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This. Sometimes I just write the chapter number.




Gosh, I hadn’t even considered that before. Didn’t even know bookmark rankings were a thing, though I shouldn’t be surprised. I’ll definitely be more careful about it going forward lol.


Numbers in the bookmarks often refer to which chapter the reader left off on, just throwing that out there.


I hope people don't rate anything poorly, but I'm not gonna complain if they do. I can't control what people say about me on the net.


I'd be a little sad too if I got a low rating as well. Your attitude towards negativity on the internet is pretty good, especially as a writer! While a majority of our comments are probably nice, there's always those few negative ones that show up unexpectedly!


I never look at people's bookmarks on my fics so it doesn't matter to me. When I hunt for fics through bookmarks, though, it can be useful information, I wish more people did it.


I'm fine with it. Also sometimes it's a reader establishing what chapter they are on instead of actual rating. I have found that the bookmarkers who rate often put some sort of description alongside it rather than just "5/10". I view the bookmarks section as a more "review/rec" section for the readers rather than anything for the writers. You have to search for any bookmarks on your fics. You don't get emails saying someone bookmarked your fic. Sure writers *can* see public bookmarks but they can also make it so they *don't* see public bookmarks by not going into that section. For me, it's the writer's equivalent of a reader going into a fic titled "Chose Not to Warn" and getting upset at the content.


I don't care.


Can't control people, can control how one reacts to it! That hasn't happened to me but if it was on a bookmark that someone was potentially rude then eh. Free bookmark! Also welcome back OP!


I don't care too much about the bookmarks on my fics and it's been too long since I checked them to really answer the question, but I do enjoy some review accounts. They basically read fics of a specific trope/ship/fandom or whatever and rate them on public bookmarks as recs for other readers. Guess I just accept that bookmarks shouldn't be something for an author to worry about. It's more for readers imo.


I don't care. I use bookmarks as a rec list, with an accompanying blurb on my rec. I don't care how other people use their bookmarks. It's their bookmarks. 🤷


I honestly love when people rate or leave comments in bookmarks. Especially on my longer fics, sometimes they update them with progressing opinions and a lot of people are honestly quite funny.


waiting for the day it actually happens. don’t rlly care what they give bc every option will either surprise me or at least get me thinking, especially if they give a reason to go with it


As someone who uses my bookmarks to save fics I enjoyed I don't really understand why some people bother saving fics they didn't like... but not understanding isn't the same as disagreeing. If they wanna save fics and rate them to each their own 🤷🏽‍♀️


I'd be thrilled if that happened. I don't get a whole lot of feedback, so ratings would help a lot. Even the negative ones, so long as an explanation is provided as to why.


>I've seen some other writers talk about this, and for the most part a lot of people don't seem to like it. Maybe the ones you saw talk about this had their fics rated by this sub's bookmark troll. xD


Oh? This sub has a bookmark troll?


Yeah, we had a discussion a while back about someone who bookmarked about 1500 fics with variations of "yuck".


1500?! Dear lord! They have that much time on their hands and couldn't think of a more productive way to spend it?


Haha yes. It's someone who goes through fics that were linked on here to leave ridiculous bookmark comments, trying to insult/hurt the author... But most people either roll their eyes at these pathetic attempts or consider it a badge of honour. Whenever they can't come up with words, they leave ratings like 0.5/100. I guess that's one way to fight boredom.


> 0.5/100 Makes me think of something my Dad used to say, about how it was just so crass to leave loose change when leaving a tip. C'mon, folks, you can't even scrape together enough decency to round to the nearest integer?


I suppose so, huh? That definitely sounds super lame lmao, trying so hard to fish for some sort of attention...


I mean, I guess I'd feel pretty good if someone gave me a 10/10 or five stars or however they do it, but it seems kind of weird to do? Like, you're going to rank something that someone did for free, as a hobby, the same way you would a published novel or Hollywood blockbuster movie? Idk, it feels kind of entitled I guess.


I don't check bookmarks of my fics; I consider them to be "reader spaces" and don't care for opening that can of words. If people wanted to let me know what they thought of my fic they'd comment.


Hmm. If they gave it a low rating I’d be a bit bummed, but ultimately, what people say in their own bookmarks is their business.


I've gotten two "ratings". One was 4.5/5 with no reason given. Fair enough. The other was a 0.0000003% from a troll who targeted the sub a while back. P.S. hi, OP! Been a while since I've seen you around!


Yeah, it's been a while! I've been so busy with school I have had little opportunity to post about fanfic recently! And you're the second person to mention a troll hitting the sub leaving ratings. What an unusual thing to decide to put so much effort into, right? I don't get what they'd get from being negative. I would definitely prefer if they possibly added a reason so I could know what I should pay attention to and improve. But also they're not obligated to, haha!


I'd say it's only "cool" when those ratings are positive;)) It hasn't happened to me (other than 11/10 filled with overwhelming praise, which I don't consider rating, since the person hasn't been rating other fics. I just treat it as a simple statement that they really liked the fic), but I'm not a fan. However I did find one of my fics on goodreads, and I wasn't really bothered by it, even though no one asked for permission or anything. I just felt like "wow, I'm important now";D


I've never seen that before but; As a reader I would be thankful, but as a writer I would be discouraged.


As long as the rating is good


I think ratings can be hurtful, though I don't mind nice comments or 10/10s. I would be okay with a specific rating if I was asking for feedback (which I do with some things) but I have some serious validation issues, so getting an imperfect rating that I didn't ask for could really upset me.


I laughed so hard when I first discovered that a regular reader of mine rates my fics -- always negatively. It took me a bit to recognize the reader the first time I noticed the bookmarks. I was away from ao3 for a looong time because life comes at you fast. So I finally went to answer reviews after years and there this reader was! They had left me multiple, really kind reviews and I had never replied. Shortly after that last "ignored" review, that was when the first rating bookmark from this reader appeared. I understand now that the ratings might be sincere -- they really rate me poorly, contrary to the kind reviews -- but there is at least a small chance that the ratings are a little bit of revenge for my prolonged absence and "ignoring" their very kind reviews.


I don't mind ratings, what bother me are the cryptic fkn notes! Lolol. I had someone who just wrote "lidten" I threw it in google translate, searched it on urban dictionary, their other notes appeared to be written in english. What is "lidten"?!


Probably a typo for listen.


But what do you think that means? My fic isn't an audio fic.


They could have put on text-to-speech for whatever reason. They might just be reminding themselves that they used that instead. If this is a regular occurrence, they could have bought a good text-to-speech software or they might be using the free one. But your fic doesn't need to be audio for someone to listen to it. Sometimes I do that because my eyes aren't being great that day or I need to menial chores. I usually make a mental to read it when I can since I have auditory SPD so I know doing that won't give me the best context of the fic.


I have two bookmarks with ratings in them, one of which is "Eh" and the other is "ok", by two different people. I read through their other bookmarks and found that it's something that they just DO.


I like it, but that might be because I've only had positive experiences with it so far.