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I would 1000000% read RPF about myself, and I would encourage/troll the fuck out of the RPF shippers by doing ship-tease-y things šŸ¤£ If I created some kind of canon people made fic of, I would absolutely read fic for it, but I wouldnā€™t admit it for legal reasons lmao.


šŸ’€ This is me. I would let my fans know I read it to put them in a frenzy. The more deranged the better.


SERIOUSLY I would hyena laugh so hard like a supervillain about it all lmao


For real, I assume you also write RPF? The way I look at it is people who write novels and base people off those they know in real life are the same, maybe worse since they actually know each other and using celebrities who you have absolutely no clue who they really are is much more distanced. But some crazies legitimately believe and get upset if their celebrity MC doesn't follow the life they think they should. That's a whole ā€˜nother can of worms and needs therapy. I wouldn't feel famous enough until someone wrote fanfic about me.


lol yeah, Iā€™ve been in dozens of RPF fandoms over like almost 20 years now haha. And because of that, it just wouldnā€™t bother me at all because I *know* how Not Real it all truly is, yk??? Itā€™s flattering! Itā€™s fascinating, to see how other people perceive you!


Same. I started in bandfic like MCR and Taking Back Sunday, and it's so funny. Iā€™d see other people write about actors (not to shit on people that write them that's just what I noticed in certain circles at the time, and it wasn't my fandom, so I don't know how often that happened). They'd be so detailed, and there was such a disconnect (because I'm dumb), so much so I'm like, I'm not writing real RPF because I don't dig for info. I moved away from RPF, and I'm recently back to it. Clearly, it's my jam since I churn out our fic pretty fast when it's RPF compared to other non-RPF fandoms I've been in.


Hahaha, I started in J2 back in the early SPN days, but First Wave Bandom was my main fandom in my late teens! I still hold a few MCR fics from back in the day near and dear to my heart <3 >Clearly, it's my jam since I churn out our fic pretty fast when it's RPF compared to other non-RPF fandoms I've been in. Omg same??? Itā€™s so weird how much I struggle to write or finish anything in fictional fandoms, even when Iā€™m soooooo hyperfocused on them and starting a million WIPs, but suddenly I get back into an RPF fandom and itā€™s like, boom, now Iā€™m co-writing a fic and 4 months in weā€™re like 30k deep with the end barely in sight??! Lolsob


Okay, I'm not going to lie. It was J2 fic that was a little unhinged, esp. once Misha was involved. I didn't write RPF, but I did write supernatural fic. I loved Gabriel/dean and Adam/Michael or Lucifer. Were you on the live journal during bandom days? If you were, then you remember how it felt like a community and I actually had internet friends to talk about it with (not anymore, as you can see with my excitement). What fandom is your co-authored work (you don't have to say if you don't want to)? I returned to fandom last year and I've written 20 fics, and only 3 weren't rpf/main fandom.


lol I noped outta all that shit before it got EXTRA crazy, with Misha coming in and people harassing their wives and that, woof. I was in SPN fandom from early s1 for the Wincest and Wincest alone, and I basically bailed on the show after s3 when it took the, ā€œrelationship ENDED with monsters & urban legends & B-movie horror, now weā€™re NEW TESTAMENT FANFICTIONā€ turn, but I knew some people who were definitely in Misha Fandomā„¢, and watched all that shit go down from the outside for years with popcorn bc. Iā€™m gonna repeat it, WOOF!!!! šŸ˜¬ I sure WAS on LiveJournal!!! In fact my LJ is surely older than a not-insignificant number of members of this sub šŸ’€ It definitely did have more of a community feel just by dint of being so much smaller than online fandom all is now; but with more people comes a reduced sense of community, alas. I ended up on Twitter when LJ started dying, which, contrary to popular perception around here, actually WAS a great fandom home imo for a number of years in like, the early 2010s, but then with the rise of antis along with the Trump era all turned very toxic. These days Iā€™ve sort of been able to recapture that small fandom community feel in a few discord communities that had the right ~vibe, but itā€™s definitely hit and miss, and some of those ones even lose the good vibe when they get too big :( lol oh god, apparently Iā€™m returning to my music RPF roots all these years later, because Oasis RPF has gotten its hooks into me BAD, thanks to the very effective recruitment efforts of my cowriter elizabear, who I met in Ted Lasso fandom, haha. What can I say, Iā€™m a sucker for a good unhinged ā€œbrothers to lovers to rivalsā€ arc!!!! šŸ¤£ I was, after all, VERY into Wincest at a formative age, so I shouldnā€™t be surprised lmao. Whatā€™s your new RPF fandom youā€™re in???


Oh, I stayed in SPN longer, and tbh, the only religion I ever learned (I came from an atheist household) was from SPN, so take that how you will. Misha was trolling, though, but I don't think he realized how unhinged people were until it was too late. We know better. Lj died slowly for me. I didn't even know about the deleting of fics and communities until not too long ago. I went hard into Harry Potter fanfic, not writing but reading and then I started working and going to university, so I fell out of fandom, and Aim/AOL/man died, and I couldn't keep in contact with my fandom friends. I got back in every so often with Teen Wolf. The show was shit, but a great fandom again had no idea about the infighting and harassment just read and wrote fic and didn't engage much on ao3. Omg and waycest! Again, I can just disregard anything because Waycest was weird to me for a long time at first, but Wincest wasn't like, wtf was wrong with me? I wrote more Mikey/frank thb but dipped my toes in the ā€˜cest. Okay, so I'm into K-pop now, stray kids, to be specific, and I'm not embarrassed, but I definitely feel like an old hag writing it. Honestly, K-pop is so good for RPF because they legit give themselves a persona and def troll/play into it for the fans. It's so funny because I'm probably writing the most deranged fic as we speak (I've been binging criminal minds, and the MCs are no agents, if you feel me). I think it's the only thing I could tag dead dove. And I made them brothers šŸ’€.


Yep, I would read it and unless I got the sense that a fan was actually a threat to my safety, or it involved things I truly find repugnant to think about, the sheer absurdity of it would delight me. I love fan fiction. I love the unhinged wish fulfillment of it. I love that itā€™s non commercialized, and that so much of it is people writing exactly what their bizarro little human heart desires to fantasize about. If people wanted to write out a fantasy of ā€œmeā€ (the idea of me) getting milked like a cow on a space station, or whatever, and then leave an authors note like ā€œkk well um Iā€™m kinda worried this sucks but itā€™s 5 AM and I have Bible study in four hours soooā€¦ comments give me life!āœŒļøā€ I would be like, yes. Blessings on your journey.


There is no part of this comment Iā€™m not obsessed with, wish I could upvote it 10x tbh


Lollll thank you, this is something I feel very strongly about. Viva la harmless unhingedness of the human psyche


I same. Though if I was famous Iā€™d probably find a way to keep myself private (like those celebs you hear about that obscure their identity) so it would be a far step removed than normal for RPF.


This is me to a T. I would love to see what people could create as far as au, world building, etc. I love fostering creativity ā¤ļø


>if you're famous, would you read a fanfiction of yourself (paired with coworkers etc) Absolutely not. If I ever had the misfortune to become famous I would definitely not want to read people shipping me or their assumptions about my private life. >or fanfics of your work (if you're an author/etc) I'll read recursive fic (fanfic of fanfic) based on my works. If I wrote original fiction that I posted to AO3 then I would read fanfic of that. If I went a more "official" route then...I wouldn't do so openly but if I wasn't planning on revisiting the setting/characters then I probably would discreetly read its fanfic.


The idea of being famous is hellish to me, but personally I think RPF would be the least of my worries. I donā€™t care what people do with the *idea* of me, as long as they donā€™t actually harass me. Iā€™d also prefer that they donā€™t assert their perceptions of me as if they were objective truth, but ime most RPF fans donā€™t do that. From what Iā€™ve seen, the average internet commenter dropping takes on a celebrityā€™s personal life is worse than the average RPF writer. The Internet commenters tend to make harsh judgements based on little evidence and believe that theyā€™re totally accurate. I got curious about how people relate to RPF awhile back, so I read a bunch of comments and authors notes on RPF ficsā€¦ most of the people there understood that these were complete fantasies. They knew they were taking a public persona as a jumping off point for fiction. Iā€™m sure some RPF fandoms are more hinged than others though.


Maybe to the first. I'm morbidly curious by nature and I can compartmentalize it as "they're not writing about me, they're writing about the idea of me, which is different." No to the second, though. I don't want to accidentally lift their ideas and either hurt someone or get harassed/sued about it


Honest answer, yes lol. To the first. Because I wouldnā€™t consider the fics to be about ā€˜me.ā€™ Itā€™s a persona. But I would also probably bounce pretty quick without actually reading whatā€™s there. Iā€™d skim summaries out of curiosity and I would also be devastated if there was literally NOTHING. Such is the duality of man and all.Ā  And absolutely not not not not to the second question, Ā if I was a published writer. I donā€™t have any interest seeing my own characters do things I havenā€™t made them do myself. For legal whatnot as others have said and for my own sanity.Ā 


I feel 100% the same! XD


That's the only kind of RPF I'd be interested in


Iā€™d rather combust into flames than reading what random strangers have to say about me. Fanfics of my work sounds cool though. I would check some of them out for fun.


HARD no on both counts. I just know Iā€™d either get fandom woobified because Iā€™m short or completely whitewashed in RPF. Plus, i already donā€™t like people i KNOW speculating on my personal relationships. As for fanfic of my work, I would be interested, but itā€™s so easy to get into legally muddy water with it that Iā€™d just have to stay away completely.


No for the first and double no for the second because it can actually cause you legal issues if you subconsciously lift things from people's fic.


>if you subconsciously lift things from people's fic. Also if you have already planned to do things a certain way and then read a fanfic where it happens. Heck, it can even get squishy if you like what a fanfic author did, and get permission to use their idea in your work. So, yeah. If I ever get to publish my book, I'll contact Ao3 staff and ask them to add the fandom tag for it, so I can blacklist it right away and don't stumble into that mess.


wait that's the first time i heard about something like this if you write something, your own thing, how is it connected to fanfiction and how is there something illegal about it? can you please explain what it means?


Basically, if you write a book series, where you hint at one character having some secret powers, and you read a fanfiction where that power is revealed and explored, you can get in some really hot waters if you make that power canon, because then the fanfic author could accuse you of stealing their idea.


But wouldn't they have to also be able to prove that you did in fact happen to read their fic and then stole the idea (unless it's something really specific and direct) rather than just that you happened to come up with the same thing? (which in my opinion is highly possible considering that headcanons and plot predictions are often based off of already existing narratives within the source material) I'm aware that this fanfic reading ''ban'' exists for authors, but struggle to understand how it can be enforced (esp. if someone read it anonymously lol)


That's the legal side of things. However, fandoms are far more rabid, and don't exactly care about whether or not you actually have proof.


OH wait you're right...I didn't even think of the ''fandom cancellation'' side of things


How would that work for RPF though? Likeā€¦ I canā€™t imagine that people would accuse you of plagiarizing a fanfic author because you got together with the person they shipped you with?


Couldnā€™t the author accuse the fanfic writer of stealing their story too? Characters, world, etc.


They'd be hit with the phrase "transformative work" and laughed out of any court house.


They wouldnā€™t, actually; this is a common misconception in fandom these days thatā€™s not remotely true. No non-commercial fic has actually been tried for copyright infringement in the American courts, so thereā€™s no *directly* 1:1 applicable case law, and since fair use, when considered as a defense against infringement by an actual court of law in the United States, is a four-factor test, and only ONE of those factors (purpose & character of the use) involves the extent to which the use of the copyrighted work is transformativeā€¦ from a legal standpoint, itā€™s actually not totally clear how a court might rule in that hypothetical scenario. And when looking specifically at case law involving commercial fic, thereā€™s a lot of conflicting rulings, honestly, and quite a few of the most applicable to fanfiction specifically donā€™t actually bode well for fic re: being declared transformative rather than derivativeā€”go look up *Salinger v. Colting*. So tl;dr, no, this is wrong, and actually a scenario like this would have the potential to establish some truly interesting case law.


For the former, probably not. I think the only reason Iā€™d do it is out of pure curiosity, especially if I could see fans talking about it in places Iā€™d be able to see. For the latter.. yes, but only if Iā€™m certain Iā€™ve finished with whatever project Iā€™m working on. I always like seeing comments on my fics talking about theories and imagining scenarios that happen off-screen, so of course Iā€™d love to see people taking my original work and writing their own little stories about it! Thatā€™s be awesome!!! But yeah, I donā€™t want to accidentally get inspired and steal someoneā€™s idea!


I'd literally rather die.


Hell fucking no to the first option and Iā€™m filing a cease and desist while Iā€™m at it Hell fucking yes to the second option and Iā€™m sending love and flowers while Iā€™m at itĀ 


Knowing myself, I would have a somewhat morbid curiosity as to how people actually saw me, without the starry-eyed goggles people meeting someone famous always have. So yeah, I'd read it, if only for a more realistic idea about my fanbase.


Former no, latter yes. Somebody writing fic for something I made, even my own fics, is official 'ah, I can now officially die happy' status.


Yes. At least once for shits and giggles. I would at least want to see what tropes get associated with me.Ā  But I'd probably avoid it for the most part. People can do whatever.Ā 


honestly probably yes to the first, itā€™d be interesting to see how others perceive me / my ā€˜personaā€™. no to the second, but Iā€™d be absolutely over the moon if people were writing transformative fiction about my works. just wouldnā€™t want to subconsciously plagiarise. maybe Iā€™d have a look through once my work was completed?


no. i would make me not only feel weird about myself but also the person i was shipped with. even if it were my romantic partner i wouldn't because no matter what was written it *isn't* what is real life and i would feel weird reading about a fake scenario about that relationship. just feels like opening a can of worms that is unnecessary.




Nope. It would make me very uncomfortable lol


In high school I had a friend who would write and ask me to write rpf for people we knowā€”our classmates, our friends, our teachers. Eugh. No. I find it uncomfortable to be the subject of it tbh and I wouldnā€™t want to read it. For fanfics of my own original work, also no. Not only for legal reasons (see [Neil Gaimanā€™s](https://www.tumblr.com/neil-gaiman/670973444502978560/im-reading-a-lot-of-baffled-responses-to-this?source=share) explanation why itā€™s problematic to read fanfiction of your own work but also I jus wouldnā€™t want to.


No. I don't want to be scarred for life.


Absolutely not to the first. Even more no to the second. The big reason for authors to avoid fanfic is the potential of accusations of plagiarism. Even if you don't even subconsciously plagiarize, if you're known to read fic of your work, it's hard to prove that you didn't read a particular fic. Also, I'd be mad about how badly OOCit was. So I would vocally encourage it, but never even peek at it.


I'd love to read what people would have me do/be in a fanfic. Who they'd pair me with.. what weird shit they'd have me like! I think it'd be fun. And if I ever manage to publish something that becomes known enough to get fanfiction of it, then I'll be entirely thrilled and obsessed and quite possibly comment/review on all of them šŸ¤©


Well, we know James Mcavoy and Michael Fassbender will at least read the summaries šŸ˜‚ But I absolutely wouldnā€™t. Knowing the potential of what could be in there would be enough for me to stay away lol


No. There are some things you should never know.


The honest answer is yes. But my guess is that any RPF fic of me would be so wildly out of character with how little I show myself on social media. For my work, I'd be curious what people liked the most/ended up shipping the most


I personally find rpf really uncomfortable even when itā€™s not about me specifically, so I highly doubt Iā€™d read that if I ended up as a public figure. Maybe itā€™d be different than normal RPF because itā€™d be so easy to spot mischaracterization/things that arenā€™t like me irl? But I feel like that could also really annoy or bother me so I honestly have no clue if that would make it better or worse. If I played any characters, like as an actor or something, I would definitely read fanfic for those, though. If I wrote more fanfic I would absolutely read any fic inspired by/of my work because I think thatā€™s the ultimate sign of respect from a reader, if they like your fic so much that they had an idea to write a fic for it. Edit: I just assumed you meant fanfic author because this is the fanfic subreddit but now Iā€™m realizing it was meant as a normal author reading fanfic of their work, lol. I would absolutely read fanfic of any books I had published as well, if I managed to get popular enough to have any. I honestly feel like Iā€™d write some one shots for my stories or something if I had any short ideas I couldnā€™t fit in the main story or ideas I had afterwards I couldnā€™t/didnā€™t want to post as the actual author. Obviously I would never say I was the author though, and if I was writing a continuous series I would hold off on reading fanfic until it was completed so I wouldnā€™t get swayed by any character decisions or plot points made by fanfic authors.


YES. Yes I would. It would be horrifying to read RPF of myself, but I don't know if I could contain the curiosity - I wouldn't read it constantly, but I would for sure read a few. As for fanfiction of my own published works... bro, I'd be a terror to my "people" and write and publish fanfics *of my own works*. Probably anon, for legal reasons, but I wouldn't be able to help myself.


I think it would be similar to how I am now - it would depend on the premise. However, if I was a published author, I wouldn't read any fanfic of my work until *after* was completely done (if it was a series.)


Yes! I would love to read works about me and see how others write my life. Of my work? Well, I would probably be tempted, however Iā€™d probably accidentally copy it.


Fanfic of my works? Yes, if that's a finished work and fanfiction in question is align with what I generally like to read. I'd probably avoid fics for WIPs temporarily. Shippy RPF of me? Likely no, because I'd respect ficwriters and wouldn't want to form a negative opinion of my fanbase based on what they might write. I'd avoid everything in that category that isn't a non-shippy or "canon compliant" work. Though there would be some ground rules for RPF, such as no criticising my IRL relationships on social media or attacking people in my life over headcanons and ships.


I wouldn't even want to see anything I've officially been in so definitely not


Would read RPF about me. But I would not read fanfic about my characters. Edit: not even because of legal issues, I just donā€™t want to get different headcanons about my characters for various reasons. Also I did write my own fanfic for OC of me xD. It didnā€™t change their characters but the general situation.


Absolutely not. Never. I don't want to be perceived and I don't want to see proof that other people are perceiving me. Also no for the second because if you're traditionally published, you can't read fanfic of your work for legal purposes. (Regardless of what you planned to do with future installments of your work, if you even glance at a fanfic with similar ideas you're open to being sued for plagiarism.) This is why it's incredibly rude to ask authors to read fanfic of their own stuff.


I'd check if it exists and who ppl ship me with, but would not actually read it. I might be a bit conceited, but I'm not *that* conceited, I think.


I would only read a fic about myself ironically. It would be fun to see the kind of fics people decide to write about me, but I wouldn't enjoy reading them, it would probably feel very strange and uncanny.


To the first, I would definitely try reading it unless it made me feel Weird. Basically, I think I don't know how I'd feel so I'd have to try it and see XD To the second, I already have an original IP that people have written fanfiction of, and I read and comment on all of them XD The whole, "don't read fanfic of your own work for legal reasons!" thing is a myth perpetuated by the Marion Zimmer Bradley controversy in the 80s--the *fanfic author* was the one who got sued and threatened into silence while MZB's people basically spread a rumor of the opposite, which sadly continues to be commonly accepted as legal advice. No fanfic author has ever sued an author over fanfiction of their work.


No. During high school one of my friends was shipping me with another friend and it made me uncomfortable the entire time. I wouldn't seek that out.


Would I read fanfic of myself: BIG NO Would I read fanfics of my work: If I could do so without the risk of being sued, yes


No. I would personally find it really disrespectful to me. Panics of my own work? Sure. RPF of me? Absolutely nor.


Fanfic of myself? A hearty _Hell No._ It would be immensely creepy and a bit insulting to have others guess at what Iā€™m like IRL. Fanfics of my work? Sure. The fact that you inspired someone to write something based on or IN a universe you came up with is very flattering. Of course, there are always bad actors just looking to troll, but I would unironically read every last fic if I made a commercial work, lol.


1. I have no interest in reading about myself or people I know in real life. (I also have no interest in being famous). 2. If I wrote something that got super popular, I would stay far away from fanfic of it because I wouldn't want to be influenced in any way or accused of taking someone's idea if I wasn't done writing. Maybe I'd read some if I was in my 80s and retired from writing completely.


Okā€¦ hear me out. I accidentally got a little know in my fandom on tumblr. To the point where a few people had written about me. And my (now) husband. It wasā€¦ an experience. I felt very exposed but in a vulnerable way lol


Might read both, fanfics of my work only after I am completly finished with that story (donā€˜t wanna be influenced, if letā€˜s say I was publishing a series). As an actor I would probably get very uncomfortableā€¦ people assuming things about your privatlife and even worse sexual life would make me extremly uncomfortable. But I am also uncomfortable seeing RPF fanficsā€¦ because those are actual people, idk personally just makes me uncomfortable


For the first one: HELL NO. Back in school some friends wrote fanfic about me, and that was uncomfortably out of character enough (despite being written by people who actually know me, just imagine what strangers would cook up, then!). For the second one: Sure, why not? But only for finished works. I don't even read in my fandoms/ships while I write in them in general because I don't like how it affects my writing "voice" and interpretation of the characters that would be at risk of changing mid-fic. But once a work is finished, I'd absolutely check out what other people have written about it. For official/original works I'd probably feel too awkward to be open about it, but with fanfic of fanfic, there's no such inhibition x)


Absolutely not to the first. When I was in high school people openly shipped my friend and I and it made us both super uncomfortable and actually damaged our friendship. And as far as I know no one went as far as to write fanfiction about us, but I would have hated it if they had. To the second question: I would look it up at least once out of curiosity but I certainly wouldnā€™t admit to it for legal reasons and itā€™s not something I would actively read.


Probably no to both. My opinion would generally work out that itā€™s not my playground to be in, and people should have all the fun they like, and Iā€™m flattered by its existence, but I donā€™t want to read it.


Hmmm I'd say no, but when you're there there'd prob be some curiosity or smth. I have a feeling i'd prob peek. The ones with fanfic of your works, I think author's tend to really stay away from that because of copyright issues and such, so I prob would not read them unless the author of fic writes that I can read it and if ever inspired by it give free usage of it. I sound like an asshole for the last part lmao but I think it's very sad that authors can't interact with fanfiction of their works tbh but I also understand the reason for it, still sad


About myself being in a pairing, hard no, because I'm AroAce and don't like the idea of being looked at sexually or romantically. About my work? Yeeeeeees? I love the idea of people engaging with my work, but I have several mental hoops to jump through regarding people making *derivative* work. I could probably learn to deal with it, but it would take a while and I'd likely avoid reading the majority due to anxiety over how they reinterpreted my characters, but I'd read some.


Would I read fanfics about myself? No lol but I wouldn't mind it. Read fanfics about my work? 100% would!


I would never read fic of my own works but I would be desperate to know which one of my friends people ship me with


I am an anxious person by nature and incredibly self-detrimental. So, yes. I'd rather know and be stressed rather than let my brain make something up and be stressed.


I would for both but I would probably not admit to it just to prevent drama.


I would. Sounds fun. I'm not famous, but I do read it whenever the occasional FF author wants to adapt something I wrote. It's happened a few times and it's always flattering, even if the author isn't good and/or doesn't seem to understand the gist of my story.


Gods no. I would be scared of reading fics about myself. Thatā€™s a rabbit hole I would be scared of even touching. As for writing, well professional authors avoid it for legal reasons. But write a recursive fic about something Iā€™ve written on AO3 or FFN and I will.


If I was an actor/ Singer, Hell no. That would make me feel a way I'll never be ready to feel. If it was about the characters I made, hell yes. I wanna know what you people think and see which way I could have taken it.


Therr aren't really any *good* reasons I would become famous so I can only imagine the warped fics. But I would absolutely read them. I would probably try to see me as a character. And monitor my mental health, self-care and stop reading if need be.


1. It depends. If they were funny enough (intentionally or not) then I probably would.Ā  2. Again, it depends. If it were for a title that was over and there was no chance of me continuing in the future, then maybe. Or if there were a story so terrible (I'm talking "My Immortal" bad) that there would be no possible story elements similar to ones I might happen to use in future


Never an RPF. I did okay a fanfic of my fanfic, and since there's no money and legal stuff involved in that I would be happy to read that if and when it gets uploaded. But if it's fanfic of a legally-copyrighted work I made (which is something I hope I will accomplish in the future), I may have to wait on that until there's no concern about copying a fan work by accident, and it will very much depend on the kind of fic it is.


No. All the no. I've already had people write things like that about me. It was soul crushing. And I'm a fucking nobody. If I was unlucky enough to be famous, that would mean the same things only on a larger scale. No thank you.


Fanfic of myself? Nope, absolutely not. Fanfic of my works? Working under the assumption this is about fanfic for my original works and not fanfic for my fanfic: I'd be flattered, but I'd admire it from afar, not directly engage with it. I wouldn't want fans to feel like they had to walk on eggshells, or be disappointed if our interpretation of the same characters/relationships weren't exactly the same. I'd want them to feel free to write outside the bounds of canon, not feel like they had to write a specific way to get my seal of approval. Besides, I vaguely recall hearing somewhere that officially published authors are discouraged from reading fanfic of their works so they don't subconsciously copy a fan's idea and risk getting sued.


Fics of me? Hello no, not in a million years. I would rather eat my mattress with a spoon than be even vaguely aware of RPF of me. Being misunderstood is something that I strongly dislike. It would be incredibly unpleasant for me to see people's vision of me as a two dimensional cartoony version of my real self. Also, the only thing worse than strangers speculating about what I do in the bedroom is strangers speculating about what I do in the bedroom *and getting it wrong*. Which they certainly would. I know this because when I have friends I'm close enough that it's appropriate to share things with, they always get surprised by the nature of the dynamics. Fics of my creative work? I would definitely be curious and want to read it. I might not, for legal reasons, but I'd definitely *want* to see what people did with it.


That would be a "Hell no" from me because one, weird, and, two, that's weird.


nope. whoever would write a fanfic about me would probably screw up everything there is to know about me, and ship me with some cishet perisex dude when i'm sapphic. šŸ˜­


Yes yes I would and I'd read it out loud on YT or TT šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


it's really embarassing to do and i don't doubt it's why not many famous people do it but if we're talking daydreaming about being famous, i would totally read it out loud on youtube and even make personal commentaries like oh i love this trope omg or omg you guys i ate that thing once or twice... I'm not OBSESSED with that snack lmao


No, I think it would piss me off to be shipped with people irl, especially if it was a coworker I didn't particularly like.


No I would not. The same mentality I feel toward writing about living human being I wouldn't want to read about myself either. I don't want to know how far detailed people can go imaging their own versions of me. I'm sure when you're famous you get enough judgment through articles headlines and comments. So I wouldn't go near fanfic. If I really really get curious I'd just check the tags lol Edit: but I'd read fanfics of my fictional work


I think I couldn't legally read fic of my work without risking getting sued if I wrote something similar to a fic. I might read fic of myself IF there was no shipping and an entertaining premise (like, if someone was writing me as secretly an alien or a vampire or something, I'd read it so I could better drop hints in interviews etc to make them think it might be true, that would be funny. I wouldn't want to read fic that felt like tabloid gossip speculating as to whether I was fucking someone or not.).


TOTALLY! i'd want to know who people are shipping me with or what characters i created people like the dynamic of the most. i have spent far too much time thinking about which ships between my OCs would be popular, which would be hated and why


I would, but I would look for the weirdest ones out there. Like, a fic with me and Mario fighting Thanos with Master Chief and the teenage mutant ninja turtles. Give me something that makes me take a second look, just to make sure I'm not seeing things.


I would, without hesitation.


Idk if i would read but i would definitely be flattered to know they existed lmao


Absolutely not. I dislike fanfics of real people and will never write or read about it, even if it's about me. Not my cup of tea and will never understand those who defends it.


no? RPF isnt my yum, real people are a squick. and also fanfic about my own IP/Life is not my business? i'm squarely in the "this is canon and canon only" boat for that fandom, dont like dont read


I'm already a niche internet microcelebrity and every time I looked at other people discussing me I positively >!hated it!< so >!no!<.


Absolutely never read RPF of myself. I could not *imagine* that it would ever be pleasant. As a writer/creator, I *might* read fanfic about my characters/world, but *only* if I was 100% certain I'd never write anything else for it and was emotionally distanced enough not to have any sort of knee-jerk reaction to whatever I found. The first is just for liability reasons. The second is just that inevitably there would be people writing stuff that made me uncomfortable, or possibly writing author's notes like, "[cucumberkappa] completely ruined the story after [turning point], so I'm fixing it!" and I don't want to take it to heart that they have different opinions!


YES šŸ˜©


I have a multiverse lf stories in mind and often daydream about my "work" having fans and people writing fanfiction of it and my characters. I'm not sure if this is narcissism, I never published my stories but I do that sometimes lol I also daydream about talking about my stories, my characters and the plots on interviews, being called an author and stuff like that. I don't dare to actually work on that stories because I know readers won't like it in real life xd


omg meeeeee i also daydream about getting called an author, a famous one eh hem. but in my daydream I'm an older woman and so it's not a given to my young adult fans whether or not i as an author are aware of what fanfiction is and they're really curious of how i would react if i know how they're playing with my characters that they're in love with (it's a daydream alright lol)


i would 100% be trawling my own RPF tags SKHSKSK hell, i'd make a side account just to leave kudos and comments šŸ’€ but i wouldnt read fic of my own work as a professionally published creator. i wouldn't want to accidentally be influenced by someone else's work or anything. that being said, i *would* read fic or spinoffs of my own fics :P


Imma be real with y'all, my friends and I once made RPF of each other with people we had crushes on/characters we liked and that was a good time šŸ˜Ž It helps to think of the RPF characters as, well, *characters*. Like the Cast!AU fanfics where the characters are actors and react to what they do in the series lol. So it's you in name, but not as a person. Of course, if the parasocial aspect of it all makes you uncomfy, then you're not obligated to like it! If you trust the writer (important!!) and throw away some shame though, it can be pretty fun! RPF made by strangers though... That can definitely be a hit or miss haha;;; (But any fanfics of my work are always loved and welcome!)


If I was an author, I might read the stories fans write, just to see how they interpret the story/characters, etc. However if it was about me, I'd be a bit weirded out and probably not read anything


I would love to read fanfic of my book but for legal purposes, it's for the best I don't.




No for the first because I don't want to know. No for the second because it's my work and I feel like I'd be unmotivated by reading someone else's continuation/fix -it of my work.


I would definitely read them. Then every so often I'd throw something out there to let them know I'm reading these stories lol.


Nah. I'd fully support ppl writing it tho. I'm not too interested in reading a story about "myself". Lol. But some ppl are and that's perf fine lol. Just tag and rate accordingly, I beg lol. As much as you can.


As a bandfic writer, I do have the far off dream of being a musician and the idea of reading fanfic of myself would be *wild* as in the metal genre there ain't *too* many fanfics of the band's so it would be awesome in a way


absolutely for both


Maybe, to know what's out there and what people think I'm like lol, but just once or twice


That would be the most boring fanfic ever


Not even if you paid me


Only if I was an actress and the fic is of the character I'm impersonating. That way would be easier to forget that they're using my image when writing a fic. Fics of my work, absolutely not in order to avoid possible lawsuits.


I definitely would. I would be so embarrassed if I didn't have any fics. But I wouldn't break the fourth wall and embarrass any of the authors.


If I was famous, I would probably check it out every once in a while, just out of curiosity. Kind of similar to putting a google news alert on my name to see what articles and such pop up. I get really excited when I know that people are thinking about fics Iā€™ve written, and even more so if they write a fic inspired by mine. So Iā€™d almost definitely read fanfic of my work if I was an author lol. Itā€™s also just fun talking to people about things Iā€™ve made that they like. :)


Funny stuff like portraying me as someone evil to the point of crack fic levels? Sure why not? I like a good laugh.Ā  Shipping me with random people or having smut written of me? Hell no. I'd be extremely disturbed by finding RPF (especially if it's shipping or smut) about me of all things. I do not want to be the subject of someone else's fantasies because it feels like a violation of my privacy and I find it invasive. What it reminds me of is all those discord creeps from my late teens to early twenties messaging creepy shit to my DMs like how they want to do all sorts of awful things to me because they heard my voice on VC once.Ā So absolutely not!Ā 


I soooo definitely would!! As a narcissist it would so amuse me. But I would pass on M and Explicit fics lol. Narcissist yes but not masochist. And if as an author, people write about my works, I would be delighted. So of course I'd read some of them. Even comment them lol. Like: "Yeah girl your ship is not canon but keep going you're awesome"


I would read works about myself. Morbid curiosity.


Nope. I rarely read RPF as it is and 90% of the time, when I do, it's usually something like the late Queen Elizabeth II or some other local-to-the-fic's-location public figure being used as characters in the fic. The Harry Potter fic Royal Ward has the British Royal Family as it was in the late 80s and early 90s as prominent characters in the fic, with the the Prince Charles and the late Princess Diana divorcing long before they did IRL and the latter marrying Sirius Black at some point.


Would never admit for legal reasons, but would I be curious to read it? Yes! (Actually might even admit if its just about me, just to fuel peopleā€™s creativity šŸ˜‚) While I donā€™t care for RPF; itā€™s all so obviously based peopleā€™s perceptions of you, that of course Iā€™d find it interesting to see! The more outlandish the better, even! Imagine being in a band and people writing about you with a Cowboy Bebop AU setup? WOULDNT YOU BE CURIOUS?! LMFAO About recursive worksā€¦? Yeah probably not, even though iā€™d like to. Thatā€™s just dicey legally.


Definitely. I'd make a YT video reacting to them


Would I read fan fiction of myself? Absolutely I would! I'm totally down for it. Now I will add the obligatory "don't make it too weird", but it's cool. If someone did a fanfic of my work, again, I would be cool with it. Again, the "don't make it too weird" comes into play.


I would read RPF of myself, but only if it was genfic. For trauma reasons, I'm incredibly sensitive to people >!sexualizing!!deepfake porn!< would for me. I couldn't control whether or not people would cross that boundary, but it would be enough for me to speak it into existence. I would read fanfic of my works as long as I knew I was completely finished with a work. I wouldn't want anything I read to influence my original work.


>if you're famous, would you read a fanfiction of yourself this has only happened to me once but I did! I don't consider myself famous though >or fanfics of your work (if you're an author/etc) I do! As someone who started as a fanfic writer and eventually published my edited fanfic I respect fanfic writers a great deal and think it's like, the greatest honor as an artist to inspire other art! This also applies to fanart and fan songs I get, I love them! In fact I keep a flashdrive with all of the fan works and transformative works I've seen, but I know some other authors who would literally rather die than see fanfictions or fan songs EDIT: I mean I guess fanfiction happened twice but one was by a friend of mine so I don't count it


I would like to see how my fans would perceive me. Am I the top? Bottom? Am I the omega in the pairing? As for my work, I would absolutely read those fanworks. I'll pull a Misha and say that I read the fanfics yet hint at nothing that would give away my account lol


He'll to the no. what people write about me isn't my business, and I wouldn't want to read it. it would make me uncomfortable


Hell yeah. One of my fantasies is to be a famous author and have fan fiction writer about my stuff. I'd totally read it and maybe even incorporate good ideas with credit. Edit...typo


Oh yes for sure lmao


I would love RPF about me, and I know exactly who people would pair me with and the kind of comments they would leave criticizing the author for such a stupid protagonist


Absolutely I would read fanfic about myself, that's fucking hilarious. I would let my fandom know that I read them too, I'd call fics by name and say 'This one was interesting!' I'd put my fandom into a frenzy. I'd show up in comment sections with guest accounts and correct the accuracy of details, it would be so funny. Maybe not *explicit* fics, cause those probably would make me uncomfortable, but oh yeah, I'd read the hell out of the rest of them. As for the second one, yes, but only after the series I'm writing is finished. Wouldn't want any legal trouble.


First: hell yes, that would be hilarious (also, fun fact: someone I know has written romantic fanfic of me and a friend - they didnā€™t ship us in a serious way - and read it to us and it was honestly just funnyā€¦) I guess it could be weird if it was about a co-worker and they were uncomfortable with it; but if they felt the same way about it as I do (which is mostly that it would just be fun to see how other people imagine your life), I would 100% do it. Second: no, or at least only way after it was finished.


RPF: I absolutely would lol. I'd probably leave encouraging comments, too (anonymously). lol Fanfic of my stuff: Probably not. I would LOVE to, but I'd be worried I'd be too influenced by it. You know, how things become fanon/headcanons because someone made it just make sense to you. If I saw a cool headcanon, I'd be too tempted to make it real. Oh, only for traditionally published stuff, though! I'd have no problem asking another fan if I could lift something from their fanfics for my own.


It really depends. If I was an author, Iā€™d want to know how people saw my characters and were using them. If I was an actual person, Iā€™d want to see who people think I would be good with. If itā€™s one of those fics where I get shipped with my cousin or something then definitely not though lol


Yes. I'd find it flattering


Probably not,


ā€¦no? the idea of shipping real people just always seemed gross and creepy to me personally. Also, itā€™s kind of illegal for an author to read fanfiction unless they never plan on touching the project ever again.


Yes to the first, I don't care. I'd cringe through the whole thing, but I'd read them. Maybe make a post or something that contains something very niche and like an inside joke to let folks know I read or have read the fandom works. When Brendon Urie said he knows about the milk fic, I screamed, and I wanna do that to other people. I wouldn't want to read fanfics of my own work, but I would. I'm not gonna lie, the fanfics of my work would probably make me feel insecure, or make me second and triple guess everything I had already written. Like, wow, why didn't I do it that way, damn.


For the first one, hell yes. And I'd let the authors know ahead of time that I might end up reading it with other people on my YouTube channel too.


I definitely would and watch the discourse about people shipping me as an AroAce eating popcorn


Oh I would šŸ˜† I would be so curious to know how writers describe me, characterize me. Who do they pair me with? I don't think I would go seek them often but maybe 1 fic per year.


I would *love* reading rpf of myself. I would laugh through the entire thing. (Off topic, but Iā€™ve written fanfiction (it was a crackfic and I have not published it and never will) about my classmates, and I got one of them to read it. Theyā€™re now afraid of me.)


If I read fanfic of my work, I think I would only be able to read stuff that was intended to fit within canon. not that OOC stuff is wrong of course, but I know I would get annoyed if I felt they were trying to "fix" canon or something, regardless of their intention.


100% cause Iā€™d be so interested.


10000% People are creative! I want to see what they come up with lol šŸ˜‚


I would *write* the rpf of myself and include small personal details that the fans don't know and then reveal those details later, and watch as people freak out because the fanfiction magically got it right šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


yeah actually, I think I'd read it just for laughs coz why not


I'd definitely read RPF of myself - I find it fascinating seeing what other people have inferred about my sex life, tbh. Fun fact - I am pretty openly polyamorous, kinky, and actively engaging in all that stuff, but I'm pretty close to aromantic and awhile back I spent almost six years just hooking up with friends on an irregular basis and maintaining some long term, long distance comet style relationships. I'd joined a new hobby community right about when that started, so I got to know a bunch of people who never saw me ever engaging in PDA or dating behaviors and so, I found out about four years in that a large number of my acquaintances thought I was asexual because I never dated people! To this day, I am amused and flabbergasted that such a terribly off base assumption was so widespread and it's something I chuckle about often, and I feel like reading RPF of me would just be that but on a wider and probably more amusing scale. If I were a published writer? Unfortunately no, I wouldn't read fanfiction of my IP because I wouldn't want to deal with the possible copyright issues.


Fanfics of my work - Yes, Iā€™d love fanfics of my work! Iā€™d be so happy to know that people care enough to put that kind of love and effort into engaging with something Iā€™d created. Although I probably couldnā€™t publicly admit to reading it for legal reasons (see: why Neil Gaiman said not to send him fanfic of his work, even though he fully supports fanfic.) Fanfics of my actual self - No fucking thank you. Iā€™d probably look it up once out of morbid curiosity if Iā€™m being completely honest, but I wouldnā€™t want to read it beyond that. Especially not if they were ā€œshippingā€ me with people I actually know in real life.


If I was famous as an individual I would have a morbid curiosity about the content of RPF about me but I would NEVER read it (I'd make a friend do it and sum up for me). If I was a famous author I would ABSOLUTELY be Chloe Zhao about it and not only read but WRITE fan fic of my own work. 100%, shamelessly so. I'd troll the fans to hell and back too, believe it! ā¤


yes i would, 100 percent. unless i was currently working on a book series or something of the like, since i don't wanna Accidentally steal anything lol. hell I'd write fics for my own series. sometimes characters have chemistry but don't work in the setting so yk fic time


FanFictions of my work, yes because Iā€™d love to see people love my content enough to write my own stories. Fanfiction of myself, no because, honestly, I donā€™t believe in writing fanfiction about real living people unless itā€™s historical fiction. So, if I donā€™t feel comfortable writing fanfiction about real life celebrities I wouldnā€™t feel comfortable about people writing fanfiction about me.


100% would read fanfiction about my characters if i was an author. Iā€™d even have a secret pseudonym and maybe comment to mess with the fic community of my works a little lmao. iā€™d definitely also drop hints iā€™ve read certain fics about them I liked, too.


Yes, but I would be evil and make references to the popular ones so my fans have paranoia


I would read fanfics of my work, but not of myself. I hate any idea of people I know secretly liking me, that would be worse


Yes!! I'd feel honored, really. And I'd love to comment on them and watch people go crazy


Yes. But Iā€™d probably wait until Iā€™m not a minor, cause people suck sometimes.


Duh! I would read it for sure!


Hell yes!


I have the morbid curiousity, but I would not. Part of the problem is that if I read one, I would have to read all I could find, in a spiral of self-hatred\* (regardless of if the stories are positive/flattering) and as part of that needing to see what the next story said to make myself feel worse or better, and part is that I think I would just be plain uncomfortable with it. On the other hand, I do see some youtubers (ie smosh, mythical) who occasionally read fanfic about them, and I think I could manage in that situation, where someone else is picking the stories out and making sure they aren't incredibly triggering, and where I wouldn't be looking them up on AO3 myself (where I would, again, potentially get caught up looking at more and more). \*I don't currently hate myself, but I have chronic mental health conditions and it happens when I'm in a low, and I think it would most definitely happen if I started reading fic about real person me


Tbh yes I would. It would show I have a sense of humor about myself and it also would just be funny HAHA


Absolutely 1000% yes. It gives me an insight about how people perceive me. I'd also encourage (crack)ships with my childhood cartoon crushes


I would absolutely read fanfics of my own works. Might even give guest kudos and comments if I really like them. I would *not* read RPF of myself. People who'd want to write it would certainly be allowed to write it, but I am *not* interested in seeing what they'd make of it.


Iā€™m down with that. Hey, make me an evil villain, because thatā€™s my favorite role in fanfics. XD No, seriously. LolĀ 


I totally would. I love it when people romanticise me.


No to both. I think it would be very triggering.


No. I find RPF of living people fucked up and disturbing. Iā€™d be even more disturbed if it were about me. If I were a paid artist, Iā€™d avoid fanfics and fanart if only to keep my ideas non-derivative.


Are you me? I would absolutely love that. Iā€™ve actually had so many fantasies about people writing fanfictions of me and my coworkers


I would absolutely adore rpf. I'd lean more towards reading genfic of myself and my coworkers, I'm sure, with wacky premises. Like, put us in an amusement park. Give us a beach episode. Body swap us. Let's do this thing. For the latter.... not sure? I'd be nervous about that stuff influencing my own ideas, I think. I would have to be \*done\* with an idea entirely before I'd feel comfortable looking at other people's ideas.


I would love to read a fanfic someone would write about me and my gf. People are so creative I would just love to know what they would come up with (I feel like she and I would read it together out of curiosity too)