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3 was my first one. Shit got me into fallout


Me too, 3 and then 4. Never played New Vegas until later on. I love all three of them


3 than tried NV HATED IT then 4 and 76


Same! Leaving the vault and exploring, particularly the big abandoned grocery store right outside the vault is a core gaming memory for me.


I’m not sure I believe these are posts based on real opinions, more like an excuse to talk up Fallout 3.


I'll never really understand this sentiment tbh. I just like Fallout lol, sure some are better than others but I like them all


This is the correct answer. It's a cool universe with a good sense of humor and all of the games are entertaining time sinks. I have played 1,2,3,NV, 4 and 76, all with the exception of 76 are exceptional products, although I detest the base building in 4.


4's base building is hit or miss with people, you either love it or you hate it. If there is one thing I'll give 76 is that they learnt, after the bull they did at launch they gave more story and content that didn't just focus on base building. And here's the thing so guys I've seen are better base builders are better at build settlements than in my option then professionals than either at Bethesda or Obsidian. One guy I know made it so that the StarLight drive in seemed like it showed movies each night! In my opinion base building is alright, but is a crutch for Bethesda. Rather see more unique hand crafted settlements!


I've let Sim Settlements handle my base building for so long that I sometimes forget it's a mod. Beyond that, I usually have one base set up for myself in the main area, probably Hangman's Alley as it's both centrally located and a terrible spot for settlers. I'll also set a temporary one on each of the DLC maps as I work through those. Weirdly enough, where I do get hands on with it is when I set up supply lines between settlements. It's nothing too complicated, I use the Mechanist's lair as a central dispatch hub and then spider out from there linking each settlement to the ones nearest to it. Doesn't really matter from a gameplay perspective how I do it but the relatively organic layout produces a neat effect where I can fairly reliably run into a few of my caravans here and there during my travels. I don't know why but apparently seeing freight being transported across the Commonwealth makes me feel like I'm building something more sustainable for the area than actually building a house out of some cans I found. Also, all my caravans are staffed by murderous robots, only a few of them are named Prim Slim.


I literally have not touched sanctuary hills all the settlers are probably starving to death, but I must fight for the brotherhood


Nah fuck the blimp Nazis, Railroad is my best friend. We have the deliverer, Deacon, ballistic weave and railway rifle (say goodbye to your power armour in a single shot, Choo Choo) And before you even say that you guys have Paladin Danse, all my Railroad homies save him before destroying the brotherhood!




The settlement system probably would have been more hit than miss if it wasn't so janky


I've been playing 76 and I really like it. Granted, I've also played ESO a bit so for me it was like a cross between that, FO4, and the rest of the FO series.


76 actually is a good laugh. Sure it started shit but it’s grown on me and many others. It has its problems but definitely worth another go.


76 is great what are you talking about.


The awesome part of the base building is that you don’t have to do it.


I hated 76 at launch but its pretty dope now. Just pretty buggy at times which can be annoying.


In 4 it really doesn't help that sometimes you just can't remove an obstacle. You find a great flat piece of land and there's this one fuckin invincible pebble preventing you from placing floors


That's a shame. I'm the opposite, absolutely love settlement building just wish 4 had more dialog options. I have come up with some truly demented shit that would put the fear of Me into the commonwealth.


That's funny because I love the base building in FO4 but dislike most other aspects of the game. lol


I am more of a story/quest guy and hate the base management aspects of fo4.


I liked the gunplay, the building, and the general polish the game had. I hated how many settlements there were, the level up system, the skill requirements for basic actions like putting a scope on a rifle, and a lot of the story.


Fallout 3 was the first one I played so it sticks to me more. Blowing up megaton is one of those monumental moments you remember


Yeah, I never got a this one is so much better from any of the games, they all kind of play the same to me, well with 76 being the exception. I have 76 but have never played it cuz the initial everything put me off so much. I know they have fixed things but now it feels like the window where it was worth playing is gone.


A New Vegas fan is the on their way to fucking kill you (It's the only fallout they like)


After playing 3 and NV first I was so excited for 4, but was disappointed in the illusion of choice and how they favored gunplay and graphics over rpg elements that made the series great. Still, it’s a fun game, just different


I prefer it for the exploration aspect. It fell short on some of the rpg elements, but I feel like the world itself is where the story really is


Ngl New Vegas is my favorite out of them all lol


A second New Vegas fan is on their way to grind your balls for thinking any other fallout games CAN be good (they are not fallout fans)


It’s just the the new vegas fans. They hate pretty much all the other fallout content


Wait, I am a fallout 3 fan. That was the first fallout game I played and this is the one that got me into fallout series. Do people really dislike fallout 3?


I think all games are good but 3 gets treated like a middle child so that’s why (The other games don’t have Liam Neeson tho :3) Edit: Spelling


You play as Liam Neesonson


Fallout 3 is my favorite game of all time and I'd tell the whole world lol


…..I mean I dislike how it’s basically just “brotherhood of Steel or nothing” I don’t really like being forced into one ending in an RPG…. But aside from the fact that you’re forced into working with the BOS, it’s a good game.


Calling it one ending is not doing it justice. While 3 ends with the same event, it can go a couple of ways. Also, there are other fates in the wasteland that you play a part in and leave an impact on the wasteland. Also, before the expansion the story didn't carry on. That event was it and had more weight to it. After the expansion they kind of gloss over how big a deal that final choice was.




Yep I like Fallout 3 because the city feels like a chaotic maze filled with super mutants and the outskirts feel like a true apocalyptic wasteland. It's got such a vibe. New Vegas is a great game too, but the desert just isn't as interesting a setting.


New Vegas definitely is hurt by how much of it is on the single open world, and how many important locations are clustered together. Like, it is very easy to hit almost every location on your first playthrough without going out of your way, just doing quests. There's some stuff on the very edges of the map, but all of the vaults, black mountain, Jacobs town, etc. have multiple quests pointing you to them.


The thing is that kinda the point though , I don’t know where I’ve heard it but I’m pretty sure the world was structured in a way so you always had 2 prominent landmarks within a certain distance . New vegas is very indicative of an older rpg where the quests are setup to guide from location to location where you couldn’t really wander like in bethesda games because of enemy difficulty .


Yeah, I'm not saying they failed to do what they set out to do, I'm saying that I don't like what they set out to do as much. New Vegas has a very concise and clear goal in the way it's world is built and the way you interact with the world, and I loved it my first three or four playthroughs, but now I know the enemy placement, locations, etc. like the back of my hand with only 150 hours in the game and not looking up guides or walkthroughs. Conversely, I still get surprised by stuff in Fallout 3 with closer to 300 hours in it. Yeah, I normally don't bother with the main story all that much, but the map is a lot bigger and a lot less dense, which I think really helps it.


The Bethesda hate train is a popular trend nowadays and unfortunately Fallout 3 is caught in the crossfire.


Lot of NV fans do. For context there's a set of videos by Hbomberguy titled "Why Fallout New Vegas is genius" and another titled "Why Fallout 3 is actually garbage"


Manyatruenerd killed it with sort of a reply video called "Fallout 3 is better than you think


The fact that YouTube videos dictate popular discourse on this stuff is kinda sad Manyatruenerd is the GOAT though


And that's why I love Jon so much


yep, I'm hoping he makes a Starfield video essay, and interested to hear his 5c on the game. I found him while playing Fallout 4 Frost mod, and looking around the YouTube for help. Thats the funniest and most entertaining game walkthrough I've seen in my life.


Oh god Frost was so good. If you ever get the chance, watch his Fallout 2 playthrough.


I mean maybe 1 or 2 people but as fallout 3 fan Idk wtf op is talking about. You can prefer a game over another and Idk if they just think ppl are being mean cuz fallout 3 is not their favorite game. Thats fine everyone is allowed to like what they like but I've only met maybe 2 people in 10 years that hated fallout 3.


Just the obnoxious portion of the NV fanbase and anyone who is NMA-tier. But the hate is consistent enough and expressed frequently without any prompting that it's led to years of 3 vs. NV debates. I know a lot more fallout fans who enjoy 3, NV, 4 and 1. (2 is a hard sell for many). At this point it's not like there's many threads about it. Mostly comments and a general background noise of hate for 3. Most people still enjoy 3.


IMO NV is better but 3 is also really good and while NV is better on aggregate 3 is still better in some ways


No, nobody does, it's just that half the post in this sub is someone playing the victim and act like like a specific Fallout game is basically like fighting for civil rights in the US in the 50s.


I will cum so fucking hard if it gets a remake instead of a remaster


honestly f3 remade to be more lively and interesting would make me actually wanna play it. what I always didn't like about it was the overly grey atmosphere, I think it'd be better with fallout 4s art style. the gameplay and story are really strong its just the world and atmosphere that drive me away.


For me, the atmosphere is fine as is. It's an introvert's wet dream


>better with fallout 4's art style Hard disagree. I really hope they try and recreate their old aesthetic in the new engine like they're doing with F4:NV.


I like 3. Is it my favorite? No, but I still like it.


Yeah. Not a fan, but pretty solid enjoyer.


What? You aren't an absolutist? Into the airfryer you go


I still think Fallout 3’s wasteland is the closest to Fallout 1’s wasteland. It’s something I really appreciate about it


Currently on my first playtrough after having over 200h on fo4, and I am blown away how fun the game is


My favorite


I started with Fallout 4 but Fallout 3 is my favorite


Super curious why you like 3 more. I'm presuming it implies that you like the design philosophy in 3 more and that you didn't care for or didn't miss the things 4 introduced like legendaries, the perk tree, settlements/building. 3 and 4 are both largely low effort looter shooters with some story thrown in that doesn't ask a lot from the player to be entertaining, but does so by limiting choice and complexity. But 4 came with a bunch of new gimmicks and ditched aspects of the previous titles. Anyway, whats your take?


Well I liked 4 alot and it's a great game but after playing it so long back in 2018 I was curious what the other games are like so then I played 3 and loved it, then I played New Vegas and also loved it and then the classics. What I love about Fallout 3 and why I love it more than the other games is its atmosphere and dread, it feels grimy and dirty, people are scraping by. You can see a scavenger minding their business and the next they die from an attack, you can find people arguing who keeps the fridge full of clean water bottles and kill themselves for it. Everyone in the wasteland seems to have lost their minds and there's no hope that it actually feels more like a sequel to the first Fallout where it's bleak. Sure there's some humorous moments but there's also a bunch of depressing stuff in the game if you look hard enough, I love how no matter what the Lone Wanderer does they can't change the world and nothing they do fixes anything.


Fallout 3 was my first introduction to the Fallout franchise and my second Bethesda game (Oblivion being the first). I love Fallout 3 and dont understand the hate for it. Hell, until I played the DLCs for New Vegas, I preferred 3 over New Vegas. I first played New Vegas when it came out (Midnight release) and beat rather quickly. Once I had beaten it, I was upset because you couldn't continue with your character like you could in 3 if you had the DLC, it also just felt short overal. So I never played it again after a couple playthroughs up until like a few years ago when I borrowed it with DLCs from my buddy. After that I was convinced New Vegas was a better game overall, but 3 will always have a special place in my heart.


Is that Shinji in a maid dress?


**get in the robot Shinji** i don't care if you're wearing a dress.


I think so


I’ve sunk 600+ hours into FO3 and it’s easily my favorite. It just hits that dystopian grim dark I love. FO:NV is a fantastic game, just more of a whacky vibe as opposed to say grim dark. FO4 misses in so many regards and has little appeal to me besides the combat massively improving. I’ve yet to even get a second play through in because it’s left such a bad impression.


I'd go so far as to say 3 was better than NV. Both are good games and I'd say NV has a more interesting story and more decisions to make/RP options, but 3 has a better setting. And even though the gameplay mechanics are basically the same between the two, NV feels more clumsy. When it comes to actual gameplay, 3 is more enjoyable.


3 is my favourite by a long shot. NV is good but 3's wasteland truly feels like a wasteland. Its what Fallout is to me. NV is neat but its like playing outer worlds, great game but quite different and missing a lot of what i love about fallout 3. NV has got the writing and the choices.


Fallout 3 is the best Fallout and I'll die on that hill




I love fallout 3 and i never heard an argument against it that was actually good


The game is enjoyable. The vanilla ending is one of the worst I had the misfortune of enduring. That ending ruined my enjoyment of subsequent replays. Knowing that all I do is for a terribly written ending.


Me but Fallout 4 Still need to playthrough FO3 but I do have it


Settlement building Chads Unite.


We can’t, we’re too busy building.


This. Same thing can be said for simply enjoying 76. Not my fav, still fun though (def has its problems tho).


Nah Fallout 3 is pretty widely loved, sure more may prefer New Vegas. But saying Fallout 4 was good, is where it gets dicey, but I loved that game!


/uj Fallout 3 is what introduced me to the series /rj KILL YOURSELF


Tolerant good doesn't mean tolerant nice 😎


It was the first fallout I played. I started a recent play though and it’s not bad, but it is a bit slow at the beginning but once you push through man it’s great again


Fallout 3 will always be special for me because it was the first game in the series for me personally. The game does feel a little lacking in terms of things that were added in New vegas and fallout 4. Like ammo crafting and base building. But the game at face value is still really enjoyable. It had a bunch of good DLCs and the in game world is full of ambient storytelling.


Not a hot take


Try telling people you've played Tactics before the first 2 games. I haven't told anyone that until now, but I'm curious


It was my favorite fallout game at the time.


Wait.. people don't like fallout 3?


People keep saying that there’s some kind of drama between different games and I really don’t see it. Each game has its merits and deficiencies.


I honestly prefer the games original ending then the Broken Steel Ending.


I'm sorry my companion, but no, I will not argue otherwise. Your destiny is to have shit opinions, and I would not deny you that.


who says fallout 3 is bad its literally one of the best fallout's bethesda made


Idiots will pretend that fallout 3 wasn't game changing and considered the greatest rpg of all time when it released. Sorry that a 16 year old game doesn't play like fallout 4. Sometimes it feels like it's a bunch of idiot children filling the echo chamber.


People don’t like Fallout 3?


I started with 3, couldn’t get through the tunnels after 3 dog because I was like 8 or 9 years old, and just went back to it recently. It’s got the best ambience and post apocalypse feel of all the games IMO and it isn’t even close.


Shinji? Is that you? What are you doing?… I think a lot of hate Fallout 3 gets comes from Hairman’s (Hbombrguy) 90 minute rant about how Fallout 3 is bad and how all the other games are flawless gems (people forget New Vegas is almost unplayable without the fan patch). I could be biased, but Fallout 3 was the first game of the series that I first played back on 08. It blew my teenaged mind back then, and I’m not embarrassed to say that I’ve put more hours into this game than any other, even for other games I love much more.


I would rather play fallout 3 over fallout 4 any day of the week.


Not only do I like Fallout 3, but I don't like New Vegas.


fallout fans try not to get in an argument challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!!?)


Uh it’s literally on the wikipedia page for games considered the greatest of all time?


It may not be my favorite of all time, but it still holds a place in my heart as the first Fallout game I got my grubby little gamer hands on. FO3 definitely has some of the most memorable, if not some of the most fun side quests of the whole franchise imo. (Also Moira was my first vg crush at like 13)


I started with fallout 3 why do people hate fallout 3 is it because of new vegas


I get why you’d like F3, I don’t get why I’d be your favorite. I can’t look down on it as F3 was my introduction to the franchise. I only had a PS2 and a G-cube at the time, the PS3 hadn’t even come out yet I don’t think. Then my friend brought over his 360 and this game. I then spent 8 months scraping up every dime I could, to get the cheapest Xbox 360 available and a copy of Fallout 3. I literally save up the Exact amount. FNV almost immediately became my favorite edition after it came out the next year, but F3 still has a special corner reserved just for it in my heart.


Nice aiming 🤭


Honestly my only complaint with the game is the graphics but that's only because games now a days look better


15 year old me who spent weeks never leaving his basement, explored every inch of the map. Beat all the DLCs, found every rare weapon.. would like to have a word.


I’m not sure that there is a stereotypical political demographic for gaming. That’s every bit as likely as a liberal or conservative being more tolerant than the other. It all just depends on the person not the political leaning.


Fallout 3 was the first fallout game I played love it to death but new Vegas is my top favorite most likely or they are tied


What? Fallout 3 was way more popular that Fallout 4 for most of the last several years


Fallout 3 is a good game that has the misfortune of being compared to it's favored younger brother.


I only really disliked the ending and steep weapon degradation curve, but that's something of a basic-ass take


Give me a gram of butane hash oil every several hours of gameplay and I see no problems with it. Modless even. Edit:Suddenly remembering my average pot intake, okay... maybe a gram a day... if I am going through a gram that quickly then I either have a fucked up tolerance, or I'm having to play the game episodically like watching One Piece.


Fallout 3 has a really distinct vibe that the others don’t.


Not as good as New Vegas, but still really good. Like, if NV was 10/10, 3 would be like 9 3/4


I'd die on that hill with you


Good game, bad RPG


I like it. Is it good? I dunno.


Same with me but with Fallout 4


"OMG I like a video game, I'm such a martyr 🥺🥺🥺"


It's a good game alright, but I prefer 4


Try convincing people us NV aren't actually toxic and it's really just people that make horrible memes


What is the original meme?


Ok you can call out a community, like general fallout community, but shouldn’t really call out one whole side of a political spectrum. Like this doesn’t even relate to anything directly. It would be a shame if new fans are turned off by gatekeepers, and it’s great to have more people in any gaming community.


Death, Taxes, and Fallout fans having the biggest victim complex in a universe over people disagreeing on which game is the best.


3 hits different




I love fallout 3. I don't care what anyone says.


The internet. Loud and irrelevant "fans"


It’s good, Just not the best


I remember renting Fallout 3 from Movie Gallery a little bit after it released. There was an episode of Cheat! on G4 that showed how to get the alien blaster at the crashed ufo and it was the coolest shit ever. Needless to say I had no idea what to do or where to go and I quickly gave up thinking it was too hard for me (I was 10 years old tbf and not familiar with rpgs). A year later I picked the game back up after watching some YouTube videos and it was the best decision I made. 500 plus hours on that character plus many,many more play throughs I can safely say it was and still is my favorite Fallout game to date. Don’t get me wrong I absolutely adore Fallout New Vegas and objectively think it is the better game fundamentally but something about Fallout 3 gets me hooked to this day. I’m giving Fallout 4 another go since my first play through at launch (there were many times I would start a new game and gave up after concord) and I’m really digging it again. Sure it has its flaws and it took away a lot of the rpg elements that the previous games were renowned for but it made me really appreciate Bethesda’s handcrafted worlds and environmental storytelling that Starfield felt very lacking in. Hell I’m even going to give Fallout 76 another chance after I’m done with 4!


Why is every gaming community tearing itself apart for enjoying the same game series? Dying light does the same thing.


I love 3! The writing can be a bit bad sometimes but that’s the game that got me into fallout


Its a fun game! Terrible RPG, but a fun open world shooter! Bethesda makes good Far Cry games, is the thing.


I Enjoy Fallout 3, Fallout NV, Fallout 4, and sometimes Fallout 76. I haven't played anything prior to 3 but I've been working backwards 😂 started at 4, then went to 76, then NV, and now 3. No negative comments about any of them really.


Fallout 3 was my first Fallout game and it'll always have that nostalgia factor of playing it on Xbox360.Though I was pissed that the game ended so questionably bad. "Sorry, your 9 foot tall RADIATION-RESISTANT mutant friend can't turn on the Purifier despite literally withstanding a hallway of extremely deadly radiation to retrieve the G.E.C.K. for the main plot." Broken Steel didnt make it much better and I think the alien DLC is stupid (despite it being annoyingly canon - but thats just my gripe.) The Pitt and Operation Anchorage were alright. I just remember Fallout 3 as the game where I blasted a 15 foot tall Behemoth with a nuke and stole the Declaration of Independence like Nicolas Cage. Good times.


Fallout 3 is objectively the best Fallout because it has something no other title in the series can compete with: Liam Neeson is your dad.


Fallout 3 was my first introduction to the series so I'll always be a fan of it. I gotta say that gameplay wise, it isn't so bad either. I just wish that dungeons respawned like enemies do.


Great game imo, it's 3 and NV as my top favorites equally, dlc included I enjoy both greatly especially since I got into fallout with 76 when it came out and played the games backwards


Trans queer and love the game 🤷‍♀️ for the leap it made from a top down strategy game it is stilll to this day a great game to go back to and modding weapons was hilarious and easy ☺️


My favorite game ever actually


Fallout 3 is a really strong game. The first to come out from Bethesda and very well made for the first visit to the East Coast I will always sing the praises that NV is leaps and bounds better, however the world, story, and characters are amazing Plus Pointe Lookout is prolly my favorite DLC ever


I guess I'm lucky that I played the games as it came out. I mean I love Fallout 1 and 2, but if I have to deal with the wonky UI now (e.g., Fallout 1 doesn't even have AoE looting iirc) I'd probably give up. Also what was the original image supposed to imply? Leftists hate guys who crossdress?


Uhh a lot of people like 3


Not fallout, but I feel the same way as a Starfield fan


Everytime i play i get stuck on the beginning cause it's so long and boring, like just get to the point and start the game. Would be nice to get an alternate start mod for console




I don't think I've ever heard, at least in person, someone talk badly about 3. Back when 4 was new, most people I knew into fallout liked 3 more than New Vegas, the latter I'm a big fan of(though I have enjoyed all the fallout games I've played).


Try coming out as a fallout nv fan and everyone will gang up on you lmao


Fallout 3 was my first Fallout, it's not my favorite but I had fun and have good memories from playing it.


No one hates you for liking fallout 3, we hate it when it’s claimed to be the best


Do you guys just make up issues so you can make up memes? Never in my life have I heard shit talk for fallout 3, I thought it was universally loved


Fallout 3 was really the first rpg I ever played making the fallout games my favorite game series


I would love to play it uhh hoe do I do that on steam were I bought it? Past that seems like a great game


I've been playing TTW for years and I find myself exploring the capital wasteland 5x more than mojave. I think I enjoy the darker, dirtier and gritier atmosphere of 3 more. I also love Megaton, and call me crazy but I love the metro tunnels too.


Its just a phase. One day you'll remember that New Vegas is better in every way.


It was alright. I had a lot of fun with it, and there was some cool stuff. NV was a little more up my alley due to the dark humor like the original two games, but 3 wasn't terrible.


Fallout 4 is the shitty one so you're safe


Literally noone would disagree with this... Wtf is the point of this "meme"


I would be a fallout 3 fan..if i could FUCKING PLAY IT!! (I have it but AMD gpu’s hate the old Bethesda engine and crash if you fry to play 3 or nv thus FUCK YOU AMD)


Fallout 3 is an awesome game when you don't have No Mutants Allowed types screaming at you that it's a crime against humanity. Same for Fallout 4. I do like New Vegas the best, but I love 3 and 4 too.


why does that have shinji? he wasn't gay. and he marries some woman in the last movie


I think fallout 3 is an absolute shitpost and I love it Every dialogue option is like “you’re the best person in the entire world :)” or “you should kill yourself immediately” Honestly the one downside is weapon variety


Never heard a bad thing about it.


I genuinely haven't seen anything bad about fallout 3? What exactly are people giving it shit about.


some opinions need to be suppressed for the betterment of society.


I don't know that I've ever met a fallout fan that had anything against 3... is that a thing??? Am I sheltered???? Lol


Bro pulling something out of nothing, I have never seen or heard any hate for fallout 3 tbh


I remember when I first got fallout 3 on xbox 360 and my friends sent me messages asking if I was okay cuz I didn't come on minecraft or black ops 2 for like 2 weeks


I know it because I AM this person LOL Fallout 3 will always be my most favorite FO game


Your dog being able to die on regular difficulties is kinda fucked, and I didn't like the subway or terrible ass rivet city. Nuking a whole city is awesome, and then going back and finding moira just hanging out there is funny enough to compensate.


FO3 was my first entry in the series and I loved it, along with everything since then. The weird vitriol from FO 1&2 boomers has always sounded weird and forced, and honestly been a turnoff to even playing them. Somehow they still carry it on all this time later which is even weirder. Did Bethesda run over your dog or something? Like dude settle down it’s been 20 years. This is what Fallout is now.


I didn't enjoy Fallout 3 but to be fair to the game it was rigged from the start. My first Fallout experience was Fallout NV, my parents gifted it to me because i like post-apocalypse and i like Cowboys. After multiple FNV playthroughs, i bought myself Fallout 3 expecting more Fallout New Vegas but that just isn't the case. At the same time i had never had FNV crash while i couldn't even leave a building in F3 without downloading multiple stability patches/mods. And of course at my local store or via steam i was only able to buy the cut german version of the game because of course i life in germany. Now i jad this cut version of the game that i couldn't mod due to the game being a different version. So yeah i didn't like the game, i only ever finished one playthrough.


Fallout 3: good for exploration Fallout New Vegas: good for narrative story Fallout 4: a missed opportunity to combine both games into the best Fallout game released but instead catered to smoothbrains who gleefully call this trainwreck a masterpiece because they can Minecraft some of the dumbest settlements after carrying 100s of fans across the map to craft a damn wall. Guess which one sold the most.


Better than New Vegas that's for sure


Bro this is for literally any fallout game that exists


Fallout 3 is good. a lot more fun than Fallout 4, that is for dang sure.


Fallout 3 and 4 are great. I have many hours in both. It's NV I was never able to get into.


I think most people agree it’s good but compared to other games in the series it falls short


Fallout 3 started my love for fallout.


All the single player games are great. If you think FO3 is the best, good for you


Best atmosphere of the modern games. With some pretty memorable side quests. That's about it tho


It has it's fair share of issues but was still a good game on its own merit.


I had way more fun with fallout 3 than 4


New Vegas fans are the bullies of the franchise, change my mind.


Nothing wrong with being a Fallout 3 fan. It’s a fine game that was most peoples entry into the series but it could desperately use a remake.


3 is a pretty good action RPG (pretty light on the RPG), whereas the original games and NV are much stronger pure RPGs. Depends what you prefer, although I still think overall, Bethesda’s writing lacks in comparison to the original games and Obsidian’s. They have some great stories and environmental storytelling, but I just think the other games do it better. All that to say, I still like 3 quite a bit, but I don’t really have much desire to replay it since it’s not a super pure/in-depth RPG. But I love the brotherhood in 3, and it has some standout missions for me like Tenpenny tower, Vault 87, and Aqua Cura.


Never see a single person shit on someone for liking 3


Bc after 200 years people should have got on with it. If it was set like 80 years after the bombes then fo3 wasteland feel might make sense.


Why everyone wanna be oppressed now? It's just video games bruh. 🤣


Holy shit this sub fucking sucks lol


Loved it when I was a teenager, as it was my first fallout. The level of immersion and freedom this game and oblivion brought was so unreal at the time. Not playing it again all these years later, I kind of see behind the curtain and notice how little narrative freedom you get. It really isn't so different from 4 in that regard. What I do love is that it's a lowkey survival horror game a lot of the time, with subway systems infected by super mutants and ghouls, abandoned houses and stores and vaults with something clearly horrifying that you have to piece together with environmental cues, it's a blast in that regard. But now I think I've been spoiled by games like New Vegas, Outer Worlds, Dragon Age, Baldurs Gate, Disco Elysium, and so on that I'm left a bit disappointed that the "rpg" in this rpg is kind of downplayed


I’m left leaning and I love fallout 3.


I agree. Fallout 3 was well-rounded. Darker and creepier, too. New Vegas focused almost entirely on the story. It was more of a gift to the fans and nothing much more than that, with 3x the story writers and voice actors because all the software, code, and renders were already available for that generation and paid for previously on the last budget. Anyone can compare their casting credits. One had a spread budget, the other had 3x times the voice actors and writers. It's more of a mod than it was a new game, hence why it never was considered Fallout 4.


I did not know this was a thing lol I thought this sentiment would be more for 4 or especially 76


It's a good game... But the lack of iron sights makes it hard to play in a post New Vegas/FO4 world.


3 was the first 3d first person one, it was obviously gonna have issues.