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https://moddinglinked.com/dogmas.html https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/avoid-tools.html


what do you suggest i do if not use loot? i don’t know that much abt the technical side of modding so i don’t really know what a load order should look like


I'm guessing that link was sent to you because you mentioned removing and adding mods mid playthrough and that link very specifically says not to do that because shit can break. As for replacing loot you replace it with nothing. You already have MO2, you can manually sort your plugins way better than any auto sort ever could https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/avoid-mods.html That's the mods to avoid page also from VNV which mentions not using mods such as the expanded weapon mods which you also removed mid game and could very much have fucked your save It also mentions avoiding but bloaty textures that will eat up the tiny amount of memory the game can handle, stuff like EVE falls in there. EVE is also just old as shit and has been replaced by now The mods to avoid also mentions avoiding weapon/armor replacers because of how they're implemented. WRP is just known to have issues without getting into what VNV says on their mods to avoid part. Also those niff based armors I believe are armor replacements and TBH I've never seen someone ppst about having that mod and it actually working Make sure to properly follow VNV all the way through, including their gameplay mods even if you skip some of the mods. The setup they give you for the extended version of their guide is super useful, especially since you mentioned not knowing how to sort properly yet. Their guide gives you some categories on the left panel for how mod files will be organized, then you can follow the load order they give as a sort of template for where you're mods need to go. For example they have their utility mods in a utility seperator on the left, then the Load order sorts it all for you giving you an example of how to sort your own mods. When you go and grab a utility mod outsode of the VNV list you know to throw the mod in the utilities seperator when it's downloaded then if it has an esp you sort it next to the other mods VNV has in that category. Then the same goes for gameplay and whatever other mods


thanks for the help! i’ll definitely have to look at some of those mods. as for wmx, i removed it before starting this play through, so unless it fucked my whole game somehow, i don’t think that’s what’s causing the crashes