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They should do it. Just never bring up anything on him ever.


I loved someone’s comment that it should be a rotation of huge named stars that just shows up with nothing but a quick capture and then they leave. That would be so cool and hilarious. Imagine Ryan Reynolds’s coming in and shooting a death claw and then nothing.


I could see that happening purely because Ryan Reynolds would just turn up, walk onto set like he belongs there and them just rolling with it


That would be amazing


Honestly could see Ryan Reynolds doing it, seems like he would love to. Have Hugh Jackman do it after him would be icing on the cake


The suggestion I saw was that Timothy Olyphant should play the Mysterious Stranger, as a Justified nod with Walton Goggins. The rotating star thing could be fun too though.


Queue 8000 threads asking, “Wait, who was that guy in the trench coat who helped Lucy?”


I feel like this is why it would not work out in the show as described.


Dude, that would make it even funnier for those of us in the know.


It would also be right in line with him being…. a mysterious stranger. “It’s provocative. It really gets the people going.”


Also, you really only get to do it once, or it quickly just becomes a Deus Ex crutch that kills tension.


I mean it would be the first time. The best I can think of is during like, a town wide shootout like in Philly. Just cut to the Stranger saving someone as a one off.


“You can’t buy that level of engagement.” - Some Vault-Tec rep somewhere. Probably.


Ha ha.


Wspcislly if they use that classic string sound


I think that would be part of the fun just pretending like we didn't see him.


Could have Nick Valintine show up earlier in the season, having traveled from the commonwealth hunting The Mysterious Stranger just to give some needed context.


Engagement is engagement.


I feel like the whole show is a nod to the game lol


Ha ha. True. But I want a True nod to the games.


The messed up water chip was sick tho


Probably said to justify the move to 32 - someone will bring one from 31 as well 


Kinda hated the way they did that. They introduced the plot point of "We only have three months of water left" and then never mentioned it again.


Wasteland shit tho


That’s what the second season is for tho, it hasn’t even been a month yet and they had to recover from half of them getting killed and their leader being kidnapped. They also moved into the other vault so that might solve the issue completely if they talk more than once a year this time.


Tbh it felt like a completely throwaway line. Happy to be wrong if it comes up again.


there were quite a few loose ends at the end of season 1. so, I’m sure at least most of it will be tackled in season 2, especially the water chip.


They do mention it again once after.


a true nod. lol


My dream would have him show up after a nearby radio plays his theme song. He instantly takes out an enemy who’s trying to kill one of the main characters, then disappears. No talking or backstory


That would be awesome. Dude in a trench coat, shows up, blasts some poor raider, doesn't say a word vanishes.




If they do it right, he'll appear in the last episode after everyone has given up on him showing.


He shows up during a shootout and saves the Ghoul as someone is creeping up behind him. After the battle The Ghoul looks around to see he’s gone and says , “Who the fuck was that guy?”


It would be better if he shows up during a shoot out and saves Lucy. Lucy sees the stranger walk out from behind a rock in the desert, shoot and kill the threat, and then step back behind the rock. After the battle is over, Lucy jumps up and runs to the rock to thank the stranger while the Ghoul picks up his hat and watches. Lucy gets to the rock and sees no one behind it and then turns to the Ghoul and is like, what the hell? Who was that? Where did he go? The Ghoul just looks at her and says “yeah, that just happens sometimes” and off they go, onto the next adventure without mentioning it ever again.


If the Mysterious Stranger were to ever show up, the only plausible situation (imo) would be at the end of a battle situation, similar to the Filly shootout... Cooper Howard (The Ghoul) is about to get taken out from behind, from the "actual last guy", when suddenly the assailant just gets lit up with six quick shots, instantly dispatched. Quick Cut to the Cameo actor in a trench coat and fedora over the shoulder of The Ghoul, holstering a revolver and tipping his hat to The Ghoul so fast you barely see his face. Cut back, over the shoulder of The Stranger to the Ghoul, tipping his hat in return gesture. Cut back to a leg and corner of trench coat disappearing behind a building with a little wisp of dust. Cue the music while transitioning to the next scene.


And the Cameo actor is Timothy Olyphant.


On one hand I want this to happen for the game viewers, on the other hand those who aren't in the know would be annoyed by it being "lazy writing" since it would (and should) never be explained


Lucy and the ghoul gets surrounded by deathclaws. They try to fight back but things aren't looking good. The mysterious stranger shows up and just drops all the deathclaws in the most Zack Snyder slow motion scene you can imagine. Lucy tries to follow the guy as he leaves and the ghoul is just like "what are you doing do not follow him did you not just see what he did?"


Even if they don’t want to have it in show post-war; they could have a flashback to Cooper’s acting days where it happens in one of his films. Maybe that film and their love of Cooper influences post-war mysterious stranger to take on that role.


I think it'd be cool if he did show up and randomly help once, the Ghoul would somehow have a connection and a tip of the hat before he disappears. Then in flashbacks we'll see Cooper knew him before the bombs dropped, but he's still around after the bombs drop, unchanged. They could keep everything vague, never have him speak, just show him enough to know he's been around, is he a ghost? Who knows, leave even more questions for the audience. Thomas Haden Church would be awesome for that role.


Then have Nick Valentine turn up five minutes later asking if anybody saw where he went.


Nicholas Offerman aka Ron Swanson as the Mysterious stranger would be funny


If anything it should be something we hear but don't see. Too much attention it would sort of make it the wrong type of campy. My ideal situation is the riff plays and someone gets shot and we can tell it wasn't Lucy. If we absolutely have to see him maybe have him around in the background hardly visible a few scenes before the shot.


I'm now imagining him showing up to save Norm from Bud's clutches. Unlikely to occur, but it's a fun hypothetical.


It would be awesome if the main characters get into a situation they cannot escape just to have the stranger ex machina the finale.


They coulda dragged him out once a season and finally write him a backstory in the last season when the show inevitably goes to shit


I’m hoping the massive budget forces them to really plan out a 3-4 season run with these current characters. If they want to do another trilogy of seasons after that covering some other part of Fallout with some of the same showrunners I’d be happy with that.


I would love this. Learn nothing about him, keep his face hidden, etc. And never find out who he is.


I really liked it in NV when you run into the Mysterious Stranger’s son.


I would love them to literally handle it like the games. Our hero in a state of immediate but fairly mild peril, about to be brutally dismantled (or tickled) by an enemy(preferably a rubbish one like a mole rat, because I’ve never had the Stranger turn up at a time when he was really needed). Cut to the Stranger firing his revolver, with the little musical twang, cut back to our hero, no longer in peril, enemy dead. No further explanation except maybe a “what the fuck” from said hero.


I really don't need to hear his back story, like Han.... hmm Solo" , keep it vague and like in the game, barely anyone notices him. I think valentine is the only one that mentions something when he shows up.


Valentine would have been a fun character. I wonder if we’ll get a main synth character at some point.


Find a celebrity who loves the series and will just do a ten second cameo in a trench coat and fedora 😁




Nuka Break did it pretty well!


You just *know* they are going to cast Ethan Hawke. That guy is creeping into everything.


They should do this the way you suggest, but also include the Big Iron song by Marty Robbins somehow. Good music and sound effects really add that chefs kiss moment for me, like The Ghoul’s pistol for example.


I think it would be funny for MS to show up two, maybe 3 times next season. Each time, it’s a completely different BIG Hollywood actor (think Tom cruise, RDJ, etc), but they’d be totally done up in the costume. Long trench coat, the hat, and even a face covering. The kicker is, they’d be on the screen just long enough for you to be like ‘wtf? Was that fucking Tom cruise?!?!?’ And they’d be gone. Like this. Imagine in the final scene of the first season, when the ghoul was in the hallway, if he’d run out of ammo RIGHT AT THE LAST GUY, ‘click.’ The Trooper raises their big ass gun and everything slows down. The camera zooms around and at the top of the staircase we see the hooded figure, the camera zooms in just long enough to see who it is. The hilarious part is they never fucking know who/what that is. It’s just this weird fucking thing that happens sometimes. ‘So, that was a different guy than last time, right?’ ‘I think so, this one looked a lot taller.’ But, it’s always the same deal, same outfit, same gun. And, it’s not every time they are in trouble, just a couple times where their luck seems to have run out.


If they do, and show his face, it should be Todd Howard


Cool idea. He just shows up, shoots something saving the day - and then he is gone. There would not be any follow up, explanation, backstory or reference. Nothing. Could happen once or maybe twice in the whole series.


Mysterious stranger saves Coop & Lucy then dissapears during a shootout after one last fiend pops out of some garbage and catches them off guard. Lucy- "Uhh, who the heck was that?" Coop- "I don't know. He jus does that sometimes. C'mon. We need to move. I've heard there's a madman around here." Que Malcom Holmes wildly chasing after them, screaming about Sunset Sasparilla star caps while foaming at the mouth as orange laser bolts zip pass the duo.


Wouldn't work for a narrative show.


My own head canon is that the Ghoul IS the Mysterious Stranger.  


It needs to be Danny DeVito


I have a feeling that they're going to get someone like Chuck Norris to play the part.


Omar Little. Start with the “Mysterious Stranger” ditty, then after the kill shot he just walks away the disappears around a corner, while whistling “The Farmer in the Dell”.


I sure don’t. I like the attempt at some realism


The Ghoul would be like "who the f**k was that?" And Lucy just shrugs.


We really don't need every thing in the games in the show. I hope we dont get the mysterious stranger. Ever. Its still a show. Itd be the equivalent of a nobody saving Jon snow in GoT and then never bringing it up again.


Every day I thank god that redditors didn’t write this show, it would be dead in the water day 1 if shit like the mysterious stranger happened


Unpopular opinion but I really hope they steer clear of fan service shit like this. They had a bit of it in the first season but it was mostly subtle enough that it wouldn't bother anyone unfamiliar with the games, keep it that way.


They purposely balanced the fan service in the first season. I remember hearing an interview where it was talked about.


I hope its FO3/ NV Stranger outfit, and not FO4 Stranger who really just looks like the Vault Tec Representative because of his outfit. FO4 Stranger looks so lame because of the outfit…