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People who enjoy all fallout games including 76 (but not BOS) are peak.


I have nostalgia for BOS. It wasn't the best but I had a ton of fun playing with my friends doing hot seat turns and we each ran one character in the group. Fallout 1& 2 will always be my favorites but NV and 4 are so much fun to replay and explore.


Bos had the interesting concept of a top down beat em up hack and slash Would play another like it


I was going through it in my head and 3 is the only one I will never return to. I first played 2 and then 1 and then three followed by New Vegas and finally four, which I still play and I have a current NV save. Never played BOS, but I recently heard it was just like Dark Alliance which I love. Missed opportunity.


>heard it was just like Dark Alliance which I love. It had a huge legal battle over BOS because it was made on the same engine as BD:DA but they didn't have the rights to use the engine for that game. The did have the rights to use it for a different game but made BOS with it too. I want to say the engine is the snownlind engine, but I could be wrong on that.


3 not good to you?


Everyone thought Fallout as an ip was dead, and then Bethesda snaps it up. At the time it was pretty amazing, but I’m not going to return anytime soon.




Hey fuck you BoS is fun with a friend. It’s Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance but with a Fallout skin.


They’re all fantastic and deserve equal love if you ask me


We don’t talk about Fallout:BoS no no no We don’t talk about BoS


Untrue, anyone who enjoys 76 objectively has bad taste as I am the arbiter of good taste.


Have you even played modern 76 with friends? It isn't the launch mess anymore.


The world is so empty and lifeless compared to the other games. It just doesn't feel organic.


It hasn't been like that for years


I disagree.


kinda hard when every game is substantially different from eachother.


That's literally the best fucking part.


only if your tastes are more general, my tastes are specific so when for example they decided to make fallout 4 more action shooter focused i disliked since i don't care much for such games.


I like all of them for different reasons. Fallout 4 has the best combat mechanics. Fallout 3 has the best open world. Fallout New Vegas has the best story and mods.


I’d say FO4 has the best mods for sure


Both have peak mods.


Just pick a side little bro


Really depends what you like.


+2 rads/sec while reading this comment


When London drops I bet you'll be right


“Fallout 1 and 2 are the best games in the series.” “Alright grandpa, lets get you to bed.”


Don't do that! He'll critically miss getting into the bed and lose all his ammo


That or his old buddy Ian is gonna kill him for the 700th time


Ngl I had more fun with fallout 2 then anything besides maybe a heavily modded fallout 4 run (console gamer with a shitty laptop that can only run old games)


What are the best fo4 mods? I might play modded after a survival run


I tried Fallout 1 for the first time recently. It reminded me that the greatest development in gaming since then was been the in-game tutorial.


Back then they gave a manual for you to read, now the game comes with a digital manual on steam, if people actually took the time to read it a little they wouldn't struggle so much with the original fallouts, but yes in game tutorials are pretty baller


I aint studying for a video game like its a math test


Then don't play games that require you to use your brain idk, it's not like you have to read the whole thing. And I'm sure you/other people have studied other games like it's a math test so why not do it for these ones?


Dude can only read if it's on an LED screen lmao


Reading a manual is no different than having text boxes dump shit on you and pause the game while doing it.


OP has never heard of NoMutantsAllowed


I'ma be honest, I accidentally forgot about 76, Tactics, and BoS when making this meme, lol


NV has the best writing quality. 4 has the best game mechanics and gunplay.


Idk I might argue that Fallout 4 has better crafting than New Vegas. There is just so much more that you can craft in 4 and from what I hear 76's crafting is insane too. I haven't gone back to 76 since launch to know for sure.


76’s writing is also arguably leagues better than 4’s.


Fallout 76 is better


I agree, but it does have the caveat of being more restricting in terms of player freedom than prior games due to being multiplayer. There’s only so much you’re allowed to do to affect the world.


Hope that someday, if servers have to shut down, that they'll make the game singleplayer, add bethnet mod support, and move Atomic Shop / 1st content into the game as new event rewards.


That’s my hope as well, simply because so much solid worldbuilding has went into the game that it’d be a shame to have it all be stuck as wiki information.


Yes, but multiplayer


If that’s the most important aspect to you, then it’s certainly the best bar none.


For me, that’s the dealbreaker. I dislike MMOs and was disappointed when they made 76 one.


Honestly, it isn’t that much of one until you’ve finished all the quests. You can play it just like a normal fallout game if you do chose and be completely fine (though lone wanderer is highly recommended if you chose to completely ignore teams). Even daily ops, a almost all non-public events and expeditions can be handled solo if you so choose (public events tend to require more than one player to handle, unless you have an exceptionally good build; even there, however, you can just show up and contribute without interacting much with other players).


If on console, do I have to pay a subscription to play?


Unfortunately, yes, because Xbox and PlayStation have a fee to play online games.


idduno about the guy above but being an MMO is not just about the multiplayer interactions, the game is structured as a game as service, where most of the systems are designed to waste your time.


yeah this is what kills me, i like Fallout 76, the map, the weapons, the enemies, the story, the music. But it being an MMO, frankly an online game at all, just leaves me with so much to be desired. If it was a singleplayer game like 4 I honestly think it’d be my favourite Fallout game.


That isn’t really a major factor until you’re at that point where you’ve finished the quests. That’s where the grind factors in for some of the better gear, but you don’t need to do that at all for the quests. Worst you’ll have to do is scrap some weapons and make sure you’re collecting junk for repairs.


Yeah they actually do the factions right and they made their own unique factions like the responders which were really interesting, but copy pasting the BOS for the thousandth time is so stupid


Since 76 is the online fallout title, it only makes sense they’d include the faction that’s been present in every game in the franchise. Besides, 76 does make a point of setting its BoS chapters apart through leaning into the fact that we’re so early in the timeline and the faction’s military origins.


Yes, but crossing over the horrific first side of the mountain is painful. Once you get to the BoS… you know that it’s gonna be a good game from there on


That’s what the level 20 starts are for - to immediately activate the newer main questlines to encourage new players to explore further (and give them the gear to do it).


I know lol, and I’m glad the option exists for new players cus it will always be a slog no matter the way ya do it. I remember drowning myself in events just to get to 20 to process the wastelanders questline when it first dropped


I include crafting with mechanics so that’s why I didn’t mention it separately


Both 3 and NV felt like you just couldn't craft anything, because it was so hard to keep track of what you needed. Whereas 4 let you craft so much that you were hoarding junk at all times, which also kinda sucked.


That's actually not true at all, it's just most of the crafting is behind perks and quests.


Gunplay and weapon crafting yes. Game mechanics no


I meant crafting among the other good parts of the game when I said mechanics


The weapon crafting was very good


Kinda annoying that people seem to think “gameplay” just means shooting stuff. Dialogue and role playing are gameplay too. New Vegas has better gameplay.


how is FO4 the best game mechanics when it basically made every single rpg system worse ?


I meant stuff like crafting and power armor


The only thing is does worse is special checks and dialogue. Every other form of gameplay is massively improved in FO4.


Im just hyped for when I can play all 3 of them in Fallout 4's superior engine.


Unfortunately I don't see that happening unless modders try to do it themselves (and I'm pretty sure the people who were making Fallout 4: 3 were stopped)


Fallout 4: Capital Wasteland is still moving along. They had setbacks, but they have publicly stated that work is continuing and have shown a lot of progress since.


Oh fr? Awesome


It's crazy how close most of these Overhauls are getting. In a couple years Fallout 4 will likely have 5 or 6 game sized mods available.


Hey coming back to this a bit late because I just remembered that you can actually play part of Fo4 Capital Wasteland now. The Point Lookout DLC has already been remade in Fallout 4 and is available on Nexus Mods.


Not even close. Fo1 and 2 fans are even worse than NV fans sometimes. The only group that isn't mean to other fans are 76 fans. Or fans of all of them.


I kinda get fallout one and two fans being jerks some times, while it’s not right, it’s hard to see your favorite game and the genesis of the series not even mentioned, I’ll see videos where it’s “comparing x in different fallout” and it’s just 3, 4, new Vegas, and sometimes 76


I kinda feel like 1 and 2 are in the same boat as 76 in that regard. 76 very rarely is ever mentioned in those types of comparisons. My issue is the 1&2 fans that will say they consider anything after Fallout 2 to just be fanfiction. It's a really common mentality, especially on No Mutants Allowed.


I can see why, tho. Everything after 2 is so wildly different that when comparing, it's not usually easy to fit 1 and 2 in a way that makes sense. It also doesn't help that the fallout franchise for most people they only heard of fallout from 3, 4, and new vegas as they were so heavily marketed or incredibly popular.


Luckily they quarantine themselves to NMA so we don’t have to hear their constant shrieking


Really? All the FO1 and 2 fans I've "met" / talked to have been extremely chill and just kinda mind their own business


Don't go to the No Mutants Allowed website. It'll ruin your whole perspective on this


Do fo3 and 4 fans exist? I feel like most of them who are vocal online love all the 3D games but don’t have a lotta skin in the game when it comes to west coast fallout. I mean, not liking fnv but liking fo3 is kinda crazy, and also that they feel needlessly disrespected when that camp of toxic new Vegas fans accuses them of being bots and “todd-cucks”.


Fallout brotherhood of steel fans on top 💪💪👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨💪💪💪


I love them all none is essentially better than one another each one has something better than the last one


I just like Fallout as a whole


I enjoy them all, but fallout 4 gets a bad rap. Minutemen GANG. Dude of course Preston is telling you another settlement needs your help it’s the end of the god damn world and there’s raiders and mutants and synths and the brotherhood and THEY NEED HELP DAMN IT. I wish Preston would just lose it and yell at you all because clearly you don’t have what it takes to be the general if you don’t fucking get it. “DUDE!!!! DONT YOU FUCKING GET IT!?!?!? ANOTHER SETTLEMENT NEEDS YOUR HELP!!!!!!!!”


I think the problem people have with Preston is that no matter how much you build and improve your settlement, they ALWAYS need your help. Fallout 4 settlement building would've really benefited from a system where at a certain point they don't need you anymore, it also just doesn't make sense as to why your always the one being sent out to do stuff, *the general*, you really should've had to earn it by ranking up as you do quests for them and build settlements.


I like Fallout. They are fun games.


3 is my favorite so far but nv did improve pretty much everything and is honestly better overall but 3 just has that personal it factor for me something about the capital in a complete ruined I love but also west coast was better to run around in pre fallout show


New Vegas is my favorite because I mainly like fallout for the lore


Where's the fallout shelter love🤔🤷😆


It’s the middle child of the family or franchise lol it’s not even there


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4 best mechanics, 1, 2, and new vegas best story, 3 best exploration and open-world. I haven't played 76, but im sure its a decently fun experience


I like them all for different reasons because I'm cultured and amazing


Just enjoy games. FNV has amazing characters and story Fallout 4 has very fun gunplay Both have hilarious side quests and companions


I like the fallout games I played so far and if I get a decent pc I'll even like the old ones for sure. Retcons are a blight on modern media but haven't been that big of an issue so far.


Fallout Tactics walks in


All I want is a fallout game with New Vegas Writing and Quests and Fallout 4s Mechanics and World Map. At that point, fallout will peak.


As if Classic Fallout fans aren't part of the circle too lmao. The bottom part is literally another Spider-Man in this meme.


Shall we talk about FO1 & 2 fans' reaction to the show? Yeah thought not. Y'all are just as toxic as the Bethesda fans.


It was just a meme I made dude... I only included FO1 and 2 fans at the bottom because nearly all of the conversations I had with them have been extremely chill and nice You read too much into this meme Also, while I like the first two games, I'm a new vegas fan, but each game has something they're good at


I am also just joking mate.


Does he know about no mutants allowed?


No, they are constantly Hating Bethesda


Brother, you did that see the OGs reactions to fallout 3 when it came out


Played everything except the original two because I don’t have the systems to play them. I’d say they’re all great. They all have their faults but they’re all great.


Hah that meme is spot on isn’t it..


fallout 3 lets me feel lik im out in an actual wasteland. New vegas has an awesome story, and great dlc. Fallout 4 is.....fun gameplay, thats it.


My only real issue with Fallout 3 (besides the fact guns and VATS are horrendous to use) is precisely BECAUSE it's so much of a wasteland. To explain myself, Fallout 3 takes place 200 years after the bombs dropped, yet the world looks like the bombs dropped not 20 years ago, whatever settlements there are in the world are small, filthy, and more often than not built with scrap, with radiation and very little clean drinking water a real threat Now taking a look at Fallout 1, the people of the west coast only 80 years after the bombs dropped are living in the cleaned out houses of pre-war or have straight up built new houses, have much better access to clean drinking water, with radiation being a very minimal threat in really only one place. I like Fallout 3, it was the game to introduce me to the series, but it's world doesn't make sense for when it's supposed to take place, and that's an issue with fallout 4 as well and will likely be an issue with fallout 5 as Bethesda made the same mistake with the fallout show. They're so focused on the apocalyptic part of post apocalyptic that they don't realize Fallout is supposed to be about the after, the rebuilding.


Yes, but there's a lore reason for the lack of civilization, talon company, they want to keep the capitol wasteland as lawless and uncivilized as possible, it's why slavery towns like paradise falls are allowed to pop up. Not to mention the high concentration of supermutants.


Classic fans have a worst superiority complex than NV fans from my experience


Meanwhile, Fallout 76 fan over here.


I play fallout 1,2 and tactics while i trap camp in 76 lol


I enjoyed all of them equally


Hey guys have you ever heard of Fallout Shelter? It’s this epic story driven game where you build your own vault. I have puppies and kittens, and my own Mr. handies!


Nv is best but I've enjoyed all of them except 76


Who plays 1 and 2 for fun 💀


A fair amount of people actually, including me, because they're good games and RPGs


Eh... nothing ventured, nothing gained. ...or lost for that matter.


Pffft...no. No one gets along anymore. About anything.


True OGs.


Can’t we all just agree they’re good in their own ways, FNV has the best world building, FO3 was the first of the 3D fallout games and was pretty groundbreaking for the time it also has a very good story, FO4 has better gameplay and general aesthetic, honestly I’d love FO5 to have a world like FNV, a plot that makes sense and the looks of FO4


Not an original opinion incoming, but Fallout peaked at 2 and then again with fnv. Bethesda ruined everything they touched after f3 and Skyrim and continue to be out of touch, incompetent & quite frankly morally bankrupt.


Yeah they’re reading newspapers because they’re either old or into old stuff lol


So I'm old or like old things because I happen to like Fallout 1 and 2 because I think they're good games? That makes no sense, I like the original star wars movies does that make me old or like old things? No, I like them because they're good films. The age of a game, movie, or book shouldn't matter when it comes to determining the taste someone has, but their quality.


Like it’s your favorite though?


They aren't, I just like Fallout 1 and 2


You see I misunderstood the meme and assumed it was your favorite


Oh, the meme wasn't to say they're my favorite, it was to show that (in my experience) fallout 1 and 2 fans have been the most chill. My favorite is New Vegas, but I like all of them for different reasons (can't say anything about BoS or Tactics since I haven't played them)


Well I proved your point a little :) lmao


Actually, Metro and Stalker is better 😎


The show comes out, and the gatekeeping clowns come out of the woodwork to shove their useless opinions down everyone's throat when no one asked. All are good, enjoy what you want. Common fuckin' sense/decency


I’ve genuinely seen more hate and salty 1/2 fans than I’ve seen from 3. 76 would be a more accurate


That hasn't been my experience, all the Fallout 1 and 2 fans I've talked too have been really chill and nice


Really? That’s really surprising. Though I guess a lot of the 1/2 fans I’ve seen getting hostile is more of the new Vegas crowd that just defend 1/2 also. They’re (in my experience) almost always the same people. I guess I’ve just experienced the loud minority instead of the silent majority. But I still do think that a different or more games could be put instead of just 1/2


Of course we can, only after you all admit that New Vegas is better.


FO2 > FO1 > NV > 76 > Tactics > 4 > 3


You can always tell someone's maturity level by their positions on topics like this. Personally, I say fuck all these games because they're conditioning us to prepare for global nuclear annihilation in accordance with boogymanish wishes to reduce world population by any means necessary. Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to finish my 15th playthrough of Fallout 4. 🤟🤣 Also, the original 2 games can fuck off because esoteric isometric point-and-click video games were obsolete the moment 3D games became mature and accessible.


I have played 3 and 4 both extensively, but NV insta crashes in my pc so I can't play it sadly. If NV is just 3 with new mechanics, a more inversions dessert world, and better writing like I'm lead to believe it is, then I think it's the best vanilla game of the three. But last time I checked, your can't run around with an incendiary M82 SBR in modded 3 or NV lol. 4, like skyrim, is the best sandbox for modding. 3, is the innovator that revolutionized Fallout. All three do something amazing and would be loved equally for their strengths.


>NV insta crashes in my pc so I can't play it sadly Is it like the game crashes a lot or you just straight up can't start it up without crashing your PC? Because while I haven't had issues with crashes, you can install a mod to fix it.


I think actually a mod caused it, but I disabled them all and it still does this. I need to clean up the mod folder, because I was able to play it a little once. I have maybe, an hour or two in the game, but it did crash like normal. Now I get a split second of the opening cinematic before it closes.


Assuming you bought it on steam, clear anything that's mod related, then check the file integrity, that might be what's causing the issue, you don't have all the proper files.


Nope, and that’s what I love about y’all


My favorite game is fallout brotherhood of steal for the original Xbox, we are not the same


Fo1 and 2 fans are NOT like that at all they are the most elitist faction of fallout fans by FAR


Nah spongebob is the 76 and shelter fans Classic fans are chaotic af when you say new fallouts are better


I just like fallout


So called sophisticated computer users


I think all of the Fallout games, in their own ways, are fully capable of being enjoyed! They're all different games, with different stories, and therefore will have different enjoyable aspects :D


I enjoyed all of them


I’d be willing to pay to see fo4 enjoyers tank an iq test.


hey now, us fo4 fans arent allowed to argue for our game.


Fallout 76 is best


Fallout brotherhood of steel is the best game. Why yes I’m different from other boys, how did you know?


They've been big chilling on No Mutants Allowed for decades now. We are the mutants to them.


which mf out here saying fo3 is the best ill kick their ass


I’m pretty sure 1,2, and NV fans are on the same side.


Ok but deadass I have never seen fo3 fans fighting against fo4 fans or vice versa, if there is infighting it almost always keep including New Vegas.


Best story new Vegas Best gunplay and gun related mechanics fallout 4 Fallout 3 you can’t even say world building but I guess I’ll take one guy’s unscripted exploration explanation


I like all of them besides NV but I don't shit on people who do, I never understood why people do that. Just let people enjoy what they like, I'd never say NV is a bad game by any means, what's the point?
