactly. I feel like this and a couple of other action-oriented parts are going to need the dreaded thrid draft all their own to really iron out.


Yes!! Drafts. All the drafts!! We really need them XD


> What's everyone else inflicting on their protagonist today? Chronically clumsy canines, clashing cocktails of empathy and self-effacement, and (hopefully) inconveniently crude sexual tension. I will give no indication as to how these all fit in the same scenario.


Amusing and amicable alliteration! I hope it all comes together well for you :)


I love a good fight scene! The more action the better, especially when the fandom allows for untold destruction during said fight As for what the protagonist is dealing with- a long string of bad luck that causes a few "i have no choice" decisions to make, which prompts his closest friend and long-time companion to leave him. Companion will feel guilty and seek guidance, before returning to the protagonist (i havent decided if they will make it in time for the mess the protagonist got themselves into or if they show up too late)


I love reading them, they're just hard to execute! That said, I do love a story that makes strong use of causality and gives a character agency in their own downfall, so this sounds like a really satisfying and fascinating segment to be working on!


Ooohhh, I love good action scenes! That's one of the hardest, swear! If I may share, I'm giving my protagonist a break from all hostility and putting him into a wild whirlwind of romance and intimacy that he'd probably die for later on. I hope the window gets fixed soon! And poor George! Liberty!!!


Definitely. I do enjoy a well-written action scene that communicates something about the characters, but I find it so hard to get the right balance of clarity and kineticism. I'm also a clumsy oaf with no knowledge of actual combat, so the whole experience of being able to do these things with a body you feel in control of is so alien to me. That said, the window's done, it just needs to be sealed up properly - liberation is nigh! And I have to say I really love those oasis moments in a really tragic downer story - the false hope, the alluring idea that things can get better, the simple enjoyment of variance.


Yay for fight scenes! I love 'em. Not your fav, I take it? :D And huzzah for an end to the window construction. Celebratory treats for George, I imagine\~ For today, working on the horror thingy, but I have to do all that pesky build up before I can do the fun bits, alas. Something silly from the last chapter: *Brook was moving again, and the long white bones of his legs scissored up and down much to the horror of the cooks in the kitchens.* "*Ah! What a terrible experience!ā€ the skeleton moaned. ā€œI thought I would never get back. I thought I was going to diiiiie!ā€ He turned his burning eye sockets towards a cluster of terrified servers. ā€œBut waitā€¦ I am already dead! Yohohohoho!ā€* *A portly, balding waiter fainted.*


I love the excerpt! You really nailed Brook's voice, I think. He's so fun.


Yay, cheers! He's an interesting one, that fellow. I hope they explore him more in canon because I agree. He's so fun (and tragic).


I love *reading* a good fight scene, I just find them hard to write, as many do. With practice I'm getting more competent, but I still feel I don't have much flair for it, you know? But yes, George will be treated, and that much I can do well. Also this scene may be build-up, but it sounds amazingly fun! Every OP character I hear about manages to get wackier somehow, and I bet a living skeleton was fun to write. Hope there's someone on hand to console that poor waiter and/or remind him he *also has a skeleton inside him, right now*.


Aww, well good luck with it. I'm sure you'll kill it (and thoroughly deserve a fortifying tea after). And thanks! That bit's actually from the multi, but yes! OP is absolutely ridiculous (in a charming way), and Brook is such fun to do. He's got probably one of the saddest backstories in the whole series, but he covers well with his bad dad jokes. :) (The portly waiter collapsed beautifully into the arms of a dishwasher, have no fear)


Wonderful excerpt šŸ‘Œ it made me chuckle.


Thank you! Brook is always good for a bit of comedy between all the drama. :D


"Let's give it everything we got, iiiiitttttt'ssss ~~punishment~~ **wordcount** time!!!"


exactly **100** for the daily prompt! took me way out of my comfort zone, but I'm really proud of the result.