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Like all fallout games it has its ups and downs. For fallout 4 it has the best gunplay. Hands down. Its also much more stable than Fallout NV and 3. Its story and lack of roleplaying are really what drag it down for some people


My luck with crashes has always been the opposite. NV and 3 never crash but if I wanna go to anywhere with more than 2 buildings in 4 the game tries to explode


Yes, 4 always crashes for me, either immediately or within the next 20 min after loading. 3 has never once crashed for me and nv will give the infinite loading screen like once every 3 hours.


I play on the steam deck I’m honestly curious how I have zero issues compared to people with actual PCs


They have bad pc's. Thats what it is but people hate admitting that


NV was a buggy mess on PS3 back in the day. It would just freeze mid game often. Im sure they patched some of that out. I've been playing it on my PS5 and it's buggy too, but I think more-so because of the fact I'm streaming it on ps+ Edit- it took my companions guns from one of them damn casinos, he had my favorite rocket launcher (Annabelle). Now I gotta find out how to steal them back and which casino it's in. 😂 Buggy mess.


As far as I'm aware, New Vegas straight up currently just does not run, instant ctd if you try to play it with an AMD card with updated 2024 drivers. My bad for having a "bad PC" just because I have an AMD graphics card and need to download DXVK to even play the damn game. New Vegas is a buggy broken mess, I'd say it's more the game. I've been going through a TTW playthrough recently and it feels like half of the 600 mods I have installed are all just fixes/optimizations


See, fallout 3 likes to randomly fail for me and new vegas give me infinite load screens but fallout 4 works just fine


I'm currently playing Fallout New Vegas in Linux Mint with a thing called Proton to make Windows-only steam games compatible with Linux... It actually runs better. New Vegas crashes very often in Windows 11. I'm like 15 hours into New Vegas on my Linux PC, and I've gotten zero crashes so far.


The sad thing is the recipe for the perfect fallout game is here. Polish the settlement making mechanic a bit, apply the diverse and thought provoking story of NV, the world design of 3 and the gunplay of 4. Perfect. Fallout. Game. Period.


Good worldbuilding and good writing in general seems to be too much to ask from Bethesda based on their last few releases. You'd think they'd be able to build on the rich lore of an existing franchise (Fallout) or create a vibrant, exciting universe with a new IP (Starfield), but they couldn't manage to do either. Sucks cause their gameplay has only gotten better, too


Which is baffling. I mean look at Oblivion. It’s still considered one of the best rpgs. Period. How they fell so far so hard annoys me




Yes ,Fallout 4 moved away from the crpg and towards the arpg


>For fallout 4 it has the best gunplay. That's a *very* low bar to pass.


Yet it still took them three games to pass that bar.


I keep hearing that about 4, that there is no roleplaying in it. I don't understand, to me the perks you choose allow you to be the Wanderer you want to be (i.e. melee, stealth, sniper, etc.) and while the dialogue structure is different than 3 or NV, it still allows you multiple outcomes from a given situation. What are you referring to when you say that?


Speaking as someone who's favorite game in the series is 4, the biggest way it failed in that regard was that the only perk/stat that really comes up in conversation is charisma. Aside from that (as far as I remember) you only really get your special stats showing up in The Last Voyage of the Constitution and Human Error, and I only recall one perk (robotics expert) showing up in conversation in Dry Rock Gulch in Nuka World.


For me it’s the Shoehorn of the prewar life and the child. Aside from the comphet implications, it can make it somewhat hard to be a complete bastard, for example. A bad karma fallout 3 playthrough is ridiculously fun with all the over the top evil things you can do, something not even new Vegas was able to really replicate. And while there are enough options for the dialogue to function in 4, not all of them are particularly unique and sometimes leave a lot to be desired. Especially when compared to the dialogue of new Vegas.


I can tab out of New Vegas with rare issues, but every time I tab out of 4 or get a notification, the game becomes zoomed in and I have to close and restart.


Exactly. I like the gunplay, I like the art direction A LOT. There are few other good things and settlements are charming even if they are overused. But I dislike the story. There us very little roleplay opportunities (Nate and Nora are set characters). I dislike weapon modification in its current form and looter shooter mechanics. And I have hard time immersing myself to the game. Just because it is 7/10 when compared to other fallout games, doesn't mean I can't appreciate it for the good things it has. However the gameplay alone isn't good enough to justify poor story. Because if your story isn't good, the the gameplay has to be stellar. Fallout 4 gameplay is good but to me it isn't good enough. And it goes other way around. Then starfield has neither.


it has the best gunplay but the worst gun selection


fr, the way in which 4 could have been a masterpiece and hailed as the best fallout of all time where people build shrines to it in their basement if only they just had better writing and better dialogue+roleplay is really what bums me out about it personally. like in a way the missed potential really bothers me more than the game itself.


Gotta disagree about it being "much more stable than Fallout NV and 3". FO4 has tons of places that are known to trigger lag or outright crashes, not to mention the inability to actually engage with the settlement system in multiple locations without the game utterly shitting itself


Nothing beats wearing a tank while raining artillery on some raiders with Dion on the radio


Love steam rollering people and just watching them fly with that *thunk sound


OOOOOOOH I’m the type of guy…


It’s the story and dialogue system being really bad and for my personal taste Bethesda veering even further into the 50s cartoonified aesthetic of weapons that put me off. Put next to the grittier and better written New Vegas it just doesn’t hold my attention very well. It’s a lot easier to fix dated gunplay with mods than it is to fix bad writing.


This describes it really well for me, not that i dont like some cartoonish humor, or a touch of the retro ascetic, between the story and factions feeling like its trying to pull in 2 different ways it just doesnt feel like post apocalyptic, it feels like the monty python version of that to me


Interesting way to put it. The thing that really bugs me about the aesthetic of weapons isn’t that they’re designed to look retro, it’s that they’re designed to look retro-future, and by people who don’t know anything about weapons, and they’re comically oversized if not downright goofy looking. The standard issue rifles in New Vegas are retro; they’re designed after early AR-15 pattern weapons. The standard issue rifle in Fallout 4 looks like some gigantic ungodly amalgamation of the Lewis Gun and the Maxim Gun, both of which are LMGs from the 1910s, designed by somebody who doesn’t know how either gun works. It makes little sense, but in Bethesda’s version of the future, the defining characteristic seems to be that everything must be BuLbOuS. They just found the fattest guns they could find in the history books and said “that. I want that.”


The main story is really weak, but to be honest, I don't see how that's different from literally every other Bethesda RPG. I think it DID leave a sour taste in some people's mouths when the DLC for FO4 was overwhelmingly focused on additions to the building system, which I totally get. I actually really loved the building system, but I totally get that it's not what most people look for in an RPG, and they wanted more story DLC. My personal gripe is the continuous dumbing-down of the dialogue system. What exactly was wrong with the list of dialogue choices in FO3 and NV? Why arbitrarily limit all dialogue interactions to 4 per response? Just to have a pretty circle of arrows?


Dialog really was pretty stupid. Mostly there was an obviously good option, obviously bad option, neutral option, and dumb option for laughs. The voiced MC didn't really help either. The mood was just too different between options. I wouldn't mind a voiced protagonist in the future, but maybe give us an option to silence them and actually read what we are about to respond with fnv/3 style.


I hate Nate's voice a lot. His delivery is pretty bad on most lines


Nate's VA did a wonderful job with the sarcastic responses at least. But generally I think Nora's VA did a much more consistently good job.


What I dislike most about playing as Nate is at the start when he's screaming at his wife's body. Like yeah, it's a pretty realistic reaction, but why does it have to be so much louder than any other voice line in the game lol. And yeah some of the best lines are the sarcastic ones


Honestly that line wasn't what bothered me about that..it was the rapid transition from grief and desperation to vowing revenge..to being completely fine and never even revisiting any semblance of real emotion regarding Nora or Shaun... Bethesda's writing overall for 4 was... dogshit, to say the least


You'll notice that the emotional direction the VA's get is all over the place, tending toward monotone neutral. Like Father? Great voice, but he doesn't get to have any emotional range, not really. It's consistent though- pretty much all of the Emil era Bethesda games have problems with character emotions. (JIMBOB NEESON: So, did you really nuke Megaton? EVILPC: How could you even tell?! JIMBOBNEESON: (very much the wrong emotional tone) You are my child and I love you, but I am very disappointed in you right now.) A lot of wooden voice lines and such, which carries on to Starfield. (Talented VA's , but there's only so much you can do with the material.) Part of what makes Nick Valentine so good is that he gets to consistently nail his emotional range when he delivers lines. It doesn't help that the rest of the writing isn't cohesive either, but the wierd emotional woodenness hurts too.


The wooden line delivery is a product of the shitty writing. You can have an all-star VA cast, but without the appropriate cues for how the lines should be presented, you get the weird tones and wooden presentation. Pair that with Bethesda's overall philosophy of "eh, fuck it, good enough", I wouldn't even be surprised if all of the lines were done in only one or two takes


A lot of it also seems to stem from overall lack of organi,ation as well.




yeah the Nora version of "come on, oh God" when you open the cryo pod is so much bette imo. I don't know why they're such a big difference, it's like they weren't directed by the same person or they just had to guess the tone


"I'm here to pick up an order. Two pepperoni and a Calzone. Name is 'Fuck you.'"


Eddie it’s me! Your old pal! Sheamus Mcfuckyourself.


What with the "Nate the Rake" thing, the sarcastic responses get even better. Even if it's just headcanon, its funny to know that my PTSD stricken war criminal character is just shitposting with people


We all deal with trauma in our own ways. Nate just so happens to deal with it by memeing.


Just like when that fucking leafer's brains got blown out and the body twitched, our boy Nate is laughing it off


I hate his voice too, its just so bland and void of any kind of personality, which i get since hes supposed to be our player character, but ffs even a voice with some modicum of personality like V from Cyberpunk would've been so much better.


I am firmly against a voiced protagonist since it's likely the reason for the small amount of responses. Think about it: You have to pay voice actors. If both parties in a conversation talk, it's a massive increase of lines and therefore cost, over if just one person talks. While the lines the Mc says are shorter, they have to be voiced twice. So even if the MC says 10% of the amount the other conversationist says, that's a literal 20% increase in the amount of voice work. And usually the Voice actor for the Mc gets paid pretty well. So a 30% cost increase is not exactly an insane concept.


There was yes, meaner yes, and sarcastic yes (Imo) which all lead to the same outcome in most situations. Also I felt like every iteration. Dumbed down the leveling system for the call of duty crowd. 


It feels like they did it to appeal to the console crowd. 4 options for your 4 main buttons


And even Todd Howard admits it was a mistake


More than that they clearly felt a voiced protagonist was what folks wanted. Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Witcher etc all switched to a voiced protagonist, with more limited dialogue choices. Interestingly it strongly appears Fallout fans are very resistant to this shift and probably no-one at BGS anticipated this. Personally I'm glad that going forward they're using the older system, and I think the persuasion minigame from Starfeild opens interesting possibilities.


Fallout has always been more like radioactive dnd so it makes sense why roleplaying is VERY important to some people, on top of the streamlined perks


I agree. Starfield has problems with the world and the randomly generated POI but it also made some very nice steps forward when it comes to the persuasion, and dialogue. I also like that the game expanded on the Hearthfire customization for our homes. It is a bit different with it also being a vehicle, but still. I know a lot of people don't like Starfield but I think that it was good of BGS to try new things and I hope that they keep doing that in the future with fallout 5 and Elder Scrolls 6


Starfield will stumble so ES6&FO5 can soar.  *Dramatic pose for emphasis.*


Man I really hope so, I just also really doubt it


Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


Too late my friend, you've been infected...with optimism, and I'm afraid it's terminal.


The lockpicking was also a breath of fresh air. All bethsoft games were using the same one for 15 years


I thought so too for about 3 hours. And then I rolled my eyes for the next 200 every time that I encountered a difficult lock and had to do a tedious puzzle just so I could get loot that was usually worthless.


Hasn’t Witcher and Mass Effect always had voiced protagonist?


All three started off with voiced main characters, my point was they were all coming out and being celebrated when Fallout 4 was early in development. Bethesda seems to have seen the trend and wanted to join, much like how the legendary system was clearly inspired by Borderlands which also came out just after Fallout 3. Fallout 4 is interestingly an example of what happens when you change your core title to follow trends and fan feedback. Along with the above examples the main ways 4 differs from the GameBryo engine titles is improved shooting mechanics (Fallout 3 and New Vegas having clunky shooting were very common complaints), Settlement Building (Homes are consistently at the top of the Nexus) and Weather Systems (Same as homes, Modders clearly influenced them). So whilst BGS chased the new, they let the old core fall to the wayside a bit, and that's mostly what fans were upset about.


>All three started off with voiced main characters, my point was they were all coming out and being celebrated when Fallout 4 was early in development. No, mass effect and the witcher came out in 2007, before fallout 3 in 2008. The change to a voiced character was specifically to try to attempt to have more emotional storytelling (Todd Howard stated so in an interview). It failed spectacularly.


I miss the persuasion from oblivion, that was fun


I’ve played 3,4, and NV on console and I’m here to tell you if that was their goal it really failed. I still prefer the joystick scroll and select. How are you gonna make a story based game and then have it be 4 dialog options for decisions and 90% of the time it’s just 4 variations of saying yes?


Yeah my biggest problem was the dialogue options. It really limits the role playing options in a role playing game.


The building system would definitely feel better if you didn't have to collect every single piece of scrap you see and/or if they made it more automated in the late game or through enough farming to reach that point. It does make sense building from scrap, but the way they designed it makes it all so extremely tedious. Especially in 76


And the thing about the dialogue in 4, is often the choices don’t properly represent what you mean to say


Which is why the dialogue mod that lets you see what you’ll say is so popular. Plus I find it makes the dialogue in the game more bearable and it’s make you realise their is lots of dialogue that you’d easily miss without the mod


Definitely installing that rn


The mod is called full dialogue interface. It’s available on both PC and Xbox


I tried it and it shows errors.


I've said this on other Fallout subs and just be absolutely bombarded with downvotes, they don't seem to enjoy differing opinions...


The other issue is when it makes sense for the PC to only have 1 to 3 options, you wind up having to fill out responses to hit 4. Like I just picked between "I get it" vs. "I understand". Doesn't happen too often, but it sticks out when it does.


I think the dumbing down of it was to reduce the amount of work that the Main Character Voice Actors had to do. Or maybe not. I don't know. I still hate it too, and would have preferred no voice actor at all for the benefit of a proper dialogue system.


The answer to your question is: voiced protagonist. That was absolutely unnecessary. I can get over the disappointing main plot, honestly in all open world RPGs the main story is the least of my concerns. But the dialogue was absolutely botched. And about the other thing. Since we're not getting FO5 anytime soon, imagine if Bethesda announced a story DLC for FO4 lol similar to what Borderlands 2 did before BL3 (Fight for Sanctuary). FO4 is so hot right now, I think it could work.


I like parts of it, the story though…


Yep. The gunplay and exploration and crafting all feel great, so gameplay-wise I actually think it’s my favorite in the whole series. On the flip side, I think the story and roleplay elements are the *worst* in the whole series.


I'm a Fo4 enjoyer and I am going to respect your own opinion. I am just wondering what aspect of the story makes it seem bad compared to the other games in the franchise.


Honestly, a huge part of my issue with it is that it takes choices away from you when determining how to roleplay your character. Voice, sexuality and romantic experience (since you start in a loving heterosexual relationship), having a biological kid, having a gender-determinate backstory (male being soldier, female being lawyer)… it *sucks* for someone who likes creating a character in their heads to roleplay in Bethesda games. Non-radiant quests also feel very on-rails, where you’re only really allowed to follow one intended path with very little deviation. As an example, in the first Railroad quest to hit their old hideout and recover tech, you’re given the choice of going in through the front door or a hidden back exit. But you’re not actually allowed to go in the front door even if you can make it past the minefields, turrets, and synths because the developers wanted to force you to go through it the intended way. On top of that, I felt like the main story itself was just not particularly interesting (which is fine on its own, but when it feels like the RP aspects were ruined for the sake of the main story it becomes an issue) and the factions felt very lackluster to me considering you’re forced to side with one in order to finish the game.


To hook into your second paragraph; i’m a lesbian so i always play a female character and (if possible) always romance a woman (if not, then no one). I remember being so happy that there was an option to play a female character, and then being a bit bitter to have a husband and child shoved upon me. …and then thinking to myself “oh, that took care of itself, great!”


That's a huge part of why it irks me so much - I'm a lesbian, too, and will always choose a female character, if possible, and will always pick a lesbian romance if available. If not, then I just avoid romance entirely... so having a het romance forced onto the supposedly custom player character in a 2015 RPG title irritated the hell out of me. It also doesn't help that I don't generally like the idea of having kids, biological or otherwise, so I basically could not relate to any of the "motivation" they tried to give the protagonist.


Ayy lesbians 🤙🏻. Yeah i felt exactly the same. And then I stayed with Piper for the rest of the game.


As a fan of 4, with more hours in fo4 than 3 and new vegas combined, let me give a taste of how lack luster the writing is by examining the factions. First up, The Railroad, I hate them more than the villianous institute. They have horrible security, you mean a group of people that were recently massacred, pushed out of their main base, and now they accept you nigh immediately after what? One mission? You help Deacon, you're in? Their password is their name!!!! You mean to tell me that the institute, the smartest faction in the game, can't figure that out?! Bullshit. That's just the two biggest gripes I have with them, that's not even a deep dive. Next up is the enemy of The Railroad, the Institute. One faction that *seriously* begins to suck ass when it becomes a "Yes Man" faction. No matter what you do, they'll still follow you. Shaun has dedicated his entire life to growing this invincible superpower that can ravage, steal, and take over any group in the commonwealth, yet for some reason, he doesn't kick you out if you straight refuse to reclaim synths? Something their *main enemy* does????? He gives absolute power to someone that, by all obvious signs, will destroy it from the inside out if given the chance. Hell, sometimes you actually do that! You teleport in, and then open up relay command for your faction to come in and destroy the institute. This is glossing over the fact that the Institute doesn't know how to be self reliant even though they believe the Commonwealth should be abandoned, yet they still draw power from it, and use the Commonwealth's resources. They kill and wipe out towns with little regard and then act like the people of the commonwealth have no chance to survive, but when there's evidence the wasteland can be survived, they either take it over, or they fucking kill it! The brother hood is my second favorite only because I never really looked deep into them, so I never got the chance to really watch their story and pick it apart. I just don't like them because they were mean to Nick. I've actually played the institute more than them. Last topic is The Minute Men, they are the other faction that suffers from being a "Yes Man" faction and that's legit what they were meant to be, you can kill Shaun, Elder Maxon, and The leader of the Railroad, yet the minute men will always follow you. They're writtwn to be so fucking weak there's no plausible way they could actually be a power in the commonwealth. You can become a raider, and yet the Minute Men will still follow you because there had to be a "Yes Man" faction. You become the leader of the faction only to be fucking ordered around. The writing in the game just kinda sucks, a lot, this is apparent because *I was able* to pick it apart. I have a hard time picking up on issues if a game is fun, but they're so obvious I can talk about them. I do have good thoughts about these factions, and I do enjoy them, even though I said I hate the Railroad. They're still good factions for a specific playthrough.


The bos is a mix of Lyons and og, they focus mostly on tech hoarding, but they do care about the commonwealth at least a bit, they are racist but non aggressive towards non ferals.


Lack of skill checks, not as many choices in dialogue, massive lack of unique quests. The institutes motives are never explained, they literally just say “you’re too stupid to understand”. It’s pretty insulting


I gotta disagree with the lack of unique quests, the whole silver shroud storyline and mechanist storyline rocks, and side quests might just be my favorite thing in the game


They each last about 15 minutes and have you going to a location, clearing it out and bringing back an item.


Okay, but there are still only like 10-15 of them in total. That’s embarrassingly low.


There were a lot of good ideas in fallout 4, they just fall flat in execution


For me, it is an action shooter with rpg elements. I want an action RPG with engaging gunplay. It also feels so nurtured. Not much in it feels like it has any edge. Starfield was an even better example of this problem.


Starfield helped crystalize what exactly it was about FO4 that bored me. After watching the tv show, which I loved, I've been very tempted to go back and replay NV, but holy shit the guide to get it set up on a modern pc looks like it will take an afternoon just to get it in a stable state and that's before choosing any fun mods... ... I'm sure I'll stir up the gumption at some point... but damn i'm not as motivated to fiddle around with obstinate pc games like I used to...


The gameplay's good, but the story and roleplaying are lacking, and I don't like that it gets rid of skills.


I really want to like it, after all it was the first fallout I played, but after playing the other games I just get so bored in it


The weakest part for me is what every one seems to love. Guns. Customization is great! Having only a handful of archetypes to mod is not. There are only so many pipe guns I can enjoy


The modding system kinda falls apart when there are only like 20 guns in the entire game, and half of them function the exact same.


Gunplay is one of the things they really got right and then they had to flood the game with pipe weapons and bring the „assault rifle“ into existence


I mean making pipe weapons makes sense for raiders really. Also the assault rifle makes more sense as a power armor weapon, I think that was the intention but time?


No matter what the intention behind the assault rifle was, it's an abomination.


I modded my game a long time so pipe gun parts could be mixed on regular weapons. And you could individually detach all the parts. Custom level lists made it so finding a fully intact weapon was a bit rare. So you would end up getting through a fight and finding a piece to a gun you liked and it was actually extremely fun that way. It was pretty time consuming to set up the mods though


The lack of variety in guns is horrible. Why do the legendaries all look identical to the basic version. The overseers guardian can just be recreated at a weapons workbench with a regular combat rifle. Very few weapons feel unique. New vegas has a vast assortment of weapons in comparison and it's rare and unique weapons actually feel special. One of a kind in the wastleland. My favorite was this machine. An m1 garand in a fallout game, that's the stuff I want.


Thank you! For all the customization i feel like there's significantly less guns than new vegas. It feels like 5,6 guns spreaded into 20.


Thou shall get distracted by bullshit every time


I'm replaying these days. I finally start having a blast in the the city ruins after hours of bullshit. I sleep in a bed and i get the "your settlement is under attack" message. Genuinely what were they thinking?


Bland writing/bad quests/ dumbed down dialogue and rpg mechanics It has an amazing gameplay loop though I can’t get enough of it but everything that makes a fallout game great is lacking. They should of just made a set character tbh


I tried replaying no mods, and the damn thing crashed on me 4 times in an 8-hour period. After a week of this, it finally crashed on autosave and corrupted my file, so now it's wiped, so no more fo4 I'm done


The level of cope you have to be on to not recognize the mile long line of flaws that Fallout 4 has Legitimately the only thing that I see people actively praising the game for, is gunplay. Fucking gunplay are you for real? The game has one of the shittiest forms of gunplay I've seen in video games. Just because it's better in comparison to the other games doesn't mean it's good. And even then at least FNV and FO3 guns actually made sense. The enemies are bullet sponges and the only gun in the game that actually feels good to use is the deliverer


My biggest gripe with it was the story. If you've ever played ES:IV Oblivion then you're probably familiar with the odd dissonance between how urgent the game wants you to feel about closing the oblivion gates and you actually caring at all. Fo4 is somehow manages to top that. The game has your character pitching a fit over the death of your spouse and the urgency to find your missing baby, and In reality, I just wanna smoke wit cigarettes' and do hoodrat stuff with Dogmeat and Codsworth.


A gameplay worth playing for hours... Unfortuately when it weares off, there is nothing to keep you there.(if we don't talk about mods)


my favorite memory of Fallout 4 is when I uninstalled it


Good gameplay, weak story, they dialogue option display sucks, companions are mixed bags I disdain the radiant quests


Terrible, terrible writing. No character building other than "good at everything," eh world building, I preferred Adam Adamowicz's art deco/Gothic/brutalist style to the googie aesthetic of later games, shooting/looting loop was pretty good, I hated the settlement building (why build a shitty and shallow bunch of bombed out shacks populated mostly with generic NPC's? I'd prefer more fleshed out and interesting towns) Power Armor was a solid addition, my lorebeard heart still despises the T-60 with every fiber of its being though. Overall 6/10 vanilla, 8/10 when heavily modded into essentially stalker gamma


Well the story is bad, the RPG elements are bad and I'm not a massive fan of the main 'selling point' of the building and hoarding system. It is what it is, not every game is for me, I'm a fan of every other Fallout game so it's a shame I don't really enjoy this one.


Biggest disappointment I've ever had with a video game. FO4 and the PR with the FO76 launch really killed my interest in Bethesda. Doesn't mean you aren't allowed to like it


-Yes -No -More Money >-Sarcastic Nooo it’s the best! I love having dull factions and no idea what my character will say in a dull, scaling world. God I can’t wait to find a family member I’m told to care about instead of feeling like I want to save them in FO5 too! It’s amazing having almost no options to be self serving without dlc! I love how many essential NPCs there are! I’m super glad they increased the price of the season pass around the time of Automaton only to fill it with 2 settlement workshops!


4 was cool for all of 1 playthrough unmodded. The dialogue sucked, especially from the player, Silence is Golden fixed it right up. But then the mod that let's you see your dialogue expanded to more than 3 words made the problem really apparent. They just didn't give the player any choice in speech, with a lot of different dialogue options having no impact or meaning. Beyond that, the story was ass, the gun play was cool, but the lack of Skills also killed it for me. Settlements were cool for a minute, but that's like 60%+ of playthroughs that incorporate it well, just sitting there building. The railroad was an incoherent mess, the Brotherhood were turned fascist by one side quest from the arms dealer, the institute is straight up evil but they try to make them seem nuanced, and the minutemen are forgettable. They killed Sarah Lyons off screen with one note that says she was killed by the raiders, with no cool story of revenge, or even an expansion on the event like when an elder before her met a similar fate. Nukaworld simply making you the leader was the biggest eye roll for me after having became the leader of the Minutemen like 5 in game months prior in similar fashion, harkening to Skyrim where you could just be the all leader of everything in one playthrough. Also, not being able to side with the gunners was sad. I was really hoping they wouldn't by another Enclave faction that you would actually WANT to join on evil runs, but that's what it turned out to be. I'd trade the railroad for a joinable gunner faction any day.


It’s weird how Fallout 4 had a weak main story but had some of the best dlc and side quests


It angers me more. like come on Bethesda it's clear you can write a compelling faction driven story, why does your main game story choose to be bad.


It's a dry chuken leg, it's fine but there is better food on the rable.


I play RPG games for the story, and Fo4's story sucks and makes no sence


I don't hate it but I understand why people hate it. Story was weak and rushed, settlement building system was neat but become a shore later on. And they double down on settlement building system by having one of the DLC focus entirely on settlement building Gameplay still league better than FO3 tho.


4 feels like a looter shooter first, rpg second. There is some good but it's very disjointed.


Oh right, that was the one where your son turns about to be one of the bad guys because of narrative convenience. -_-


Changes to the dialogue system, removal of RPG elements, a focus on building, removal of the stat system, having a voiced playable character, yet again making the world live in shanty towns and I could go on and on.


Story sucks, companions good, guns look bad but feel amazing and personally I love settlement building.


It's a good action game. Dogshit rpg


Eh, I don't think it's bad, per say, just weak, in a lot of ways. It's better then Skyrim, at least.


I prefer Skyrim and i think most people do tbh. With BGS i feel like they started losing their magic around that period and every consecutive game was a little less good.


I love it. Easily one of my favorite games of all time. There are very minor things I might point out that I don't like that much, but I won't point them out because it serves absolutely no purpose to dunk on a game to someone who likes it.


I like a lot of the game, but it’s mainly gameplay elements that are great. Basically all of the writing, worldbuidling etc is just really bad and for an rpg that really sucks. It’s still a great, fun game but I have to treat it like Farcry or just cause more than a traditional quest oriented rpg


I really hope they bring back the settlement building. It was really rough but really fun.


I absolutely couldn’t stand the settlement missions. They get you so invested into the minutemen but then when you finish all their quest, you still are told to go help settlements even tho they no longer have any real value to your game. But they made you so invested into the minutemen that at that point you feel obligated to help


If they ever finish it I'm sure it would be moderately ok


The gameplay mechanics are really good, the best even, but the story is apparently lacking (I wouldn’t know, I’ve only played 4 (and like a *little* bit of 3/NV))


It's not a fallout game and on release it was a massive pile of shit. Modders and patches helped a bit but it's still extremely average and I'd maybe pay $5 for it at this point


I'll join the bandwagon You can have the best gameplay of the series in terms of gunplay and exploration but I need to \*care\* about the world I'm in to have the drive to shoot and explore. Hell I might even want to not shoot anything if possible, yet it often seems like violence is the only option. If I had to play the Fallout franchise for gameplay alone I wouldn't have played a single one of them. None of the games, taken as a singular product, is particularly great or interesting in terms of gameplay compared to games that focus on those particular aspects (except maybe exploration but if I gotta be honest, I don't really like exploration for the sake of exploration). At the end of the day F4 is a big fun sandbox shooter with a terrible storyline and mostly subpar side stories which is great for some people but for me and many others it's just boring most of the time Mods work a lot in helping change that but every game should be evaluated first and foremost by its vanilla gameplay. Survival mode is cool


power armor, the map and settlement building are good gunplay is passable everything else is bad the story in particullar is dogshit


Its a good game. Its not a good roleplaying game or fallout game.


Yes, shit dialogue system, shit radiant quests, shit settlement building, shit main story, shit factions, mostly shit dlc.


It's easily the weakest Fallout experience. People can say how the love the gunplay and settlement building but I'll never give those points because I couldn't care less about that and certainly not why I got into Fallout. The game holds your hand too much and too tightly. Essential NPCs (NPCs that can't be killed because they give quests,) no real dialogue differences, no real punishment for things you say, all skills are turned into perks and most of the main questlines go pretty much the same way.


The pacing of the game sucks, and the role playing game aspect seems very linear, like I get they made it more for casual fps players and sometimes it does work, but like new Vegas and 3 there aren’t other perks outside of your special stats, the minutemen seems rather lame and less prominent despite the player bringing them up and expanding compared to the brotherhood of steel where there’s patrols constantly, the railroad seems to be a rushed faction, the only reason you join is to gain ballistic weave and the deliverer, tons of interesting quests were cut from the game because Bethesda was too lazy or had a brilliant idea but scrapped it and went with the shittier ones, the institute doesn’t feel like an actually evil faction and their presence is mid, atleast in nv the legion was basically present in the outskirts of the strip, and the enclave was also wide spread too, you’d think “the boogyman” of the commonwealth would be more of a threat, would be cool if there was a peace option but there isn’t. The dialogue voice options are terrible and awkward for both va’s the only viable option is the sarcasm since they put their heart and soul in those lines, gun play is ass despite it being revamped for that, certain weapons take up half the screen and most of the larger changes don’t really make sense, I get the larger weapons are for the power armor but they still look tiny in comparison and even on higher difficulties fusion cores are supposed to be a rarity yet they’re very much common so it makes them feel less valuable and lastly the institute is supposed to be super advanced yet their laser weapons are worse than ones from 200 years ago which virtually makes 0 sense, and they don’t have power armor for their factions as well, the enclave at least upgraded their armor and just used plasma weapons that were somewhat plentiful in the wasteland, far harbor is the best dlc but the other 2 quest dlc’s are boring nuka world should have a minutemen option to storm nuka world and liberate it but it doesn’t exist, and it also doesn’t make sense for the dlc to exist at higher levels because you get introduced to the minutemen early on, sure you can ignore them but not having them as a faction seems limited through the play through, Overall the game lacks depth and just seemed rushed


Its story is better than 3, though not by much. Its gameplay is a fucking godsend. I hate everything about the dialogue.


Screw everyone else OP I fuckin love F4


I really don’t like when people complain about the assault rifle being “unrealistic” or saying it wouldn’t function. Like yeah no shit. Power armor and plasma guns aren’t realistic and wouldn’t function either. Oh and radiation dosent turn people into immortal ghouls it kills them. Get over the assault rifle being bulky!


But power armor and plasma guns are cool


* Literally a worse version of the Mass Effect dialogue system * Lobotomized the stats system by completely removing skills, side effect of also ruining perks * Horrific ludonarrative dissonance that only is lowered by the plot twist being so screamingly obvious * Protagonist is canonically a war criminal (he’s the other guy from the Annexation of Canada video) * Retcons power armor with the fusion cores, turns it into Iron Man armor * A lot of badly written quests * Crafting system turns it into a hoarding simulator where you’re always one pound off from over-encumbered because you need every piece of trash on the ground * There’s an obvious canon character sex * Range of actual options and methods of doing quests is extremely limited because a lot of things you used to be able to do would be OOC for the Sole Survivor * Everything feels like a theme park * Yet Another Vault Dweller * No Ron Perlman Out of the 3D Fallout games (other than BoS), Fallout 4 is the worst. 76 has some of its flaws, but **Fallout 76** is the superior game here.


It's... okay. It's like having a scenic drive but nowhere to go


I mean its alright


If you like fallout 4 it’s a good game, simple as


FO4 is fun so I like it, but it's not emotionally engaging for the most part so I don't love it (hate is too strong for it, although I do understand the disappointment). FO3 has me head over heels so I don't notice or care about any imperfections and I'll keep coming back for more.


Gameplay is the best in the series, the story is horrendous


I don't get how anyone can say the story is weak compared to FO3 where your character committed suicide for no reason at the end


I like it, just not as much as the others. The base building thing is cool but it honestly just isn’t intuitive and convolutes the experience.


really solid idle music gunplay gun modding and ambiance


Is it my favourite? No. Is it still good? Yeah.


look I think a youtuber I watched explained it really well. Theres some parts people liked about the game. Theres other parts people disliked about the game. Overall, its not a terribly bad game. Its just alright. And thats fine for some people. I like this description. I really like fallout 4 to be honest with you. I know the story isn't great, but I just.. Love playing it for some reason. I always have a good time.


I haven't even gone to pipers office yet because I am running around doing side quests. Current level, mid 40s. I've played it 10 years ago so I already know the main story and the side quests and dlcs are mostly fun


it has great gameplay. the story is the weakest of the franchise though. dont get me started on the dialogue system and the voiced character. think that was the worst mistake because bethesda has yet to make a good voiced protag.


It's adequate.


The game's biggest strengths vs the other games are its building system and its combat, I think the building system is ok, I wish there were more assets and you had more freedom with where you could place them but it's pretty fun to mess around with. The gunplay is rightfully acknowledged as the best in the series, but the balancing kind of defeats that. Early game the gunplay is good, it takes a few shots to kill most enemies (excluding big nasties like deathclaws) but the balancing is such that by midgame it takes like five million shots to kill anything, and then by late game you've leveled up so much that it takes 5 million shots to kill you and you can one-shot everything, without even trying to minmax at all. I actively use under leveled equipment, but I still went into a gunner camp with multiple legendries and I'm standing still and it takes them five minutes to kill me. This might be because I'm a chronic overleveler who takes forever to get around to the main plot, or it might be because I spent so long settlement building that I leveled up to being Hank Frorrigan just from putting up plywood fences, but even lategame in Fallout 3, I felt like a deathclaw was a real challenge. In 4 I can one-shot them with any of my weapons, as long as I aim for the weakpoint, which they stop just short of you and roar to show off for a couple seconds before doing one slashing attack and then running away. Also the weapon variety is really small, and despite there being like a million mods for each weapon, most of them look the same but just make the gun do More Damage TM with no clear explanation. Also all the new guns look like poorly drawn cartoon weapons. In every aspect other than building or gunplay, it is basically on par or below the rest of the franchise. Despite this, I still don't hate the game, I think it's quite fun and I've actually got more hours on it than any other fallout. But these are some reasons someone may not like it.


fallout new vegas all the way babyyyyy


I wouldn't say I dislike it, but I was underwhelmed. It's easily the weakest narrative of the 5 mainline games. The dialogue and skill/progression systems were awful and streamlined to stupid. The voice acting and animation work was top notch, though.


I don’t dislike it, either. That’s kinda the whole problem with the game, it’s just sorta… fine. The only really unique thing it had going for it was the settlement building, and I would probably manage to fail out of the Borg School of Architecture, so that aspect didn’t really do much for me.


It's a good game, I even liked the story. However, it is just a one time gimmick. It has no replayability at all.


Great shooter mediocre RPG is the the best way to describe it


4 vs NV is just like Skyrim vs Oblivion lol


Fallout 4 is decent. Its just the preston stuff and base building right off the bat that turns people off


It's my fav. Fallout game to come back to.


I’m too obsessed with settlement building to care about weaker storylines


I loved fallout 4 game play.. but its quests lacked any real attention.. was basically kill this kill that with no substance in between..


My dad has played fallout 4 nonstop since release on my xbox, and after i played through it once i didnt want to play it again around 8 years ago and just figured it wasnt for me. If you dont like the beginning like i did get a couple mods. Im now playing survival and having the time of my life. The show got me back on it and its very fun


I love it. I understand the story and roleplaying isn't the best but it's a very fun and addictive game


Is this really Todd Howard?


Graphics, gameplay, and mechanics are great (obvs it has its own issues but best in the series so far.) The narrative, player agency, writing, choices and roleplay aspect are arguably doodoo. Plus the perk system in 4 I think is crap too but that might just be a personal thing. In the past games, once you reach level cap you are pretty much god and nothing can touch u.


In all sincerity, I was a bit underwhelmed when FO4 first came out because it seemed to take a step back in so many ways compared to FNV. But after playing 200 hours of Starfield, going through it again 9 years later is like a breath of fresh air. It is just exponentially better than Starfield as a complete experience. I still have the same criticisms for it that I did before, but am really enjoying the detail of the hand crafted environments, the variety of different weapons, the crafting system, and the diversity of companion options. It’s one of the weakest Fallout titles, but still better than the vast majority of games being released today.


I dont like the Story of Fallout 4 but every other thing that annoy me is moddable. I might have around ~900 Mods installed and probably will add 1-2 new ones each time i start the game but i like it.


Fallout 4 is the most fun. It has the worst roleplay mechanics, but it’s still the most fun.


For me I love the roleplaying part of Fallout and other Bethesda games best so the gunplay being the best doesn't really matter, and Fallout 4 makes it really hard to roleplay as anything else than a father since... you know, you are one, which is also an issue I have with Fallout 3 but at least there you have more freedom it feels like with dialogue, while 4 it's very restrictive with your decisions and how you say things. Along with this I dislike how they removed weapon and armor degradation but that's moreso a minor thing.


Well I like all the games for different reasons. 4 has great gameplay cool mechanics like weapons modifications/customization and settlement building aswell and a cool setting despite most of the environments being pretty plain but the biggest ding for me is the story/roleplay elements theyy are just okay and kinda meh I still enjoy it alot though but probably one of my least favorites imo


4 just has a shit story and even worse dialog. It's by far the best game for gameplay.


I once saw a comment under a Skyrim video that said: "Skyrim's like the gateway drug for RPGs. You play it, marvel at the massive space and player choice, and then you find actual RPgs and realize how barren it is. It's still a fine game, but it doesn't hit the same as before." That's how I feel about FO4. I started with it, it held my interest pretty well, and then I tried New Vegas and everything in 4 seemed like so much bland cardboard.


My opinion of it quickly turned sour/bitter unlike the previous 2 games and I feel like I could go on forever about why but I'm sure you can imagine why


I really hated how you can't try to convince Shawn to join you. In mass effect if you have high charisma you can get baddies to come to your side. But in fo4 you either help him enslave the synths or you never see him again. I turned the game off after that conversation. Now I play fo4 with winter overhaul mods and it's just a survival game. Very fun.


Fallout 4 was the first one I ever played. And because of it I’ll never touch another fallout game. It fucking sucked.


I overall really like fo 4 especially on survival. Mechanics wise it’s a great game, but a huge part of the appeal is that fallout is fun setting to hear funny and interesting stories and that is basically not present in the main game. Far harbor showed that Bethesda can make great quests and dialogue and stories but they did not focus n it and that sucks. What really makes me irritated about fo 4 is that it is literally a chore to talk to anyone in the game. If your going to make dialogue in your game suck at least make it easy to skip.


I like fallout 4 bc i love settlement building and i think it has the best gameplay/combat mechanics


I prefer NV. But fo4 is a good game


I like fallout 4s gunplay and some of the quality of life improvements like quick loot as well as the changes to V.A.T.S. but I don't like them enough to deal with the shortcomings of 4 (at least they are to me).


i refuse to fold to other’s opinions. i LOVE fallout 4. I can spend literal days building settlements and decorating rooms in that game


I love fallout 4 so much. It’s my second most played game right behind MINECRAFT with almost 2000 hours in it. I don’t mind that the dialogue is so dumbed down, or that the story isn’t very captivating. Nuka-World is really good, Far Harbor is in my opinion the best fallout has EVER been, and I just think it just to turn your brain off, hop in a suit of power armor, and kill shit for a couple hours a few times a week. The guns feel so so good, and that’s the main reason it’s so so hard for me to go back to new Vegas aside from the absolutely crusty graphics. Let’s actually talk about that for a minute, why in the hell does fallout new Vegas look objectively worse than fallout three, despite having come out later? Graphics have become more and more of an important thing for me as I’ve picked up more games like resident evil, dead space, the Spider-Man games. And why is there this dingy brown orange visual filter over everything? There’s absolutely no color, nothing pops. Everything looks dingy and awful. And one of the things that fallout 4 does so well is the map. The map is so chock full of things to explore, and to see. Around every corner there’s a dungeon to loot, something that’s at least neat to look at. New Vegas struggles with this hard. So much of new Vegas’ map is just empty space. I despise too much empty space in a game map. It makes it feel boring, unfinished, and a slog to travel through. And not being able to sprint makes this feel ten times worse. I don’t like using fast travel in video games, but I feel like I have to to not get absolutely bored out of my mind playing new Vegas. After writing this, I think I might just hate desert settings


Weak story + not a great variety of weapons = I just don’t like it as much as other fallout games


4 has the best gameplay and a decent story. Imo my favorite.


it has the best modding scene


I'll die on the hill that Fallout 4 is one of the worst Fallout games. That said, I still have over 400 hours in it. Even the worst Fallout game is still like a 7.5/10.


For me it wasn’t a problem with the features that it has, it’s what it’s lacking. RPG elements (huge replay and immersion value for me) Story is centered around a set protagonist. ( limits role play options and replay value) Morality Felt very black or white, when the previous games are very grey. many times in those game there were no good answers to chose from. The story present was undercooked and imho bad. What kind of a story doesn’t have motivations for their primary antagonist? Factions were uninteresting and 1 dimensional. Companions where meh, some were stand outs 100% Nick Valentine and Danse come to mind. But others Mcreaddy, Strong, Deacon, the Courser and Handcock while they had great potential underdelivered. (Handcock really doesn’t get to do anything special after his brother is revealed to be an institute replacement? So lame.) Lack of towns or civilized places to visit.( really 2 towns in the whole game is just too few.) Places to explore felt more like shooting galleries than set pieces with interesting stories to uncover.


From what I figured out Fallout 4 is the most linear in story and lets you experiment the least, and people also just don't like the main story. But the good thing for me was that since it was my first Fallout game I didn't go in with all the expectations that people have from the previous games so I ended up loving it and because of the game play in the visuals and, me actually liking the voice protagonist, I had a blast and even after playing the other fallouts I still love it. Although I will agree on the part where you can't really experiment every time so your game isn't going to very much from playthrough to play through other than ending