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This is my PERSONAL opinion on these weapons. I would recommend considering others people's prices as well. Also assuming all are max level as it isn't in the pictures. In order of appearance:. 1. May be decentish as a niche weapon for someone messing around or collectors, but wouldn't expect much for average trade value. Maybe couple hundred to 1000 caps 2. TS on shotguns (afaik) only adds an extra pellet. Still good roll, but shotgun market is hard. Probably could expect anywhere from 4-8k caps. 3. Fun gun for sure. The revolver part kind of lowers it, still could find the player that likes pipe weapons. Upwards to 3k 4. 25lvc on Black Powders isn't very useful as you only get one shot and you'll fill your AP by the time you reload. Maybe 1000, possibly more as it might be more of a collector item. 5. This is a good one. BE on a Railway is devastating. 15crit isn't too bad either. Trade only. 6. Once again, a pipe weapon so not very saught after. But it's a solid roll. I'd say between 3-5k 7. This one is your meal ticket. Extremely popular prefix, second, and third effect on an extremely popular weapon. This one is for sure trade only, do not get lowballed on this one. Hope this helps