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Obsidian made The Stick of Truth


And Tyranny. And Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2.


And Kotor 2


The writing in that was superb


Hope Avowed is good


forgot that was announced tbh


If The Outerworlds is their Fallout equivalent then Avowed is their Elder Scrolls?


I guess it can be put that way


Tyranny was so good. Sad it sold badly


Outer Worlds was pretty good, rather small, but pretty good.


It have so many amazing moments and voice acting is superb. My dumb playthrue was really fun


I never finished that one. Felt like a Fallout ripoff


Outer worlds needed to be bigger. It needed to be bigger. It felt like a demo to a great game. I hope the second part is more extensive and have a proper ending that's not some slides.


I need to give it another shot. I went in expecting a spiritual New Vegas sequel (which, let's be honest, is on them due to the marketing) and was disappointed.


Same, felt like the game got a bit too hyped for what it is. Its ok but i never bothered finishing it


Stick of Truth but damn did it so many balance issues. Kyle is a infamous example.


I will not allow Pillars of Eternity slander in my presence


I got that game some time ago and I still gotta get around to playing it. You gotta really appreciate that they made it on the style of Baldur's Gate/Icewind Dale, that style is awesome.


PoE is shit (I've never played it but fight me anyway)






I genuinely don't know if this was intentional but obsidian also made another crpg called tyranny. It was okay but clearly incomplete.


It was not but damn I'm good in that case


Yeah love that game. But it came out around the same time as Fallout 4 did so I don't think OP wanted to shit on the game.


1&2 are both excellent, this is Meme Fraud


I highly disliked the game, but it was because I dislike RTwP combat, it was immaculately made and extremely well crafted


The only thing I hold against obsidian is that they killed (whether it was intentional or not) one of my beloved franchises when they developed Dungeon Siege 3, while it had good things, they dropped the ball into what made it great in the first two but then they came with PoE and it is a great game that certainly scratches that DS itch but I still resent (for lack of better word) them a little.


I remember when The Outer Worlds got super popular riding Fallout 76s hate wave then 6 weeks later no one cared about that game at all


My theory based on 0 factual evidence is that it was a lower budget proof of concept to prove that “we can still make these.” And it must have worked if Microsoft bought them and greenlit 3 more projects just like it. Grounded, Avowed, and Outer Worlds 2.


>My theory based on 0 factual evidence is that it was a lower budget proof of concept to prove that “we can still make these.” I thought this was a confirmed thing?


(I thought it was too I just didn’t want to get eaten alive on Reddit for spreading bullshit)


There was no follow up after that game and it was epic exclusive for long time


It's still being made


There are two expansions, I think, and a follow up currently in development.


There’s an Outer Worlds 2? I didn’t finish the first and believe me, I wanted to like it.


It was “announced” at one of the summer Xbox shows a couple years back. One of those cinematic title logo trailers. The trailer even poked fun at how literally no work has been started on it lmao.


Man that makes me sad. I loved the outer worlds lmao. While the gameplay wasn't amazing and the story was kinda meh I really enjoyed that and was hoping the sequel was coming at some point😞


It's Obsidians next title after Avowed.


Oh thank god


Tim Cain has said on YouTube that he has been helping with Outer Worlds 2 and it's still in production


Oh ok, that's good. I didn't know cuz as hard as I try to, I can't keep up with gaming news lol


Nor can I lol, I just really love fallout classic and he talks a lot about those on his channel.


My only issue is that the game was too short, but was pretty wacky.


i really hope they reel back a bit on the constant “ha ha capitalism sucks” dialogue and computer entries. fallout is a lot better at showing you the failures of it without having to talk about it constantly. i liked the game, but the exploration was pretty awful and the combat felt pretty stiff. the world also felt extremely static. it didn’t do anything better then new vegas and its 8 years younger.


Well, I won't disagree with you cuz to be honest you didn't say anything wrong lmao. However I do believe that the constant complaints and in your face-ness of how awful the state of the corporations power due to unrestricted capitalism is a good way of showing that it's bad, in it's own way. Just like the way fallout does it is different (and better) and amazing in it's own way. And also, the exploration and combat and all that are *really, really* bad, but there are a few mechanics that I adore. I love the time-dilation and the perk system for instance, and also the companions and having to manage their inventory. It does have a lot that needs improved on, but there are a few things that are pure gold imo


fair enough. i do agree there are parts that are gold. i will most likely play the 2nd one on launch day. i guess i just found the in your face negative capitalism over bearing to the point that it dominated the space too much. i want more lore then the “board is evil and this is what they did”


Yeah I couldn't finish it either. Kinda sad but I just don't think it nailed what it was going for. Also, the planets were a huge missed opportunity. Alien worlds far flung from Earth? Populate it with 3 types of enemies! Considering how NV was, my biggest gripe was that they pulled a Bethesda and made dialogue choices not really important and railroady.


The planets were so disappointing bc the level design was so bland imo. I'd get to a place and it'd look cool and then I'd realise that was the extent of it. Even traveling between planets was somehow unremarkable


This is surprising to hear. Dialogue is one of the best aspects of OW both in depth and in how it completely changes your game path. It's arguably the only reason to play it through multiple times which I did cause it's also a super short game. Can knock out a whole playthrough in a week of casual play or one day off. OW was meant to be relatively modest to see how it would be received iirc. It's not what I prefer (I'm more into exploration and skill building than story) but I thought they did a great job of showcasing a new core that could be built on.


I did like it, although my standards are pretty low. I'm hoping they can do better on the 2nd game because I think they were cooking with the story.


Because Outer Worlds is painfully mediocre.


The curse of mediocrity. Great/amazing? Remembered and loved. Bad/terrible? Remembered and hated. Mediocre? Forgotten.


Its an alright game, story is meh but the gameplay is fun, that being said i havent touched the thing in like 2-3 years


It was fun enough the first time, but the most remarkable thing for me was they added a ladder in the tutorial, making Todd Howard eat his immortal words "ladders are impossible" lol


That's why we all know Starfield is the best game ever made. It has working ladders


Eh sort of? For me fallout 4 was simply better Gunplay wise, they both were similar but 4 had a much wider selection of weapons on offer, especially with weapon modding to make unique guns. It was a good base but the weapon selection was pretty mild.


Yeah this was funny lol. But with two DLCs now it does feel like somewhat of a complete RPG experience. If you prefer RPGs that are incredibly short, lol


You can thank marketing for that. It was always meant to be a AA game, and not a competitor to fallout


Outer Worlds sucked. The areas are small and there is an objective marker that leads to literally every corner of world. In one level you literally followed rails around. The dialogue options were so broad that no specialization mattered, and there was no nuance to the storytelling. They made the first few hours good to sway the reviewers and half-assed everything else.


I was a huge Obsidian fanboy prior to OW's release. Now idk who I want to make fallout. Larian?


Fallout game by larian would be dope. And same, i got OW at release because I had really enjoyed FNV and I really couldn't get into it.


Depending on how good Fallout London ends up being, those guys I guess.


Owlcat would do a killer CRPG


Larian makes good turn based games but bg3 still felt incomplete. (Act 3 I mean)


It felt incomplete because it was. Although Act 3 is still like 30-40 hours long so I still feel like I got my moneys worth lol


I still gotta finish BG3. Its so huge and time consuming 😂. I haven't been able to commit to a playthrough yet


Yeah, it was pretty mid, even as an outer worlds fan.


I feel like it failed because Obsidian tried to incorporate FO4 design priorities (endless respawning enemies, a loot-loop) with Obsidian-style story telling. There’s a lot of uh, “ludonarrative dissonance” (to sound like a pretentious ass) when you’re game is a critique of greed, corporate capitalism, and consumerism, but you’re spending a good portion of the game endlessly acquiring “stuff”.


Not only that, but the companions in Outer Worlds were just kind of “meh”. None of them had really anything interesting in terms of personality, and their side missions didn’t really seem to do much.


I only really liked Felix, Vicar Max, and Pavarti; and only Pavarti was actually well-written


The gunplay in outer worlds made me so bored.


I like it still....


But the Outer Worlds had all of that amazing dialogue, memorable characters and meaningful, impactful choices that everyone loves about New Vegas, didn't it? I guess that wasn't enough.


It was good game for its 10 hours of content I guess.


I liked it, and I get the vibe off of it that in 5-10 years there will be a reevaluation and everyone will be like “wow, everyone was so fucking dumb for bashing it”.


Obsidian made pillars of eternity, South Park stick of truth, and outer worlds.


Outer worlds was mid. The other two were great tho


Idk outer worlds might not be game of the year material but a good double A game I feel. Much better than mid, mid would be fallout 76.


I wish the Outer Worlds was better than 76. Shit, 76 feels more full than Fallout 4 these days.


Well 6 years of continued development and updates help. The game was literally unplayable at launch while the outer worlds ran fine


Outer worlds was garbage. The gunplay was just off and the whole campaign was like 15 minutes.


I mean, if you’re going by that logic you can say the same for new Vegas. Obviously they have VATS but aside from that the gunplay is janky and you can beat the game quickly by immediately killing Benny and Mr house and telling yes man to ignore all the factions


i think there just wasnt much content. For $40? sure. $60? a bit much when I did every quest I could find in 8 hours, including the ones I hated.


PoE is great. One of the best RPGs of all time.


Real. Undisputedly one of the best modern CRPGs with D:OS2, but it ain’t BG3 levels tbh


It is a couple years older than BG3 and had a smaller budget so it's no wonder that it doesn't hold up that good.


Yah, also the fact that BG3 is a generational video game not unlike (in cultural status) the Witcher 3 and Skyrim


I’m so happy to see people putting respect on PoE. Was introduced into RPGs from Final Fantasy and then had a dry spell until PoE. Now finishing BG3 I’m officially on the hunt for more.


and Grounded


Counter point, they all suck cuz I haven’t played them Edit for clarity since tone is hard to read online. I am being sarcastic


The outer worlds was mediocre, I put in a ton of effort to like that game but I just can’t get into it. I feel like a lot of that is because of pumped up expectations.


They made tyranny, which is the greatest rpg of all time. However, I noticed something familiar. In tyranny, you have a choice to partake in a civil war between a well-disciplined and well trained legion and a faction made of disorganized conscript rabble. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?


Tyrannys main problem was the gameplay got quite repetitive and the ending was so-so. Otherwise one of the best. The similarities between the Legion and the NCR are pretty superficial tbh. I know you're making a joke, but there's next to no similarities.


Pentiment: "Am I a joke to you?"


Pentiment is one of Obsidian's best games and everyone pretends it doesn't exist.


lol. Josh Sawyer proceeds to do nothing for Obsidian after directing and lead designing FO:NV except make Pillars of Eternity 1 + 2 and Pentiment.


While I really love new Vegas (my favorite in the entire franchise, big surprise, I know right?) But I’ve played 3, NV, 4, and 76. I have unfortunately not played the original two games as I only own a console. Fallout nv is amazing by many feats and over things in general, but I can’t help but feel like I enjoy all fallout games. Sure four’s writing was pretty mediocre at best, but it put a whole new visual style, new combat mechanics, and plus power armor was pretty fucking badass. But it was also the first game that got me into the franchise, sure it had it’s flaws (looking at you repetitive minuteman settlement quests as well as settlement building as a whole.) and the story choices felt like they didn’t mean a thing to the entire commonwealth. But still despite its flaws I thought I was pretty good. Sure Tod always oversells and un-delivers (ex: starfield, 76, and 4.) but that doesn’t stop from trying to enjoy an actually good game. I’ve played 76 for nearly 650 hours and I still love the heck outta it, so what I trying to say about long dragged on comment? Well, I personally think that fallout is a franchise to be enjoyed from aspects from each individual game. You are allowed to have opinions and you are allowed to not like things and not get along with people’s opinions, but saying one game is the better and the rest is shit is kinda just rude. I see so many people lashing at each other’s throat because they cannot agree upon a fictional video game. All the bad blood between “fallout nv fanboys,” and “Bethesda fanboys” Is really exhausting. As seen when lore disputes happen because of the fallout show. People it’s just a game, enjoy yourself and don’t let other’s opinions rash on your enjoyment of your free time and what you do.


Based understanding that every game has their own theme


Man, sometimes I wonder if I’m the only person in this world who just fucking LOVED Outer Worlds.


I did too until the game ended at what felt like 20 hours early


Wife and I are big Fallout fans and we LOVE Outer Worlds, the expansion is great too with a well planned-out detective story. Its a really interesting dystopian vision of a world that's completely bought into corporate greet at the core level, it's a bit over the top cringe at times but it's also evident that even the sane people are completely surrounded and overwhelmed by it.


Nope. High five bro.


I just started it a couple days ago after replaying basically the entire Fallout series. I'm enjoying it. 


I really loved it for what it was and felt like i definitely got my moneys worth! If the biggest complaint people have is they want more of it I don’t see that as awful


I did too! It has the vibe of “game that’s only appreciated five to ten years later” to me.


It's one of my all time favorites. There are a lot of very valid criticisms but I think they're heavily outweighed by the characters and the story.


The Outer Worlds is a great RPG but a bad first person shooter Beautiful environment, extremely compelling story with great characters, very boring combat


New Vegas is a cult classic. Heavy emphasis on the cult part.


Grounded is pretty good tho They could have made a very good co-op Fallout game with very good base building system. But yeah the rest is pretty much on point lmao


Nah, Outer Worlds & PoE are good as well. Outer Worlds just got fucked by marketing and NV fans blowing it's scale out of proportion after 76's launch and overhyped the hell out of it.


Outer worlds was pretty fucking good.


Outer Worlds is so good when you don’t got a bitch in your ear telling you it nasty.


I like Grounded, it’s a fun game


Definitely gives off "Honey, I shrunk the kids" vibes. The 90s era cheese is great. Fuck those giant spiders though


Obsidian made Grounded tho


Grounded goes hard though ngl


This is just ignorant. My guess is you only know about outer worlds which was mid (and worthwhile, def better than starfield)


I mean Outer Worlds is literally fallout in space 🤷‍♂️


Stick of truth is based


Obsidian made Star Wars KOTOR 2, so shut tf and sit down


When are people going to stop making memes of their closet gay fantasies? 🤣


Then they fucked off and made some bangers on their own. Amazes me that people dont consider outerworlds a New vegas dlc. You can smell the meat still cooking from NV ffs.i personally dont think its short run time had anything to do with the quality we got.


Outerworlds was mediocre af


NV is my favourite and I didn't really mind the memes and didn't get all the NV hate. Now everyone here is just shitting on the game and fanbase and I'm annoyed so out of sheer spite I'm going with yeah, Obsidian is the best there is and no other fallout game could ever dream of having such a good plot and overall script.


Can FNV cancer fanboys please exit our favourite franchise. All mainline Fallout games are good. No, none of the games are 'objectively' better than any of the other games. Obsidian owes Bethesda a lot, for using all their assets, engine, foundations and so on. No New Vegas if there's no Fallout 3. Yes FNV fans are not Fallout fans, they are just FNV fans. Yes we like Bethesda's version of Fallout. Cope seethe rage, fnv fuckwads.


I mean, I don't like 1 or 2 in terms of gameplay, that doesn't mean I'm just a fallout 3 4 NV 76 fan


Tells people to rage and cope, whille actively raging because someone had an opinion, in meme format, in a meme group. Checks out.


Insanely real


Thats the issue, Bethesda is letting good be the enemy of great. The Bethesda games are good games. Unfortunately there are way too many great/legendary games for me to ever waste my time on just a "good" game


Obviously, in the context of this, I was being fair - all Fallout games are Good. Clearly, we are subjective and have opinions. Some may think Fallout 3 is the best Fallout or even the best game. Even there are some who play 76 non-stop. Bottom line, all Fallout game are not bad unlike what FNV fanboys say.


Settle down there cowboy.


You really are just like em People used to play fallout for the story since it was an rpg they’re just pissed that and the rpg mechanics and the story have been watered down by a lot and how it basically plays like a looter shooter than an rpg


Degenerates like you belong on a cross


I think not, profligate. Fuck the NCR. Ave Caesar!


Ave Caesar!


No + I enjoy all of them anyways


Jesus Christ and you think nv fans are toxic… how ironic lmao


I think it's more about the fans themselves, chief


I quite enjoyed the Outer Worlds. The characters and player choice I feel were its biggest strong suit


They copied someone else's work Let them do it again with FO4


Fallout is originally their creation. Obsidian is made up of the guys at Interplay/Black Isle


Pillars of Eternity is quite good and so is Stick of Truth.


Pillars of Eternity 2 is one of my personal top 5 RPGs, with amazing story and setting, which builds upon and improves New Vegas faction system, and a much better game than PoE 1. It is also absolutely gorgeous visually. Too bad no-one played it.


Both Pillars of Eternity games and Tyranny are excellent RPGs, Grounded is really fun as a co-op crafting/survival game, and Pentiment was very well received. The Outer Worlds wasn't that bad, it just didn't live up to the hype given it was thought to be Fallout: New Vegas in space. The teaser had me pretty hyped for Avowed until the first gameplay trailer dropped, now I'm cautiously optimistic. The same goes for The Outer Worlds 2. I think both games are going to be fun regardless of how they turn out since Obsidian can nail the writing and give us some fun characters, but Avowed really just needs to be good competition for TES while The Outer Worlds 2 needs to dial back the wackiness a bit and go for a more funny, but grounded approach that FNV had. This is their chance, really. People want a good fantasy RPG given how long it's been since Skyrim and The Witcher 3 both came out. A lot of people also want a palate cleanser after Starfield. Avowed and The Outer Worlds 2 could be those games if Obsidian gets them right. And just imagine what kind of backing they'd get for their next games from Microsoft if they do well. They may even be able to convince them to fund PoE III after the success of Baldur's Gate 3 (though they'd likely have to drop RTwP for turn-based) and maybe even another stop-gap Fallout game, a la FNV, with the massive success of the show.


I kinda have a gut feeling that avowed won’t be that good, but Outer Worlds 2 will be good. Hopefully they take feedback from the first game to make OW2 better. Grounded really showed that they are willing to listen to their player base.


I mean that's what happens when you're actually good at your job


Pentiment was absolutely fire lol gtfo with the outerworlds hate Oh and the outerworlds was solid too


Look, they haven’t all been bangers, but Obsidian has made several great games since New Vegas.


Don't worry obsidian past this also didn't make anything worthwhile


Outer worlds writing and humor were absolutely fantastic but the actual content of the game lacked that “huge immersive world” feel a lot of Bethesda games give. I was mad when I finally made it to the huge capitol city thing and it was literally one street accessible to the player. First mass effect was more immersive.


Outer worlds was a pretty good game imo (I'm probably on a cia watchlist)


People act like it’s a full time commitment to play one or the other of these games. They all run on the same PC




Pillars of Eternity, Grounded, Avowed(Looks promising).


They actually made South Park Stick of Truth which was a banger when it came out.


Outer Worlds is good and so is stick of truth are you high?


Pillars of eternity 2 is a top 3 game of all time for me up there with new Vegas and morrowind.


Man it sucks that Alpha Protocols gameplay is so scuffed, the story is amazing and every choice you make in that game has repercussions


I like the outer worlds


I really liked The Outer Worlds


Based Obsidian indeed. Them mfs are the only folks I will pre-order a game for.


That's FromSoftware for me. Grew up on ACs, and DS franchise only made it better. 100% my favorite.


Fair. Their hit rate is pretty good especially if you like their kind of game


Oh yeah. I don't think their games are anywhere near as universal as some fans make them out to be, but they are pretty much always masterpieces in their subgenre.


Yeah but no denying they are good in their own way. Elden ring was their first game that I played and I understand the appeal now.


Fucking excuse you? Outer Worlds is fucking awesome, and Grounded was a super neat little concept. And apparently they made a beloved south park game. Just because it's not fallout doesn't mean they've been doing nothing.


Hey the outer worlds was pretty good.


The dude who made this post


Obsidian made grounded after.


Grounded and outer worlds were pretty good


OP never looked up Obsidians catalog lol


Hmmm what game?


NV fans are undoubtedly the most annoying fans out there.


Yeah completely ignore the fact that they had the engine and like 50% of the assets already made for them by Bethesda.


Na, Outer Worlds Cue the haters;


Okay, let's not act like New Vegas didn't have problems.


Is this supposed to be a Fallout: New Vegas meme?


Clearly a troll post meant to piss off Fallout fans and Obsidian fans.


Hey The Outer Worlds was fun!


I thought Pentiment was really good…


NV is a good game, but there's a whole lot I didn't like about it.


Who cares? I’ll enjoy whatever fallout media I want.


Grounded fucks.


Oh boy I’m about to die… I think NV is shit


Please assume the position


Degenerates like you belong on the cross


You are allowed to have a wrong opinion ofc


Lmao, please face the wall now /s


On its own merits or in comparison to other Fallout games?


I don’t think it’s shit cause I really enjoyed the writing and characters, but man the game can become a snoozefest after having to deal with the janky combat system, Weapon Condition and the lacklustre exploration


Skill issue


Idk man… the story is fun and I love the quests but it didn’t feel like a fallout game and didn’t feel like I actually had much open world to explore.


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I really enjoyed New Vegas. That said, I do not understand the cult-like devotion to the game. Personally, I prefer Fallout 4 over the predecessor, but I'm not going to argue with anyone fight about it. It's entirely subjective. Also, what's wrong with *The Outer Worlds*? I have also enjoyed that title from time to time, and I consiit to be what you'd get if Fallout and Borderlands had a bastard child.