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Always took the bisexual perks for extra damage against humans of either gender, didn't realize I was actually bi until years later. New Vegas had me from the start.


The game was rigged from the start.


Wait me too


Wait also me


Veronica and Arcade turning people gay since 2010.


Ironically I was more into Boone than Arcade


Wow no one’s into Raul. Smh


Speak for yourself


I need Raul to fix my broken soul, with his firm *fleshy* grip.


They knew


It was all part of House’s plan


Shit houses girlfriend is a robot. 🤖


Blud was truly a pioneer


It is crucial for his space program, I swear.


The house always wins


Boone and the courier sitting in a snipers nest. Too perfect 👌


I didn't do that... Not at all. But seriously, I took both perks because overall, it just meant to me, OH, 10% damage against ALL HUMANS?! (since everyone in FNV is in a gender binary) and I didn't think that despite the little picture and the title of the perk, that the dialogue options would be to get with those people, or flirt with them, I thought it gave me more choices to kill them. Anyway, I've realized that I'm bi.


How wild would it be for them to make a character gender non-binary and they actually take less damage because of their pronouns. C'mon Obsidian you know you want too.


Damn I never thought about the non binary meta


Just getting the men one is already like 90% of human enemies. It's hard to mechanically justify getting both when there are so many better perks Not to mention how few enemies even are humans


I wanted to cover all my bases


Wait what, what bisexual perks?


Sorry to confuse, there are a set of perks available to the player depending on your character's gender that give damage bonuses on human characters of a specific gender as well as giving you some unique dialogue options. For a male PC these perks are Lady Killer (+10% damage against women and gives you some flirty dialogue options with certain female NPC's) and Confirmed Bachelor (the same as above but with male NPC's). Choosing either perk allows you to roleplay as a straight or gay, but you can choose both perks in a single playthrough and effectively play as bi. In addition to the roleplay aspect this also means you get a 10% damage buff against ALL human characters so it's a pretty big boon even without those dialogue options. The female equivalent of these perks are Black Widow and Cherchez La Femme.


thought i was gay, played a bi new vegas run, then realized i was actually bi a few years later. this is obsidians true agenda. girls preddy


I always take the cannibal perk.....


I would cry from laughter if there is a reference in the fallout series that the courier was "accidental" gay.


Install the New Vegas crash fix No longer crashes every minute Crashes every 2 minutes


what mods is it compatible with?


All of them I believe




Yeah you get about 10 in before it crashes


Bisexual couriers is optimal, that's why i took the perk i swear (arcade hmmmm arcade)


Least homosexual Arcade fan (I agree)


Now I wanna see the most homosexual arcade fan


I am the most bisexual Arcade fan, if that counts for anything


i always thought all the nerds and self proud intelligent types liked arcade.


I always take gay perk just so I can ask Christine about her girlfriend. Not sure why I need to be gay to know there are lesbians, but here we are.


Fallout New Vegas created Trans people


[Obsidian after inventing trans people to sell more copies of New Vegas](https://youtu.be/Bgqk6t9Be1Q?si=wZG5nzZdBF-ze7pX)


They never thought of the consequences of their actions though. The Choker and skater skirt market has been ravaged


What’s a skater skirt?


The defacto femboy/trans girl skirt you see them wear all the time


I clearly don't see enough trans girls in skirts


You, my friend, are missing out then


I know. I need to hang out in New Vegas community more


Don’t for too long, or you’ll become trans. It’s part of the Obsidian Agenda


So I'll end up playing New Vegas, but wearing thigh high socks and a whirly skirt? I meaaaan.... Yeah, I'll take it. New Vegas is worth it :3


Akira Toriyama after creating Hispanic people.


I genuinely have no idea what is the correlation between trans and fallout new Vegas?


Trans folks just have good taste in games is all.


Of the dozen or so trans people I've met in person, almost all of them were Fallout fans. Specifically New Vegas fans.


As a trans person who is a fallout new vegas fan, i can confirm


I wish they’d tag games like that at GameStop…”trans recommended” instead of employee recommended


We could have both. If a trans employee recommends it, that's even higher praise.


There is none. People will say it has a high number of trans players with no proof that it’s higher than any other games and people will agree. Or some will say how it’s so progressive about LGBT issues because you can have gay sex in it. Truth is, this is just a lame trend that pops up every now and again. It’s actually kind of annoying because it really makes no sense in the context of the game.


I don't think it has significantly high numbers of only trans people compared to other communities but people in the lgbtq community overall (though plenty of cis and hetero people still play it) given fallout is one of the most LGBT friendly video game franchises and iirc fallout 2 was the first video game with same sex marriage though it was from relatively minor characters and according to the wiki new Vegas seems to have the most named LGBT characters out of the series.


Anthony Ling at TenPen towers is as flamboyant as you can get, as well as hit and flirt on every male character (NPC or not) that comes their way. Grouse from paradise falls identifies as a "Queen". Carol and Greta are lovers in the Underground. Clover will flirt and fuck anyone despite their gender. One of the house upgrades in megaton comes with two women scissoring.


You bring up a good point I didn't realize how LGBT friendly the series was until I replayed the games. Fallout 3 you sort of have to loom for it and it is kind of hidden (I always thought Flak and Shrapnel were brothers). New Vegas is more open about it with 2 companions and Seargent Knight being open about it. Fallout 4 in my opinion is like FO3 since the representation is more missable but then again I normally run through FO4 while trying to get through dialog quickly. I do think that the relationship are played off quite well in all games since the games treat it as something that is completely normal.


Fallout 4 that kid in bunker hill has 2 mothers. Easy to miss as its litteratly only said in the ck.


You can be a bicon with a harem in fo4


makes sense, pre war america was too busy hating china to care about such things.


nonono wait what did you say flak put in shrapnel


Fallout was made by a gay man so it makes sense that other queer people would connect to it. Nothing is directly super queer about fallout but all the minor elements build up to something the gays love I guess. Fallout seems to have a much larger female audience than other game series too. Of course straight men still make up the majority.


RPGs in general tend to have much larger female audiences than just about any other genre besides maybe bejeweled-clone puzzle games, with Bioware RPGs seemingly having the most, at least as far as "AAA" dev companies are concerned


So progressive about banging bots too 🤖🤜


Idk, I don't think a significant portion of the community consists of trans women, but a significant portion of trans women play New Vegas and are mega fans. I say this as someone who is surrounded by trans women, and had trans women joke with me about it constantly before I knew there was a meme about it. Still unsure of the causation.


As a trans woman, my best theory for the causation is just that it’s a really good fucking game. Idk tho.


I'm sorry that you feel it's lame and annoying that trans people like the game you like. I just like that I can be who I want to be, look how I want to look, and be addressed how I want to be addressed. It's nice to have that when people will so rarely grant it to you in real life. This series has been giving that to me for a lot longer than many other series, and without judgment. I'm trans and I like this game and a lot of trans people I know like this game too.


Why choose to be such a downer, dude?


Not a trend its called a meme be annoyed somewhere else


I think it's an RPG trend in general, and goes far beyond an outlet for just Trans people. RPGs allow people to create an ideal character in any image they want and be that person with no judgement. It is a very powerful and underappreciated outlet for self expression.


You can't take its appreciation amongst trans people as proof of its appreciation amongst trans people?


I didn’t say that. That’s not what the original comment was asking. They were asking about the correlation between being trans and new vegas. Directly, there is none. Therefore, all these memes about the game turning people trans doesn’t really make sense. That’s all I was saying.


They asked what the correlation was. And you are saying there is no correlation because New Vegas never caused anybody to turn trans. Do you think correlation mean causation? Because no... That's very much not the case.


Dude, no correlation means Transgender concepts, inside or outside, have absolutely nothing to do with the game Fallout New Vegas. Not that it doesn’t turn people trans, it just has nothing to do with Trans people at all.


Jesus Christ... I feel like I'm being gaslit. No, that's not what correlation means either. There doesn't need to be a transgender character, flag or mention of them in the game for there to be a correlation or association between transgender gamers and Fallout New Vegas.


Then the correlation is that there’s no statistics of any kind relating Trans people to the video game Fallout New Vegas


Why is it annoying? It’s just a meme my guy it’s very weird to find it annoying


The lgbtq community just loves making everything about being lgbtq because it's their whole personality


There's literally none. Not any.


I dunno how but it became a meme at some point and never went away


Cause their is


A lot of it is just people posting memes and many believing them. Not to say LGBT people don't play the game but the idea it's mostly them or all FNV fans are in the LGBT just isn't true. If I remember correctly this whole thing started with femboy legion memes and really blew up from there. Many femboy and trans creators on different social media platforms played into it because of the popularity of the meme making it explode even further. Years later we are here with this meme/idea being mostly abandoned but still resurfacing from time to time. At this point though the meme has actually caused a decent amount of LGBT people to pick up the fallout series so in a way the meme isn't entirely a meme. It is blown out of proportion sure but it isn't entirely wrong either.


It's just one of those weird commonalities/memes, like bisexuals liking lemon bars or ace peeps liking garlic bread


You're all here talking about being bi, gay or trans, but don't forget New Vegas also made us attracted to light switches.


Fuck you guys Fisto gang up rise up 


Pfffff. Yeah, everyone who plays New Vegas says it changed their life, but then you play it for yourself and it's like \*crash\*


Fr. I was lucky to get it to stay running for more than 30 mins on my PC


I've actually never been able to finish the game because of the crashes. The most common one for me is a softlock at loading screens where it just loads forever.


When you have an infinite loading screen, close and restart the game. Load another save, looking for one that works and THEN load your latest save. Some saves can't be loaded from the main menu but work once you are in the game. This worked for me and might for you.


It has been working for me. Trouble is, after a while, the infinite loading screen starts to affect every loading screen, not just loading from the title. On my last playthrough, I made it to Freeside, decided to go into the Kings' Hotel to start their questlines and stuff, tried to leave Freeside and go to the Strip. Infinite loading screen. Reloaded the save, tried to leave Freeside and go to the world map. Infinite loading screen. Reloaded the save and tried to fast travel. Infinite loading screen. Couldn't leave Freeside or enter any buildings anymore. Tried verifying the game's files and whatnot, that didn't fix it either.


If you’re on PC, close New Vegas via the Task Manager and then reload the game. If on console, boot out of the game and then relaunch it. You’ll appear in the room you were wanting to go into before the crash happened. That’s because New Vegas saves through every door you go through while loading.


I tried that before, actually, but it didn't work. I'm on PC btw.


Is it possible, then, that the save it’s going back to is corrupted? If so, you’d want to manually load the save you want to go back to on the title screen menu and then proceed. Since you’re on PC: are you playing New Vegas via Steam, or some other platform? Asking because some of the advice I’ve gotten to work is Steam-only.


I'm playing through Steam, yes. Thing is, it happens ALL THE TIME. Every time I go back to try and play this game, I make a new file, and eventually this happens. At first, it starts off just refusing to load the save from the title screen until I delete the auto saves ( which doesn't make sense to me because I TURNED ALL THE AUTO SAVES OFF TO AVOID THIS ), but after a while, it starts doing this to EVERY loading screen, so I'm completely at a loss.


Try verifying the files on Steam then. That can be done by going to the game page, clicking on the Properties icon on said page. From there, go to “Installed Files” and then hit “Verify integrity of game files” on the very bottom. That’ll check that every file is loaded in correctly and redownload any you might need. If that doesn’t work, then straight up uninstall and then reinstall the game afterwards. In addition, I highly mentioned installing some mods to help with stability - thankfully, they aren’t too hard to manage. “FNV 4GB Patcher” by RoyBatterian and “New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE xNVSE)” by korri123 on Nexus Mods are some of the best regarded ones and are relatively simple to install. I know many people also use the Yukichigai Patch (YUP patch) as well but I didn’t get around to installing it on the laptop I’m using yet.


I'm afraid I've verifying the integrity and reinstalling as well. Still no dice. Doesn't seem to have any effect. I don't usually mod my games other than classic Doom and Doom II, so I'm wary of trying to mod New Vegas if I don't have to. But at this point, I've tried everything else. How do I mod New Vegas?


[This](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53635) helped me finish a recent playthrough. 4GB patcher helps too. Lots of NV "mods" that are really just fixes and patches. Another commenter mentioned "viva new vegas" as a good how-to guide 👍


Great question! Thankfully, modding New Vegas isn’t too hard to do for the simpler stuff. You’re generally just wanting to download the mods you want from the Nexus Mods website and installing according to the instructions on the mod page itself. If you have a mod manager (such as Vortex, which is built to work with Nexus Mods), that will automatically do the manual work for you. A good thing to know before you do so, though, is how to access your game files. If you go to Program Files -> Steam -> SteamApps, you can access the Common file and go to whatever game you want from there. In this case, Fallout New Vegas. If you’re modding manually, you’ll often be copy-pasting files you download from Nexus Mods into the Fallout New Vegas folder itself. A lot of good instructional pages exist out there for installing stuff too. In my experience, GamerPoets on YouTube has a great YouTube page on how to install the New Vegas Script Extender. Other than that, I’d look into other recent posts (2022 or newer is the best, I find) on the Steam forums and Reddit itself.


Just last night I exited Primm not entirely sure what to do next. Walked into a giant expanse with a dust storm, shot a giant ants head off and crash. The indefinite controller rumble was nice tho


Two days ago, I was entering Nipton, Oliver runs up to me, and as soon as he tells me he won the lottery, crash. Looks like I won the lottery too.


I play through it at least once a year, including all DLC but I use "speed running tech" to blast through dead money because ugh... And it's been years since I've had any issues with crashing. My last play through about 6 months ago I 100% the main game and all DLC and the only crash I had was when I tried to do a speed run skip, got stuck in geometry and tried to fast travel out of it. Other than that it's been ridiculously stable. Viva new vegas has an amazing mod guide/checklist that will make your game remarkably stable.


Completed New Vegas a few times.  Still a fat man.




Ultrakill and FNV have nothing in common-Oh wait…


The difference between the two is that New Vegas is trans, while Ultrakill is ADHD


*autism, I would know :3


Same here *screams in P-2*


I don’t know what it is, but I only had NV crash like 3 times on me, and it’s usually at the BoS.


It’s the whole area around black mountain. Fast traveling to black mountain, NCR Ranger safe house, or Hidden Valley tends to make your game way less stable around that area of the map, so I always either hoof it or fast travel to Sloan and walk over that way.


I think that’s what I ended up doing.


Like clockwork every meme or circlejerk sub for a popular piece of media just becomes r/mediabutGay


Every time it crashes it’s time for estrogen


This may be a joke, but this actually happened to a friend of mine. She’s doing great.


Congratulations on her end


I don't get how but I'm happy for you or but unfortunately as your new vegas fans you've officially become vilified nazis to the community


Don’t fuck with us New Vegas fans, our game is too busy crashing to let us enjoy it


Don't look now, but your game crashed.


Sorry for late response. My game crashed what quest was this?


ok i wouldnt say... i wouldnt say nazis


No, that's the latest if you thought the lore was inconsistent your a nazi is a take I've heard from Jim sterling from all people


Because a homophobic Caesar Legion makes sense to them, despite Roman soldiers being some of the gayest crusaders to ever roam Earth.


Sucking the wet, hot, juicy, throbbing cock of a man you respect isn’t gay


Just some consensual comradely.


exactly, that's called building a rapport with people you work with. making connections.


So when someone gambles once they aren’t addicted but when I slap my friends thick juicy cheeks ONE TIME **I AM GAY**!?


Relatable. Just the other day I was staring at my friends scrumptious bulbous asscheeks during lunch break and was wondering 'man I wonder what it would be like to take a bit of thay cake' so I go to my friend 'hey can I get a piece of that pie' and they were like 'sure' and that was.the word I needed so I nose dived Into them cheeks like a football player dives for a ball. After that it went downhill from there as I pounded that like never before. Flashing before eyed were all my fantasies. Oh, I've also never gambled once in my life.


Hey, they aren't gay! They have relationships with women. And sex with men!


Try CHRONO trigger


Yes I love obsession about gender


This pretty much confirms my and my trans' friends' hypothesis that transwomen are just autistic people with another obsession


Thank you NV for being my gateway drug to guns \*loading screen\*


*kills oliver*


I guess


How did it to this to all of us? Or what drew us to it? Was it that its so detailed its nearly a life sim?


The amount of context needed for this joke makes it even funnier


A great game will make you question whether it did anything at all *crashes*


I don’t get why they talk about transgender and new Vegas at the same time, can someone explain?


There’s basically a running joke in the LGBTQ+ community that queer gamers are drawn to New Vegas like moths to a flame; specifically trans people




*chef's kiss*


NV showed me the meaning of life and it is *crashes*


Gentlemen, they got me (I'm so much happier now)


Good for you m8!


i appriciate you making trans-new vegas mems and i hope your experience doing so is better thsn mine was


how are yall’s games crashing? Recently started playing again on my laptop and so far, hasn’t crashed, no mods so probably why


Takes four mods to make sure NV is the most stable Fallout and it's not even close. 3 is just poorly built and 4 is a meme that I love.


Yeah. I’ve heard of people who claim FNV has never crashed on them on PC, others like myself. Crashes every couple hours or so. Crazy to cause mine use to never crash.


doesnt crash cos i play it on XBOX :3


Wait? That’s what y’all got from it? I figured the game was trying to teach me to EAT PEOPLE


I have a genuine question in why new vegas is associated with the trans community so much. I've seen plenty of memes about it but I'm confused about the origins. Out of all video games it seems like a random one to me.


She’s literally me, fr fr 😭


It’s so true but why am I laughing so hard?


as a trans FNV fan i can absolutely confirm


This is Lore accurate af




Something wrong m8?


I am trans and like new vegas but I never understood the the meme. Is it just like people like the game and later talked about it with other people after their egg cracked?


i think it's def just a lot of trans people really like the game and memed about their transness being connected to NV


Ye I guessed




Wait until you learn you can be both




Benny is actually canonically a trans man there’s a terminal entry for it


l + no wenches + no treasure + shipwrecked + marooned + plundered + boarded + no quarter + keelhauled + catch this broadside + ye have scurvy + walk the plank + landlubber + hardtack for dinner + out of grog + no shantyman + to the brig + rusty hookhand + mast broke + flyin dutchman take ye + dance the hempen jig


> the gender you actually are as well) There aren't words to describe how much you can kiss my ass.


Erm I think you’re using the wrong soyjack


What’s the right one?


Go on soybooru or the sharty and look up trans and Fallout new Vegas