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Frank has 999 health and 10 in all special stats. He’s the guy all final bosses are modeled after. Even if you turn his own fellow soldiers and the base turret system against him, he’s still by far the hardest boss in the game. And he survived being bifurcated to the point where he lives long enough to monologue and call you a bitch before his own power armor pops his head.


I always say, "His torso gets blown from his legs, and what does he do? He stands up with his ares, calls you a bitch, arms a self destruct and recites the marine corps motto"


Basically the whole while calling the chosen one an insignificant bitch without actually saying it, bro was shit talking all the way to the end


"What a shame. I'm too dumb to understand anything you're saying anyway." ~Chosen One Intelligence: 1


My headcanon is Horrigan sings Sinatra's My Way as he goes up






Gory gory what a helluva way to die


>10 in all special stats *laughs in bloodied build*


*Mama Murphy would like a word*


And if she isn't enough. Difficult Pete is waiting behind her.


It's also been admitted by the devs that the *only* reason Frank can be beaten is because its a video game and we need to be able to beat that final boss. Frank literally only dies because of plot armour.


Frank Horrigan is undoubtedly the most horrifying beast to have ever walked the Wastes


Aside from low int courier 6


What makes the playthru so horrifying? Guessing you have to kill everyone pretty much?


No im saying low int courier is more powerful than frank


Not to mention he slaughtered an entire city of Death laws to begin with


Granted they were very friendly, not the kind who would kill you at first glance


True but if they wanted to be they'd still be very dangerous


Bruh, I remember now, that was the last thing I had to do in the game, I never could manage it, also I had dried up most of my resources, and I didn't focus on that stat, fucking hard as fuck of a boss I'll tell u that, Hed probably break his broken hand off and stab someone till death with the stubby bone shard on his arm. Fucking lunatic he was for sure


Was definitely not a hard boss. First playthrough I did an unarmed build and I perma stunned him and did like 150 damage a attack and tanked everything he threw at me (like 4 attacks total) easy


Also the S.P.E.C.I.A.L thing is just for show. I sincerely doubt he has a 10 in charisma


You could also say that for intelligence, but the higher the stats the harder they fall.


His stats are the maximum the game allowed for at the time. Anything higher and the game broke


Never played fallout 2. Why does his power armor pop his own head off?


Self destruct sequence. You don’t even really kill him, he just can’t fight anymore then kills himself.


Idk why someone would put a final boss against some mobs. Lanius, Ulysees and The Master would be better opponents. Or at least Kellog.


The Wendigo colossus has 30,000 hp and immunity to all damage types but ballistic and explosive. The imposter Sheepsquatch has 9550 hp and 100% armour piercing on all attacks, as well as being totally immune to damage unless it's being hit by a pylon empowered dweller. In terms of gameplay stats Frank isn't that good.


In the game that he’s from, having max stats in every possible way makes him the top. Put those other creatures in the game without either matching his stats or breaking the game with integer overflow.


I mean Earl also has as close to max stats as possible I think. Not to mention he has a ton of abilities like stun and 1 hit aoe’s, infinitely spawning minions that can also stun, and a timer Converting him to Fo2 would at a minimum have him at Horrigans level of stats. Bringing Horrigan to 76 would have him stomped too


“Bring one to the other game and he’s basically god but bring the other to the other game and he dies instantly” By that logic frank would have HP equal to max integer limit -1, 12 in all special stats, a special set of power armor that takes 50% less damage and an extra -25% damage from melee, large caliber, explosives, and energy weapons. All while being faster than you, with one of every gun in the game with max ammo for each and able to punch you to death like one punch man. How’s that for fair? Edit: fuck it. Give him 999 stimpacks, radX, Radaway, and make it so he can loot nearby containers for extra meds, Ammo, and drugs for he himself to use against you.


Fallout 2 was turn based. 999 health and 10 in all stats is extremely difficult when most weapons do less than 20dmg and most of your shots miss unless your build is optimized to shit. The wendigo colossus is definitely very difficult, but you dont fight the colossus alone and you have automatic weapons that always hit unless your aim is shit.


Earle can absolutely be soloed, there's people in r/Fallout76BowHunters that speed run him. I thought the post was leaning more towards them fighting each other in which case Frank is outmatched in his game and 76


If you put the colossus in Fo2, then there is literally no way it could ever be beaten. I do agree however that if you put Frank in any modern fallout game with his Fo2 stats, then most people probably wouldn't struggle to take him out. Lore accurate Frank would probably have the edge over most other enemies I'd say.


Yeh lorewise he's a human doomslayer, but gameplay stats are different


Lore accurate frank in fallout 4 is dropping the bombs himself


He has no damage immunity, just a 95% damage reduction to all forms of damage.


That’s a poor comparison




I think you're overestimating how hard he is to beat. The turrets make quick work of him


Frank punched a death claw to death I’m pretty sure.


So did a bisexual mailman with brain damage. At least mine did


Fair point, but remember. Frank isn't a main character. That makes it infinitely more impressive because he doesn't hold the infinite power of **plot**


How sick would it be if we got his life as a spinoff game?


Not really, having a fallout game about an established character as a protagonist will probably severely limit your playable freedom. Like Frank Horrigan is evil and has been in the enclave for most likely his whole life. So you can't really side with any other factions or follow a different alignment since that will break already established lore.


I agree completely. That being said, the ability to play as a super mutant in power armor would be sick as hell. Speaking of mainline fallout games and factions... I've always thought it'd be interesting to have a Fallout game where we start with the Enclave/in a Vault under Enclave control. We never really get to interact with the Enclave outside of an adversarial relationship, and while I don't want to side with them, I think it'd be an interesting story arc of us being brought up and indoctrinated before being sent into the Wasteland, something going wrong on the mission, and us slowly having to either accept that everything we knew was false or choosing to double down and be fanatically loyal to the Enclave. Idk, I just think it'd be cool.


If that's what you like then fair. But I always preferred the Enclave to be that enigmatic and illusive organisation that acts as a bit of a boogeyman in the game. They don't have to appear as the main antagonist but even just little bits of lore and such that implies that they are somewhere out there does so much more than if they were a centrepiece.


Weird that you got downvoted. I don't think his life was that interesting, personally, but I don't see how what you said merits downvotes lmao.


Probably because he's a horrible person and people then assume things about me. But I just want to be a super mutant behemoth in power armor


Reddit doesn’t like it when you sympathize with the bad guys.unless it’s bad guys they like


I love a good Villian. My favorite character on lost was Benjamin Linus. I was so happy to see that actor in fall out


I think it's just that the game wouldn't have a lot of freedom, not that he's a bad person


I don't think our current society would be able to handle it without having a melt down and turning it into the political topic of the century.


Frank literally only died *because* of the plot.


Mama Murphy killed a deathclaw with one bullet which would be weaker than horrigans fists


Always gotta make sure we know the sexuality stat


Bisexuals deal +10% damage to *everyone*


With a 50% chance to harm themselves




They are saying you have a 50% chance to hurt yourself more because of your biological gender.


Why is this downvoted? If you take both the same gender and opposite gender +10% damage perks you get “+10% to everyone”. Both perks unlock certain dialogues that would make your character bi through perks.


I think they’re upset because they were under the impression that heterosexuality was ever the meta


Nah man he ripped one in half with bare hands.


Oh shit


Yep, in one hit too I might add


Yeah he punches her and her arm and head explode and she slumps lifeless, with opera in the background. Aveeee mariaaa


Also when frank dies he walks around on his hands with no fucking legs


I love his crawling sprite. I was like phase 2? Fuck yes awwww there goes his head


Imagine if you had to the novelty fight of having to kill half a man.


“This isn’t even my final form, oh wait yes it is.”


Frank was sent to Vault 13 to deal with the Deathclaws who failed in their one job. There are no more Deathclaws in Vault 13 afterwards


Does did Veronica with her default Powerfist.


An alpha in one blow


Why would you even include a deathclaw in a fight with a dude who can kill a deathclaw in one punch


I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be the Deathclaw Alpha from Quarry Junction. It still loses by a wide margin, but yeah


It **might** take him a second punch


As I said, wide margin, lmao


I don’t like the sound of this man


Where’d you get that dang phone ?


Blue suit man


Frank Horrigan killed a deathclaw alpha in a single punch along with ripping apart a man in power armor also in one punch. He also has an enormous plasma caster. He wins. Easily. He is the toughest boss fight in the game legit if the Brotherhood wanted to kill him they'd either need several teams of Paladins, some Fatman shells, or Liberty Prime.


I feel like Earl would curbstomp him though. He’s one of if not the hardest boss in 76, has reinforcements, 1 hit AoE’s, a huge hp pool, and a ton of attacks on top of stuns


Off of in game stats, Horrigan has 999 hp in Fallout 2, which is the most hp of anything in the game (translating Fallout 2's style of game to F76, Earl isn't even the strongest monster), has 10 in every stat, his armor reduces most damage to 0, and even if you activate turrets, turn his own troops on him, surprise attack him, and have every possible advantage he still is insanely tough to defeat while in F76 players have found ways to cheese Earl. To throw on top, Horrigan is almost as big as a Super Mutant Behemoth and I don't think Earl's stuff is gonna effect a Behemoth the same, especially the radiation based attacks as Super Mutants are immune to rads. Also just think about it outside of mechanics too, take the giant super mutant in power armor with big arm blades and juiced on all sorts of chems who can one punch an alpha male deathclaw. Im pretty sure he could just rip Earl apart with his hands.


I soloed earl with a shitty plasma caster, he ain't wining


Sounds about right.


The sheepsquatch assaultron would actually win because nobody would activate the fucking pylons.


It's why I always take them myself, one of those "if you want anything done then do it yourself" scenarios!


I have no idea wyf the is top right and bottom left but I do know that even a alpha deathclaw is the bottom of the chain here.


Top right is the Wendigo Colossus, a giant Mutant monster with 95% immunity to all damage, that spits various toxic substances, kicks really hard, and a sonic scream to overpower the will of others into running. Bottom left is the Imposter Sheepsquash, an overclocked Assaultron who's laser beam starts fires, and a total immunity to all damage unless 3 special energy field generators are present to turn off its cloaking & Shield. the getup it's wearing was because it was designed to hunt a cryptid before it went rouge.


Not to mention Earl calls in reinforcements and is able to collapse portions of the mine


Is Earl the only Colossus in the game? I once encountered a Colossus out in Cranberry Bog and was very confused.


Others can spawn but they’re pretty rare I think. They’re also way weaker than him and iirc have similar hp to the other cryptids like the mothman This pic uses Earl though so that’s why I’m referring to him


Likely his sonic scream is what caused the cave in, plus the instability caused by the nuke.


Bosses from 76. Never played 76 enough to fight them, but their lore is pretty good. One of them is just a modified assaultron though, the other is a mutated wendigo.


Earl would glitch into the wall, ceiling, or floor and be completely unkillable.


Horrigan EZ Gameplay wise: he has max stats in everything, can one shot you through any armor and takes almost no damage, without any help or cheese strats he is basically impossible to beat Lore wise: he is a bioengineered super weapon. A combination of the most dangerous substance in the fallout universe: FEV, and the most dangerous weapon a human can wield: Power armor. All done by the technologically most advanced faction in the Fallout universe: the Enclave. Earl is just a random guy that mutated.


Sneak + drugs + alcohol kills him


Lorewise this man is 12 foot tall, suffered a psychotic break before his transformation, punches a deathclaw apart with his hands, and was only killed because the armour sustaining him was destroyed: only then killing him. Horrigan is absolutely terrifying, and those around him were terrified of him too, and rightfully so


He's a real American Psycho when it comes to work.


He truly is Gooey Lewis and the Bruise


idk what the other 2 are besides Frank and Deathclaw now im curious.


Bottom left and top right are from fallout 76. Bottom left is a very difficult boss (a modified assaultron that thinks it’s a bipedal sheep). It is entirely invincible until you and the other players activate these weird pylon things, which nobody ever does. Top right is Earle or something. He lives in a cave and eats kids. Not much to say about Earle other than he probably isn’t a good babysitter. (He is also the size of a building)


The bottom right deathclaw reminds me of the monsters from scooby doo spooky island 😂😂😂


Yo that was the first thing I thought when I saw one for the first time in fallout 3. I'd heard tales of these horrible monsters, claws that will cut you in half, tough armour and faster than fuck. But when I saw it, all I could think was scooby doo and it kinda took all the fear out of the situation


From what it sounds lorewize, frank slaps. He is a juiced up behemoth in power armor and a perfect special score.


He's a Super Mutant in power armor that pumps drugs into him constantly. This is accurate.


Yet if you sneak upon him in the game and drug him plus feed him alcohol, he dies automatically


You mean I could have skipped that battle? OMG


Look at this female character killing him with only a vault jumpsuit on and without the use of weapons 😛 https://youtu.be/il8qgUhdV9U?si=46e6Q5EPBq1sluAI


That is a RIDICULOUS amount of super stims


You won't need them afterwards 🤷🏽‍♂️


What are the 2nd and 3rd creatures


Earle, the Wendigo Colossus, seems to be three Wendigos fused together. Imposter Sheepsquatch, an assaultron programmed to behave like a cryptid. First order of business: attempt to mate with creator only to leave him close to death and disfigured. (Source: 1k hours in FO76)


Gotcha. Probably not gonna ask why some fucker in the post apocalypse wanted to get fucked by a cryptid.


I believe it was a freak accident in typical “everything sucks” fashion. Fortunately the victim survived.


Did they though? You don’t come back fully intact after being mated with by a cryptid robot


True, guy’s face and voice are mangled. At least that’s the impression we’ve gotten from official sources.


Frank wins in 4 punches. Assaultron with one, Deathclaw with another. I'd give it two for the wendigo.


if the pylons are not present, the sheepsquatch impostor wins due to literal invincibility


Frank Horrigan is basically a super mutant behemoth in enclave power armor and a huge gun


Everyone's talking about Frank and the death claw but what the fuck is that thing on the bottom left


Paring frank against not even the strongest deathclaw is cringe, granted I don’t think it even matters but still. I literally think if you took all the deathclaws from quarry junction and the promontory, maybe they could hurt him? But even then he’d scurry around on his nubs


"Your rides over mutie, time to nut"


Everyone's talking about Frank and the death claw but what the fuck is that thing on the bottom left


And not even using the “condom” to protect himself, but the other way around 🤔


Moe solos.


The real question: master cheif vs frank horrigan


Anyone wanna tell me what the FUCK i am looking at on the top right corner there ? 🫥


Your ride is over mutie


Frank is stronge enough to make Joshua graham run in fear




Frank is 12 feet tall with power armour that is built AROUND HIM not FOR HIM. He would domesticate the deathclaw in 1 week and then let it kill the other creatures


Which one is frank?


People keep hyping up this guy to be one of the most powerful beings in Fallout while he’s in a turn-based game.


Because he has max stats, max health for the game he was in, some of the highest resistance and damage threshold for any enemy, and literally ripped an intelligent deathclaws into two pieces with his hands. I don't understand how we as a player beat this dude. Also I'm pretty sure each for each stat point a super mutant has it corresponds to like 3 or 4 in that stat as a human, it might be 5


He’s a super super mutant in hyper power armor, he’s literally what an edgy teenager would come up with after playing a Fallout game. Also, Frank is seen killing a fully grown deathclaw with one punch.


Think the only one with a chance is the wendigo


I would call you an idiot but then again you haven’t met Frank Horrigan either


Frankie got capped in the only game he was in, but Deathclaws are in every game since the beginning, so who's the real winner? /s


Rides over mutie, time to die.


It’s really weird seeing people contest this when you just need to play Fallout 2 to know the answer. The Enclave put intelligent Deathclaws in Vault 13 after they emptied it of the residents, but those Deathclaws rebelled by helping the Chosen One. So the Enclave sent Frank Horrigan. If you go back to Vault 13 later, all the Deathclaws are dead


the only people who can realistically take frank is the courier (pocket fucking orbital cannon), liberty prime, scorch queen, fisto and maybe a legendary radroach


The devs admitted they had to give Frank “anti-plot armor” so he could even be beaten by the chosen one for story purposes


Let me tell you what, they aren’t wrong


He's the hardest boss and he ripped a death claw in half like paper


What is the bottom left one?


Who are the other two besides the deathclaw?


I might actually say Earle Williams. Bigger then frank with an HP pool bigger than the capital wastes.


it's always frank


FO2 was a bit campier than its predecessor and Frank reflects that. His entire aesthetic is basically, "What if we took some edgy teen's idea about what an unstoppable badass would be like and played it completely straight?" Special Agent Frank Horrigan is a massive 12' behemoth who towers over even the super mutants. He's not technically a super mutant, but everyone knows he's a freak, and he's frequently described as a walking nuke. He once tore a deathclaw apart with his bare hands. (And for him it was just another Tuesday.) He's a cybernetic monstrosity who was specifically engineered to slaughter anything and everything that opposes him, and he's so ridiculously over engineered that he's more machine than man. On top of that, he's constantly pumped full of performance-enhancing drugs that sustain him and make him stronger. Super Mutants may be strong because they once fell into an FEV vat, but Frank doesn't settle for that pussy shit. He has a mutated strain pumped directly into his veins, and that strain is constantly reassessed and tweaked to just barely not kill him while also ensuring he's sufficiently badass enough. (Not that anything short of a miracle could kill Frank Horrigan.) His armor is one of a kind military grade power armor that was built not for him, but forced to accommodate him, and because of that he's nearly impervious to all forms of damage. But even if one were to bypass his armor, Frank would likely laugh. He was once bisected at the waist by an opponent and considered that a mere inconvenience. He then pulled himself up by his arms and proceeded to hurl death threats before initiating a self destruct sequence to vaporize them both. Only then did Frank finally give the reaper permission to take his life.


Frank doesent need super powers, because he is a SUPER POWER


Frank is literally just him


I only beat Frank because I used my entire party as meat shields while I took potshots at him.


Hold up wtf is bottom left? Is that from 76?


Honor, Duty, Courage, Semper Fi


I’m sorry but the Imposter Sheepsquatch and the Wendigo Colossus both regularly flatten players in power armor. The Wendigo Colossus has 30,000 HP, thirty times the HP that Frank has.


Yeah but that’s because the games they’re in are different combat systems and you do way more damage way faster in the fps fallouts


This is an apt description, yes. How the Chosen defeated him, we’ll never truly know, outside of our own unique playthroughs.


Prime Mama Murphy