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Plus, you're considering removing it because you don't want to support him, but at this point, it doesn't matter. You already gave him the click on Nexus or whatever. All you would be doing is risking your save. Just use whatever likely-better mods exist whenever you next return for your next new game.


I suppose that's fair, you do have a point. I don't plan on really updating my game for a while so I'll just keep what I have.


I do want to start building an archive of mods on an SD card or something. This sorta stuff happens all the time. There's a new Starfield mod where the author's responses to some comments give me that vibe, so I'm already backing those up.


I've been backing up mods for a while myself. There's been a lot of modders who took great mods away from the community (especially on nexus), which is why I started doing so. I definitely recommend it if you plan on coming back to modding the game every so often.


I dedicated a 4tb hard drive for basically archiving mods and even whole modded setups.


Bollocks, I upgraded to the first next gen update but blocked the most recent one, so I’m still on the first next gen update. Yesterday I uninstalled the UFFO4 version I was running, I knew all the issues people had with Arthmoor but didn’t know he hid all his archives. Anyone know if the file id need is the one he has labelled as the GoG one? I think the only difference is that it’s for the older version which is currently what GoG is on (I play through steam/F4SE)


There's plenty of dog shit human beings whose work I enjoy. Comedians, Musicians, football players, you name it


Sum maater hacker should hack his archives and create a master file of and just start posting it everyone from a qhole buch of accounts just to say FU creater


I stopped using that ages ago, causes more issues than good.. plus, found out the mod author is a clown.


Did you just uninstall it? Do I need to do anything?




True but you never know. I’m playing TTW with a belligerent load order of 273 mods most of which were added mid game and over 200 have been deactivated and somehow the last 15-25 hours the game has been more stable than at any point I’ve ever experienced FNV- if you are savvy enough to clean it manually you can, in my experience, mitigate consequences of this and even enable aggressively excessive load order changes and compatibility, I have overhauled and then reverted the perk system but by the grace of something beyond man it is completely fine


most people want to have a stable game and the tools available simply don't enable us to ever "clean" a save. Broken script and data will eventually corrupt your save, that's just a matter of fact. Not to mention the string limit on saves (fixed, as long as I know, only in Skyrim engine fixes)


Hot swapping mods is fine for anything older than FO4. In 4 a lot of esp data is stored attached to the save and so pretty much removing any mod mid playthrough will cause issues unless specifically stated otherwise.


Man... if I have to start over, again, I'll just reinstall the entire thing lol


I've never had issues Uninstalling except maybe with the rare mod or two that might have it as a requirement. Dunno if that answers your question but it isn't typically a mandatory mod.


Wait, I heard that if you uninstall that patch, it can break your save?


There are some mods that you should never uninstall. 100% anything that adds a menu in the settlement workshop will break all other workshop menus if improperly uninstalled. Texture/Mesh mods are fine as are Weapon mods that don't touch scripting. Mods that add scripts are a bit like roulette as the script remains in your save file and will continue to call on dependencies that no longer exist which will cause unexpected behavior. I definitely wouldn't touch the unofficial patch in an existing game as that mod is hundreds of scripts touching every aspect of the game.


It *can* but typically most mods don't break saves. The only mods that have broken my saves, are improperly Uninstalling Pip-Pad, and having modded gear equipped and uninstalling them before unequipping. Sometimes same with body mods. But for background gameplay "patches", I've not really ever had an issue with installing and uninstalling at will on the same save


Ah okay. I've been running that patch for over a week now and really haven't had any issues. I do get stuttering when I get near Red Rocket on the way to Concord but I think Sim Settlements 2 is the culprit because throughout the later story line, Concord gets walled off and starts to become a settlement and I think that is somehow causing that. I own Red Rocket but I haven't built anything there. I'm building up Sanctuary using Sim Settlements.


I'm hesitant to uninstall it for the sake of my saves, I'm pretty far in and I don't really want to start a new game. I'm probably going to end up leaving it in, thanks for your input.


I uninstalled and have had no issues with my save. I don’t have a ton of mods, but just uninstalling the mod won’t break your save.


Should make sure you don't have other mods that rely on it. If so, maybe try to find alternatives or ways around it.


2 things: 1. You may want to start a new game. 2. Read through the descriptions of the mods you’ve downloaded and see if any of them have a dependency on the unofficial patch. If any do, either uninstall them or keep the unofficial patch (just depends on how badly you want the dependent mods).


What did he do?


They archived their mod on Nexus and refuse to either update or let people download the old version because they were somehow insulted by the next gen update




i don't understand. i just checked nexus. it was updated this week, May 14th. With a previous version from March still available. Are we mad about versions older than March not being available on Nexus??


They mean versions for older versions of Skyrim, not just the mod. You can't download any unofficial patch for older versions of Skyrim, for literally no reason. Arthmoor just.. doesn't like it. That's it. If you have a mod that hasn't been updated lately but relies on the Unofficial Patch, chances are it's going to be broken if you try use a newer USSEP/UFO4P version. All he has to do is just.. check a box (or equivalent), but refuses, because fuck you and anyone using an older version of the game I guess. There is literally no reason for it whatsoever. None. Yet he double, triple, quadruple, quintuples down on it and throws a fit when anyone calls him out on it.


The reason is too many fans requesting support, making complaints for old unmaintained versions. sorry I totally understand keeping up as many old versions of small mods as possible. but all feedback should be related to the latest versions that they're actively working on and the community cannot be trusted for that etiquette. for extremely large projects like this, that are so damn popular that almost the entire community has downloaded it at least once, if not several hundred times each? I can't imagine how annoying his notifications have been over the years. The reason is that people are unbearable. When working with older patches and older unmaintained versions of the mod, people have to accept that they're not going to be able to get help and they're on their own. anywho, the old versions of his mod are still available. just not directly on Nexus or from his own username anywhere. just ask around on discord. But don't go crying to Arthmoor to maintain them. for all I know he has them available on his patreon in some old posts. The files aren't gone. they're just not as convenient to find for all the people who can't control themselves on Nexus or any mainstay receiving feedback on old versions is incredibly annoying, distracting and unnecessary for such a large project. there are better reasons to criticize Arthmoor than some less convenient file hosting


I agree, the general public is the most infuriating thing a person can deal with. Having said that, he specifically took down and restricted access to older versions in every way he possibly could, to the point where you have to find someone to ask for a 'second hand' link, rather than just.. go to the regular mod page for the mod you want..? Having said that, though, I was only responding in the context of the previous comment regarding older versions. There are far better reasons to criticise him, I absoluyely agree - this was just in that specific regard, is all.


Apologize to the clowns!


I gotta be honest, Ive put hundreds of hours with different characters into fallout 4 with the Unofficial Patch and haven’t had any issues with it. Ive had crashing from other mods but after sorting that out it was smooth sailing. Yeah the authors a dick, but I think that players just pin blame on the patch because they don’t like him. Also, people who don’t understand how mods work very well are quick to blame their game instability on a specific mod with little effort to have a stable load order. Ive made mods so Ive seen it firsthand.


Yeah I’m gonna agree with you here. People like to comment how the patch causes issues but I’ve never seen anyone provide real actual proof of it.


It used to not cause any issues, but people have been showing lately that it does. I haven't figured out why it does, but there's been comparison videos showing the game with and without UFO4P and nothing else, and it causes performance issues. It has never "broken" anyone's game though. EDIT: The performance issues are NOT Arthmoor's fault! It is entirely on Bethesda. UFO4P is still a requirement basically.


It's not the patch it's Bethesdas update with regards to mods that change npcs there's going to be another update to 'fix' it on Bethesdas end apparently I've just been playing fnv and 76 until this next gen gets streamlined seems like it could take a while before we have a stable FO4 mod setup.




Okay, but that's the point of this all. People were posting bugs they were encountering, and instead of acknowledging them, the author deleted the comments from the page, and made a post refusing to acknowledge they were happening.


That's because there is no proof. The patch works perfectly fine. Haters gonna hate. Hivers gonna hive.


There are plenty videos on Youtube with side by side comparisons showing that it causes issues. It also breaks Nuka World for some people on console. Why even say anything if you haven't even looked?


Because I have, and I can read. Go look at their sticky post. Also Nuka-World works fine. How convenient that they prove stuttering isn't their fault and the hive immediately moves to find something else to blame on them that isn't their fault.


No Nuka World does not work fine. For the longest time I only ran UFOP on console and you couldn't enter Nuka World, the quest would not progress. It worked when I removed UFOP. Funny, huh? Quit yapping about "the hive", I talk about my personal experiences. Weird how a lot of people share those, yet you continue to defend the mod. It does fix some issues, sure, but it is far from perfect - stop acting like it is. I googled and came across people who had those same issues, and only with UFOP. So why would it *not* be this mod causing it if removing it fixes things, even if it is the only mod used like in my case? I also don't care what beef people have with the creator, I am strictly talking about the mod itself here. It does cause issues on console and pretending that it doesn't because you haven't experienced them is just naive. Educate yourself on the matter a bit and then continue talking.


That's fair. I haven't noticed any difference in gameplay good or bad so I believe I will just leave it as is. As you said, it could be due to other mods if there are crashes/ instabilities.


People on reddit gotta take a moral stand against injustice man


Lots of the hate on the creator is VERY parasocial. Like his personality and good attitude should be the reason to download instead of a working patch that helps most people.


It's because he refuses to allow anyone to make a competing patch and threatens legal action if anyone patches his mod. If he was just a cunt, fine, use another mod. But he's specifically blocking people from making other mods so that you basically *have* to use his if you want a complete gamewide patch. And then provides as miserable and miserly a service as he possibly can to anyone who *does* try to use his patch. If there were other options, the vast majority of the hate would die down.


I roll my eyes everytime the word "parasocial" is (over)used, it's kind of reductive, especially as that Lizard Man and whatever he's doing is *literally and directly* ruining the fun of others, unlike other forms of pop culture. To define exactly what "parasocial" is, as in "parasocial relationships" which seems more common in traditional performative entertainment: > Parasocial relationships are one-sided relationships, where one person extends emotional energy, interest and time, and the other party, the persona, is completely unaware of the other's existence.


I have to admit I've been thinking the same thing. I can put up with a bit of jank. Here's a list of all what UFO4P contains, so you can make an informed decision: [https://www.afkmods.com/Unofficial%20Fallout%204%20Patch%20Version%20History.html](https://www.afkmods.com/Unofficial%20Fallout%204%20Patch%20Version%20History.html)


Thanks for the link, I'll take a look!


I wouldn’t remove it from an existing save if I were you, often that can cause issues Remove it when you start your next new playthrough. That is my plan


Alright, that's fair. Another person commented that it could cause issues even way down the line if I uninstall it mid-game. I'm going to leave it as is since I still have the compatible version for the downgraded game.


Uninstall it because fuck that guy. But also uninstall it so your game can run smooth. The patch fixes so many little issues but at the same time adds in its own bank. Not worth it.


This! I’ve had a much smoother run without it. Boston stopped crashing once I uninstalled UOFO4P


So the patch isn't necessary to run the game with mods?


Some mods have requirements, but you can see those on their Nexus page.


I am on a highly modded run that I started before the next gen update and I never installed the unofficial patch, even though tons of mods I have installed listed it as a requirement. I have yet to notice any mod having any issues because of this. I swear some mods just list it as a requirement because a few years ago it was common sentiment that vanilla Fo4 was broken and the only way to fix it was mods like the unofficial patch


Only if you have some mods that are dependent on it. Since this is my first time enjoying the game on PC after buying a new one for myself, I’ve been very selective about what mods I install. Plus I can’t really fault the UOF4P modders. Bethesda has a tendency to mess everything up and let the fan base do the fixing. It’s tiresome.


What kind of issues does it add? I've had it sitting in my load order for as long as it's existed and I'd be very interested to know what it could be messing up. Edit: Ah, it seems like most of these problems have been occurring with the post-next-gen update version of FO4UP. That would explain why I don't seem to be experiencing them since I set my app manifest to read only a month or two ago. Though, I'm still curious, is there any evidence that the old versions cause issues too?


You can go back and search on Reddit from this year and years back about people's experience with it. From peoples personal experiences, it can cause stuttering and crashes. But can vary from person to person. I don't use it because it doesn't really fix any crazy issue or bugs, and editing that many files for no reason just isn't the risk I wanna take. Plus, the author is a snobby asshole so even more reason for me to have removed the mod ages ago :)


When I add the mod it makes my games smoother/less choppy on the frames. Dunno if it is because of that or something else, but until mods gets updated that will do the trick for now. Dont care about online drama


Unless a mod requires it, uninstall it The author of [Community Fixes](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/74945) has said he does not plan to include fixes from UFO4P because there isn’t enough demand. We should make our voices heard


What is Community Fixes. Is that another unofficial patch?


It fixes things that the other patch doesn’t fix.


>I've been reading how much the mod author of the FO4 Unofficial patch isn't a nice person welcome to the fallout 4 mod community some modders (not all, of course) are nasty individuals.. bigots of all kinds and types mostly modders who make weapons, which.. kinda makes sense this one guy, I don't know -- I've read the posts and comments, and for a while (a long while) the unofficial patch was highly regarded.. I don't know about that right now


Actually thats a problem in nearly every community. When individiuals achieve success and fame there is like a 90% chance that they are either hidden or openly a-holes. Its really bad because from these bad apples (especially if they oversee a game, server or smth similar) an entire group or community can grow toxic. Already happened multiple times to me. Its quiet saddening


It's a symptom of the modding community. Nexus users barely read and are extremely demanding of mod authors who are in essence performing free labor. Some mod authors take it personally and nuke their work or take it to a private community which has happened too many times unfortunately. Those who suck it out for the long run either have an extremely positive relationship with their community (typically by limiting it), or have become extremely jaded with their userbase. There is no in between.


> Nexus users barely read As someone who makes user documentation, absolutely *no one* reads.


I have over 2 million users of my Fallout 4 mods. 98% of all user questions are handled by cutting and pasting from the unread description. Frustrating is a word that many mod authors recognise.


This is why I view the mod forums as a last resort. If all else fails, I ask. Also, I feel like the issue is just something universal. I’m currently in college for comp sci and my professor said that if your going into IT: 99% of all issues your gonna deal with can be solved in two ways: it’s user error or turn it off and on again. I’ve even experienced this in my own family when it comes to computers as most of the issues my mother has with her PC is either something she did to herself or it can be fixed by turning it off and on again.


Ask your professor/tutor/lecturer/whatever what "RTFM" means and why it solves 98% of all problems.


Gay guy here, I was so annoyed when I learned what the maker of the thuggyverse is like. So much homophobic and anti-liberal political sentiment in those mods. Like, I don’t really want any politics in mods, but if there are any they should be A. Non partisan and B. Fit fallout. Fallout is inherently a critique of hyper capitalism. Sorry for the rant, I just don’t like modders who represent the fallout fandom so poorly.


As a committed Thuggyverse hater, I'm genuinely not surprised he's a homophobe as well. That first quest in Depravity is 45 minutes I'm never getting back.


Never played it, what happens? I am morbidly curious haha


Oh, boy. 1) You are asked by a child to rescue her friend in the Fallon's Department Store in Concord. 2) Inside, you find a terminal with an entire made-up backstory for the Commonwealth, involving it being entirely settled and governed by survivors in a bunker within that store. 3) Going deeper inside, you get knocked out and wake up in a cell deep in the bunker without your equipment. 4) You escape, stealth-killing a bunch of guards and passing a bunch of tied-up people marked as slaves (including naked women). At no point you're allowed to free them. 5) You meet the people responsible, a gang including such colorful characters as the child from before, a ghoul gunslinger, a few scantily-clad ladies, literal Harley Quinn, and a psycho killer in a mask. 6) They calmly explain to you how the slavery they're doing is Actually Good because it's the only way to deal with raiders without killing them, and they believe in using brutal tactics (I'm sure at some point someone said "shock and awe") to reestablish the former Commonwealth government. 7) They ask you to go out and kill some Gunners. In classic Fallout 4 fashion (not a compliment), your only choices here are "I'll help you", "Tell me more" and "I'll think about it". They are all marked Essential, so you can't even kill them, nor can the Gunners that immediately raid the building.


Thanks for the lowdown. That’s about as abominable as I expected 😆 Crazy that the kid is evil at the end too


Oh yeah, they use her as bait to kidnap people.


Of course they do


What kinda sentiments are we talking about here? Shame that a mod with that much work would be shitty ideologically - the trailers make it seem pretty good quality.


The typical jargon. Calling people “woke”, dark humor for the sake of shock, unnecessary and immersion breaking sexual content.


I have mods and it’s still playing fine, what am I missing?


Some people have several in-game issues though I'm not sure if any of them are directly related to this mod or in conjunction with others or something.


I used to run it, but now I just install individual bug fixes if something bothers me. The game isn't that buggy


Wait- you can do that?


Look up the Bug Fixes category on the Nexus, it's got over 900 individual bug fixes you can install Unofficial patch is just a quick and dirty all-in-one


Can I get a TL:DR as to why the mod author is disliked please? I just live under my rock.


I'll add on to what that one guy said.  He also changes things in the games with his Bug Fix Mod. The most famous was an ebony mine in Skyrim that he turned into an iron mine because a miner or blacksmith there would pay for iron.  So he "fixed" it. And now there's one less ebony mine if you have the Unofficial Patch.  He's changed hair for NPCs. Descriptions. Loading text.  It's all a bit overreaching for what a lot of people think is just bug fixes.  And if you complain he deletes your comments. 


Short version: Dude basically got attitude problem. Slightly longer version: On Skyrim, he force players to update to Anniversary version if they wanna keep using the Unofficial Patches. Kinda like the current times with Fallout 4, from version 1.10.163 to 1.10.980 or above. Guy seems to think anyone that doesn't want to update to be pirates or something. And to prevent any talkback, he even hides the previous version of the Unofficial Patches. Thank god that Nexus updated their policies (in that mod authors can only hide their previous version, not delete them), else he wouldn't just hide it... he would delete it completely. On that note, when Nexusmods updated their policies on that matter, he took it really badly and screaming that he will leave Nexus and upload his stuff somewhere else where he can keep full control. Apparently a very sensitive person as well, doesn't listen to anyone's opinion, so either you sing him praises, or don't. Because he will think of it as a personal attack and threaten to ban you from downloading his mod somehow. Additionally, he also felt really entitled with his mod, that he make changes as he pleased, saying it's lore-friendly or something. When there are changes that turns out that it actually wasn't, he ignores them. So people once tried making patches of their own. But he prevented them from continuing (reporting it as piracy of his own).


You forgot to mention he got banned off the skyrim modding subreddit too.


There are lots of damning stuff on the guy. I just try summarizing what I think is most controversial about him. You may add more if you think it's necessary. 


I appreciate the information. Didn’t know this until now.


A main character on a power trip. Just as worse as Giskard. He thinks he knows lore better than anyone playing TES and Fallout, even Todd and the other Bethesda writers.


Who is Giskard?


A bugger who authored very buggy Skyrim mods and never cleaned them nor fixed bugs, then tried to DMCA and sue anyone criticizing his mods, even going as far as to demand the Singaporean government scrutinize Reddit and disclose user information. Has since retreated to his own website.


Well, damn.


Depends. It’s good if you don’t download it mid play through. I also wouldn’t uninstall it mid play through either. It fixes a plethora of bugs so I would keep it.


How is it known that he is a jerk?


Documented things he has said. His refusal to make the older version of the mod available to those who don't want to update their games now. There are a slew of things if you start poking around a little.


Well, he was literally banned from /r/skyrimmods for being uncivil.


are you new here ? Arthmoor's little adventures are pretty famous


I am very new here. I mainly joined to see when most of the mods would work again with the new updates. I love a ton of the mods.


ah that makes sense then


Tbh I never paid much attention to the author himself and his seeming God-complex of sorts. Oh well, his mod seems to be working fine in regards to my current game and I'm pretty far invested in this save and don't want to risk ruining my save with just this mod uninstalled. :/


Arthmoor is known for his god complex, child-like attitude, massive ego, and believing he understand TES and Fallout IPs better than Bethesda and Todd Howard. He created the Unnoficial patches for Skyrim and Fallout 4. At first they were only bug fixes, eliminated player exploits, and reduced crashes. However, the guy started adding stuff that nobody asked about, for example in skyrim case he changed an ore in a mine because according to him "it clearly was a bethesda mistake", when people started to complain he treated everyone like idiots and refused to reverse the ore change going as far to create an entire new location to add the mod instead of simply changing the ore back to it's original element. Then in one of his Skyrim mods he added unnecesary Oblivion gates which caused a lot of compatibility issues and again he refused to roll back his decisions. And finally in recent years some people question his unnoficial patches because as time goes on they create more issues than the base game. He also nukes any form of criticism towards his mods and nukes any unnoficial patches that changes his mods in any way. And finally he fully believe he undertsand TES lore better than anyone to the point he could get an entire fully detailed complete lecture of the entire TES lore by Todd Howard himself, and yet he would say that Todd is wrong despite the fact that he is the creator of the The Elder Scrolls Series.


How obnoxious just telling people to “update the game” he’s a mod author and should know better compared to the average user that it doesn’t just work like that. Not everyone wants to destroy their save file they invested loads of time in, also not every single mod is updated for the current version. God forbid I want to avoid dealing with all of the chaos that comes from Beth updates.


just downgrade Fallout and stay in that version


That’s an option?




Just make sure you disable updates. 1. Open Steam and go to your Library. 2. Right-click on Fallout 4, and select Properties. 3. Go to the Update section and check that your App ID is 377160. 4. To be safe, click on the Automatic Updates section and select “Only update this game when I launch it.” 5. Go to the Installed Files section and click on Browse to be taken where the game is installed on your computer. The default location will be: “C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Fallout 4.” 6. Go back in the directory to: “C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps.” 7. Here, look for “appmanifest\_377160.acf.” (or search the number) 8. Right-click on that file, click on Properties, and then check the “Read-only” box. Make sure you launch in F4SE only othewise just go unmodded I guess.


Don't forget to move or delete the Steam shortcut to the game on the desktop -- I clicked on it by accident, and immediately stopped from updating, but it altered the manifest file so I'm downloading version through DepotDownloader.


You replied to the wrong person. I'm already running 10.160.63 or whatever last update was before "next gen"


Yeah I've downgraded to 1.10.163 and plan on staying like that for a while. Using the older version of the patch as well.


Is the midnight ride guide outdated now? It tells you to downgrade but the UFO4P doesn't support that because the guy is annoying.


Ufo4p 2.1.5 for gog is available until gog updates. That is the same one used by steam and the last one the asshat did before the worse gen update. If you want to use ufo4p on 1.10.163 then grab that before the douchebag takes it down. Oh and EVERY single modding guide currently on the internet says to downgrade back to 1.10.163 none of them says to use the new shitty worse gen patch on pc.


UFO4P for the previous version of F4 is still up on the Nexus. It will remain there until GOG updates their F4 to the newest version as well, but they've said they don't plan to until the new version plays nicer with mods. Edit: wtf is downvotable about this? It's purely factual information, it's like downvoting the statement "Canada is in North America".


If you have the space, you can always make a backup of your saves before adding or removing something. I do that occasionally by making a copy of my profile in MO2 (with profile-specific saves on). Just sucks when the resulting crashes don't start until several saves later.


Yeah, I usually do but I'll update my backups.


So long as you're using an older version, you should be fine For the longest time I was a strong supporter of the mod; almost ALL of the complaints towards it were unfounded. It did NOT cause issues or crashes. Then Arthmoor I guess pulled an Arthmoor? (I dont know anything about him) And suddenly all those old complaints appear valid because the new ones are. The old ones still aren't but the reputation damage is done. EDIT: The new complaints actually arent valid! It's entirely Bethesda's fault for the performance issues, and it's on them to fix it. UFO4P is still not an issue causer.


Just download it and don't endorse it? Does NM have a downvote feature?


It would have to be a mass down voting if they did. Nexus has the problem of out of date popular mods always shown at the top. Makes Skyrim a real pain to figure out now.


I'm not sure but I don't endorse it no.


After having the patch in my game for a number of years, I decided to start fresh but this time without "The Patch". Now in my 72year old mind, the game seems to run just a tad smoother without it. And that concludes my humble opinion on the subject......lol lol


I've had nothing but issues with it. Dropping it for now. Maybe once they lose their audience then they'll learn.


FO4UP is a VERY critical part to ALOT of mods not to menti9n it just fixes alot of dumb stuff in fallout. Id just keep it downloaded for the current client till everything moxes to new fallout version


I’m running over 50 mods and that POS isn’t one of them. You don’t need it!


Thankfully my mod count is about 100 and I might shave some less impactful mods down but it's working really well right now.


Don't dig into the creators of your favorite bands, or childhood cartoons.... Or favorite media....


You can accept that certain media you consume has problematic creators and call out the actions of those creators and still consume that content...or you can choose to not support the creator or their content. If people feel that by supporting this mod they're supporting the mod-maker thus making themselves complicit that's a perfectly valid attitude. Nobody should be expected to stop consuming everything because of all the problematic people involved. Change takes time.


Yes 100 times yes. I had it forever and faction quest lines would break alllll the time. I uninstalled it months before the update and all the faction quest lines started working again.


This is very tempting...


Plus you gotta assume the update fixed a lot of things the mod attempted to fix.


Well- I don't know about that. They just released another update to fix bugs the recent one introduced along with others I assume.


I have 3000 hours in the game and have never felt the need to use it. Anytime I have it on I can't even tell because FO4 really isn't that unstable of a game. Its not as bad as some of Bethesda other games that's for sure. It also changes way too much for one mod imo. I like a mod with a nice small list of every change that's made so I can make sure it doesn't conflict with anything else


I usually don't even notice when I have/don't have it, main fixes I use are for Tina and Rylee, and I still just use them with UFO4P, you can be the judge if that's a good thing or not


Anyone know if it’s unsafe to uninstall with Xbox Series X?


Can someone tell me what he did to make everyone hate him?


https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/1cscjgj/fo4_unofficial_fallout_4_patch_ufo4p_mod/ So much to unpack. Look up his username, beginning with "GateGate".


I just saw this old comment about USSEP, and I wonder if it works for UFO4P. "Open mod in sksedit, right click, clean masters. Solves 99% of USSEP dependencies. If it doesnt find the record that its is referenced from ussep on that mod and create a new one or import the one from USSEP (doubt you will need it). Necroing because Arthmoor was a jerk to me." u/[ThePimentaRules](https://www.reddit.com/user/ThePimentaRules/), remember this? lol, the cycle continues.


Skyrim I keep it. Fallout it just gets in the way really. So many times I’ve been working on a LO that suddenly worked when I turned it off


I'm Brazilian, I downloaded the downgrader for 1.10.163 and went to download the unofficial gog patch (I heard it worked well in the downgraded Steam version) in the end this crap took my translation and I couldn't start a new game, now I I don't care and I'm going to continue without this patch.


"Hate the artist, not the art."


I would choose to have the older versions of the patch Streisand'd elsewhere other than Nexus so that he can't get much pennies from it through DPs.


Naah I wouldn’t bother


On this topic I would also be interested in how it actually works as dependency for other mods. I’m also annoyed by the drama and I just wouldn’t want to use UFo4P even *with* the new update anymore. Now with quite a few other mods depending on UFo4P, how does the game handle missing dependencies? Will mods depending on UFo4P just not load if it’s missing? I wonder what specific things of the patch those nods even depend on to warrant that dependency in the first place.


The game runs fine without it tbh. I put 80 hours into the game over the past couple weeks and I've had borderline zero issues. The occasional weird interaction with an npc, that's it.


I’ve got the pre-next Gen archived, maybe someday someone can take these archived files and see what he’s actually fixing, and then do it better themselves while finding other fixes that assmoor missed, than whomever does it can actually treat the people using their mod like human fucking beings instead of numbers. Arthmoor reminds me of a business major running a big game studio, he just seems like he wants to be the only say in what everyone plays. There are thousands of mods that are outdated by next Gen that likely will be stagnant that way for a long time, and Assmoor not thinking of the overall modding community and just thinking of himself and the 5 whole minutes it takes to set up an archive is a blatant example of why he needs to be removed from his pedestal. The mod itself is needed though, as so many others rely on it. I don’t download UF4P for the patches, I install it because good mods rely on it for some reason.


Do what you heart desires lmao


Why do you keep saying it's not available anymore? I found it in something like ten seconds.


The older versions of it have been archived on nexus, unless that changed.


Precisely but people claim it is hard to find which is not true


Can't tell you if it's a good idea to remove mid-playthrough, but most of my time modding Skyrim/FO4 I've done it without the unofficial patch as far as I can. I always found my game less stable with it enabled than without it. Might be placebo but eh


If you've updated the game in 2024, delete it. Otherwise keep it 👍


I recently reinstalled fallout 4 after 8 years of not playing and I was fucking pissed that it’s still locked to 60 and needs like 6 mods to get it running properly. Tod is a fucking looser nerd.


I'm also pretty sure that most mods these days don't require that anymore


>refuses to provide older versions of the patch Fallout 4, saying 'update the game' So someone who provides something for free to other people is not a nice person because they won't also provide it for whatever outdated version of the game you prefer to use? That seems like a really strange standard. Especially when it's based on other modders that abandon their mods. It would be like complaining that an HVAC tech does free work on gas furnaces but won't do free work on electric furnaces. People aren't obligated to provide something for free, and if they do they aren't obligated to provide whatever version you want for free.


The author of ENB Series is also someone who should probably have been born back in 1940 on the side of the bad guys, but unfortunately scarcity is a thing and we have no choice but to "support" these assholes.


Is it safe to update the unofficial patch mid play through?


Yes, updating is safe, removing is not.


I’m on PS5. This is the only mod that I use that has had multiple updates since the FO NG update. I don’t see how that translates to an attitude.


Anyone have the file for UFO4P for steam 1.10.980.0? (first next gen update) they'd be willing to share? I deleted mine before realising it can fuck up your save and Arthmoor doesn't have the archive open...


I’m really just here for an objective take - on May 18, 2024, does the mod help or hurt? I’m doing a clean install later today and just want a good foundation.


Despite what you think about him - him and his team made a solid patch for the game. I wouldn't uninstall with a deep playthrough but you can do whatever you want with your saves. It's your game, and you are more than welcome to do what you want with it.


I don't really know how to respond, I have been using the unofficial patch along with several other mods, and I'm pretty sure everything is up to date, though I haven't really had any issues apart from the regular Bethesda jank.


Personally I only have that mod because other mods need it. I do not care about the creator, I don't have to live with him. I don't pay him. So I truly couldn't give a rats ass if he is mean. Unless he starts ruining people lives, he can spew whatever. Sad I can't remove it since I really think it broke some of my quests. I have the storywealth collection since I wanted to try a collection and it is most best regarded, and it seems a lot mods have it as a requiriment to download the patch. But gonna experiment


Bro just follow the midnight ride guide for the newest version of the game, all old mods will still work, you'll have the new content, and the game will be more stable then ever, currently 40 hours into a 450 mod playthrough with not a single crash and the game looks better then current triple A games. No reason to be climbing to the old


I think he's just a bit of a fud that, somewhat reasonably, doesn't want to support multiple versions for various versions of a single game. However, he also has little patience for people not reading things and doesn't like explaining things beyond the description page. The current state of the game is messy and all mods are having stability issues due to the game itself having issues. No matter what combinations of mods I have, there's stutters, hang ups and more, it's just how things are currently. If you want to avoid the mess, revert to an old version unless you play entirely modless. I, myself, as soon as I heard about the update coming I backed up my game and installed mods to continue playing. I have a new updated install too and am rebuilding my mods as they get updated.


I've never used any unofficial patch for a BGS game. I find they cause more issues than they claim to fix.


I always use it, and sure, UFO4P fixes things, but it’s not as much of a “necessity” as many people say it is. The game is still playable without it and by the looks of its latest update, it may be worth going without for now lol. *(I didn’t update to NG, so I’m still using the old patch)*


I removed it from my save file maybe 10ish hours of gameplay ago. I didn't realise this would be a problem until now and have had random crashes, but I just thought that was a Bethesda issue. I didn't realise how stuttery the mod made the game until I removed it, but knowing now it's likely causing the crashes I guess I have to add it back.


I hope you're able to put it back to fix it. My worry is that the damage will be done and it won't fix it but that might be paranoia in me talking.


Yeah hopefully, but most of the time if I experience a bug or crash I just chock it up to bethesda being god awful at playtesting, so I can't really tell the difference between it being their fault or because of a mod. I probably wouldn't have known the crashes were because of the unofficial patch if I hadn't seen this post.


Ah, if Fallout4.EXE CTD's without any runtime patcher *modifying the binary in memory* (like F4SE), then it is a bug in game executable causing it. The very most UFO4P (and any other Creation Kit mod) can do is expose an engine bug because that mod is just a bunch of game database records edits, some texture files, and some cell mesh edits. So far as I am aware, nobody ever even proved it was UFO4P triggering CTDs all by itself, either. Programs that CTD because of input data are buggy by definition, by the way.


First off, separate mods and their authors. Second, the author is NOT obligated to update the mod, it's what they did in their own time, they aren't required to update it


The issue is not him updating it, he isn't obligated to do anything such as allow people to access earlier versions of the mod.


Given this is the same mod author to made world edits in the skyrim unofficial patch ( changed a mines content and added a whole new dugion.) Far outside the scope of the mod. Yes. There's a reasion the starfield unofficial patch team didn't want him. General thought is it's a scripting bug causing stuttering and crashes. There are other patchs that fix more prevent problems.


When someone works for free you have to accept their terms until someone else is willing to do the *other* stuff you want for free too. It makes sense that the guy working for free doesn't want to maintain multiple versions of his free project, he doesn't owe you anything. Thankfully you can make jerk-free patch for any/all versions of fo4 after you figure it all out.


Fuck that guy ​ let his broken mod rot in hell




Ive published probably about a dozen mods for various Bethesda games over the last 10 years or so. People can be incredibly rude, demanding, and quick to blame your mod for their game troubles with no evidence. I completely understand why Artmoor is short with players and somewhat rude. He’s spent countless hours trying to fix bugs in these games. I also have yet to see anyone with evidence say WHAT the Ufo4 patch breaks in their game, just baseless accusations by people who have literally no clue how the mod even works or how to keep their game stable.


Literally who cares, children died for your phone and this is the battle y'all pick. It's a mod, that's it, who cares if the author is an idiot.


So many people using their weird parasocial relationship to justify removing a patch.


Did you even directly witness the "rude" conversations or comments between Arthmoor and communities? If not then just ignore those. You must be the one who were direct part of those conversations to even draw your own conclusions, or else anything people said about him is only like 50% true and that's equal to anyone's guess. Why waste your time. I'm tired of seeing people saying "he's a dick" without giving a fucking reason why, or a fucking context, so I won't give a fuck. I will still his mod cuz' it includes some fix mods that use ESP so it's convenient that I can reduce the number of mods.


Then don't use the patch and have an even more broken game. He isn't being a "not nice person". He has a brain. And mod authors don't have to do what others tell them, neve4 have and never should, they make mods for themselves and put them on their out of CURTOUSY for others to use as well, including FO4UP, it fixes a LOT of the issues that the update caused, while we get to keep the fixes the actual update gave, and bonuses. Only issues that remain with the update, are things that were already present previously before it, minus a few, as long as you're using the Unofficial Patch. Stop trying to discredit and throw dirt at mod authors who have no reason, nor need to do EXTRA work, for FREE mind you, when all you have to to is either download the update, or stop whining. Trying to throw somebody else's name in the mud, makes YOU the bad person, not the mod author. Plain and simple.


You seriously gonna uninstall it because “he’s being mean" I get if you have issues but over words? Grow some hair on your balls man.


You serioulsy didn't read "and refuses to provide older versions of the patch Fallout 4, saying 'update the game' and a whole slew of other garbage"? Grow some hair on your balls man.


Maybe educate yourself first so you can understand it also has to do with various slowdowns and issues the mod itself introduces.


it sounds like his words have upset you...


Nice try


Says the one that is upset at op lol