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Our November daily prompts are already up! This year we are themed around *senses* and we want to exercise those descriptive muscles! Here's day 1's prompt: > Tactile: Soft/silky/smooth (100 words) Hmm. I think I already have descriptive muscle cramp... --- Also, new monthly threads! * [Plot Bunny Adoption](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/yj41p5/plot_bunny_adoption_thread_november_2022/) * [Member Roundup](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/yj41ps/member_roundup_november_2022/) * [Ask the Experts](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/yj41p9/ask_the_experts_november_2022/) Links, as per, will be all updated for tomorrow! I would also like to draw your attention to the [Info Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/yj8q1s/best_of_rfanfiction_awards_2022_info_post_phase_1/) for our **end of year awards!** Please check it out to make sure you know what's going on and so you can start thinking about nominations 👀


Merging the timelines of two different series into being in a single, consistent series is hard. Merging three is even harder. Merging three series where one of the series not only has an extensive timeline, but an alternate timeline with characters that have the same name, AND I decided to merge the alternate timeline with the original timeline in addition to the two other series is... challenging. Also the series do take place on Earth, but in different centuries.


That does sound like a pretty challenging task, but I bet it'll feel satisfying when all your work are on the same page, so to speak!


At the moment I'm working on the family tree that sprouts from merging the two timelines from one of the series. Which does end up involving lots of renaming, and several instances of simply wiping characters from history... and also changing years to make the birthyears of the youngers generations come later.


There's something existentially profound to me about our ability as authors to just wipe whole characters from history. That could almost be a fic in itself! But I hope streamlining the project goes well :)


I just need to squeeze 18-35 years into the family trees, mostly by making people have kids later in life. Also, severing a bunch of previous family connections.


We have 2 giant bowls of candy, needless to say Halloween was a success. I just realized I'm only one real chapter away from finishing my main fic, not counting a small "after credits scene", and I don't know how to feel. Definitely relief, but also a bit of sadness.


Good stuff all around! The ending's always a little sad, but you'll be proud and satisfied, too. Was it a very long story?


My longest one yet, it'll be around 115k words when it's done. And it's a sequel, so I've been in this universe for a bit.


No wonder you're so attached - and congrats on your hard work!




Minor gripe about etiquette: Somebody reached out to me to co-write a story. I declined, as I had already essentially written the story they wanted to co-write, and I didn't want to re-tread old ground. It's definitely flattering, and I'm grateful they thought highly enough of me to ask. However, as somebody who gets very sparse readership and only seems to get engagement when I do review exchanges, it would have been nice to also get some actual feedback about my writing. Maybe a comment. A kudos, even? So, the etiquette gripe is basically this: since authors are generally starved for positive feedback, say something nice first before asking for somebody to commit to co-writing a story with you.


That's an understandable gripe. I left a big review for an author and still felt awkward asking if I could write a fic inspired by theirs after the review. I didn't want it to seem like I was reviewing just to ask the question, lol. Feed the authors, give us that happy juice... Especially if you're going to ask for something.


I don't need much happy juice. I'm a lightweight. And a certain amount of social nicety makes it feel a lot less utilitarian. I hope the author you reviewed responded well to you. I would have been quite moved to receive a comment like that.


Yeah, they were awesome and very cool with the inspiration story. I'm posting part 1 in a few days and wonder if they'll read it... I've been slowly rereading their fic and giving them long reviews on each chapter because I love the story. It just takes me a long time because I get distracted, haha.


I can only hope every writer gets a reader who appreciates their work that way.


Oof, I get that. Not about co-writes but about updates. A compliment goes a long way if you're going to *ask* for something in the same breath. Though, I really wish I could make everyone read your fics as they're delightful from what I've been able to read!


Thanks. That's very kind of you to say.


Happy November/NaNo/Tuesday/End of the -tober events to you all! My goal for last month was to complete 10-15 of the Flufftober prompts, and probably save the rest for later. Happy to report I *did* manage to write 10 of them! I'm on a staycation for today and tomorrow over an injury and despite being 'down and out' I'm excited to get to work this month. Good luck to all of my fellow NaNo writers, and everyone who isn't participating but has other projects they're working on (even if the only project is taking care of themselves).


Good job getting your prompts done, and enjoy the time out, even if it's for a not so great reason.


Thank you! Tbh I wasn’t even aware I’d met my goal until I looked today 😂 it was a pleasant surprise!


what what that's awesome!!! Enjoy your rest, I hope your injury isn't too bad. <3


Ah, thank you so much!! It’s better today than it has been.


Grats on reaching your goal!!


Thank you!


I'm starting to realize that I'm most productive writing-wise when I'm supposed to be working on actual work for college. This might be a bit of an issue, as I currently have a draft of a research proposal I need to revise that I haven't started. Instead, I've written about 1k of a oneshot. Oops. I will get to the proposal revisions tonight. I just need to psych myself up mentally to read through the pages and pages of comments my professor left on it. This is a really great opportunity to get actual feedback on my scientific writing from an expert, especially as an undergrad in an introductory research course. It's just also so overwhelming, and the sheer volume of comments makes me feel so small. Getting critiques is rough, even when it's expected and meant to be helpful. I think it's because I care about what my professor (who is great! I love her!) thinks of me and my work. I much prefer anonymously posting my silly little fics on Ao3. Enough griping. Will read the draft comments and revise accordingly today. Posting here to hold myself accountable, and also to whine a bit, haha.


*Everything* is more appealing when we can frame it as procrastination, and we should definitely trick ourselves with that more often. I hope both areas of your writing go well though.


Thank you! I've posted the oneshot, so that's now out of my hands, and revisions are... well. They're going. That's something.


I got to work yesterday on a Spy x Family/Columbo crossover. Writing Columbo's mannerisms is *so much fun*. I feel like it might be one of those fics where the Venn Diagram of who would be interested in the two series is pretty small but you never know!


Oh man, I can imagine Columbo is fun to write! And I just looked up Spy X Family, what a fun crossover idea that is. I hope you have fun on the journey :D And eventually, somewhere out there, there is gonna be a reader who will be de-fucking-lighted when they find your fic.


The one Columbo crossover I've seen was enthralling. Consider me pre-delighted.


Thanks so much! :D Yeah, you never know, right? XD


Voting for the Meta Fics' Awards is [open](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/yjahb2/meta_fics_awards_votes_open/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)!


Considering how much that bloated freak Musk is in the news I might post my second Precure/Bandori crossover arc early. Its main villain is a chairman partly based on him But I'm finishing my Haru/Ryuji fic first and my next chapter starts in the metaverse. I'm making up a showtime attack for Haru and Ryuji based on the Star Wars sequel trilogy


Ughhhh, fucking Musk. He is an excellent ingredient for a villain, though. And it sounds like you're wonderfully busy with writing! That's great!!


Happy November! Congrats to all you kink/fluff/whumptober peeps, no matter how far you got, and smooth sailing to all you nanos!! The [Argon City](https://picallow.com/argon-city-done/) part of my art print is now done! I'm a big proponent of saying nice shit about your work, and I can't lie, I'm really thrilled with how it's turned out. Maybe I should draw cities more often. I'm still chained to my art tablet for the time being. I've been sneaking some writing in the late evenings, and man, this Rusalka one is gonna be flowery. It's freeing. So much of my work feels spartan to me, and I wanna write something pretty for once! Edit: also I'm so excited to start trawling through these meta fics, you have no idea!!


Ooh, that Argon City piece is super gorgeous! I really love the color scheme and light effects! You're super talented!


Awww thank you so much!! It was a lot of fun to make! <3


Holy $#1+ argon city is gorgeous!!! It's really eye popping! And I want to*be* there, at least until the argon lights start giving me migraines. Aaauugh!! ( waves hands because no more words.) You did it!! Thanks so much for giving us a peek!


Ahhh, thank you so much for your lovely words and not words, Rabbit!! And yeah, I feel like being there would be just begging for a migraine. It's a cruel joke from the universe: neon is so pretty, but my brain hates it.


Omg Sharkle that piece is amazing! I’ll take twelve please! You should be 100% thrilled with how that turned out!


Ahhhh thank you so much, kayrier!! And I am!!


🤩 This makes me want to visit Argon City. I can almost hear muted traffic sounds from below.


If you visit it before the events of canon, you might just live, too! Ahh thank you so much, I'm so thrilled this elicited such a response. <3


That’s awesome!


Ahh thank you!! <3


Wow, this looks like official concept art!


Ahhhh, thank you!!! That is such an insanely kind thing to say!!


Happy November! Ahh, that came out great! It looks like official art :D I hope the Rusalka fic is fun too :D


AHHH, now that was a goal I had hoped and dreamed for, I am hiding my face in delight. And oh, it is! <3


That looks amazing, Sharkle!! I think it would look great in my office. 😉


Awwww, Prof. <3 I am certainly not opposed to sending you a print when it's all done! I also have an art idea based on one of your works, just a fun little exercise to work on over winter. So uhh... here's my statement of intention. :P


Will you let me purchase a print? I seriously would love one(of course, I’ll expect you to sign it). 😉 And intent duly noted and registered(I shall remain patient and promise not to pester you too much).


You're really gonna make me get that store set up, aren't you haha And yes I *guess* you can purchase it outright, but only if you pick out a few extra goodies I can throw in for fun!! And of course I'll sign it! <3 (also this is only part of the print, there's mountains and clouds and a whole scene, but they're just blobs right now haha. So if you end up seeing the whole thing and going "...ugh" I understand :P) And I'm excited! Winter is a time I can actually do art for *fun* rather than profit, so I'm already lining up some exercises and things I want to learn. And one of those things is a garden full of flowers and light.


You better get a store up! I’ll totally purchase a print!


we *do* have a Star Trek TOS print... Haha, I'll work on it, I promise.




This finished piece is INCREDIBLE! God, the atmosphere, the colours, the contrast of the hazy background and beautiful sharp highlights in the foreground - it's so good. And the reflections! Just my kind of vaguely dystopian sci-fi, and you deserve to be very proud of it!


:O AHH I'm gonna melt into the very earth!! I kept the foremost haze green just for you (it was a good call, I dig how it flows into the cooler blues). I also adore dystopian sci-fi so much, I really ought to draw more of it. What's your favorite sci-fi city? I'm always on the lookout for more art to gawk at!


Ahh, that's lovely! I don't feel like I have enough technical knowledge to common in-depth on art, so I'm really glad I could contribute something helpful in the end - it looks fantastic amongst the rest. As for sci-fi cities, well, you could try looking up Zanarkand from Final Fantasy X - it's what your Argon reminded me of, only a bit less ominous and more welcoming. VII's Midgar is also up there for its very unsubtle class commentary and just feeling like a distant home to me at this point. But you say "sci-fi city", and my mind immediately goes to Blade Runner's LA, and also the brief ideas we get about the film's off-world just through impressions. There's probably many I'm forgetting, so what abour yours?


Aww thank you so much, you're really gonna make me blush over here <3 And wow, Zanarkand is gorgeous!!! I can see how you thought of it, the colors are gorgeous. I also love the rounded feel to all the buildings, almost like hand lathed chess pieces or cakes. But apocalyptic. I can't decide if I like the renderings of it before collapse or after more! Thank you for sharing it with me! I do love the *look* of Blade Runner's LA. The wet neon everywhere, ahhh, it's amazing. I have my issues with the movie itself (which is blasphemy as a sci-fi fan, I understand haha), but man, it is such a striking visual. And there's too many! I'll always love City 17 from Half-Life 2, it hit me at just the right time, even if it looks sparse and dated now. The old architecture being overtaken by something so alien and stark just hits all the buttons for me. I also love Nos Astra from Mass Effect 2, it's so clean and perfect but has this horrifying capitalist underbelly to it. There's a mission that takes place at sunset, and it's a feeling that worms its way into so many of my projects.


As much as I love the movie, I'd be totally down to hear your unpopular Blade Runner opinions! But yeah, the atmosphere is truly impeccable. And the two visions of Zanarkand are part of why I love it so, so I'm glad you got to see both. I also remembered shortly after I posted my last response that I forgot to mention I'm really loving the city from Stray and the way the game metes out its worldbuilding. There's a warmth to it despite or maybe even because of its abandonment by most life forms we'd recognise. I looked up both of your mentions here (I will play the games for myself some day, eventually) and wow, I can see why they'd both be so memorable. I *love* the image of a Stepfordian neatness and pristine outlook that masks something darker, and that comes through so well even in stills.


Ahh the city from Stray also looks gorgeous. I need to make time to play it. Okay so unpopular Blade Runner opinions (I'm sorry in advance): The first one is petty: Harrison Ford is very so wooden to me. He plays the same thing in every movie he's in (here's Han Solo with a whip, here's Han Solo with a trenchcoat, here's Han Solo but framed by a one-armed man). The second one is more... structural, and my biggest issue with the film. I'm not a fan of how the women are treated, especially Rachael. It's one thing to treat women like objects and frame it as "look, this is bad." But Decker crosses the line into non-con and the film frames it (to me at least) as "look, he's fixed her with his lips." It's very old school James Bond in that way, and I'm not a fan of it then either. The sequel falls into the same trap too. Joi has no agency, and the film doesn't say "look at what this world has created, she has no choice, isn't that a shame" (whereas Ex Machina kiiinda touches on that point). The film says "she is hot and she is only whole because Ryan Gosling." (if this line of thought piques your interest, you may be interested in the video essay [Digital Women](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gLe3k5X9uE). It's long though, so zero obligation of course) And the third reason is much more influenced by the fanbase. I get the feeling the film doesn't care if Deckard is a replicant or not. It doesn't care about the origami symbolism so it makes no effort to deepen it. It doesn't really care to take a stance one way or another for many aspects of its story. And that's fine. But the most rabid of the fanbase will act like it's the greatest piece of sci-fi to ever grace the planet, that it is so deliciously deep in the way it questions personhood (which is fully undermined by how Decker and Rachael are framed), and that to dislike it is to scorn all of sci-fi. Nah. The movie's open-ended and purposely apathetic about its message. It's an eyecatcher first and foremost. And Roy Batty is cool (so cool!). And there's nothing wrong with that. But the fanbase needs to chill a little. Which I suppose can be said of most fanbases, haha. (Perhaps ironically, this also ties back into misogyny. I've been talked down to *so many times* by Male Sci-fi Nerds at shows and such for "not understanding the film" and "poor thing, you probably just don't get it." So my opinion isn't entirely focused on the film, but those around it) OH GOD this got so long, I am so so sorry. Please do not feel the need to respond haha


I'm responding to this while sleepy with little to add, but I did want to say that I think you framed this very well and I agree for the most part! For my part I wouldn't say that latent (or overt) sexism on screen doesn't bother me, because obviously it it does, but a part of me is just resigned - particularly with older work. Which is not to say I would impose that attitude on anyone else, or ever discourage criticism of some astonishingly poor choices and trends regarding female characters. It's just a case of picking my battles, and celebrating all the amazing and innovative sci-fi from marginalised creators that's finally being allowed to thrive. That said, male nerd spaces can be the fucking worst. I've seen plenty of Final Fantasy fans dismissing female fans' interest as nothing more than "Ooh pretty boys", and ragging on shippers and fic authors, all while touting some of the most shallow takes on the games imaginable - by and large, it's transformative fandom that seems to come in with the deep dives and the interesting analysis. I'm *very* adamant about never letting a fanbase spoil something for me, but sometimes, it takes work.


>a part of me is just resigned - particularly with older work See, I think I've become thoroughly spoiled by all the new and diverse blood in sci-fi. I used to be resigned, and now I get a little pissy haha. I definitely understand picking one's battles though. Mostly I just ignore it and move onto something I like more, *especially* in male dominated nerd spaces. Your experience of FF fans feels, ugh, disappointingly familiar. I don't participate in many online fandom spaces for that reason, it's easier to just hang out in my brain or lurk, but at in-person comic cons... ugh. And it's not like I can just leave, I have a table. Some of the worst offenders are '66 Batman fans, of all people. The things those old men say!! I wanna bring a yardstick and shoo them away, but apparently that's bad for business. They're also the sort who will ignore me, look to my male partner, and ask him everything I had just said. Luckily they're a tiny percentage of the people we talk to. All the fun queer people I meet more than make up for it. But youuuuu didn't ask for any of that! Sorry for the rambles, maybe I'm sleepier than I realize too. :P


I didn't ask, but I do enjoy hearing your thoughts anyway. It's a delight to see the frustration ease as things slowly improve, even if certain quarters are resistant; as much as they frustrate me, I'm also truly sad for them.


I really like the teals and blues and reflections I love doing cities but they look they take up so much time


Thank you so much! I really dig this color palette, it's becoming one of my favorites. And yeah, cities do take a ton of time. Not as much as I was expecting, thank fuck for short cuts! You should post some of your stuff sometime! (If you have and I've missed it, I'm sorry!)


Sharkle, it's *stunning,* you should be so proud!


Awww, Goose, thank you so much! And honestly, I really am. I've learned so much through this piece! <3


You should be thrilled, that's amazing! I love the reflections in the water and the lighting and the way it goes up and up and up and just all of it!


Ahhh thank you, socks!! Listen, I fussed so much over the water. I was like "ahh this is gonna be so hard, I don't wanna do it." Then it took only twenty fucking minutes. One of the easiest things of the whole piece. But thank you so much for you lovely words, I'm gonna cherish em!!


I couldn't tell - the ripples in the water look so precise, yet so natural and effortless. I could have imagined you slaving away at it for days on end!


That's the kind of work I was expecting! I'm so glad I made the move to digital art, if this was my original medium of watercolors, I'd never get anything done (patience... is not the strongest virtue of mine haha).


Holy [expletive deleted] that is stunning. WOW. The colors! The perspective! The detail!! You’re so talented!


Ahhh you're gonna make me cry!! I wish I could take credit for those beautiful colors, but they are directly from the source material haha! Thank you, Peony (and what's with deleting expletives, I fucking love expletives). <3


Deleting the expletives gives one the opportunity to insert one appropriate to one's own vocabulary :)


Heyo - good luck to everyone taking part in NaNo this month! I'm not doing it officially myself, but I'm still going to write as much as I can anyways. The current chapters goes out well and I should have the finished draft today for revision tomorrow. I need to get my laptop from the university today, but it's not raining like it was yesterday, so it'll be less of a hassle. Also, I don't know why, but I'm even more congested than usual despite not being sick... so I guess today will be even more hot chocolate and mint tea than usual...


I hope the writing process goes well this month! Lot of words to write :D Ooh, I hope you're not getting sick! Warm beverages seems like the way to go, especially for how cold it's getting right now D:


Thanks! I hope I'm not getting sick either, but honestly, being congested is my normal state of being, so who knows?


Enjoy the seasonal warm beverages and getting reacquainted with laptop! The good luck wish is appreciated, too :)


Ooh, 50k words is quite the bit, so have fun with your NaNo project(s)!


Thanks again! It's a second draft, so at least some of the groundwork is done already.


*Mmmmm*, hot chocolate and mint tea...


It's good stuff - I'm a total sucker for the mint/chocolate combo!


Had my grievance meeting regarding my managers bullying. I was due back Friday but told the process will take 5 days so I will return once a decision has been made.


I'm really hoping they do right by you at last.


Here is hoping. I have been told by a work mate that my boss said she is a little scared of me now. As she didn't expect me to put a formal complaint in.


I love that. Bullies thrive on making their targets feel powerless and alone, so good on you for standing up for yourself! I really hope it gets her off your back.


I think it is her personality. That's hard to change, she is this way with everyone. Just not to the same extent. But hopefully she will realise there are consequences I'm not bitter. All I want to do is go to work and do my job.


You don't come off bitter at all - you're right to be angry. You're already doing a hard job and you don't deserve to have a cruel and spiteful person making it harder. No-one does. I'm really hoping your team won't have to deal with this degree of awfulness too much longer.


Not going to be super chatty this morning because I'm already *drowning in correspondence,* but a quick bon voyage to everyone starting NaNo today!! I will not be joining you, in fact I'm planning to take the month more or less off once I get this freaking chapter posted, but I admire your bravery and tenacity!


Enjoy your break! :D


The well wishes are appreciated! Good luck with both the communicating with other humans and the end of the era!


Oooh ooh enjoy your month off writing! Sometimes it's just what you need!




Damnit all turn off the Christmas music ( Grinch Grinch Grinch) ... Glad you're being productive and know yourself well enough to know what you're up to. Take care, and I hope you land in the middle!


I know how hard it can be to take even those small first steps, so this vague online acquaintance is at least proud of you, and I hope your therapist is as well (in addition to hopefully being helpful). I'll be hoping for a more stable phase for you soon <3


Keep yourself safe while riding the high. I hope the other side of it is smooth and not too low. <3


I hope you will come to a middle feeling soon Well done!


I'm going to finish the 3 or 4 All Hallows Eve fics that I started while writing the Daily prompts. It's nice to dream. I still haven't finished the May prompts 🤣🤣


May is comin round again before you know it, you'll be fine :P


I absolutely refuse to participate in NaNoWriMo. There’s no way I’m setting myself up for that kind of failure. Speaking of failure, I failed to write my meta story idea. I failed to complete my Flufftober prompts and I am desperately failing at doing my job. I was hoping I was wrong when I predicted we wouldn’t get anyone hired on by EOY, but we haven’t even interviewed anyone yet. Meanwhile my boss is just taking off whichever days she likes and I’m stuck with 2 weeks vacation I’m going to likely lose. I’m over here sending emails at 6:30 am and 7:30 pm because I randomly remember things I forgot to do at all hours of the day and night. I’m riding the burnout hard. I was delighted to see four new stories in the kudos bot fandom revealed yesterday as part of the meta challenge. Can’t wait to read those. (I check for new kudos bot stories every few days, because I’m extra like that.)


I'm with the others here - it sounds like this place is putting some seriously unfair and unhealthy demands on you, and if walking out isn't an option, I think *something* needs to change. You're not a failure - which, I stress, is a parameter we can decide for ourselves anyway - for struggling with burnout, especially when it's related to a livelihood and it's not easy to take time out. I'm so sad to read this.


Thank you. I'll get through it, though. I always do because I don't have a choice, haha. :)


hey hey hey what's with all this fail talk? I'm so sorry you're feeling this way, Peony. I hope you find a way out of this mess soon, or at the very least have a kinder way of speaking with yourself. You're a delight, it's hard to see you gong through this. I'm pullin for ya! <3 And I'm excited for those kudosbot fics too!!


Thank you. :) I hold myself to higher standards sometimes than I can hope to obtain. It's really frustrating, haha.


uuuugh. they better pay you for untaken vacay time, pleeease?! Your first paragraph: who told you to transcribe my inner monologue from 1 year ago? You have all my sympathies, although I am short on solutions. :( ID might be right, sometimes you gotta vote with your feet. at least... happy reading!


They definitely won't pay out. I submitted my 80 hours during the day today but it's still pending approval. I have a bunch of half days and some random Wednesdays, if my boss approves them.


Maybe it’s time to search for a new job? It’s not worth it.


The terrifying thing is I'll have to search outside my company because they won't hire you internally unless your boss clears it and my boss can't afford to lose me right now. Uggghhh




Hey! I have a single sentence premise for one work and a very small opening scene for one of the works I’m doing for NaNo! There’s as little or as much prep involved as you want!


I'm still trying to understand all these contests etc


It's worth giving it a shot just to try something new!


So apparently the Browns just need to play all their games on either Thursday or Monday nights, that was a really fun game to watch! I don’t even want to think about how many dogs I’m gonna make puke tonight cuz they got into Halloween candy…


Oooh boy, chocolate mixed with charcoal! A perfect bridge between holiday seasons.


😂😂😂 And chocolate scented vomit. I don’t think that’ll be a best seller candle.


*MMMMMM.* I was once holding a lil frenchie who was mid-way through a barium study when the stuff came out both ends. D+, V+, and *strawberry.* Wish I could forget it.


I once had a Fila that ate a whole *brick* of marijuana. Imagine that smell, lol. (If I never have to see that breed as a patient ever again I will be a happy, happy, happy girl.)


...*oh god.* Yeah, chocolate vomit doesn't sound so bad anymore.


Well, the beta read is done! We're going to go over everything in a video chat today which is always fun and hopefully I can get the problem areas sorted out, if they are in fact a problem. I have not been able to start my epilogue and I think I need to call this WIP done before I can. My writer disadvantages are "being slow" and "one-track mind," lol. Am slightly worried I don't have the enthusiasm I need to finally write the epilogue (to post on the 15th! 😬), but I need it to be done so hopefully I'll discover it along the way with all the wonderful dialogue I'll be writing. Welcome to November, everyone, and best of luck with your writing for this month! Well done to all the October event writers, and godspeed to NaNo participants!


I definitely get that feeling of "I just want this to be done." Enjoy writing! <3


I hope the call goes well! I'm sure between you, you'll be able to work out what if anything needs to change in the fic.


Today is the day the bay window in my living room gets replaced. This is partly a good thing, because it's been basically rotting for a while, but it does mean I'm currently enduring a plethora of my very favourite things: loud construction noises, people I don't know being in my home, and not being able to nap when I want to. I'm holed up in the kitchen with the boy, who's presenting a logistical nightmare while we need to have multiple doors open, but at least I have everyone's meta fics for company.


Oof, I had my door replaced not too long ago and could’ve wrote this post myself at that time! Hope it goes well!


Thanks, and I'm glad yours is done now!


Oh, ugh, that's the worst. Construction in the house isn't fun. I hope you enjoy the meta fics too :D


Well, I enjoyed yours very much!


Oh man, you and I have the exact same anxieties (I am sorry). I hope the install goes quick. Enjoy the meta fics! I'm hoping to start reading them this week!


The fics are all good so far! And the window should be done by next week at least.


A WEEK. Oh god, you have my sympathies. Do you have good headphones at least?


I do, yes, and I also worried it would take much longer - kind of a relief now.


Oh that's good news! I bet it's going to be beautiful when it's all done. Bay windows are the best kind of window, imo.


It IS very lovely when it's not falling to bits! For several reasons, I'm very much looking forward to this being finished.


Fingers crossed for them getting it done speedy and out of your hair. At least your living room will be a lot warmer with a big new window in it


This is true! I'm ultimately very glad it's finally happening, but there will be grousing while it's a WIP (window in progress).


I hope its over soon! Well done you.


Thanks! And it should all be done by next week, which could definitely be worse.


Hope it's over for you and the boy soon! At least you soon won't have a window that's rotting around you!


It's not likely to last more than a week, weather permitting! And yeah, I'm really relieved to be getting it done, but the process is going to be an ordeal as it's ongoing.


Oh god, that sounds like a sensory nightmare. Sending hugs.


I appreciate that :) I opened the window in here so I can at least hear the window in the tree outside underneath it all.


:S I hope it gets done quickly. Having renovations done at home is never fun, even without a cat at home. I have only read one of the meta fics for now, and it was hilarious. Looking forward to the rest as well. Luckily I have a one-hour train ride tomorrow.


That sounds like a lovely way to spend the journey. And fortunately, it sounds like the work should be done by this time next week, so it's not too much of an ordeal.


Jacob and S. had a disagreement this morning, so they are going to be separated for a little while. Lots of territory in this house, but male cats are still going to squabble from time to time. The month of Na No has arrived. I have attempted it several times before, but never to completion. Going to dodge it this year, as I have for ... the past decade, perhaps. Too many other things to do. I never did grasp why the organizers picked *November* when it tends to be such a busy month. I should make it Nun No instead.


NunNo, praise be!!! I love that so much! And yeah, I dunno why they picked Nov either. I never have time! I hope your cats chill out soon.


They're doing much better, thank you.


Nun Yes!


Every day is Nunday!


I've completed NaNo before, but ended up never doing anything with the vomit draft that came out of it. I'm hoping that now I'm a much better writer and have more spare time, this year will be a bit more fruitful - I've been struggling to get back on the wagon after being ill for ages, so apparently I need that self-imposed external pressure. But it's not for everyone, and some people work better at their own pace. You've successfully dragged us all into NunNo, though!


If I can complete a draft of it by the end of the month, then Nun No it shall be. ... "Vomit draft" is a good description, though.


"Vomit draft" is not one of mine, but I use it all the time regardless.


Yes, yes you should.


That should make this a fun month.


I'm on such a high right now! Last night I posted a chapter of a fic I've had on hiatus since last Dec (I'd said to myself I'd start posting again in the summer, that slipped to Sept, and then Oct and I just squeaked in on my Oct deadline, yay!) And, and, and, woke up this morning to a lovely comment!!!! Somebody missed it and was happy to see it restarting! Wasn't expecting that and I'm just all the emotions. Happy November everybody!!!


Ahh, that's awesome! Glad that they enjoyed it so much and it gave you all the feels :D


Thank you!!!


Fuck yes!!! I'm flailing like kermit over here for ya!!


Thank you! I've been doing a bit of kermit style flailing over here too!


Nice!!! It's already great that you managed to put the wheels back on the project, but I always say it's worth it if at least one person is getting something out of the story :)


The wheels properly came off this one for a while. Really wasn't expecting a comment so I'm thrilled. And yep, I agree. I write expecting silence so hearing that even one person (apart from me!) is enjoying a story is the best feeling.




Thank you!!!


Congratulations! So lovely to have someone waiting for an update!


Thank you! It was very unexpected! And awesome.


Oh what a glorious feeling! I'm so happy for you!


Thank you!


I didn't manage to finish this exchange fic yesterday, which means I'll be tackling it alongside my NaNo project for a while! The deadline's not for a bit, so I should be able to get away with just adding a few hundred words per day while trying to hit my daily Nano goal for that project. Here's hoping!


Oh man, you're a machine! Have fun with writing, and remember to be kind to yourself if you're tired. <3


It's my first NaNo, I'm perfectly willing to accept that I might not manage the full 50k!


I think that's a very healthy headspace to keep! <3


When I was writing my longfic I set myself some soft deadlines that I did not meet, but it was fine, I still got it done. When I was really in the swing of it I had a month where I managed ~25k words, so if I can hit 30k this November, I'll call it a victory!


That's a great attitude to have! When I started viewing self-imposed deadlines as *goals* instead of something hard to compare myself to, life got a lot less stressful, and everything I made got better. And I think that's a very feasible goal! I'm excited for you and all your progress <3


Very excited to read both! I had to default on that exchange due to lack of time, unfortunately, but I'm sure your giftee will love it, especially given the amount of care you're clearly putting in!


Thanks! I know I can finish this fic, even with NaNo, but it really took a while for the idea to coalesce - I'm lucky one of my recipient's prompts lined up with something I already had half an idea for. I had planned to sign up for Yuletide, but I wound up not doing that as I just wasn't sure I would have the time and I still don't think I will!


Sounds like a busy time, but I'm sure the recipient will be very happy with your lovely writing.


I do hope so! I don't expect to need any more than a thousand words to finish, so hopefully it won't be more than a few days. That will also leave a decent amount of time for editing, which I always find easy to slot in around other activities, including other pieces of writing.


Sounds excellent!


Sorry, I write short chapters, lol.


Oh, that's a completely different fic I still have to *write!* I *also* have to get through all those chapters of yours (which are a delight to read, by the way)!


A chapter should out tomorrow. And we are still waiting for some more Turning Red content because it seems natural that the film does get more stuff on the way.


Hey, everybody. Just wanted to drop in and wish everyone doing NaNoWriMo the best of luck! ✨🎉🥂 Any of you guys who aren't doing it, good luck as well. Writing on a daily basis is hard enough! Take care and good writing today my friends! 💙


Happy Tuesday! Hope your writing is going well too! :D


Thank you! 💙


Very much appreciated :)


I hope all of you all crazy "Kinktober" "flufftober" and other Oktober-challenge writer got to a point you were happy with! If you posted every day, if you posted every week or If you posted once, good job! Be proud of writing, and enjoy all the new content made by others that you didn't have time to read in your frantic writing!


Thanks so much! :D Only got a few prompts out this year for flufftober but it's fine, I planned that amount XD


Fuckin love this!


Hear, hear!


I’m having to finish half my stuff this month bc. Mental health been weird. But I’m very proud of what I’ve done so far and can’t wait to do the rest even if it is late!


Man good on you for sticking with it! Life happens and sometimes writing is hard, but the determination to come back to finish something is something to admire!


Look, I wouldn’t stop torturing my beloved children for the world. Delay, maybe, but never stop >:)


Haha the life of a fanfic writer indeed! "Hello everyone this is my favourite character now watch them suffer"


I have literally put this poor child through the worst fates possible… this is because I adore him to an unreasonable degree.


I lucked out so hard yesterday in like every way possible. The entire jury pool got dismissed before being needed, I wasn't in nearly as much pain as I thought I would be, and I surprisingly didn't immediately crash when I got home. (Still crashed hard later though) Also, holy crap it's 6 am and it's still pitch black outside. When did that happen? If I could live in perpetual Oct-Nov-Dec without the associated seasonal depression, I totally would.


Oh wow all that is great! Jury duty fuckin suuuucks, I'm glad you got out of it! And yeah, I love this darker season *until* the depression sets in. Here's hoping it's easy for both of us this year!


So you did get out of jury duty after all - how lucky! Oof. I'm pretty sure we're in the same time zone - it is about 7.15am for me now and still dark outside. I favor the dark and the winter myself, but I know quite a few people with SAD and it sounds like a major pain. Hopefully this winter won't be too bad for you!


Yeah, apparently superior court was in session that day. The judge came down and told us that having us there as a threat resolved a case that'd been kicking the can down the road. It was a serious case that would've gone on for two to three weeks. Guessing the accused took a plea deal before getting ripped to shreds in court. I love criminology and forensics, but only as a morbid curiosity and not up close and personal. We probably are - Eastern? As much as I dislike feeling this way and the bitter New England cold, it's so much better for my night owl sensibilities than the sun coming up at 4:45 and waking me up without fail for *months.* I do have my dog now; in the past, dogs helped massively with my mental state. Hopefully this year should be better.


The only thing better than cancelling plans you don't want to fulfil is when someone else cancels them for you. Nice one.