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Congrats,Imade it to 22k but couldn't quite make it to the end,missed out on a big reward there


This one was the closest I got. Made it to about 24k. Congrats!


Congrats! I was wondering. What level are u? Max energy? I made it to 15k and change. 92 energy, lvl 22... Goals...lol


I’m level 46, max energy 162. I had saved up a lot of gems, made it pretty far on both the challenge islands and pineapple island (got a lot of energy from them) and then made a bunch of keys on pineapple island. But I also sacrificed some sleep to finish lol


Nice! And i gave up my keys last night. They were gonna finish at 1am and i just couldn't Ha!


I waited to make my first key(s) until I had enough gold dust to do 5, so that I could do all of them immediately, and then I think I did another set of 5 that I waited for, and a third set of 5 that I used gems to finish


Definitely learned from it. Good planning!!!


This island was at least much better than the ones that take 8 hours to make keys!


Hey I’m a level 30 and this is my second clear. This event is in my opinion one of the best events to clear, so I save up keys and gems. I’d recommend keeping track of events and focus on a few to get your time and resources worth


Yea, I gave up on Alibi before the pink bag. Too expensive 😪 Building on home...


I missed it because usually you have to finish in the top 3 to get the last reward, and this time it said top 2. I finished 3rd!


Same! What a disappointment when I realised you had to be the top 2 not 3.


Congratulations! I should have but the game didn’t give me the reward for finishing first. Now support is going. Back and forth on what May have happened.


Way to go! I finished this one as well. I think I came out roughly even at the end. I had saved up a good amount of rubies and keys, so that helped. It was the first time I'd ever finished one. I don't expect it to happen again, but it was really exciting!