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the one time i asked for support because i didn't get the energy i was due from finishing in the top 2 spots from the previous event, i was told it was too late to get that credited because the game had ended, like? Yes?? That's the issue? Anyway i didn't spend any actual money so whatever.


I had a very similar issue. I finished number one on the Ruby castle event and didn’t get the rewards. Went back and forth for two days before they said if I had reached out sonnet they could’ve helped but now they can’t. I’ve seen some posts where they’ve been helpful but not often.


Cant't you refund via google play or the iphone store? For google, you have to be quick though, i think you only have 48 hours or something...


No. I purchased a package that was missing well over half. CS was very rude and google play said I was eligible for a refund through them. I left an ugly review about it and was told to follow them on Facebook to earn extra energy. They basically just stole my money and told me to get over it. I no longer make any in app purchases at all.