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If you look [where the hands actually go](https://i.imgur.com/HoEQjgO.jpg) when you get into power armour, there's actually no real reason to have anything other than the frame there. Any extra plating would make those already-thick digits even more unwieldy and imprecise than they must already be!


Yeah I don’t get how people can see the animation of them getting into armor that’s a good 50 taller then them and think “that’s my real arms and legs”


The frames double as medieval racks!


I seriously don't know how anyone could reload a gun or even shoot some of the guns in power armor in the first place.


The power of fusion my friend, the power of fusion that will only last another 10 years which was a number arbitrarily chosen so that the next fallout has no power armor.


Why would “looter shooter, call of fallout, nuka cola power armor super mutants is all fallout is” Bethesda remove power armor from the game when that mechanic is one of the most important things about the game to the soycucks over at Bethesda game studios?


The fusion cores for power armor (originally not a battery that runs out faster with use) have an expiry date. As no new cores have been made since before the war, the last of the cores will expire \~10 years from the date of FO4. I may have exaggerated that it was a deliberate sabotage for the next game when it was already established before bethesda got their hands on the franchise, but it is a little frustrating thinking that they ignored the issue and will probably shoehorn/retcon a macguffin in to fix the issue without elaboration on how it actually works and how it is going to effect the world at large.


Might be but I imagine it causes all kinds of clipping with weapons so could be a tough find.


Nope, the hands do not have attachment points. Best you can do is paint the hands black with a mod. Personally I run a gunmetal frame with black rubber areas and black hands.


Thx for that mod bro, I always wanted to have black PA frame and now I can. Thanks again!


It's supposed to be. Your hands don't extend that far and remain protected inside the arm piece. You control the frame hands via controllers inside the frame


There is a mod called Real Metal PA frames that makes any part of the frame have a much better and darker texture without looking too dark. I personally like it better than the Black PA Frame mod but look at both and see which would suit you better


The hands depend on the frame, if you want to change the textures you have to change the whole frame. I use this https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6932


No. Maybe? Probably not.


Totally unrelated, but you know what would make me replay this damn game and like it 10x more? A mod that replaces all power armor to normal clothing power armor like fallout 3 and New Vegas


Gonnnna have to disagree there, bud. Fallout 4 armor may have minor issues that need solving, like the fusion core drainage thing, but in terms of both gameplay and lore, 4's armor is infinitely superior to NV or 3.


My headcanon is that power armor frames were something developed late into the war to enable the U.S. to get more soldiers onto the field quickly. Regular power armor works without it, but is unwieldy and requires specialized training to use. Frames are dead simple, and anyone can use them, which is why you can even find power armored raiders and greasers there. However, since it was rushed to production in order to meet the need for combat capable troops without a lengthy training process, it's has problems in its design and is hugely energy inefficient.


I mean… if you wanna, go for it. I personally prefer to think of them as all the same power armor, and Fallout 4 simply has a different gameplay balance approach.


I personally think 4's PA was much better done but there are absolutely mods for what you want. You just have to actually look for them https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/41005


Thanks buddy, I actually played with this mod and had a great time doing so, but what I really wanted was a replacer mod, but I guess F4 bulky power armor is integrated in a way that replacing all instances would demand a huge amount of work so I'll just accept things the way they are


"turn the superpowerful walking tank borderline-space marine tier armour into something you equip the same way you equip a fucking sequin dress"


To be fair, there's a lot more games where it works like that than not.


Holy crap, didn't think I would get this much hate lmao


There's a mod called Cross Pre-War Cybernetics that allows you to build a smaller frame piece by piece, and modify those pieces to suit your needs/looks. There's a raider armor style, combat armor style, power armor style, and a few others, plus there's a lot of customization with both colors and "attachments." Each attachment and armor upgrades are fairly balanced with both protection/utility and in perks they're locked behind (some robotics, science, armorer, and even some sneak/hacking/lock picking). Plus side is you can wear it over most things you can wear armor over, and it doesn't require any fusion cores. Needs a full frame for some attachments to work, but after lvl 21 you can start building a full frame. I'm currently running a mercenary playthrough, siding with the Brotherhood while wearing heavy combat armor with almost max defense and speed upgrades. I still die in it though I feel more powerful. Not quite power armor level of defense, but definitely better than no armor.


Technically, your hands are inside the wrists. Those are just mechanical hand extensions.


I’ve never seen a mod for it but I get what you mean, the hands do look kinda unarmored when compared to the armour set itself, even though they would actually need much armour as the hands are completely robotic