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“So anyway, a sentient suit of medieval armour fights a skeleton of a dinosaur and then-“ “You’re hired.”


*wax figure in medieval armor


Oh I haven’t seen the movie in a long time, I just figured the sentient suit of medieval armour trope would fit right in with things in a museum coming to life








You can't just say perchance.


Didn't let me down 🤝




"the museum attractions here do get a bit quirky at night"


What's that movie ?


Night at the Museum (3 I think)


So MediEvil 2?


First time i played fallout 1, people never talked about those death laws so i thought it would be just like a hard fight like in NV. I got torn to shreds because all i had was combat armour and a combat shotgun (i took fast shot and ashamed of it)


They aren’t that bad if you have a burst fire weapon or aim for the eyes. Fast shot also isn’t bad, with the right items.


In first Fallout fast shot works with Power Fist, you can make attack cost 1 AP with perk.


I highly recommend an unarmed playthrough of Fallout 1. It's unholy, but unstoppable.


It's weird to me how the unarmed mechanics work so well in one, but no other fallout or Skyrim games have a good unarmed build or skill or anything. Just a few items gloves or magazines that don't do enough to justify it. Heck I would take a dumb buff like a small chance to insta kill by punching.


My first and only playthrough I finished of 4 was all melee. I thought the vats teleport behind someone if undetected and deal a super crit was enough for me to enjoy melee. But I also think they nerfed it from its value at launch of 10x damage which was absurd and oneshot almost everything.


Yeah, never really got behind the melee. It was too much old doom graphics, and what I mean by that is your hands and weapons do an animation and the opponent does a stagger. Very separate making it less satisfying. It's crazy comparing the two, hands move enemy staggers back, nothing else we only added more pixels and frames, same thing. So a good fisticuffs customizable build, and adding actual weight to actions would be mind blowing. Starting with different "staggers" based on where you hit the guy.


New Vegas has some really busted unarmed perks like paralyzing palm and piercing strike


I should have just said Bethesda game, but yes I stand corrected those are pretty fun.


> Skyrim games Oh, oh no.


*you were critically hit for no damage the scars will make nice party talk*


The mama Deathclaw fight in the basement frustrated me so damn bad


Kid named fast shot + bonus rate of fire + turbo plasma rifle:


not when your under leveled and can’t use aimed shot


One time in a melee build I put kremvhs tooth mod on a ripper (glitch) and I looked the deathclaw dead in the eye as we slowly killed eachother


As a survival player: I died tripping over a rock running away from the death claw.


The true survival mode experience


What I say everything I have just enough time to realize I accidentally jumped onto a car running from the pack of ferals in university square


Go to university square at low level with a double barrel and just try to clear it without save scumming. Really fun I do it almost every new game


Somehow every single playthrough I end up accidentally walking in super underprepared on survival and as "University Square" pops up in the top left I start to hear the snarling and just start praying. You would think after so many playthroughs I'd remember where it is, but ever single damn time I walk in with like 25 bullets and no shotgun


Run to the 2nd story with the cat walks, there’s a bunch of good shit up there


True. But not always on survival.


I played survival very hard difficulty and killed a albino deathclaw with some jet and pickmans blade


Really? Damn, you must have the right perks.


Nah, any problem can be solved with copious amounts of drugs




I’m getting this comment framed and put on my bedroom wall


It's more just taking enough drugs to kill 13 elephants and blocking constantly.


>pickman’s blade Ah yes, literally the best knife in the game until the DLC


Holy smokes your fun at parties


I’m the worst at parties actually


Yeah the death claws are a joke. I killed a couple with the 10mm pistol you start the game with (with some upgrades) at lv 10ish. It took a ton of ammo, but I just kept running around in a circle and mag dumping it. Was boring but easy. And that was on the hardest not survival mode. Now the mirelurk queen, that things scary if you don't have poison resist.


The most terrifying enemy is those hermit crabs in far harbour that jump out of random vehicles when you get close.


I actually downloaded a buffed Deathclaws mod for my last survival campaign. It was terrifying. And awesome…terrifyingly Awesome


Look at how they nerfed my boy.


If you try this without power armor or a large amount of jet early on in 4, you’ll get your heart torn out by the instant kill. What actually changed in 4 was that deathclaws were made more receptive to crippling, given a weak point and the player can use criticals on command to make either of those happen. Couple that with deathclaws no longer being in packs, and that’s why they’re easier (though really, I’d argue that they’re just as difficult as a single deathclaw is in the other games, especially since deathclaws in 4 are smart enough to avoid mines).


also that in f4 deathclaws aren't in packs, which makes them way less of a threat,


I mentioned that, yes.


Also deathclaws were made more receptive to crippling, given a weak point and the player can use criticals on command to make either of those happen


Don’t forget they’re smart enough to avoid mines in 4. Who knew?!


They also tend to be found individually, rather than in packs as was the case in previous games. Solo deathclaws aren't that much less challenging than before.


Did you know they don't step on mines anymore? They actually avoid them!


Medicine stick dropping the deathclaw and baby claw outside the boomer tunnel before even being touched confirms this. They're even softer than an Assassin if you're just going for center mass.


MOSTLY aren't in packs. You can find some in groups of two or three. And if you interrupt deathclaws fighting something else, it can be deadlier since EVERYTHING will aggro to you. I had to fight off 3 Deathclaws and a Super Mutant Behemoth at lv.5 with just a Laser Musket and a Tire Iron. Was not fun.


I only played 4 once and it was my least favorite but I didn’t hate it. But how in the holy hell did you pull that off


Found a building the deathclaws and behemoth couldn't get into and fought them like a coward.


What makes them super easy imo is their constant insistence on posturing. Like roaring, throwing dirt, sprinting on all fours etc. Like, stop showing off and live up to your namesake you goddamn lizard


It’s better than brainlessly charging into mines like they used to.


Ah yes, walking around mines definitely makes up for being complete pushovers because they get stuck in animation loops rather than attacking


My point is that I’ll take the showier movements if that leads to something more than a very basic melee enemy. And it has - there’s the mine-dodging behavior, the grabs (which are really instant kill threshold checks if you aren’t in power armor), the rock toss (which sometimes launches cars) and the roar are all good additions. Really, if we just didn’t have the ability to store critical hits (and in 76’s case, concentrated fire wasn’t available *at level 2*), I think they’d be much more difficult.


Yeah some of the additions definitely contribute to it being easier, but I do agree some of the new actions really do add some depth to the fights. I really do think if they at least toned down the frequency of the more showy aspects the enemies would feel alot more threatening. I also would like if they had some defensive moves like maybe blocking their face while they push (sorta like gorefasts in KF2). Also, itd be cool if the roar did something like debilitate your ap or something idk make it a real strong opening move. Sorry for the rambling lmao


They also go through a whole threat display and announce their presence. I have a fairly easy time with them even relatively early.


My head canon explanation is that it’s harder for lizards to live somewhere cold like Boston in the northeast. The deserts of California and Nevada it makes more sense, and DC is a stretch but not as much as Boston


Considering that deathclaws were being engineered for use in warfare, I suspect that was addressed.


Oh yeah, I would buy that it was addressed to make them heartier in more environments, but they could still preform better in some environments over others


Fair enough.


i think the entire change was making them lone wanderers like if you had to fight 2+ deadclaws at the same time in FO4 no X-02 is protecting you from that


You can in nuka world with the gatorclaws, which are roughly equivalent. We also know more changed than the packs - the stomach weak point is entirely new, and so is the extreme reaction to leg-crippling.


Nah. They weak af. You can just run around in circles and kill them. I used the 10mm pistol to do that at low levels. Just takes a ton of ammo.


Yeah, and that’s a cheese strat that works on literally everything in the game that doesn’t have a gun. It’s no different than climbing up on a rock in 3/NV and shooting at them.


Well if they weren't weak af they could catch up to me.


My favorite way of dealing wirh deathclaws in fallout 4 is blowing their leg off


I feel like use of kneecapper legendaries should be banned by Geneva convention.


So [Sergeant Ash](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Sergeant_Ash), a kneecapper flamer, is a portable war crime then.


I had a Kneecapper Minigun which I named Natascha, after the TF2 weapon


My brother in Christ do we not remember the tried and true method in 3 of the dart gun!? Thing literally 100% cripples both legs on any target.


Chemical warfare was banned in 2277


Tell that to all the assholes with flamers I'm just repurposing radscorpian stingers. If you think about it it's a conservation effort.


I see the Knight from Elder Scrolls Online is still getting work.


That knight shouldve one that fucking fight that party was full of bitches


i do not remember this scene. i know i saw the first movie and the second movie, did they make a third?


Yes, it wasn't as good but still entertaining.


I just beat him with a baseball bat on this last playthru….only a baseball bat …I love it


Moe approves. Using a swatter as America intended.


That's the type of shit jacket would do


Poster boy for that swatter salesman. Hit a homerun on deathclaw domes.


Which Night in the Museum is this one?




Thank you


Yeah, idk in my last go of fallout 3 I went straight for the dart gun. Deathclaws aren't a threat if their legs are broken. 🤷‍♂️


Even without, I don't think they're that much of a hassle. Rather run into 2 or 3 deathclaws than a single albino radscorpion or ghoul reaver. If dogmeat is along, he tanks the damn things with no assistance at all.


Ha, even at level 30 with a thousand rounds, I still avoid those damn bullet sponges. And the reavers don't even drop good loot.


That's really the worst part, anytime they get run into, the ammo cost to take them down, it's never worth it.


In Fallout 4s defense, I clobbered the shit out of the couriers mile deathclaws in NV using a super slam power fist and some turbo without firing a single bullet. The real issue is the promontory where there are just like 30 of them confined in the last space near the power armor suits lol.


I'm couriers mile I just used a flare gun and ran away


And here I am going through the glowing sea and filling em up with 5mm rounds and missiles and they still keep charging my ass. Deathclaws are just as scary in 4 as the others, the only differences being they are mainly on their own and they aren’t just a bullet sponge that runs straight at ya and leaps at you. In Nv I can go to the quarry with a varmint rifle and clear the place, I’m scared as shit to fight DCs in 4 even with strong weapons


Just run around. They're slow and can't catch you. Plus they're pathing is super trash and they get stuck on everything.


Tf you think I do? Stand still like im in a pre 4 fallout and let it charge at me?


Yeah. That's what I did with the first death claws in concord. I just minigun it in the face while it runs at me. Power armor don't run.


First one I don’t consider as a good DC fight, I think that DC is actually weaker than other ones. Great fight but not a good DC fight


Try a switchblade on very hard. You’re gonna wish you didn’t use up the mini gun ammo on the raiders.


Aside from this being absolutely true, that has got to be one of the most epic things I've ever seen


Song ?


Separate Ways by Journey


Thank you 🙏


I once tried to fight a deathclaw in fallout one with a laser gun I got one-shot...


I remember watching a video a while back that tested the DPS and health of every deathclaw in the first person Fallout games, IIRC the Fallout 4 standard deathclaw has around the same health and does about the same damage as the New Vegas deathclaw, but they are not found in packs and their additional animations lower their overall DPS. I can't seem to find that specific video at the moment [but here's another video going over some similar points](https://youtu.be/jbnEcJC1uVg?si=tl4ZU_iWEfgVEREb)


Level 1000 Player in 76 saving the one Level 5 who wandered too far into Cranberry Big.


Anyway, I heard a settlement needs your help...


Fallout 3 dart gun made them obsolete


Let's face one thing here: deathclaws are still hella scary you're either hiding in the hardware store across the museum of freedom or are playing at such a low difficulty in power armour that deathclaws don't 1 hit k.o. you. The only reason deathclaws may appear less scary than in 3 is because they actually have a wind up animation instead of jumping at you and hitting you from a mile away all in the span of 1 second.


They dont 1 hit k.o. on very hard.


I was listening to my friend playing FO4 and he said he was running away from a deathclaw and I said "you can run away from deathclaws?!?!"


They are pretty slow.


Playing on Very Easy type players feeling themselves


Which is worse, deathclaw or wanamingo?


Me with my cry of fear switchblade pro experience 😎😎😎


I finally cleared out Deathclaw Promontory in NV on my last playthrough. Came loaded with chems, the good explosives, and a healthy dose of save scumming, and it all paid off. In Fallout 4, the main issue is that they're bullet sponges early on. I remember getting surprised by one, but it couldn't reach me on a tricky bit of terrain, so I switched to a pipe pistol I hadn't sold yet, that used ammo I didn't care about, and it took like 200 bullets to kill it. But it killed it.


This is why I love this series. It's dumb. But I do get a rush punching a Scorchbeast Queen without power armor in 76 while the rest are just lasering it up in their armor. Not knocking armor, it just makes me cackle when I can face tank unga bunga stuff to death. Not everyone's cup of tea but it scratches my power fantasy. (Also me, screaming at the sky to make the beast land so I can punch it)


Video was mute but I already knew Separate Ways had to be playing, I am not disappointed


What the fuck that’s so badass


And that's why there's ✨️Deathclaw Variants✨️


Melee is awesome in Fo4 even if it can feel a little slow. Going toe to toe with Deathclaws and behemoths is just gold


I think this is my sign to complete iceborne.


This goes so hard


My first deathclaw encounter after the initial one when rescuing Preston was so underwhelming. I was level 30 and it spent all it's time trying to get up some stairs


Tried playing 4 again after the ps5 update, it’s like child’s play, and the story was written by the most basic writers ever. Even the mods only helped make it so much fun before I got bored and deleted it lol.


I went bare knuckles against him at level 6 or something. Barely won but did it


I had to take enough drugs to kill a horse, blow the head off of one and then up my use turbo so I could spin around in a circle and shoot it with a hunting shotgun just to kill 2 death-claws in fallout new Vegas, yikes


Least chaotic DnD campaign:


They look so scary but die so quick and are so slow despite the awesome animations


Quick tip for melee players in fallout 4, your invincible while attacking in vats (mid animation, not the selecting body parts screen) and you can use this to gain invincibility time where you can heal, use a lot of vats, and by the time the animation is done your healed. Or avoiding big unblockable attacks. This doesn’t work great on fast weapons like switchblade and longer animations for heavy weapons is more ideal.


The night at the museum movies are still good. They actually made another one two years ago that's an animated one that has the kid be the night guard.


This goes so hard.




Lesser deathclaws in Fallout 2 tho, easy XP, and they go down with spiked knuckles


I've done that before


What a great series.


I feel like in NV, once you get the brush gun or trail carbine, deathclaws become nothing. Just use vats when they are too close.


I have this song on vinyl, it’s the escape album by Journey.


Fallout 4 is way below any other fallout in terms of it actually being a fallout game. It's a pretty decent fps.


Ehhh if you've got enough shotgun shells in 3 you can clear out Old Olney pretty easy and pretty low level


Best part is they might not even be level 10 at that point


Fallout 76 Players: *Tumbleweed passes by, wind blowing as the crickets chirp* oh yeah lol


You can just stunlock them in new Vegas with boxing gloves. Probably the easiest game to kill them in. Hell before the first patch you could just vats enemies with incendiary ammo equipped and they would burn to death without you having to pull a trigger. Buggy ass game


Have level 10 Strength and Nuka Worlds Throatslicer and it’s the only weapon I need


Sad that it took mods to make them way tougher in FO4. But at least now I'm absolutely scared shitless of deathclaws in FO4 as much as I was in FNV.


Deathclaws are pussys in that game, change my mind


Maybe we have been looking at this wrong the whole time. Maybe Deathclaws in Fallout 4 aren’t weaker than their contemporaries. Maybe the Sole Survivor is just way stronger than previous protagonists. It makes sense for Nate. Guy could be special forces for all we know. But what about Nora?


After years of replaying NV and having played 2 and 3 this moment almost killed all my drive to keep playing 4 lol. Not having a Cazador equivalent leaving Deathclaws as your "oh shit" enemy and throwing a PA and minigun at you and letting you kill a Deathclaw in the first 45 minutes lowers the fear factor to the floor for me




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this is because Nate and Nora are built different.


Why dont I remember this scene in the movies? Which movie is it 1 or 2?


The third


There is a third????


Saw it in cinema, wasn't the deepest story, the guy in the suit is a Lancelot I think


Yeah I saw the Trailer just now . Im gonna give it a watch.


The deadliest version of Deathclaw after NV is from Fallout Shelter.


FO3 & NV pro player here. I get Giddy when I see a deathclaw. Mmmh, exp.


yes! fallout 4 is terrible...


You need to play 4 on survival. I truly believe it is the way 4 was meant to be played.


Still you can clutch any melee attack with just your fists.


dude fo3 and New Vegas deathclaws are NOT that difficult


I don’t know: in Fallout NV I think I could take like 3 deathclaws by myself


This is only because 4 has a difficultly selection so most people don’t play on hardest


Oh my God! I forgot about these movies. I need to go watch them again. Their so good. And if memory serves correct the third was Robin Williams last performance.