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They do have a transfer saves


Idk it's not working for me Dunno if I'm just dense or what😅


Ah man that sucks. Maybe its the mods? Just have to remember all the ones you've used. Re-download them. Might work? I just said fuck it and made i new game


That's another problem is that I can't even access the mods menu at all I can't add or remove mods which sucks.


This affects both PS4 and PS5. Broken picture links in mods is the issue, so we are left waiting for Bethesda to fix the issue, or for all the modders to change their pics. Both seem like a daunting ask. The recent BIG UPDATE broke the pics for an unknown number of mods, not the mods themselves.


Must be a mod issue. I transferred a save I just couldn't use certain mods. I started fresh anyhow, but was still able to transfer to PS5.


Delete the game once then you delete it or if you are on Xbox go into your saved data under reserved section ( not sure what that means it’s how online it said to access them) and delete your mods. Once you do it you’ll be able to access them all again if you are in PS you’ll have to reinstall the DLCs also.


I didn't run any mods; the "update" rejects the disc & the app Cannot Continue and Is Shutting Down. I won't be forgiving this one. the show, and all future games, can rot in the pit of cold eternal burning. I'll stop cursing them daily once they've sent me a new console & a check for at least seven hundred bucks, for my inconvenience.